Maximizing your time for creative work by ericwelke

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Articles from Maximizing your time for Creative Work by Eric Welke

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We start our day full of energy, full of focus. A night’s sleep does wonders for our productivity. This is why you need to make sure you use this time to work on the more challenging tasks. This is the time when you are at your peak reasoning and creativity. It would be a waste to spend it doing repetitive work. First thing you need to do is identify the time of day when you are at your peak. It’s different for everyone. It may not be the time after you wake up, but it is definitely after you’ve gotten your rest. Some people are slow starters and usually need some perking up at the start. Others wake up and hit the ground running. So how do we figure out which time of day this is for us? Take a look at your daily routine. Find out which time you usually start finishing a lot of work. It doesn’t matter what task you’re on, the time of day where you have razor sharp focus is the time you’re at your peak. This could last a few hours and sometimes you can even get a second wind after a well timed nap. Now that you know what time you’re at your peak, schedule all your important creative work during these hours. Brainstorming sessions, collaborations, and writing – all of these can be produced at your highest level of creativity and productivity. Do not use this time to answer emails, take a break, or do repetitive tasks. Get the most out of your day by using your peak hours to produce creative work. If you’re a marketer, this would be the best time for you to start writing up new marketing pitches and copy. A blog writer can use this time to create drafts and think of good topics for posts. Entrepreneurs can use this time to brainstorm new business ideas or products. Whatever your job, your peak creative time is the best time to think of ways to innovate. There are a few tricks you can use to extend your peak hours. Maximizing this time can reap huge benefits, however these aren’t always sustainable. An eight hour stretch of creative writing is possible, but it will leave you drained in the end. You

may not be able to do your best work the following day. It’s best to do this only as a last resort. Here are a few popular techniques that can help you lengthen your productive hours: - Consuming copious amounts of Caffeine - Working in optimal surroundings - Working with a focused team - Working alone

Sometimes a combination of these will help you get the job done. They can help you get amazing work done in a pinch. There are limits, however, because working this way isn’t beneficial in the long run. Prevalence of burn out due to stress can be quite high in these situations. While some people will work well in pressure situations, it is very difficult to maintain this pace. Our mind and bodies exist in a cycle of rest and peak activity – both are needed to maintain sound mind and body.

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