Eric Randall Morris : Georgia Tech Undergrad Portfolio

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_Eric Randall Morris [Georgia Tech M.ARCH portfolio] _[404]446.7000

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

a sports camp in the city _given a site in northeast atlanta of about 5 acres, the project challenged me to design a camp. _situated on a street corner to the northeast and a reservoir to the west, this hilly site provided an expanse to create a sports complex for children in the atlanta perimeter. _incorporating sports into the camp drove me to think about the site as a collection of activities composed in an efficient manner in a somewhat haphazard site . _a track for sprints and hurdles divided the area into two large fields for informal play while also allowing for structured activities. _the quarters for the campers took advantage of the unique southeastern views towards downtown while maintaining privacy needed for children at an overnight camp in the city. _uniting the camp with a clinic that could service the neighborhood in addition to the campsite solidified this design as a part of the community.

_instructor [William Jackson]. _building type [recreational]. _location [atlanta, GA[northside drive at 17th street]].

_Eric Randall Morris.


track camp proposal

figure ground atlanta sprawl map

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

density and cluster maps

_Eric Randall Morris.

field camp proposal

archery camp proposal

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris.

camp site plan

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris.

site section one

site section two

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris.












administration plan/sections


01_reflecting pool 02_entrance 03_front desk 01

04_break room 05_gallery 06_garden 07_office 08_bathroom 09_conference room

camper quarters plan/sections

01_porch 02_cistern 03_bunk room 04_living area

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris.













04 07



01 09




clinic plan/sections

01_entrance 02_front desk 03_bathroom 04_x-ray laboratory 05_clinic room 06_lounge

meeting hall plan/sections

01_entrance 07_office 02_stroage 08_conference room 03_meeting hall 09_garden 04_podium

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris. roof_section detail 08

01 09



02_fertilized topsoil

02 03

04 05

03_nonwoven fabric barrier 06



04_1/2” pea gravel [approx. 2”]

12 05_1/2” drainage mat 13

06_root barrier 07_EDPM continuous flashing 08_anchor pads 09_anchor pins 10_1/2” steel rod connectors 11_post-tensioning grouted anchorage 14

12_3/4” reinforcement lattice 13_10” precast fly-ash concrete slab 14_2” x 2” pressure treated Southern Pine lengths

floor_section detail

wall_plan detail





02_1 1/2” x 3” steel I-beam ties

03_wooden jamb

03_hinge connection plate

04_anchor pin

04_2” x2” pressure treated Southern Pine length

05_aluminum sliding door track/mullion

05_steel-anchor pad

06_silicone sealant

06_connection bolt 02

08_gravel sublayer


05 03

01_2” x 3“ hollow steel length

02_3/4” reinforcement lattice

07_insulated double glazing

06 01

01_sitecast fly-ash concrete


09_continuous EPDM flashing 11

13 10_anchor pad 05

11_support tie plate 12_2“ x 2” pressure treated Southern Pine length


01 03

13_hinge connection plate 14_2” x 3” hollow steel length


08 06 07

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

07_support tie plate 08_sitecast fly-ash concrete floor


_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2009_[sports] camp in the city.

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

kindergarten shape grammars _an introduction into junior spring studio, we were tasked with analyzing simple shape grammars using Froebel Gift06 as an analog. _once oriented with the shape grammar logic our first assignment was to generate our own variable shape grammar using basswood. _choosing 1/16”x1/16” dowels i wanted to make a pseudoskeleton. _this required a three dimensional form from arranged modules, much like bones in our bodies. _creating a module out of three differently lengthed pieces an oscillation of 45 degrees was introduced into the modules’ interactions. _the generated form is a module of 360 degrees [comprising of 8 pieces]. _extrapolating this module you could create a skeletal sphere of about 4 ft^3. _the second iteration was a thicker, but equally flat, dowel and decreased the increment of rotation to 15 degrees. _observing the thickness of the material and the effect it would have on the object’s orientation was unexpected. _permutable systems showed me the importance of simulating variation in architecture.

_instructor [Dr. Athanassios Economou]. _formal exercise.

_Eric Randall Morris. series one

module addition

spring2010_kindergarten shape grammars.

_Eric Randall Morris. series two

module addition

spring2010_kindergarten shape grammars.

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

a classroom building [project Delta] _to arrange. _to fold. _to systematize. _based on principles obeserved from Robert Viùoly’s beach/tent house project my partner [Annie McCarthy] and i developed a set of shape grammars that would maximize variation within our classroom building scheme. _tasked with creating a classroom building for the historic district of Georgia Tech’s campus we wanted to incorporate an array of learning room types [problem based learning, collaborative learning schemes, discourse areas and informal learning spaces]. _folding strips based on scores and angles created a large set of possibilities for a learning center scheme. _tracking our observations we optimized the system to generate the most effective learning spaces while incorporating the integrity of the site. _naming the project after the symbol of change embodied the permutable nature of our system and its ability to configure to the altering course loads offered each semester. _the building allows the education of the one along with the education of the whole as well as encouraging the educator + student interaction.

_instructor [Dr. Athanassios Economou]. _building type [academic]. _location [atlanta, GA[georgia tech]].

_Eric Randall Morris.

isovist studies

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

isovist site plan

_Eric Randall Morris. 0


extract site lines


generate plane from line

fold θ˚ 180˚ ≤ θ < 270˚ θ = β + φ



At Ao

β φ




resequence cuts Ao Ao

side A side B orthogonal oblique

A B t o









Ao At








At Ao


Bt Ao

At Bo



φ β









Ao Ao


Ao At


Ao Bo


Ao Bt

Bo Ao

Bo At




φ β


L1 β φ

L5 L3

L5 L3


Bt Ao


At Bo

Bt Bo

β φ


Bo Ao


Bo At


Bo Bo


Bo Bt

Ao Bt


φ β

β φ

Bt Bo




sequence variations

Bo Bt

Bo Bo

φ β

β φ

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

shape grammar model series

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

developed model series

spring2010_project delta [classroom buidling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

longitudinal site section

isovist site plan


spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

longitudinal section

second floor plan

transverse section

third floor plan

fourth floor plan

fifth floor plan

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

spring2010_project delta [classroom building].

_Eric Randall Morris.

an unconditioned house for the south

_Eric Randall Morris.

_as a platform for the third year studio our first project was a five day design charette where i was prompted to create an unair-conditioned house for the south. _where the south was. _ what materials i would use. _and how i would create a naturally cooled home were all up to me. _selecting a location in the lower barrier island chain of south carolina, i designed a house that likened itself to the charleston style of home but was particularly attuned to the solar context and trade winds that permeated through the site. _pritchard’s island, SC. _it’s a nature reserve reached only by boat or land bridge during low tide. _uninhabited except for the island’s attendent, i also took advantage of the island’s inherent sense of privacy. _leeward and windwardly situated, the back of the house faces the atlantic and pronouces the simplicity and cleanliness of this house on the dunes.

_instructor [William Jackson]. _building type [residential]. _location [pritchard’s island, SC].

_Eric Randall Morris.

Ground Level Air Circulation

Transverse Air Flow - Windward/Leeward

Site Plan 32.302 N, -80.513 W

spring2010_unconditioned house.


_Eric Randall Morris.


Southwest Elevation - Windward


Southeast Elevation - Seaside


Public Area

Longitudinal Section

Transverse Section

Floor Plan

spring2010_unconditioned house.

_Eric Randall Morris.

turkish community center [bazaar]

_Eric Randall Morris.

_tasked with creating a community center for various rural regions in the world, i had to integrate prior knowledge of passive cooling into a space that saw a high amount of human interaction. _pulling a strip of paper that read [anatolia] i researched the day of a farmer from the region around northern iskenderun, turkey. _seeing that whatever craft, crop or animal that needed to be sold during the day had to go to a common source prompted me to design a bazaar. _seeing that the region was prone to large diurnal swings and moderate amount of rainfall, i worked on greywater collection and thermal mass to keep occupants and animals cooled at all times. _built from white-washed rammed earth, the construction of the bazaar would be familiar with the population while maintaining a low impact on the environment. _displaying rainwater collection methods and temperature controlling construction the bazaar unites the people with the earth with the building.

_instructor [William Jackson]. _building type [cultural/commercial]. _location [iskenderun, turkey].

_Eric Randall Morris.

men’s w.c. traderooms

outdoor vendors

outdoor vendors

women’s w.c.

stables storage leisure


fall2009_turkish community center [bazaar].

_Eric Randall Morris.

western elevation

detail section

transverse section

longitudinal section

fall2009_turkish community center [turkish bazaar].

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

material system study [wax] _starting out the semester, the studio went out and chose various materials. _once the materials were selected i had to create a model that showcased and maximized its essential qualities. _choosing wax, i crumpled a piece of paper and dripped two candles on the same spot, and observed the trails being made. _producing observable variation, the model became a template for extracting my system. _observing adjacencies, gap formation, and the flow of the wax trails, i next had to emulate these characteristics through a different material. _transferring the wax logic to hard pressed bristol paper strips became my new task. _from this hybrid of material methodologies, i generated a field of inhabitable tubes that grew from solar studies and inserted programmatic elements.

_instructor [Gernot Reither]. _formal exercise. _building type [study/rest].

_Eric Randall Morris.

wax material model

spring2009_material system study [wax].

freehand drawing elevation

freehand drawing section

_Eric Randall Morris.

wax to bristol translation model section

spring2009_material system study.

_Eric Randall Morris.

bristol weave module transformations

horizontal condition development

bristol model variants

spring2009_material system study.

_Eric Randall Morris.



study/rest pavilion

spring2009_material system study.

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

systemizing pattern logics [dry stone walling] _my fourth year design studio was centered around the analysis and production of pattern logics found in craft, nature and art. _presented with Ruskinian literature concerning beautiful savageness and the subject matter of dry stone walling, my partner [Chris Martin] and i developed a machine that could simulate a universally described dry stone wall. _basing the system off of a doublet scheme from computational logic, we introduced polar units that acted and reacted to whatever contour they were attached to. _generating these pairs of united half-rocks along with the rock wall, we emulated the process of finding and fitting rocks together to form a structurally sound wall. _running this machine over and over we were able to construct a rough and refined series of rock wall simulations. _using the idea of contour shaping we also identified conditions that could replicate naturally found gaps within a rock wall. _uniting the variety of half-rocks a wall characteristic of those found in the physical realm could be demonstrated.

_instructor [Lars Spuybroek + Stuart Romm]. _formal exercise.

_Eric Randall Morris.

classical representation of the doublet rock the doublet can be resonsible for any shape. overlayed onto some observed rocks the doublet can adapt to any of these forms and multitudes more.



contour selection

fall2010_systemizing pattern logics [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

closed cell must connect with open cell aggregates randomly fits to the desired contour

closed cell parameters determined by the contour given. connects the endpoints of choice countour. line created provides the plane of generation for the open cell. concave and convex contour selections directly generate rocks/openings. when a composite arrangement is selected the selection is broken down into either a concave/convex with a remainder or wholly used in which a opening is generated.

open cell

open cell parameters

attaches to free end of closed cell

the remaining form of the rock is generated through a loose system of guidelines. connected at the endpoints of the line of generation the now completed form of the rock allows the proliferation of this system.

generates lines

generated sides the completed rock form must have a total of 3 to 8 sides

the length of the generated sides is subject to the lengths of the closed cell’s dimensions. up to 2x of the length of the line of generation is permitted.

concave n=0



n=2 composite




building process

fall2010_systemizing pattern logics [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris. rock generation

open cell rock formation variation

solid geometry

void geometry

fall2010_systemizing pattern logics [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris. analogue rock construction

digital rock construction

fall2010_systemizing pattern logics [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling] _once preliminary investigations concluded with the systemization of dry stone walling, the next step in implementing this as an architectural system was to redress a building. _assigned a postmodern building along south michigan avenue in the heart of downtown chicago, this rationalization of a tradecraft became the foundation for design. _breaking down the office building’s façades into pockets that could house seperate companies, i then populated these forms with the previously developed dry stone walling machinery. _taking this a step further, i used the interfaces between the company pockets as voids for cuts into the floor plates to allow for intra-company exchanges. _pushing and pulling the triangulated skin gave the building an adaptive personality, permitting inside program to be informed by the variation of the skin’s profile. _ the purpose of the re-skinning was to produce an effective transformation of the building in order to create a conducive working space for the variety of office programs.

_instructor [Lars Spuybroek + Stuart Romm]. _building type [façade development]. _location [chicago, IL [borg-werner building]].

_Eric Randall Morris.

computational process

rectangular array

solid wireframe

skin triangulation

transparent triangulation

solid triangulation

transparent polysurfaces

solid polysurfaces

transparent mesh offset

boolean floor array

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

transparent wireframe

skin addition

_Eric Randall Morris.

eastern elevation

northern elevation

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

rectangular floor plan no_24



floor plan transformations

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

fifth floor plan

_Eric Randall Morris.

seventeenth floor plan

twenty-second floor plan

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

sections series northwest to southeast

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

longitudinal section

transverse section

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

explored section

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2010_digital ornament and craft [dry stone walling].

_Eric Randall Morris.

visual play _throughout my undergradute education, I’ve practiced various modes of representation. _playing around with various art forms, i’ve discovered an intrigue with exploring means of representing ideas, process, and design. _photography, watercolor, performance, and freehand sketching have propelled my experiences in studio and learning into farther reaches of meaningful thought.

_Eric Randall Morris.

_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2010_Chicago Trip. photographic studies.

_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2010_Chicago Trip. photographic studies.

_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2009_Atlanta Skyline series. watercolor sketches.

_Eric Randall Morris.

fall2010_John Singer Sargent series. watercolor sketches.

_Eric Randall Morris.

assembly photos_photographer [Matthew Salazar]. spring2009_georgia tech centennial charette.

_Eric Randall Morris.

exhibition and reception_photographer [Matthew Salazar]. spring2009_georgia tech centennial charette.

_Eric Randall Morris.

blind contour line drawing.

_Eric Randall Morris.

blind contour line drawing.

_Eric Randall Morris.

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