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PAMSA Project Booklet
INTRODUCTION It’s time to do your best. You may have been waiting for better skills, more experience or simply more time; but let me tell you that we only have today. So take the challenge, start planning, start supporting, start working in your NMOs and get ready to see how much you can help, what a huge difference you can make, what it’ll mean if we all work together towards the same goal. I hope that this year, you will enjoy your projects working, include new ideas to your plans and greatly impact others. It does not matter what is your role within your NMO; just be ready to accomplish it! My best for you, Heber Morán DA of Projects PAMSA
CONTENTS · SCOME Projects 3 · SCOPH Projects 5 · SCORA Projects 8 · SCORP Projects 11 · Other Projects 15
Editor in chief: Erick Meléndez, El Salvador Design/Layout: Erick Meléndez, El Salvador Proofreading: Helena Chapman, Dominican Republic Génesis Cañas, El Salvador Sandra Tang, Peru
This Project Booklet is an IFMSA Publication. © Portions if this Project Booklet may be reproduced for non political, and non profit purposes mentioning the source provided. Notice: Every case has been taken in the preparation of this document. Nevertheless, errors cannot always be avoided. IFMSA cannot accept any responsability for any liability. The opinions expressed in this Project Booklet are those of the authors and do not necesarily reflect the views of IFMSA. PAMSA Project Booklet
LIBRAS: Life through your Hands NMO: IFMSA - Brazil COMMITTEE: SCOME COORDINATOR: Guilherme Sperling Torezani E-MAIL:
Development & Organization Many of our local committees (LCs) have implemented the project and plan several courses each year focusing on instructing medical students on basic sign language and instrumental sign language in medicine.
Goals To enable medical students/future doctors to give their They are taught how to interview patients, how to hearing impaired patients consults with the highest quality express different symptoms and signs and how to explain procedures to their patients. standards available. We were inspired to develop our LIBRAS project after seeing that young doctors were sometimes helpless when addressing these patients and seeing themselves obliged to interview someone other than their true patients for the required data.
Usually the LCs organize courses given by guests (professional audiologists, experienced doctors and hearing impaired patients).
We have 5 different cities working with over 300 students on this project, considered a success in its approach and In face of this drastic situation we resorted to SCOME regarded as one of the most significant actions that and several of our local committees as a team to propose IFMSA-Brazil has achieved. a solution to this major curriculum deficiency and set forward towards achieving sign language instruction as a discipline in our medical schools. 3
PAMSA Project Booklet
Predeparture Training (PDT)
We are currently at the stage in our project where our focuses are: 1) To standardize PDT by promoting the use of the National Predeparture Training Guidelines in Canada. 2) To evaluate our current PDT efforts through research on PDT efficacy.
The aim of our project is to ensure that all medical students are prepared and have access to safe and fruitful clinical elective experiences. To this end, our goals are focused on ensuring that sustainable quality PDT becomes part of the culture in all Canadian medical schools, and to lead international efforts to establish PDT guidelines for all medical students on electives in resource-limited settings. At the national level, we have developed a network of local faculty and student leaders at each CFMS medical school and an online group to share PDT implementation resources. Through IFMSA endorsement of the CFMS PDT project, we hope to bring awareness of student-led PDT in Canada and seek out other NMOs who are interested in or have experience with PDT.
Sharing in Health
NMO: CFMS - Canada STATUS: Endorsed COMMITTEE: SCOPH WEBSITE: coordinator: Ian Pereira E-mail: is an open-access textbook designed by, and for, students in health care. Our work is growing by students as writers and residents/clinicians as reviewers - people who know what we need to know. Content is designed to be foundational and relevant for all students. It includes text, images, and videos. We are also developing cases to facilitate learning. This information will be specific for each respective country. We eventually aim to have all of medicine covered, though will be initially focusing on piloting reproductive health in mid-2011. We’ve had many students from across Canada, and increasingly around the world, writing material for the site, so we encourage everyone to parcipate! 4
PAMSA Project Booklet
Sensibilizarte NMO: IFMSA - Brazil Committee: SCOPH Website: pageId=535689 coordinator: Gabriela Cristina Moreira GalvĂŁo E-mail: Project Sensibilizarte aims to provide medical students with a broader and more comprehensive perception of our patients. It also encourages medical students to analyze the role and responsibilities of health professionals within our society. This approach seeks to strengthen the essential doctorpatient relationship, with the ultimate goal of improving health care. The project is developed with four different activities that include storytelling, crafts, dressing as clowns and music. Currently there are over 120 students in two different cities working on this project, with the support of teachers, actors, musicians and experts in humanization of medical practice. 5
PAMSA Project Booklet
Nutrition NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCOPH Website: scoph-nutrition coordinator: Sarah Brabant E-mail: “Nutrition” is an IFMSA-Québec project that focuses on the importance of healthy eating, physical exercise and healthy living. It is conducted with kids in elementary schools, mainly in first grade. The activities are always very animated and it often involves games in which kids are called on to participate. Dressed as Mr. French Fries and Mrs. Health, two young trainers discuss “good” foods and “bad” foods with the kids and teach about the importance of daily physical activity. The project also encourages children to participate in the preparation of meals by distributing a recipe book specially designed for them. A food guide is also distributed at the event.
Healthy and Proud NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCOPH Website: coordinator: Arianne Bédard E-mail:
We have held at least 4 focus-groups to date in order to validate the content of the workshop with Quebec adolescents.
Our project was awarded in June 2010 with a $ 7500 grant from the Canadian Paediatric Society to ensure its Healthy and Proud is a peer education project that development. promotes positive body image as a novel approach to prevent eating disorders, obesity, and at-risk sexual We have created our own website: www.healhyandproud. behaviour within the adolescent community. The workshop com is very interactive and was created to encourage youth to We have trained 39 workshop leaders that are now speak up, give their opinion and debate. ready to lead workshops in English and in French, in the The content of the workshop was developed from cities of Montreal, Sherbrooke and Quebec. Requests can a thorough scientific literature review and has been be made for other regions. revised and approved by experts, including Dr JeanYves Frappier, the president of the Canadian Pediatric We have presented our project at the Canadian Society, and nutritionists and a psychologist whose area Association for Adolescent Health’s 14th Annual National Conference, where that was much interest for our project of expertise is eating disorders in adolescents. and the outcome was that many school staff invited us to lead workshops in their schools. 6
PAMSA Project Booklet
OSMOSE NMO: IFMSA-Québec Committee: SCOPH Website: scoph-osmose coordinator: Sarah Brabant E-mail: OSMOSE is a French acronym that translates to “Open Dialogue on Mental Health in High School”. Our Mission is: – To raise awareness and understanding of mental illnesses among teenagers – To break the taboos associated with mental illness and to open up the discussion concerning mental health; – To prevent mental disorders and suicide among young adults. Topics of discussion: Mental health and mental illness: anxiety, phobias, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, mood disorders, eating disorders, Schizophrenia.
It’s a Peer education project that where we have focused our content with a strong influence on the SCORA’s “Sexperts” project “sexpert” , but using an innovative approach. Over the past 5 years, we have built a strong presentation with the collaboration of many psychiatrists and experts. This presentation is reviewed and updated each year. We visit between 12 and 20 schools in Montreal each year. We have delivered our presentation to an average of 1400 students each year. We are working on expanding the project by developing our bilingual services, additional promotional material (E.g. video, and other multimedia), new content for our website and our target audience of high school teenagers between ages 15-17 years.
Teddy Bear Hospital NMO: IFMSA - Brazil STATus: Transnational Committee: SCOPH Website: pageId=535689 coordinator: Gabriela Cristina Moreira Galvão E-mail:
The goal for this project is to create an atmosphere of trust where children can cope with their fears of doctors and hospitals, when they are healthy, without the weaknesses and apprehensions that might arise during a medical consultation.
Teddy Bear is a project to humanize hospitals. We work with children, age 3 to 7, to help them cope, or better yet, eliminate their fear of doctors, hospitals and medical procedures. To achieve this goal a clinical setting (with a procedure room and a pharmacy) is built in the reception room. The child is asked to bring a teddy bear for a medical appointment, once the appointment is done the child can go to the pharmacy to withdraw the medicine (which is actually cakes or sweets), or they can be sent with the teddy bear to the procedure room or surgery center if the bear has “suffered” from fractures, wounds, bruises, etc. 7
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IlluminAIDS NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCORA coordinator: Julie Hebert E-mail:
SCORA’S BEST PICTURE! The project IlluminAIDS has the goal to address the knowledge, the attitudes and the behaviors of medical students. One of the ways would be to conduct a study among the medical students and using results of the study as an advocacy tool to integrate trainings on HIV/ AIDS, stigma and discrimination to the medical school’s curricula. PLWHA will be involved in the project, following the GIPA principle (greater involvement of PLWHA), in order to share their own experiences of stigmatization and how it did affect their relations with their physician as well as the quality of their treatment. The goal is, in the end, to develop a comprehensive approach to care and treatment of PLWHA. One of the parts of the project is international and local advocacy activities in order to raise awareness among general population so that people overthrow all misinformation they have about HIV/AIDS that can lead to discriminatory actions.
PAMSA Project Booklet
Sexperience NMO: IFMSA - Qu茅bec STATUS: Transnational Committee: SCORA coordinator: Aris Hadjinicolaou E-mail: Many teenagers worldwide lack sufficient knowledge about sexuality, Sexually Transmitted Infections and contraception. This leads to significant problems two of which are the high incidence of STIs amongst teenagers and younger students as well as unwanted teen pregnancy. Along with the physical issues of lack of sexual education comes emotional insecurity towards oneself and others. There is also a lot of false information about HIV and AIDS among young people, which can lead to stigma and discrimination towards homosexuals and people living with HIV/AIDS.
However, so far there has been limited support within these similar projects, and no statistics have been made on their combined achievements. Sexperience is a vision of unity within the sex education projects of IFMSA. Unity that offers support for newly started projects, substantial knowledge and material sharing and an opportunity for IFMSA to know exactly how many thousands of adolescents are being reached each year. Furthermore we wish to encourage and ensure that all the member projects live up to a set of quality standards.
IFMSA already has a lot of projects in this regard, and we estimate that (apart from professional exchange) is the most widespread project in IFMSA.
Sexual Education for Sex Workers (SESWO) NMO: APEMH - Peru Status: Endorsed Committee: SCORA Website: coordinator: Alonzo L贸pez E-mail:
Furthermore we provide them with written materials containing information about the most important subjects (STDs, AIDS, Cervix cancer) and our blog and e-mail address.
We developed a workshop in the city of Arequipa with 10 volunteers and 1 psychologist for 15 sex workers that SESWO is a project created by SCORA Team of APEMH- we contacted personally, we received help from MINSA Peru, addressed to the informal sexual workers who (National Ministry of Health) and they provided us the mostly have not received sexual education. The aim of Rapid HIV test. the project is to educate commercial sex workers in sexual and reproductive health and rights issues, to teach them The psychologist gave a speech about self-esteem; social the most relevant aspects that they need to know to be issues, family and the importance of confronting the critics able to take care for themselves and for the people that of the society. We divided the group in small groups where we developed the workshop and the practices on they work with. how to use condoms. We plan to develop the project in SESWO uses the Peer Education method. The sessions every local committee of the country and to work with last 60 or 90 minutes. They are addressed only to other NMOs to develop the project in other countries. approximately 20 sex workers, it will be best if they know each other. We divide the group in small groups of 5 with 2 volunteers per each group. 9
PAMSA Project Booklet
Souper Causerie NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCORA coordinator: Nicolas Demers E-mail: It is a very eye opening experience to be able to converse with people that work in fields that we may not be very familiar with even though we repeatedly talk about. Participants will discuss things we think about, but never talk about. This will often be from a point of view that we are not used to hearing, as it is not that of a medical professional. Its goals and objectives are to teach medical students about the issues of urban health and urban medicine, especially the themes of prostitution, trans-sexuality and drug use. This was done through their interactions with social workers, nurses, former prostitutes working in the field of re-adaptation of prostitutes, and transsexuals going through various steps of their transformation.
My First Gynecological Consultation NMO: APEMH - Perú Status: Transnational Committee: SCORA Website: coordinator: Mardelangel Zapata Ponze de León E-mail:
We try to help the girls to solve their problems like: · Fear before first gynecological examination · Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Infection · Incompetence in the self breast examination · Low level of knowledge about prevention of cancer
We decided that the “peers education” method will be the best to reach the teenage girls, particularly talking “First Gynecological Consultation” is a project created about sometimes so embarrassing, difficult and private by the SCORA Teams of IFMSA-Poland, SLOMSA topics. Slovakia, APEMH Peru, IFLMS Brazil, MMSA Malta, IFMSA El Salvador, IFMSA Ecuador, IFMSA Mexico and Organization IFMSA Bolivia addressed to the young girls attending - Transnational Coordinators: Mardelangel Zapata Ponze de León high schools (age 14-18) who mostly have not done first Justyna Szymczak gynecological consultation. - National Coordinators The aim of the project is to share with young girls the - Local Coordinators knowledge about “First Gynecological Visit” by itself, “Early Prevention of Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer” Results and the reproductive health problems that they may face - More than 40000 girls educated (Since 1996) - Approximately 300 IFMSA educators beginning from the second decade of their lives. 10
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Peace Construction NMO: IFMSA - El Salvador Committee: SCORP Website: coordinator: Samuel Cortez E-mail:
“Violence is the most serious epidemic and is experiencing a greater impact than the Central American region, particularly El Salvador,” said Marcela Smutt, an expert on Public Safety Office of Program Salvadoran United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) In recent years, violence and insecurity has become a major concern. The high annual rates of homicide in Latin America affect work and social performance of the population, leaving a negative impact on human development and consolidation of democratic governance in a country. It is necessary to create strategic action plans directed to children’s issues, with a central focus on the practice of a culture of peace. The project aims to reduce and prevent the involvement of minors in conflicts or criminal acts in order to promote the value of peace and contribute to training and education of Salvadorian children.
PAMSA Project Booklet
UAEM NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCORP Website: coordinator: Marc de Ladurantaye E-mail:
Up to now, around 20 universities have already adopted a statement of principles and strategies proposed by UAEM to regulate the way they deal patents with pharmaceutical companies so that inexpensive generics can be sent to the developing world.
UAEM members are university students who believe that their universities have an opportunity and a responsibility to globally improve access to health and medicines. In some countries, some UAEM chapters have been created within IFMSA’s structure through SCORP. Students working for UAEM advocate for their university to respect licensing policies that could help make essential medicines available to the developing world. They talk with their faculty members and raise awareness about access to essential medicines and neglected tropical diseases. They also advocate for federal laws and trade agreements to be changed in favor of improved global access to medicines.
Crianças em Ação - Children in Action NMO: IFMSA - Brazil Committee: SCORP Website: aspx?pageId =853588 coordinator: Cinthia Jaqueline Baia de Souza E-mail:
It is a prevention program that uses new strategies and techniques to serve as tools for developing individual and community level interventions, which directly address the risk factors for youth violence, and thus lower the risk of violence. It not only benefits young students, but also offers the opportunity for future health professionals to address youth violence in their communities. Children learn nonviolent strategies for dealing with conflict and are provided with an environment where those strategies are encouraged, promoting children’s feelings of self-worth and importance to their community. Furthermore, this shows them the importance of being productive members of society by encouraging them to consider future careers. Also, this provides opportunities to practice critical thinking and problem solving in an enjoyable, nondidactic setting.
PAMSA Project Booklet
Being Positive to Happiness NMO: IFMSA - El Salvador Committee: SCORP Website: coordinator: Samuel Cortez E-mail:
Every day, these children may have their rights violated, in particular, Article 1: “These rights are granted to all children without exception whatsoever and without distinction or discrimination based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other More than 25 years after the first cases of the AIDS status, whether of himself or his family”. epidemic, children with this disease are still exposed to major risks. With an estimated 2.1 million children The lives of these children are limited due to society’s under age 15 living with HIV in 2007, children affected lack of education, often exacerbated by cultural issues by HIV/AIDS may suffer from poverty, homelessness, that have been maintained over time in our country. discrimination, school dismissal, lack of basic opportunities Therefore, we decided to develop a project, which you could have direct access to these children, linking each or premature death. child to their needs, concerns and desire to excel. They can also join in the fight against discrimination and stigma related to children with HIV/AIDS. This project may analyze the situation and quality of life for each child in order to develop direct action to target each issue.
Project Nazaré NMO: IFMSA-Brazil Committee: SCORP Website: =535691 coordinator: Cinthia Jaqueline Baia de Souza E-mail:
The project initiated with one local committee and spread through Brazil, stimulating more campaigns. Since 2007, it is estimated that more than 200 elder individuals and 100 students have participated.
This project provides critical information to the elderly, including information about prevention assistance in health care and personal rights. Moreover, it offers companionship and joy to this population. Nazaré is a multidisciplinary project with medical, dental and physiotherapy students, focusing mainly on the “Quality of life in the elderly.” This five-week program includes lectures to address hypertension, diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease and recreational activities of dance and parade, which will allow the elderly to recognize that they are capable of many activities and can continue active lives. 13
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Peace Test NMO: IFMSA - Brazil STAtus: Transnational Committee: SCORP Website: aspx?pageId =535992 coordinator: Cinthia Jaqueline Baia de Souza E-mail:
The main goal is to raise awareness of these issues among students and through that be one method of preventing violence and promoting tolerance and equality. Aiming at opening discussion among the youth and the general public about topics mentioned above.
The data is collected from secondary school students. The Peace Test project is based on an internationally Statistical analyses will compare groups and investigate conducted survey that uses a questionnaire that measures the psychometric properties of the measurements. youths’ attitudes towards human rights, violence, war and multiculturalism. The theory behind the questionnaire is called “moral disengagement” which helps to understand how and why people commit violent acts. Medical students conduct the survey, combine it with human rights and peace education and publish the results.
Immersions in Neglected Populations NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: SCORP Website: coordinator: Marc-André Lavallée E-mail:
This project was born from the fact that some populations were receiving poor attention and lack of resources in our country, thus we categorized 4 types of neglected middles which could be described as aboriginals, prisoners, marginalized urban neighborhoods and migrants. We are now in the process of talking with organisms working in those populations to build an immersion program that could accept medical students as a summer course. Right now, we have gathered professionals working in those communities and started planning the schedule for the next summer. It is our belief that students following those courses will have a better understanding of the world around them and of some kind of patients they could face in their future.
PAMSA Project Booklet
OTHER projects
BEST PICTURE! Montréal World Health Organization simulation NMO: IFMSA-Québec Committee: None Website: coordinator: Geneviève Bois E-mail:
The MonWHO is a simulation of the WHO General Assembly that was originally developed by medical students from McGill University to promote a culture of advocacy within the medical profession. The aims of the simulation are the following: 1) to raise student awareness about global health. 2) to provide means for students to play a proactive role in global health policy. 3) to acquaint students with the WHO. 4) to provide exposure to the political and economic forces at play in the decision making process of the WHO. 5) to develop inter-professional relations between future healthcare professionals as well as amongst students whose fields of expertise play a role in health policy. For the MonWHO simulation, students gather to engage in debate about a specific, prevalent theme in health policy. This year, theme will be Maternal and Child Health, and integrating that with the Millennium Development goals. MonWHO will be held in March from the 11th to 13th 2011 for a 4th edition.
PAMSA Project Booklet
Sembrando Esperanza Peru NMO: IFMSA - Peru Committee: SCOPH & SCORP coordinator: Paola Aguirre Camino E-mail:
Sembrando Esperanza Perú is a conjoint project between IFMSA-Perú, APEMH and IFMSA-Sweden. With this project we support the NGO Sembrando esperanza Perú.
Goals • To provide a home to any children who lives in the streets and has tuberculosis and/or HIV and who can’t be accepted in a common care home because their illness. • To achieve that all the children conclude their treatment, learn about prevention, stay healthy and avoid a relapse. • To help the children to develop their abilities so they can successfully reintegrate into society and in this way provide them with the resources to fend for themselves until they reach the majority of age. • To teach the children about their illness and other diseases for which they are at risk of acquiring, about preventing measures and the importance of sharing this knowledge among their peers.
Currently we have a team in Lima that involves 5 people (4 from IFMSA-Peru and 1 from APEMH). We go to visit the children twice a month so we can talk with them and teach them about their illness and others diseases. We also take them groceries, clothes, medicine, and some other basic products. The team in Sweden is in charge of the fundraising to help us cover the rent of the house and some other stuff that the NGO needs. To this date there are 9 beneficiaries in the house. We have two children who overcame their illness and are now working to move forward. In the future we hope to create a voluntaries program so we can provide the necessary care in the house and also so they can help the children realize that they can overcome their problems.
Global Health Colloquium NMO: IFMSA - Québec Committee: None Website: coordinator: Arianne Bédard E-mail:
Moreover, we want to give tools to students to encourage them to raise awareness about global health issues. Finally, we will seize the occasion to put emphasis on subjects often neglected as tuberculosis, itinerancy, aboriginal health, drug users, etc.
The Global Health Colloquium is a major event organized by IFMSA-Quebec. During two days, med students and other students in medical related programs from all over Quebec gather to gain core knowledge on global health, share ideas and experiences. We are looking forward to reaching over 150 students for this third edition. Many conferences and workshops will take place to stimulate participant’s reflections and discussions on global health issues as public health, reproductive health and AIDS, global health, ethical international initiatives, etc. We also wish guess speakers to see a good opportunity to share their passion and experience to the future generation of health workers. 16
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JAMSIK NMO: IFMSA - Peru Committee: None coordinator: Johann A. Alfaro Sotomayor E-mail: Goal To improve the quality of life for the residents of the village of Hualasgosday (around 3000 people), which is one of the poorest districts of Peru. Methods 1. Dictate educational talks about health issues, according to age groups and their main needs (Children, Teenagers, Adults, Elderly, Pregnant women). 2. Develop research projects on child parasitosis, anemia, Leishmaniasis, Bartonellosis and other tropical diseases.
3. Provide medical care in different specialties such as gynecology, pediatrics, ophthalmology, internal medicine, psychiatry and dentistry. 4. Provide technical training on livestock, agriculture, tourism and education. Plan in the future We hope to implement this project for the people who live in the northern highlands of Peru in the future. Number of people involved 60 medical students, 10 dentistry students, 10 physicians, 10 social sciences and Biological science students, 5 assistants.
Chavitos NMO: APEMH - Perú Committee: SCOPH, SCORA & SCORP coordinator: Rodrigo Gil CHAVITOS was an initiative from the Local Committee of Arequipa, Peru, and emerged as the result of analysing a large and serious problem that affects not only our city but the whole world, as it is the case of underaged children working in the streets. We work during two days doing different activities: On the first day we go to the children’s job to so they can earn twice of what they gain in a day. That way they can attend the second day activity, which is the main day of the activity. During this day we give them breakfast, a city tour, lunch, play games and do educational talks about their rights. We end with a small party which will culminate in delivering gifts to the kids. 17
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PAMSA Project Booklet