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K0764 5/02

Table of Contents INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 3 General Information .......................................................................................................... 3 Type of Telephone Required.............................................................................................. 3 TeleCommand User Code .................................................................................................. 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................................................ 4 Introduction........................................................................................................................ 4 ACCESSING THE SECURITY SYSTEM USING AN ON-PREMISES TELEPHONE ......................................................... 5 ACCESSING THE SECURITY SYSTEM USING AN OFF-PREMISES TELEPHONE ....................................................... 6 EXECUTING SECURITY SYSTEM COMMANDS ............................................................. 8 General ............................................................................................................................... 8 COMMAND FUNCTIONS AND CONFIRMATION OF SUCCESSFUL SECURITY SYSTEM COMMAND ENTRY......................................... 9 ADEMCO Security System Commands That May Be Executed .................................... 9 FBII Security System Commands That May Be Executed ........................................... 10 EXAMPLE OF A CALL-IN FROM AN OUTSIDE TELEPHONE .................................... 11 TELEPHONE ACCESS RESTRICTIONS.......................................................................... 12 On Premises ..................................................................................................................... 12 Off Premises ..................................................................................................................... 12 SYSTEM STATUS REPORTS ............................................................................................. 13 Fire Alarm ........................................................................................................................ 13 Burglary and other Alarms ............................................................................................. 13 Checks............................................................................................................................... 13 Power Status .................................................................................................................... 13 Arming Status .................................................................................................................. 14 Zone Faults ....................................................................................................................... 14 CONDITIONS THAT TERMINATE A TELECOMMAND SESSION ............................. 15 MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS...................................................................................... 16 Using the Trigger Function ............................................................................................. 16 Accessing Other Partitions ......................................................................................... 16 Programming Zone Descriptors ...................................................................................... 16 Protection Against Outside Tampering .......................................................................... 17 IF YOU HAVE DIFFICULTY WITH TELEPHONE ACCESS TO THE SECURITY SYSTEM................................................................................................................................ 18 IF YOU HAVE TROUBLE WITH YOUR NORMAL TELEPHONE SERVICE ............... 19


Introduction General Information TeleCommand permits you to control your security system using a Multiple Frequency telephone (either on premises or by a call-in when away). With TeleCommand, you can do the following: •

Receive synthesized voice reports about your security system status over the telephone.

Arm and disarm the security system and perform most local keypad functions using the telephone keypad. Voice confirmations are provided for most function commands entered.

Turn certain lights/appliances on and off via the telephone (Trigger Function).

Type of Telephone Required The telephone used for telephone access must have multi-frequency capability. An off-premises telephone that does not have multi-frequency service and uses decadic pulses for dialing may not permit switching to multifrequency after dialing. This type of telephone cannot be used. TeleCommand User Code Your installer has assigned a special 4-digit TeleCommand User Code to access TeleCommand. TeleCommand access enables you to obtain current security system status and the ability to command security system command functions using the telephone keypad.


Operating Instructions Introduction The instructions that follow describe how to obtain security system status and access your security system using the telephone, either on or off the premises, and describe how to perform security system commands using the telephone. Also provided is a detailed explanation of the status report that will be heard immediately following telephone access to the system, and other helpful information regarding the various operating features of TeleCommand. If you have difficulties with the operation of TeleCommand, refer to the section entitled, “If You Have Difficulty With The Telephone System.” Summary When attempting to access TeleCommand from a telephone that is on or off premises, you must press the [#] key and enter your assigned 4digit TeleCommand User Code; access to your security system occurs only after correct entry of the required user code. After accessing TeleCommand, an automatic security system status report is provided. During this report, or immediately following it, you can execute virtually any system command using the telephone keypad, using the same key entries normally performed at a security system keypad*. Voice confirmation of each successful command entry is provided. *The special key functions used on FBII OMNI and IntelliSense controls (STAY, BYPASS, and INSTANT) are enabled by the following key sequence on the telephone keypad: • • •


(* + 1) (* + 2) (* + 3)

Example: To arm an FBII/IntelliSense system to STAY INSTANT mode, press [*] + [1] + [*] + [3] + [four digit user code] 4

Accessing the Security System Using an On-Premises Telephone Step-by-Step Procedure 1. Activate the telephone and listen for dial tone. 2. Press the [#] key within 5-seconds. Pressing the # key activates TeleCommand and prompts you to enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code. 3. Enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code to access TeleCommand and hear system status. There is a 20-second time limit in which to enter TeleCommand User Code. After this time expires, TeleCommand disconnects. 4. Listen to the Status Report. 5. To perform a Security System Command, enter your security system 4-digit user code and then make the same key entries normally performed at a local security system keypad. 6. Hang up the telephone when finished or press [#] + [*] + [*] to disconnect from TeleCommand. If Your Home Telephone System Does Not Subscribe To Multi-Frequency Service: Access to TeleCommand and your security system can only be provided if the telephone is multi-frequency capable (i.e. the telephone is equipped with TONE/PULSE switch). To use TeleCommand, set the TONE/PULSE switch on your telephone to TONE and then return it to PULSE when the TeleCommand session is completed.


Accessing the Security System Using an Off-Premises Telephone The security system can be accessed from any outside multi-frequency telephone.

Step-by-Step Procedure 1. Dial the premises telephone number.

If there is no answering machine present:

If you are using a call answering service from your telephone service provider:

If your home answering machine responds to the call:

Following the preset number of rings set by your installer, you will be prompted to enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code.

Wait for the first ring and hang up. Wait 10 seconds and dial the premises telephone number again. You will hear your security system pick up and a 2second tone burst. Wait for the tone burst to end and press the # key. Once the # key is pressed, wait for the phrase “ENTER YOUR 4-DIGIT PHONE CODE� to end. Enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code.

Press the # key within the first 5 seconds of the out going message. You will be prompted to enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code. Enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code.

Press the # key (within 5 seconds) and enter your TeleCommand code. If someone at home answers the telephone: Press the # key within 5 seconds of the pickup. Notify that person you are about to access the security system and that they may hold on or hang up. Enter your 4-digit TeleCommand code.

After you have pressed the [#] key and entered your 4-digit TeleCommand Code, TeleCommand announces your security system status.


Accessing the Security System Using an Off-Premises Telephone (cont)

If you have an FBII/IntelliSense security system, you should press the [✴] key to query the security system for it’s current status.

2. Enter your 4-digit security system user code. As a safety feature, if the status of the system does not change during the first 15 key presses, TeleCommand will disconnect and a 20-minute lockout will occur. 3. Once the system is accessed successfully, you can then execute system commands (such as arm, disarm, etc.) using the telephone keys. See Executing Security System Commands Using the Telephone.


Executing Security System Commands General After accessing the security system, and at any point during, or immediately after TeleCommand reports system status, it is possible to execute most security system commands using the keys on the telephone. For ADEMCO security systems, you would use the same key entries normally performed at the system keypad; typically your 4-digit system code followed by a command key. For FBII OMNI and IntelliSense security systems, the special key functions (STAY, BYPASS, and INSTANT) are enabled by pressing the appropriate key combination on the telephone keypad and entering your four-digit user code. The FBII/IntelliSense key combinations are as follows: Pressing [✱] + [1] = STAY Pressing [✱] + [2] = BYPASS Pressing [✱] + [3] = INSTANT Example: To arm an FBII/IntelliSense system to STAY INSTANT mode, pressing [✱] + [1] + [✱] + [3] + [four digit user code] Refer to the security system's User Guide for specific key entries required (also see the TYPICAL SYSTEM COMMAND ENTRIES). Command entries can be made during the pauses that occur between each of the individual status reports, or during the pause immediately following the complete report. DO NOT PRESS ANY KEYS DURING VOICE MESSAGES. If the status report annunciates "System Not Ready," a condition exists (such as an open zone) which will make it impossible for you to arm the system unless the open zone is made intact or bypassed during the arming procedure. If not already announced, pressing the ✱ key during a pause in the status report will cause TeleCommand to announce the particular zones that are faulted (which door or window is open, for example).

Following your entry of a system command, wait for status confirmation of the command from TeleCommand. 8

Command Functions and Confirmation of Successful Security System Command Entry ADEMCO Security System Commands That May Be Performed Following are typical ADEMCO security system commands that may be performed once you have obtained access to the security system: •


BYPASS By Zone and Quick BYPASS

Disarm OFF

Telephone Key Command Function Entry and Voice Confirmation Used With ADEMCO Systems: To:


Voice Confirmation:

Disarm Arm AWAY

[4-digit User code] + [1] = OFF [4-digit User code] + [2] or [#] + [2]✱ = AWAY [4-digit User code] + [3] or [#] + [3]✱ = STAY [4-digit User code] + [4] or [#] + [4]✱ = MAXIMUM [4-digit User code] + [7] or [#] + [7]✱ = INSTANT [4-digit User code] + [6] + [2-digit zone number] = BYPASS


Arm STAY Arm MAXIMUM Arm INSTANT Specific Zone BYPASS Quick BYPASS User code (add)

[4-digit User code] + [6] = BYPASS (QUICK BYPASS of all open zones) [4-digit User code] + [8] + [new 2 or 3-digit User Number] + [new 4-digit User code] User code [4-digit User code] + [8] + [2 or 3(delete) digit User Number] + [3 second pause] + [any key] Example: To arm an ADEMCO system in the code is 1234, enter [1234] + [3].


"BYPASS, (descriptor), ZONE #" NONE To verify addition, try using the new User code NONE To verify deletion, try using the deleted User code STAY mode if your security system

If the "Quick-Arm" feature is programmed for your system, you may press the [#] key in place of your security system code. As an example, to quick arm STAY mode, press [#] + [3].


Command Functions and Confirmation of Successful Security System Command Entry (cont’d) FBII/IntelliSense Security System Commands That May Be Performed The following are typical FBII security system commands that may be performed once you have obtained access to the security system: •




Telephone Key Command Function Entry and Voice Confirmation Used With FBII Systems: To:


Voice Confirmation:

Arm (all)

[4-digit User code]



[4-digit User code]



[✱] + [1] + [4-digit User code]



[✱] + [2] + [4-digit User code]



[✱] + [3] + [4-digit User code]


[✱] + [1] + [✱] + [3] + [4-digit User code]



Example: To arm an FBII/IntelliSense system to STAY INSTANT mode, and your security system user code is 1234, enter [✱] + [1] + [✱] + [3] + [1234]. If you have an FBII/IntelliSense security system, you should press the [✱] key to query the security system for it’s current status after any telephone key command entry.


Example of a Call-In From An Outside Telephone The following is an example of a complete sequence for a call-in from an outside telephone using an ADEMCO security system to verify that the security system had been armed AWAY. Assume that the 4-digit TeleCommand User Code is 1-2-3-4, and that the system security code is 1–2–3–4. An answering machine is not connected in the following example. 1. The caller enters the premises telephone number. After a programmed number of rings, the caller is prompted to enter your TeleCommand User Code. 2. The caller enters the TeleCommand User Code: [1] + [2] + [3] + [4]. 3. TeleCommand annunciates the current status of the security system. When the Status is annunciated and the caller hears the words "DISARMED READY TO ARM," the caller knows that the system is not armed. 4. To arm the system AWAY, the caller enters the 4-digit system security code, then presses key [2] AWAY. 5. If arming AWAY was successful, the caller will hear the words: "ARMED AWAY” 6. The caller may press [#] + [✱] + [✱] to end the call.


Telephone Access Restrictions On Premises The system cannot be accessed from an on-premises telephone under the following conditions: • Telephone line is busy • Telephone is ringing • Telephone line is out of order. • Downloading is in progress* * Downloading is the process of remote programming your security system by the central monitoring station from their computer, using the telephone lines.

Off Premises The following restrictions apply when attempting to attain access to the security system from an off-premises telephone:


You cannot access the system from off-premises when the telephone line is busy.

If calling from outside and someone answers, you must press the [#] key within 5-seconds and enter the TeleCommand User Code within 20 seconds following pick-up; otherwise, you cannot access the system.

An outside caller requesting remote access has 20 seconds from when the [#] key is pressed to enter the correct TeleCommand User Code or the system will hang up. Once TeleCommand is accessed and system status is announced, TeleCommand will allow three attempts to enter the correct panel user code. If the caller fails to enter the correct panel user code after three attempts the TeleCommand will disconnect and a 20-minute lockout will occur.

System Status Reports A security system status report is provided automatically following TeleCommand access to the system. Security system status may also be obtained by pressing the [✱] key while TeleCommand is enabled. The system status report includes the following: • Fire alarms (if any). • Burglary and other alarms (if any). • Check or trouble conditions (if any). • Power status (an AC power loss or low battery condition exists). • Arming status (plus Bypasses, if any). • Zone faults (if any). If not annunciated in your system, press [✱] key to hear zones that are faulted. Fire Alarms The word “FIRE” will be annunciated, followed by the zone number. If a voice descriptor is programmed for the zone, then TeleCommand will announce the descriptor; it will not be followed by a zone number. If programmed by your installer. Burglary and Other Alarms A status report for a Burglary or other alarm such as Panic or Emergency (current or in alarm memory) will be the same format as for a Fire Alarm above except that the word "ALARM" will be annunciated instead of “FIRE”. Checks A status report for a CHECK (trouble) condition will be the same format as for a Fire Alarm above, except that the word “TROUBLE” will be annunciated instead of “FIRE”. Power Status Annunciation of power status will take place only if a problem exists, as follows: If the system battery is low or is missing, “SYSTEM LOW BATTERY” will be annunciated. If AC power is absent, “NO AC POWER” will be annunciated.


System Status Reports (cont’d) Arming Status This report will indicate whether the system is armed, the arming mode, and if armed with any bypasses, or if the system is disarmed and whether it is ready or not ready to arm. Annunciations when the system is in an armed state would be one of the following: “ARMED STAY,” “ARMED AWAY,” “ARMED STAY INSTANT,” or “ARMED AWAY INSTANT.” If any bypasses are in effect, the word “BYPASS” will be added to the armed message. Annunciations when the system is in the disarmed state are: “SYSTEM READY" or “SYSTEM NOT READY.”* * If the message “SYSTEM NOT READY" is heard, and the “Zone Faults” report does not follow (see Zone Faults below), simply press the [✱] key to hear the particular zones that are faulted. Zone Faults If there is a zone fault (for example, a door or window open), the word "FAULT" will be annunciated, followed by a zone descriptor** (for example, “UPSTAIRS BEDROOM”) and a zone number. If zone faults are not annunciated in your system, press [✱] key to hear zones that are faulted. Note: Silent alarms will be annunciated. ** If programmed by your installer.


Certain system status messages are displayed on a keypad only, such as Transmitter Low Battery (zone # followed by the state), Chime, and Tamper.

On FBII systems, TeleCommand will announce a Zone 9 low battery as “LOW BATTERY, SYSTEM READY, ZONE 9 NOT READY”

On ADEMCO systems, a wireless zone low battery is announced as “ZONE XXX LOW BATTERY,” where XXX = the zone number.

Conditions that Terminate a TeleCommand Session You may terminate a TeleCommand session at any time by ending the call. TeleCommand access will also be terminated under the following conditions: •

If no tones have been received and the security system has made no announcements for 20 seconds.


Immediately if an alarm dialer report is triggered in the security system. This ensures immediate notification of the alarm to the alarm monitoring station. Termination may also occur if the valid telephone and system security codes had not already been entered when other types of dialer reports are triggered. If you terminate a TeleCommand session, you should wait approximately 2 minutes prior to calling for access again, otherwise you may receive a busy signal.


Miscellaneous Functions Using the Trigger Function The Trigger Function of your system may be configured by the installer so that a light or other device can be turned on or off from the telephone keypad using TeleCommand. Check with your installer to have this feature set up. To activate the Trigger Function: 1. Access TeleCommand by pressing the # key. 2. Enter your 4-digit TeleCommand User code. 3. Enter [✱] + [4] + [1]. TeleCommand will annunciate the status of the Trigger ON or OFF. 4. To change the state of the Trigger, enter [✱] + [4] + [1}.

Accessing Other Partitions You may use TeleCommand to receive status of a Multi-Partition system using the GoTo Command as described in you Security System User Guide. Annunciation of which partition you are in is not provided. An example of the GoTo Command used with ADEMCO Security Systems follows: [4-digit Security System Code] + [✱] + partition number (0,1,2,3). TeleCommand will remain in the new partition until directed to go to another partition, or until it automatically returns to the original partition.

Programming Zone Descriptors You may program zone descriptors using the premises telephone. You can play back all zones with attached zone descriptions by pressing the [✱] or [#] key when prompted to “enter 3 digit zone number”. 16

Miscellaneous Functions (cont) Program the module as follows: 1. Pick up your home telephone connected to the same line as TeleCommand and press the [#] key within the initial 5 seconds of dial tone to activate TeleCommand. 2. Enter your TeleCommand User Code, ex. [1] + [2] + [3] + [4]. TeleCommand will announce your security system status. 3. Press [#] + [0] + [0] to enter the programming mode: TeleCommand will prompt you to select Zone Descriptor. You may select the zone descriptor options in any order. TeleCommand will repeat the prompts from the beginning of the menu each time a prompt has been selected and a valid entry made. PROGRAMMING ZONE DESCRIPTORS TO PROGRAM


Zone Descriptor




3 digit zone number

RECORD = Press [1] ERASE = Press [2] PLAYBACK = Press [3] SELECT ZONE # = Press [4] PREVIOUS MENU = Press [8] EXIT PROGRAMMING = Press [9] Two beeps will sound, confirming program mode exited.

Protection Against Outside Tampering TeleCommand is locked out automatically for 20 minutes as a result of possible tampering caused by improper keying of codes on a call-in from outside. If this occurs repeatedly over a short period of time, exercise caution (if the improper keying was not caused by you or another authorized user). An unauthorized person may be attempting to access your security system from outside.


If You Have Difficulty with Telephone Access to the Security System THE SECURITY SYSTEM CANNOT BE ACCESSED FROM AN ON-PREMISES TELEPHONE.


• Entry of 4-digit TeleCommand access code may be incorrect. Verify access code and try again.

• Either the 4-digit TeleCommand access code or the system security code may have been entered incorrectly. Verify both codes and try again.

• Generally, the system cannot be accessed when the telephone line is busy, such as when the alarmmonitoring agency is communicating with your system or you are engaged in a telephone conversation. The system cannot be accessed if the telephone line is out of service. • If you cannot access the security system by telephone, contact your alarm installer and have them verify that your telephone(s) were properly wired to the security system. NO TONES FROM MULTI-FREQUENCY TELEPHONE. • If no tones are heard from the telephone when keys are pressed, be sure that the telephone being used is capable of producing tones. If the telephone is a switchable type (has a TONE–PULSE switch), make sure the Telephone is switched to TONE.


THE SYSTEM HAS BEEN ACCESSED AND STATUS REPORT ANNUNCIATED, BUT A COMMAND CANNOT BE EXECUTED. If the command has been keyed, but confirmation is not heard, check the following: • Keying of entry may have been too rapid – make key entries slowly and firmly. • You may have keyed entries while the system was speaking. Make your key entries only during pauses in voice annunciations by the system. • The System Security code entered may be incorrect.

If You Have Trouble with Your Normal Telephone Service In the event of trouble with your normal telephone service, disconnect the security system from the telephone line by removing the plug from the telephone wall jack (you should have been shown how to do this by your installing company). DO NOT ATTEMPT TO REMOVE THE TELEPHONE LINE CONNECTION IN THE CONTROL CABINET OR AT THE TELEPHONE MODULE – THIS WILL CAUSE COMPLETE DISRUPTION OF REGULAR TELEPHONE SERVICE. If the regular Telephone service works correctly after the plug has been disconnected from the wall jack, the security system has a problem and you should call your installing company for service immediately. If, upon disconnection of the security system from the telephone wall jack, there is still a problem with telephone service, notify the telephone company that there is a line problem and request prompt repair service. Important: If the Telephone service is at fault in this test, re-insert the plug immediately; if the security system is at fault, re-insert the plug as soon as the security system is repaired. Remember that the security system relies on this connection for communication with your alarm monitoring station. The user may not under any circumstances (in or out of warranty) attempt any service or repairs to the security system.


LIMITED WARRANTY Alarm Device Manufacturing Company, a Division of Pittway Corporation, and its divisions, subsidiaries and affiliates ("Seller"), 165 Eileen Way, Syosset, New York 11791, warrants its products to be in conformance with its own plans and specifications and to be free from defects in materials and workmanship under normal use and service for 24 months from the date stamp control on the product or, for products not having an ADEMCO date stamp, for 12 months from date of original purchase unless the installation and setup guide or catalog sets forth a shorter period, in which case the shorter period shall apply. Seller's obligation shall be limited to repairing or replacing, at its option, free of charge for materials or labor, any product which is proved not in compliance with Seller's specifications or proves defective in materials or workmanship under normal use and service. Seller shall have no obligation under this Limited Warranty or otherwise if the product is altered or improperly repaired or serviced by anyone other than ADEMCO factory service. For warranty service, return product transportation prepaid, to an authorized ADEMCO Distributor. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, WHICH EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE HEREOF. IN NO CASE SHALL SELLER BE LIABLE TO ANYONE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES FOR BREACH OF THIS OR ANY OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OR UPON ANY OTHER BASIS OF LIABILITY WHATSOEVER, EVEN IF THE LOSS OR DAMAGE IS CAUSED BY THE SELLER'S OWN NEGLIGENCE OR FAULT. Seller does not represent that the products it sells may not be compromised or circumvented; that the products will prevent any personal injury or property loss by burglary, robbery, fire or otherwise; or that the products will in all cases provide adequate warning or protection. Customer understands that a properly installed and maintained alarm may only reduce the risk of a burglary, robbery, fire or other events occurring without providing an alarm, but it is not insurance or a guarantee that such will not occur or that there will be no personal injury or property loss as a result. CONSEQUENTLY, SELLER SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ANY PERSONAL INJURY, PROPERTY DAMAGE OR OTHER LOSS BASED ON A CLAIM THE PRODUCT FAILED TO GIVE WARNING. HOWEVER, IF SELLER IS HELD LIABLE, WHETHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE ARISING UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY OR OTHERWISE, REGARDLESS OF CAUSE OR ORIGIN, SELLER'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE EXCEED THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, WHICH SHALL BE THE COMPLETE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY AGAINST SELLER. This warranty replaces any previous warranties and is the only warranty made by Seller on this product. No increase or alteration, written or verbal, of the obligations of this Limited Warranty is authorized.

180 Michael Drive Syosset, New York 11791 Copyright Š 2002 PITTWAY CORPORATION

ÂŹ. l K0764 5/02

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