Sustainable Cities powered by Ericsson

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s i l o p o r u t u F : S E I T I C E

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The urban centers of the world produce nearly 80 percent of CO2 emissions but only cover two percent of land. This impact is expected to increase dramatically in the next three decades. Estimates from a 2010 research study by WWF and Booz & Company, show that in a business-as-usual scenario, USD 350 trillion (or seven times current global GDP), will be spent on urban infrastructure and operation over the next 30 years to accommodate population growth. Broadband technology opens up a range of solutions and services that can plug into a common communications platform to create the attractive eco-city of the future. But while broadband can create more sustainable choices about the way we live in cities, there must be change in attitudes and behaviour as well as supporting government policy that directs investments towards low-carbon cities. A “smart city� is not necessarily a sustainable city if ICT-enabled solutions like videoconferencing and telecommuting only exist alongside and do not replace carbon-intensive ways of working and commuting. It is the vision, objectives and implementation which make it possible to create a truly sustainable city. At home in 2030 Stockholm Royal Seaport marks a new frontier in sustainable urban design. When completed in 2030, the Royal Seaport will offer 10,000 new homes and 30,000 additional workspaces in an environment that unite modern architecture with climate-smart and efficient infrastructure. It will house some 30,000 people, with the objectives of a carbon footprint of 1.5 tonnes per person per year by 2020 and a climatepositive city district by 2030. Ericsson is ICT solutions advisor to the city of Stockholm on reaching these tough targets. Ericsson is also part of the Urban Smart Grid project led by the utility company Fortum and ABB to study implementation of a complete smart grid. There are 11 partners in the project, including ABB, Electrolux, NCC and the Swedish Royal Institute of Technology. The urban smart grid will enable Royal Seaport’s inhabitants, businesses and government services to increase renewable energy production and reduce energy consumption. With the organization Swedish ICT and the telecom operator TeliaSonera, Ericsson is studying how the implementation of a common communications platform can support the connection of homes, utilities and meters, public transport, buildings, electrical vehicle charging stations, and enterprises at the Seaport. The study also includes suggestion of test beds for specific services such as access to healthcare. Trash to treasure Ericsson is also actively involved in SymbioCity (Sustainability by Sweden), a network of Swedish companies and organizations headed by the Swedish Trade Council to promote urban sustainability initiatives. The concept: to leverage synergies such as turning waste into energy. SymbioCity identifies the links between landscape planning, waste management, architecture, urban functions, industry and buildings, energy, traffic and transport, water supply and sanitation. Our aim: to show how ICT can support Stockholm to achieve its sustainability goals.


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