Ericsson | A practitioners’ guide to accelerate 5G for business in 2020
Cheat sheet 6: Complement strategy with 5G use places practitioner cheat sheet 5G for business,
Ericsson Open Information 2020
Complement strategy with 5G use places
Main message
Target CSP audience
Add use places as a topic to complement the articulation of 5G use case strategies, as a way to increase investment impact.
5G Marketing teams 5G Product Management teams Enterprise Sales teams
Talking points
Explore succinct use places
A use place refers to a limited geographic area where 5G services add major values: • small enough to motivate limited investments and enable a fast build-out •
representing an opportunity to generate incremental service revenues
a few strong use cases that can serve as the motivator for initial investment
Early business development efforts for large enterprises have confirmed the potential of the following use places (examples not an exhaustive list): •
Enterprise use places
Sports and entertainment venues – enhance live experiences with digital addons.
Fortune 500 headquarters – as a platform for digital transformation innovations
• •
University campuses – enable 5G innovations by SMBs and transform education. Manufacturing plants – accelerate the transition to smart manufacturing and high levels of agility and automation.
Warehouses – provide connectivity for automated guide vehicles and staff.
Airports – wireless connections to planes; transformation of airport services
Hospitals – secure wireless connectivity to patients, staff, and emerging robots.
The use places in focus for small and medium enterprises are tied to broadband connectivity, outside the fiber grid and business wanting to replace a small LAN: Small and medium businesses— beyond the reach of fiber access
The future of work
Nail it before you scale it.
restaurants – increasing their leverage on digital tools for menus
smaller stores – the ability to connect and disconnect stores in days/week
branch offices – beyond the fiber grid with limited on-site tech support
farms – wireless connectivity to farmlands, enabling precision agriculture
The pandemic has triggered a broader redefinition of where we work, requiring threepronged flexibility to enable work from offices, homes and temporary locations. A use-place-centric strategy allows you to: • nail the first place, with the foundation of a few use cases. •
scale to other similar use places after validation of the initial use place.
scale to new uses cases within a use place once connectivity is in place.
Key take-away: The mobile ecosystem for 5G is more complex and represents a key area of risk mitigation when nailing early projects.