Ski Lodge bulletin

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matilda rapaport in heli alpine jacket & pants



Publisher Eric Spongberg EDITORS Johan Jonsson ARON ÖSTMAN SPECIAL THANKS Oskar Enander JOHAN AXELSSON kristoffer johnsson All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without permission from the publisher. If you do not obey you will be haunted by snowless winters until the end of time. © SKI LODGE ENGELBERG





index 6 The Story

8 10

A Word From Our Manager The man

20 26

Mountain Knowledge Staff Picks

42 44

Earn Your Turns Gear Guide

14 Big Five

28 The Photo Wizard



Skiing is belIEVING








62 64





The Story

To say that things went smoothly straight away doesn’t really depict the truth, but what could have been better in the beginning was made up for with tons of ambition, eagerness to learn and smiling faces.

Ski Lodge Engelberg is a story about two old skiing friends, who finally took the leap of faith and realised an old dream – to open a hotel in the Alps. Niklas and Eric met for the first time in Engelberg in 2002, when they both had long hair, dreamt of becoming professional freeskiers and very few had heard of the little monastery town at the end of the road. After university and ski bumming years, they ended up with long hours behind desks in Stockholm and London, working in finance and advertising.

Now, five years later, a lot of memories have been created within these walls. Thousands of happy guests, as well as numerous professional freeskiers, photographers, new and old friends and many more have entered our doors. And not to forget; we’ve had Bocuse d’Or medallists and Michelin-starred chefs like Tommy Myllymäki, Paul Svensson, Niklas Ekstedt and Klas Lindberg cooking in our kitchen.

Years later, during a weekend break to relive a bit of the good old times, Niklas stumbled upon a bed and breakfast and a run down hotel building next to it. After many long discussions, a bit of calculating and market research, they both quit their jobs and ventured back to Engelberg. After a summer of intense renovations Ski Lodge opened its doors in December 2008.

We’d like to sincerely welcome you to Ski Lodge Engelberg. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback – good or bad – please let us know. As our mantra goes: Skiing is believing.


JONNA: Our Manager in Perpetual Motion Meet Jonna, our hotel manager. You’ve probably seen her dashing through the lobby. You can’t miss her. She’s the one with the springy legs and the big smile. On any given day, you’ll see Jonna rushing to a meeting, or heading out for some cross-country skiing, ski touring, a run or a hike.


It seems like you’re not a big fan of sitting still? Ha ha. I’ve always been moving a lot. From playing in the snow as a kid, to high school on the cross-country ski academy and now I’m running around in the Alps, running a hotel. You’ve had similar jobs in Sweden. Why did you move to Switzerland? For the bigger mountains and amounts of snow. The skiing in Sweden is nice, but very small compared to the backyard here. Ski Lodge is also a “product” I really believe in. That combination together with the rest of the staff, the Ski Lodge family, made it easy to move here. What’s your favourite ski run in Engelberg? Hinterwald. And your favourite running trail in the summer? I love to take the lift to Jochpass and run to Melchsee-Frutt and back. The view up there is amazing, and it feels kind of funny to actually run to another ski resort and back.


The Man

Dani Friedli You rarely see him on the streets of Engelberg, but almost everyone knows who he is. Dani Friedli spends most of his time in his OKAY shop. Located just 50 meters from the Lodge, this is where Dani practices his jedi skills, giving new life to damaged skis and snowboards. If you have any equipment problem, or if you need to rent or purchase gear, Dani is The Man.


Don’t get alarmed if you don’t see Dani when you enter the OKAY shop. He’s like the man behind the curtain in the Wizard of Oz. Wait a moment, and you’ll hear him shout “Coming,” as he sets aside a pair of skis that have seen better days. He’s a superb craftsman, whose skiing, climbing and mountain biking skills have earned him bragging rights, yet Dani’s a humble guy. He’s also honest, and he’ll find you

the best skis for your skills, and not the most expensive ones. We had a chat with him about equipment, safety and his favourite runs on the mountain. We start with the classic: What’s the most common mistake people do when they rent skis? They don’t rent skis for their own level. Just because a ski is the most expensive one, it doesn’t mean it’s best for every skier. Stiff skis are another problem. Some like them,


for sure, but most skiers, even good ones, don’t need that stiff skis. How has the standard OKAY customer changed in the last five years? Five years ago this was a store for [freeride] freaks. Now I have all kinds of customers: From professional skiers to new beginners. And five years ago, almost no one had fat skis. Now the big skis are so much better, everyone can ski

them. Don’t be scared to go big! It’s easier, I promise. What’s the most common repair you do? The big service. Ha ha. People who have their own skis are kind of bad at taking care of them. It’s a shame, cause skis perform so much better if they’re in good shape. You can really see that a ski with proper edges and good glide turns much better. Give your skis some love. It’s a win win. What’s the trend? Both powder skis and all mountain skis are getting wider. The last year’s development in touring equipment is also a real revolution, and has helped more people discover how easy it is to get off the beaten track. Nowadays the touring bindings and boots are so good, it’s not really any difference between them and normal bindings and boots. This helps people tour more – like small hikes just off the lift. Safety equipment also becomes more and more important, as more people are moving out of the slopes.

What kind of safety equipment? Avalanche backpacks have gotten really popular the last years. There’s a discussion about people taking more risks because they have more safety equipment. And that’s of course something to think about – transceivers and avalanche backpacks can save your life, but you must remember not to take more risks cause you’re wearing them. It’s like driving a car; you can’t drive like an idiot just because you wear the seat belt. The airbag backpacks also got a lot cheaper and better the last years. Now they’re just like a normal ski pack, but with a small life insurance in it. If you’re a freerider, I think it makes sense to add one to the mandatory “transceiver-shovel-probe”-setup you always bring. Talking about touring again. What’s your favourite small tour on the mountain? It may be a boring answer, but the Wendelücke is so easy accessed, and it’s such a nice one-hour-tour. Just make sure you know where to go down if you don’t have a


guide. Engelberg is a place where you can’t always follow tracks, and in Wendelücke you can’t see the whole run from the top. What’s your favourite lift accessed run? Well. It’s Laub. Of course. Ha ha! And at last; I need to ask you about the ski ballet? Ha ha ha! Ski ballet? Where have you heard this?! But you know, in the eighties, if you could be John Travolta on 140 centimetre skis to the tunes of classic rock, wearing a yellow one-piece – you were the man! It was not really my favourite though, and since aerials also were a part of the “ski acrobatique”, I spent more time doing that. But really, I think it was all the same back then as it is now. Today it’s called freeskiing, 25 years ago it was ski acrobatique. They’re both something different though, and that’s what I love about this part of the ski world that I’m living in.


ski the

BIG5 in engelberg

Every year, powder hounds from all corners of the globe make their pilgrimage to the freeride Mecca known as Engelberg. This mountain playground boasts five outstanding runs. Their reputation precedes them, and for a good reason. Allow us to introduce you to them.



The iconic Laub run towers over the town of Engelberg, enticing you to explore its 1000+ vertical meters of deep snow. When this paradise of powder calls your name, resistance is futile. The run, which maintains a constant 30 to 40 degree pitch, is several soccer fields wide. There’s enough room for everyone. The more the merrier! Laub does not pose the technical challenges of its four siblings, but don’t let its simplicity fool you. Its name, in some Swiss dialects, means “avalanche.” Let the hardcore locals test the snow stability before you drop in. The Ritz restaurant sits at the bottom of the run, so reward yourself with a scrumptious lunch. If you want to go back for more, the owners run a minibus service, which delivers you to the Gerschnialp gondola station for the ride back up the mountain.

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Three runs – Small, Middle and Big – divide the Züls area of Engelberg. Start with a warm-up on Small. It’s the only one where you can do laps using only one lift. When you’re almost at the bottom of the run, traverse back toward the lift, and look up on the huge cliff wall on your left. Imagine what it would feel like doing a 72-meter high front flip off the edge. Believe it or not, it’s been done. During après, ask a staff member to show you Oskar Enander’s award winning photography of American mad man Julian Carr, doing just that front flip. Middle offers the best cliff-jumping zone on the mountain. This is where the local rippers earn their bragging rights, as they train for competitions and photo shoots. Don’t feel like cliff jumping? No worries. Middle will also oblige you with splendid terrain for keeping your skis on the ground. Like a gentle giant, Big offers the mellowest terrain of the three runs, but it’s not without its challenges. Like many other runs in Engelberg, Big offers something for every type of skier.

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Although it’s possible to access parts of Wendelücke directly off the lift, good things come to those who earn their turns with a bit of hiking. Untouched freshies reward 15 minutes of hiking. Build your endurance before you get here, because 30 to 60 minutes of hiking delivers you to the ultimate powder nirvana. If you decide to ski a top to bottom run, your legs will need another 10 minutes of hiking endurance, in order to get back to the lift. This run, with its splendid views, provides an ideal introduction to the ski touring experience. A local guide can help you maximise the fun factor.

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Steinberg is the huge off piste run you reach when you step out of the Titlis Rotair, at the very top of the ski area, 3020 meters above sea level. This run offers endless options for your downhill journey to Trübsee, where the run ends. Some choose to enter through the gnarly Gaff, located on the far skier’s right side. Others prefer the steeps of Never Sun, situated on the skier’s left. Between them lies a billowing area, where your skiing creativity takes on a life of its own. From steep chutes to mellow powder fields, Steinberg has it all. You’ll never get bored, but remember to take the appropriate safety precautions. Parts of this run are like glacier skiing on steroids. Know your route, and steer clear of the crevasses.

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Get ready for the biggest of the big ones. Boasting 2000 vertical meters of magic, Galtiberg gives new meaning to the words “really long run”. From the start of the run, where you can go as fast as you dare over the open glacier fields, to the majestic middle part with 500 meter high cliff walls surrounding you, to the end, where your legs are screaming “Stop!”, but your head is screaming “Again!” – it’s all perfect. This run is not only a Big 5 in Engelberg; it’s a Big 5 in the world. Easy access combined with an astonishing diversity of terrain will make it one of the most memorable runs in your snow-sliding lifetime. Top it off with lunch at Restaurant Wasserfall, or perhaps an après beer while you await the bus back into town. Galtiberg is huge, so if you’re not skiing with a local, hire a guide. The map at our bar has instruction about how to access the different Big 5 trails. Remember, before you go, read the mountain knowledge info on the next page.

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Mountain Knowledge Most powder hounds would rather talk about epic runs in deep snow than avalanches and other dangers on the mountain. Unfortunately, avoiding the subject does not make it go away. Avalanches, crevasses and peer pressure are some of the things you need to know about and watch out for. Knowledge is power if you want to enjoy the deep powder snow that covers the steep slopes of Engelberg. Learn the safety rules, respect the mountain, and you’ll have an awesome time.




The shortcut to all knowledge Mountain guides are the gurus of the mountain. They understand it the way you understand your best friend or significant other. As such, they remain sensitive to the mountain’s “moods” and signals, which allows them to sense danger before it actually happens. We recommend all our guests to rent a mountain guide for at least a day. There’s no down side to it, and it’s a great short cut to an expert source of safety knowledge. As your guide delivers you to the best snow on the mountain, he or she will answer your questions about the safest routes, emergency methods and anything you’ve always wanted to know about all-mountain skiing.

Avalanches No matter how much you’re enjoying your playtime in the deep snow, always remember that a slide can bring you down. Certain conditions make this more likely to happen. They include: • New snow: With big dumps comes bigger avalanche danger. • Wind: Powerful winds can move huge amounts of snow in short time, turning some parts of the mountain into treacherous slide zones. • Temperature: The snow loses stability when the mercury suddenly rises on the thermometer. Of course, the existence of multiple factors increases the danger. Learn to read the mountain and anticipate her nuances.



Hiring a Mountain Guide is your best call for a great day. The reception can help you book one.

For example; if you’re about to ski a south-facing slope, and you see that another south-facing slope recently had an avalanche – that’s a bad sign. Ask as many questions you can to people you rely on in these matters – guides, experienced skiers, locals, etc.

The most important thing here is that you’re very, very, dialled in with your transceiver. It’s a common misunderstanding that anyone can use this lifesaver straight out of the box. That’s wrong. It takes practice, and please don’t be lazy here. Also make sure that not only you, but also your riding partners know how to use their transceivers the right way. It might be you they’re searching for.

Equipment Here’s what you must always bring in your backpack if you go off piste skiing:

Stay One Step Ahead Gather and absorb as much knowledge as possible before you go skiing. Check the weather and avalanche forecast. Ask people who ride a lot on the mountain about the current conditions. Save the phone number to Rega (helicopter rescue) in your phone: 1414. Know what you and your group of skiers need to do in case of an emergency or avalanche. You need to talk about this and practice with your transceivers, because panic is your worst enemy on the mountain.

• Transceiver • Shovel • Probe And here are a few other things there’s no reason to leave behind: • Avalanche backpack (seen as mandatory by more and more people) • First Aid Kit • Water • Extra clothes • Snacks/food


That’s how fast an avalanche can chase you



Skiers Behaving Badly Just say no to reckless mountain behaviour, despite what your buddies say about you. Backing away from a run is never the wrong decision. If everyone wants to take that run, and your instincts shout DANGER, convince the others to see it your way. Avoid the “We can do one more run if we really hurry!” attitude, especially in the late afternoon, when the light flattens, the temperatures rise and the snow loses stability. Go back to the Lodge and enjoy some après ski instead. Tomorrow is another day.

Surroundings Respect the power of even the smallest avalanche. It might not bury you, but it can certainly drag you off a big cliff. Before you start your run, survey what’s below you, and check for safe spots for taking short breaks. Look up before you leap into the snow, and check to see if anyone coming up behind you can release snow in your direction.

Have fun We didn’t want to scare you with these words, just make sure you come home safe to the bar every day. As long as you use your common sense, powder skiing might just be the best thing on the planet. Enjoy it!



Barbara Keller

Need some inspiration for tomorrow? Here’s Engelberg’s best according to our staff and the locals.

Reception Hero Summer hiking in general, but mainly on the Brunni side. The Via Ferrata to Fürenalp is another favourite. In winter I think everyone should try some cross-country skiing – a perfect downday activity for sore muscles. A slope restaurant you mustn’t miss is the cosy Brunnthütte.

Lina Bodi Edström

Julia Palm

Reception Hero

Reception Hero

I love the mountainbiking here. The Trudy Trail from Jochpass to Trübsee is my favourite, but the tour to Melchsee-Frutt is probably the most scenic one.

I think summer hiking is underrated. The trail to Rugghubelhütte is a nice one. I you feel like hiking a bit longer, try the trail from Brunni down to Niederrickenbach. The train takes you back to Ski Lodge. In winter I like Laub. The classic. If I can have lunch at Jochstübli after that, it’s a perfect day!


Johan Axelsson


Booking Hero

Bar Hero

I never get tired of the downhill biking on Brunni. Nice trails, cows and a magic view in a perfect combination. In winter I ride Galtiberg as often as I can. A smaller darling of mine is the “Alaska Face” in the Middle Züls. Short and fun run. A secret? Hike or bike the Surenen Pass.

I love to paraglide. It’s my summer passion. The best is to start on Fürenalp and then paraglide home.

Lars Windlin

Pirmin Kündig

Local Hero

Ski Patrol Hero

My summer favourite is to walk up to Gross Titlis and speedfly all the way down to the village. In winter I recommend everyone to ski Galtiberg, but take a brake afterwards and have a beer and/or coffee at Restaurant Wasserfall. Local secret? My pillow lines. And yes, they’re a secret. Ha ha.

Since I work in the ski patrol, I get to wake up the people of Engelberg with the avalanche control bombing in the mornings. It’s a sounds that says “it’s powder today”. A happy sound. In summer I bike every day, and the après bike beer tastes best after pedalling up to Brunnihütte. 29


While other photographers were attending fancy schools and learning how to do things the way they “should be”, Oskar Enander just spent more time in the mountains, searching creative angles for his unique style. It paid off. Today, boasting two Photo of the year awards from Powder Magazine and Best European Photographer 2013 at IF3, he’s one of the world’s most renowned ski photographers. We met up with Oskar to talk about his addiction to brownies, the danger of indoor soccer, and how you shoot the perfect ski photo. Congratulations, Oskar. Best ski photographer in Europe – not bad! Merci! I’m really happy about it. Especially since seven out of eight pictures in my submission are shot on my home mountain, Engelberg. And still you just worked half the season? Yes. I tore my Achilles’ tendon on the 20th of February, playing indoor soccer with the bad boys in FC Engelberg. So now you’re motivated to start shooting again? For sure. But actually even more motivated to go skiing! That’s what I miss the most. We heard you’re addicted to brownies. Is that true? 30

Addiction is a strong word… Lets just say I like them from time to time. How do you shoot the perfect ski photo? Shoot an amazing rider making a great performance in incredible light. Easy tiger. Any tips for the amateur photographer? Shoot more. Are you going to play in FC Engelberg this winter? I think I’m gonna be a bit more involved in the coaching. Good luck with that, and with the shooting! Thanks!





BUY ME! All pictures in this gallery and on the walls of Ski Lodge are possible to buy. Ask how at the front desk.





BUY ME! All pictures in this gallery and on the walls of Ski Lodge are possible to buy. Ask how at the front desk.




Beyond the lift towers, crowds and tracked powder, there lies an unscathed mountain wilderness. If you wish to explore these trails less travelled, you must earn your turns with an uphill hike. Thanks to technological gear advancements, a growing number of people can now partake in the ski touring experience. Give it a try, and we guarantee you’ll get hooked.

The Tours In Engelberg, many tours are suitable for almost all skiers and snowboarders:

Budding trends such as eco-friendly adventure, health and outdoor exercise probably increased the interest in ski touring. What used to be a sport for hardcore mountain people, now appeal to everything from professional skiers and fitness enthusiasts to families with children. These are also the people you will meet on tour in Engelberg.

- Its versatility makes Wendelücke the most popular ski tour. Descent options range from easy to challenging, offering skiers of all levels something suitable. This is not really one tour, but more like a big area with several options. If you are not familiar with the terrain, a mountain guide can help you select the best trail for your abilities. The different options around Wendelücke can keep you busy (and happy) for days.

The Right Stuff for Ski Touring Back in the days, skis and bindings combining good uphill and downhill qualities didn’t exist. Those days are over. Modern ski touring gear enables walking and powder skiing, without compromising with one or the other. Add a pair of climbing skins to that set-up, and suddenly you can go shred the ski area in the morning, and go for a tour in the afternoon, without changing equipment.

- The valleys up towards Graustock are not visible from the ski area, but its snow con-


ditions often surprise and delight the unsuspecting skier. The intermediate run provides a pleasant descent, but check the temperatures on the south-facing side of the hike. Warmer temperatures can create a slushy, potentially dangerous, climb. Our advice for this run is to ski all the way to Rossboden Hütte (just make sure this charming little restaurant is open) and treat yourself with a lunch in the sun. Their “Huiswurst” is really good.

distract you from potential hazards. This is glacier skiing above the resort, so make sure it’s safe conditions, both for yourself and the people below you.

- A small tour from the top of the resort leads to the “real” Titlis apex. Pause for a moment, and feast your eyes on an amazing panorama. Then, enjoy a short but sweet run back into the ski area. Don’t, however, let it’s sweetness

Not sure if ski touring is for you? Rent the equipment, hire a guide and try it for an afternoon. Most likely you’ll like it, and the worst case scenario is that you get a workout that will make the après beer taste even better. Not a bad deal.

- Are you an experienced skier craving the adventure of a lifetime? Contact the guide agency and set up a Titlis Round Tour. This full-day mission rewards participants with long, spectacular runs in awe-inspiring surroundings.








1. PEAK PERFORMANCE R&D Gloves 2. PEAK PERFORMANCE W’s Heli Alpine Jkt 3. KASK Mask 4

4. KASK Thrillers Compression Sock 5. MAMMUT Barryvox Element Kit


8 6





6. PEAK PERFORMANCE M’s Heli Chilkat Jkt 7. THE NORTH FACE Patrol 24 ABS 8. BLIZZARD Bodacious

9. LIFESYSTEMS First Aid Kid 10. TECNICA Cochise 130 Pro 11. POC Fornix 47


ENGELBERG “To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose, under heaven. Turn! Turn! Turn!� When the lifts stop turning, and the skiers make their last turn down the mountain, a new season, with new purposes, begins in the hills and valleys of Engelberg. In fact, many locals might tell you that they came for the winter but stayed for the summers. Intrigued? Read on!





Hiking is practically synonymous with Switzerland. Once you visit the mountains of Engelberg, you’ll understand why. Summer’s arrival transforms the fluffy, white powdered slopes into lush green fields. Cows roam the pastures, and wild mountain flowers adorn the hills. A glance at the local map reveals a diversity of long and short hiking trails. Estimated time is marked on the map. One of our favourites is the three-hour-walk to Rugghubelhütte. Don’t miss their homemade fruitcake! If you feel like upping the sweat-level, those hiking trails are also perfect for trail running. Once you run along a mountain trail, you’ll never want to back to pounding the pavements. Escape the air- and noise pollution, and treat your lungs to the fresh mountain environment. We promise that you won’t find a more inspiring running venue. Rather ride a road bike than walk or run? No problem. Many small and steep asphalt roads wind through Engelberg, making you feel like you’re in a small Tour de Swiss. For a longer ride, bike down to Stans and back – the hairpin curves provide an unparalleled adrenaline rush, both on the way down and up! If that sounds exhausting, there’s no shame in taking the train one of the directions. Engelberg also offers a variety of options for mountain biking. If you don’t like to bike uphill, Jochpass and Gerschnialp have downhill trails. Just take to the lift back to the top after every run. Cross-country biking enthusiasts will discover 14 different trails around Engelberg, most of them going up the valley. If you wonder where BRUNNI




the cheese at our breakfast comes from, take the one going to the Stäfeli Farm. Those who prefer tours and single tracks will find multiple hiking trails that are also great for biking. Bike up, or take the lift and save your energy for the downhill ride. Via Ferrata suits those who yearn to explore the rock-climbing experience, but are new to the sport. A

series of fixed ladders, bridges and stemples provide a safe initiation into the world of rock climbing, but you will need the proper equipment. Hire a mountain guide for your first day on the rocks. It’s worth it. Engelberg’s summer delights extend beyond the mountains. Other activities include indoor and outdoor swimming, bungy jumping, white water rafting, canyoning, golf,


paragliding and more. If you need a city fix, a one-hour train ride brings you to Lucerne and two hours delivers you to Zurich. No matter what activity you want to do during your stay in Engelberg, our staff can share their favourite places, and offer insider tips and tricks about where to go and how to get there.

RUN TO THE HILLS Ski Lodge Engelberg is proud to announce our latest partner, the travel company Swiss Alpine Explorers. We asked the founders who they are, what they do, and what makes them special. We’re entrepreneurs, elite runners and triathletes who have been working in the financial sector a long time. Recently, we decided to break out of our cubicles and return to our running and cycling roots.

What exciting activities do you have in store for us in Engelberg? We plan to arrange trail running, sky-running and road biking camps at Ski Lodge. We’ll offer:

Why Engelberg? Through our camps we want to show people the inspiring surroundings in this area. It’s a trail– and sky-running Mecca.

• Easy style guiding and coaching on drop-inbasis. • More structured trainings camps in conjunction with Running Sweden • Extended bike trips to classic mountain passes where we provide escort vehicles, coaching and timekeeping on famous climbs. • Trips to some of the most famous races in Switzerland. • In short: We want to share our passion for running and biking.

Why a camp? Lots of people think “everybody can run or ride a bike”. But that would be just like saying “everybody can ski”. Elite runners and bikers coach our camps. You benefit from their expertise, as well as a supportive environment filled with passionate runners and cyclists. Will I run faster than my training buddy when I get back home? Ha ha. We sure hope you will.

For more information and coming updates, please visit the our web page or


downday hitlist Whether you need a day to adjust to the altitude, or you simply want to take a break from skiing or riding, Engelberg offers a diversity of exciting activities. Here’s our hit list.


SPORTING PARK After an invigorating day on the slopes, your legs might suffer from “hurts so good syndrome” Sometimes, performing a different activity works better than simply resting. We recommend a visit to Engelberg’s activity center, called the Sporting Park. Step through its doors, and you’ll discover diversions such as ice-skating, curling, climbing, gym, tennis and badminton. If you’d rather be outside, the cross-country trails run next to the Sporting Park. No gear? No problem. The sporting park rents equipment. Stretch your legs at the end of the day, and you’ll be ready to return to the mountain the next morning.

LUCERNE A one-hour train ride from Engelberg delivers you to Lucerne, where you can take a relaxing stroll through the streets of Old Town. Home to Europe’s oldest covered wooden bridge, Lucerne is also known for its lovely old houses, and the Läderach chocolate shop.

TAKE A SWIM If you feel like taking a swim, the pool at Hotel Waldegg’s spa has the best view. If size matters, Eienwäldli is the biggest one. Lap swimmers will enjoy the 25-meter pool at Schwimmbad. If you want to go big, you can take the one-hour-drive to Alpamare – the biggest covered water park in Europe. Fun? Fun!

VISIT THE NEIGHBORING RESORTS Engelberg is our favorite, and will always be. But if the mountain is closed for some reason, or if you want to try something else, there are several great ski resorts withing a 100 km radius. Andermatt, Mürren, Airolo, Grindelwald and Wengen are some of them.

THE MONASTERY The monastery was founded in 1120 by Konrad von Sellenbüren, in case you were wondering where our restaurant got its name. Take a seat and enjoy the tranquil silence. After satisfying your spiritual needs, take a walk past the cheese factory and treat yourself to a local delicacy. Guided tours available.






Do the words “conference hotel” give you the chills? We don’t blame you! Although Ski Lodge has hosted many excellent conferences, we’re far from your typical conference hotel. In travel agent lingo, conference hotels, usually located in the downtown areas of major cities, offer large rooms, specifically designated for meetings and conventions. If you’ve attended a conference at such a hotel, you’ve probably noticed that the meeting rooms are bland in décor and devoid of any interesting views. Furthermore, the mere size of these hotels necessitates service that is courteous, but rarely friendly and personal. Although meeting planners believe that this prevents distraction among the attendees, we strongly disagree. In our opinion, spending a few days locked up in a regular “conference hotel” stifles creativity, because new ideas are not hatched within uninspiring surroundings. In contrast, the results of a study published in 2012 proved that spending four days in a natural environment can improve creativity and problem solving by 50 percent.


“At the Ski Lodge, we offer aNOTHER way.” At the Ski Lodge, we offer another way. Your “working vacation” begins when our personable staff members welcome you at checkin. Got a question about secret powder stashes, or the best ski shops in town? Just ask. These folks love to talk about all things in Engelberg. The next morning, the cheerful wait staff gets up bright and early to serve you a hearty breakfast. Everyone eats together in the dining area. This communal eating creates a bonding experience. Compare that to the traditional conference hotel, where people randomly rush into the hotel coffee shop, hoping to get served in time to make their meeting. After your morning session, go out to ski, hike or bike through the mountains. Come back for a brainstorming session before dinner. That’s how you free your mind and get the most out of a business meeting. Call it a conference if you want, or just a very productive vacation. It’s up to you.

“Yay, teambuilding!”


Mountain man

Local mountain guide Thomas Odermatt is climbing 7000-meter peaks in South America in summertime, but it’s the winters in Engelberg he enjoys the most. We asked him about the basics when it comes to hiring a guide.

Why should you rent a mountain guide? To stay safe and find the best runs on the mountain, of course, and to find the best skiing every different day, depending on conditions. If freeriding is the best option, we do that. If ski touring is better, we go for a hike. We also offer the access to try something different, which might be hard to find without a mountain guide.

you have any questions in advance, send a mail to Which is your favorite run in Engelberg? Galtiberg. But I really appreciate the Brunni side too. I think it’s underrated. Are there any special places you never show your guests? No, actually not. I take my guests everywhere. It only depends on the level of their skiing. But I tell them not to tell the others where we have been. Ha ha.

How does it work? Just pay us a visit in the guide office, and we talk about what you want to do, so that we can plan the best day for your desire. If





major players in the wine export game, they somehow manage to win many awards. Treat your palate to a Merlot from the Ticino region – which boasts some of the world’s best – or savour a Pinot Noir from Valais.

Ever since our first chef Peter “Rukas” Hallor opened the doors to our restaurant we’ve maintained the same culinary philosophy: Tasty, modern cuisine with no short-cuts. We’ve always made everything from scratch, and we’ll continue doing that. Why? Because it just tastes that much better.

Every year, we also invite internationally renowned star chefs to pay Konrad a visit. For example, the last couple of years we had Bocuse d’Or silver medallist Tommy Myllymäki and Culinary Olympics gold medallist Klas Lindberg working in our kitchen. During those days, our always-tasty meals received standing ovations!

Despite our French and Nordic-inspired menu, our ingredients come from nearby; often from the same valley as the Ski Lodge. Of course, our location makes this an easy task. Switzerland boasts an abundance of fresh, local produce. Every valley has its signature wine and beer and ecological beef farm. As for cheese, forget what passes for Swiss cheese in your home country’s supermarkets. Nothing compares with the cheese produced in Switzerland! Our sommelier has extensive knowledge of the wines of the world, but the Swiss keep the best for themselves. Even though the Swiss are not

Last but not least, our Skier’s Dinner plays a starring role in the Konrad menu. This prix fixe meal offers value and high quality, because we choose the ingredients based on the best produce we find in the market on that particular day. After a day on the slopes, nothing satisfies a skier’s voracious appetite like the Skier’s Dinner!


Hans made dinner for Bill Clinton

Anna Karin Haglund knows what’s cooking

After enjoying your Skier’s Dinner, you’ll probably want to send your compliments to the chef. Hans Höglund will appreciate it. He’s been a member of the Swedish National Culinary Team and boasts a variety of World Cup victories and Olympic medals. We asked him a couple of questions about his culinary philosophy, and his experience serving celebrities.

“AK” has worked as a sommelier at Guide Michelin-rewarded Esperanto in Stockholm. She was also one of the founders of the renowned Fäviken Magasinet outside Åre. Lucky for us, she is now the Food & Beverage Manager at Ski Lodge. Her job keeps her racing between the bar, the restaurant and the office, but we managed to detain her long enough to chat with her about food, wine and running a restaurant in Switzerland.

What are the basic thoughts behind your cooking? The guest should notice that every dish is cooked with love, and that salt and pepper aren’t needed on the table.

What’s the best thing about running a restaurant in Switzerland? The nearness to local produce of highest possible quality. First of all from our own valley, but also from our inspirational roots in France and Italy.

What is it like being a member of the Swedish National Culinary Team? Hectic, but also very, very fun!

What’s your favourite dish on the menu? Steak tartare.

Who is the most famous person you’ve cooked for? I’ve cooked for the Swedish King a few times, and the Prime Minister. But most famous… I guess that would be Bill Clinton.

If you could only recommend one Swiss wine – which would it be? Hmmm… I’d go for a Merlot from the Trapletti family. We’re very happy we found this small producer from the Ticino area. Excellent wines. If one would book a culinary trip to Engelberg, when is the best time to visit? Always! Ha ha. But for something extra; check our web page for news about the guest chef appearances. If you think wine is more important, look for the wine maker’s dinners – it’s a menu custom made after a number of wines, instead of the opposite.



information All our ROOMS have en-suite bathrooms, LCD TV and free WiFi. Our towels are changed every fourth day, or more often on request.

Our RESTAURANT BRASSERIE KONRAD is open daily. Choose between à la carte selections or a prix fixe three course Skier’s Dinner.

The RECEPTION is open daily from 7.30am until late. If you have any questions after hours, you can always ask the bartender, or call +41 78 675 33 66.

SMOKING is of course strictly prohibited inside Ski Lodge. If you ignore this, you will have 500 CHF less to spend on the après ski.

BREAKFAST is served from 7am Avoid the queues at base stato 10am. tion and purchase your SKI PASS at our reception desk. The BAR is open from 4pm on weekdays, and 3pm on week- Please leave your ski equipment ends. in the SKI AND BOOT ROOM in the


blue house basement. We’ve even installed boot warmers for you! Fancy a SAUNA AND HOT TUB? Our reception staff can book an appointment for you. Hiring a MOUNTAIN GUIDE assures a safe and fantastic day on the mountain. The reception staff can help you book one. RENTAL SKIS are available at several places. Our front desk staff can help you find the best option for your needs.

In case of EMERGENCY, call 144 for an ambulance or 117 for the police. If there’s a FIRE, stay calm and follow the instructions listed on the inside of the door. Fire extinguishers are located by the staircase on every floor. Our dear Powder Express minibus provides AIRPORT TRANSFER in a bit more than one hour. Although the train to the airport leaves from outside the hotel, you’ll have to add another hour to the trip.

If you want to EAT OUT or experience the vibrant Engelberg We have eight PARKING spots NIGHT LIFE, our reception staff in front of the hotel. If they are will clue you in with latest and occupied, ask the staff for greatest info on where to go. closest option. For FOOD AND DRINK SHOPPING, The name of our FREE WiFi is the COOP is open 7.30 am to Ski Lodge and the password 19.00 pm on weekdays, to is Nagano98. Surf around, 18.00 on Saturdays and 17.00 but please wait until you get on Sundays. During the offhome before you download season, the COOP is closed on five seasons of True Blood. Sundays.


CLOTHING PARTNERS IN CRIME In 2012, Peak Performance and Ski Lodge Engelberg started working together as partners for clothing, photo shoots and events. If you’ve noticed our snazzy looking staff, they are all dressed in the latest and greatest pieces of apparel from Peak Performance. Just like Ski Lodge, Peak Performance was founded by a couple of friends who wanted to challenge the current state of things, and get to ski more in between work days. That was 1986 in the northerly Åre in Sweden. Now Peak Performance has grown and is sold in more than 40 countries all over the world. Check out for more information, or just to buy a new Gore-Tex-jacket.





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Phone: +41 41 637 35 00 Erlenweg 36, ch-6390 engelberg


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