2010 Caribbean Student ConX Booklet

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Montego Bay, Jamaica

Caribbean Connexion 2010

Welcome to CSC 2010 - Unleached!

Montego Bay, Jamaica We are so excited to be here in Montego Bay, Jamaica for our 3rd CSC! We know that during the months of preparation, our faith was stretched in a number of ways. In October 2009, the Guyanese team discovered that the students’ exam schedule would have clashed with the conference dates. In January, a devastating earthquake hit Haiti which sent shock waves throughout the entire world. The challenges faced by Air Jamaica resulted in a cancellation of the route from Curaçao to Montego Bay. The teams from both Curaçao and Suriname then had to seek alternative flight arrangements. However, we know that God in His sovereignty causes all things to work together for good. We appreciate the hard work of all the staff members in working with their delegations to raise all the funds necessary to be here. We also thank the global team for ensuring that the Haitians who were planning to attend are here. We pay tribute to Nelson Jean Felix who attended CSC 2008, but who did not survive the earthquake. He is now in heaven, making acquaintance with Allison Callender from Trinidad, who is also at home with the Lord. Although we miss them terribly, we are comforted that they are in the presence of our gracious Father. As we spend the next 3 days together, worshipping God, learning from His Word, connecting with friends, having fun, eating delicious food, and enjoying the beach; we pray that amidst it all, we will meet with the Lord in an extraordinary way. We know that God has a lot in store for us at CSC 2010 and that through Him the great potential in us will be unleashed to reach the lost. We have the potential – God has the power!

Enjoy CSC 2010! The CSC 2010 team

Workshops Friday, June 25




7:00 Breakfast

12:00 Lunch

6:00 Dinner

8:30 Opening Praise & Worship

2:00 Workshop

7:30 Prayer

3:00 Workshop

9:00 - 11:00 Men’s / Women’s Time

9:45 Morning Session: Roger Hershey Brian McCollister

4:00 Workshop


2:00 - 3:00



8:30 Praise & Worship

12:00 Lunch

6:00 Dinner


7:30 - 11:00 Caribbean Night!

8:45 Morning Session Roger Hershey Brian Barela Scott Santee

9 - 11

7:00 Breakfast

12:00 Lunch

6:00 Dinner

8:30 Praise & Worship

2:00 Workshop

9:00 Morning Session: Clinton Chisolm Ministry Overview Armand Morsen

3:00 Workshop

7:30 - 11:00 Evening Session: Layo Leiva Roger Hershey CLOSING


5:30 Checkout for Caribbean Airline Flights 7:00 Breakfast 11:00 Checkout

CLC Representative Meeting Schedule

* For National Directors, male staff members, male core group members and professionals.

Lunch: Guyana Dinner: Suriname, Curacao


Lunch: Haiti Dinner: Jamaica


Lunch: Barbados Dinner: Trinidad

Richard Ramsey served on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 20 years with the US Campus Ministry. His focus was pioneering and establishing partnerships between US and international campus ministries. Although he currently serves as the Atlanta City director with Christian Leadership Concepts (CLC), a men’s leadership development ministry, he continues to work with Campus Crusade for Christ as an associate. Richard’s passion is to equip men to lead and initiate for Christ in their home, church, community and marketplace. Richard is the founder of r2Tennis Academy where he is a tennis instructor for children and adults. He is happily married to Victoria and they have two daughters, Virginia and Sarah.

3:00 - 4:00


Rose Hall C

Overcoming Challenges »» Esperandieu Pierre

Rose Hall A

Battle for the Mind »» Aida Hamilton

Rose Hall B

Internet Ministry - PART 1 »» Brian Barela


DNA Transfer (Professionals) »» Layo and Luchy Leiva

Rose Hall C

Christian World View »» Rev. Clinton Chisolm

Rose Hall A

Movement Building - PART 1 »» Brian McCollister Adventure of the Spirit-Filled Life »» Carroll Richards

Oasis Rose Hall B

Men’s Time »» Armand Morsen & Dirk Richards Women’s Time »» Susan Jordan & Aida Hamilton

Leadership (Professionals) »» Steve Mohamed

Rose Hall C

Relationships with the Opposite Sex »» Dirk & Carrol Richards

Rose Hall A

Internet Ministry - PART 2 »» Brian Barela


SUNDAY, June 27th 2:00 - 3:00



11:30 Prep for Outing

4:00 - 5:00


7:00 Breakfast Senior’s Breakfast

3:00 - 4:00


Marketplace Ministry (Professionals) »» Frederick Flatts

Balancing Career and Family (Professionals) »» Joe Johnson

Rose Hall C

Emergent Church »» Aida Hamilton

Rose Hall A

MEDIA - Stories worth talking about »» Scott & Lisa Santee

Rose Hall C

Movement Building - Part 2 »» Brian Barela


The Significant Professional (Professionals) »» Aida Hamilton

Hall A

Lifetime Ministry »» Layo & Luchy Leiva

Rose Hall C

Introduction to Apologetics »» Rev. Cinton Chisolm

Rose Hall A

Internet Ministry - PART 2 »» Brian McCollister


Workshop Details

Workshop details FRIDAY 2:00 - 3:00

Marketplace Ministry (Professionals)

Rose Hall A

God wants to use us where He has placed us. Learn about how your life can greatly influence your co-workers in the midst of your busy schedule as a professional, resulting in blessing to them and great fulfillment to your own life. Fredrick Flatts Fredrick Flatts is a Hydraulic Engineer and he currently works with the Ministry of Agriculture, Guyana, as a Senior Civil Engineer. He received Christ in 1972 at an ISCF camp and continued to serve with the group as Vice President at the University of Guyana campus and as an ISCF sponsor while being a school teacher. He has also served in ministry with his local church as a Youth Leader and is currently a Church Leader at the Lamaha Street Fellowship. He has been married for 21 years and has one son.

Rose Hall B

In this session, Esperandieu will share his testimony and show how God can use even the most difficult circumstances to create opportunities for success for you. He has the most incredible testimony all the way from his birth to the recent challenges of the earthquake in Haiti. There is no situation in your life that God cannot redeem. Esperandieu Pierre Esperandieu, known to his friends as Pierre, serves as the National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ Haiti. The main focus of CCC, Haiti is evangelism, leadership and Community Development. Pierre holds a Masters degree in Linguistics and received theological training in Jamaica. In 2005, Pierre and his wife Dianne founded the ministry Nehemiah Vision Ministries, an international organization focused on transforming the lives of all people through education, health and spiritual development. A native of Haiti, he, and his Trinidad born wife, Dianne have 3 children, Nathan, 15; Charissa Hope, 12; and Lemuel, 6.

Battle for the Mind


In this workshop, you will learn how the various social media sites work together to form an ecosystem of community and connection. It gives an overview of how and why sites function as they do. Brian Barela Brian Barela has been on staff with Campus Crusade for 7 years. He has served at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he majored in Ancient Greek and minored in intramural basketball. Brian will step into any role with Campus Crusade that seeks to use the internet to make evangelism and discipleship even more effective and relevant. Brian trusted Christ at age eleven and has since seen God redeem many broken parts of his life. That redemption has fueled his passion to see Christ’s redemptive heart at work in other people and places. He met his wife Aubrey on a summer project. They have three children, Mason (four years old) and twin girls, Theia & Kaia (two years old).


3:00 - 4:00

DnVa Transfer (Professionals)

Overcoming Challenges

Internet Ministry 1: Understanding The Social Media Ecosystem

Rose Hall A

In this workshop, Layo will teach you how you can use the strategies you have learned on campus with CCC to impact your church, workplace and community Ladislao and Luz de Maria Leiva Layo and Luchy have been happily married for 30 years and have three sons: Héctor, 28, Danny, 27, and Andrés, 15. In 1997 Layo and Luchy founded Cenit Asociados, an international network of professionals committed to promote societal transformation based on the principles and values of the King dom of God. More than 250 associates are now placed in key positions in government, business, education and the media in several countries in Latin America. In addition to Layo’s formal education in Linguistics and Journalism, he has received a number of courses and seminars in the areas of leadership, strategic planning, personal and family counseling, team development, financial development, among others. In the area of leadership, Layo has been invited to speak in practically every country in Latin America and several major cities in Asia, Africa and Europe. He has hosted radio and TV programs broadcasted to more than 100 countries around the world.

Rose Hall C

‘Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’ 2 Cor 10:5. A familiar scripture but it seems to be easier said than done. There is a war going on and the battle begins in the mind. The issues of life can bring thoughts that are negative or unclean, crippling our walk with the Lord. This session will help you to recognize his devices and use God’s Word to renew and win the battle for your mind. Aïda Hamilton Aïda Hamilton was born in Suriname and her husband Bill is from the USA. She attended the University of Houston where she received Christ when someone shared with her the Four Spiritual Laws booklet. Upon completing her Masters’ degree, she joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ and was assigned to Trinidad where she pioneered the Campus ministry in 1984. She served in Trinidad for 5 years. A few years later she and her husband pioneered the Campus Ministry in Brazil. She served 27 years with Campus Crusade for Christ and is currently serving with the 832 Movement in Brazil, a new movement whose mission is to produce change agents in the university, work place and church through the bold, deep and urgent exposition of the Truth. She has been married to Bill for 22 years and together, they have 2 daughters, Amelia (18) and Jessica (12).

The Christian Worldview

Rose Hall B

Everyone operates with a worldview even though most are not aware of this fact. Participants will learn the main elements of a worldview in general and the distinctives of a Christian worldview. Pointers will also be provided on testing a worldview. Rev. Clinton Chisholm Rev. Chisholm has served as a lecturer at several universities across the Caribbean and America. He also served as a pastor at the Jamaica Baptist Union Church for 10 years and as an associate pastor with the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Florida. Rev. Chisholm now does itinerant teaching/training. He studied Apologetics and Evangelism at the International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism & Human Rights, in France, and has 2 Masters’ degrees and an honorary Doctorate. The Jamaican born scholar has published several Christian educational CDs and books, the latest of which is Revelations on Ras Tafari. Rev. Chisholm has been married to his wife Flora for 34 years and together they have two children Antoinette and Florida.

Workshop Details (Continued)

Workshop Details (Continued)

Movement Building 1: Building Strong Movements One Year At A Time

Rose Hall C

Many staff and student leaders enter each school year with great hopes and plans only to end up surviving and salvaging some degree of ministry growth at the year’s end. We often scrap the plans we made just one year prior and hope for a new strategy before classes begin again. Come hear about a strategy that helps you steadily build a movement by focusing your efforts on first year students. This is a proven strategy that patiently builds a movement year by year. Brian McCollister Brian McCollister joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1986 believing that God could use his life to change the world. After 5 years at Virginia Tech, Brian moved to his native state of Ohio, to direct the Campus ministry at Ohio University. When he and his wife, Jenny, arrived, there were 80 students involved. Currently, there are 425 students connected to the Campus Crusade ministry with 100 student leaders. Brian still longs to see Ohio University students graduate with a high view of God, a high view of the Scriptures and the passion and ability to get the love and message of Christ to the ends of the earth. He and Jenny have five children.

The Adventure of the Spirit-Filled Life

Carrol Richards Carrol is the National Campus Ministry Director for CCCJ. She has served with CCC for over 25 years during which, she pioneered movements at 7 high schools in Trinidad and at 3 major university campuses in Jamaica. She is the founder of ‘Key Signature’ our first Caribbean band which has ministered at local events in Jamaica and at our CSCs. Carrol graduated from the University of the West Indies, Mona with a degree from the faculty of Humanities & Education. Carrol and her husband Dirk have been married for 17 years and have 3 children, Christof, 14; Dominic, 12; and Andrea, 10.

Men’s Time

9:00pm – 11:00pm Armand Morsen and Dirk Richards

In this session you will answer the question how do you exhibit Godliness as a man? What are some of the practical things that you can do to reflect Christ in your daily life?

Women’s Time

3:00 - 4:00

Leadership From the Inside-Out For The 21st Century

Rose Hall A

In this session, we will explore the development of leadership to its current relevance, particularly in the rapidly changing environment of the 21st century. Issues surrounding building leadership from the inside - out, and developing the Caribbean leadership pipeline will be examined using models and case studies. Highlights of the session will include a team-based approach and understanding the biblical framework for leadership.” Sayeed Steve Mohammed Steve is the Regional Director of Campus Crusade for Christ in the Caribbean. In his 25 years on staff, he has served as National Director of CCC Trinidad and Tobago (CCCTT) and has been involved in campus ministry, staff training, Life at the CrossRoads (as a global trainer) and the development of the FamilyLife ministry in Trinidad and Tobago. A petroleum engineer by training, Steve graduated with a M.Sc. in Petroleum Engineering and Management, and a Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Leadership. Steve also serves on the board of directors of Bridge of Hope, a home for underprivileged children. He is married to Cecile, and they have two daughters, Meagan (15), and Andrea (12).


The Christian life is the most exciting life there is – our God is NOT boring. He is powerful, creative, mighty, and the list goes on and on. When we allow the Holy Spirit control of our lives, only then can we truly experience LIFE at its best.



Relationship With The Opposite Sex

Rose Hall B

This is always a hot topic. Hear about standards for relationships with the opposite sex from the perspective of the One who created us. Look at Biblical examples of God’s standards and the code of conduct acceptable to Him, prior to and during the courtship period. Do actions speak louder than words? Ascertain if you are acting appropriately to your sister/brother in Christ by your actions, words and decisions. Also hear testimonies from your peers on how applying these principles have helped them to honour the other person in the relationship, safeguard their purity and deepen their relationship with God. Dirk and Carrol Richards Dirk Richards, qualified as a Medical Technologist at the College of Arts Science and Technology (now University of Technology, Jamaica) and later as a General Agriculturalist at the University of the West Indies, St Augustine, Trinidad. He also holds a Masters degree in Ruminant Nutrition and Forage Agronomy from the University of Florida, Gainesville, USA. He received formal training in Christian work at the Great Commission Training Centre, Trinidad. Dirk is the National Director of CCC Jamaica and is married to Carrol. The Richards currently attend the Mona and Memmee River circuit of Baptist churches where they are active members serving in the evangelism ministry, the choir and the ministries to students and teenagers. They are parents of two boys, Christof and Dominic and a girl, Andrea.

Susan Jordan, Aida Hamilton

In this session you will decipher the distinction between femininity and sensuality. Your understanding of the difference determines how you interact with other women and how you represent yourself to the opposite sex. You will have to answer the question how do you enjoy your femininity without compromising your integrity? Susan Jordan Susan currently serves as the Administrator for Campus Crusade for Christ, Trinidad. She received Jesus Christ as her Lord and Saviour in her early teenage years but it was only at the age of nineteen that she realized what a true commitment and relationship with Him really meant. Over the years she has worked with the Women’s Ministry at her local church and together with her husband, David, worked with the Couples’ Ministry. They are currently responsible for the Missions Ministry at their Church and lead a cell group. This year Susan and David will celebrate 28 years of marriage. They have two daughters, ages 27 and 23.

Internet Ministry 2: Designing A Comprehensive Online Presence

Rose Hall C

Based on an understanding of the social media ecosystem you will design a contextualized strategic plan for building a “home-base” and three key “outposts” in the ecosystem Brian Barela [As above]

Workshop Details (Continued)


Workshop Details (Continued)


2:00 - 3:00

Balancing Career And Family (Alumni)

Rose Hall A

How can the balance be struck between being a good family member and an effective employee? Many times the scale tips one way or the other. This workshop will offer suggestions about balancing your career obligations with your family responsibilities. Rev. Joe Johnson Rev. Joe Johnson currently serves as the National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ, Guyana (CCCG). He also serves on the eldership and pastoral team of the South Road Full Gospel Assembly. Rev. Johnson holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theology and a diploma in Ministerial Studies. Rev. Johnson has a strong desire to see Guyana transformed by the Gospel. He is an international marriage and family life conference speaker and together with his wife Doreen, he directs the FamilyLife Division of CCCG. They live in Georgetown, Guyana and have two grown foster daughters, Laura and Cheryl.

3:00 - 4:00 pm

The Significant Professional (Alumni)

Rose Hall A

Many times the satisfaction we get from our successes is very fleeting. What then can bring us true significance in life? This workshop will consider the areas of godly living, maximising our gifting, efficiency on the job, healthy relationships and show how these can all blend together to result in significant living. Aida Hamilton [As above]

Lifetime Ministy

Rose Hall B

We are created by God for His purposes and we are most fulfilled when we are living in light of that. This workshop has the potential to add tremendous value to your life as you learn how you can use all that God has entrusted to you for a lifetime and wherever He places you, so expanding His kingdom and enriching your life. Layo and Luchy Leiva [As above]

The Emergent Church: One Of Today’s Church Trends

Introduction To Apologetics Rose Hall B

In this post-modern age in which we live, some practices are being accepted in evangelical circles which need to be examined. Beliefs and practices can sit at any point of the pendulum swing – some embracing many areas and others less. This workshop will help you to discover some of these areas and understand how to respond to this trend.

Media - Stories Worth Talking About

Rose Hall C

Short films can be used as a very strategic tool in bridging to the Gospel. Since the world at large is becoming increasingly more visual, movies are a fantastic way to talk about the deeper things in life with your friends and family. The stories stir up great conversations about topics such as truth, trust, forgiveness, rescue, and hope. Come and enjoy some great stories— both the short films’ and yours. You’ll see how you can join your friends on their spiritual journeys through the power of story. Scott and Lisa Santee Scott is the Director of Global Short Film Network. Both he and his wife Lisa graduated from Ohio State University in Biology and Elementary Education, respectively. They have been married for 20 years and have also worked with CCC for 20 years. They have 2 children Zack, 13 and Gabe, 8. Scott enjoys audio-books, scuba diving, and movies (of course) and Lisa enjoys decorating, scrap booking, and hosting parties.

Internet Ministry 3: Creating Viral Traffic To Fuel Exposure & Engagement


Here, you will learn tactics, tips, and best practices to not only help your home-base and outposts work together, but to build and nourish each other. Brian Barela [As above]

Rev. Clinton Chisolm [As above]

Movement Building 2: The First Six Weeks Of The School Year

Aida Hamilton [As above]

Rose Hall C

Participants will understand the meaning of the term and ministry of apologetics and why this ministry is so critical now, as a species of evangelism and discipleship-training, for University students.


The first six weeks of the school year are the most important of the entire year. They can make or break your movement. How can we make each day count? What are some practical things that we can do to make these first six weeks more fruitful? Come find out how you can strengthen and grow your movement by focusing your efforts and energy in the first six weeks. Brian McCollister [As above]

CCC Ministry Profiles for Caribbean Countries


We know that the Jamaican team is super excited to host CSC 2010 in their country. We are deeply grateful to Dirk and Carrol Richards for the pioneer work that they have done in the Caribbean and being here is one way in which we can bless them and their team. Here is a look at some of the pioneering efforts of CCC Jamaica from which our countries have benefitted:

CAMPUS MINISTRY The Campus ministry is CCCJ’s primary ministry and the above mentioned strategies synergistically serve the Campus ministry. There are overwhelming opportunities on all 3 universities - UWI Mona, University of Technology, and Edna Manley College for the Visual and Performing Arts. In September 2009, based on over 400 questionnaires conducted on three campuses over 70% of first year students indicated that they wanted to know God personally. Later in September, Brian McCollister conducted a one day training seminar for campus movement leaders, where students learnt about ‘Keys to successful movements’. In February 2010 the annual students’ conference ‘Veritas Forum’ challenged the students to reap a harvest of souls on their campuses. This all resulted in over 300 exposed to the gospel and four staff applicants. An MPD training was recently held for 4 persons. All praise to God for His faithfulness to Jamaica. We say a big ‘thank you’ to our host country and to the staff and volunteers of CCC Jamaica.

CROSSROADS In August 1999, a CrossRoads conference, originally intended for CCC Jamaica (CCCJ) was organized. However, CCCJ ensured that other countries in the Caribbean also benefitted. As a result CCC National Directors, staff members, doctors and others from Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana and Suriname participated in what became the first Caribbean CrossRoads Facilitators Training Conference. Caribbean countries have also benefitted from the quality workbooks printed by CCCJ and the proposals written for funding for CrossRoads. Since its introduction in 15 High Schools in 1999, CrossRoads Jamaica has trained over 500 Guidance Counselors/ Teachers as facilitators of the curriculum. Over 20,000 students have been exposed to the curriculum in over 50 high Schools and other institutions.

Students filling out questionnaires during orientation

CCCJ has taken it one step further and has utilized the newly developed CrossRoads Core of 8 lessons at the University of the West Indies Mona in the School of Nursing, Medical Sciences Faculty. 185 first year students have successfully completed Core. This will be an ongoing initiative used to reach first year students. FAMILYLIFE In 1999, the first CCC FamilyLife Speakers Training Conference was held in Jamaica. CCCJ once again acquired the funds needed to cover the cost for the participation of leaders from other Caribbean countries. FACULTY In September 2002, CCCJ launched the first Faculty strategy in the region. They saw it as a strategic move that would allow them to reach university students more readily. In June 2006 CCCJ took the first delegation of nine lecturers from three universities to a ‘Faculty Commons’ Conference in Washington D. C. This has opened many doors on the university campuses for the Campus Ministry in Jamaica. One example is the opportunity to address all first year students at the Universities’ official welcome programme planned at the beginning of each new academic year. MUSIC In 2006 the Richards pioneered the Music Ministry in the Caribbean as a strategy for the Campus Ministry. They developed the first worship band called Key Signature which made its debut at the first Caribbean Students’ Conference in Trinidad and Tobago in June of that year. PLAYGROUND In September 2008, the first CCC initiated playground was erected, for ministry to children. This project aims to involve students in community service projects, for which they would earn credits and be envisioned for ministry beyond the gates of the University.

Campus Crusade for Christ exists at the T.A. Maryshaw Community College (TAMCC) as an official club on that campus. It was initiated by two graduates of the Campus ministry – Tamara Lambert from the Trinidad Campus ministry and Alana Brathwaite from the Barbados Campus ministry. One day, Maggie received an urgent e-mail from Alana, asking for help to begin the Campus ministry in Grenada, “before she left for Law School in Trinidad, and have it turned over to the students just like it was done in Barbados”. Alana was one of the first students to commit to the Barbados Campus ministry and was involved from its inception. Maggie and Coryse then visited Grenada. A meeting was held with approximately 20 interested students, to share about Campus Crusade for Christ and to challenge for involvement. The list of requirements from the Administration was adhered to and, in 2007 the ministry was officially recognized at TAMCC. Tamara is a lecturer at TAMCC and has continued to work with the students of that campus. They participated in CSC 2008, and at the LTIs in Trinidad. The ministry is still fledgling, but we are trusting God to see a movement soon on that campus. Please be in prayer for Tamara and the students of TAMCC. This campus has the potential to influence Grenada nationally, since all A’ Level students pass through that campus before going on to the working world.

Campus Crusade for Christ Int’l, Haiti, commonly known as Campus Pour Christ (CPC)-Haiti. CPC began in 1980. During the early days of CPC, the vision and focus which still remains true today was centered around the strategy to “Win, Build, Train and Send” labourers into the harvest-field. Although CPC operated on a very small scale then, with the intent of targeting the one main university in Haiti, it has now grown over the last 30 years and has its presence in 12 university faculties throughout Port-au-Prince. During the year of 1995 to 1996, two couples attended GCTC in Kenya and Mali respectively. Upon their return the following ministries were expanded: Campus Ministry It is here that the next generation of Haitian leaders is found. The priority for the student-leaders in each faculty is to impact the student body at large through Christ-centered outreach activities. It is essential that the strategy used post the January 12th earthquake, has a component which utilizes and impacts the community. For the long-term, the goal is having a movement in university faculties where personal discipleship and training is the norm. Prior to the January 12th earthquake, such activities were organised in the CPC Ministry Center, where training and personal discipleship motivated students to lead and to acknowledge the call to missions. Two candidates have recently expressed interest in full-time ministry with CPC. However, one factor which deters students from committing to full-time ministry is migration. Jesus Film This mass evangelistic tool has been used in cooperation with churches to present the gospel via film, giving an opportunity to many to say “yes” vto Christ. CPC has connections with approximately 200 churches throughout Haiti. This group of believers represents a large potential workforce of labourers for Christ, and an even larger area of influence. Effective mobilization of these believers is a way to create viable kingdommovements within Haiti. CPC accesses this enormous workforce through training, team deployment and media opportunities. The Church and the Film team presently work together in follow-up and church planting and has also become a conduit for aid distribution and redevelopment of Haiti. One aspect of CPC training will center on how to effectively use aid within the community to reach out to neighbors in need. Nehemiah Vision Ministry This ministry began in 2005 and has been focusing on transforming the lives through education, health and spiritual development. NVM is the social arm of CPC and gives leverage to the spiritual vision of CCC. NVM believes in providing people an opportunity to live in an environment where they can be trained and equipped to contribute to their own personal development and eventually to the rebuilding of Haiti. This model follows the example of Nehemiah, who rebuilt Jerusalem and removed the reproach over the nation in biblical times (Neh. 2:17-18) www.nehemiahvisonministries.org

Campus Crusade for Christ also called Agape Leadership Development was started in Suriname in 1981 by Henk and Tiny Veltman from Holland. Tiny had the task of translating all the CCC materials into Dutch. In 1987, Grace attended the GCTC in the Philippines and in 1989 she began working with the Campus ministry in Suriname. At that time Athletes in Action (AIA) was a very vibrant ministry in Suriname, led by Armand Morsen. In 2002 Armand became the National Director for Suriname. He was challenged by Rolando Justiniano, the former DOA for Latin America and the Caribbean, to consider giving more time to the Campus ministry. God ministered to Armand, showing him the impact graduates from the university could have as Christ-like leaders in the society. As a result, from 2007 the Campus Ministry became the number one priority in Suriname led by Sharon Saridjan. In that same year Bill and Aida Hamilton visited Suriname and challenged the multiplication process – “Disciples should be involved earlier in evangelism and discipleship”. At the same time Armand and Sharon raised the visibility of CCC on campus, building a relatively strong ministry presence, resulting in rapid growth. CSC 2008, greatly accelerated the Campus movement, impacted by the return of those who had attended CSC. Armand’s participation at the Caribbean Campus Directors’ conference in 2009 opened his eyes to the “First Six Weeks’ a Movement-Building seminar done by Brian McCollister. Armand vowed that he and the rest of the Suriname team would work the first six weeks strategy. Here are the results: The “Kon Lek’ Fa Yu De” (Come as you are) Project The ‘First six weeks’ strategy kicked off on Friday October 16th with a Prayer Watch from 10.00 pm to 6.00 am, which ended with breakfast.. The goal was to pray for the University of Suriname, especially for the first-year students to be exposed to the Gospel during three days. This was followed by outreaches from October 19-21, which included surveys, survival kits, personal evangelism, “Better Grades” seminars, and an informational fair, culminating with the “Kon Lek’ Fa Yu De” party. Following this two CHILL parties were held to integrate the new students into the movement. A Christmas Dinner was also held with the goal, ‘to become one CHILL family’. Weekly meetings commenced on Friday January 8, with the ‘Chill kickoff’. At the weekly meetings both training and devotionals were incorporated. LTI was held from February 12 - 14. The keynote speaker was Johnny Angelica from Curacao. 47 Chillers attended LTI: 18 new disciples and 29 returning students. As a result 350 students were surveyed, 200 exposed to the gospel, 75 made decisions for Christ, 45 are in discipleship groups, and 6 student leaders are interested in joining staff (both full- time and part-time) after graduation. GCTC started mid Nov 2009. There are 22 student leaders attending. CHILL-Resort In 2009 a businessman from Holland agreed to sponsor the ‘CHILLResort’ as a conference centre and housing for students. This is already a reality and currently houses 5 male students. CHILL-Resort hosts the CHILL-Academy, a Leadership Development Program, to build and equip disciples to become lifetime laborers.

Professional Ministry Armand now sees the need to launch the Professional Ministry as a bridge for the campus students as they enter the workplace. Currently there are three discipleship groups. The goal is to build discipleship (multiplying) groups in the work place, giving alumni the opportunity for life-time ministry.

CHOICES (Life at the CrossRoads) Since the year 2000, hundreds of teachers and youth leaders have been trained to use the CrossRoads curriculum in their respective target groups. This curriculum was implemented in several schools, youth groups and the Boy Scouts. FamilyLife FamilyLife plays an important role in helping students with Love-SexMarriage subjects. ‘Evening Together‘– a romantic dinner to inspire and help couples to grow closer together are periodically held. This also functions as a bridge for the annual marriage Conference, “Weekend to remember”

»» Thursday lunchtime meetings will seek to educate students in the development of the 5 »» Dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, social and mental. »» Courses and other events will also be planned to help develop the total person. Some Projected Activities: »» Physical: Sports Day, ‘Nutrition’ »» Emotional: Camps, Drama, ‘Who am I?’ »» Spiritual: Bible courses, Evangelism, Prayer »» Social: ‘Public speaking’, Social events »» Mental: ‘Life management’, Workshops

CHURCH-Led Ministry Over the past 15 years thousands of church laymen and leaders have been trained in evangelism and discipleship. CCC is in the process of evaluating how to take the CHURCH-Led ministry to a new horizon. Staff and Volunteers At present, there are 5 full-time and 1 part-time staff members, 29 volunteers and 6 persons interested in staff upon graduation.

The Campus for Christ Organisation (CCO) was founded on April 26th, 1986 by Michael Look a student in the Faculty of Engineering. He saw the need for God’s word to be known among the other UNA students, since many believed that education was everything they needed to succeed in life. Today Michael Look is a pastor, and still speaks at CCO meetings. CCO believes that the future of Curaçao is in the the hands of the youth. Their vision is to saturate the community of Curaçao with Christ-like leaders. Matthew 28:18-20 resonates with them. Their mission is to help students realize that they need God, that he wants a relationship with each one of them, and that He will provide their every need. They wholeheartedly embrace the words of 1John 5:11-13. CCO has recently joined with Campus Crusade for Christ. In September 2009, a Campus Crusade for Christ’s project from Suriname held training in evangelism and follow-up with CCO members. A subsequent training was held in February 2010. These trainings have resulted in five smallgroup Bible studies and the introduction of the 5 dimensions of a person. This is being used as a strategy as they seek to build a movement at UNA for the school year 2010-2011. To help the process, Suriname has sent one of its leaders as a coach, who will spend most of his time in Curaçao. Here are some of their Goals, Plans and Strategies: Goals: »» Honour God by lifting up the name of Jesus on campus. »» Educate students in the development of 5 different dimensions: physical, emotional, spiritual, social and mental. Plans: »» Make the organization official at the Chamber of Commerce. »» Get an office on campus. »» Start a monthly magazine. Strategies: »» Tuesday lunchtime prayer meetings will seek to honor God on campus.

CCC Barbados was initiated by a Summer Project from Trinidad and Tobago in June 2003. In September, Maggie, together with 2 recently graduated students, Nisha Doughlin and Nikida Walker, returned to commence the movement at the UWI, Cave Hill Campus. God was gracious and in less than a month there were 20 committed students and CCC was officially a part of the Inter-Clubs Committee (ICC). At the end of the first year, CCC was voted ‘Club of the Year’ by the ICC. This was a great encouragement to the ‘Student Leadership Team’ led by Chrystal Alexander, since there was no staff presence in Barbados. They were also voted Club of the Year for the two following years. A partnership with the South-East region of the U.S. was initiated in November 2003, which kicked off with a Spring-break project in April 2004. In October 2004, the S.E. region sent 2 STINTERS to Barbados, which greatly helped the movement. This partnership continued until 2008, with spring break trips, summer projects and 2 other STINT teams. By July 2005, 3 graduating students from the Barbados campus were accepted for Internship and STINT. Michael Toppin and Nikeh Smithen, native to Barbados served alongside a US STINT team at the Cave Hill campus. Rufilo Camacho, from Antigua, served in Trinidad. In 2007, Michael was accepted as a full-time staff member with CCC and for the past year has been working alongside 2 interns, Christopher Kellman and Matthew St. Bernard. Every year since 2005, the movement has produced interns to lead the ministry. Paul Crichlow, Ricquel Adams and Marsha Davis have also served as interns. The movement has a strong base in evangelism and has created a family atmosphere amongst members. One of the earlier slogans for the ministry was “A place to belong” Over the years the movement has developed tremendously and in 2008 was able to host its first ever LTI, which is now named F.L.O.W - Fuelling Leaders Of the Word One of the hallmarks of the movement is its creativity and many ministry strategies have been developed, such as the annual Christ March, October Overnight, Bus Ride and Picnic. These have helped in community building as well as vision casting. The themes for the last three years dealt with building the students: ‘How Good is Good Enough’, ‘Do you have Greater Love’, and ‘Beyond belief: The Passion of Conviction’. Over the years CCC staff and students have had the privilege of seeing persons come to know Christ and have experienced the pleasure of discipling them into Christ-centered students. Institutions such as community groups, weekly follow-ups and weekly meetings have helped many students grow from strength to strength in Christ. Involvement in Internship at Cave Hill has also provided great opportunity to build faith.

Campus Crusade for Christ was started in Trinidad in 1980 by John Rose from Venezeula, with the “I found It” campaign. It officially became Campus Crusade for Christ Int’l of Trinidad and Tobago in August 1983. The first local National Director was Rafeeq Ali, who served in that role until 1994. Campus MInistry The Campus ministry was started by Aïda Hamilton (then Tjon Joe Pin) in 1983 and in 1984, she recruited Allison Callender as a campus staff member. In 1985, upon graduation from UWI, St. Augustine, Steve Mohammed joined the staff of CCC. Steve continued on campus until 1994, when he assumed the role of National Director and served in that capacity until 2006. The campus ministry continues to be the pivotal ministry in Trinidad and Tobago, producing labourers for the harvest both locally and abroad. It has influenced most of the Caribbean ministries and has pioneered the ministry in Barbados and Grenada. At present there are four staff members and one intern serving with the Campus ministry and they are excitedly planning the “First Six Weeks’ strategy for the upcoming academic year. Life at the CrossRoads Carrol Richards (then Boland) came on staff in 1984 and started the High School ministry, Student Venture. She worked with a team in that ministry until 1988, when she transitioned to the Campus ministry during GCTC. The High School ministry was later led by Jenny Boodram. This ministry then began using the Life at the CrossRoads curriculum. In 2001, Jenny was assigned to work with the Tobago Life at the CrossRoads. She served in Tobago until her passing in 2006. At present in Tobago, the CrossRoads curriculum is used in all the High Schools and overseen by Kori Sinanan and Dr Maria Remy. In Trinidad the Curriculum is being used in 9 High Schools. The Ministry of Education’s Guidance Counselors have also been trained to use the curriculum. FamilyLife Ministry The FamilyLife ministry was started in Trinidad and Tobago by Steve and Cecile Mohamed in 1999. Today the FamilyLife ministry has a very committed core group of volunteers and Home Builders groups and is definitely touching the lives of couples in the nation. One supporter of the ministry expressed her deep gratitude to this ministry, because involvement in a Home Builders’ group saved her marriage. The annual FamilyLife conference is held over the Corpus Christi weekend. Professional Ministry The first professional ministry was launched in 1994, by Allison Callender. Recently, it was being led by one of the professionals, Nadira Mulchan. However it is in a latent state at present, but we see the need for this ministry as a Bridge for the Campus Alumni. Please pray that God will raise up someone to lead this ministry. Operations In 2007, Susan Jordan assumed the role of Admnistrator and continued to do the work of two people, patiently praying for full-time staff members to fill the role. God graciously answered and there are now 2 staff members, Stacy Thomas and Patricia Theophille who will fill this role. Christobel Maynard has been ably and faithfully serving as the Human Resources coordinator since 2008. She has shown much dedication and concern for staff members. The earnest prayer is that God will raise up staff members to serve in IT and other aspects of Operations.

Campus Crusade for Christ Guyana (CCCG) was established in January 1982, a few months after the successful completion of the “I Found It” campaign. During the 28 years of its existence CCCG has been using the Jesus Film as a mass evangelism tool both through open-air meetings and on television. The Jesus Film ministry started early in 1980. During these early years CCCG also worked with churches to help develop the discipleship ministry, as well as sharing Biblical principles for family life. The ministry to families was started in 1983. These two ministries served to promote CCC among the churches, a then new ministry in Guyana. This greatly helped when staff subsequently had to engage in ministry partner development. In 1989 three staff members attended the 9-month GCTC. On their return they launched the Campus Ministry which is CCCG’S main strategy. This ministry is currently led by 2 full time staff members and through the years CCCG has been able to win, build, train and send hundreds of students. The majority of CCCG’s staff has been recruited through the campus ministry. An important issue to note is that migration to various countries is and has always been a feature of Guyanese life. More that 80% of CCCG’s graduating students now live abroad. Nevertheless, CCCG has endeavored to engage as many as possible of the remaining graduates from the Campus Ministry in the Professional Ministry. The campus ministry needs at least 2 male full time staff to join its labour force. The Professional Ministry The Professional ministry was started in 1996 and to some extent has served as a bridge for students between the campus and the world of work. This ministry has been working to see professionals and workers won and built up through prayer times; the bi-monthly ProMin Time, a fellowship meeting; Bible Study/Discipleship groups in several offices; and frequent evangelistic dinners, etc. One major highlight is the partial decision of two single professionals to soon join CCCG. One is already going through the application process and one is now completing the New Opportunity Package.

speaker profiles Roger Hershey

Roger also known as ‘Hersh’, has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ for 37 years: »» 8 years: Student Venture »» 17 years: Campus staff at Miami of Ohio Campus Dir. for 12 years »» 5 years: Served with the Regional Team - Overseeing the campuses of OH, IN, ILL & MI »» 7 years: Campus staff at Penn State

Roger graduated from Penn State University in 1972. He loves to lime with college students and have fun. He also loves to play volleyball, racket ball, football and Risk. Roger and his wife Roxanne have been married for 36 years and have 4 children.

Ladislao (Layo) Levia

Ladislao Leiva, originally from El Salvador, is an international consultant on issues related to principle based leadership in a global society. With studies in Linguistics and Journalism, Layo has been on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ since 1978. He has held a number of positions both in his country and internationally. From 1993 to 2003, he served as Director of Operations for Latin America, based in Miami, Fl. In July 2003, he and his family returned to El Salvador to assume the position of National Director. In July 2004 he was named Director of Affairs, responsible for the work in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. He currently has the responsibility for Latin America and the Caribbean. He believes that young people are both the present and future of our times and is very committed to helping develop their full potential. He is happily married to Luz de Maria (Luchy) and they have three sons.

Brian McCollister

Brian McCollister joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1986 believing that God could use his life to change the world. After 5 years at Virginia Tech, Brian moved to his native state of Ohio, to direct the Campus ministry at Ohio University. When he and his wife, Jenny, arrived, there were 80 students involved. Currently, there are 425 students connected to the Campus Crusade ministry with 100 student leaders. Brian still longs to see Ohio University students graduate with a high view of God, a high view of the Scriptures and the passion and ability to get the love and message of Christ to the ends of the earth. He and Jenny have five children.

Brian Barela

Brian Barela has been on staff with Campus Crusade for 7 years. He has served at the University of California, Los Angeles, where he majored in Ancient Greek and minored in intramural basketball. Brian will step into any role with Campus Crusade that seeks to use the internet to make evangelism and discipleship even more effective and relevant. Brian trusted Christ at age eleven and has since seen God redeem many broken parts of his life. That redemption has fueled his passion to see Christ’s redemptive heart at work in other people and places. He met his wife Aubrey on a summer project. They have three children, Mason (four years old) and twin girls, Theia & Kaia (two years old).

Scott Santee

Scott is the Director of Global Short Film Network. He graduated in Biology from Ohio State University. He has been on staff with CCC for 20 years. He and his wife Lisa have been married for 20 years and together they have 2 children Zack, 13 and Gabe, 8. Scott enjoys audio-books, scuba diving, and movies (of course).

Rev. Clinton Chisholm

Rev. Chisholm has served as a lecturer at several universities across the Caribbean and America. He also served as a pastor at the Jamaica Baptist Union Church for 10 years and as an associate pastor with the Metropolitan Baptist Church, Florida. Rev. Chisholm now does itinerant teaching/training. He studied Apologetics and Evangelism at the International Academy of Apologetics, Evangelism & Human Rights, in France, and has 2 Masters’ degrees and an honorary Doctorate. The Jamaican born scholar has published several Christian educational CDs and books, the latest of which is Revelations on Ras Tafari. Rev. Chisholm has been married to his wife Flora for 34 years and together they have two children Antoinette and Florida.

Armand Morsen

Armand is the National Director of Campus Crusade for Christ, Suriname. He is also an elder in his church. His gifts are teaching and motivating others and his passion is to WIN, BUILD and SEND, the three pillars of multiplication. He and his wife Bianca - whom he married after knowing her for just 9 months - have three children, Chiara, 9; Zefan, 7; and Gayle, 5.






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