E r i c M. P o r t e r
T h e U r b a n Fo l l y :: S a v a n n a h _ G e o r g i a
Existing Site Images
The URBAN FOLLY was designed to create a habitable oasis in the midst of the rigid urban setting of Savannah, Georgia. It offers a transition space between work, school and home that will be available as a positive means of deriving entertainment. The primary goal is to foster an unbiased community space that is sustainable by means that are readily available to those who will be most affected by the changes. This is achieved by providing green space that will be central to the appearance and social undertaking of equal access to entertainment regardless of economic standing.
Site Perspective
Site Plan
The URBAN FOLLY was a collaborative endeavor between Megan Seibert, Rygelle Dowding, and myself for Professor Afifi’s Architecture Design Studio IV. Each team member equally contributed to the designing of the site plan. Although, each responsible for further developing the blocks for the project. I was given the task of creating the Amphitheater that was characterized by Roman styles and Moshe Safdie’s Vancouver Public Library.
Interior Perspective
Amphitheatre Floor Plan
Amphitheatre Concept Sketch
Harris Street Perspective
P r o j e c t R e b u i l d :: P o r t - Au - P r i n c e _ H a i t i
B 1
Lab 01
Lab 02 H G
Classroom 02
Classroom 01
3 " 6 '-7 1
Damage from natural disasters, like the recent earthquake, has exposed the weakness of not only Haiti’s building infrastructure, but also their lack of basic needs such as food and shelter.
Project_Rebuild’s goal was to counteract Haiti’s weaken infrastructure by rebuilding and improving the community through vocational education. The goal of the program would be to teach adults and teens vocations such as proper building techniques to create stronger buildings.
Floor Plan Classroom Layouts
Transverse Section
Group Work
Utility Systems
Solar Panel + Solar Battery Bank
Backup Generator Cisterns
Compost Biodigester
Communal Space
Metal Standing Seam Roof
Wood Beam
Translucent Ceiling
Gabion Wall
Gabion Plinth
Shipping Container
Overturning Uplift Forces
Wood Truss
Seismic+Hurricane Conditions
Wind Forces
Wind Forces
Wind Forces Lateral Forces
Exploded Axonometric The school’s design reuses uncommon building materials found in abundance around Haiti [concrete debris for gabions and shipping containers].
Wind Forces Lateral Forces
C l a s s r o o m :: T r a d i t i o n a l
Exterior Perspective
C l a s s r o o m :: D i s c u s s i o n
C i t y H a l l P l a z a :: D o u g l a s _ G e o r g i a
Existing Site Conditions
The City Hall Plaza was a urban design collaboration project between fellow SCAD graduate student Lee Ross Dinwiddie. The project was centered around the idea of creating a community space that functions to support local businesses, provide space for special functions, and serve to return the public to Douglas’s historic downtown. The design was to provide an existing vacant lot with adequate vegetation, public space, and special events accommodations.
Existing Site Plan Legend Proposed Site Plan Legend Existing Buildings
Phase 1 - 17,500 SF
Phase 2 - 34,500 SF
Phase 3 - 16,250 SF
Existing Site Plan Legend Existing Buildings
Existing Utilities Shed
Proposed S. Madison Avenue Development
Existing Site Plan
Proposed Site Plan
Plaza Perspective Adjacent to the plaza is a proposed in-fill development of Madison Avenue that will follow very carefully the existing contextual styles and scales of the Douglas area. This development will occur in phases that will slowly work their way north along Madison Avenue; spaces will be ideal for retail, business, and residential tenants, and the project will conclude with a corner cafe and theater directly across Bryan Street.
M a d i s o nC lAavses nr ou oe mE ::l Terva dai tt iioon anl
Proposed Site Perspective
L e e H a l l A d d i t i o n :: C l e m s o n _ S o u t h
The intent of this project was to design an addition to Lee Hall, Clemson University’s architectural school. My approach was to blend the spectacle with the logical. I intended for the building to show structural elements on the exterior and interior, inspired by Mies van der Rohe’s Crown Hall and OMA’s IIT Student Center.
Site Perspective
Exterior Perspective
Interior Perspective
Interior Concept Sketches
Interior Perspective
L i q u i d H i g h w a y :: G r e e n v i l l e _ S o u t h Prototype
The Context Design Group’s goal for the Liquid Highway Prototype was to develop a custom solution that would offer a unique dining experience and attract attention from potential consumers. My contributions to the project were to provide construction drawings, 3D Renderings, and schematic design. David Lewis, Principle Architect of Context Design Group PPL, was the project architect.
Site Perspective
Exterior Perspectives
Georgia Ports Authority :: S a v a n n a h _ G e o r g i a
The goal For the new Georgia Ports Authority Operations Center was house the Ports various office and support facilities. My contribution to the project was to provide the conceptual design for the Operation Center and its internal functions with the input of project architect, David Lewis, and the client.
Site Perspective
Exterior Perspective