/ Iris D. Bomar
Page ABOUT Tl-IE COVER ....................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................................................
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. vii
History of the White Bomar Family .......................................................................................... 3
Biographical Sketches of the White Bomars ............................................................................. 6 Edward Bomar, Thomas Bomar, John Bomar, Jr., The Honorable John Earle Bomar, and Elisha Bomar, Esq.
Biographical Sketch ofMary Bomar ...................................................................................... 15 Ancestral Head of the African-American Bomar Family
Descendants of Memory (Mem) and Macey Mullins Bomar .................................................. 27
Descendants of Ella Bomar ..................................................................................................... 67
Descendants of Anna Bomar and Andrew McMillian ............................................................ 97
VII. The Family of Rosa Bomar and Charles Bivings .................................................................. 119 VIII. The Family of Charlie and Viola Nesbitt Bomar .................................................................. 123 IX.
Branches of Mary -The Bomar Family Tree ......................................................................... 128
Bomar Family Coat-of-Arms ................................................................................................ 213 Explanation of Heraldic Design
Family Reunions of the Bomar Descendants ........................................................................ 223
Family Address Roster .......................................................................................................... 231
XIII. REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 239 XIV.
SOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 243
INDEX .................................................................................................................................. 245
XVI. APPENDICES ....................................................................................................................... 255 Reunion Newletters Reunion Programs
CopyrightŠ 2000 by Iris D. Bomar. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission oflris D. Bomar. Published in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Main entry under title: The Roots of Mary: The Bomar Family History
First Edition First Printing ISBM 0-944514-53-7
Williams Associates Publication Printing by Bill Wise Printers, Inc. Orangeburg, South Carolina
Origin of the Bomar Name ........................................................................................ 9
Pedigree Chart of Edward and Isabelle Bomar .................................................................... IO
The Bomar Chart of Three Brothers ..................................................................................... 11
Georgia Branch of Bomar Family ........................................................................................ 12
Snoddy Journal Entry A - July 10, 1903 ............................................................................... 16
Snoddy Journal Entry B - December 22, 1913 ..................................................................... 17
VII. Snoddy Journal Entry C - February 4, 1903 ......................................................................... 19 VIII. Snoddy Journal Entry D - December 21, 1903 ..................................................................... 20 IX.
Snoddy Journal Entry E- September 23, 1907 .................................................................... 21
Snoddy Journal Entry F - August 1, 1913 ............................................................................ 22
Death Certificate of Mary Bomar ......................................................................................... 23
XII. Snoddy Journal Entry G- October 8, 1923 .......................................................................... 24 XIII. Letters of Guardianship (Spartanburg Probate Court) .......................................................... 28 XIV. Death Certificate of William Henry Bomar .......................................................................... 29 XV.
Death Certificate of Tobe Bomar .......................................................................................... 53
XVI. Death Certificate of Beattie Bomar ...................................................................................... 68 XVII. Death Certificate of Lelia Bomar ......................................................................................... 70 XVIII. Death Certificate of Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings ............................................................... 120
This is the house where Great-Great Grandmother Mary lived until she passed on to her heavenly reward. The house is located on the Snoddy Homestead near the Greenville Highway and New Hope Road in Wellford, South Carolina. Special appreciation is extended to Mr. James D. Snoddy, Sr., and his family for allowing the use of this picture, as we pause to remember in our hearts those beloved members who have departed from this mortal life. May we rejoice that their lives touched our own. Let us remember their deeds of simple kindness and the joys we shared with them as we make our way to eternity. Photograph by Raleigh W. McEntire, Jr. Owner, "Visual Expressions"
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I owe such deep gratitude to such a number of people for their help and support in researching The Bomar Family History that pages would be required simply to list them all. For the help in the production of this study, I acknowledge with deep gratitude my indebtedness to more persons than I can mention: to my father, aunts, cousins, nieces, nephew and lifelong friends of descent, for factual data; to Ms. Linda R. Hill and Aaron Frier, for reading and correcting the original manuscripts; to Ms. Carolyn Ravenelt arrctMs. Teresa Haigler, for their computing expertise; to Mrs. Jeannette M. Bailey, Mr. Cecil J. Williams and Mrs. Rose Marie O'Cain for their publishing expertise; to my sisters, Ruby Mae, Freida, Barbara and Harriet, for understanding and patience as I spent days and nights in writing these accounts; to the Reunion Planning Committee and the entire Bomar Family, for encouragement and moral support. The following persons, however, are pre-eminent and must be named for they were my descent branch contacts of Mem, Ella, Anna, Rosa and Charlie: Mrs. O'Neal Cole, Mrs. Juanita Murphy Davis, Mr. John Wessley Bomar, Mrs. Gwendolyn Pearson Whiteside, Mrs. Sandra Irby Hawkins, Mrs. Dorothy Stroble Bomar, Mrs. Harriet Bomar McEntire, Ms. Terry Faye Bomar, Mrs. Jessie Bell Bomar Porter, Mr. George A. Tanner, Mr. Rennie Davis, Mrs. Estelle Ware and Mrs. Ruth McMillian Sims. Nor would this history exist in its fullness without the help of those scores of dedicated librarians and archivists in the cities of Spartanburg, Chesnee, Greer, Greenville, Denmark, Columbia, Charleston and Orangeburg, South Carolina; Salt Lake City, Utah; Atlanta, Georgia; Nashville, Tennessee; and Washington, D.C. The generous cooperation of these individuals permitted the accumulation of data for this investigation. I also acknowledge immense debt to Dr. Kay Woodward Ferguson and the J. W. Woodward Funeral Home staff, Mr. Norman Dawkins and the Community Mortuary staff, Sullivan Brothers Mortuary staff, Mr. Ray Arnn, Mr. James D. Snoddy, Sr. Mr. James D. Snoddy, Jr., Mr. Hubert E. Odom and Mr. Horace L. Bomar, Esquire, for their time, cooperation, and assistance throughout this genealogical endeavor and investigation.
I wish to dedicate this book to the memory of my parents, Mr. Alonzo Bomar and Mrs. Ruby Lee Young Bomar, who will always be guiding lights in my life. And to my paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William (Will) Henry Bomar, for without them my sisters and I would not have been blessed with our father.
Little did I know when I set out July 21, 1990, to research the Bomar Family Tree that I would become so immensely involved in finding out the genealogical history and background of the Bomar surname, the ancestry and biography of Great-Great Grandmother Mary, the "matriarch" of the Bomar family. Through many hours ofresearch in various libraries, the Family History Centers-Hopkins, South Carolina and Chesnee, South Carolina; the South Carolina Department of Archives and History; letters written to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah; Spartanburg County Health Department of Vital Records; Richland County, Tennessee and Washington, DC's Offices of Vital Records and Public Health Statistics; South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control; Spartanburg County Courthouse, Judge of Probate Court Office; the U. S. Census Bureau, U. S. National Archives; National Society of Daughters of the American Revolution; and Spartanburg County Register ofMesne Conveyance; visits to relatives' homes, churches, cemeteries; letters and telephone calls to various relatives and non-relatives' homes, in-state and out-of-state; and the Internet, this labor of love was accomplished. And, it is now presented to each of you during the 2000 BOMAR FAMILY REUNION - "The Roots ofMary-The Bomar Family History. "one hundred ninety-two years later. In the recently published book entitled The Bomars Since 1901, Sharon Taylor of Halbert's Family Heritage (1997), Chapter 5, "Family Associations, Surname Registers and Reunion Committees," [The Bomar International Registry], page 5.7 reveals that in the United States there are 1,876 Bomar households; an estimated total population of 4,127 Bomars; 46 states with Bomar households reside; and further, Tennessee is the most populous state in which families reside who bear the Bomar family name. Although Taylor has made no attempt to clarify the Bomar families according to national and ethnic origins, distinctions do exist. Some of the Bomar families are White; some are MricanAmerican. Some of them are descendants of European ancestors; some sprang from African-American progenitors. The roots of some of the Bomar families may be former White slave owners. The roots of others are embedded in African-American enslaved forefathers. My name is Iris, and I am the daughter of Alonzo Bomar and Ruby Lee Young Bomar. On my paternal side oflineage, my great-grandfather was Memory (Mem) Bomar. Eight generations of Bomar families have descended from his mother, Mary Bomar, the ancestral head of the Bomar Family. Nine generations are known through her father, Anderson. Beginning with the roots of Mary, this study aims to trace the lines of descent to the youngest known of the present generation. Hence, the title of this book is The Roots ofMary-The Bomar Family History. The subject matter is treated in three parts: Part One is devoted to the earliest White Bomar settlers, their family history and tree. Part Two is devoted to the ancestral head of the African-American Bomar family and tells the story from the original head to the youngest of this kinship group. In each division, some of the families and individuals receive only a brief narrative, while others receive a lengthy narrative. Availability of information has been the determining factor in the length of each narrative. And Part Three is devoted to a potpourri of categories that encompass the family coat-ofarms, family reunions and the family address roster.
My sincere hope is that this pioneering effort to tell the story of our earliest ancestors, past relatives and contemporary kinfolks will stimulate, inspire and unify present and future generations of the descendants of Mary Bomar. I hope that this book will be the beginning of a series of written accounts of branches, past, present and future of the Bomar family tree. It is my hope also that future editions of the family tree will supply missing data, which , due to lack ohime as well as energy, did not get into this edition.
Tris Dianne Bomar, Ed.D. Great-Great Granddaughter of Mary Bomar
May ~000 \ ' 111
Origin of Name and Family
According to The World Book o{Bomars, published by Halbert's Family Heritage, the surname Bomar appears to be locational in origin. Research indicates that it can be associated with the Germans meaning, "one who came from, or lived near, Bohemia (home of Boii)." Although this interpretation i~ the result of onomastic research, one can find other meanings for the Bomar family name. Information collected in the Family History Library Department of Archives and History under 'Bomar: Family Records,' indicates the Bomars originated in Sweden and moved to England. Edward Bomar I with his wife, Isabelle, and children emigrated from England to America about 1754. The Swedish fortress "Bomarsund" was on the Aaland Islands, 25 miles off the coast of Finland. The fortress was built during the reign of Emperor Nicholas I, and was destroyed by Anglo-French forces commanded by Sir Charles Napier on August 16, 1854, during the Crimean War. It was then controlled by Russia, but was formerly owned by Sweden. Bells taken from Bomarsund when it was destroyed hang in the Tower of London. The bells bear the word 'Bomarsund,' Bomar meaning rail, bar, or bolt, sund meaning strait. Research from other Bomar family geneaologists also indicates an Erhart Baumer in Germany, through his son, Edward, who married an Isabella Fielding in Devon, England, and came to Essex County, Virginia, in 1730. Odom ( 1981 ), former mayor of Wellford and historian, has further indicated to me in a letter that the Bomars received a land grant from the King of England or came from Pennsylvania to settle in the Wellford area. He also stated that some of the settlers came from Charles Town and the Virginia Colonies to settle in what was known at that time as Beech Springs Township, later to become Wellford. So you can see, it's hard to know where the Bomars came from. However, they are the same ones mentioned in Dr. J.B. 0. Landrum's books. Land grants of the Bomars that were once kept on file in the Spartanburg County Courthouse but are now housed in the South Carolina State Archives in Columbia, South Carolina, give insight into the family's history. One must also remember that there are White Bomars of which the history spoke and African-American Bomars which came from the above family as slaves and took their names from the people they served. Documents containing these data have been hard to find due to destruction of many by fire. History
Landrum (1900) reveals in his book entitled History o{Spartanburg County that the first information found on the Bomar family goes back to the year 1778 in their migrations from Essex County, Virginia, to their residence in Halifax County, Virginia. The tradition in the family is that there were three brothers who came from England. Their names were William, John and Thomas. Before the Revolution in Virginia, the Bomars and their ancestors belonged to the class, known -3-
as 'Dissenters' from the Established Church of England. William and John died in the last decade of the eighteenth century, and Thomas died in 1802. Those of the family who came to South Carolina from Virginia after the Revolution are all descended from William and John. The descendants of Thomas Bomar are all in Tennessee, Kentucky and the far West. By examination into the early court records of Spartanburg County, beginning in 1785, and of the United States Census returns for 1790, which were procured from the census office in Washington, D. C., we found among the early settlers on the waters of the North Tyger River in the vicinity of the present Mount Zion Baptist Church and old Fort Prince the families Wood, Wingo, Prince, Pollard and Ballenger. The families of Bomar, Chapman, Foster, Pollard and Richardson were neighbors, emigrants from Virginia, and probably settled between the years 1795 and 1800 [Landrum (1900)]. Sometime in the latter part of the eighteenth century Armstead Bomar, son of John, settled in Spartanburg District, on the South Pacolet River, about two miles southwest of New Prospect. He subsequently moved to Georgia, where some descendants still live. Reuben Bomar, another son of John, lived for a short time in Spartanburg District. He left a large tract of unimproved land, which was sold and divided among his descendants. Edward Bomar, his brother, settled on North Tyger River, near the town ofFairforest. About the same time his cousins, Thomas and John Bomar, settled near him, and his brother Elisha settled in the village of Spartanburg, with land on Fairforest Creek and Lawson Fork. The present Bomar families in Spartanburg County are all descendants of Edward, Thomas and Elisha, except for a few of the lineal descendants of Armstead Bomar, which still remain.
BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES OF THE BO MARS Edward Bomar The Reverend Thomas Bomar John Bomar, Jr. The Honorable John Earle Bomar Elisha Bomar, Esq. (Source: Landrum, J. B. 0. (1900). History of Spartanburg County)
1769 in Virginia Emigrated from Virginia to Spartanburg in 1796 1883
Edward and Isabella (Fielding) Bomar
Mary Wood
8, Catherine, Patience, John, Elizabeth, William, Mary, George and Booker.
Edward Bomar was an active member of Mount Zion Baptist Church. His descendants number about one thousand, nine-tenths of whom were Baptists. The Reverend Thomas Bomar
April 13, 1770 in Essex County, Virginia In 1778, parents moved to Halifax County Ordained a minister in 1803 Emigrated to Spartanburg District, South Carolina in 1804
June 13, 1830
Elizabeth C. High
12, most of whom emigrated to the West. Among those that remained was one whose name is inseparably connected with Spartanburg County. General Alexander C. Bomar served as sheriff of Spartanburg County, Brigadier-General of the Ninth Brigade, South Carolina, militia officer and active member of Mount Zion Church. He was married twice, first to Miss Norman of Cross Keys, Union County. They had 3 children. And the second marriage was to Miss Emily Chapman. Several children were born to this union.
The Reverend Bomar served as pastor of Bethlehem, Mount Zion and New Prospect churches; president, Spartanburg Auxiliary Bible Society; and tax-collector, Spartanburg District.
John Bomar. Jr. Born:
February 15, 1796 in Halifax County, Virginia
Edward and Mary (Wood) Bomar
Mary Crawford Vernon
3, Elizabeth, wife of Dr. R. E. Cleveland; Margaret, wife of Major Thomas Bomar; Louisa, wife of Major John Earle Bomar. Became a widower and subsequently married Mrs. Sarah (Sloan) Blassingame. Two children - Belle V. Trimmer (resided in Georgia) and Thomas Converse.
John Bomar, Jr. was an active member of Mount Zion Baptist Church, a farmer, merchant, builder, manufacturer and an innkeeper. Owner ofBivingsville (Glendale) Cotton Factory. One of a committee of four (along with The Reverend John G. Landrum, Dr. John W. Lewis and Dr. Robert M. Young) that founded the Tyger River Baptist Association.
The Honorable John Earle Bomar Born:
July 29, 1827
February 3, 1899
Elisha and Amaryllis (Earle) Bomar
Attended Citadel Academy at Charleston and Erskine College at Due West but did not graduate from either.
Louisa N. Bomar
8, The Reverend E. E. Bomar, DD; Elisha Bomar; The Reverend Paul Bomar; John Bomar; Horace Bomar; Mamie, wife of Beverly Montgomery; Louise, wife of Dr. J. H. Montgomery; and Amaryllis Bomar.
The Honorable John Earle Bomar served as editor of the Carolina Spartan in 1855-56; was elected Ordinary of Spartanburg District in 1857; reorganized the Morgan Rifles in Spartanburg in 1862; began law practice in co-partnership with Colonel John H. Evins and S. J. Simpson in 1869; served one term in the Legislature which preceded the "revolution in 1876"; served as trustee of the schools which preceded the graded school system for many years; Vice President of the Board of Trustees of Converse College; a trustee and chairman of Cooper Limestone Institute for many years; treasurer of Kennedy Library; was a master mason, a deacon of Spartanburg Baptist Church; and served 2 or 3 years as moderator of Spartanburg Baptist Association.
Elisha Bomar, Esq. Died:
March 27, 1836
William and Elizabeth (Hurt) Bomar
Amaryllis Earle
2, Harriet, wife of Judge T. 0. P. Vernon; and John Earle
Elisha Bomar served 20 years as Clerk of Court for Spartanburg District; was an active member of Bethlehem Church; was one of the founders and promoters of the high schools in Spartanburg (one for boys and one for girls). Part of his estate was donated by his widow to found the Spartanburg Female College.
Family Tree In the Family History Library catalog, information under the title Bomar: Family Records, genealogical loose papers which were collected by the Department of Archives and History on the 28 th family on the 35mm microfilm reel, revealed that three brothers (William, John and Thomas Bomar) came from England. They first settled in Essex County, Virginia. In 1778, they migrated to Halifax County, Virginia. These loose papers also included a pedigree chart of Edward Bomar, who married Isabelle; the origin of the Bomar name; Georgia Branch of the Bomar family; and the Bomar chart. Copies of these data are presented in the following order on the next four pages: (1) origin of the Bomar name; (2) pedigree chart of Edward and Isabelle Bomar; (3) Bomar chart of three brothers; and (4) Georgia Branch of the Bomar family.
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF MARYBOMAR (Ancestral Head of the African-American Bomar Family)
(Ancestral Head of the African-American Bomar Family) The deepest known root of the Bomar family is Anderson Bomar. He was born July I, 1808, in South Carolina. Anderson was Mary's father, and he was a farmer. Mary's mother's name and date of birth are presently unknown. Mary was born on November 28, 1840, and was a slave. She lived at New Hope Farm, which was once a thriving farm consisting of several hundred acres. However, it now consists of mostly interstate highway and a commercial park. Mr. J. D. Snoddy, Sr., has stated in a letter to me that "he remembers his father, Samuel, telling him stories of how, after the freeing of the slaves, his grandfather, James Robert Snoddy, gave tracts ofland to those who wished to leave New Hope Farm. This land was in what is now Wellford, but most of these families took the name of"Snoddy," and their descendants still live in this section. However, some of the slaves wanted to remain on the farm, and he wondered if Grandmother Mary was one of these." He had no firm information on who stayed and who left. Further research, however, has revealed that she did not remain on the farm but did return to the homestead.
According to data found in the 1870 U. S. Census Reports, Mary was the eldest of eight children. Her siblings' names were Clark (1852), Perry (1854), Amanda (1856), Charles (1858), Joseph (1860), Lee (1862), and Louisa (1864). This report further revealed that the Bomar family lived in the Township of Beech Springs, (Tucapau Mill area) South Carolina. A series of journal entries kept by James Robert Snoddy, who was known to most as "J. R.," indicate that Mary worked as a domestic for the Snoddy family (dated July 10, 1903) and that he had paid Mrs. Bomar 40 cents to wash clothes, as shown on the following page. She lived on New Hope Farm in one of the tenant houses associated with the Snoddy homeplace, located on the Greenville Highway and Highway 29. Mr. Snoddy's journal further reveals that there were other Bomars in the employ of the Snoddy family, and these are also shown in attachments found on the preceding pages. We do know that Mary Bomar had a husband, since her death certificate does indicate that she was a widow. Recent research has revealed that his name was Miles. He was born in September 1825 and was a farmer. Miles was reared in the Greer area. The date of his demise from this mortal life is still being investigated. Mary and Miles had five (5) children, whose names were Memory (Mem) Bomar (born November 1856); Ella Bomar (born March 14, 1872); Anna Bomar McMillian (born September 1876); Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings (born June 1881 ); and Charlie Bomar (born May 1886). These sons and daughters make up the second generation of the Mary Bomar lineage. Only of three of the immediate children do we have extended information.
Memory (Mem) Bomar, the first offspring of Mary Bomar, married Macey Mullins and was the father of six children. Their names are William (Will), Alexander (Tobe), Katie, Jessie, Beulah and Samuel Jones. According to the U. S. Census Reports of 1870 and 1900, Mem worked as a farm laborer, and Macey worked as a housekeeper. Mr. Snoddy's journal also revealed that Mem was found dead at the railroad on December 22, 1913.
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Ella Bomar, the second child of Mary Bomar, had five children, whose names are Beattie, Annie Lou, Leila, Mary, and Andrew. According to the Snoddy journal, Ella moved to the railroad on February 4, 1903. And she moved again on December 21 of the same year to a house in the yard of the Snoddy homeplace. These houses are no longer standing. She was an employee of the Snoddy family. Ella worked as a domestic. The journal entry indicates that on September 23, 1907, "Ella Bomar washed the windows." Also recorded in the journal is that she died on August 1, 1913. Anna Bomar McMillian, the third offspring of Mary Bomar, married Andrew (Andy) McMillian. He was born in July 1876 in Spartanburg County. They had nine children. Their names are Mary, Willie, Emma, Robert, Ella, Jessie, Ruth, Mattie and Essie. Andrew departed this mortal life on June 19, 1937, and Anna died on September 7, 1933. Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings, the fourth child of Mary Bomar, married Ralph Foster, who preceded her in death. They had no children. According to the U. S. Census Report of 1900, Ralph was a farmer. Rosa was married for a second time to Charlie Bivings. They had no children. Charlie departed this earthly life on March 21, 1960. Rosa died on July 6, 1957. Charlie Bomar, the fifth offspring of Mary Bomar, married Viola Nesbitt. They had no children. According to the U. S. Census Report of 1920, Charlie was a janitor, and Viola was a home laborer. Charlie departed this mortal life in Columbus, Ohio in 1935. Viola died on February 26, 1995. These granddaughters and grandsons make up the third generation of the Mary Bomar lineage. Grandmother Mary's death certificate indicates that she died of pneumonia on October 8, 1923, at the age of eighty-two (82). Dr. S. B. Moore certified on the medical certificate of death that he attended Mary from September 23, 1923, until her passing. Her son, Charlie Bomar, attested to the truth of the death certificate. The journals kept by Mr. Snoddy also indicate her death on this date. She was buried in the Florence Chapel Cemetery, and Rufus Notts was the funeral home that handled the burial on October 10, 1923. The records of this funeral home were turned over to the Callaham Funeral Home, Inc.
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William (Will) Henry Bomar
Heading the list of Memory and Macey Bomar's children was William Henry Bomar. He was born in June 1879 in Spartanburg County. Will, as he was affectionately called, was married to Jemima Collins. She was born in 1894 in Spartanburg County. Born to this union were three daughters and three sons. Their names are Lela Mae, Johnnie Will, Alonzo, Mem, Lennell and Wesley. They lived near the Old National Highway. Will was a farmer, and Jemima was a housekeeper. Wesley died during infancy. Jemima departed this earth after November 27, 1924 or prior to November 27, 1925 (for my father was 5 years old when his mother passed and 6 years old when his father died). Will departed this mortal life on September 29, 1926. On November 5, 1926, Samuel Jones Bomar (Will's youngest brother) became legal guardian of his three nieces and two nephews. Samuel and his wife, Beulah Gamer Bomar, raised Lela Mae and Lennell. Katie Bomar Fowler and her husband, Toyce, raised Mem. Jessie Bomar Pearson and her husband, Joe, raised Alonzo; and Beulah Bomar Ellis and her husband, Oliver, raised Johnnie Will. Lela Mae Bomar Murphy
Lela Mae, the first born of Will and Jemima Bomar, was born in Spartanburg County on June 1, 1915, and was one of the foster daughters of Samuel Jones Bomar. She was married to Owens Murphy, Sr. Born to this union were twelve children - Samuel Arthur, William Roscoe, Owens, Jr., Harold Cohen, Charles, Juanita, Bomar Alonzo , Jacob, Joe Cephus, Beulah, Kenneth and Karen. Lela Mae attended the Spartanburg County Training School and was a member of the First Baptist Church ofFairforest prior to her moving to Elizabeth, New Jersey. Upon moving from South Carolina, she attended Union Baptist Church. Lela Mae departed this life on April 26, 1972, at her home in Elizabeth, New Jersey, after an extended illness. Owens was a veteran of World War II, member of Fairforest C.M.E. Church and was employed by Bigelow-Sandford in Columbus, North Carolina. He departed this mortal life on Saturday morning May 18, 1974, in St. Luke's Hospital after a short illness. Samuel Arthur Murphy, Sr. was born April 18, 1937, in Spartanburg County and was the first offspring of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was married to the former Elizabeth Ferguson. She was born May 16, 1934, in Spartanburg County and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. General Lee (Silverlock Hillstock) Ferguson. To this union six children were born. Their names are Samuel Jr., Roy Lee, Roberta Teresa, Donald, Deborah Ann and Sandra. Samuel also had one child prior to marriage. Her name is Rosa Lee. Samuel attended Lincoln Public Schools in Fairforest and for many years was employed by Mayfair Mills, Inc. Samuel departed this mortal life on July 23, 1987.
Elizabeth peacefully entered eternal rest on Monday, August 4, 1997, at her residence, 558 Hugh Street, Spartanburg. She attended Spartanburg County Public Schools and was a homemaker. Elizabeth was a member of Harrison Grove Baptist Church and was also a member of The Wofford Chapel Humane -27-
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Society. She was a kind, loving, generous person and a devoted mother. Rosa Lee Dantzler is the first offspring of Samuel Murphy. She presently resides in Newark, New Jersey. Samuel Murphy, Jr., the first child of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy, was born March 1, 1960. He attended Spartanburg Public Schools. Samuel Jr. is married to the former Annette Carson, and they are the parents of four children, whose names are Marcus, Wanna, Elisha, and Samuel, III. Samuel Jr., is presently employed by Spartan Mills, and Annette is employed by Sam's Club. They attend Harrison Grove Baptist Church and presently reside at 558 Hugh Street, Spartanburg. Marcus is the first offspring born to Samuel and Annette Murphy, Jr. He was born January 16, 1978. Marcus attended Spartanburg High School. He is not married and is presently unemployed. Wanna is the second child born to Samuel and Annette Murphy, Jr. She was born September 9, 1982. Wanna attends Spartanburg High School. She is actively involved in several school activities. Elisha is the third offspring born to Samuel Murphy, Jr. She was born November 2, 1984. Elisha attends Spartanburg High School. She is an active participant in various school activities. Samuel, III, is the fourth child born to Samuel Murphy, Jr. He was born January 19, 1986. Samuel, III, attends Spartanburg High School. He participates in several school activities. Roy Lee Murphy, the second offspring of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy, was born August 23, 1961. He attended and graduated from Spartanburg High School. Roy Lee is the father of one child, Kesiara. He is employed by Tietex International. Roy Lee attends Harrison Grove Baptist Church and presently resides in Moore. Kesiara is the child of Roy Lee Murphy. She was born January 1, 1989. Kesiara attends Whitlock Junior High School. She participates in several school activities. Roberta Teresa Murphy Sullivan is the third child of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy and was born December 17, 1962. She attended and graduated from Spartanburg High School. Roberta was married to Kelton Sullivan. They are the parents of two children. Their names are Kelisha and Kelton. Roberta is employed by Daniel Morgan. She presently resides at 558 Hugh Street, Spartanburg, and attends Harrison Grove Baptist Church. Kelisha is the first offspring of Roberta and Kelton Sullivan. She was born February 9, 1982. Kelisha attends Spartanburg High School and is actively involved in various school activities. ¡ Kelton is the second child born to Roberta and Kelton Sullivan. He was born February 23, 1983. Kelton attends Spartanburg High School and participates in football as well as several other school activities. Donald Hosea Murphy is the third child of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy. He was born February 16, 1964. Donald graduated from Spartanburg High School, Spartanburg Methodist College and the University of South Carolina-Spartanburg branch. He is married to the former Santa Moore. Born to this union
were two children, whose names are Legenia and Desnisha. Donald is employed by School District #3 as a maintenance person, and Santa is employed by Belk at Westgate Mall. They attend Harrison Grove Baptist Church and presently reside in Spartanburg. Legenia is the first offspring born to Donald and Santa Murphy. She was born June 7, 1985, in Spartanburg County. Legenia attends Chapman High School and is actively involved in several school activities. Desnisha is the second child born to Donald and Santa Murphy. She was born January 4, 1991. Desnisha attends Chapman Elementary School. She participates in various school events. Deborah H. Murphy, the fifth child of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy, was born January 16, 1966. She attended Spartanburg High School and is the parent of two children. Their names are Sherika Ann and Douglas Tyrone. Deborah is disabled and unemployed. She attends Harrison Grove Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. Sherika Ann is the first child born to Deborah Murphy. She was born March 4, 1987. Sherika is a student at Whitlock Junior High School and participates in various school activities. Douglas Tyrone is the second offspring born to Deborah Murphy. He was born April 2, 1988, in Spartanburg County. Douglas attends Whitlock Junior High School and is very active in several school activities. Sandra Murphy Mack is the sixth offspring of Samuel and Elizabeth Murphy. She was born April 30, 1968. Sandra attended Spartanburg Public Schools. She is married to James Mack, Jr. and they are the proud parents of a daughter. Her name is Joda Elizabeth. Sandra is employed by Adidas, and James is employed at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. They attend Harrison Grove Baptist Church and presently reside at 558 Hugh Street, Spartanburg. Joda Elizabeth is the offspring of Sandra and James Mack, Jr. She was born July 6, 1998. Joda is an active I-year old toddler. William Roscoe Murphy, the second child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr., was born May 18, 1938. He attended Lincoln Public Schools in Fairforest. His first wife's name was Myrtle, and to this union three children were born. Their names are Toy, Tawana and Robin. At an early age, Roscoe and his family moved to New Jersey. Roscoe's second marriage was to Norma Lassiter Griffin, who had 3 children from a previous marriage. Their names are Michael, Kim and Dawn. Roscoe and Norma are members of Bible Temple Church and presently reside at 42 Carolina Avenue, Newark, New Jersey. Toy Murphy was the first offspring of William and Myrtle Murphy. She was born July 10, 1959, in Newark. She attended Irvington High School. Toy attends Faith Temple Church and presently resides in Newark , New Jersey. Tawana Murphy O'Neal was the second child born to William and Myrtle Murphy. She was born October 13, 1961, and is married. Tawana is the mother of one child. Her name is Tia. Tawana and her family attend Faith Temple Church and presently reside in Newark, New Jersey.
Tia is the child of Tawana Murphy O'Neal. She was born April 28, 1978, in Orlando, F-lorida.-Tia is a graduate oflrvington High School. She attends Faith Temple Church and presently resides in Newark, New Jersey. Robin Murphy Mathis was the third offspring of William and Myrtle Murphy. She was born October 11, 1962, in Newark. Robin is a graduate of Irvington High School and is married to Leroy Mathis. They are the parents of one daughter. Her name is LaToya (affectionately called Pudgie). Robin is presently employed at Lyons VA Hospital. Robin and her family attend Faith Temple Church and presently reside in Newark, New Jersey. LaToya is the daughter of Robin and Leroy Mathis. She was born October 24, 1981. LaToya is a graduate of Irvington High School. She attends Faith Temple Church in East Orange, New Jersey, and presently resides in Newark, New Jersey. Michael Griffin is the first child born to Norma Murphy. He was born February 8, 1950, in Portsmouth, Virginia. He is a graduate of Abraham Clark High School in Roselle, New Jersey, and Midwest Institute, Eureka, Kansas. He is presently employed by Classic Tile and is the father of two daughters. Their names Marcele' and Tanya. Marcele' is the first offspring born to Michael Griffin. She was born May 23, 1971, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Marcele' attended the public schools in Elizabeth, NJ. She is employed by New Jersey Transit Newark as a mechanic. Marcele' presently resides in Newark. Tanya is the second child born to Michael Griffin. She was born January 9, 1972, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Tanya attended the public schools in Elizabeth, NJ. She is married to Brian Jacey. Tanya is employed by Tiffany's as a sales representative, and Brian is employed by the government. Tanya and Brian presently reside in East Orange, New Jersey. Kim Griffin is the second offspring born to Norma Murphy. She was born March 11, 1958. Kim is a graduate of Chesapeake High School, Portsmouth, Virginia, and Essex County College. She is presently employed by Computer Horizon as a payroll accountant. Kim is the mother of one child whose name is Detra. Kim and her family attend Heards A.M.E. Church and presently reside in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Detra is the daughter of Kim Griffin. She was born March 24, 1988, in Rahway, New Jersey. She is a student in the public schools of Rahway, NJ. Detra is an active participant in several school activities. Dawn Griffin Dennis is the third offspring born to Norma Murphy. She was born February 10, I 961, in Portsmouth, Virginia. She is a graduate of Mother Seton High School and Kean College in Union, New Jersey. Dawn is presently employed by the Newark Board of Education as a teacher. Dawn is married to Carl Dennis, and they are the parents of two children. Their names are Chelsea and Gina. Dawn and her family attend Bible Temple Church and presently reside in East Orange, New Jersey. Chelsea is the first child born to Dawn and Carl Dennis. She was born April 18, 1985, in East Orange, New Jersey. She attends Brookdale Christian School in Bloomfield and participates in various school activities.
Gina is the second offspring born to Dawn and Carl Dennis. She was born March 29, 1991, in East Orange, New Jersey. Gina attends Washington School of Music in East Orange, New Jersey, and is an active participant in various school activities. Owens Murphy. Jr.. was the third offspring of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born on May 5, 1940, and attended Lincoln Public Schools in Fairforest. Owens lived and was employed in East Orange, New Jersey. He was not married and had no children. Owens departed this life on December 2, 1986. Harold Cohen Murphy. Sr.. is the fourth child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born on April 15, 1941, and attended Lincoln Public Schools. Harold was married to Dolly Mae Collins. To this union four children were born, whose names are Monica and Melissa (twins), Harold, Jr. and Tabiatha. Harold married for a second time to Paula Martin, and to this union two children were born. Their names are Ronnie and Derrick.
Monica Murphy Ferguson is the first offspring born to Harold Sr., and Dolly Murphy. She was born November 8, 1967, in Spartanburg County and is the twin sister of Melissa. Monica attended and graduated from Spartanburg High School. She is married to Jerome Ferguson, and they are the parents of two children, whose names are Merita Shautavin and Shareka Monek. Monica is employed by Standard Products Company, and Jerome was employed by Jackson Mills prior to being laid off. They attend Emmanuel Brewton Temple Church and presently reside in Fairforest. Merita Shautavin is the daughter of Monica Ferguson. She was born February 10, 1989. She attends E. P. Todd Elementary School and participates in various student activities. Shareka Monek is the second offspring born to Monica Ferguson. She was born May 5, 1991. Shareka attends E. P. Todd Elementary School and is an active third-grade student. Melissa Murphy Glenn is the second child born to Harold, Sr., and Dolly Murphy and is the twin sister of Monica. She was born November 8, 1967. Melissa is a graduate of Spartanburg High School. She is married to Ray Glenn, and they are the parents of four children. Their names are Latoya Dollette, Isaiah, Davunne, Walter Ernest and Timothy Mack. Melissa is employed by Revman as a secretary, and Ray is employed by C. L. Cannon & Sons, Inc., as a lumber man. They attend Emmanuel Brewton Temple Church and presently reside in Inman. Latoya Dollette is the first offspring of Melissa Murphy. She was born January 28, 1984. Latoya attends Boiling Springs High School and participates in several school activities. Isaiah Davunne is the second child born to Melissa Murphy. He was born March 19, 1985. Isaiah attends Boiling Springs High School and participates in various school activities. Walter Ernest is the third offspring of Melissa Murphy. He was born November 25, 1986. Walter attends Boiling Springs Junior School and participates in several school activities. Timothy Mack is the fourth child born to Melissa Murphy. He was born September 29, 1988. Timothy attends Boiling Springs Middle School and is active in various school events.
Harold Murphy, Jr., is the third child born to Harold, Sr., and Dolly Murphy. He was born November 22, 1968, in Spartanburg County. Harold, Jr., attended Spartanburg High School. He is not married and is the father of six children. Their names are Ashley, Kiffney Tyarri, Maurice, Taleshia Syarri, Tyshawn and Rayshawn. Harold, Jr., is employed by Kemt. He presently resides in Simpsonville. Ashley is the first child born to Harold Murphy, Jr. She was born October 6, 1988. Ashley attends Campobello-Gramling Elementary School and participates in various school programs. Kiffney Tyarri is the second offspring of Harold Murphy, Jr. She was born March 23, 1989. Kiffney attends Woodland Heights Elementary School and actively participates in several school activities. Maurice is the third child born to Harold Murphy, Jr. He was born May 6, 1989. Maurice attends Campobello-Gramling Elementary School and participates in various school events. Taleshia Syarri is the fourth child born to Harold Murphy, Jr. She was born February 12, 1990. Taleshia attends Woodland Heights Elementary School and is an active participant in several school activities. Rayshawn is the fifth offspring born to Harold Murphy, Jr. He was born December 17, 1992. Rayshawn attends Cleveland Preschool and Elementary School and is an active participant in several school activities. Tyshawn is the sixth child born to Harold Murphy, Jr. He was born August 13, 1995. Tyshawn attends preschool and is an active 4-year old. Tabiatha Murphy Johnson is the fourth child born to Harold, Sr., and Dolly Murphy. She was born November 16, 1970, in Spartanburg County and is married to Willie Earl Johnson. Tabiatha is a graduate of Spartanburg High School. She is presently employed by The Spartanburg Regional Medical Center as a ward secretary. Willie Earl is employed by School District #7 as a canteen worker. They are the parents of one child, whose name is Anthony Craig. Tabiatha and Willie Earl attend Community Bibleway Church and presently reside in Spartanburg. Anthony Craig is the son of Tabiatha Murphy Johnson. He was born April 19, 1990. Anthony attends E. P. Todd Elementary School. He participates actively in various school programs. Ronnie T. Murphy is the fifth offspring born to Harold, Sr., and Paula Murphy. He was born October 17, 1973. Ronnie attended Spartanburg High School and is not married. He is presently unemployed. Ronnie attends Mt. Moriah Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. Derrick Murphy is the sixth child born to Harold, Sr., and Pamela Murphy. He was born February 6, 1976, in Spartanburg County. Derrick attended Spartanburg High School and is not married. He is the father of one child. His name is Derrick. Derrick is presently unemployed, and attends St. Paul Baptist Church. He presently resides in Spartanburg. Derrick is the first offspring born to Derrick Murphy. He was born April 16, 1999 in Spartanburg County. Derrick is an active one-year old toddler.
Charles Murphy is the fifth child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born on June 7, 1944, and is married to the former Josephine Ferguson. They have 2 children, whose names are Jerry and Charlene. Josephine is a homecare nurse and works in a private home. Charles does not work and is on disability. He and his family attend Zion Tabernacle Church of God in Christ and presently reside at 117 Linville Drive, Moore. Jerry Ferguson is the first offspring of Josephine Ferguson Murphy and was born on July 12, 1966. He is married to the former Aletha Booker. She was born July 28, 1965, in Spartanburg County. They are the parents of four children. Their names are Rhoshonda Sierra, Nichole Mriea, Labresha, and Smonesha. Rhoshonda Sierra is the first child born to Jerry and Aletha Ferguson. She was born May 29, 1988. Rhoshanda attends Carver Junior High School and participates in various school events. Nichole Mriea is the second offspring of Jerry and Aletha Ferguson. She was born July 25, 1990. Nichole attends Mary H. Wright Elementary School and actively participates in several school programs. Labresha is the third child born to Jerry and Ferguson. She was born November 3, 1993. Labresha attends Roebuck Elementary School. Smonesha is the fourth offspring of Jerry and Aletha Ferguson. She was born June 27, 1995. Smonesha attends the Village Partnerships Preschool. Charlene Murphy is the second child born to Charles and Josephine Murphy. She was born February 22, 1981. Charlene is a 1999 graduate of Paul M. Dorman High School and was a member of the Blue Bells. She was also a student at the Margaree Bell Dance School. Charlene is the mother of one child. His name is Tobias Kinte. Tobias Kinte is the offspring of Charlene Murphy. He was born June 12, 1999, in Spartanburg County. Tobias Kinte is an active 10 month-old infant.
Juanita Murphy Davis is the sixth offspring of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. She was born August 12, 1945. Juanita attended Lincoln High School in Fairforest. She is married to Clarence Davis. They have six children, whose names are Richard Tyrone, Rodney Terrence, Michelle, Rennie Trevon, Rufus Terrell and Rundale Trent. Juanita and her family hold membership with First Baptist Church of Fairforest. She was employed by Spartan Mills until the department in which she was employed closed in the latter part of 1995. Juanita is now employed by Spartan Foods. Clarence works at Tietex International. The family presently resides at 5 Holt Street, Spartanburg. Richard Tyrone Murphy is the first child born to Juanita Murphy. He was born April 9, 1962. Richard attended Spartanburg High School and received his GED. He also attended Spartanburg Methodist College. Rodney Terence Murphy, Sr., is the second offspring of Juanita Murphy. He was born July 29, 1963, in Spartanburg County. Rodney attended Dorman High School. He is the father of three children. Their names are Denisha, Rodney, Jr. and Celia. Rodney is employed by Westgate Mall. He attends First Baptist Church of Fairforest and presently resides in Una.
Denisa is the first child born to Rodney Murphy, Sr. She was born March 10, 1986. Denisa attends Dorman High School. She is actively involved in various school activities. Rodney, Jr., is the second offspring born to Rodney Murphy, Sr. He was born October 6, 1988. Rodney, Jr., attends Park Hill Elementary School. He participates in various student activities. Celia is the third child born to Rodney Murphy, Sr. She was born October 3, 1990. Celia attends Park Hill Elementary School and is actively involved in various school activities. Michelle Murphy Grady Bridges is the third offspring born to Juanita Murphy. She was born November 30, 1964, in Spartanburg County. Michelle attended Spartanburg High School. She was married to Bruce Grady, and they are the parents of six children. Their names are Juanita, Omar, Christopher, Latoria, Tashondra and Brittini. Michelle married for a second time to James Bridges. She is employed by Hardees as a cashier and James is employed by Beverage Aire and works part-time at UPS. She and her family attend New Life Family Worship Center Church and presently reside in Spartanburg. Juanita Jennie is the first child born to Michelle Murphy. She was born April 5, 1979. She attended Spartanburg High School and participated in various school activities. Omar is the second offspring of Michelle and Bruce Grady. He was born March 23, 1981. Omar attends Spartanburg High School and is actively involved in several school activities. Christopher Tyrone is the third child born to Michelle and Bruce Grady. He was born December 24, 1982. Christopher attends Spartanburg High School and is actively involved in several activities. Latoria is the fourth offspring born to Michelle and Bruce Grady. She was born January 14, 1986. Latoria attends Whitlock Junior High School and is involved in several activities. Tashondra Yvette is the fifth child born to Michelle and Bruce Grady. She was born December 23, 1986. Tashondra attends Whitlock Junior High School and is actively involved in various school activities. Brittini Siara is the sixth offspring born to Michelle and Bruce Grady. She was born May 5, 1988. Brittini attends Cleveland Middle School and is involved in several school activities. Rennie Trevon Davis is the fourth child born to Juanita and Clarence Davis. He was born May 31, 1967. Rennie attended and graduated from Spartanburg High School. He is not married. Rennie is employed by Mayfair Mills as a fixer. He is the father of three children. Their names are Ryan Trevon, Renni Chaty and Renasia Rennie. Rennie attends First Baptist Church of Fairforest and presently resides at 5 Holt Street, Spartanburg. Ryan Trevon is the first offspring of Rennie Davis. He was born July 1, 1990. Ryan attends Chapman Elementary School and is active in various school events. Renni Chaty is the second child born to Rennie Davis. She was born May 24, 1994 in Spartanburg County. Renni attends Chapman Elementary School. Renasia Rennie is the third offspring of Rennie Davis. She was born August 13, 1996. Renasia is a three year-old and attends Twin Oak Daycare Center. -36-
Rundale Trent Davis is the fifth child born to Juanita and Clarence Davis. He was born June 5, 1968. Rundale attended Spartanburg High School. While enrolled in school, he actively participated in several activities. Rundale is not married and has no children. Rufus Terrell Davis is the sixth offspring of Juanita and Clarence Davis. He was born February 19, 1970. Rufus attended Spartanburg High School. He is not married and is the father of one child. Her name is Ashley. Ashley Simone is the daughter of Rufus Terrell Davis. She was born January 7, 1992. Ashley attends Woodlawn Heights Elementary School. Bomar Alonzo Murphy is the seventh child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born on May 30, 1947, and attended Lincoln High School. Alonzo was married to Connie Rogers. They have one child, whose name is Arlene. Connie had two children prior to this marriage named Andrea and Monica; and Alonzo had a son named Alonzo Ray and a daughter, Keliah, prior to this marriage. Alonzo is presently employed at Meade and presently resides on Frey Road, Spartanburg. Connie presently resides in Wellford.
Andrea Rogers is the first offspring born to Connie Rogers Murphy. She was born February 12, 1967. Andrea attended Spartanburg High School. She is not married and presently resides in Georgia. Monica Rogers is the second child born to Connie Rogers Murphy. She was born October 23, 1968, in Spartanburg County. Monica attended Spartanburg High School. She is the mother of three children. Their names are Joshua, William and Sari Taneishia. Monica presently resides in Spartanburg. Joshua is the first offspring of Monica Rogers. He was born November 3, 1986, in Spartanburg County. Joshua attends the Spartanburg County public schools and actively participates in various school activities. William is the second child born of Monica Rogers. He was born November 9, 1995, in Spartanburg County. William attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school events. Sari Taneishia is the third offspring of Monica Rogers. She was born October 16, 1998, in Spartanburg County and presently resides out of state with his paternal grandparents. Alonzo Ray Pearson, Sr., is the first offspring born to Alonzo Murphy. He was born May 11, 1971. Alonzo Ray, Sr., attended Dorman High School and is employed by Kemt. He is married to the former Tonya Gray. They have two children. Their names are Tearean and Alonzo Ray, Jr. Alonzo Ray and his family presently reside in Wellford. Tearean is the first offspring of Tonya Gray Pearson. She was born December 10, 1990, in Spartanburg County. Tearean attends Wellford Elementary School and is an active participant in various school activities. Alonzo Ray, Jr., is the first child born to Alonzo Ray, Sr. and Tonya Pearson. He was born November 12, 1996 in Spartanburg County. Alonzo Ray, Jr., is an active three-year old and attends Wellford Elementary's Preschool. -37-
Arlene Murphy is the first offspring born to Alonzo and Connie Murphy. She was born May 19, 1971. Arlene attended Spartanburg High School. She has two children. Their names are Latasha and Christina. Arlene presently resides in Wellford. Latasha is the first offspring of Arlene Murphy. She was born November 25, 1991, in Spartanburg County. Latasha attends Wellford Elementary School and is an active participant in various school activities. Christina is the second child born ofArlene Murphy. She was born January 28, 1997, in Spartanburg County. Christina is a very active three year-old toddler. Keilah Rookard is the third child born to Alonzo Murphy. She was born January 2, 1983, in Spartanburg County. Keilah attends Dorman High School and is actively involved in basketball. She attends Harrison Grove Baptist Church and resides in Fairforest. Jacob Lee (Jake) Murphy, is the eighth offspring of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born May 16, 1949. Jacob attended Lincoln High School in Fairforest. He died an untimely death at the early age of 40 on July 19, 1989, after being struck by a stray bullet while he sat on the steps of his apartment. Joe Cephus Murphy is the ninth child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. He was born August 7, 1950, and attended Lincoln High School in Fairforest. Joe is not married and has no children. He presently resides in Spartanburg. Beulah Mae Murphy Pender was born September 30, 1951 and is the tenth child of Lela Mae and Owens Murphy, Sr. She graduated from Lincoln High School in 1970. Beulah was a starting guard on the girls' basketball team and also participated in other extracurricular activities. She was married to Odell Pender. Beulah is the mother of three children. Their names are Cassandra, Bryant and Samuel Jerome. Beulah is presently employed by General Motors. The family attends Union Baptist Church and resides in Union, New Jersey.
Cassandra Murphy is the oldest child of Beulah Pender and was born August 20, 1967, in Spartanburg County. She is a graduate of Mother-Seton School in Elizabeth, New Jersey, and is a 1999 graduate of William Paterson College, with a B. S. degree in accounting. Cassandra is presently working at Seheringphdugh as an accounts payable clerk. Her future ambition is to become a certified public accountant. Bryant Pender is the first offspring of Beulah and Odell Pender. He was born on October 20, 1970. Bryant attended and graduated from St. Patrick's High School. He also attended New Jersey Institute of Technology for one year. Bryant is not married and has no children. He is presently employed by Twin County and Marriott. Samuel Jerome Pender is the second child born to Beulah and Odell Pender. He was born October 31, 1973. Samuel graduated from St. Patrick's High School. He is the father of one child. Her name is Kiyara. Samuel Jerome is presently employed by Wemfere Warehouse. Samuel attends Union Baptist Church and presently resides in Union, New Jersey. Kiyara is the offspring of Samuel Jerome Pender. She was born June 1, 1995, in Elizabeth, New Jersey. Kiyara is a very active four year-old and attends Union Daycare. -38-
Kenneth Murphy was the eleventh offspring of Lela Mae Bomar Murphy and was born on October 22, 1957. He came to New Jersey at the age of 10. His brother, Roscoe, and sister, Beulah, served as his foster father and mother after the death of Aunt Lela Mae. Kent was a graduate of Rahway High School and Kean College of New Jersey, where he received his degree in criminal justice. He served in the United States Marine Corps from 1975 to 1979.
Kent was employed at Rahway State Prison as a correction officer and was later promoted to sergeant and transferred to Northern State Prison in Newark, New Jersey. He was a member of the Second Baptist Church in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. Kent was married to the former Clarice Richardson, and they had no children. He was a resident of Cliffwood, New Jersey, and departed this mortal life on November 25, 1994. Karen Murphy is the twelfth child of Lela Mae Bomar Murphy. She was born on September 29, 1960. Karen was also raised by her sister, Beulah, after the death of Aunt Lela Mae. She graduated from Mother-Seton High School and is employed by National Rent as an insurance clerk. Karen attends Union Baptist Church and presently resides at 209 Astoria Place, Union, New Jersey. Johnnie Will Bomar McCoy
Born on July 2, 1918, Johnnie Will is Will and Jemima Bomar's second offspring. She was raised by her father's sister Beulah Bomar Ellis. She attended the Spartanburg Training School and was a member of the girls' basketball team. Johnnie Will married Leroy McCoy. They lived in New Jersey and had no children. Leroy served his country faithfully in the U. S. Army and was a dedicated employee of Allied Van Lines, Incorporated, for 25 years. He departed this life on July 2, 1988, after a brief illness. Before Johnnie Will's retirement, she was employed by Mrs. Barbara Brennan in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. Johnnie Will presently resides in East Orange, New Jersey, and attends Bethel Baptist Church, where she is a member of the R. B. Chorus. Alonzo Bomar
Alonzo was the third of Will and Jemima Bomar's children. He was born on November 27, 1919, and was raised by his father's sister Jessie Bomar Pearson. Alonzo was married to the former Ruby Lee Young on June 5, 1947; she preceded him in death. To this union, five daughters were born. Their names are Ruby Mae, Iris Dianne, Freida Delores, Barbara Jean and Harriet Patricia. Ruby Lee was born on August 17, 1928. She was the daughter of Leola Young Byrd Philson and Walker Smith Lee, Sr. Ruby Lee attended Spartanburg County Training School. When quite a young lady, she became a Christian and joined First Baptist Church of Fairforest. She later moved her membership to New Trinity Baptist Church. She was a member of the Deaconesses, the Fairforest Sympathy Club and the Pastor's Aides and was a retired employee of Abbott Laboratories. Ruby Lee was a devoted, loving and compassionate wife and mother. Moma departed this life on Sunday morning, October 4, 1987, at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center after an extended illness. She was 59 years of age. Alonzo graduated from Spartanburg County Training School, where he was a scholar and an out-
standing basketball player. He served in the U. S. Army during World War II, where he was a master marksman, and retired from Reeves Brothers, Incorporated (Turner Trucking Company) in 1984 after working faithfully in their employ for forty-two (42) years. He belonged to the New Trinity Baptist Church and was a faithful servant. Alonzo was a deacon, president and member of the All Male Chorus and the Gospel Messengers. He was a member of Twinkling Star Masonic Lodge No. 317 and a member of the Fairforest Sympathy Club. His purpose in life was to be enthusiastic about religion, to be willing to pay the price and to do his best for the Lord. His loyalty to his church, his faithfulness to his family and his kindness to his friends and neighbors shall ever be a living memorial to his faithful life. Daddy departed this life on Tuesday morning, September 26, 1995, at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center after a brief illness. Ruby Mae Bomar Rhodes is the firstborn of Alonzo and Ruby Lee Bomar. She was born on May 30, 1947, in Spartanburg County., She attended Lincoln High School and graduated as valedictorian of her class in 1965. She graduated from South Carolina State College in 1969 with a B.S. degree in business administration. Ruby Mae is married to Dr. Miller F. Rhodes, I, who is a retired Colonel in the U. S. Army Medical Corps. Miller, I, is the son of the Reverend and Mrs. John D. (Emma Williams) Rhodes, Sr. He is a native of Orangeburg, South Carolina, and was born on January 6, 1943. Big Butch, (as he is affectionately called) graduated from Wilkinson High School and is also a graduate of South Carolina State College and Meharry Medical College. Dr. Rhodes' specialized area of medicine is Otolaryngology (ear, nose and throat). They have two children whose, names are Miller Franklin, II, and Kimberly Michelle. Miller Franklin, II, was born on July 1, 1969, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He is a 1987 honor graduate of J.M. Hanks High School and a 1992 honor graduate of Rice University in Houston, Texas. Miller Franklin, II, received his B. S. degree in mechanical engineering. He is currently a senior software engineer with Energy Solutions International. Miller, II, enjoys football and is an avid fan of the Houston Rockets and Denver Broncos. He is also a tennis player. Little Butch (as he is affectionately called) presently resides in Houston, Texas. He attends First Baptist Church. Miller, II's future endeavor and ambition is to become the family's millionaire within the next ten years. Kimberly Michelle was born on September 8, 1973, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. She is also a 1991 honor graduate of J. M. Hanks High School and a 1995 honor graduate of Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia. Kimberly received her B. S. degree in accounting. She was formerly employed by Deloitte and Touche, LLP, a public accounting firm, as an auditor and by Carmax as a financial analyst. However, Kimberly recently changed jobs and has been hired as supervisor of operations accounting by McKesson General Medical. She also teaches junior achievement classes to kindergarten and first-grade students at Ratcliffe Elementary School. Kimberly attends St. Paul's Baptist Church and presently resides in Richmond, Virginia. Ruby Mae is a housewife, a volunteer, an avid bowler, sports person and bingo participant. She sometimes works part-time for H & R Block. She is a member of the First Baptist Church ofFairforest. Ruby Mae and her family currently attend church on the base of Fort Bliss in El Paso, Texas, and presently , reside at 1832 Pete Brown Drive.
Iris Dianne Bomar, born April 11, 1949, is the second offspring of Alonzo and Ruby Lee Bomar. She attended Lincoln High School and graduated valedictorian of her class in 1967. She also graduated from South Carolina State College in 1971 with a B.S. degree in business administration, minor in economics; in 1978 with a Master's (M.Ed.) in Education, concentration in Counselor Education; and in 1987 with a doctorate (Ed.D.) in Educational Administration, specialization in Management. -40-
Iris is not married and has no children. She started working at South Carolina State College in August 1971 as a records clerk and was promoted in May 1972 to secretary to the Director of Admissions and Records. In 1979, she made a career move and became employed at Voorhees College in Denmark, South Carolina, as Director of Admissions and Records. She was approached by the Dean of Students at Denmark Technical College in December 1985 in reference to the position of Assistant Dean of Student Services/Director of Enrollment Services and became an employee in January 1986. During her employment at Denmark Tech, Iris was promoted to Dean of Students in October 1992 but also continued to serve in a dual role as Director of Enrollment Services. Iris made another career advancement in September 1996 and presently serves as the Assistant Vice President for Development and Alumni Affairs at Claflin University. She is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church in Wellford, South Carolina, and serves on the Senior Usher Board. Iris also attends Mount Pisgah Baptist Church in Orangeburg as a watch care member and serves on the Young Adult Usher Board. She presently resides at 1230 Beauregard Street, SW., Orangeburg, and is an active member of her sorority- Beta Zeta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Freida Delores Bomar is the third of Alonzo and Ruby Lee Bomar's children. She was born June 22, 1952. Freida graduated from Lincoln High School in 1970 as an honor student. She was a member of many school clubs and organizations. Freida participated on the girls' basketball team and the Lincoln High School band and was senior class treasurer, secretary of the Student Council and a member of the Block L Club.
Freida graduated from Spartanburg Technical College in 1972 with an associate degree in business administration. She transferred in the fall of that year to South Carolina State College and graduated in 1974 with a B.S. degree in business administration. Freida is not married and has no children. She is presently employed by Advantica Restaurant Group, Incorporated, in the finance department, (Vice President and Controller Office) as a staff accountant and was recently promoted. She is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church, the Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), secretary of the Nurses' Aides; and treasurer of the Fairforest Sympathy Club. Freida lives at 350A Frey's Circle, Spartanburg. Barbara Jean Bomar Floyd, born September 9, 1954, is the fourth child of Alonzo and Ruby Lee Bomar. She attended Lincoln High School and graduated from Dorman High School as an honor student in 1972. Barbara attended South Carolina State College, where she also majored in business administration. In 1987, Barbara graduated from Spartanburg Methodist College with an associate degree in bankmg. She was married to Bobby Earl Floyd and has one daughter, Crystal LaShuane.
Crystal was born November 12, 1976. She was an honor graduate of Dorman High School, where she was also active in many co-curricular activities, track and field included. Crystal is a 1999 honor (cum laude) graduate of South Carolina State University, with a B. S. degree in Biology. During the summer of 1996 she attended Richmond University, and in the summer of 1997 Crystal participated in the Marine Biology Studies Program at Savannah State University/Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute, Savannah, Georgia and Fort Pierce, Florida, for marine biology students. During the summer of 1998, Crystal participated in the Minorities Research Opportunities Program at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. On July 1, 1999, she began graduate school at Clemson University to pursue a Masters degree that will lead to her doctoral degree in veterinary medicine. -41-
Barbara is employed by Bank of America (formerly named NationsBank) as a consumer banker. She and Crystal presently reside at 350 Frey's Circle, Spartanburg, and attend New Trinity Baptist Church where she is a member of the Inspirational Choir and serves as one of the co-advisors to the Youth Ensemble. Harriet Patricia Bomar McEntire is the fifth offspring of Alonzo and Ruby Lee Bomar. She was born November 12, 1958. Harriet attended and graduated from Dorman High School in 1975 as an honor student. She also graduated in 1979 from South Carolina State College as an honor student (magna cum laude) with a B. S. degree in early childhood education; and in 1980 from the University of South Carolina with a Master's degree in education. Harriet has done further study at the University of South CarolinaMain Campus in Columbia, University of South Carolina-Spartanburg branch and Converse College.
She is married to Raleigh Wilber McEntire, Jr., of Forest City, North Carolina. They have two (2) daughters. Their names are Cortney Erin and Kayla Diara. Cortney Erin was born June 4, 1988. She graduated from Southern Shop Daycare Preschool in 1994 and has taken piano lessons. Presently, Cortney is a sixth-grade student at Boiling Springs Middle School. She is a former dance student at the Margarette Bell Dance Studio, Girl Scout with Troop #93 , a member of the Upward Bound Basketball League, a member of the New Trinity Baptist Church Youth Ensemble and is currently taking saxophone lessons. Kayla Diara was born February 27, 1991. She is a 1997 graduate of Southern Shop Daycare Preschool and is presently attending Hendrix Elementary School as a third grade student. Kayla is a Brownie with Troop# 183. She is a former dance student at the Margarette Bell Dance Studio, a member of the New Trinity Baptist Church Youth Usher Board, New Trinity Baptist Church Youth Ensemble and a member of the Upward Bound Basketball League. Both Kayla and her sister, Cortney, are former dance students of Miss Marion's School of Dance. Kayla is currently taking drum lessons. Raleigh was born January 6, 1954, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. (Mary Frances Lowrance) McEntire, Sr. He is a graduate of Central Piedmont Community College in Charlotte, North Carolina, and a graduate of Isothermal Community College in Spindale, North Carolina. Raleigh is a licensed cosmetologist. He has also served in the U. S. Army and is a former National Guardsman and Reservist. Raleigh is employed through Pendrum Services as a temporary employee at BMW in the brake assembly department. He has his own artist/photography business, 'Visual Expressions, 'and is a member of the New Trinity Baptist Church Usher Board. Harriet is employed by Spartanburg School District Seven at Z. L. Madden Elementary School as a second-grade teacher. She and her family are members of New Trinity Baptist Church, where she participates in the Inspirational Choir and is a former member of the Sanctuary and Douglas Mixed Choirs. The McEntires presently reside at 402 Ridgeview Drive, Spartanburg. Mem Bomar. Sr.
Born June 2, 1921, Mem was the fourth child of Will and Jemima Bomar and was raised by his father's sister Katie Bomar Fowler. Mem was united in marriagetoAnnieB. Gregory on January 21, 1941, and to this union twelve children were born. Their names are Katie Ruth, Frank Wesley, Josephine, Jessie Bell, Mem, Jr., Henry Eugene, Patricia, Queen Esther, Julia Faye, Michael Anthony, Rex Allen and Ronald. -42-
Uncle Mem attended and graduated from Florence Chapel Public and Spartanburg Training Schools and was a devoted family man. He was a U. S. Army veteran of World War II, a retired employee of Startex Mills, and a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. He departed this life on Wednesday evening, April 23, 1997, at his residence, 110 Holiday Drive, Spartanburg. Annie B. Gregory was born on August 23, 1920, in Spartanburg County and is retired. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harrison (Lucinda) Gregory. Aunt Annie is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church, where she serves on the Senior Choir. She spends her time working in the church and taking care of her 36 grandchildren, 41 great- grandchildren and 1 great-great-grandchild.
Katie Ruth Bomar Irby is the eldest child of Mem and Annie Bomar. She was born July 22, 1941. She graduated from Florence Chapel High School in 1959. Katie Ruth is married to Arthur Irby, and they have six children. Their names are Sandra, Audrey, Sharon, Regina, Sherry and Archie. She also has a stepson, Gerald Williams. Katie Ruth is employed by Hoke, Inc. Arthur (Art) is also a graduate of Florence Chapel High School and is retired from Beverage Aire. The family resides in the Fairmont community at 1141 Nazareth Road, Spartanburg, and attend Greater Hopewell Baptist Church. Sandra Irby Hawkins is the firstborn of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. She was born October 27, 1960. Sandra is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School and Converse College. She is a former Miss Black Spartanburg (1981), Miss Wellford, Lyman, Duncan (1982) and was a first runner-up to Miss South Carolina in 1983. Sandra is married to Maurice Hawkins, and they are the parents of three children. Their names are Deidra, Randall Maurice, and Tamara. Maurice is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School and is employed by Duke Power Company as a linesman. Sandra is a music teacher at Spartanburg School District #5. She and her family are members of Evangel Cathedral and presently reside at 455 Old Leonard Road, Woodruff Deidra Hawkins is the first offspring born to Sandra and Maurice Hawkins. She was born August 21, 1985. Deidre is a ninth-grade student and attends James F. Byrnes High School. She is actively involved in several student activities. Randall Maurice Hawkins is the second child born to Sandra and Maurice Hawkins. He was born December 25, 1989. Randall is a fourth- grade student and attends Reidville Elementary School. Tamara Hawkins is the third offspring of Sandra and Maurice Hawkins. She was born December 27, 1991. Tamara is a second-grade student and attends Reidville Elementary School. Gerald Williams is the son of Arthur Irby and was born February 19, 1961, in Spartanburg County. He is married to the former Keshia Fullerwinder, and they are the parents of one child. Her name is Jelyssa Katlin. Gerald and Keshia attend The Rose of Sharon Church and presently reside in Spartanburg. Jelyssa Katling is the daughter of Gerald and Keshia Williams. She was born September 1, 1996. Jelyssa is an active 3-year toddler. Audrey Irby Griffin is the second offspring of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. She was born November 27, 1961. She is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School and was married to Mark Griffin. She is the mother of three children. Their names are Hope Miranda, Kaneeshia Marques and Audra Marie. Audrey
is an employee of the United States Postal Service. She and her family attend Hopewell Baptist Church. Audrey and her family presently reside at 1151 Nazareth Church Road, Spartanburg. Hope Miranda Irby attends James F. Byrnes High School and is a senior. She is the first child born to Audrey Griffin. Hope was born June 23, 1982. She is actively involved in various school activities. Hope presently represents the school as Miss James F. Byrnes High School and also was voted Miss Homecoming 1999-2000. This is the first time in the history of the school that the same individual holds both titles. Kaneeshia Marques Griffin is the second offspring born to Audrey and Mark Griffin. She was born June 6, 1991 . Kaeneesha is a second-grade student and attends River Ridge Elementary School . Audra Marie Griffin is the third child born to Audrey and Mark Griffin. She was born July 1, 1992. Audra is a first-grade student and attends River Ridge Elementary School. Sharon Marie Irby McCullough is the third born of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. She was born on September 14, 1963. She graduated from James F. Byrnes High School and was married to John Charles McCullough, I. She has three children. Their names are Renada, John Charles, II, and Jasmine Marie (twins). Renada Shuntrice Irby is the first offspring born to Sharon McCullough. She was born August 10, 1981 . Renalda attended Paul M . Dorman High School and has a daughter. Her name is Jamiya Raquel Irby. Jami ya Raquel Irby is the daughter of Renada Irby and represents the eighth generation of Mary Bomar. She was born December 4, 1996. Jamiya is a very active three year-old preschooler. John Charles McCullough, II, is the second child born to Sharon and John McCullough. He was born February 19, 1991, and is the twin brother ofJasmine Marie. John, II, attends Anderson Mill Elementary School and is actively involved in various student activities. Jasmine Marie McCullough is the third child born to Sharon and John McCullough. She was born February 19, 1991 , and is the twin sister of John Charles. Jasmine Marie attends Anderson Mill Elementary School and is an active participant in various student activities. Sharon is employed by ADO Corporation as a seamstress. She and her family attend Hopewell Baptist Church and presently reside in Arcadia. Regina Kay Irby Grant is the fourth offspring of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. She w_as born on May 20, 1966, in Spartanburg County. She graduated from James F. Byrnes High School and was marri~d to Tony Grant. They have two children. Their names are Cedrick and Faith. Regina is also a former Miss Black Spartanburg and held the title in 1984. Cedrick Grant is the first child born to Regina Grant. He was born August 15, 1986. Cedrick is a seventh-grade student, attends D . R. Hill Middle School and is an active participant in various student activities.
Faith Grant is the second offspring of Regina and Tony Grant. She was born February 16, 1992. Faith is a first-grade student and attends Duncan Elementary School. Regina works as a carrier with Federal Express. She and her family attend Evangel Cathedral and reside at 22 Bloomwood Heights, Inman. Sherry Lea Irby is the fifth offspring of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. She was born March 1, 1969. Sherry graduated from James F. Byrnes High School and from Winthrop College with a B.S. in business. She is the parent of twins, and their names are Christian and Charity. Sherry is presently employed at Brooks Brothers as a store manager. She attends Hopewell Baptist Church and presently resides at 1141 Nazareth Road, Spartanburg. Christian O'Brian is the first offspring of Sherry Irby. He was born May 29, 1996, and is the twin brother of Charity. Christian attends Timothy Christian Academy. Charity Chantelle is the second child born to Sherry Irby. She was born May 29, 1996, and is the twin sister of Christian. Charity also attends Timothy Christian Academy. Archie Lewis Irby is the sixth offspring of Katie Ruth and Arthur Irby. He was born October 15, 1970, and is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School, where he was the starting quarterback. Archie graduated from Catawba College in Salisbury, North Carolina, in 1990 where he studied pharmacy and played defensive back on their football team. He is a graduate of Life Chiropractic College in Atlanta, Georgia. Archie is married to the former Randi Beth Blitz. She was born May 31, 1966, in New York. They are the parents of one child. His name is Ethan. Archie and his family presently reside in Milford, Pennsylvania. Ethan Lewis is the son of Archie and Randi Irby. He was born June 15, 1998, in Atlanta, Georgia. Ethan is an active 22 month-old toddler. Frank Wesley Bomar is the second offspring of Mem and Annie Bomar. He was born June 15, 1943, and attended Florence Chapel High School. Frank was married to the former Betty Cohen, and they have three children. Their names are Anthony, Betty Lavern and Angela. Anthony is the first child born to Frank and Betty Bomar. He was born July 12, 1964, in Spartanburg County. Anthony is married to the former Shawna Gray, and they have two children. Their names are Andrew Christopher and Devin. Anthony is employed by Stouffer's and Shawna is employed at Mary Black Memorial Hospital. They presently reside in Gaffney. Andrew Christopher is the first offspring of Anthony and Shawna Bomar. He was born July 17, 1986. Andrew attends Chesnee High School and is actively involved in several school events. Devin is the second child born to Anthony and Shawna Bomar. He was born April 8, 1989. Devin attends Chesnee Middle School and participates in various school activities. Betty Lavern Bomar is the second offspring of Frank and Betty Bomar. She was born August 8, 1965. She attended Byrnes High School and is the mother of two children. Their names are Marcus and Jarbel. Betty is employed by J. P. Stevens Company. She and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist -45-
Church and presently reside in Greer. Marcus is the child of Betty Bomar. He was born March 1, 1984. Marcus attends Greer High School and actively participates in various school activities. Jamir is the second offspring born to Betty Bomar. He was born November 23, 1997, in Spartanburg County and is an active two year-old toddler. Angela Bomar is third child born to Frank and Betty Bomar. She was born September 18, 1967. Angela attended Byrnes High School. She is the mother of one child, whose name is Tyesha. Angela is employed by Big Lot as a stocker. She attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides in Greer. Tyesha is the child of Angela Bomar. She was born April 19, 1987. Tyesha attends Greer Middle School. She is a eighth-grade student and is active in several school activities. Frank is employed as a construction worker. Betty is disabled and does not work. She is a homemaker. The family attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church. Frank resides at 224 Victor Street, Greer.
Josephine Bomar Hughes is the third child of Mem and Annie Bomar. She was born on September 24, 1946, and is a graduate of Florence Chapel High School. She is married to Charles Hughes, and they are the parents of three children. Their names are Debra Lynn, Juan and Melissa. Charles is a graduate of Lincoln High School and is presently employed by Spring Industries as a set-up crewman. Josephine is also employed by Spring Industries as a machine operator. She and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church. They presently reside at 200 Chatham Circle, Spartanburg. Debra Lynn Hughes is the first child born to Josephine and Charles Hughes. She was born September 12, 1965, in Spartanburg County. Debra graduated from Dorman High School and is not married. She is the parent of one child, whose name is Ishayda Monik. Debra is employed with BMG as a picker. She attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides at 200 Chatham Circle, Spartanburg. Ishayda Monik is the daughter of Debra Lynn Hughes. She was born January 31, 1995. Ishayda is a five year-old preschooler. Juan Hughes is the second offspring born to Josephine and Charles Hughes. He was born October 23, 1968, and graduated from Dorman High School. Juan is married to the former Beverly Lipsey. She was born December 22, 1973, in Texas. They are the parents of three children. Their names are Malana, Juan Mikel and Tia Marie. Juan is presently on active duty in the armed services branch as a United States Marine stationed in Parris Island, Beaufort. Beverly is a busy homemaker, taking care of the family. Juan and his family attend Upper Shady Grove Baptist Church and presently reside at Parris Island in Beaufort, SC. Malana is the first child born to Juan and Beverly Hughes. She was born January 30, 1993, in Havelock, North Carolina. Malana is a second-grade student and is an active participant in various school events. Juan is the second offspring of Juan and Beverly Hughes. He was born January 31, 1995, in Havelock, North Carolina. Juan is an active five year-old preschooler. -46-
Tia Marie is the third child born to Juan and Beverly Hughes. She was born June 5, 1996, in Havelock, North Carolina. Tia is a three year-old toddler. Melissa Hughes Rhodes is the third offspring born to Josephine and Charles Hughes. She was born March 14, 1974, in Spartanburg County. Melissa graduated from Dorman High School. She is married to Brian and is a newlywed. Brian was born May 9, 1974. Melissa is employed by Sears Distribution as a customer services representative and Brian is employed by Borden as a waste water operator. They attend Upper Shady Grove Baptist Church and presently reside in Spartanburg. Jessie Bell Bomar Porter is the fourth offspring of Mem and Annie Bomar. She was born April 23, 1948, and is a graduate ofFlorence Chapel High School. She was married on January 24, 1969, to Theodore (Eugene) Porter, and to this union four children were born. Their names are James (Ken), Dewey Lee, Jennifer Deniece and Cynthia Elaine. Jessie is employed at Ridgeview Day Care Center as a teacher/cook. She attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and is an active member of the church choir. Jessie presently resides at 584 Hugh Street, Spartanburg.
James (Ken) Bomar is the first child born to Jessie Porter. He was born May 6, 1967, in Spartanburg County. James attended Byrnes High School and graduated in 1985. He is the father of one child, and her name is Bridgett Latrice. James is employed at Denny's Restaurant as a cook. He attends Smith Chapel Baptist Church and resides in Roebuck. James married, on November 29, 1997, to the former Tamala Lynch. She was born September 5, 1969 in Spartanburg County. Tamala is employed by Inman Mills as a sparehand. Bridgett Latrice is the first offspring born to James Bomar. She was born September 9, 1988. Bridgett is a seventh grade-student at Dawkins Middle School and participates in various school activities. Dewey Lee Porter is the second offspring born to Jessie and Eugene Porter. He was born January 31, 1969. Dewey attended and graduated from Byrnes High School. He is a veteran and served in the U. S. Navy. Dewey was married to the former Shannon Johnson. They are the proud parents of two children. Their names are Dionta Lamar and Terrell. Dewey is employed as a salesman with Vic Bailey LincolnMercury Automotive Superstore. He and his family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and reside in Spartanburg. Diontea Lamarr is the first child born to Dewey and Shannon Porter. He was born March 15, 1991, in Spartanburg County. Diontea is a fourth-grade student at Z. L. Madden Elementary School and is actively involved in various school activities. Terrell is the second offspring born to Dewey and Shannon Porter. He was born March 21, 1992, in Norfolk, Virginia. Terrell is a second-grade student at Z. L. Madden Elementary School. Jennifer Deniece Porter is the third child born to Jessie and Eugene Porter. She was born March 5, 1970. Jennifer attended and graduated from James F. Byrnes High School. While a student she played basketball and volleyball. Jennifer is presently employed at the Shoe Department in Westgate Mall as a cashier/manager and is also attending Spartanburg Technical College, studying early childhood development. She is not married and has no children. Jennifer attends the Queen Street Baptist Church in Greenville and presently resides at 584 Hugh Street, Spartanburg.
Cynthia Elaine Porter is the fourth offspring of Jessie and Eugene Porter. She was born February 8, 1971, in Spartanburg County. Cynthia attended and graduated from James F. Byrnes High School. She is not married and has one child. His name is Saviouane Eugene. Saviouane makes up the seventh generation of Mary Bomar. Cynthia is employed as a tagger and label worker with One Price Clothing. She attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides at 584 Hugh Street. Saviouane Eugene Porter is the son of Cynthia Porter. He was born February 3, 1992, on his Grandpa Eugene's birthday and was given part of his name in memory of his grandfather. Saviouane attends Cleveland Elementary School and Ridgeview Child Development Center. Theodore (Eugene) Porter was born in Spartanburg, on February 3, 1948. Eugene, as he was called by his family and friends, was a member of Travelers Rest Baptist Church. His bright smile and happy disposition were sources of encouragement and inspiration to all. Eugene departed this life on Monday, July 23, 1990, in his home, 656 Old Spartanburg Highway, Wellford. Mem Bomar, Jr. is the fifth child born to Mem and Annie Bomar. He was born on January 12, 1950, in Spartanburg County. He attended Florence Chapel High School and is the father of one son. His name is Michael. Mem, Jr., is employed by United Forest Lumber Company as a machinist. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides in Spartanburg.
Michael Bomar is the son ofMem Bomar, Jr. He was born July 16, 1970. Michael is a graduate of Byrnes High School. He is not married and has no children. Michael is employed by United Forest Lumber Company as a machinist. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides in Spartanburg. Henry Eugene Bomar, I. is the sixth offspring ofMem and Annie Bomar. He was born on July 6, 1951, and attended Florence Chapel High School. He is the father of three children. Their names are Henry Eugene II, Merquet and Porchia Shada. Henry, I, is employed at United Forest Lumber Company as a machinist. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg.
Henry Eugene Bomar, II, is the first child born to Henry Bomar, I. He was born January 11, 1972, in Spartanburg County. Henry, II, attended Byrnes High School. He is not married and has no children. Henry, II, is employed at United Forest Lumber Company as a machinist. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides at 530 Peronneau Street, Apt. 1, Spartanburg. Merquet Bomar is the second offspring born to Henry Bomar, I. He was born August 19, 1980. Merquet is a graduate of Spartanburg High School. He is presently employed by Picadilly Restaurant and resides in Spartanburg. Porchia Shada Bomar is the third child born to Henry Bomar, I. She was born February 10, 1987. Porchia attends Boiling Springs Middle School and is actively involved in several school programs. Patricia Bomar Ashmore is the seventh child born of Mem and Annie Bomar. She was born on September 7, 1953, and attended James F. Byrnes High School. She is married to Robert Ashmore. He was born August 8, 1948, in Spartanburg County. Patricia has three children. Their names are Tosha, Jacklyn and Misty. Robert works as a supervisor at Armstrong Textiles. Patricia also works at Armstrong Textiles as a material handler. She and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and reside at 120 Elliott, Spartanburg.
Tosha Bomar is the first offspring of Patricia Ashmore. She was born March 6, 1974. Tosha attended Byrnes High School. She is not married and is the parent of one child. Her name is Taisha Siera. Tosha is employed by Burger King as a manager. She attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides in Duncan. Taisha Siera is the child of Tosha Bomar. She was born September 20, 1992. Taisha attends Duncan Elementary School and participates in various school activities. Jacklyn Bomar is the second child born to Patricia Ashmore. She was born October 18, 1977. Jacklyn graduated from Dorman High School. She is not married and has no children. She is employed by Burger King as a cashier. Jacklyn attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides in Lyman. Misty Bomar is the third offspring of Patricia Ashmore. She was born December 9, 1981, in Spartanburg County. She attends Dorman High School and is actively involved in various school activities. Queen Esther Bomar is the eighth offspring ofMem and Annie Bomar. She was born on November 15, 1955, and attended James F. Byrnes High School. She is the mother of two, and their names are Bruce Antonio and Jasmine Quienette. Queen is employed as a production floor coordinator and repair person at Allied Signal-Arrowspace. She loves to write poems, and just had one of her works, accepted for publication entitled "Little Faith," in the winter edition of The Poetry Guild Anthology. She and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently reside in Duncan.
Bruce Antonio Bomar is the first child born to Queen Bomar. He was born November 30, 1973. Bruce attended Byrnes High School. He is not married and has no children. Bruce is employed at Kentucky Fried Chicken as a cook. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides in Duncan. Jasmine Quienette Bomar is the second offspring of Queen Bomar. She was born March 10, 1991. Jasmine attends Calvary Christian School, is learning to play the piano, and participates in various school activities. Julia Faye Bomar Foster is the ninth child born to Mem and Annie Bomar. Her birthdate is October 2, 195 7. Julia Faye graduated from James F. Byrnes High School. She was married to Timothy Foster, and they are the parents of three children. Their names are Yolanda, Timothy (Jay) and Mario. Timothy Foster attended Byrnes High School and was employed at Jackson Mills as a supervisor before the mill closed during the latter part of 1997. Julia Faye is employed at Allied Signal-Arrowspace as a debarr operator. She and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently reside at 145 Chelsea Street, Moore.
Yolanda Foster is the first offspring of Julia and Timothy Foster. She was born January 23, 1977. She graduated from Greer High School. Yolanda is not married and has no children. She is employed as a cashier with Hardees. Yolanda attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and resides in Moore. Timothy (Jay) Foster is the second child born to Julia and Timothy Foster. He was born April 11, 1980. Jay is a graduate of Dorman High School. He is not married and has no children. Jay works at Arby 's as a manager.
Mario Foster is the third offspring born to Julia and Timothy Foster. He was born August 7, 1984. Mario attends Dorman High School and is a participant in various school activities. Michael Anthony Bomar, Sr.. is the tenth offspring of Mem and Annie Bomar. He was born on July 20, 1959. He attended James F. Byrnes High School and was married to the former Jeanette Dodd. They are the parents of three children. Their names are Michael, Jr., Brandon and Kameron. Jeanette attended Blueridge High School and is employed at Ramona's Macaroni Grille as a pastries maker. Michael is employed as a truck driver. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church, and Jeanette attends Kingdom Hall. Michael resides at 110 Holiday Drive, Spartanburg. Jeanette and her family presently reside at 1196 Waddell Reed, Woodruff
Michael Bomar, Jr., is the first child born to Michael, Sr., and Jeanette Bomar. Michael, Jr., was born September 21, 1980. He attends Woodruff High School and is actively involved in various school activities. Brandon Bomar is the second child born to Michael, Sr., and Jeanette Bomar. He was born June 12, 1983, in Spartanburg County. Brandon attends Woodruff High School and is a participant in several school activities. Kameron Bomar is the third offspring of Michael, Sr., and Jeanette Bomar. He was born November 2, 1989. Kameron attends Woodruff Elementary School and participates in various school programs. Rex Allen Bomar is the eleventh offspring of Mem and Annie Bomar. He was born on May 27, 1961. He graduated from James F. Byrnes High School and is the father of one son. His name is Lamarr. Rex Allen is employed at Greenville Finishing Company as a machine operator. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides at 110 Holiday Drive, Spartanburg.
Lamarr Bomar is the son of Rex Bomar. He was born October 25, 1988, in Spartanburg County. He attends R. P. Dawkins Middle School and is an active participant in various school programs. Ronald Bomar is the twelfth child of Mem and Annie Bomar. He was born on August 7, 1963. Ronald graduated from James F. Byrnes High School and is a newly wed. He is married to the former April Jones. He is the father of two children. Their names are Brittany and Ebony Shernay and April is the mother of two children whose names are Deon and Tyler. Ronald works as a supervisor at Spring Mills and April is employed by Mary Black Hospital in outpatient registration. They attend Universal In Time Harvest Ministry Church and also reside in Spartanburg.
Brittany Bomar is the first offspring of Ronald Bomar. She was born February 23, 1990. Brittany attends Southfield Elementary School and is actively involved in several school activities. Deon Jones is the first child born to April Bomar. He was born February 9, 1991. Deon attends Pine Street Elementary School and is an active participant in various school programs. Tyler Jones is the second offspring of April Bomar. He was born May 5, 1993 in Spartanburg County. Tyler attends Pine Street Elementary School and is actively involved in several school events. Ebony Shernay is the second child born to Ronald Bomar. She was born August 14, 1996, in Spartanburg County. Ebony Shernay is an active 3-year old toddler. -50-
Lennell Bomar Miller Lennell Bomar Miller was the fifth child of Will and Jemima Bomar. She was born in Spartanburg County on March 16, 1923. Lennell was raised by her father's brother, Samuel Jones Bomar, and attended the public schools of Spartanburg. She was baptized and attended New Trinity Baptist Church. Lennell was united in holy matrimony to Wilson Edward Miller in 1941, and to this union one daughter was born, Frances Lennell. In search ofbetter employment, Wilson and Lennell moved to Baltimore, Maryland, in 1942. Lennell united with the Concord Baptist Church, under the pastorate of the Reverend J.M. Raynor in 1950, where she worked on the usher board. In 1951, she adopted Louvenia Swinson as her daughter. She was employed by the Johns Hopkins Hospital, where she worked untiringly until her retirement in April 1985. Lennell united with The New Metropolitan Baptist Church in April 1962, under the pastorate of the Reverend Dr. Lawyer L. Swinson. Here she continued her dedicated service as a choir member and an usher. She also worked faithfully in the food ministry. Lennell departed this life on Monday, February 5, 1990. Wilson Edward Miller was the son of Stewart Miller and Annie Chriswell Miller. He was born on February 17, 1917, in Spartanburg, South Carolina. Stewart (as he was affectionately called) received his education in the public schools of Spartanburg. As a young man he worshipped at New Trinity Baptist Church and later in life at The New Metropolitan Baptist Church. Upon moving to Baltimore, Stewart worked on various jobs before obtaining employment at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation, Sparrows Point Plant, from which he retired in 1963 after twenty-six (26) years of service. Uncle Stewart was an avid sports fan, and he particularly enjoyed the Baltimore Orioles baseball team. He departed this life on Sunday, April 6, 1996, at 6:40 p.m. at Bon Secours Hospital.
Louvenia Best Swinson is the adopted daughter of Lennell and Wilson Miller. She was born on August 1, 1932. Louvenia was educated in the public schools of Baltimore and graduated from college. She was married to the late Reverend Dr. Lawyer Leonard Swinson, Sr. To this union one child was born. His name was Lawyer Leonard, Jr. Louvenia is a retired educator and very active in church and community activities. She attends The New Metropolitan Baptist Church. Louvenia is also actively involved in her sorority, Epsilon Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, and presently resides at 3611 Sequoi Avenue, Baltimore. Lawyer Leonard Swinson, Jr. was born around 10:00 a.m. on Saturday morning, November 7, 1953, at Provident Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He attended Betsy Ross Elementary School and Rock Glen Junior High School, was a 1972 graduate of Baltimore City College and a 1975 graduate of Community College of Baltimore and, at the time of his death, he was pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in social science at Coppin State College and would have graduated in May 1976. Lawyer, Jr., was a parttime employee at Sinai Hospital, where he was loved by all who knew him. He also played on the basketball team at Sinai Hospital. Basketball was a sport that he really loved. Lawyer, Jr., participated in wrestling and lacrosse at City College and played soccer at Community College of Baltimore (CCB). He was -51-
a great lover of sports and was the owner of a Kawasaki motorbike. Toby, as he was affectionately called, was baptized by his father in 1962 and worked in the various auxiliaries of The New Metropolitan Baptist Church - the Swinson Sunbeams-Intermediate Choir, Young Adults-Junior Ushers and the Metro-Players. Toby's demise came at 8:20 p.m. on Saturday evening, March 27, 1976, at Sinai Hospital, after he suddenly became seriously ill on Friday morning at approximately 4:00 a.m. on Mar-eh 26, 1976. The Reverend Dr. Lawyer L. Swinson, Sr., was born January 16, 1933, in Goldsboro, North Carolina. He was educated in the public schools of Wayne County and graduated from college. The Reverend Swinson served as pastor of several churches throughout the states of North Carolina and Maryland. At the time of his death, he was the pastor of The New Metropolitan Baptist Church. The Reverend Swinson departed this mortal life on June 7, 1986. Frances Lennell Miller is the daughter of Lennell and Wilson Miller. She was born on August 2, 1945. Frances was educated in the public schools of Maryland and is presently employed by the U. S. Social Security Administration as a technical assistance supervisor. She is not married and has no children and is an avid traveler. Frances is a member of The New Metropolitan Baptist Church and resides at 939 West Lexington Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Wesley Bomar Wesley Bomar was the sixth child of Will and Jemima Bomar. He died in infancy. Alexander C. (Tobe) Bomar Alexander C. was the second of Memory and Macey Bomar's children. Tobe (as he was affectionately called) was born in Spartanburg County in April 1882. Tobe was not married but had three (3) sons. Information is very limited on Alexander. His name does appear in the 1890 U. S. Census Report along with the names of his siblings. Tobe was fatally injured in an automobile accident at the age of 53 on August 9, 1935. Katie Bomar F ow fer Katie Bomar Fowler was the third child of Memory and Macey Bomar. She was born on May 27, 1886, in Spartanburg County and died May 2, 1949, at the age of 63. She was married to Toyce Fowler. Born to Katie and Toyce were four daughters. Their names were Gladys, Annie, Jessie (Louise) and Lois. Toyce also had another daughter, Susie Bell. The family lived in Beech Springs, South Carolina. Toyce died November 18, 1936. Gladys Fowler King Gladys Fowler King was Katie and Toyce Fowler's first child. She was born on July 28, 1907. Gladys was married to Ernest King. He was affectionately called "Buck" and ran a club in Spartanburg. Ernest and Gladys had no children. Ernest departed this mortal life on December 3, 1953. Gladys departed this life on Monday, June 13, 1983, in Washington, DC. She served and was a faithful member of Trinidad Baptist Church, Washington, DC. Her obituary indicates that she was a lovable person and everyone chose to have her as a friend. Gladys' homegoing services were held at The J. W. Woodward Memorial Chapel in Spartanburg on Monday, June 20, 1983. -52-
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Annie Fawler Logan
Annie Fowler Logan, the second child of Katie and Toyce Fowler, was born in Spartanburg County on February 6, 1910. She grew up and upon reaching maturity took residence in the city of Spartanburg. Her employment consisted of running Logan's Cafe on Liberty Street. She was married to Henry Logan and was the proud mother of one son by this union. Annie became head of her family in September 1935, when her husband, Henry, died. The name of their son was Ernest. She was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. Annie entered eternal rest on May 30, 1990. Ernest Houston (Dickey) Logan, Sr.. was born on August 28, 1927, and married Margaret Knuckles. Born to this union were eight children. Their names are Douglas, Ronald, Cornelius, Harvey, Charles, Ellen, Belinda and Vincent. Dickey had four children prior to his marriage - Ernest, Jr. (Rickey), Willie (Wilson), Dianne and Ronnie. He served in the U. S. Army and ran Tyger Park (a popular nightspot for African-Americans) prior to his death in 1964. Ernest William (Rickey) Logan, Jr., the first child of Ernest, Sr., was born on December 31, 1947. He was united in holy matrimony to Gwendolyn D. Fields, and they have three children. Their names are Ernest Desmond, Candy Dianne and Epifanny Di wanna. Rickey was a member of Majority Baptist Church and was a United States Army veteran. He was employed as a booking agent for Magic Funk Band and Toby King. Ricky departed this mortal life on January 20, 1999. Gwendolyn and her family presently reside in Wellford.
Ernest Desmond is the first offspring of Ernest, Jr., and Gwendolyn Logan. He was born January 18, 1974, in Spartanburg County. Ernest is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School, where he was an outstanding athlete. He is also a college graduate and presently works and resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Candy Dianne is the second child born to Ernest, Jr., and Gwendolyn Logan. She was born July 3, · 1976. Candy is also a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School. Epifanny Diwanna is the third offspring born to Ernest, Jr., and Gwendolyn Logan. She was born October 29, 1988. Epifanny is a sixth- grade student at D. R. Hill Middle School. She is an active participant in various school activities. Willie Wilson, the second child of Ernest, Sr., and currently lives in Columbia, South Carolina. He is married and has one daughter, Kim.
Kim is the offspring of Willie Wilson. She attended the Richland County public schools. Dianne Canada Styles, is the third offspring of Ernest Houston Logan. She is married to Willie Styles.. Dianne. is the mother of four children. Their names are James, Carolyn, Tracey and Derrick. Bianrre·and her family presently resiae·in~eidville, South Carolina.
James is the first offspring of Dianne Styles. He attended the Spartanburg County public schools. James presently resides in Spartanburg. Carolyn is the second child of Dianne Styles. She attended the Spartanburg County public schools and resides in Spartanburg. Tracey is the third child of Dianne Styles. She attended the Spartanburg County public schools. -54-
Tracey is married and has two children. Their names are "Cf' and Katelyn Tracey and her family presently reside in Spartanburg. "Cf' is the first offspring born to Tracey Chambers. He was born in 1993. He attends the Spartanburg¡ County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Katelyn is the second child born of Tracey Chambers. She was born in 1996. She attends the Spartanburg County public schools and participates in various school events. Derrick is the fourth offspring of Dianne Styles. He attends the Spartanburg County public schools. Derrick is active in various school activities.
Douglas Harvey Logan is Ernest and Margaret Logan's first child. Douglas is married and is the father of seven children. Douglas and his family presently reside in Greensboro, North Carolina. Ronald Logan, was born on July 23, 1951, and is the second child of Ernest and Margaret Logan. He is married to the former Vickey Smith. Ronald is the father of six children. Their names are Pam, LaTasha, Amy, Rico, Osha and Derrick. Ronald and his family presently reside in Spartanburg. Pam is the first offspring of Ronald Logan. She is married. Pam and her family presently reside in Spartanburg. LaTasha is the second child born of Ronald Logan. She has two children. Their names are DeVonte and LeVonte. LaTasha and her family presently reside in Spartanburg. DeVonte is the first offspring of LaTasha Logan. He is a twin. DeVonte attends the Spartanburg County public schools. DeVonte participates in various school activities. LeVonte is the second child born ofLaTasha Logan. He is the twin brother ofDeVonte. LeVonte also attends the Spartanburg County public schools. He is an active participant in various school activities. Amy is the third offspring of Ronald Logan. She has two children and their names are Danielle and Kareem. Amy and her family presently reside in Spartanburg. Danielle is the first offspring of Amy Stevens. She attends the Spartanburg County public schools. Danielle is active in various school activities. Kareem is the second child born ofAmy Stevens. He attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school events. Rico is the fourth offspring of Ronald Logan. He attended the Spartanburg County public schools and presently resides in Spartanburg. Osha is the fifth child born of Ronald Logan. She attends the Spartanburg County public schools and presently resides in Spartanburg. Derrick is the offspring of Ronald and Vickey Logan. He was born April 6, 1971. Derrick attended Spartanburg High school. He is married. Ronald and his family presently reside in Spartanburg.
Cornelius Logan, Ernest and Margaret Logan's third child, was born on October 23, 1953. "Nee Nee" was not married and died on December 25, 1977, at the young age of 24. He was a loving son and brother. Cornelius was a member of Friendship Baptist Church. Harvey Logan, born on March 19, 1955, is Ernest and Margaret Logan's fourth child and is married to the former Margaret Fant. Harvey, Sr., has seven children. Their names are LeKeya, YeKisha, Carlos, Harvey Eugene, Jr., Ernest Houston, II, Tosha, and Ana. Harvey, Sr. and his family presently reside in Spartanburg.
LeKeya is the first offspring born to Douglas Logan. She was born October 5, 1983. LeKeya attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Yekisha is the second child born of Douglas Logan. She was born April 20. Yekisha is the mother of one child. His name is Eric. Yekisha and her family presently resides in Spartanburg. Ericis the offspring ofYekishaFoster. He was born February 14, 1991 in Spartanburg County. Eric attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Carlos is the third child born to Douglas Logan. He was born in 1986. Carlos attends the Spartanburg County public schools and participates in various school events. Harvey Eugene, Jr., is the first offspring born to Douglas and Margaret Logan. He was born July 14, 1986. Harvey Eugene, Jr., attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Ernest Houston, II, is the second child born of Douglas and Margaret Logan. He was born February 5, 1988. Ernest Houston, II., attends the Spartanburg County public schools and participates in various school activities. Tosha is the third offspring born to Douglas and Margaret Logan. She was born March 17, 1989. Tosha attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Ana is the fourth child born to Douglas and Margaret Logan. She was born July 11, 1991. Ana attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various school activities. Charles Logan is the fifth child of Ernest and Margaret Logan. He was born on April 6, 1957. Charles was married to the former Sheila Juanita Leggs. She was born December 14, 1957, and to this union five children were born. Their names are Keyshia, Angel, Brandi, Charles and Cornelius. He is a minister. Sheila departed this mortal life on May 7, 1997. Charles married for a second time to the former Wanda Canty. She was born February 12, 1958, in Spartanburg County. Charles and his family presently reside in Spartanburg.
Keyshia is the first offspring born to Charles and Sheila Logan. She was born August 12, 1974. Keyshia attended Spartanburg High School¡and presently resides in Spartanburg. Angel is the second child born to Charles and Sheila Logan. She was born June 18, 1977. Angel attended Spartanburg High School and presently resides in Spartanburg. -56-
Brandi is the third offspring born to Charles and Sheila Logan. She was born June 14, 1978. Brandi attended Spartanburg High School and presently resides in Spartanburg. Charles is the fourth child born to Charles and Sheila Logan. He was born November 28, 1980. Charles attended Spartanburg High School and presently resides in Spartanburg. Cornelius is the fifth offspring born to Charles and Sheila Logan. He was born September 25, 1982. Cornelius attends Spartanburg High School and is presently classified as a senior. He participates in various school activities. Ellen Logan, the sixth offspring of Ernest and Margaret Logan was born on September 12, 1959. She is the mother of one child. Her name is Jameshia. Ellen is employed by the Art Gallery. She and Jameshia attend Praise-N-Victory Christian Church and presently reside in Wellford.
Jameshia is the offspring of Ellen Logan. She was born February 25, 1994. Jameshia attends Wellford Elementary and is a very active 5 year- old. Belinda Logan Carpenter was born on November 6, 1961 and is the seventh child of Ernest and Margaret Logan. She is married to Odell Carpenter and has two children, whose names are Jaquita and Jonita. Belinda is employed by the Art Gallery. She and her family attend Praise-N-Victory Christian Church and presently reside in Wellford.
Jaquita is the first offspring born to Belinda Logan. She was born December 1, 1985. Jaquita attends James F. Byrnes High School and is presently an active participant in various school activities. Joni ta is the second child born to Belinda Logan. She was born October 2, 1987. Joni ta attends D. R. Hill Middle School and presently participates in several school events. Ronnie Young is the eleventh child born to Ernest Logan, Sr. He was born December 16, 1963. Ronnie is married to the former Jackie McAbee. They are the parents of two children. Ronnie departed this mortal life in 1999. Jackie and her family presently reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. Vincent Logan, Sr., the eighth offspring of Ernest and Margaret Logan, was born on July 5, 1964, and is married to the former Darlene Rookard. Vincent and Darlene Logan are the parents of four children. Their names are Vincent Jr., Sasha, Danita Victoria and Crystal. Vincent is a minister. He and his family presently reside in Gaffney.
Vincent, Jr., is the first offspring born to Vincent and Darlene Logan. He was born May 23, 1983. Vincent, Jr., attends Gaffney High School and is an active participant in various activities. Sasha is the second child born to Vincent and Darlene Logan. She was born February 17, 1987. Sasha attends Chesnee Middle School and participates in several activities. Danita Victoria is the third offspring born to Vincent and Darlene Logan. She was born July 7, 1988. Vic~oria attends Chesnee Middle School and is an active participant in various school events. Crystal is the fourth child born to Vincent and Darlene Logan. She was born May 7, 1990. Crystal attends Chesnee Elementary School and participates in several school activities. -57-
Jessie Louise Fowler Bradford
Jessie Louise Fowler Bradford was born on September 19, 1916. Jessie (Louise, as she was affectionately called), was the third child of Katie and Toyce Fowler. She was married to the Reverend James Carl Bradford (known as J.C.). They had no children. James Carl was the son of Mr. Luddie and Mrs. Bell Evans Bradford. He was born in Spartanburg County on November 14, 1914. The Reverend Bradford was a member of Hopewell Baptist Church and the Masonic Spartan Lodge No. 108 and served as pastor of the following churches: Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Spartanburg; Calvary Baptist Church, Greer; Cross Hill and Center Rabun Baptist Church, Gray Court. He was a loyal servant of God and dedicated his life to helping others. The Reverend Bradford departed this life on May 17, 1981. Louise was a faithful member of Hopewell Baptist Church and a member of the Senior Choir. She went from labor to reward on Monday, March 24, 1986, in Spartanburg General Hospital after a long illness. Lois Mary Fowler
Lois Mary Fowler was Katie and Toyce Fowler's fourth offspring. She was born on December 27, 1917. Lois was not married and had no children. She was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church and entered eternal rest on September 16, 1990. Susie Bell Murriel
Susie Bell Hunter Murriel is the fifth offspring ofToyce Fowler. She was born March 24, 1923, in Spartanburg County. She was married to James Murriel, Sr., who departed this mortal life on June 30, 1989. Susie and James, Sr., are the parents of three children. Their names are Lula Bell, Betty and James, Jr. Susie Bell attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 16 Charles Drive, Wellford. Lula Bell Murriel Anderson is the first child of Susie and James Murriel, Sr. She was born on April 9, 1941. She attended Florence Chapel High School and is married to Robert Anderson, and they have two sons. Their names are Jeffrey and Christopher.
Jeffrey Anderson is the first offspring of Lula and Robert Anderson. He was born July 1, 1968, in Spartanburg County. Jeffrey graduated from Byrnes High School and from Spartanburg Technical College with a degree in Welding. He is not married and has no children. Jeffrey is employed by Palmetto Mechanical in Spartanburg. Christopher Anderson is the second child born to Lula and Robert Anderson. He was born November 17, 1971. Christopher attended and graduated from Byrnes High School. He is not married and has one child. Her name is Erica. Christopher is employed by Spartan Mills as a welder. He presently resides in Wellford. Erica is the child of Christopher Anderson. She was born December 12, 1994, in Spartanburg County. Erica is an active five year-old and attends a day care center in Greenville.
¡ ¡ Lula Bell is employed by Greenville County School System as a physical education teacher. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides in Duncan, South Carolina.
Betty Mu"iel Pearson is the second offspring of Susie and James Murriel, Sr. She was born on January 22, 1943. She attended Florence Chapel High School and is married to Frank Pearson. They are the parents of two children. Their names are Dwayne and Michelle. Betty is employed by Advantica Restaurant Group, Incorporated, as a benefits specialist. Frank works as a certified official with South Carolina Schools and as a chain crewman for the Carolina Panthers NFL Football Association. Betty and her family are members of New Trinity Baptist Church and presently reside in Duncan. Dwayne Pearson is the first offspring born to Betty and Frank Pearson. He was born December 17, 1960. Dwayne attended Byrnes High School and Spartanburg Technical College, where he received a degree in industrial electricity. He is not married and has no children. Dwayne is employed by Spartan Mills as a cloth doffer. He attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides in Wellford. Michelle Pearson is the second child of Betty and Frank Pearson. She was born on September 2, 1967, and graduated from Byrnes High School with honors. She attended and graduated from South Carolina State University with honors. Michelle's major was chemistry. Upon graduation she attended Clemson University. She is presently employed as a validation technician by Bausch & Lomb. Michelle is also an active member in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 206 Yamasee Court, Lyman.
James Murriel, Jr. was the third offspring born to Susie and James Murriel, Sr. He was born September 5, 1944, in Spartanburg County. James, Jr., attended Florence Chapel High School. He was the father of six children. Their names are Sue, Ray, Camelle Andre, Nita, Tonynia, and Gailya. James, Jr., departed this mortal life September 3, 1990 at the Washington D.C. Hospital in Washington, DC. Sue Beatty is the first offspring of James Murriel, Jr. She was born November 11, 1959. Sue attended Byrnes High School. She is married and is the mother of two children. Sue and her family presently reside in Spartanburg. Ray A. Morrison is the second child of James Murriel, Jr. He was born September 9, 1966. Ray attended Byrnes High School. He is married and is the father of twins. Ray and his family presently reside in Spartanburg. Camelle Andre is the third offspring born to James Murriel, Jr. He was born December 12, 1968. Camelle Andre attended Byrnes High School. He departed this mortal life on August 5, 1994. Nita Hunter is the fourth child born to James Murriel, Jr. Nita was born December 6, 1970. Nita attended Byrnes High School and is married. The is the mother of three children. Nita and her family presently reside in Maryland. Tonynia Brown is the fifth child born to James Murriel, Jr. She is married and has children. Tonynia and her family presently reside in Maryland. Gailya Venicia Foster is the sixth offspring of James Murriel, Jr. She was born September 5, 1972. Gailya attended Byrnes High School and is the mother of three children. Their names are Napolean, -59-
Devonte' and De' Aieshia. Gailya and her family attend Hopewell Baptist Church and presently reside in Duncan. Napolean Domonte' is the first offspring of Gail ya Foster. He was born January 14, 1991. Napolean attends River Ridge Elementary School and is a third-grade student. He participates in various school activities. Devonte' Rashad is the second child born to Gailya Foster. He was born February 27, 1992. Devonte' attends Duncan Elementary School and is a second-grade student. He is an active participant in several activities. De' Aieshia Nicole is the third offspring ofGailya Foster. She was born May 10, 1999. De' Aieshia is an active 11 month-old infant.
Jessie Bomar Pearson Jessie Bomar Pearson is the fourth offspring of Memory and Macey Bomar. She was born J:ebruary 7, 1890, in Spartanburg County. Jessie was converted and joined the New Trinity Baptist Church at a very early age. She was joined in marriage to Joe Pearson. To this union one child was born. Her name was Nellie. Jessie and Joe were also the foster parents of Alonzo. Joe was born June 27, 1895 and was a farmer. I can remember when quite young sitting on a blanket under a tree in the shade while Moma and Daddy weeded the cotton in the fields with hoes. Uncle Joe also had a mule wagon and 2 mules named Nell and Clara Bell. He would hitch them to the wagon and give me and my sister Ruby Mae rides to the tan-yard and back to the house. He preceded Aunt Jessie in death on January 30, 1956. Nellie Pearson was born May 21, 1911, in Spartanburg County and was the foster sister of Alonzo. I remember in talking with "Big Moma" (my mother's Moma) how Nellie used to accompany Daddy to school and protect him. She was his big sister and would not let anyone bo~er him. Nellie was not married and had no children. Additionally, she was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. After an extended illness, Nellie also preceded Aunt Jessie in death on March 11, 1962. Aunt Jessie used to bake sweet potatoes in the fireplace and make that good ole homemade ice cream in the chum. She loved to cook. After Little Butch (Miller II) was born, she was as proud as she could be. When her health begin to decline, she would say "Ruby Mae, bring that boy so I can see him." After a long illness, Aunt Jessie departed this mortal life on July 19, 1970, at her residence, 350A Frey Circle, Spartanburg.
Beulah Bomar Ellis Beulah Bomar Ellis was the fifth offspring of Memory and Macey Bomar. She was born on November 10, 1893, in Fairforest. She was married to Oliver Ellis, and they had no children. Beulah was small in stature and was the foster mother of Johnnie Will. She departed this life September 17, 1958, in the Spartanburg General Hospital. Aunt Beulah's funeral was held on Sunday, September 21, at New Trinity Baptist Church at 2:00 p.m. with the Reverend N. J. Alexander giving the eulogy. Oliver Ellis was born in Augusta, Georgia, on May 5, 1895. He was a member of First Baptist Church of Fairforest. Uncle Oliver departed this mortal life on May 27, 1979, at the Spartanburg General Hospital after a brief illness. -60-
Samuel Jones Bomar Samuel Jones Bomar was the sixth child of Memory and Macey Bomar. He was born on January 2, 1899, and was married to the former Beulah Gamer. Sam and Beulah had no children. However, they served as foster parents to Lela Mae and Lennell. Their years were spent in happiness, making the home enjoyable and comfortable for each other. Uncle Sam was a farmer, brick mason and businessman. He and Daddy built Aunt Jessie's house. My sister Frieda presently resides in this home. I can also remember visiting in his home. In the house was a basement, and Aunt Beulah always kept it stocked with plenty of canned fruits, vegetables, soups and other goodies. We also had to use kerosene lamps whenever we went downstairs to the basement because there was no electricity in that part of the house. Samuel Jones was a mason and he was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. He departed this mortal life on January 15, 1968. Beulah Gamer Bomar was born on May 11, 1901, in Union, South Carolina. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dock (Carrie Bowen) Gamer. The family moved to the Fairforest Community in her early childhood days. She attended Fairforest Elementary and High Schools. At an early age she attended the First Baptist Church of Fairforest. Aunt Beulah departed this earthly life on Sunday, September 15, 1985, after a brief illness.
Jessie Bomar Pearson
Joe Pearson
Nellie Pearson
Beulah Bomar Ellis
Samuel Jones Bomar
Lela Mae Bomar Murphy
Johnnie Will Bomar McCoy
Alonzo Bomar -62-
Ruby Lee Young Bomar
Mem Bomar, Sr.
Lennell Bomar Miller
Wilson Edward Miller
Annie Fowler Logan
Jessie Fowler Bradford
Lois Mary Fowler
Susie Bell Murriel
Ernest Houston Logan, I -63-
Ernest " Ricky" Logan
Beattie Bomar Heading the list of Ella Bomar's children was Beattie Bomar. He was born in October 1889. He was married to Josephine. She was born in 1888. Beattie and Josephine had one daughter. Her name was Hattie Bess. Beattie was a restaurant employee and resided in Wellford. At the time of his death, Beattie was a widower. He departed this life on April 3, 1941. Hattie Bess Bomar is the offspring of Beattie and Josephine Bomar. She was born in Knox County, Knoxville, Tennessee. Annie Lou Bomar Annie Lou Bomar was the second child of Ella Bomar. She was born on August 24, 1891, in Spartanburg County. She attended the public schools in the county and was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church, where she served faithfully. She was a kind, gentle and loving figure and was loved by all who knew her. On Thursday afternoon, June 4, 1964, the Angel of Silence came into her home and, with chilly fingers, sealed the lips of our beloved. Her soul winged its flight into the realm of glory to dwell forevermore where sorrow, sin, pain and suffering are no more. Annie Lou had one child. Her name was Mamie Bomar Ballenger. Mamie Bomar Ballenger Mamie was born on February 7, 1909, in Spartanburg County. She was united in holy matrimony to Will R. Ballenger. He was the son of Mrs. Hattie Ballenger Legg and was born in Spartanburg County on August 14, 1910. At an early age he was converted and joined the Florence Chapel United Methodist Church. He served faithfully until his health began to fail. Mamie and Will had three children. Their first child died during infancy. Their two daughters' names are Evelyn Ballenger Hunter and Annie Mae Ballenger. Mamie departed this mortal life on February 6, 1952. Will R. Ballenger went from labor to reward on Wednesday evening, July 28, 1982. Evelyn Hunter was the second offspring of Mamie and Will R. Ballenger. She was born on June 6, 1929. Evelyn was married to Frank Hunter. Evelyn and Frank had three children. Their names are Carolyn, Francene and Frank, Jr. Frank, Sr., went from labor to reward on January 5, 1974. Evelyn departed this mortal life on February 4, 1976, in Washington, DC. The Reverend L. G. Lipscombe officiated during the services, and interment was at Harmony Memorial Park. Carolyn Hunter is the first offspring of Evelyn and Frank Hunter. She was born October 27, 1948, in Washington, DC, where she attended the DC Public Schools and graduated in the class of 1966. She graduated from the Washington Saturday College in 1993 with an A.A. degree in business administration. Carolyn is not married and has no children. She has worked for the U. S. Department of Agriculture for 31 yearsfo various capacities. Carolyn is now an agricultural marketing specialist. She presently resides at 6504 Lacona Street, Forestville, Maryland, and attends Matthews Memorial Baptist Church. She serves on the Adult and Intermediate Usher Boards. Carolyn is also a member of the Order of Eastern -67-
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Star, Prince Hall Affiliate, Mecca Court No. 2 Daughters of Isis, Columbia Temple No. 422 Daughters of Elks Thornton A. Jackson Court No. 3, Heroines of Jericho and treasurer for AFSCME Local 3925. Francene Hunter is the second child of Evelyn and Frank Hunter. She was born March 18, 1952, in Washington, DC where she attended the DC Public Schools and graduated in 1970. Francene is not married and has no children. She is employed by Kajax Engineering as an administrative assistant. Francene resides at 6504 Lacona Street, Forestville, Maryland, and attends Matthews Memorial Baptist Church. She is a member of the Coger Choraliers Choir. Francene is also a member of the Order of the Eastern Star, Prince Hall Affiliate, Mecca Court No. 2 Daughters oflsis Israel Court No. 4, Heriones of Jericho and the Cyrene Crusaders. Frank Hunter, Jr., is the third offspring of Evelyn and Frank Hunter. He was born March 31, 1955, in Washington, DC, where he attended the DC Public Schools and graduated in 1973. Frank is the father of two children. Their names are Frank Eugene and Jamar Dominique. Frank is employed by the Marriott Corporation as a laundry supervisor. He attends Matthews Memorial Baptist Church and is also a Prince Hall Mason (Acacia Lodge No. 25). He resides at 97 Galveston Street, SW #18, Washington, DC. Frank Eugene Hunter is the first child born to Frank Hunter, Jr. He was born April 22, 1996, in Washington, DC. Frank Eugene is an active 4 year-old preschooler. Jamar Dominique is the second offspring born to Frank Hunter, Jr. He was born September 3, 1997, in Washington, DC. Jamar Dominique is a very active 2 year-old toddler.
Annie Mae Ballenger is the third offspring of Mamie and Will R. Ballenger. She was born February 18, 1934, in Spartanburg County. Annie Mae attended the Florence Chapel and Spartanburg County Training Schools at Fairforest. She graduated in the class of 1951. Annie Mae is not married and has no children. She worked in dry cleaning and the textile industry until her retirement for disability. Annie Mae is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 131 James Road, Lyman. Lelia Bomar Lelia Bomar was the third offspring born to Ella Bomar. She was born in November 1893 in Spartanburg County. Lelia was the parent of one son. His name is Albert, Sr. Lelia's occupation, according to her certificate of death, was farming. Dr. S. B. Moore ofTucapau was her attending physician from May 1, 1918, until she departed this mortal life on June 8, 1919, at 10:00 p.m. Her aunt Anna McMillian attested to her death.
Albert Bomar. Sr. Albert, Sr., was born on March 28, 1912, and was the offspring of Lelia Bomar. He was married to the former Alberta Jones, and to this union five children were born. Their names are Albert, Jr., James Ball, Hydreck, Tommy and Deborah. Alberta departed this life on May 28, 1962. Mr. Albert retired from Carolina Fibers and was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. He departed this earthly life on January 13, 2000 at the Spartanburg Regional-Medical Center after a lengthy illness.
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Albert Bomar, Jr., is the first offspring of Albert, Sr., and Alberta Bomar. He was born October 2, 1941, in Spartanburg County. He attended the Florence Chapel Public School. Albert, Jr., presently resides in Newark, New Jersey. James Ball Bomar is the second child of Albert, Sr., and Alberta Bomar and was born on December 6, 1943. He attended the Florence Chapel Public School and presently resides at 795 Bergen Street, Newark, New Jersey.
Hydreck Bomar was born July 19, 1955, in Spartanburg County. He was the third offspring of Albert, Sr., and Alberta Bomar. Hydreck attended Florence Chapel Public School and was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. Hydreck departed this mortal life on May 5, 1985. Tommy Bomar is the fourth child of Albert, Sr., and Alberta Bomar. He was born on May 29, 1957, in Spartanburg County. He attended the Florence Chapel Public School and is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. Tommy presently resides at 148 Brook Street, Wellford.
Debra Bomar Walton is the fifth offspring of Albert, Sr., and Alberta Bomar. She was born April 14, 1960, in Spartanburg County and is married to Earl Walton. Debra attended Byrnes High School and is the mother of one daughter. Her name is Shonice. Debra was employed by Lyman Mills as an ends closer. Debra and Shonice attend New Trinity Baptist Church. She and her family presently reside in Moore. Shonice was born on August 4, 1986, in Spartanburg County. She is an eighth-grade student at D. R. Hill Middle School. Shonice or "Ne-Ne" as she is affectionately called is an active participant in various school events.
Mary Bomar Thompson Mary Bomar Thompson was the fourth offspring of Ella Bomar. She was born in April 1896 in Spartanburg County. Mary was married to Tobe Bomar. They had three children-all sons. Their names were James Russell, Sr., Ernest and Leroy. Mary married for a second time to Matthew Thompson. Matthew was born in 1899 and was a farmer, according to the 1920 U. S. Census Report. To this union two sons were born. Their names were L.T., Sr., and Bennie. Mary departed this mortal life in 1937.
James Russell Bomar, Sr. James Russell, Sr., was the first offspring ofMary Bomar. He was born May 17, 1910, in Spartanburg County. James Russell, Sr., was married to the former Agnes Beulah Ann Floyd in 1940. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob (Lela) Floyd. Agnes was born July 25, 1920, in Spartanburg County. To this union eight children were born. Their names are Walter Lee, Betty Jean, Charles, James Russell, Jr., Beulah Ann, Christine, Ernestine and Edward Floyd. James Russell Sr. departed this life on February I, 1963, and Agnes, on October 26, 1983, at Baptist Hospital. Her obituary states that Mrs. Bomar professed faith in Christ at a very early age, forming union with the New Trinity Baptist Church in South Carolina, and that she was an employee of the Tennessee Valley Authority in Knoxville. She was deeply loved by many and shall remain in the memory of all who knew her.
Walter Lee Bomar is the first child of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. He was born on September 1, 1940, and is married to the former Delois Ewing. They are the parents of two children and -71-
their names are Walter Shawn and Brandon Keyon. Walter is employed by Tennessee Valley Authority in the position of line foreman. In his 35th year of employment, he plans to retire (2000). Walter Lee and Delois attend 8ethel Baptist Church and presently reside at 917 Brown School Road, Maryville, Tennessee. Walter Shawn Bomar was born May 13, 1972, in Maryville, Tennessee, and is the first offspring of Walter Lee and Delois Bomar. He graduated from Maryville High School, earned an associate degree from ITT-Knoxville and a B. S. degree from ITT-Nashville in 1998. Walter Shawn is married to the former Roan Nguyen. She is a student at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. They are the parents of one child. His name is Shawn LaRue. Walter Shawn and his family presently reside at 314 McBier Road Apartments -#839, Chattanooga, Tennessee. Shawn LaRue was born August 15, 1991, in Maryville, Tennessee. He is a multi-level grade student at Henry L. Barker Elementary School. At age 7, LaRue was a straight '.N student in the second grade. During the fall of 1999 as a third-grade student, he is attending 'gifted' classes. Brandon Keyon was born July 17, 1974, in Maryville, Tennessee. He is the second child of Walter Lee and Delois Bomar. He graduated from Maryville High School. Brandon attended Tennessee Technical College, for two years majoring in mechanical engineering. He graduated with an associate degree from Pellissippi State with a major in computer integrated drafting in December 1998 and is listed in "Who s Who In American Junior Colleges. " Brandon returned to college in January 1999 to complete studies in engineering and graduated in May 1999 with an associate degree in civil engineering. He is employed by Lockwood Greene of Knoxville, Tennessee, as a computer integrated drafter and designer. Brandon attends Bethel Baptist Church and presently resides at 917 Brown School Road, Maryville, Tennessee.
Betty Jean Bomar is the second offspring of James Russell and Agnes Bomar. She was born January 29, 1943. Betty Jean attended Austin High School and is presently employed at Ethan Allen Carriage House as a housekeeper. She is the mother of three children. Their names are Terry Faye, James Lawrence, and Agnes Pauline. Betty Jean attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently resides at 1246 Hanson Avenue, Apartment 24, Knoxville, Tennessee. Terry Faye was born September 16, 1963, in Knoxville and is the first child born to Betty Jean Bomar. She is a graduate of Rule High School. Terry has been employed at Knox County Purchasing Department for eight years as a data entry secretary. She is the parent of two children. Their names are Alesia Tiquan and Clinton Burns, III. Terry and her children attend First United Presbyterian Church (USA). She sings in the choir, serves as president of the Women's Association and secretary of the Deacon Board and is an active member of the Knoxville Habitat for Humanity Homeowners Association. Terry presently resides at 912 West Oldham Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Alesia Tiquan Bums is the first offspring of Terry Faye Bomar. She was born February 15, 1980. Alesia is a graduate of West High School and is presently a sophomore at Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee. She is studying to become a pharmacist. Alesia attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA). Clinton Burns, III, is the second child born to Terry Faye Bomar. He was born June 7, 1986. He is an 8 -grade student at Northwest Middle School. Clinton plays basketball, baseball and football with the Knoxville Falcons Youth Athletic Association. He is also a member of the Emerald Avenue Youth Foundation. Clinton attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA), where he sings in the Youth Choir. th
James Lawrence Bomar was born September 13, 1964. He is the second offspring of Betty Jean Bomar. James Lawrence attended Rule High School and is the father of six children. Their names are Shatara O'Neal, Sharon, James L., Jr., Jasmin O'Neal, Jeremy and Christopher. He attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently resides at 2111 Bethel Avenue, Apartment 396, Lot L, Knoxville, Tennessee. Shatara O'Neal is the first offspring born to James Lawrence Bomar. She was born March 29, 1983. Shatara attends Austin East High School and is an 11 th-grade student. She is a member of the soccer and tennis teams. Sharon is the second child born to James Lawrence Bomar. She was born November 11, 1985. Sharon attends Austin East High School and is a 9th -grade student. She is active in various school activities. James L., Jr., is the third offspring of James Lawrence Bomar. He was born April 13, 1986. James, Jr. is an 8th-grade student at Vine Middle School. James plays football with the Baby Roadrunners Youth Athletic Association and is a member of the color guard at Vine Middle School. Jasmin O'Neal is the fourth child born to James Lawrence Bomar. She was born April 20, 1987. Jasmin attends Vine Middle School and is an 8th-grade student. He is an active participant in various school activities. Jeremy is the fifth offspring of James Lawrence Bomar. He was born April 23, 1988. Jeremy attends Vine Middle School and is a 7th-grade student. He plays football with the Baby Roadrunners Youth Athletic Association. Christopher Tyrek is the sixth child born to James Lawrence Bomar. He was born October 20, 1998, in Knoxville, TN and is an active 18 month-old toddler. Agnes Pauline Bomar is the third child of Betty Jean Bomar. She was born August 6, 1968, in Knoxville. Agnes attended Rule High School and is presently employed by Ridgeview Psychiatric Hospital as a program assistant. She is the mother of one child, and her name is Carstasha Shante. Agnes and Carstasha Shante attend First United Presbyterian Church (USA), and they presently reside at 3007 Hillside Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Carstasha Shante is the first offspring of Agnes Pauline Bomar. She was born July 29, 1986. Carstasha is an 8th-grade student at Vine Middle School. She is also a cheerleader for the Knoxville Falcons Youth Athletic Association. Carstasha attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and sings in the Youth Choir.
Charles Bomar is the third offspring of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. He was born on December 21, 1944, in Knoxville. Charles attended Austin High School. He is presently employed by M. K. Ferguson as an electrician. Charles is the father of two daughters. Their names are Charlene LaWanda and Charlette Mercedes. He attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently resides at 2915 Wimpole Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Charlene LaWanda is the first child born to Charles Bomar. She was born April 16, 1972. Charlene graduated from Central High School and Knoxville College. She is a former employee of First Tennessee -73-
Bank, where she worked as a customer service representative. Charlene is presently in the U. S. Army and is stationed at Fort Polk in Louisiana. She attends Greater Bush Grove Baptist Church, and her permanent residence is 1724 Garden View Lane, Knoxville, Tennessee. Charlette Mercedes is the second offspring of Charles Bomar. She was born March 18, 1997 and is an active 3 year-old-toddler.
James Russell Bomar. Jr., is the fourth child of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. He was born April 18, 1947 in Knoxville. James Russell, Jr., graduated from Austin High School. He is married to the former Lee Bertha Priget Frazier, and they are the parents of three daughters. Their names are Lavonia Eunice Frazier Gary, Bertha Lee Frazier and Tanaquil Senee Bomar. They are the proud grandparents of five grandchilden and one great-grandchild. James, Jr., is employed by Tennessee Valley Authority and Lee Bertha is employed at Broadway Baptist Child Development Center as a teacher. They attend Rogers Memorial Baptist Church and presently reside at 6309 Netherland Drive, Knoxville, Tennessee. Lavonia Eunice Frazier Gary is the first child of Lee Bertha P. Frazier Bomar. She was born April 11, 1959. Lavonia graduated from Rule High School and Rice Business College. She is the mother of three daughters. Her daughters are Tamika Tiese, Martina LaRue Gary and Conchata Latrice Thompson. Lavonia is the proud grandmother of Joclyn. She is employed by Roth Child Catering. She attends Rogers Memorial Baptist Church and presently resides at 315 N. Casstte Avenue, #8, in Knoxville, Tennessee. Tamika Tiese is the first offspring of Lavonia Frazier Gary. She was born October 29, 1977, in Knox County. She attended Austin-East High School. Tamika is the mother of Joclyn. She is employed by Burger King as a cashier. Tamika attends Rogers Memorial Church and presently resides at 1278 Hanson Avenue, #39, Knoxville, Tennessee. Joclyn is the child of Tamika Tiese Gary. She was born May 6, 1993, in Knox County. Joclyn is an active 6 year-old and attends Green Magnet School. Martina LaRue is the second child of Lavonia Frazier Gary. She was born January 15, 1979, in Knox County. Martina attended Austin-East High School. She is employed by Family Dollar Stores as a cashier. Martina presently resides in Knoxville, Tennessee. Conchata Latrice Thompson is the third offspring of Lavonia Frazier Gary. She was born July 21, 1986, in Knox County. Conchata attends Bearden Middle School and participates in various activities. Bertha Lee Frazier is the second offspring of Lee Bertha P. Frazier Bomar. She was born March 9, 1961. Bertha Lee graduated from Rule High School and St. Mary's Nursing School. Bertha Lee has one child, Justin Dante' Walker. She is employed by NHC Healthcare of Fort Sanders as a nurse. Bertha Lee and Justin attend Mt. Olive Baptist Church and presently reside at 2323 Jefferson Avenue in Knoxville, Tennessee. Justin Dante' Walker is the son of Bertha Lee Frazier. He was born December 26, 1988, in Knox County. Justin attends Sarah Moore Green School and is an active participant in various school activities. Tanaquil Senee is the third child of James Russell, Jr., and Lee Bertha Bomar. She was born June 26, 1974. TanaquiLgraduated from Gibbs High-School and Tennessee School of Beauty, where she ma-74-
jored in cosmetology, and from Pellissippi State Community College, where she majored in business. She is the mother of one child, James Russell, Ill Tanaquil is employed by J. C. Penny Beauty Salon. She presently resides at 6309 Netherland Drive in Knoxville, Tennessee. James Russell, III, is the son of Tanaquil Senee Bomar. He was born August 31, 1988. James Russell, III, is a 6th-grade student at Ritta Elementary School. He is active in various school activities.¡
Beulah Ann Bomar is the fifth offspring of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. She was born on April 20, 1949. Beulah Ann is a graduate of Austin High School . She is presently employed by the Tennessee Department of Human Services as a para-counselor. Beulah Ann is the mother of three children. Their names are Walter Howard, Bobby Joe and Felicia. She attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently resides at 1807 Bethel Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Walter Howard is the first child born to Beulah Ann Bomar. He was born January 29, 1967. Walter graduated from Rule High School and from Pellissippi State Community College with a major in computer integrated drafting. He is married to the former Deborah Billingsley and is presently employed at Pilot Corporation as a computer designer/draftsman. Deborah is employed at IT Corporation as a computer designer. They attend First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently reside at 1001 Dartmouth Road, Knoxville, Tennessee. Bobby Joe is the second offspring born to Beulah Ann Bomar. He was born January 22, 1968. Bobby Joe graduated from Rule High School. He is the father of two children. Their names are Shakara and Alexia Kay. Bobby Joe is employed by Sears Department Stores in the automotive department. He resides at 2123 Vermont Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Shakara K. is the first child born to Bobby Joe Bomar. She was born August 25, 1988. Shakara attends Dogwood Elementary School and is active in various school activities. Alexia Kay is the second offspring of Bobby Joe Bomar. She was born June 19, 1996. Alexia is an active 3 year-old toddler. Felecia Rochelle Bomar King is the third child born to Beulah Ann Bomar. She was born May 9, 1971. Felecia is a graduate of Rule High School and Pellissippi State Community College. She is the mother of one child, whose name is JuJuan JoHoward. Felecia is employed by Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Tennessee as a claims clerk. She resides at 701 Morrison Spring Road, Apt. 4034D, Chattanooga, Tennessee. JuJuan JoHoward is the son of Felecia Rochelle Bomar King. He was born December 18, 1995. JuJuan attends East Fifth Day Care Center.
Christine Bomar was born June 16, 1951, in Knoxville. She is a twin and the sixth offspring of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. She attended Rule High School and is presently a homemaker. Christine is the mother of three children. Their names are Broderick Lee, Sr., Carolyn and Billy Joe, Jr. Christine and Billy Joe Jr., attend First United Presbyterian Church (USA), and they presently reside at 21 lD Bell Street, Apartment 252, Knoxville, Tennessee. Broderick Lee, Sr., was born April 13, 1971, and is the first child of Christine Bomar. He attended -75-
Austin-East High School and is the father of one child. His name was Broderick Lee, Jr. Broderick Lee, Sr., is employed at Fort Sanders Hospital as a covenant health worker. He attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA), and he presently resides at 21 ID Bell Street, Apartment 252, Knoxville, Tennessee. Broderick Lee, Jr., was the son of Broderick Lee, Sr. He was born February 13, 1995. Broderick Lee, Jr., departed this mortal life on June 5, 1995. Carolyn is the second offspring of Christine Bomar. She was born October 20, 1972. She also attended Austin-East High School and is the mother of one child. His name is DeReece Randolph. DeReece was born on June 7, 1993, in Knoxville. He is a six year-old first grade student at Sarah Moore Greene Elementary School. Carolyn is employed at the Knoxville Knox County Community Action Committee Headstart Program as a teacher's aide. She attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and resides presently at 4236 Ivy Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. Billy Joe, Jr., is a 14 year-old teenager. He is a ninth-grade student presently enrolled at Vine Middle School. Billy Joe, Jr., is the third child of Christine Bomar and was born on August 24, 1985. He attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA), where he sings in the Youth Choir. Billy Joe, Jr., also plays basketball, baseball and football with the Knoxville Community Development Corporation (KCDC) Youth Athletic Program.
Ernestine Bomar was also born June 16, 1951, and is the twin sister of Christine. She is the seventh offspring of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. She attended Rule High School and is presently employed as a homemaker. Ernestine is not married and has no children. She attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA), and presently resides at 3080 Washington Avenue, Apartment #1, Knoxville, Tennessee. Edward Floyd Bomar was born May 28, 1952. He was the eighth child of James Russell, Sr., and Agnes Bomar. He attended Austin-East High School and was employed by Tobacco Barn as a laborer. Edward Floyd was the father of two children. Their names are Shaunjuria and.Edward Dequan. Edward Floyd attended Mt. Calvary Baptist Church. He departed this mortal life on June 27, 1987. Shaunjuria LaTrelle was born August 10, 1974, in Knoxville. She is the firstborn of Edward Floyd Bomar. She attended Spartanburg High School and is employed by INA Bearings. Shaunjuria is the mother of three children. Their names are Avery Marquis, Sadiva Yahuan and Trellequala. Shaunjuria and her family attend Community Bible Believers Church. They presently reside at 303 Winter Green Terrace, Moore, South Carolina. Avery Marquis is the first offspring of Shaunjuria Bomar. He was born September 5, 1991. Avery attends Westview Elementary School and is a third-grade student. Sadiva Yahuan is the second child born to Shaunjuria Bomar. She was born June 15, 1993. Sadiva attends Westview Elementary School and is a first-grade student. Trellequala is the third offspring of Shaunjuria Bomar. She was born May 18, 1996. Trellequala attends Village Partnership Day Care Center and is a student in the 3 year-old class. Edward Dequan is the second¡ offspring of Edward Floyd Bomar. He was born August 20, 1978, in -76-
Knoxville. He is a graduate of Dorman High School and is presently attending Spartanburg Technical College. He is employed at McDonald's. Edward attends New Life Christian Fellowship Church and presently resides at 303 Winter Green Drive, Moore. Ernest Bomar
Ernest was the second offspring of Mary and Tobe Bomar. He was born August 30, 1912, in Spartanburg County. On July 15, 1940, in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Ernest united in holy matrimony with the former Lois P. Arnold and, soon after, moved to Knoxville, Tennessee. They are the parents of two children, whose names are Julia A. and Douglas; one foster son, Walter Lee; and one foster daughter, Juanita Goodman. While in Knoxville, he joined Tabernacle Baptist Church, but later moved to Alcoa, where he joined Bethel Baptist Church. Mrs. Lois is retired and attends Bethel Baptist Church. She presently resides at 917 Brown School Road, Maryville, Tennessee. Ernest was employed at ALCOA and owned and operated one of the first Black-owned businesses in the area, The Courtesy Cab Company. He was a member of ALCOA's 25 year club; operated his business from 1943 until the mid eighties; and was employed at ALCOA for thirty-eight years. Ernest was a member of the Trustee Board and attended Sunday School Adult Class I He departed this mortal life on February 19, 1992, at Hill Haven Convalescent Center in Maryville. Juanita Goodman is the foster daughter of Ernest and Lois Bomar. She was born June 1, 1933, in Louisville, Tennessee. Juanita is a graduate of Hall High School. She retired in 1997 from Baptist Hospital of Knoxville. Juanita attends Canaan Baptist Church and presently resides at 2535 Gleenwood, Knoxville. Julia A. Bomar Miller is the offspring of Ernest Bomar. She was born on November 27, 1934, and graduated from Peabody High School. Julia was married to David Miller, and they are the parents of four children. Their names are David Glenwood, Daniel Leland, Debra K. and Donna Elizabeth. Julia was employed by the American Red Cross as a lab technician. She retired November 30, 1999. Julia is a deaconess. She attends Mountainside Seventh Day Adventist Church, and presently resides at 5892 Christopher Lane, Lithonia, Georgia.
David Glenwood is the first offspring born to Julia and David Miller. He was born February 17, 1955, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. David graduated from Fiorello LaGuardia High School of Music and Fine Arts and is a graduate of Central State University with a B.S. in business administration. He is presently employed at ADT as an emergency dispatch specialist. David attends Decatur Seventh Day Adventist Church and presently resides at 5892 Christopher Lane, Lithonia, Georgia. Daniel Leland is the second child born to Julia and David Miller. He was born February 1, 1957, in Fort Ord, California. Daniel graduated from DeWitt Clinton High School and is a graduate of DeVry Institute of Technology. He is married to the former Patricia Michael. She was born February 27, 1959, in Jackson, Mississippi. Patricia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. (Dottie Mae) Michael. Daniel is presently employed at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) as a computer specialist, and Patricia is employed at Emory Hospital as an abstractor-coder. Daniel and Patricia attend Decatur Seventh Day Adventist Church, where he is a deacon. They presently reside at 3534 Portsmouth Circle, Lithonia, Georgia.
Debra K. is the third offspring born to Julia and David Miller. She was born March 19, 1959, in Spartanburg County. Debra graduated from Walton High School. She is presently employed by AIG Insurance Company as a claims assistant. Debra attends Decatur Seventh Day Adventist Church and presently resides at 5892 Christopher Lane, Lithonia, Georgia. Donna Elizabeth Miller Burnham is the fourth child born to Julia and David Miller. She was born August 19, 1963, in Spartanburg County. Donna graduated from Walton High School. She was married to Dane Burnham. He was born in Barbados, West Indies. They are the parents of two sons. Their names are Dane Justin and Devin Aaron. Donna is presently employed by the United Way as a database coordinator. Debra and her family attend Mountainside Seventh Day Adventist Church. She is an usher and Sabbath School teacher. They presently reside at 5892 Christopher Lane, Lithonia, Georgia. I
Dane Justin is the first offspring born to Donna and Dane Burnham. He was born January 10, 1986. Dane is an 8th -grade student at Decatur Adventist Junior Academy. He is an active participant in several school activities. Devin Aaron Burnham is the second child born to Donna and Dane Burnham. He was born August 9, 1991. Devin is a third-grade student at Decatur Adventist Junior Academy. He participates in various school events. Douglas Bomar is the offspring of Lois Bomar. He was born August 6, 1956. Douglas attended Alcoa High School. He is married to the former Venissa Soloman, and they are the parents of five children. Their names are Deidre, Lois, Rozzie Talesa, January and Douglas, Jr. Douglas and Venissa attend Bethel Baptist Church and presently reside at 4301 Tynemouth Road, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Deidre is the first child born to Douglas and Venissa Bomar. She was born July 29, 1981. Deidre attends Austin-East High School. She participates in various school activities. Lois is the second offspring of Douglas and Venissa Bomar. She was born September 14, 1989. Lois attends Green Elementary School. She participates in several school events and is a fifth-grade student. Rozzie Talesa is the third child born to Douglas and Venissa Bomar. She was born December 21, 1990. Rozzie attends Ritta Elementary School. She is active in various school programs and is a thirdgrade student. January is the fourth offspring of Douglas and Venissa Bomar. She was born January 31, 1991. January attends Green Elementary School. She participates in various school activities and is a secondgrade student. Douglas, Jr., is the fifth child born to Douglas and Venissa Bomar. He was born February 9, 1996. Douglas, Jr., attends Topp Gunn Day Care Center. Leroy Bomar
Leroy was the third offspring of Mary Bomar. He was born January 14, 1914, in Spartanburg County. Leroy was not married and had no children. He departed this mortal life on June 24, 1987. -78-
L. T. Thompson, Sr.
L. T., Sr., was the fourth child of Mary and Matthew Thompson He was born October 14, 1919, in Knoxville. He was married to the former Bridie Virginia Cohen, and to this union three children were born. Their names are L. T., Jr., Helen and Alberta. Bridie was born in Spartanburg, South Carolina on July 21, 1921, and was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack (Carrie Kelly) Cohen. She was a member of the New Trinity Baptist Church. Bridie departed this life on May 7, 1993. L. T., Sr., passed on to his heavenly reward on August 10, 1994. L. T. Thompson, Jr., is the first offspring ofL. T., Sr., and Bridie Thompson. He was born August 14, 1942, in Knoxville. L. T., Jr., is married to the former Dorothy A. Jackson. They are the parents of five children. Their names are Carmel Elizabeth Ann, L. T., III, Robbin Lee Ann, Shawn Lamont and Wayne LaFredrick. L. T., Jr., attends Greater Hopewell Baptist Church and resides at Galloway Trailer Court, Lot 16, Duncan. Dorothy presently resides at 1934 Dandridge Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Carmel Elizabeth Ann is the first child of L. T. ,Jr., and Dorothy Thompson. She was born April 9, 1964, in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Carmel attended Austin-East High School and is the mother of four children. Their names are JaVegas, Varlesha, John, Jr., and Ronni Donielle. Carmel is employed at the East Tennessee Children's Hospital as an x-ray aide. She and her family attend Tabernacle Baptist Church and presently reside at 1934 Dandridge Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. JaVegas is the first offspring of Carmel Thompson. She was born December 18, 1978, and is a 1997 graduate of Fulton High School. She presently attends Pellissippi State Technical Community College. JaVegas is the mother of one child. His name is Xavier Danyale. XavierDanyale is the child of JaVegas Thompson. He was born October 11, 1995. Xavier is a fouryear-old preschool student and attends Second Step Day Care. Varlesha is the second child of Carmel Thompson. She was born July 21, 1980. Varlesha attends Fulton High School. She is actively involved in track and other school activities. Varlesha is the mother of one child. Her name is Day Ja. DayJa is the child of Varlesha Thompson. She was born December 4, 1997. DayJa attends First Step Day Care. John, Jr., is the third offspring of Carmel Thompson. He was born March 18, 1983. John, Jr., attends Fulton High School and is presently classified as a junior. He is an active participant on the junior varsity football team and other school activities. Ronni Donielle is the fourth child of Carmel Thompson, She was born April l 0, 1994. Ronni is a six-year-old preschool student and presently attends Learn and Play Day Care Center. L.T., III, is the second offspring of L. T., Jr., and Dorothy Thompson. He was born February 22, 1965. L. T., III, attended Austin-East High School and he is the father of one child. His name is Nathan. Nathan was born June 2, 1992 and is a second grade student. L.T., III, is employed by the Knoxville Area Transit in the automotive service department. L. T., III, and Nathan attend Inner City Baptist Church and presently reside at 1934 Dandridge, Knoxville, Tennessee. -79-
Robbin Lee Ann is the third child ofL. T., Jr., and Dorothy Thompson. She was born May 23, 1966, at University of Tennessee Memorial Research Center and Hospital. Robbin graduated from Austin East High School and also attended Rice College for one year. She is a certified nurse's aide in South Carolina. Robbin is married to Kelvin Thompson, Sr. He was born on January 16, 1964, and is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School. Kelvin, Sr., has attended a number of colleges and is presently enrolled at Spartanburg Technical College, majoring in engineering mechanics. They are the parents of three children. Their names are DeeDra Ann, Kelvin Todd, Jr., and Samantha Ashley. Robbin is presently employed by Alcoa Fuji Kura Ltd. Telecommunications Division as a cable operator. She loves swimming, playing the piano, good music and helping other people. Kelvin, Sr., is employed at Sew-EurDrive as a machine technician. He likes taking care of his family, golf, and other sports. They attend Greater Hopewell Baptist Church and presently reside at 243 Finch Road, Wellford. DeeDra Ann is the first offspring born to Robbin Lee Ann Thompson. She was born January 30, 1984, at Fort Sanders Presbyterian Hospital in Knoxville, Tennessee. DeeDra Ann attends James F. Byrnes High School. She participates in band, plays the clarinet and the piano and likes sports. DeeDraAnn plans to attend college and would like to play professional basketball. Kelvin Todd, Jr., is the second child born to Robbin and Kelvin Thompson, Sr. He was born January 25, 1988, at Allen Bennett Memorial Hospital in Greer. Kelvin, Jr., attends D. R. Hill Middle School. He likes playing the super Nintendo games, riding his bicycle, church and being a Boy Scout. Samantha Ashley was the third offspring born to Robbin and Kelvin Thompson, Sr. She was born October 13, 1989, at Allen Bennett Memorial Hospital. Samantha Ashley was a third-grade student at Wellford Elementary School. She liked singing, watching movie videos and swimming. Samantha Ashley "Boobie" departed this earthly life on April 9, 1998, at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center to unite with her new home in heaven. She was a member of Greater Hopewell Baptist Church, the Sunbeam Choir, Brownie Troop #143 and the Mary B. Thomas Youth Circle. Shawn Lamont is the fourth offspring ofL.T., Jr., and Dorothy Thompson. He was born June 9, 1967, in Knoxville. Shawn attended Austin-East High School. He is presently unemployed. He presently resides at 1934 Dandridge, Knoxville, Tennessee. Wayne LaFredrick is the fifth child of L. T., Jr., and Dorothy Thompson. He was born May 20, 1973. Wayne attended James F. Byrnes High School. He is married to the former Pamela Boozer. She was born March 4, 1963, in Spartanburg County. Pamela is the mother of three children. Their names are Marquita, Shandrea and Curtis. Wayne is presently employed at Springs Industries as a Warehouse DDC, and Pamela works at Spring Industries as an inspector. They attend Greater Hopewell Baptist Church and presently reside at 139 Forest Street, Wellford. Marquita is the first offspring born to Pamela Thompson. She was born August 29, 1983. Marquita attends Byrnes High School and participates in various school activities. Shandreais the second child born to Pamela Thompson. She was born October 22, 1987. Shandrea attends D.R. Hill Middle School and is involved in several school activities. Curtis is the third offspring born to Pamela Thompson. He was born December 11, 1989. Curtis attends Wellford Elementary School and participates in several school events.
Helen Thompson Garrett is the second offspring of L. T., Sr., and Bridie Thompson. She was born March 19, 1944, in Knoxville. Helen is married to Raymond Garrett, and to this union three children were born. Their names are Charlene Annette, Tina Nichol and Shanette. Helen attends New Trinity Baptist Church and resides at 151 Dunbar Street, Wellford. Charlene Annette is the first child born to Helen and Raymond Garrett. She was born November 24, 1965. Charlene attended Florence Chapel High School and is the mother of one child. Her name is Jaela. She is presently employed at BMG. Charlene attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 9 Griffin Street, Spartanburg. Jaela is the first offspring of Charlene Garrett. She was born January 25, 2000. Jaela is an active 3month old infant. Tina Nichol is the second offspring ofHelen and Raymond Garrett. She was born August 23, 1970, in Spartanburg County. Tina attended Byrnes High School. She is presently employed as a supervisor with BMG. Tina resides at 151 Dunbar Street, Wellford, and attends New Trinity Baptist Church. Shanette is the third child born to Helen and Raymond Garrett. She was born October 4, 1980. Shanette attends Byrnes High School and is a twelfth-grade student. She participates in various school activities.
Alberta Thompson Garrett is the third offspring ofL. T., Sr., and Bridie Thompson. She was born May 20, 1954, in Knoxville. Alberta attended Austin-East High School. She was married to Robert Garrett, and they are the parents of seven children. Their names are Simmone, Shanqirl, Shemeka Latrelle, Shaleta Lashea, Shamyel, Shaca and Shunda. Robert departed this mortal life on May 7, 1973. Alberta is presently employed at Lyman Mills. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and resides at 164 Forest Avenue, Wellford. Simmone is the first child born to Alberta and Robert Garrett. He was born August 17, 1971, in Knoxville. He attended Byrnes High School and is the father of one child. His name is Morgan. Simmone presently resides at 164 Forest Avenue and attends New Trinity Baptist Church. Morgan is the first offspring of Simmone Thompson. He was born June 7, 1994. Morgan attends preschool and is actively involved in school- sponsored activities. Shanqirl is the second offspring of Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born February 15, 1973. She attended Byrnes High School. Shanqirl is the parent of one child, whose name is Quymesha. Quymesha was born July 23, 1995 and is an active four year-old. Shanqirl is presently unemployed. She and Quymesha reside at 164 Forest Drive and attend New Trinity Baptist Church. Shemeka Latrelle is the third child born to Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born July 3, 1976. Shemeka attended Byrnes High School. Shemeka is presently employed at Lyman Mills. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 164 Forest Drive, Wellford. Shaleta Lashea is the fourth offspring of Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born August 1, 1979, in Knoxville. Shaleta attended Byrnes High School. Shaleta is presently employed at Lyman Mills. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 164 Forest Drive, Wellford. -81-
Shamyel is the fifth child born to Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born August 7, 1982. Shamyel attends Byrnes High School. Shamyel is a senior and participates in various school activities. Shaca is the sixth offspring of Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born April 8, 1985 in Knoxville. Shaca attends James F. Byrnes High School. Shaca is actively involved in various school events. Shunda is the seventh child born to Alberta and Robert Garrett. She was born August 30, 1988, in Spartanburg County. Shunda attends D.R. Hill Middle School. Shunda is presently involved in several school events.
Bennie Thompson Bennie is the fifth offspring of Mary and Matthew Thompson. He was born December 10, 1922, in Spartanburg County. He was married to the former Lillie Mae Thompson. Bennie departed this mortal life on December 25, 1982.
Andrew Bomar, I Andrew Bomar, I, was the fifth offspring born to Ella Bomar. He was born September 21, 1898, in Spartanburg County. Andrew was married to the former Altice Foster, and to this union four children were born. Their names are Ella, Cuba, John Wessley and Mable. Altice was born June 26, 1896, in Spartanburg County. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bunyon (Ida Means) Foster. Andrew, I, and Altice attended New Trinity Baptist Church. Altice departed this mortal life on January 19, 1932. Andrew, I, married for a second time to the former Vera Brown. She was born October 15, 1911, in Spartanburg County. Vera is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Socilister (Louise Gist) Brown. To this union six children were born. Their names are Mary Alice, Odis, Sr., Curtis, Betty Jean, Helen, and Doris. Andrew, I, departed this mortal life on June 12, 1972. At an early age he joined the New Trinity Baptist Church, where he was a faithful member until his death. He was a member of the deacon board for many years and a member of the Sunday School, and he helped to organize the All Male Chorus. Andrew, I, was a devoted member ofthe Steward Lee Lodge No. 367 ofLyman,S. C.,.and the Old Grande Lodge No. 5825 until his illness. Mrs. Vera presently resides at 117 Bums Street, Lyman, and attends New Faith Baptist Church.
EllaBomar Ella was the first child born to Andrew, I, and Altice Bomar. She died during infancy on March 15, 1917.
Cuba Bomar Dantzler Cuba was the second offspring of Andrew, I, and Altice Bomar. She was born July 18, 1918, in Spartanburg County. Cuba ("Cotton" as she was affectionately called by daddy) was married to Oscar ("Little Boy") Dantzler. He was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce (Ola) Dantzler. To this union two daughters were born. Their names are Joyce and Norma Jean. Oscar departed this mortal life October 10, 1964. Mrs. Cuba attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 57 Carver Street, Wellford.
Joyce Dantzler Smith is the first child of Cuba and Oscar Dantzler. She was born April 26, 1945. She attended Florence Chapel High School. She is married to Vernon Smith, Jr., and they are the parents of one son. His name is Michael. Joyce is presently employed at BMG as a custodian. Vernon is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon (Della) Smith, Sr. He was born June 2, 1941. Vernon also attended Florence Chapel High School and is employed at General Electric (GE) as a stock room employee. Joyce and Vernon attend New Trinity Baptist Church and presently reside at 119 Bums Street, Lyman. Michael Dantzler is the son of Joyce Dantzler Smith. He was born July 22, 1965. He attended James F. Byrnes High School and is married to the former Pamela S. Glymph. They are the parents of three children, and their names are Micaela Charlis, Mycal Rene and Mykera. Michael and Pamela are the owners of "Dantzler s Flowers and Balloons, " located in Wellford. They presently reside at 113 Burns Street, Lyman, and attend New Trinity Baptist Church. Micaela Charlis is a seventh-grade student at Gable Middle School. She was born January 6, 1986, and is the first offspring of Michael and Pamela Dantzler. Mycal Rene was born August 17, 1990. She is the second child of Michael and Pamela Dantzler. Mycal is a fourth-grade student at Jessie Bobo Elementary School. Mykera was born July 15, 1994, and is the third offspring of Michael and Pamela Dantzler. She is a preschool student and attends Hillside Academy.
Norma Jean Dantzler Johnson is the second child of Cuba and Oscar Dantzler. She was born March 16, 1947, in Spartanburg County. Norma Jean attended Florence Chapel High School. She works at BMG as a packer. She was married to Leonard Johnson, and to this union one child was born. Her name is Nikki Giovanni. Norma Jean attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 57 Carver Street, Wellford. Nikki Giovanni Johnson Copeland is the first offspring of Norma Jean and Leonard Johnson. She was born March 9, 1971. She attended Byrnes High School and is married to Kenneth A. Copeland. They are the parents of two children. Their names are Shaterrious and Shatorrion. Kenneth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. (Odessa) Copeland. He was born December 8, 1972. Nikki is employed at Briggs Plumbing in customer service support, and Kenneth is employed by Ashmore Brothers as a labor worker. They attend New Trinity Baptist Church and presently reside at 111 Blue Springs Drive, Wellford. Shatterious Nichevion Marvion is the first child born to Nikki Giovanni Johnson. He was born October 25, 1988, in Spartanburg County. Shatterious is ten years old and a student at Beech Springs Intermediate School. Shatorrion Christion is the second offspring born to Nikki Giovanni Johnson. He was born December 13, 1995, in Spartanburg County. Shatorrion is an active four-year old and is a preschool student at Ridgeview Child Development Center.
John Wessley Bomar John Wessley is the third offspring of Andrew, I, and Altice Bomar. He was born June 28, 1920, in Spartanburg County. John Wessley attended the Florence Chapel Public Schools. He received his high -83-
school diploma in 1947 from Voorhees Junior College and his A. A. diploma in 1949. Upon graduation John Wessley transferred to Claflin College and graduated with a B.A. degree in 1951. John Wessley retired as band director and teacher from the Colleton County Public Schools. He is married to the former Malissa Bright of Walterboro, South Carolina. Malissa is also a 1949 graduate of Voorhees Junior College with an A. A. diploma. They are the parents of five children. Their names are Joan Veronica, Andrew, II, Marvin, Sr., Gregory Wessley and Alvin Jerome. John Wessley and Malissa attend Isaiah United Methodist Church and presently reside at 568 Bomar Plaza, Walterboro.
Joan Veronica Bomar Smith is the first offspring of John Wessley and Malissa Bomar. She was born October 31, 1951, in Walterboro. Veronica graduated from Colleton High School and from Voorhees College with a B.S. in business administration. She is employed at Walterboro Senior High School as a substitute teacher. Veronica is also presently enrolled at USC-Salkehatchie, working on her master's degree in early childhood. She was married to Rudolph Donnie Smith, and they are the parents of one child - William Joseph. Veronica is the mother of a daughter also, Kamilah Aminah. Veronica attends Isaiah United Methodist Church and presently resides at 469 Bomar Plaza, Walterboro. KamilahAminah is the first child born to Veronica Smith. She was born April 3, 1975. Kamilah is a graduate of Walterboro Senior High School and an honor graduate from Voorhees College with a B.S. in mathematics. She currently works at Blue Cross in Columbia. William Joseph is the second offspring of Veronica Smith. He was born September 7, 1982. William is a junior presently enrolled at Walterboro Senior High School. He is active in football and various school activities.
Andrew Bomar, II, was the second child born to John Wessley and Malissa Bomar. He was born September 5, 1952, and was a twin to Marvin. Andrew, II, was a graduate of Colleton High School. He departed this life on Saturday, October 4, 1997, at his residence. At an early age, he became a member of Isaiah United Methodist Church, where he served as a faithful member until he became ill. Andrew, II, was united in holy matrimony to the former Shirley Holmes. She attended Colleton High School. To this union three daughters were born. Their names are Gemma Kecia, Teneka and Angie. Andrew, II, served as a carpentry teacher at Colleton Area Vocational Center for eighteen years and as a craftsman throughout the state. Shirley works at the Department of Social Services. She attends Isaiah United Methodist Church and presently resides at 612 Bomar Plaza, Walterboro. Gemma Kecia is the first offspring of Andrew, II, and Shirley Bomar. She was born November 9, 1974. Gemma graduated from Walterboro Senior High School. She is presently serving in the U. S. Army and is stationed at the Pentagon in Washington, DC. Teneka is the second child of Andrew, II, and Shirley Bomar. She was born June 13, 1977, in Walterboro. Teneka graduated from Walterboro Senior High School. She is a U. S. National Guard member and was stationed in Taszar, Hungary. She is presently attending Charleston Southern University in Charleston. Angie is the third offspring of Andrew, II, and Shirley Bomar. She was born July 31, 1979. She graduated from Walterboro Senior High School and is currently attending Brevard College. -84-
Marvin Bomar, Sr., was the third child born to John Wessley and Malissa Bomar. He was born September 5, 1952, and was the twin brother of Andrew, II. Marvin, Sr., graduated from Colleton High School and later from Columbia Regional Technical School. He was self-employed as a cabinet builder (craftsman). Marvin was married to the former Lena Brown. To this union two children were born. Their names are Marvin, Jr., and Cherron. Marvin was a member of Isaiah United Methodist Church and departed this mortal life on December 19, 1997, at Bayview Nursing Center in Beaufort. Lena works at Dairyland as a cook. She and her family presently attend Mt. Nebo Baptist Church and reside at 474 Bomar Plaza, Walterboro. Marvin, Jr., is the first offspring of Marvin, Sr., and Lena Bomar. He was born April 28, 1980. Marvin, Jr., presently attends Walterboro Senior High School and is classified as a senior. He is an active participant in various school activities. Cherron is the second child born to Marvin, Sr., and Lena Bomar. She was born March 12, 1985. Cherron is 14 years old and a student at Colleton Middle School. She participates in several school activities.
Gregory Wessley Bomar is the fourth offspring of John Wessley and Malissa Bomar. He was born December 14, 1953, in Walterboro. Gregory graduated from Colleton High School. He was married to the former Lucretia Aiken. Gregory is the father of three children. Their names are Denise Lasalle, John Foster and Gregory, Jr. Gregory works at United Contractors, Inc., as a carpenter. They attend Isaiah United Methodist Church. Gregory presently resides at 591 Bomar Plaza, Walterboro. Denise Lasalle is the first child of Gregory and Lucretia Bomar. She was born February 22, 1974. Denise attended Colleton High School and Job Corps in Valdosta, Georgia. She is the mother of three children. Their names are Christopher, Devante' and DiJon. Christopher is the first offspring of Denise Bomar. He was born December 15, 1993. Christopher is an active six year-old preschool student. Devante' is the second child of Denise Bomar. He was born December 24, 1994. Devante' is an active five year-old preschool student. DiJon is the third offspring of Denise Bomar. He was born November 8, 1996. DiJon is an active three year old-toddler. John Foster is the second offspring of Gregory and Lucretia Bomar. He was born August 17, 1981. John attends Walterboro Senior High School and is presently classified as a senior. He is an active participant in various school activities. Gregory, Jr., is the third offspring of Gregory Bomar. He was born September 8, 1994, and is an active five year-old preschool student.
Alvin Jerome Bomar, Sr., was the fifth child born to John Wessley and Malissa Bomar. He was born July 24, 1955. Alvin was a graduate of Colleton High School. He was married to the former Linda Sande of Stanwood, Washington. To this union one child was born. His name is Julian Sande. Jerome, as he was -85-
affectionately called, became a member oflsaiah United Methodist Church at an early age. He graduated from Walterboro High School in 1973. Jerome then went to Nashville Auto Mechanic School. After graduation, he resided in Tennessee for two years and worked. Jerome returned home to Walterboro and enlisted in the United States Army for three years. He entered into eternal rest on November 16, 1998, at St. George Health Care Center. Julian Sande was born March 2, 1983. He is the son of Alvin and Linda Bomar. Julian is a sophomore enrolled in the public schools of Stanwood, Washington. He is an active participant in various school activities.
Mable Bomar Mable was the fourth offspring born to Andrew, I, and Altice Bomar. She was born May 25, 1922, jn Spartanburg County. Mable was the mother of three children. Their names are Randy, Cynthia and Jackie. Mable departed this mortal life on February 17, 1983.
Randy Bomar is the firstborn of Mable Bomar. He was born September 16, 1954. Randy was married to the former Mary Foster. She was born April 29, 1957, in Knox County. Randy is the father of four children. Their names are Felicia, Rodriquez, Demetrius and Athena. Felicia is the first offspring born to Randy Bomar. She was born March 6, 1972. Felicia graduated from Greer High School. She is married to Lawrence Davis, and they have two children. Their names are Lauren Alexandra and Alexys Lashaye. Felicia is employed at MCI. They presently reside in Greer. Lauren Alexandra is the first child born to Felicia and Lawrence Davis. She was born July 6, 1995, in Greenville County. Lauren is an active four year-old toddler. Alexys Lashaye is the second offspring born to Felicia and Lawrence Davis. She was born July 15, 1996, in Greenville County. Alexys is an active three year-old toddler. Rodriquez is the second child born to Randy Bomar. He was born September 24, 1976. Rodriquez graduated from Seneca High School. He is employed at Phillips Fiber. Rodriquez presently resides in Spartanburg. Athena is the first offspring born to Randy and Mary Bomar. She was born April 22, 1981. Athena is a graduate of Central High School and was a member of the Powder Puff football team. Athena was also an active participant in the DAWG POUND, a program which involves the Knoxville Police Youth Academy. She attends St. Matthews Glorious Church of God. She is a member of the choir and the Youth Department. Demetrius is the second child born to Randy and Mary Bomar. He was born May 24, 1982. Demetrius attends Central High School and is a senior. He is an active participant on the Central High football and basketball teams. Demetrius also is a participant in the DAWG POUND, a program which involves the Knoxville Police Youth Academy. He attends St. Matthews Glorius Church of God. He is a member of the choir and the Youth Department and a junior deacon in the church.
Randy manied a second time to the former Joann Cohen. She was born July 11, 1958, in Spartanburg County. Randy and Joann are the parents of Kelsey, and is the stepfather to Joan 's three children. Their names are Riketha, Mia and Terrell. Randy is employed at Seimans and Joann is employed at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. They presently reside at 600C Crescent Avenue. Riketha is the first offspring born to Joann Cohen Bomar. She was born February 12, 1976. Riketha attended Spartanburg County public schools and presently resides in Spartanburg. Mia is the second child born to Joann Cohen Bomar. She was born August 1, 1978. Mia attended Spartanburg County schools and presently resides in Spartanburg. Terrell is the third offspring born to Joann Cohen Bomar. He was born August 30, 1980. Terrell attended the Spartanburg County public schools and presently resides in Spartanburg. Kelsey is the child of Randy and Joann Bomar. She was born June 28, 1991, in Spartanburg County. Kelsey attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is a third-grade student. She is an active participant in various school activities.
Jackie Bomar is the second child born to Mable Bomar. He was born July 15, 1957, in Spartanburg County. Jackie attended Byrnes High School and is married to the former Elizabeth Ann Robinson. They are the parents of three children. Their names are Michelle, Jarrid and Kayla Feal. Jackie is employed at BMW as an assembly linesman, and Elizabeth works at Hardee's as a cashier. They attend New Faith Baptist Church and presently reside at 157 Dodd Street, Wellford. Michelle is the first offspring born to Jackie and Elizabeth Bomar. She was born November 4, 1983. Michelle attends James F. Byrnes High School and is a tenth-grade student. She participates in various school activities and loves to sing. Michelle attends New Faith Baptist Church and is a member of the Youth Choir. Jarrid is the second child born to Jackie and Elizabeth Bomar. He was born December 4, 1984. Janid attends James F. Byrnes High School and is a ninth-grade student. He is an active participant in several school activities including the James F. Byrnes Marching Band and loves to sing. Jarrid attends New Faith Baptist Church and is a member of the Youth Choir. Kayla Feal is the third offspring born to Jackie and Elizabeth Bomar. She was born June 29, 1990. Kayla attends Wellford Elementary and is a fourth-grade student. She participates in various school events and loves to sing. Kayla attends New Faith Baptist Church and is a member of the Youth Choir.
Cynthia Bomar Johnson is the third offspring of Mable Bomar. She was born February 21, 1959. Cynthia is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School. She is married to the Reverend Willie Bernard Johnson, and they are the parents of two children. Their names are Sharee and Mavis. Cynthia works at Young Office Supply as a customer service representative, and Willie works at Michelin Tire as a machine operator. The Rev. Johnson is also pastor of St. John Baptist Church in Cross Hill, SC. The Johnsons presently reside at 30 Winchester Court, Wellford. Sharee is the first child born to Cynthia and Willie Johnson. She was born August 30, 1983. Sharee attends James F. Byrnes High School, where she is a member of the Junior ROTC Program. She enjoys playing the piano and loves to sing. Sharee attends St. John Baptist Church and participates on the Mass Choir. -87-
Mavis is the second offspring of Cynthia and Willie Johnson. She was born February 7, 1986. Mavis attends James F. Byrnes High School. She enjoys playing the alto saxophone and also loves to sing. Mavis attends St. John Baptist Church and participates on the Mass Choir.
Mary Alice Bomar Mary Alice is the fifth offspring of Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. She was born August 23, 1935, in Spartanburg County. She attended the Florence Chapel Public Schools. Mary Alice is presently self employed as an interior/exterior decorator. She is a member of the 'Gospel Challengers.' Mary Alice is the parent of one daughter. Her name is Lola. She attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides at 117 Bums Street, Lyman.
Lola D. Bomar McBeth is the daughter of Mary Alice Bomar. She was born October 25, 1954. Lola attended Florence Chapel High School. She is presently employed at Milliken and Company as an accounts receivable clerk. Lola is married to James McBeth. James is a graduate of Woodruff High School and is employed by Milliken and Company in the Data Processing Department. They are the parents of two children. Their names are James, Jr., and Marcus. Lola and her family attend Mount Zion CME Church and presently reside at 211 Wilson Road, Elloree. James, Jr., is the first offspring of Lola and James McBeth. He was born November 25, 1975. James, Jr., graduated from Woodruff High School and from Carson Newman College where he majored in business administration. Marcus is the second child of Lola and James McBeth. He was born August 23, 1980. Marcus is a graduate of Woodruff High School and is currently attending the University of South Carolina.
Odis Bomar, Sr. Odis, Sr., is the sixth child of Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. He was born January 13, 1937, in Spartanburg County. Odis, Sr., attended Florence Chapel Public Schools and Mid-Atlantic Bible College where he obtained his associate degree. The Reverend Bomar is married to the former Dorothy L. Stroble. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Inez Wilson) Stroble. Dorothy was born February 11, 1942. She is a graduate of Carver High School. Upon graduation Dorothy entered Claflin University and received her B.S. degree in 1963. Dorothy is also a 1967 graduate of Atlanta University, holding an M.S. in biology/physiology. She has done further studies at Howard University, Boston College, Clemson University and the University of South Carolina. Odis, Sr., and Dorothy are the parents of two children. Their names are Denia Madres' and Odislen Jazar, Jr. Odis, Sr., is presently employed by PYA/Monarch as a driver. Dorothy is employed by Spartanburg City Schools, District #7, as a science teacher. Odis, Sr., and Dorothy attend New Faith Baptist Church and presently reside at 1465 Fort Prince Boulevard, Wellford.
DeniaMadres'Bomar Wilson is the first offspring of Odis, Sr., and Dorothy Bomar. She was born April 13, 1975, in Spartanburg County. She is a 1993 graduate of Spartanburg High School and a 1997 graduate of Converse College with a B.S. degree in secondary English education. Denia has received numerous honors and awards. She is the former Miss Black Spartanburg 1994-1995; NAACP Woman of the Year 1994-1996, West Spartanburg Branch; and the recipient of the 1997 Converse Library Assistantship-Masters Program award. Denia is employed at Fairforest Middle School in District #6 as an eighthgrade teacher and is in her second year of serving as advisor to the cheerleader squad. She is a newlywed, -88-
married June 19, 1999, to Elijah Emmanual. He was born November 28, 1974, in Seneca, SC, and is the son of the Reverend and Mrs. Anthony Wilson, Sr. Elijah was graduated from Seneca High School and is a collections agent with First American Rental. They attend New Faith Baptist Church and presently reside at The Bluffs, 100 Vanderbilt Lane, Spartanburg.
Odislen Jazar Bomar, Jr., is the second child of Odis, Sr., and Dorothy Bomar. He was born September 6, 1977. He is a 1995 graduate of Spartanburg High School. Odislen has attended Spartanburg Methodist College and Spartanburg Technical College. He is the father of one child. Her name is Essence Lyric. Odislen is presently employed at Lemforder as a machinist and attends New Faith Baptist Church. He resides at 1645 Fort Prince Boulevard, Wellford. Essence Lyric is the daughter of Odislen Bomar, Jr. She was born March 21, 1998, in Shelby, North Carolina, and is an active 2 year-old toddler.
Curtis Bomar Curtis is the seventh offspring of Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. He was born April 2, 1941, in Spartanburg County. He is a graduate of the Florence Chapel Public Schools and Tuskegee Institute in Alabama. He is married to the former Carlotta Faye Demby and is the father of three children. Their names are Curtis Lamar, Courtney and Cicely. Curtis is employed at Motorola, Inc., as a project manager, and Faye is employed by the State of Texas as a human resources specialist. Curtis and Faye presently reside at 11818 Millwright Parkway, Austin, Texas. They attend Sweet Home Baptist Church.
Curtis Lamar Smith is the oldest child of Curtis Bomar and was born March 17, 1963. He is a graduate of Chase High School and Livingston College in North Carolina. Curtis Lamar is married to the former Valerie Dickerson. She was born October 25, 1963, in Thibodaux, Louisiana. They are the parents of two children. Their names are Andrea and Jasmine. Curtis Lamar is employed by Motorola, Inc., as a manufacturing manager, and Valerie is also employed at Motorola, Inc. Andrea is the first offspring born to Curtis Lamar and Valerie Smith. She was born March 28, 1988. Andrea attends Kiker Elementary School and participates in several school activities. Jasmine is the second child born to Curtis Lamar and Valerie Smith. She was born November 29, 1989. Jasmine attends Kiker Elementary School and is an active participant in various school events.
CourtneyD. Bomar is the first child of Curtis and Faye Bomar. He was born November 1, 1967, in Huntsville, Alabama. Courtney is a graduate of Westwood High School and Texas A & M University in College Station, Texas. Courtney is presently attending Meharry Medical College in Nashville Tennessee and will graduate December 2000. Cicely D. Bomar is the second child of Curtis and Faye Bomar. She was born December 3, 1972. Cicely is a graduate of Westwood High School and Dartmouth College in New Hampshire. She is also a 1999 graduate of the University of Houston in Clear Lake, Texas.
Betty Jean Bomar
Betty Jean is the eighth child born to Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. She was born August 13, 1944, in Spartanburg County. She attended the Florence Chapel Public School, Tuskegee Institute in Tuskegee, Alabama and the University of Akron in Akron, Ohio. Betty was married to Alvin Hennington and has no children. She is presently employed by the Austin Independent School District as a teacher. Betty attends Sweet Home Baptist Church and presently resides at 1913 Londonderry Drive, Leander, Texas. Helen Bomar Dillard
Helen is the ninth offspring of Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. She was born September 3, 1946. Helen is a 1964 honors graduate of Florence Chapel High School and a 1969 graduate of Claflin College with a B.A. degree in social science. She has been married for 28 years to Lillywood Dillard, son of Mr. and Mrs. John (Julia) Dillard. Lillywood was born January 24, 1946, in Spartanburg County. He is also a graduate of the Florence Chapel High School, attended South Carolina State University for two years, Benedict College for two years and graduated from Midlands Technical College. Helen and Lillywood are the parents of three children. Their names are Trina Lovell, Jasmine LaShawn and Jebryl Lillywood. Helen is employed by Security Link From Ameritech as a security consultant, and Lillywood is employed by the U. S. Postal Service as a distribution clerk. They presently reside in Columbia. Trina Lovell Dillard is the first offspring of Helen and Lillywood Dillard. She was born October 27, 1970. Trina is a graduate of Richland Northeast High School and Virginia State University. She is presently employed by MetLife as a case manager. Trina presently resides in Doraville, Georgia. Jasmine LaShawn Dillard Robinson is the second child of Helen and Lillywood Dillard. She was born August 25, 1974. Jasmine is a graduate of Richland Northeast High School, South Carolina State University with a B.S. degree in elementary education and Cambridge College with a Master's degree in education. She is married to Terrance F. Robinson and is a newly wed. Jasmine and Terrance were married March 18, 2000. She is employed by Richland School District 2 as a middle school teacher. Jasmine and Terrance presently reside in Columbia. Jebry/ Lillywood Dillard is the third offspring of Helen and Lillywood Dillard. He was born November 24, 1976. Jebryl is a graduate of Spring Valley High School. He is the father of one child. Her name is Mahogany. Jebryl is presently employed as a contractor and resides in Columbia.
Mahogany is the daughter of Jebryl Lillywood Dillard. She was born August 27, 1998, in Richland County. Mahogany is an active one year-old toddler. Doris Jean Bomar Peake
Doris Jean is the tenth child born to Andrew, I, and Vera Bomar. She was born November 11, 1948. Doris attended Florence Chapel High School and graduated with honors in 1966. She received her B.S. degree in elementary education from South Carolina State University in 1970. Doris is a teacher at Mountain View Elementary School, where she has been helping to educate children for 29 years. She has been married to Kenneth Peake for 26 years, and they are the parents of two beautiful children. Their names are Jernay and Avery. Kenneth is the son of the Reverend and Mrs. George Peake. He was born June 4, 1948, in Spartanburg County. Kenneth is employed by Greenville County Schools as an assistant superintendent -90-
of high schools. Doris and Kenneth attend New Faith Baptist Church, where she serves as choir director for the Youth, Mass and Ensemble Choirs and Kenneth serves as a trustee. The Peakes presently reside at 190 Brookdale Acres Drive, Lyman. JernayMichell Peake Ford is the first offspring of Doris and Kenneth Peake. She was born May 19, 1974. She is a 1992 graduate of Byrnes High School and a 1997 graduate of South Carolina State University with a B.S. degree in elementary education. Jernay is married to Shaun Heath Ford. He was born October 17, 1970, in Berkeley County. Shaun is the son of Mrs. and Mrs. Willie E. Ford of St. Stephen, South Carolina. He graduated from South Carolina State University in December 1998 with a B. S. degree in marketing. Jemay is employed by Richland School District 1 as a seventh grade math teacher. The Fords presently reside in Columbia. Kenneth Avery Peake is the second child born to Doris and Kenneth Peake. He was born February 10, 1983. Avery attends Eastside High School, Greenville County, and is an eleventh-grade student. He participates in varsity football, basketball and academic activities.
Andrew Bomar
Altice Foster Bomar
Cuba Bomar Dantzler
Mable Bomar
John Wessley Bomar
Malissa Bright Bomar
Andrew Bomar, II
Marvin Bomar, Sr. -92-
Alvin Jerome Bomar
Mary Bomar Thompson
James Russell Bomar, Sr.
Lillie Mae Thompson
Bennie Thompson
Albert Bomar, Sr.
Vera Brown Bomar -93-
Ernest Bomar
L.T. Thompson, Sr.
Charlie Bomar
MaryMcMillian King
Heading the list of Anna and Andrew McMillian's children was Mary McMillian King. She was born April 1899, and was the first child born to Anna and Andrew McMillain. Mary was married to James King, and they had no children. She departed this mortal life in 1939. Ella McMillian Goodlett
Ella McMillian Goodlett was the second offspring of Anna and Andrew McMillian. She was born May 25, 1901, in Spartanburg County. She was married to Will Goodlett. He was born October 3, 1904, in Spartanburg County. To this union one child was born. His name was Andrew. Will and Ella also served as foster parents to his sister Mattie's children, Gwendolyn and Frank. Ella departed this mortal life on April 22, 1961. Will married for a second time to Idellar Davis. She was born July 18, 1906. They had no children. Will departed this earthly life on May 3, 1969 and Idellar on November 21, 1974. Andrew (Andy) Goodlett was the son of Ella and Will Goodlett. He was born December 13, 1918, in Spartanburg County. Andy was not married and had no children. He departed this mortal life on March 14, 1957. Willie McMillian
Willie was the third offspring of Anna and Andrew McMillian. He was born October 5, 1902, and was married to the former Ethel Bivings. She was born on August 25, 1903, in Spartanburg County. Ethel was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willie (Mamie) Bivings. To this union, two daughters were born. Their names are Corine and Kathern. Ethel departed this mortal life on September 23, 1928, and Willie, on June 8, 1949. Corine O 'Neal McMillian Fowler Cole
Corine O'Neal is the first child of Willie and Ethel McMillian. She was born March 28, 1922 in Spartanburg County. Corine was married to Elijah Fowler. He was born March 26, 1921, and departed this mortal life in January 1979. To this union one child was adopted. His name is Fredrick Windfield, I. Corine married for a second time to Jessie Cole. She is retired and attends New Trinity Baptist Church. Corine presently resides at 113 Ashe Avenue, Lyman. Fredrick Windfield Fowler, I, is the child of O'Neal and Elijah Fowler. He was born July I, 1940. Fredrick Windfield, I, is a graduate of the Florence Chapel Public Schools, Benedict College and North Carolina A & T State University. He has done further study at Fisk University and the University of Virginia. Fredrick Windfield, I, is married to the former Cynthia Dozier. He is the father of three children. Their names are James Keith, Fredrick Windfield, II, and Felita Wishelle. Fredrick Windfield, I, is employed by Pittsylvania County School District (Virginia) as a principal. Cynthia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William (Maggie) Dozier. She was born April 28, 1942 and is a graduate of Howard High School, Allen University and James Madison University. Cynthia has done further study at the University of
Virginia. She is employed by Pittsylvania County School District (Virginia) as an assistant principal. Windfield and Cynthia attend White Rock Baptist Church and presently reside at 119 Andes Drive, Danville, Virginia. James Keith Cohen is the oldest child of Windfield Fowler, I. He was born October 27, 1960. James Keith is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School. He presently resides in Danville, Virginia. Fredrick Windfield, II, was the first offspring of Windfield and Cynthia Fowler. He was born September 6, 1968, in Danville. Fredrick was a graduate of George Washington High School and attended North Carolina A& T State University. He was married to the former Nina Bennett. She was born January 10, 1969, in Danville. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clemon Bennett. Fredrick, II, was employed by Pittsylvania County Community Action as Director of Transportation. Nina is self-employed as a cosmetologist. They have two children, Kevin Jones, and, produced by their uni on, Nia Dozier Fowler. Windfield, II, departed this mortal life May 22, 2000. Nina and her family attend White Rock Baptist Church and presently reside in Danville, Virginia. Kevin is the oldest child of Nina Fowler. He was born March 9, 1990, in Danville, Virginia. He attends Taylor Elementary School. Kevin is active in various school activities. Nia Dozier Fowler is the first offspring of Fredrick Windfield, II, and Nina Fowler. She was born March 15, 1998, in Danville, Virginia. Felita Wishelle is the second offspring of Windfield and Cynthia Fowler. She was born November 26, 1974. Felita is a graduate of George Washington High School and South Carolina State University with a B. S. degree in elementary education. She is employed by the Danville City School System as a teacher. Felita attends White Rock Baptist Church and presently resides in Danville, Virginia.
Kathern McMillian Kathern McMillian was the second child born to Willie and Ethel McMillian. She was born in 1923 and died during infancy (1923).
Emma McMillian Rookard Emma McMillian Rookard was the fourth offspring born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. She was born February 14, 1905, in Spartanburg County. Emma was married to Louis Rookard, and to this union one child was born. Her name is Mary. Emma departed this mortal life on August 31, 1941.
Mary Rookard Glenn Mary is the offspring of Emma and Louis Rookard. She was born September 23, 1931. Mary was married to Raymond Glenn. He was born April 6, 1923, in Spartanburg County. To this union one son was born. His name is Keith. Raymond departed this mortal life on January 1, 1986. Mary is presently unemployed. She attends Calvary Baptist Church and presently resides in Corona, New York. Keith is the offspring of Mary and Raymond Glenn. He was born February 9, 1956, in Spartanburg County. Keith attended the New York Public Schools. He is the father of one child. Her name is Monet. -98-
Keith is presently employed by the United Postal Services. He attends Allen A. M. E. Church and presently resides in Corona, New York. Monet is the child of Keith Glenn. She was born in Corona, New York. Monet attends the public schools of Corona, NY Robert Earl McMillian
Robert Earl was the fifth child born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. He was born February 17, 1907, in Spartanburg County. Robert was married to the former Saint Lawrence Cross. She was born July 10, 1912, and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph (Mattie Level) Cross. They are the parents of six children. Their names are Jessie, Emma, Annie, Juanita, Morris and Earl. Robert departed this mortal life on August 8, 1978. Saint Lawrence attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides on Sycamore Street in Startex. Jessie McMillian
Jessie was the first offspring of Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. He was born December 28, 1927. Jessie was not married and had no children. He departed this mortal life on January 1, 1995. Emma McMillian
Emma was the second child born to Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. She was born September 4, 1928, in Spartanburg County. Emma departed this mortal life on December 29, 1930. Annie L. McMillian F ow /er
Annie was the third offspring of Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. She was born September 11, 1930. Annie was married to LeRoy Fowler, and they were the parents of two children. Their names are Steve and Ronnie. Annie was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. She and LeRoy resided in Wellford. Annie departed this mortal life on April 6, 1973. LeRoy, a native of Spartanburg County, was born July 30, 1909, and was the son of the late Dean Fowler and Bessie Salters Fowler. He was a retired employee of Jackson Mill and was a member of Traveler's Rest Baptist Church. LeRoy went home to his heavenly reward on October 17, 1987. Steve McMillian is the first offspring of Annie and LeRoy Fowler. He was born November 9, 1953. Steve is married to the former Janice Cohens, and they are the parents of three children. Their names are Tanya, Terrence and Tyrone. Steve is employed as a truck driver, and Janice is employed at White Oak Manor. She attends Foster's Chapel Baptist Church. Janice presently resides in Greer.
Tanya McMillian Burney is the first offspring born to Steve and Janice McMillian. She was born February 21, 1972. Tanya attended the Spartanburg County public schools. She is married to Ray Burney, and they are the parents of one child. His name is Bryson. Tanya is presently employed at VIC and Ray is also employed by VIC. Tanya and her family attend Foster's Chapel Baptist Church and reside in Moore. Bryson is the son of Tanya and Ray Burney. He was born June 6, 1998, in Spartanburg County. Bryson is an active 1 year-old toddler. -99-
Terrence is the second child born to Steve and Janice McMillian. He was born October 8, 1974. Terrence attended the Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently unemployed. He attends Moncks Grove Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. Tyrone is the third offspring born to Steve and Janice McMillian. He was born September 21, 1976. Tyrone attended the Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently unemployed. He attends Moncks Grove Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. Ronnie McMillian is the second child born to Annie and LeRoy Fowler. He was born February 14, 1960. Ronnie attended Byrnes High School and is not married. He has one child. His name is Tashawn. Ronnie is presently employed at Michelin. Ronnie attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides in Greer. Tashawn is the first offspring of Ronnie McMillian. He was born January 31, 2000 in Spartanburg County. Tashawn is an active 3-month old infant. Juanita McMillian Juanita was the fourth offspring of Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. She was born January 15, 1933, in Spartanburg County. Juanita was not married and had no children. Juanita departed this mortal life on March 20, 1946. Morris McMillian Morris was the fifth child born to Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. He was born May 17, 1947, in Spartanburg County. Morris attended Florence Chapel High School. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran and was employed with Spartanburg County Manpower Program. Morris was married to the former Willie Mae Moore. She was born June 26, 1950, in Spartanburg County. Morris was the father of a stepson and one daughter. His name is Robert James (affectionately called Robbie), and her name is Schanetha. Robert James McMillian is the son of Willie Mae McMillian. He was born February 19, 1969, in Greer. Robert attended Byrnes High School. He is married and presently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. Schaneika LaShaun Davis is the first offspring of Morris McMillian. She was born January 8, 1983. Schaneika is a junior and attends James F. Byrnes High School. She is presently employed at the Waffie House as a cashier. Schanetha attends Moore Chapel Baptist Church and resides in Duncan. Morris married a second time to the former Peggy Wooten. She was born May 3, 1938, in Spartanburg County. She is the mother of five children. Their names are Sarah, Laurence, George, Michael and William. Morris departed this mortal life on June 13, 1987. Peggy is employed at Lake View Steakhouse as a cook. She attends Bethesda Temple Church and presently resides in Greer. Sarah is the daughter of Peggy McMillian. She was born April 4. Sara attended Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently employed at BMG. She attends Evangelical House of God and presently resides in Spartanburg.
Laurence is the son of Peggy McMillian. He was born July 24. Laurence attended Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently unemployed. He attends Bethesda Temple Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. George is the son of Peggy McMillian. He was born March 17. George attended Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently employed at Tadpole Fish Camp. He presently resides in Startex. Michael is the son of Peggy McMillian. He was born August 5. Michael attended Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently employed at Lake View Steakhouse. He attends Bethesda Temple Church and presently resides in Spartanburg. William is the son of Peggy McMillian. He was born April 15. William attended Spartanburg County public schools, and is presently employed by a trucking company. He attends Bethel Baptist Church and presently resides in Gaffney. Fm/ McMillian
Earl is the sixth offspring born to Robert Earl and Saint Lawrence McMillian. He was born October 14, 1948, and attended Florence Chapel High School. Earl is married to the former Dorothy "Bonnie" Jones. Earl is the father of three children. Their names are Stephanie, Jody and Frederick. Earl is presently unemployed, and Bonnie is employed by Baschaum and Lomb as a technician. They attend Church of Christ and presently reside at Forrest Street, Wellford.
Stephanie C. Jones Webb is the daughter of Dorothy McMillian. She was born May 12, 1969, in Spartanburg County. Stephanie attended the Spartanburg County public schools and is the mother of two children. Their names are Bryson and Tylesa. Stephanie is presently unemployed. She and her family presently attend Church of Christ and presently reisdes in Spartanburg. Bryson is the first offspring of Stephanie Jones Webb. He was born August 7, 1988 in Spartanburg County. Bryson attends Park Hill Elementary School and participates in various school activities. Tylesa is the second child of Stephanie Jones Webb. She was born June 18, 1991 in Spartanburg County. Tylesa attends Park Hill Elementary School and is an active participant in various school events. Jody L. Walker is the first offspring of Earl McMillian. He was born May 29, 1972, in Spartanburg County. Jody is a graduate of Spartanburg High School and is also a college graduate. Jody is married to the former Demenico Lucunia "Shauna" Byrd. She was born December 29, 1974, in Spartanburg County. They have one child. His name is Jordan. Jody is employed at Wal-Mart as an area manager and Shauna is employed by Bank of America as an on-call teller. Jody and Shauna attend Moncks Grove Baptist Church and presently reside in Spartanburg.
Jordan is the offspring of Jody and Demenico Walker. He was born May 1, 2000, in Spartanburg County. Frederick Davis is the second child born to Earl McMillian. He was born January 31, 1974, in Spartanburg County. Frederick attended Byrnes High School and is presently employed by a temorary employment agency. He was married to Angela Weaver Davis. Frederick is the father of two childern. Their names are Tamarji and Dashon. Frederick attends Moore Chapel Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg.
Tamarji is the first offspring of Frederick Davis. He was born June 16, 1990. Tamarji attends the Spartanburg County public schools and is an active participant in various activities. Dashon is the second child born to Frederick Davis. He was born April 21, 1997. Dashon is an active 3-year old toddler.
Jessie McMillian Jessie is the sixth child born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. He was born February 4, 1909, in Spartanburg County. Jessie was married to the former Corrie Gist, and to this union three children were born. Their names are Dorothy, Rosa Lee and Bennie Mae. Jessie departed this mortal life on June 11, 1955, and Corrie passed from labor to reward on November 21, 1977.
Dorothy McMillian Martin Dorothy McMillian Martin was the first offspring born to Jessie and Corrie McMillian. She was born September 11, 1932, in Spartanburg County. Dorothy was married to Cleveland Martin, Sr., of Union, South Carolina. He was born December 25, 1924, in Union County. To this union four children were born. Their names are Cleveland, Jr., Manual, Brenda and Denetter. Dorothy departed this mortal life on June 17, 1969. Cleveland, Sr., presently resides at 4436 Blain Street, NE, Washington, DC. He attends First New Hope Baptist Church.
Cleveland Martin, Jr., is the first child born to Dorothy and Cleveland Martin, Sr. He was born December 25, 1951. Cleveland, Jr., was not married and had no children. He was a graduate of Spigarn High School. Cleveland, Jr., departed this mortal life on January 26, 1992, in Washington, DC. Emanual Martin, Sr., is the second offspring of Dorothy and Cleveland Martin, Sr. He was born May 5, 1953. Emanual, Sr., is a graduate of PhilphsHigh School. He is not married and is the father of one child. His name is Emanuel, Jr. Emanual, Sr., presently resides in Washington, DC. Emanuel Martin, Jr., is the child ofEmanual Martin, Sr. He was born July 26, 1974, and attended Spigarn High School. Emanuel is not married and has no children. He presently resides in Washington, DC.
Brenda Martin Jacobs is the third child born to Dorothy and Cleveland Martin, Sr. She was born May 18, 1954, in Washington, DC. Brenda graduated from Philphs High School. She was married to Eugene Jacobs, and to this union two children were born. Their names are Antjuan and Shadonna. Eugene departed this mortal life on August 20, 1995, in Washington, DC. Brenda attends Priglum Baptist Church and presently resides at 3968 East Capitol Street, NE, Washington, DC. Antjuan was the first offspring born to Brenda and Eugene Jacobs. He was born January 12, 1972. Antjuan attended Chamblin High School. He departed this mortal life on January 4, 1994, in Washington, DC. Shadonna is the second child born to Brenda and Eugene Jacobs. She was born June 20, 1981. Shadonna attends Eastern High School and is actively involved in several school activities.
Denetter Martin is the fourth offspring born to Dorothy and Cleveland Martin, Sr. She was born -102-
May 4, 1955. Denetter graduated from Woodson High School. She is the parent of one child, whose name is Dorothy Patrice. She attends Priglum Baptist Church and presently resides at 6022 Addison Road, Seat Pleasant, Maryland. Dorothy Patrice Hill is the daughter of Denetter Martin. She was born December 17, 1971. Dorothy graduated from Spigarn High School. She is married to Jeffrey Hill, Sr., and to this union three children were born. Their names are Jeffrey Brian Antjuan, Jr., Aaron Emanuel and Emauni Adrianna. Dorothy and Jeffrey attend Priglum Baptist Church and presently reside at 6509 Alton Street, Capital Heights, Maryland. Jeffrey Brian Antjuan, Jr., is the first offspring born to Dorothy and Jeffrey Hill, Sr. He was born January 8, 1994. Jeffrey, Jr., is an active six year-old and attends J. C. Hall Elementary School. Aaron Emanuel is the second child born to Dorothy and Jeffrey Hill, Sr. He was born March 30, 1995. Aaron Emanuel attends Dee's Daycare and Preschool. Emauni Adrianna is the third offspring born to Dorothy and Jeffrey Hill, Sr. She was born March 24, 1998. Emauni is a very active two year-old toddler. Rosa Lee McMillian Watson
Rosa Lee is the second child born to Jessie and Corrie McMillian. She was born September 24, 1939, in Spartanburg County. Rosa Lee is a graduate of Fairmont Heights High School. She is married to Earl Watson, Jr. They are the parents of three children. Their names are Corrie, Tanja and Dwayne Anthony. Rosa Lee is presently employed at Grant Park Care Center as a nurse. Earl is retired. Rosa Lee and Earl attend Faith Hope Christian Church and presently reside at 7724 Swan Terrace, Landover, Maryland. Corrie Watson Smith is the first offspring of Rosa Lee and Earl Watson, Jr. She was born September 30, 1955, in Cheverly, Maryland. Corrie is a graduate of Suitland High School and was married to Gary Andra Smith. She is the mother of two children, and their names are Derrick Johnana and Krystal Ebony. Corrie is employed by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., as a computer operator. She and Krystal attend Faith Hope Christian Church and presently reside at 2220 Brightseat Road #301, Landover, Maryland.
Derrick Johnana is the first child born to Corrie and Gary Smith. He was born July 8, 1974, in Washington, DC. Derrick is a graduate of Suitland High School and is presently employed at LPL Glass Company as a glazier. He presently resides at 2204 Queens Chapel Road, Hyattsville, Maryland. Krystal Ebony is the second offspring of Corrie Smith. She was born June 3, 1988. Krystal attends John Carroll Elementary School and is active in several school activities. Tania Watson Buchanan is the second child born to Rosa Lee and Earl Watson, Jr. She was born September 18, 1960, in Washington, DC. She is a graduate of Suitland High School. Tanja was married to Rodney Buchanan and they have no children. Tanja is employed at Gladys Spellman Speciality Hospital as a certified nursing assistant (CNA). She attends Faith Hope Christian Church and presently resides at 2202 Brightseat Road #301, Landover, Maryland.
Dwayne Anthony Watson is the third offspring born to Rosa Lee and Earl Watson, Jr. He was born June 7, 1966. Dwayne is a graduate of Largo High School and is not married. He is employed at Burlington's as a salesperson. He presently resides at 90 Waverly Drive #LL2 l 6, Fredrick, Maryland. Bennie Mae McMillian Gilmore
Bennie Mae is the third child born to Jessie and Corrie McMillian. She was born September 10, 1942, in Spartanburg County. She is a graduate of Fairmont Heights High School. Bennie Mae is married to Bennie Lewis Gilmore. She is the mother of four children. Their names are Junitha, Victoria, Audra and Maurice. Bennie Mae is employed by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., as a supervisor of the IS Department, and Bennie Lewis was employed with the D.C. government as a truck driver. They attend Abundant Life Worship Center and presently reside at 926 Larchmont Avenue, Capital Heights, Maryland. Junitha McMillian-Smith is the first offspring born to Bennie Mae Gilmore. She was born August 10, 1959. Junitha is a graduate of Suitland High School and is married to Charles Smith. She is the mother of four children. Their names are Akish, Jeffrey, Natasha and Laesia. They presently reside in Maryland.
Akish is the first child born to Junitha McMillian-Smith. She was born October 31, 1977, in Washington, DC. Akish is a graduate of the public schools in Washington, DC and is the mother of two children. Their names are Maliki and Atefia. Akish and her family attend presently reside in Maryland. Maliki is the first offspring born of Akish McMillian. She was born in 1996. Maliki is an active 4 year-old toddler and attends day care. Atefia is the second child born to Akish McMillian. She was born in 1998. Atefia is an active 2 year-old toddler and attends day care. Jeffrey is the second offspring born to Junitha McMillian-Smith. He was born August 11, 1980, in Washington, DC. Jeffrey is a graduate of the public schools in Washington, DC. Jeffrey presently resides in Washington, DC. Natasha is the third child born to Junitha McMillian-Smith. She was born in 1981, in Washington, DC. Natasha attends the District of Columbia public schools and is classified as a senior. She is an active participant in various school activities. Laesia is the fourth offspring of Junitha McMillian-Smith. She was born in 1984, in Washington, DC. Laesia attends the public schools in the District of Columbia and is classified as a sophomore. She is actively involved in several school activities. VictoriaMcMillian-Dixon is the second child born to Bennie Mae Gilmore. She was born November 15, 1961. Victoria is a graduate of Suitland High School. She is married to Robert Dixon, Jr., and they are the parents of two children. Their names are Jeremiah and Joshua. Victoria is self-employed and is the owner of Vickie's Day Care. They presently reside in Virginia.
Jeremiah is the first offspring born to Victoria and Robert Dixon, Jr. He was born January 6, 1981, in Fairfax, VA. Jeremiah attends the public schools of Fairfax, VA and is classified as a senior. Jeremiah is an active participant in various school activities. Joshua is the second child born to Victoria and Robert Dixon, Jr. He was born March 8, 1982, in -104-
Fairfax, VA. Joshua attends the public schools of Fairfax, VA and is classified as a junior. Joshua actively participates in various school activities. Audra Gilmore is the third offspring born to Bennie Mae and Bennie Lewis Gilmore. She was born June 23, 1966. Audra is a graduate of Suitland High School. She is the mother of four children. Their names are Richard, Troy, Ricardo, and Octavia. Audra and her family presently reside in Maryland.
Richard is the first offspring born to Audra Gilmore. He was born June 17, 1984. Richard attends the Maryland Public Schools. He is an active participant in various school activities. Troy is the second child born to Audra Gilmore. He was born August 5, 1985. Troy attends the Maryland Public Schools. He is an active participant in various school activities. Ricardo is the third offspring born to Audra Gilmore. He was born March 29, 1988. Ricardo attends the Maryland Public Schools. He participates in various school activities. Octavia is the fourth child born to Audra Gilmore. She was born April 12, 1990. Octavia attends the Maryland Public Schools. She is participates in various school activities. Maurice Gilmore, Sr., is the fourth child born to Bennie Mae and Bennie Lewis Gilmore. He was born April 23, 1971. Maurice attended Suitland High School and Job Corp. He is the father of two children. Their names are Maurice, Jr., and Terrell. He is presently employed by Roof Center as a fork lift operator. Maurice presently resides in Virginia.
Maurice, Jr., is the first offspring born to Maurice Gilmore, Sr. He was born November 5, 1992, in Reston, VA. Maurice, Jr., attends the public schools in Virginia and is an active second-grade student. He participates in various school events. Terrell is the second child born to Maurice Gilmore, Sr. He was born October 22, 1993, in Reston, VA. Terrell attends the public schools in Virginia and is a first-grade student. He is an active participant in various school activities. Jessie married a second time. His second wife's name was Frankie West Jackson. Frankie was born March 16, 1926, in Knoxville, Tennessee. To this union two children were born. Their names were Barbara Jean and Rufus. Frankie departed this mortal life on March 17, 1963. Barbara Jean Jackson McMillian Crawley
Barbara Jean is the fourth offspring of Jessie and Frankie McMillian. She was born February 3, 1942, in Knoxville and attended Austin High School. Barbara Jean is married to Fred Crawley, Sr., and is the mother of seven children. Their names are Anita Jane, Sharon Darlene, Regina Sharmaine, Prince Edward Leroy, Norma Jean, Fred, Jr., and Tina Vernessa. Barbara Jean is employed by S & W Cafeteria as a food service worker. She attends First United Presbyterian Ch1:1rch (USA) and presently resides at 1231 Calloway Street, Knoxville, Tennessee. Anita Jane Wilkins Taylor is the first child born to Barbara Jean Crawley. She was born December 2, 1960. Anita attended Austin-East High School. She is not married and has no children. Anita is employed as a home health worker. Anita presently resides at 3004 Wimpole Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee. -105-
Sharon Darlene Wilkins was the second offspring of Barbara Jean Crawley. She was born October 30, 1961, in Knoxville. Sharon Darlene departed this mortal life during infancy on January 25, 1962. Regina Sharmaine Wilkins is the third child born to Barbara Jean Crawley. She was born October 7, 1962. Regina attended Fulton High School. She is the mother of three children. Their names are Cartel Monrae, Jastarshia and Lamonica Dollchelle. Regina is presently unemployed. She resides at 4708 Joe Lewis Road, Apartment 224, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Cartel Monrae was the first child born to Regina Wilkins. He was born September 18, 1979, in Knoxville and departed this mortal life in January, 1987. Jastarshia is the second offspring born to Regina Wilkins. She was born March 18, 1983. J astarshia attends South Doyle High School and is an eleventh-grade student. She is the mother of one child. Her name is Jalexis Ebonesse. Jalexis Ebonees is the first child born to Jastarshia Thompkins. She was born December 1, 1999 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Jalexis is an active 4-month old. Lamonica Dollchelle is the third child born to Regina Wilkins. She was born February 28, 1985. Lamonica attends South Doyle High School and is a tenth-grade student. She is the mother of one child. His name is Deonte Marquest. Deonte Marquest is the first offspring of Lamonica Wilkins. He was born December 29, 1999 in Knoxville, Tennessee. Deonte is an active 4-month old. Prince Edward Leroy Wilkins is the fourth offspring born to Barbara Jean Crawley. He was born July 21, 1964, and attended Tennessee Preparatory High School. He is the father of one child, whose name is Jermishia Lameka. Prince Edward is presently unemployed. He resides at 1231 Calloway Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Jermishia Lameka is the child of Prince Edward Wilkins. She was born November 24, 1985, in Knoxville. Jermishia attends Vine Middle School and is actively involved in various school activities. Norma Jean Crawley was the fifth child born to Barbara Jean and Fred Crawley, Sr. She was born May 29, 1966. Norma Jean attended Fulton High School and was the mother of one child. His name was John Ensley. Norma Jean departed this mortal life on April 2, 1988.
John Ensley was the son of Norma Jean Crawley. He was born January 5, 1986. John Ensley departed this mortal life on June 18, 1988. FredH. Crawley, Jr., was the sixth offspring of Barbara Jean and Fred Crawley, Sr. He was born January 14, 1969, in Knoxville. Fred, Jr., attended Central High School and is married to the former Renita F. Brown. They are the parents of two children. Their names are Shantile and Randy. Fred, Jr., is presently employed at Buddy Bar-B-Que as a cook. Renita is a homemaker. They presently reside at 1231 Calloway Street, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Shantile is the first child born to Fred, Jr., and Renita Crawley. She was born May 20, 1989. Shantile attends Maynard Elementary School and is actively involved in various student activities. Randy is the second offspring of Fred, Jr., and Renita Crawley. He was born August 26, 1989. Randy is a fifth-grade student at Maynard Elementary School and participates in various school events. Tina Vernessa Crawley is the seventh child born to Barbara Jean and Fred Crawley, Sr. She was born October 13, 1971. Tina attended Rule High School and is the mother of five children. Their names are Latia LaShea, William Ensley, Frankie Herlene, Kena Shante and Stacia Jamara. She attends First United Presbyterian Church (USA) and presently resides at 3100 East Fifth Avenue, Knoxville.
Latia LaShea is the first offspring of Tina Crawley. She was born September 4, 1990. Latia attends Sarah Moore Greene Elementary School and is a fourth-grade student. William Ensley is the second child born to Tina Crawley. He was born August 22, 1991. William attends Sarah Moore Greene Elementary School and is a third-grade student. Frankie Herlene is the third offspring of Tina Crawley. She was born August 21, 1993. Frankie attends Sarah Moore Greene Elementary School and is a second-grade student. Keana Shante is the fourth child born to Tina Crawley. She was born May 27, 1995 and is an active five year-old. She attends Sarah Moore Greene Preschool. Stacia Jamara is the fifth offspring of Tina Crawley. She was born January 7, 1997, and is an active three year-old toddler. Rufus McMillian, Sr.
Rufus, Sr., was the fifth child born to Jessie and Frankie McMillain. He was born June 17, 1945, in Knoxville. Rufus was the father of seven children. Their names are Rhonda, Yolanda, Rufus, Jr., Tracy, Veronica, Lisa and Lakisha. Rufus departed this mortal life on May 5, 1991.
Rhonda Smith is the first offspring born to Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born May 19, 1964. Rhonda attended Fulton High School. She is not married and has no children. Rhonda is employed as a quality analyst. She attends Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship Church and presently resides in Dallas, Texas. Yolanda Ragland Gallman is the second child born to Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born May 9, 1967. Yolanda attended Rule High School. She is married to Richard Gallman, and they are parents of two children. Their names are Tarlanda Lenise and Richara Denise. Yolanda and Richard attend Friendship Baptist Church and presently reside at 322 Forestal Drive, Apartment 615, Knoxville, Tennessee.
Tarlanda Lenise is the first offspring of Yolanda and Richard Gallman. She was born August 7, 1984. Tarlanda attends Central High School and is an eleventh-grade student. She is actively involved in several school activities. Richara Denise is the second child born to Yolanda and Richard Gallman. She was born July 3, 1986. Richara attends Gresham Middle School and is an ninth-grade student. She is also involved in various school activities. -107-
Rufus McMillian. Jr.. is the third offspring of Rufus McMillian, Sr. He was born November 8, 1968. Rufus, Jr., attended Austin East High School. He is not married and has no children. Rufus, Jr.,
presently resides in Knoxville. Tracey Cook is the fourth child born to Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born November 28, 1970, in Knoxville. Tracey attended Austin East High School. She is not married and has two sons. Their names are Cameron and Ta'Von. Tracey and her family presently reside in Foi:t Worth, Texas.
Cameron is the first offspring born to Tracey Cook. He was born March 9, 1992. Cameron is eight years old and attends the public schools in Fort Worth, Texas. He actively participates in various school events. Ta'Von is the second child born to Tracey Cook. He was born October 4, 1993. Ta'Von is six years old and attends the public schools in Fort Worth, Texas. He is an active participant in various school programs. Veronica Ragland is the fifth offspring of Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born December 1, 1972. Veronica attended Rule High School. She is not married and has three children. Veronica and her family presently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Lisa Ragland is the sixth child born to Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born June 22, 1974, in Knoxville. Lisa attended Rule High School. She is not married and has two children. Lisa and her family presently reside in Atlanta, Georgia. Lakisha Collins is the seventh offspring born to Rufus McMillian, Sr. She was born November 20, 1974. Lakisha attended Austin East High School and Lincoln Memorial University. Her majors were computer graphics and surgical nursing. Lakisha is not married and has one child. His name is Jamall Rashad. She is employed by Knoxville Area Transit in administration. Lakisha attends St. Paul Baptist Church and presently resides at 2714 Delrose Drive, Knoxville.
Jamall Rashad is the child of Lakisha Collins. He was born January 25, 1995, and is a busy five year-old preschooler. Ruth McMillian Sims
Ruth McMillian Sims is the seventh child born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. She was born February 12, 1911, in Spartanburg County. Ruth was married to Willie Sims. He was born January 2, 1912. Ruth and Willie had no children. Willie departed this mortal life on January 24, 1965. Ruth is retired. She attends Calvary Baptist Church and presently resides at 116-11 15'P' Street, #SE, Jamaica, New York. Mattie McMillian Pearson
Mattie McMillian Pearson was the eighth offspring born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. She was born April 23, 1913. Mattie was married to Guy Pearson. He was born October 23, 1912, in Spartanburg County. To this union five children were born. Their names are Shirley, Barbara, Grace, Frank and Gwendolyn. Mattie passed from labor to reward on September 19, 1951, and Guy departed this mortal life on February 10, 1984. -108-
Shirley Pearson Davis Shirley Pearson Davis is the first child born to Mattie and Guy Pearson. She was born March 12, 1936. Shirley attended Andrew Jackson High School and is married to Edward Davis. Edward was born May 8, 1921, in Talladega, Alabama. To this union one child was born. Her name is Tawana. Shirley is employed at Lenox Hill Hospital as a registered nurse, and Edward is retired from the New York City Building Department. They attend Calvary Baptist Church and presently reside at 115-90 218 Street, Cambria Heights, New York.
Tawana Davis is the daughter of Shirley and Edward Davis. She was born July 19, 1965, in New York. Tawana attended Mary Louis High School, Columbia University and Harvard Law School. She is employed by the United States Justice Department of Civil Rights as a litigator. Tawana is not married and has no children. She attends St. Albans Congregation Church and presently resides in Washington, D.C.
Barbara Pearson Drummond Barbara Pearson Drummond is the second offspring born to Mattie and Guy Pearson. She was born January 18, 1939, in Spartanburg County. She attended and graduated from Florence Chapel High School. Barbara is married to J.C. Drummond. J.C. was born April 16, 1932. To this union two children were born. Their names are James Curtis and David Lee. Barbara was employed at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center as a nursing assistant. She retired in 1995. J.C. is employed by Revman Industries. They attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently reside at 1308 Nazareth Road, Spartanburg.
James Curtis Drummond is the first child born to Barbara and J.C. Drummond. He was born May 24, 1956. James attended Byrnes High School. He is the father of two children. Their names are Byron Linder and Shakeedra. James is employed by Michelin. James attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides in Fairmount. Byron Linder is the first offspring of James Curtis Drummond. He was born December 16, 1980 in Spartanburg County. He is a graduate of Spartanburg High School. Byron was an active participant in various school activities. Shakeedra is the second child of James Curtis Drummond. She was born February 20, 1995, in Spartanburg County. Shakeedra is an active five year-old preschooler.
David Lee Drummond is the second offspring of Barbara and J.C. Drummond. He was born June 28, 1959. David Lee attended Byrnes High School. He is the father of two children. Their names are Rostrinique and Braxton. David is employed by the U.S. Postal Service as a U.S. mail carrier. He attends Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently resides in Inman. Rostrinique is the first child born of David Lee Drummond. She was born January 11, 1988. Rostrinique attends Harry E. James Elementary School. She actively participates in various school activities. Braxton is the second offspring of David Lee Drummond. He was born October 24, 1992 in Spartanburg County. He is an active seven year- old and attends the Spartanburg County public schools.
Grace Pearson Woodruff Grace Pearson Woodruff is the third child born to Mattie and Guy Pearson. She was born June 20, 1940, in Spartanburg County. Grace attended Florence Chapel High School and received a B.S. degree in elementary education from South Carolina State College in 1964. She is married to Isaaiah Woodruff. He was born February 14, 1933. To this union one child was born. His name is Isaiah. Grace is retired from Spartanburg District #7 Schools as a teacher, and Isaaiah is self-employed.
Grace and her family attend Travelers Rest Baptist Church and presently reside at 1308 Nazareth Church Road, Spartanburg. Isaiah Woodruff is the son of Grace and Isaaiah Woodruff He was born July 11, 1965, in Spartanburg County. He attended Byrnes High School. Isaiah is married to the former Lorrie Oxendine, and they have one child. His name is Brannon Tyler. Lorrie was born August 30, 1969, and attended Byrnes High School. Isaiah is employed by the United States Army as a Sergeant, and Lorrie is a homemaker and student. They presently reside at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.
Brannon Tyler Woodruff is the son of Isaiah and Lorrie Woodruff. He was born July 3, 1986. Brannon attends middle school in Fort Belvoir, and is involved in various activities. Frank Westley Goodlett
Frank Westley Goodlett is the fourth offspring born to Mattie and Guy Pearson. He was born August 20, 1947, in Knoxville. Frank attended Florence Chapel High School. He was married to the former Shirley Hill. She was born January 10, 1952. To this union four children were born. Their names are Teresa, Courtney, Tonya, and Shanika. Shirley is employed at Kmart as a manager and presently resides in Spartanburg. Frank married a second time to Linda Morman. She was born December 14, 1951. They are the parents of one son. His name is Lafranklin. Frank is out on disability at this time, and Linda is employed at Dielectecs. They attend Moore's Chapel Baptist Church and presently reside in Woodruff. Teresa Edwards Sanders is the first offspring born to Frank Goodlett. She was born January 1, 1965. Teresa attended Byrnes High School. She is married to Marion K. Sanders, and they are the parents of two children, Sierra and Indea. Teresa is employed as an accountant. They attend Lower Shady Grove Baptist Church, where Teresa serves as secretary, and they presently reside in Duncan.
Sierra is the first offspring of Teresa and Marion K. Sanders. She was born February 10, 1989. Sierra attends Duncan Elementary School and is actively involved in several school activities. Indea is the second child of Teresa and Marion K. Sanders. She was born January 15, 1999. Indea is a very active 1 year-old toddler. Courtney Marshall Edwards is the second child born to Frank Goodlett. He was born July 26, 1970, in Greenville. Courtney attended Byrnes High School. He is the father of one child. Her name is Kiesha. Courtney is unemployed. He attends Lower Shady Grove Baptist Church and presently resides. in Greer.
Kiesha is the child of Courtney Edwards. She was born December 3, 1991, in Spartanburg County. Kiesha attends the Spartanburg County Public Schools and is active in various school activities. Tonya Goodlett Manigo is the third offspring born to Frank and Shirley Goodlett. She was born November 8, 1970. Tonya attended Spartanburg High School. She is married to Tony Manigo, and they are the parents of two children. Their names are Kentaya and Trace. Tonya is employed by Sally Foster and Tony is employed by Airborne Express. They attend Travelers Rest Missionary Baptist Church and presently reside in Spartanburg.
Kentaya is the first offspring ofTonya and Tony Manigo. She was born December 6, 1989. Kentaya attends Westview Elementary School. She is an active participant in several school activities. Trace is the second offspring of Tonya and Tony Manigo. He was born June 8, 1992. Trace attends Westview Elementary School. He actively participants in various school events. Shanika Goodlett is the fourth child born to Frank and Shirley Goodlett. She was born January 12, 1979. Shanika attended Spartanburg High School and is the parent of one child. Her name is Alliyah Surgick. Shanika is employed by Mayfair Mills. She attends Travels Rest Missionary Baptist Church and presently resides in Spartanburg.
Alliyah Surgick is the offspring of Shanika Goodlett. She was born January 29, 1998, in Spartanburg County. Alliyah attends Sunshine House Day Care and is an active 2-year old toddler. Lafranklin Morman is the fifth offspring of Frank and Linda Goodlett. He was born August 25, 1985, in Spartanburg County. Lafranklin is an eighth-grade student and attends Woodruff Middle High School. He is an active participant in various school activities and attends Moore's Chapel Baptist Church. Gwendolyn Pearson Goodlett Feaster Whiteside
Gwendolyn Pearson Goodlett Feaster Whiteside is the fifth child born to Mattie and Guy Pearson. She was born May 27, 1950, in Knoxville. Gwendolyn is a graduate of Florence Chapel High School. She was married to Joseph Feaster, Sr. He was born August 9, 1950. To this union four children were born. Their names are Anthony, Barbara, Glenn Dexter and Joseph, Jr. Joseph, Sr., departed this mortal life on December 20, 1975. Gwendolyn married a second time. Her husband's name is Melvin Whiteside. Melvin was born January 23, 1949, in Spartanburg County and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Lee (Viola) Whiteside. To this union two daughters were born. Their names are Lakisha and Vashana. Gwendolyn was employed at Spring Industries as a seamstress and Melvin was formerly employed at Spring Mills. He is presently out on disability. Gwendolyn and her family attend New Trinity Baptist Church and presently reside in Startex. Anthony Feaster is the first child born to Gwendolyn and Joseph Feaster, Sr. He was born October 17, 1967. Anthony is a graduate of Florence Chapel High School. He has two children. Their names are Anthony O'Brian and Kanesha. Anthony is employed as a policeman with the Wellford Police Department, as a truck driver at BFI and is in the U.S. Army National Reserve. He attends New Trinity Baptist Church and presently resides in Wellford. -111-
Kanesha Crawford is the first offspring of Anthony Feaster. She was born August 3, 1990, in Spartanburg County. Kanesha attends Z. L. Madden Elementary School and is actively involved in various school events. Anthony O'Brian is the second child born to Anthony Feaster. He was born November 16, 1992, in Chesnee. Anthony attends Chesnee Elementary School and actively participates in school activities. Barbara Drummond is the second offspring born to Gwendolyn and Joseph Feaster, Sr. She was born October 31, 1968. Barbara is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School. She is the mother of two children. Their names are Anthony and Vintours. Barbara is employed at a nursing home. She is a member of Traveler's Rest Missionary Baptist Church and presently resides in Atlanta, Georgia. ¡
Anthony Tremaine is the first child born to Barbara Drummond. He was born February 25, 1989, in Atlanta. Anthony attends the public schools in Atlanta, GA. He is an active participant in various school activities. Vintours Matthew is the second offspring of Barbara Drummond. He was born December 4, 1990. Vintours attends the public schools in Atlanta, GA. He is an active participant in various school activities. Glenn Dexter Woodruffis the third born to Gwendolyn and Joseph Feaster, Sr. He was born August 8, 1969. Glenn is a graduate of Byrnes High School and is married to Angela Robinson. She was born in Spartanburg County. He is employed at Spartan Steele and Angela is presently unemployed. Glenn is the father of thee children. Their names are Lagwinnda Shatelle, Statis Renell and Octavia. Glenn presently resides in Spartanburg.
Lagwinnda Shatelle is the first child born to Glenn Dexter and Angela Woodruff. She was born July 25, 1988, in Greenville County. Lagwinnda is a student in the Greenville County public schools. She is an active participant in various school events. Statis Renell is the second offspring born to Glenn Dexter Woodruff. He was born October 12, 1990, in Greenville County. Statis Renell is a student in the Greenville County public schools. He is an active participant in various school activities. Octavia is the third child born to Glenn Dexter Woodruff. He was born in Greenville County. Octavia is a student in the Greenville County public schools. He is an active participant in various school events. Joseph Feaster, Jr., is the fourth offspring born to Gwendolyn and Joseph Feaster, Sr. He was born January 17, 1973. Joseph, Jr., is a graduate of James F. Byrnes High School and is presently serving in the U.S. Navy. He is married to the former Charlene Delores Wiley. She was born November 16, 1974, in Philadelphia. They have no children. Charlene is employed at Dunkin Doughnuts as an accountant. They presently reside in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Lakisha Whiteside Atkins is the fifth child born to Gwendolyn and Melvin Whiteside. She was born January 24, 1977. Lakisha is a graduate of Byrnes High School. She is presently serving in the U. S. Navy and is stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. Lakisha is married to Christopher Michael and is a newlywed. Michael was born May 31, 1972, in Chicago, IL. He is a graduate of Ridge High School, and is also serving in the U. S. Navy. They are the parents of one child. His name is Christopher Raushun. Lakisha is a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. She and her family attend Faith Deliverance Christain Center in Norfolk.
Christopher Raushun is the first offspring of Lakisha and Christopher Atkins. He was born April 11, 2000 in Norfolk, Virginia.
Vashana Whiteside is the sixth offspring born to Gwendolyn and Melvin Whiteside. She was born May 26, 1983. Vashana is a student at James F. Byrnes High School and is currently classified as a sophomore. She is active in various school and church activities. Vashana attends New Trinity Baptist Church and participates on the youth ensemble choir, the junior usher board and is a member of the Sunday School.
Essie McMillian Pearson Essie McMillian Pearson was the ninth child born to Anna and Andrew McMillian. She was born September 4, 1916, in Spartanburg County. Essie was married to Morris Franklin Pearson. He was the son of the late Charlie and Essie Morris Pearson. Morris was born November 1, 1914, in Spartanburg County. They had no children. Morris departed this mortal life on January 22, 1974, in Long Island, New York. At a young age, Morris joined Travelers Rest Baptist Church, serving there faithfully until he moved to New York. Essie is retired. She attends Calvary Baptist Church and presently resides at 167-05 118th Avenue, Jamaica, New York.
Anna Bomar McMillian
Andrew (Andy) McMillian
Willie McMillian
Ethel Bivings McMillian
Corine O'Neal McMillian Cole
Ella McMillian Goodlet
Will Goodlett
Andrew Goodlett -] 14-
Mattie McMillian Pearson
Shirley Pearson Davis
Gwendolyn Pearson Whiteside and Children
Rosa Lee McMillian Gilmore
Ruth McMillian Sims
Essie McMillian Pearson
Morris McMillian
Fredrick W. Fowler, I
Viola Nesbitt Bomar Anderson
Fredrick W. Fowler, II
Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings was the fourth offspring of Mary Bomar. She was born in June 1881 in Spartanburg County. Rosa was first married to Ralph Foster. They had no children. Ralph L. Foster was born in March 1878. He was the sixth offspring (out of twenty-two) of Mr. and Mrs. James L. (Ann) Foster. According to Coan (1984), in his book entitled The Coan-Foster Family Tree: Descendants of Simpson Coan and Ray Foster, Ralph Foster was about five feet in height and weighed about 210 pounds. He had a keen sense of humor, an infectious laugh, and could see the funny side in almost any situation. Ralph passed on to his heavenly reward on June 23, 1939. Rosa married for a second time to Charlie Bivings. He was born in 1898, in Spartanburg County. Charlie and Rosa had no children. According to Mrs. Estelle Berry Ware (born in 1908), Charlie's cousin, Charlie was a farmer and Rosa was a homemaker. Charlie departed this mortal life on March 21, 1960, and Rosa departed from this earthly life on July 6, 1957.
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Charlie Bomar
Charlie Bomar was the fifth offspring of Mary Bomar. He was born May 1886 in Spartanburg County. Charles was married to the former Viola Nesbitt. They had no children. Charlie was an employee of Jackson Mills and worked as a janitor. He was a member of New Trinity Baptist Church. Charlie and Viola resided in the Wellford area. Charlie went home to his heavenly reward in Columbus, Ohio in 1935. Mrs. Viola was born October 22, 1893, in Spartanburg County. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George (Rosa Walker) Nesbitt. Mrs. Viola married a second time to Ike Anderson. He was born June 15, 1894, in Spartanburg County and also preceded her in death (August 1969). They had no children. Viola resided at Reid's Residential Care. She departed this mortal life on February 26, 1995, at the Spartanburg Regional Medical Center. She was 101 years of age. Mrs. Viola was a member of Florence Chapel United Methodist Church and was the mother of the church. She was a member of the Order of Eastern Star, Queen of the. South #259, the MBS Society, Hopewell Sympathy Club and the Ladies Aid Society of Duncan. Mrs. Viola was the last survivor of her immediate family. Her obituary indicated that "Mrs. Anderson was a faithful member who loved her church and served faithfully, and will be missed in the church and community. She was a kind, generous and loving person who loved everyone and in return gained the love and respect of those who knew her."
Sandra Irby Hawkins
Regina Kay Irby Grant
Miss Black Spartanburg, 1981 Miss Duncan-Lyman-Wellford, 1982 First Runner-Up Miss South Carolina, 1983
Miss Black Spartanburg, 1984
Denia Madres Bomar Wilson Miss Black Spartanburg, 1994 NAACP Woman of the Year, 1994-1996 (West Spartanburg Branch)
Hope Miranda Irby
Hope Miranda Irby
Miss James F. Byrnes High School 1999-2000
Miss Homecoming, 1999-2000 James F. Byrnes High School - 124-
(Compiled July 1990-May 2000) By Iris Dianne Bomar and John Wessley Bomar
''For enquire, I pray thee, of the former age, and prepare thyself to the search of their fathers." Job 8:8
Andenoa Boamr Born: 7/1/1~ Died:
Clark b. 1852 (Brother)
Perry b. 1854 (Brother)
b. 1856
MARYBOMAR Born: 11/28/1840 Died: 10/8/23 MATRIARCH
Charles b. 1858 (Brother)
Joseph b. 1860 (Brother)
Lee b. 1862 (Brother)
Louisa b. 1864 (Sister)
I Memory (MEM) Bonar Born: 11,tJ.856 Died: 12/22/13
(4 Children)
Jessie Bonar Pearson Born: 2/7/1890 Died: 1119no
(1 Child)
Beulah Bonar Ellis Born: 11/10/1893 Died: 9/17/58
Beattie Bonar Born: 10/1889 Died: 4/3/41 (1 Child)
Annie Lou Bomar Born: 8/24/1891 Died: 6/4164
(No Children)
Katie Bonar Fowler Born: 5/27/1886 Died: 5/2/49
(5 Children)
(6 Children)
Alexander C. Bomar Born: 411882 Died: 8/9/35
Ella Bonar Born: B/14/1872 Died: 8/1/13
William (Will) Bonar Born: 6/1879 Died: 9/29/26
(No Children)
Samuel Jones Bomar Born: 1/2/1899 Died: 1/15/68
(No Children)
(1 Child)
Lelia Bonar Born: 11/1893 Died: 6/8/19
(1 Child)
Mary Bomar Thompson Boffi· 4/18% Died: 1937
(5 Children)
Andrew Bomar Born: 9/21/1898 Died: 6/12n2 ( 10 Children)
Anna Bonar McMDlian Born: 9/1876 Died: 9n133
(9 Children)
(No Children)
Rosa Bonar BMngs Bord 6/1881 Died: 7/6/57
Mary McMillian King Born: 4/1899 Died: 1939
Ella McMDlian Goodlett Born: 5/25/01 Died: 4/22/61
(1 Child)
(2 Children)
Willie McMDlian Born: 10/05/02 Died: 6/8/49
Emma McMDlian Rookard Born: 2/14/05 Died: 8/31/41
(1 Child)
Robert McMDlian Born: 2/17/07 Died: 8/8n8
(6 Children)
Jessie McMDlian Born: 2/14/09 Died: 6/11/55
(3 Children)
Ruda McMDlian Sims Born: 2/12/11
(No Children)
(5 Children)
Mattie McMillian Pearson Born: 4123/13 Died: 9/19/51
Essie McMlllian Pearson Born: 9/4116
(No Children)
(No Children)
Charlie Bonar Born: 1/1886 Died: 1935
THE BRANCHES OF MARY Anderson Bomar Born: 7/1/1808 Died:
Unknown Born: Died:
I I MARYBOMAR Born: 11/28/1840 Died: 10/8/23 MATRIARCH I
Memory (MEM) Bomar Born: 11/1856 Died: 12/22/13
Ella Bomar Born: 3/14/1872 Died: 8/1/13
I(6 Children) William (Will) Bomar Born: 6/1879 Died: 9/29/26
(5 Children)
Beattie Bomar Born: 10/1889 Died: 4/3/41
(6 Children)
(1 Child)
Alexander C. Bomar Born: 4/1882 Died: 8/9/35
Annie Lou Bomar Born: 8/24/1891 Died: .5/4/64
I (No Children) Katie Bomar Fowler Born: 5/27/1886 Died: 512/49
(1 Child)
Lelia Bomar Born: 11/1893 Died: 6/8/19
(4 Children)
Jessie Bomar Pearson Born: 2ntl 890 Died: 7/19n-O
I (1 Child) Beulah Bomar Ellis Born: 11/10/1893 Died: 9/17/58
I (No Children) Samuel Jones Bomar Born: 112/1899 Died: 1/15/68 (No Children)
(1 Child)
Mary Bomar Thompson Born: 4/1896 Died: 1937
(5 Children)
Andrew Bomar Born: 9/21/1898 Died: 6/12n2 (10 Children)
Rosa Bomar Bivings Born: 6/1881 Died: 7/6/57
Anna Bomar McMillian Born: 9/1876 Died: 9nt33
(No Children)
(9 Children)
Mary McMillian King Born: 4/1899 Died: 1939
(No Children)
Ella McMillian Goodlett Born: 5/25/01 Died: 4/22/61
(1 Child)
Willie McMillian Born: 10/05/02 Died: 6/8/49
(2 Children)
Emma McMillian Rookard Born: 2/14/05 Died: 8/31/41
(1 Child)
Robert McMillian Born: 2/17/07 Died: 8/8n8 (6 Children) I Jessie McMillian Born: 2/4/09 Died: 6/11/55
(3 Children)
Ruth McMillian Sims Born: 2/12/11
(No Children)
Mattie McMillian Pearson Born: 4/23/13 Died: 9/19/51
(5 Children)
Essie McMillian Pearson Born: 9/4/16
(No Children)
Charlie Bomar Born: 5/1886 Died: 1935 (No Children)
Mary's Roots and Their Branches (9 Generations) The Beginning - Marys Parents
Albert (Alberta) Bomar James Russell (Agnes Beulah) Bomar, Sr. Ernest (Lois) Bomar Leroy Bomar L. T. (Bridie Virginia) Thompson, Sr. Bennie (Lillie Mae) Thompson Ella Bomar Cuba Bomar (Oscar) Dantzler John Wessley (Malissa) Bomar Mable Bomar Mary Alice Bomar Odis (Dorothy) Bomar, Sr. Curtis (Carlotta Faye) Bomar Betty Jean Bomar (Alvin) Hennington Helen Bomar (Lillywood) Dillard Doris Bomar ( Kenneth) Peake Andrew Goodlett Corine O'Neal McMillian Fowler (Elijah; Jesse) Cole Kathern McMillian Mary Rookard (Raymond) Glenn Jessie McMillian Emma McMillian Annie L. McMillian (LeRoy) Fowler Juanita McMillian Morris (Willie Mae; Peggy) McMillian Earl (Dorothy) McMillian Dorothy McMillian (Cleveland, Sr.) Martin Rosa Lee McMillian (Earl, Jr.) Watson Bennie Mae McMillian (Bennie Lewis) Gilmore Barbara Jean Jackson McMillian (Fred, Sr.) Crawley Rufus McMillian, Sr. Shirley Pearson (Edward) Davis Barbara Pearson (J.C.) Drummond Grace Pearson (lsaaiah, Sr. )Woodruff Frank Westley (Shirley; Linda) Goodlett Gwendolyn Pearson Goodlett Feaster (Joseph, Sr.; Melvin) Whiteside
Anderson (Unk) Bomar
Matriarch - 131 Generation Mary (Miles) Bomar
Children - 2!!i, Generation Memory (Macey) Bomar Ella Bomar Anna Bomar (Andrew) McMillian Rosa Bomar (Ralph; Charlie) Foster Bivings Charlie (Viola) Bomar
Grandchildren - J!!I. Generation William Henry (Jemima) Bomar Alexander C. "Tobe" Bomar Katie Bomar (Toyce) Fowler Jessie Bomar (Joe) Pearson Beulah Bomar (Oliver) Ellis Samuel Jones (Beulah) Bomar Beattie (Josephine) Bomar Annie Lou Bomar Lelia Bomar Mary Bomar (Tobe; Matthew) Thompson Andrew (Altice; Vera) Bomar Mary McMillian (James) King Ella McMillian (William) Goodlett Willie (Ethel) McMillian Emma McMillian (Louis) Rookard Robert (Saint Lawrence) McMillian Jessie (Corrie) McMillian Ruth McMillian (Willie) Sims Mattie McMillian (Guy) Pearson Essie McMillian (Morris) Pearson Great Grandchildren - 41!! Generation Lela Mae Bomar (Owens, Sr.) Murphy Johnnie Will Bomar (Leroy) McCoy Alonzo (Ruby Lee) Bomar Mem (Annie) Bomar, Sr. Lennell Bomar (Stewart) Miller Wesley Bomar Gladys Fowler (Earnest) King Annie Fowler (Henry) Logan Jessie Louise Fowler (James Carl) Bradford Lois Mary Fowler Susie Bell Hunter (James Sr.) Murriel Nellie Pearson Hattie Bess Bomar Mamie Bomar (Will R.) Ballenger
Great-Great Grandchildren - 51!! Generation Samuel Arthur (Elizabeth) Murphy, Sr. William Roscoe (Myrtle; Norma) Murphy Owens Murphy, Jr. Harold Cohen (Dolly; Paula) Murphy, Sr. Charles (Josephine) Murphy Juanita Murphy (Clarence) Davis Bomar Alonzo (Connie) Murphy Jacob Lee Murphy Joe Cephus Murphy Beulah Murphy (Odell) Pender
Kenneth (Clarice) Murphy Karen Murphy Ruby Mae Bomar (Miller, I) Rhodes Iris Dianne Bomar Freida Delores Bomar Barbara Jean Bomar (Bobby Earl) Floyd Harriet Patricia Bomar (Raleigh, Jr.) McEntire Katie Ruth Bomar (Arthur) Irby Frank Wesley (Betty) Bomar Josephine (Charles) Hughes Jessie Bell Bomar (Eugene) Porter Mem Bomar, Jr. Herny Eugene Bomar, I Patricia Bomar (Ronald) Ashmore Queen Esther Bomar Julia Faye Bomar (Timothy) Foster Michael Anthony (Jeanette) Bomar, Sr. Rex Allen Bomar Ronald (April) Bomar Louvenia Best (Lawyer, Sr.) Swinson Frances Lennell Miller Ernest Houston (Margaret) Logan Lula Bell Murriel (Robert) Anderson Betty Murriel (Frank) Pearson James Murriel, Jr. Evelyn (Frank) Hunter Annie Mae Ballenger Albert Bomar, Jr. James Ball Bomar Hydreck Bomar Tommy Bomar Debra Bomar (Earl) Walton Walter Lee (Delois) Bomar Betty Jean Bomar Charles Bomar James Russell (Lee Bertha) Bomar, Jr. Beulah Ann Bomar Christine Bomar Ernestine Bomar Edward Floyd Bomar Juanita Goodman Julia A. Bomar (David) Miller Douglas (Venissa) Bomar L. T. (Dorothy) Thompson, Jr. Helen Thompson (Raymond) Garrett Alberta Thompson (Robert) Garrett Joyce Dantzler (Vernon, Jr.) Smith Norma Jean Dantzler (Leonard) Johnson Joan Veronica Bomar (Donnie) Smith Andrew (Shirley) Bomar, II Marvin (Lena) Bomar Gregory Wessley (Lucretia) Bomar
Alvin Jerome (Linda) Bomar Randy (Mary; Joann) Bomar Jackie (Elizabeth) Bomar Cynthia E. Bomar (Willie Bernard) Johnson Lola D. Bomar (James) McBeth Denia Madres' Bomar (Elijah) Wilson Odislen Bomar Curtis Lamar (Valerie) Smith Courtney D. Bomar Cicely D. Bomar Trina Lovell Dillard Jasmine LaShawn (Terrance) Robinson Jebryl Lillywood Dillard Jernay Michelle Peake (Shaun Heath) Ford Kenneth Avery Peake Fredrick Winfield (Cynthia) Fowler, I Keith.Glenn Steve (Janice) McMillian Ronnie McMillian Robert James McMillian Schaneika LaShaun Davis Sarah Dawkins Laurance Davis Geoige W. Davis Michael Davis William A. Davis Stephanie Jones Webb Jody (Demenico) Walker Frederick (Angela) Davis Cleveland Martin, Jr. Emanuel Martin, Sr. Brenda Martin (Eugene) Jacobs Denetter Martin Corrie Watson (Gacy Andra) Smith Tanja Watson (Rodney) Buchanan Dewayne Anthony Watson Junitha McMillian (Charles) Smith Victoria McMillian (Robert) Dixon Audra Gilmore Maurice Gilmore, Sr. Anita Jane Wilkins Taylor Sharon Darlene Wilkins Regina Sharmaine Wilkins Prince Edward Leroy Wilkins Norma Jean Crawley Fred H. (Renita) Crawley, Jr. Tma Vernessa Crawley Rhonda Smith Yolanda Ragland (Richard) Gallman Rufus McMillian, Jr. Tracey Cooke Veronica Ragland
Lisa Ragland Lakisha Collins Tawanna Davis Jan1es Curtis Drummond David Lee Drummond Isaiah (Lorrie) Woodruff Teresa Edwards (Marion) Sanders Courtney Edwards Tonya (Tony) Goodlett Manigo Shanikia Goodlett Lafranklin Morman Anthony Feaster Barbara Drummond Glenn Dexter (Angela) Woodruff Joseph (Charlene) Feaster, Jr. LaK.isha Whiteside (Christopher) Atkins Vashana Whiteside Great-Great-Great Grandchildren - (j!b. Generation Sanmel (Annette) Murphy, Jr. Roy Lee Murphy Robert T. Murphy (Kelton) Sullivan Donald H. (Santa) Murphy Deborah Ann Murphy Sandra Murphy (James) Mack Toy Murphy Tawana Murphy() O'Neal Robin Murphy (Leroy) Mathis Michael Griffin Kim Griffin Dawn Griffin (Carl S.) Dennis Monica Murphy (Jerome) Ferguson Melissa Murphy (Ray) Glenn Harold Cohen Murphy, Jr. Tabiatha Murphy (Willie Earl) Johnson Ronnie T. Murphy Derrick Murphy Jerry (Aletha) Ferguson Charlene Murphy Richard Tyrone Murphy Rodney Terrence Murphy Michelle Murphy (Bruce; James) Grady Bridges Rennie Trevon Davis Rundale Trent Davis Rufus Terrell Davis Andrea Rogers Monica Rogers Alonzo Ray (Tonya) Pearson, Sr. Arlene Murphy Keilah Rookard Cassandra J. Murphy Bryant Murphy
Samuel Jerome Murphy Miller Franklin Rhodes, II Kimberly Michelle Rhodes Crystal LaShuane Floyd Cortney Erin McEntire Kayla Diara McEntire Sandra Irby (Maurice) Hawkins Gerald (Keshia) Williams Audrey Irby (Mark) Griffin Sharon Marie Irby (John, I) McCullough Regina Kay Irby (Tony) Grant Sherry Lea Irby Archie Lewis (Randi Beth) Irby Anthony (Shawna) Bomar Cohen Betty Lavern Bomar Angela Bomar Debra Lynn Hughes Juan (Beverly) Hughes Melissa Hughes (Brian) Rhodes James Ken (Beverly) Bomar Dewey Lee (Shannon) Porter Jennifer Deniece Porter Cynthia Elaine Porter Michael Bomar Henry Eugene Bomar, II Merquet Bomar Porchia Shada Bomar Tosha Bomar Jacklyn Bomar Misty Bomar Bruce Anthonio Bomar Jasmine Qwenetter Bomar Yolanda Foster Timothy (Jay) Foster Mario Foster Michael Anthony Bomar, Jr. Brandon Bomar Kameron Bomar Lamarr D. Bomar Brittany S. Bomar Deon Jones Tyler Jones Ebony Shemay Bomar Lawyer Leonard Swinson, Jr. Ernest William (Gwendolyn) Logan Willie () Wilson Douglas () Logan Dianne Canada (Willie) Styles Ronald (Vickey) Logan Cornelius (Nee Nee) Logan Harvey (Margaret) Logan Charles (Sheila; Wanda) Logan
Ellen Logan Belinda Logan (Odell) Carpenter Ronnie (Jackie) Young Vincent (Darlene) Logan, Sr. Jeffrey Anderson Christopher Anderson Dewayne Pearson Michelle Pearson Sue Beatty Ray A. Morrison Nita Hunter Camelle Andre Murriel Gayvia Foster Tonynia Brown Carolyn Hutner Francene Hunter Frank Hunter, Jr. Walter Shawn (Hoan) Bomar Brandon Keyon Bomar Terry Faye Bomar James Lawrence Bomar Agnes Pauline Bomar Charlene LaWanda Kelso Charlette Mercedes Bomar Lavonia Frazier (Dwight) Gary Bertha Lee Frazier Tanaquil Senee Bomar Walter Howard (Deborah) Bomar Bobby Joe Bomar Felecia Rochelle Bomar King Broderick Lee Bomar, Sr. Carolyn Bomar Billy Joe Bomar, Jr. Shaunjuria LaTrelle Bomar Edward Dequan Bomar David Glenwood Miller Daniel Leland (Patricia) Miller Deborah K. Miller Donna E. Miller (Dane) Burnham Deidre Bomar Lois Bomar Rozzie Talesa Bomar January Bomar Douglas Bomar, Jr. Carmel E. A. Thompson L. T. Thompson, III Robbin L.A. (Kelvin, Sr.) Thompson Shawn Lamont Thompson Wayne LaFredrick (Pamela) Thompson Charlene Annette Garrett Tina Nicole Garrett Shanette Garrett
Simmone Garrett Shanqirl Demprise Garrett Shemeka Latrelle Garrett Shaleta Lashea Garrett Shamyel Garrett Shaca Garrett Shunda Garrett Michael (Pamela) Dantzler Nikki G. Johnson (Kenneth) Copeland Kamilah Aminah Bomar William Joseph Bomar Gemma Kecia Bomar Teneka Bomar Angie Bomar Marvin Bomar, Jr. Cherron Bomar Denise Lasalle Bomar John Foster Bomar Gregory W. Bomar, Jr. Julian Sande Bomar Felicia Bomar (Lawrence) Davis Rodriquez Bomar Athena Bomar Demetrius Bomar Riketha Cohen Mia Cohen Terrell Cohen Kelsey Bomar Michelle Bomar Jarrid Bomar Kayla Feal Bomar Sharee Johnson Mavis Johnson James McBeth, Jr. Marcus McBeth Essence Lyric Bomar Andrea Smith Jasmine Smith Mahogany James Keith Cohen Fredrick W. (Nina) Fowler, II Felita W. Fowler Monet Glenn Tanya McMillian (Ray) Burney Terrence McMillian Tyrone McMillian Tashawn McMillian Bryson L. Webb Tylesa K. Webb Jordan Walker Tamariji Jones Dashon Davis
Anthony O'Brian Feaster Anthony Tremaine Drummond Vintours Matthew Drummond Lagwinnda Shatelle Woodruff Statis Renell Woodruff Octavia Woodruff Christopher Raushun Atkins
Emanual Martin, Jr. Antjuan Jacobs Shadonna Jacobs Dorothy Patrice (Jeffrey Antjuan, Sr.) Hill Derrick Johnana Smith Krystal Ebony Smith Akish McMillian Jeffrey McMillian Natasha McMillian Laesia Capers Jeremiah Dixon Joshua Dixon Troy Gilmore Richard Gilmore Ricardo Gilmore Octavia Gilmore Maurice Gilmore, Jr. Terrell Gilmore Cartel Monrae Wilkins Jastarshia Wilkins Lamonica Dollchele Wilkins Jerrnishia Lameka Wilkins John Ensley Crawley Shantile Crawley Randy Crawley Latia LeShea Crawley William Ensley Crawley Frankie Herlene Crawley Keana Shante Crawley Stacia Jamara Crawley Tarlanda Lenise Gallman Richara Denise Gallman Cameron Cook Ta'VonCook Ragland Ragland Ragland Ragland Ragland Jamall Rashad Collins Bryon Linder Drummond Shakeedra Drummond Rostrinique Drummond Braxton Drummond Brandon Tyler Woodruff Sierra Sanders lndea Sanders Kiesha Dodd Kentaya Manigo Trace Manigo Alliyah Su}Bick Goodlett Kanesha Crawford
Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchildren - 7!b. Generation
Marcus Murphy Wanna Murphy Elisha Murphy Samuel Murphy, III Kesiara Murphy Kelisha Sullivan Kelton Sullivan, Jr. Legenia Murphy Desnisha Murphy Sherika Ann Murphy Douglas Tyrone Murphy TiaO'Neal LaToya Mathis Marcele' Griffin Tanya Griffin (Brian) Jacey Shayna Griffin Detra Griffin Chelsea Dennis Gina Dennis Merita Shautanvin FeJBuson Shareka Monek Fe}Buson Latoya Dollette Glenn Isiaah Davunne Glenn Walter Ernest Glenn Timothy Mark Glenn Ashley Murphy Kiffuey Tyarri Murphy Maurice Murphy Taleshia Syarri Murphy Tyshawn Murphy Rayshawn Murphy Anthony Craig Johnson Derrick Bobo Rhoshonda Sierra Fe}Buson Nichole Mriea FeJBuson Labresha Fe}Buson Smonesha Ferguson Tobias Kinte Durrah, Jr. Denisa S. Murphy Rodney Terrence Murphy, Jr. Celia C. Murphy Juanita Jennie Murphy
Omar T. Grady Christopher Tyrone Grady Latoria Grady Tashondra Yvette Grady Brittini Siara Grady Ryan Trevon Davis Renni Chaty Davis Renasia Rennie Davis Ashley Simone Murphy Joshua Rogers William Eugene Rogers Sari Taneishia Rogers Latasha M. Murphy Christina M. Murphy Tearean Gray Alonzo Ray Pearson, Jr. Kiyara Pender Deidra Hawkins Randall Maurice Hawkins Tamara Hawkins Jelyssa Katlin Williams Hope Miranda Irby Kaneeshia Marques Griffin Audra Griffin Renalda Irby John Charles McCullough, II Jasmine Marie McCullough Cedrick Grant Faith Grant Christian O'Brian Irby Charity Chantelle Irby Ethan Lewis Irby Andrew Christopher Bomar Devin Bomar Marcus Bomar Jamir Bomar Tyesha Bomar Ishaydu Monik Hughes Malan.a Hughes Juan Mikel Hughes Tia Marie Hughes Bridgett Latrice Bomar Diontea Lamarr Porter Terrell Porter Tarshia Siera Bomar Ernest Desmond Logan Candy Dianne Logan Epifanny Diwanna Logan Kim Sanders James Canada Carolyna Canada Tracey Canada () Chambers
Derrick Canada Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Logan Pam () Palmer LaTasha Logan Arny Logan Stevens Rico Nichols OshaLogan Derrick () Logan Yekisha Foster LeKeya Foster Carlos McJempsey Harvey Eugene Logan, Jr. Ernest Houston Logan, II Tosha Logan Ana Logan Keyshia Logan Angel Logan Brandi Logan Charles Logan Cornelius Logan Jameshia Logan Jaquita Logan Jonita Logan Young Young Sasha Logan Danita Victoria Logan Crystal Logan Erica Anderson Frank Eugene Hunter Jamar Dominique Hunter Shanice Bomar Shawn LaRue Bomar Alesia Tiquan Bums Clinton Bums, m Shatara O'Neal Bomar Sharon N. Bomar James L. Bomar, Jr. Jasmin O'Neal Bomar Jeremy Bomar Christopher Tyrek Bomar Carstasha Shante Bomar Tamika Tiese Gary Martinia LaRue Gary Conchata Latrice Gary Justin Dante' Frazier James Russell Bomar, III
Shakara K. Bomar Alexia Kay Bomar JuJuan Howard King Broderick Lee Bomar, Jr. DeReece Randolph Bailey Avery Marquis Bomar Sandiva Yahuan Bomar Trellequalla Bomar Dane Justin Burnham Devin Aaron Burnham JaVegas A. Thompson Varlesha L. Thompson John M. Thompson, Jr. Ronni Donielle Thompson Nathan Thompson DeeDraAnn Thompson Kelvin Todd Thompson, Jr. Samantha Ashley Thompson Marquita Boozer Shandrea Boozer Curtis Boozer Jaela Garrett Morgan Garrett Quymesha Garrett Micaela Charlis Garrett Mycal Rene Garrett Mykera Garrett Shetterious N. M. Johnson Shatarrion Christion Johnson Christopher Bomar Devante' Bomar DiJon Bomar Lauren Alexandra Davis Alexys Lashaye Davis Kevin Jones Nia Dozier Fowler Bryson Burney Jeffrey Brian Antjuan Hill, Jr. Aaron Emanuel Hill Emauni Adrianna Hill Maliki McMillian Atefia McMillian Jalexis Ebonesse Thompkins Deonte' Marquest Wilkins
Kareem Stevens DeVonte' LeVonte' Eric Foster Joclyn Gary Xavier Danyale Hawkins DayJa M. Bonds Cash
Grand Total of Descendants: 842
Great-Great-Great-Great-Great Grandchildren - 8!!!. Generation Jamiya Raquel Irby CJ Chambers Katelyn Chambers Danielle Stevens
............................ Proverbs 2:2....................................... Job 12:12
The acorn does not become an oak in a day... there are always months between seed time and harvest
I. Roman numerals indicate children of Mary Bomar. 2. Capitalized letters indicate grandchildren. 3. Numbers indicate great-grandchildren. 4. Numbers with letter 'a' indicate great-great grandchildren. 5. Lower-case letters indicate great-great-great grandchildren. 6. Names with no numbers or letters indicate great-great-greatgreat children. - 7. Names with double lower-case letters indicate great-great-great-great-great children.
THE BOMAR PEDIGREE CHART Anderson Bomar Born: 1 July 1808 Died: Beech Springs, SC [FATHER]
Unknown Born: Died:\ Beech Springs, SC [MOTHER]
MARY BOMAR (Husband) Born: 28 November 1840 Died: 8 October 1923 Beech Springs, SC
Miles Born: September 1825 Died: Beech Springs, SC
~------------1 5 Children
I. MEMORY (MEM) BOMAR Born: November 1856 Died: 22 December 1913 Spartanburg, SC
Macey Mullins Born: 18 Died: 19 Spartanburg, SC
~------------1 I 7 Children A. William (Will) Henry Bomar
Born: June 1879 Died: 29 September 1926 Spartanburg, SC
Jemima Collins Born: 1894 Died: 1925 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __, I 6 Children
1. Lela Mae Bomar Murphy Born: 1 June 1915 Died: 26 April 1972 Spartanburg, SC
Owens. Sr. Born: 10 February 1916 Died: 18 May 1974 Spartanburg, SC
I_____________~ I 12 Children
1a. Samuel Arthur Murphy, Sr. (Wife) Elizabeth Ferguson Born: 18 April 1937 Born: 16 May 1934 Died: 23 July 1987 Died: 4 August 1997 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
.___________I I 6 Children -139-
Marcus Born: 16 January 1978 Spartanburg, SC
Wanna Born: 9 September 1982 Spartanburg, SC Elisha Born: 2 November 1984 Spartanburg, SC Samuel ill Born: 19 January 1986 Spartanburg, SC b. Roy Lee Born: 23 August 1961 Spartanburg, SC Kesiara Born: 1 January 1989 Spartanburg, SC c. Roberta T. Murphy Sullivan (Husband) Born: 17 December 1962 Spartanburg, SC
Kelton. Sr. Born: 5 May 1960 Spartanburg, SC
2 Children
Kelisha Born: 9 February 1982 Spartanburg, SC Kelton. Jr. Born: 23 February 1983 Spartanburg, SC d. Donald H. (Wife) Born: 16 February 1964 Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children
Legenia Born: 7 June 1985 Spartanburg, SC Desnisha Born: 4 January 1991 New York, NY -140-
Santa Moore Born: 26 January 1968 New York, NY
e. Deborah Ann Born: 16 January 1966 Spartanburg, SC Sherika Ann Born: 4 March 1987 Spartanburg, SC Douglas Tyrone Born: 2 April 1988 Spartanburg, SC f. Sandra Murphy Mack (Husband) Born: 30 April 1968 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
James Jr. Born: 6 September 1970 Spartanburg, SC
I I Child Joda Elizabeth Born: 6 July 1998 Spartanburg, SC 2a. William Roscoe Murphy (Wife) Born: 18 May 1938 Spartanburg, SC } st time married
=M=-y.;;..:rtl=e:;.___ _ Born: Newark, NJ
I 3 Children a. Toy Born: IO July 1959 Newark, NJ b. Tawana Murphy O'Neal Born: 13 October 1961 Newark, NJ
(Husband) Born: Newark, NJ
I I Child Tia Born: 28 April 1978 Orlando, FL c. Robin Murphy Mathis (Husband) Born: 11 October 1962 Newark, NJ
Leroy Born: Newark, NJ
LaToya Born: 24 October 1981 Newark, NJ ¡ Norma Lassiter Griffin Born: 7 August 1932 Portsmouth, VA
2nd time married
3 Children (by previous marriage) d. Michael Griffin Born: 10 February 1950 Portsmouth, VA Marcele' Born: 23 May 1971 Elizabeth, NJ Tanya Griffin Jacey (Husband) Born: 9 January 1972 Elizabeth, NJ
Brian Born: Elizabeth, NJ
e. Kim Born: 11 March 1958 Portsmouth, VA Detra Born: 24 March 1988 Rahway, NJ f. Dawn Griffin Dennis (Husband) Born: 10 February 1961 Portsmouth, VA
Carl S. Born: 29 December 1955 Newark, NJ
I_____________, I 2 Children
Chelsea Born: 18 April 1985 East Orange, NJ Gina Born: 29 March 1991 East Orange, NJ 3a. Owens Murphy, Jr. Born: 5 May 1940 Died: 2 December 1986 Spartanburg, SC
4a. Harold Cohen Murphy, Sr. (Wife) Born: 15 April 1941 , Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
Dolly Mae Collins Born: 17 August 1946 Spartanburg, SC
4 Children a. Monica Murphy Ferguson Born: 8 November 1967 Spartanburg, SC
Jerome Born: 18 March 1966 Spartanburg, SC
!______________, 2 Children Merita Shautavin Born: 10 February 1989 Spartanburg, SC Shareka Monek Born: 5 May 1991 Spartanburg, SC (Husband) Ray b. Melissa Murphy Glenn Born: 18 March 1967 Born: 8 November 1967 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
I 4 Childen Latoya Dollette Born: 28 January 1984 Spartanburg, SC Isaiah Davunne Born: 19 March 1985 Spartanburg, SC Walter Ernest Born: 25 November 1986 Spartanburg, SC Timothy Mark Born: 29 September 1988 Spartanburg, SC
c. Harold Cohen Jr. Born: 22 November 1968 Spartanburg, SC Ashley Born: 6 October 1988 Spartanburg, SC Kiffney Tyarri Born: 23 March 1989 Spartanburg, SC Maurice Born: 6 May 1989 Spartanburg, SC
Taleshia Syarri Born: 12 February 1990 Spartanburg, SC Rayshawn Born: 17 December 1992 Spartanburg, SC Tyshawn Born: 13 August 1995 Spartanburg, SC d. Tabiatha Murphy Johnson Born: 16 November 1970 Spartanburg, SC
Willie Earl Born: 21 August 1959 ¡ Spartanburg, SC
I______________. I 1 Child
Anthony Craig Born: 19 April 1990 Spartanburg, SC Paula Martin Born: 27 February 1952 Spartanburg, SC
2 time married nd
I 2 Children e. Ronnie T. Born: 17 October 1973 Spartanburg, SC
f. Derrick Born: 6 February 1978 Spartanburg, SC Derrick Born: 16 April 1999 Spartanburg, SC
5a. Charles Murphy (Wife) Born: 7 June 1944 Spartanburg, SC
Josephine Ferguson Born: 17November 1951 Spartanburg,SC
I_________~ I
2 Children (1 prior to marriage) a. Jerry Ferguson (Wife) Born: 12 July 1966 Spartanburg, SC
Aletha Booker Born: 28 July 1965 Spartanburg, SC
I_________~ I 4 Children
Rhoshonda Sierra Born: 29 May 1988 Spartanburg, SC Nichole Mriea Born: 25 July 1990 Spartanburg, SC Labresha Born: 3 November 1993 Spartanburg, SC Smonesha Born: 27 June 1995 Spartanburg, SC b. Charlene Born: 22 February 1981 Spartanburg, SC Tobias Kinte Jr. Born: 12 June 1999 Spartanburg, SC
6a. Juanita Murphy Davis (Husband) Clarence Born: 2 February 1938 Born: 12 August 1945 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I___________~ I 6 Children (3 prior to marriage) a. Richard Tyrone Born: 9 April 1962 Spartanburg, SC b. Rodney Terrence Born: 29 July 1963 Spartanburg, SC Denisa S. Born: 10 March 1986 Spartanburg, SC Rodney Terrence Jr. Born: 6 October 1988 Spartanburg, SC Celia C. Born: 3 October 1990 Spartanburg, SC c. Michelle Murphy Grady Bridges (Husband) Born: 30 November 1964 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
I 6 Children Juanita Jennie Born: 5 April 1979 Spartanburg, SC OmarT. Born: 23 March 1981 Spartanburg, SC Christopher Tyrone Born: 24 December 1982 Spartanburg, SC Latoria Born: 14 January 1986 Spartanburg, SC -146-
Bruce Born: 10 August 1953 Spartanburg, SC
Tashondra Yvette Born: 23 December 1986 Spartanburg, SC Brittini Siara Born: 5 May 1988 Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married
James Born: 4 April 1968 Spartanburg, SC
No Children d. Rennie Trevon Born: 31 May 1967 Spartanburg, SC Ryan Trevon Born: 1 July 1990 Spartanburg, SC Renni Chaty Born: 24 May 1994 Spartanburg, SC Renasia Rennie Born: 13 August 1996 Spartanburg, SC e. Rundale Trent Born: 5 June 1968 Spartanburg, SC
f. Rufus Terrell Born: 19 February 1970 Spartanburg, SC Ashley Simone Born: 7 January 1992 Spartanburg, SC 7a. Bomar Alonzo Murphy Born: 30 May 1947 Spartanburg, SC
Connie Rogers Born: 23 March 1947 Spartanburg, SC
,____________, I
5 Children (3 prior to marriage) -147-
a. Andrea Born: 12 February 1967 Spartanburg, SC b. Monica Born: 23 October 1968 Spartanburg, SC Joshua Born: 3 November 1986 Spartanburg, SC William Eugene Born: 9November 1995 Spartanburg, SC Sari Taneishia Born: 16 October 1998 Spartanburg, SC
c. Alonzo Ray, Sr. (Wife) Born: 11 May 1971 Spartanburg, SC
Tonya Gray Born: 3 August 1973 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ __, I
2 Children (I prior to marriage) Tearean Born: 10 December 1990 Spartanburg, SC Alonzo Ray, Jr. Born: 12 November 1996 Spartanburg, SC d. Arlene Born: 19 May 1971 Spartanburg, SC Latasha Born: 25 November 1991 Spartanburg, SC Christina Born: 28 January 1997 Spartanburg, SC -148-
e. Keilah Born: 2 January 1983 Spartanburg, SC 8a. Jacob Lee Murphy Born: 16 May 1949 Died: 19 July 1989 Spartanburg, SC 9a. Joe Cephus Murphy Born: 7 August 1950 Spartanburg, SC I 0a. Beulah Murphy Pender (Husband) Born: 30 September 1951 Spartanburg, SC
Odell Born: 21 April 1945 Savannah, GA
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ I 3 Children ( I prior to marriage) a. Cassandra J. Born: 20 August 1967 Spartanburg, SC b. Bryant Born: 20 October 1970 Elizabeth, NJ c. Samuel Jerome Born: 31 October 1973 Elizabeth, NJ Kiyara Born: I June 1995 Elizabeth, NJ
I la. Kenneth Murphy (Wife) Born: 22 October 1957 Died: 25 November 1994 Spartanburg, SC
Clarice Richardson Born: 29 October 1965 Clifford, NJ
I___________, No Children 12a. Karen Murphy Born: 29 September 1960 Spartanburg, SC -149-
2. Johnnie Will Bomar McCoy Born: 2 July 1918 Spartanburg, SC
Leroy Born: 28 April 1925 Died: 2 July 1988 Spartanburg, SC
No Children Ruby Lee Young Born: 17 August 1928 Died: 4 October 1987 Spartanburg, SC
3. Alonzo Bomar (Wife) Born: 27 November 1919 Died: 26 September 1995 Spartanburg, SC
,____________ , 5 Children
la. Ruby Mae Bomar Rhodes (Husband) Born: 30 May 1947 Spartanburg, SC
Miller Franklin, I Born: 6 January 1943 Orangeburg, SC ,
,_________ I 2 Children
a. Miller Franklin, II Born: 1 July 1969 Spartanburg, SC b. Kimberly Michelle Born: 8 September 1973 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Iris Dianne Bomar Born: 11 April 1949 Fairforest, SC 3a. Freida Delores Bomar Born: 22 June 1952 Spartanburg, SC 4a. Barbara Jean Bomar Floyd Born: 9 September 1954 Spartanburg, SC
(Husband) Bobby Earl Born: 20 April 1952 Spartanburg, SC
'------------~ I 1 Child a. Crystal LaShuane Born: 12 November 1976 Spartanburg, SC -150-
5a. Harriet Patricia Bomar McEntire (Husband) Born: 12 November 1958 Spartanburg, SC
Raleigh Wilber, Jr. Born: 6 January 1954 Forest City, NC
,________________, I 2 Children a. Cortney Erin Born: 4 June 1988 Spartanburg, SC b. Kayla Diara Born: 27 February 1991 Spartanburg, SC
4. Mem Bomar, Sr. (Wife) Born: 2 June 1921 Died: 23 April 1997 Spartanburg, SC
Annie B. Gregory Born: 23 August 1920 Spartanburg, SC
I 12 Children la. Katie Ruth Bomar Irby Born: 22 July 1941 Spartanburg, SC
Arthur Born: 16 January 1939 Spartanburg, SC
'------------~ I 6 Children a. Sandra Irby Hawkins (Husband) Born: 27 October 1960 Spartanburg, SC
Maurice Born: 8 July 1959 Spartanburg, SC
'------~ I
3 Children Deidra Born: 21 August 1985 Spartanburg, SC Randall Maurice Born: 25 December 1989 Spartanburg, SC Tamara Born: 27 December 1991 Spartanburg, SC
Keshia Fullerwinder Born: 21 January 1968 Columbia, SC
b. Gerald Williams (Wife) Born: 19 February 1961 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _~ I 1 Child
Jelyssa Katlin Born: 1 September 1996 Columbia, SC c. Audrey Irby Griffin (Husband) Born: 27 November 1961 Spartanburg, SC
Mark Born: 22 September 1961 Spartanburg, SC
!___________, I
3 Children (1 prior to marriage) Hope Miranda Born: 23 June 1982 Spartanburg, SC Kaneeshia Marques Born: 6 June 1991 Greenville, SC Audra Marie Born: 1 July 1992 Spartanburg, SC d. Sharon Marie Irby McCullough (Husband) John Charles, I Born: 14 September 1963 Born: 27 March 1960 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I____________ 3 Children Renada Shuntrice Born: 10 August 1981 Spartanburg, SC aa. Jami ya Raguel Born: 4 December 1996 Spartanburg, SC John Charles. II Born: 19 February 1991 Spartanburg, SC -152-
Jasmine Marie Born: 19 February 1991 Spartanburg, SC e. Regina Kay Irby Grant (Husband) Tony Born: 20 May 1966 Born: 22 October 1967 Cleveland, OH Spartanburg, SC
I___________, I 2 Children Cedrick Born: 15 August 1986 Spartanburg, SC Faith Born: 16 February 1992 Spartanburg, SC f. Sherry Lea Irby Born: 1 March 1969 Spartanburg, SC
Christian O'Brian Born: 29May 1996 Spartanburg, SC Charity Chantelle Born: 29 May 1996 Spartanburg, SC g. Archie Lewis Irby (Wife) Randi Beth Blitz Born: 31 May 1966 Born: 15 October 1970 New York, NY Spartanburg, SC
1 Child Ethan Lewis Born: 15 June 1998 Marietta, GA 2a. Frank Wesley Bomar Born: 15 June 1943 Spartanburg, SC
Betty Cohen Born: 27 February 1943 Spartanburg, SC
I_________~ I 3 Children
a. Anthony Bomar Cohen (Wife) Born: 12 July 1964 Spartanburg, SC
Shawna Gray Born: 25 February 1964 Spartanburg, SC
I_________, 2 Children Andrew Christopher Born: 17 July 1986 Spartanburg, SC Devin Born: 8 April 1989 Spartanburg, SC b. Betty Lavern Born: 8 August 1965 Spartanburg, SC Marcus Born: 1 March 1984 Spartanburg, SC Jamir Born: 23 November 1997 Spartanburg, SC c. Angela Born: 18 September 1967 Spartanburg, SC Tyesha Born: 19 April 1987 Spartanburg, SC 3a. Josephine Bomar Hughes (Husband) Charles Born: 24 September 1946 Born: 14 February 1947 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I____________, I 3 Children
a. Debra Lynn Born: 12 September 1965 Spartanburg, SC Ishaydu Monik Born: 31 January 1995 Spartanburg, SC -154-
b. Juan (Wife) Born: 23 October 1968 Spartanburg, SC
Beverly Lipsey Born: 22 December 1973 Greenville, TX
l________ I
3 Children Malana Born: 30 January 1993 Havelock, NC Juan Mikel Born: 30 January 1995 Havelock, NC Tia Marie Born: 5 June 1996 Havelock, NC c. Melissa Hughes Rhodes (Husband) Born: 14 March 1974 Spartanburg, SC
Brian Date: 9 May 1974 Spartanburg, SC
I____________~ No Children 4a. Jessie Bell Bomar Porter (Husband) Theodore Eugene Born: 23 April 1948 Born: 3 February 1948 Spartanburg, SC Died: 23 July 1990 Spartanburg, SC
I 4 Children (1 prior to marriage) a. James (Ken) Bomar Born: 6 May 1967 Spartanburg, SC
(Wife) Tamala Lynch Born: 5 September 1969 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _~ I 1 Child Bridgett Latrice Born: 9 September 1988 Spartanburg, SC b. Dewey Lee Porter (Wife) Shannon Johnson Born: 31 January 1969 Born: Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I________~ I 2 Children -155-
Diontea Lamarr Born: 15 March 1991 Spartanburg, SC Terrell Born: 21 March 1992 Norfolk, VA c. Jennifer Deniece Born: 5 March 1970 Spartanburg, SC d. Cynthia Elaine Born: 8 February 1971 Spartanburg, SC Saviouane Eugene Born: 3 February 1992 Spartanburg, SC 5a. Mem Bomar. Jr. Born: 12 January 1950 Spartanburg, SC a. Michael Born: 16 July 1970 Spartanburg, SC 6a. Henry Eugene Bomar. I Born: 6 July 1951 Spartanburg, SC a. Henry Eugene. II Born: 11 January 1972 Spartanburg, SC b. Merguet Born: 19 August 1980 Spartanburg, SC c. Porchia Shada Born: IO February 1987 Spartanburg, SC 7a. Patricia Bomar Ashmore (Husband) Born: 7 September 1953 Spartanburg, SC
Ronald Born: 8 August 1948 Spartanburg, SC
'-------~ I
3 Children (3 prior to marriage) -156-
a. Tosha Born: 6 March 1974 Spartanburg, SC Taisha Siera Born: 20 September 1992 Spartanburg, SC b. Jacklyn Born: 18 October 1977 Spartanburg, SC C.
Misty Born: 9 December 1981 Spartanburg, SC
Sa. Queen Esther Bomar Born: 15 November 1955 Spartanburg, SC a. Bruce Antonio Born: 30 November 1973 Spartanburg, SC b. Jasmine Quienette Born: 10 March 1991 Spartanburg, SC 9a. Julia Faye Bomar Foster (Husband) Born: 2 October 1957 Spartanburg, SC
3 Children a. Yolanda Born: 23 January 1977 Spartanburg, SC b. Timothy (Jay) Born: 11 April 1980 Spartanburg, SC c. Mario
Born: 7 August 1984 Spartanburg, SC
Timothy Born: 7 November 1958 Greer, SC
10a. Michael Anthony Bomar, Sr. (Wife) Born: 20 July 1959 Spartanburg, SC
Jeanette Dodd Born: 14 March 1960 Greenville, SC
!____________, I 3 Children
a. Michael Anthony Jr. Born: 21 September 1980 Greenville, SC b. Brandon Born: 12 June 1983 Greenville, SC c. Kameron Born: 2 November 1989 Greenville, SC 11 a. Rex Allen Bomar Born: 27 May 1961 Spartanburg, SC a. LamarrD. Born: 25 October 1988 Spartanburg, SC 12a. Ronald Bomar (Wife) Born: 7 August 1963 Spartanburg, SC
April Jones Born: 18 April 1968 Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children (2 prior to marriage) a. Brittany S. Born: 23 February 1990 Spartanburg, SC b. Deon Born: 9 February 1991 Spartanburg, SC c. Tyler Born: 5 May 1993 Spartanburg, SC d. Ebony Shernay Born: 14 August 1996 Spartanburg, SC
5. Lennell Bomar Miller Born: 16March 1923 Died: 5 February 1990 Spartanburg, SC
Wilson Edward "Stewart" Born: 17February 1917 Died: 6 April 1996 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ __, I 2 Children
1a. Louvenia Best Swinson (Husband) Born: 1 August 1932 Baltimore, MD
Lawyer Leonard Sr. Born: 16 January 1933 Died: 7 June 1986 Baltimore, MD
I 1 Child a. Lawyer Leonard Jr. Born: 7 November 1953 Died: 27 March 1976 Baltimore, MD 2a. Frances Lennell Miller Born: 2 August 1945 Spartanburg, SC 6. Wesley Bomar Born: Died: Spartanburg, SC B. Alexander C. (Tobe) Bomar Born: April 1882 Died: 9 August 1935 Spartanburg, SC
C. Katie Bomar Fowler Born: 27 May 1886 Died: 2 May 1949 Spartanburg, SC
Toyce Born: Died: 18 November 1936 Spartanburg, SC
I 4 Children Ernest Born: Died: 3 December 1953 Spartanburg, SC
1. Gladys Fowler King (Husband) Born: 28 July 1907 Died: 13 June 1983 Spartanburg, SC
.____________I No Children -159-
Henry Born: 1912 Died: 26 September 1935 Spartanburg, SC
2. Annie Fowler Logan (Husband) Born: 6 February 1910 Died: 30 May 1990 Spartanburg, SC
I 1 Child la. Ernest Houston (Dickey} Logan (Wife) Born: 28 August 1927 Died: 7 November 1964 Spartanburg, SC
Margaret Knuckles Born: 17 December 1923 Spartanburg, SC
,_ _ _ _ _ _ _
I 8 Children (4 prior to marriage) a. Ernest (Rickey} Logan (Wife) Born: 31 December 1947 Died: 20 January 1999 Spartanburg, SC
Gwendolyn Fields Born: 17 August 1956 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children Ernest Desmond Born: 18 January 1974 Spartanburg, SC Candy Dianne Born: 3 July 1976 Spartanburg, SC Epifanny Diwanna Born: 29 October 1988 Spartanburg, SC b. Willie Wilson (Wife) Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 1 Child Kim Sanders Born: Columbia, SC
Born: Columbia, SC
c. Dianne Canada Styles (Husband) Born: Spartanburg, SC
Willie Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 4 Children James Canada Born: Spartanburg, SC Carolyn Canada Born: Spartanburg, SC Tracey Canada Chambers Born: Spartanburg, SC
(Husband) Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children
aa. CJ Born: 1993 Spartanburg, SC bb. Katelyn Born: 1996 Spartanburg, SC Derrick Canada Born: Spartanburg, SC d. Douglas Logan (Wife) Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 7 Children Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC -161-
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC e. Ronald Logan (Wife) Born: 23 July 1951 Spartanburg, SC
Vickey Smith Born: Spartanburg, SC
'-------~ 6 Children
Pam Logan Palmer (Husband) Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
'-------~ No Children
LaTasha Born: Spartanburg, SC aa. DeVonte' Born: Spartanburg, SC bb.LeVonte' Born: Spartanburg, SC
Amy Logan Stevens (Husband) Born: Born: Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC aa. Danielle Born: Spartanburg, SC bb. Kareem Born: Spartanburg, SC Rico Born: Spartanburg, SC Osha Born: Spartanburg, SC Derrick (Wife) Born: 6 April 1971 Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
f. Cornelius (Nee Nee) Logan Born: 23 October 1953 Died: 25 December 1977 Spartanburg, SC g. Harvey Logan (Wife) Born: 19 March 19 Spartanburg, SC
Margaret Fant Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 7 Children LeKeya Born: 5 October 1983 Spartanburg, SC Yekisha Born: 20 April 19_ Spartanburg, SC aa. Eric Born: 14 February 1991 Spartanburg, SC
Carlos Born: 1986 Spartanburg, SC Harvey Eugene, Jr. Born: 14 July 1986 Spartanburg, SC Ernest Houston, II Born: 5 February 1988 Spartanburg, SC Tosha Born: 17 March 1989 Spartanburg, SC Ana Born: 11 July 1991 Spartanburg, SC h. Charles Logan (Wife) Born: 6 April 1957 Spartanburg, SC
Sheila Leggs Born: 14 December 1957 Died: 7 May 1997 Spartanburg, SC
I 5 Children Keyshia Born: 12 August 1974 Spartanburg, SC Angel Born: 18 June 1977 Spartanburg, SC Brandi Born: 14 June 1978 Spartanburg, SC Charles Born: 28 November 1980 Spartanburg, SC Cornelius Born: 25 September 1982 Spartanburg, SC
Wanda Canty Born: 12 February 1958 Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married No Children i. Ellen Logan Born: 12 September 1959 Spartanburg, SC Jameshia Born: 25 February 1994 Spartanburg, SC
j. Belinda Logan Carpenter (Husband) Odell Born: 6 November 1961 Born: 7 April 1956 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
'--------~ I 2 Children
Jaguita Born: 1 December 1985 Spartanburg, SC Jonita Born: 2 October 1987 Spartanburg, SC k. Ronnie Young (Wife) Born: 16 December 1963 Died: Spartanburg, SC
Jackie McAbee Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children Born: Spartanburg, SC Born: Spartanburg, SC
I. Vincent Logan, Sr. (Wife) Darlene Rookard Born: 5 July 1964 Spartanburg, SC
Born: 30 November 1963 Spartanburg, SC
I 4 Children -165-
Vincent Jr. Born: 23 May 1983 Spartanburg, SC Sasha Born: 17 February 1987 Spartanburg, SC Danita Victoria Born: 7 July 7, 1988 Spartanburg, SC Crystal Born: 7 May 1990 Spartanburg, SC 3. Jessie Fowler Bradford (Husband) Born: 19 September 1916 Died: 24 March 1986 Spartanburg, SC
James Carl {J.C.) Born: 14 November 1914 Died: 17 May 1981 Spartanburg, SC
I___________, No Children
4. Lois Mary Fowler Born: 27 December 1917 Died: 16 September 1990 Spartanburg, SC 5. Susie Bell Hunter Murriel Born: 24 March 1923 Spartanburg, SC
James Sr. Born: 12 June 1918 Died: 30 June 1989 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children 1a. Lula Bell M. Anderson (Husband) Robert Born: 9 April 1941 Born: 5 October 1945 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _~ I 2 Children
a. Jeffrey Anderson Born: 1 July 1968 Spartanburg, SC b. Christopher Anderson Born: 17November 1971 Spartanburg, SC -166-
Erica Born: 12 December 1994 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Betty Murriel Pearson (Husband) Frank Born: 22 January 1943 Born: 17 December 1940 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I___________, 2 Children
a. Dwayne Pearson Born: 17 December 1960 Greer, SC b. Michelle Pearson Born: 2 September 1967 Greer, SC 3a. James Murriel, Jr. Born: 5 September 1944 Died: 3 September 1990 Spartanburg, SC a. Sue Beatty Born: 11 November 1959 Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC b. Ray A. Morrison Born: 9 September 1966 Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC -167-
Camelle Andre Born: 12 December 1968 Died: 5 August 1994 Spartanburg, SC
d. Nita Hunter Born: 6 December 1970 Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC e. Tonynia Brown Born: Spartanburg, SC
Born: Spartanburg, SC Born: Spartanburg, SC
f Gailya Foster Born: 5 September 1972 Spartanburg, SC Napolean Domonte Born: 14 January 1991 Spartanburg, SC Devonte Rashad Born: 27 February 1992 Spartanburg, SC De' Aieshia Nicole Born: lOMay 1999 Spartanburg, SC -168-
E. Jessie Bomar Pearson (Husband) Born: 7 February 1890 Died: 19 July 1970 Spartanburg, SC
Joe Born: 27 June 1895 Died: 30 January 1956 Spartanburg, SC
I____________, I 1 Child
Nellie Pearson Born: 21 May 1911 Died: 11 March 1962 Spartanburg, SC
E. Beulah Bomar Ellis (Husband) Born: 10 November 1893 Died: 17 September 1958 Spartanburg, SC
Oliver Born: 5 May 1895 Died: 27 May 1979 Augusta, GA
No Children F. Samuel Jones Bomar (Wife) Born: 2 January 1899 Died: 15 January 1968 Spartanburg, SC
Beulah Gamer Born: 11 May 1901 Died: 15 September 1985 Spartanburg, SC
I__________, No Children
II. ELLA BOMAR Born: 14 March 1872 Died: 1 August 1913 Spartanburg, SC A. Beattie Bomar (Wife) Born: October 1889 Died: 3 April 1941 Spartanburg, SC
Josephine Born: 1888 Died: Spartanburg, SC
'----------~ I
1 Chi-Id
Hattie Bess Bomar Born: Died: Knoxville, TN B. Annie Lou Bomar Born: 24 August 1891 Died: 4 June 1964 Spartanburg, SC
1. Marnie Bomar Ballenger Born: 7 February 1909 Died: 6 February 1952 Spartanburg, SC
(Husband) Will R. Born: 14 August 1910 Died: 28 July 1982 Spartanburg, SC
'-------------' I 3 Children la. Evelyn Hunter (Husband) Born: 6 June 1929 Died: 4 February 1976 Spartanburg, SC
Frank Born: 14 November 1910 Died: 5 January 1974 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _I 3 Children a. Carolyn Hunter Born: 27 October 1948 Washington, DC b. Francene Hunter Born: 18 March 1952 Washington, DC c. Frank Hunter, Jr. Born: 31 March 1955 Washington, DC Frank Eugene Born: 22 April 1996 Washington, DC Jamar Dominique Born: 3 September 1997 Washington, DC 2a. Annie Mae Ballenger Born: 18 February 1934 Spartanburg, SC C. Lelia Bomar Born: November 1893 Died: 8 June 1919 Spartanburg, SC
I. Albert Bomar, Sr. (Wife) Born: 28 March 1912 Died: 13 January 2000 Spartanburg, SC
Alberta D. Jones Born: 17 March 1923 Died: 28 May 1962 Spartanburg, SC
,__________, I 5 Children
la. Albert Bomar, Jr. Born: 2 October 1941 Spartanburg, SC 2a. James Ball Bomar Born: 6 December 1943 Spartanburg, SC 3a. Hydreck Bomar .Born: 19 July 1955 Died: 5 May 1985 Spartanburg, SC 4a. Tommy Bomar Born: 29 May 1957 Spartanburg, SC 5a. Debra Bomar Walton Born: 14 April 1960 Spartanburg, SC
Earl Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 1 Child (prior to marriage) a.
Shanice Born: 4 August 1986 Spartanburg, SC
D. Mary Bomar Thompson Born: April 1896 Died: 1937 Spartanburg, SC
Tobe Bomar Born: April 1882 Died: 9 August 1935 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children
1. James Russell Bomar, Sr. Born: 17 May 1910 Died: 1 February 1963 Spartanburg, SC
Agnes Beulah Ann Floyd Born: 25 July 1920 Died: 26 October 1983 Spartanburg, SC
,_________, I 8 Children
1a. Walter Lee Bomar (Wife) Born: 1 September 1940 Spartanburg, SC
DeLois Ewing Born: 24 May 1943 Aberdeen, MS
'---------~ 2 Children
a. Walter Shawn (Wife) Born: 13 May 1972 Maryville, TN
Hoan Nguyen Born: 14 February 1974 Phu Yen, Vietnam
,_________, I 1 Child
ShawnLaRue Born: 15 August 1991 Maryville, TN b. Brandon Keyon Born: 17 July 1974 Maryville, TN
2a. Betty Jean Bomar Born: 29 January 1943 Knoxville, TN a. Terry Faye Born: 16 September 1963 Knoxville, TN Alesia Tiguan Bums Born: 15 February 1980 Knoxville, TN Clinton Bums, III Born: 7 June 1986 Knoxville, TN
b. James Lawrence Born: 13 September 1964 Knoxville, TN Shatara O'Neal Born: 29 March 1983 Knoxville, TN SharonN. Born: 11 November 1985 Knoxville, TN JamesL. Jr. Born: 13 April 1986 Knoxville, TN Jasmin O'Neal Born: 20 April 1987 Knoxville, TN Jeremy Born: 23 April 1988 Knoxville, TN Christopher Tyrek Born: 20 October 1998 Knoxville, TN c. Agnes Pauline Bomar Born: 6 August 1968 Knoxville, TN Carstasha Shante Born: 29 July 1986 Knoxville, TN 3a. Charles Bomar Born: 21 December 1944 Knoxville, TN a. Charlene LaWanda Kelso Born: 16 April 1972 Knoxville, TN b. Charlette Mercedes Born: 18 March 1997 Knoxville, TN -173-
4a. James Russell Bomar, Jr. Born: 18 April 194 7 Knoxville, TN
(Wife) Lee Bertha Priget Frazier Born: 17 March 1940 Sun Flower, MS
I__________~ I 3 Children (2 prior to marriage) a. Lavonia Frazier Gary (Husband) Dwight Eric Born: 28 November 1956 Born: 11 April 1959 Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN
I__________~ I 3 Children Tamika Tiese Born: 29 October 1977 Knoxville, TN aa. Joclyn Born: 6 May 1993 Knoxville, TN
Martinia LaRue Born: 15 January 1979 Knoxville, TN Conchata Latrice Born: 21 July 1986 Knoxville, TN b. BerthaLee Born: 9 March 1961 Knoxville, TN Justin Dante Born: 26 December 1988 Knoxville, TN C.
Tanaguil Senee Born: 26 June 1974 Knoxville, TN James Russell, III Born: 31 August 1988 Knoxville, TN
Sa. Beulah Ann Bomar Born: 20 April 1949 Knoxville, TN a. Walter Howard (Wife) Born: 29 January 1967 Knoxville, TN b. Bobby Joe Born: 22 January 1968 Knoxville, TN ShakaraK. Born: 25 August 1988 Knoxville, TN Alexia Kay Born: 19 June 1996 Knoxville, TN c. Felecia Rochelle Bomar King Born: 9 May 1971 Knoxville, TN JuJuan JoHoward Born: 18 December 1995 Knoxville, TN 6a. Christine Bomar Born: 16 June 1951 Knoxville, TN a. Broderick Lee Sr. Born: 13 April 1971 Knoxville, TN Broderick Lee Jr. Born: 13 February 1995 Died: 5 June 1995 Knoxville, TN b. Carolyn Born: 20 October 1972 Knoxville, TN DeReece Randolph Bailey Born: 7 June 1993 Knoxville, TN -175-
Deborah Billingsley Born: 15 February 1966 Knoxville, TN
c. Billy Joe Jr. Born: 24 August 1985 Knoxville, TN 7a. Ernestine Bomar Born: 16 June 1951 Knoxville, TN 8a. Edward Floyd Bomar Born: 28 May 1952 Died: 27 June 1987 Knoxville, TN a. Shaunjuria LaTrelle Born: 10 August 1974 Knoxville, TN Avery Marquis Born: 5 September 1991 Spartanburg, SC Sadiva Yahuan Born: 15 June 1993 Spartanburg, SC Trell equal a Born: 18 May 1996 Spartanburg, SC b. Edward Deguan Born: 20 August 1978 Knoxville, TN 2. ErnestBomar (Wife) Born: 30 August 1912 Died: 19 February 1992 Spartanburg, SC
Lois Arnold Born: 20 June 1916 Spartanburg, SC
I________~ I 3 Children (1 prior to marriage)
la. Juanita Goodman Born: I June 1933 Louisville, TN
2a. Julia A. Bomar Miller (Husband) David Born: 27 November 1934 Born: 7 January 1935 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I 4 Children a. David Glenwood Born: 17February 1955 Pittsburgh, PA b. Daniel Leland (Wife) Born: 1 February 1957 Fort Ord, CA
Patricia Michael Born: 27 February 1959 Jackson,MS
No Children c. Deborah K. Born: 19 March 1959 Spartanburg, SC d. Donna E. Miller Burnham (Husband) Dane Born: Born: 19 August 1963 Spartanburg, SC Barbados, WI
I 2 Children Dane Justin Born: 10 January 1986 Bronx,NY Devin Aaron Born: 9 August 1991 Bronx, NY 3a. Douglas Bomar (Wife) Venissa Soloman Born: 6 August 1956 Born: Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN
I 5 Children a. Deidre Born: 29 July 1981 Knoxville, TN
b. Lois Born: 14 September 1989 Knoxville, TN c. Rozzie Talesa Born: 21 December 1990 Knoxville, TN d. January Born: 31 January 1991 Knoxville, TN e. Douglas Jr. Born: 9 February 1996 Knoxville, TN 3. Leroy Bomar Born: 14 January 1914 Died: 24 June 1987 Spartanburg, SC Matthew Thompson Born: 1899 Died: Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married
I 2 Children 4. L. T. Thompson. Sr. (Wife) Born: 14 October 1919 Died: 10 August 1994 Spartanburg, SC
Bridie Virginia Cohen Born: 21 July 1921 Died: 7 May 1993 Spartanburg, SC
I 5 Children la. L. T. Thompson. Jr. (Wife) Born: 14 August 1942 Knoxville, TN
Dorothy A. Jackson Born: 1 July 1947 Knoxville, TN
'-----------~ I 5 Children
a. Carmel Elizabeth Ann Thompson Born: 9 April 1964 Chattanooga, 1N -178-
JaVegasA. Born: 18 December 1978 Knoxville, TN aa. Xavier Danyale Hawkins Born: 11 October 1995 Knoxville, TN VarleshaL. Born: 21 July 1980 Knoxville, TN aa. DayJa Born: 4 December 1997 Knoxville, TN JohnM. Jr. Born: 18 March 1983 Knoxville, TN Ronni Donielle Born: 10 April 1994 Knoxville, TN b. L. T. Thompson, III Born: 22 February 1965 Knoxville, TN Nathan Born: 2June 1992 Knoxville, TN c. Robbin L. A. Thompson (Husband) Born: 23 May 1966 Knoxville, TN
Kelvin Sr. Born: 16 January 1964 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children ( 1 prior to marriage) DeeDraAnn Born: 30 January 1984 Knoxville, TN Kelvin Todd, Jr. Born: 25 January 1988 Greenville, SC
Samantha Ashley Born: 13 October 1989 Died: 9 April 1998 Greenville, SC d. Shawn Lamont Thompson Born: 9 June 1967 Knoxville, TN e. Wayne LaFredrick Thompson (Wife) Pamela Boozer Born: 20 May 1973 Born: 4 March 1963 Knoxville, TN Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children (3 prior to marriage)
Marquita Born: 29 August 1983 Spartanburg, SC Shandrea Born: 22 October 1987 Spartanburg, SC Curtis Born: 11 December 1989 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Helen Thompson Garrett (Husband) Born: 19 March 1944 Knoxville, TN
I 3 children a. Charlene Annette Born: 24 November 1965 Spartanburg, SC Jaela Born: 25 January 2000 Spartanburg, SC b. Tina Nichol Born: 23 August 1970 Spartanburg, SC
Raymond . Born: 6 September 1944 Spartanburg, SC
. c. Shanette Born: 4 October 1980 Spartanburg, SC 3a. Alberta Thompson Garrett (Husband) Born: 20May 1954 Knoxville, TN
I 7 Children a. Simmone Born: 17 August 1971 Knoxville, TN Morgan Born: 7 June 1994 Spartanburg, SC b. Shangirl Demprise Born: 15 February 1973 Knoxville, TN Ouymesha Born: 23 July 1990 Knoxville, TN c. Shemeka Latrelle Born: 3 July 1976 Knoxville, TN d. Shaleta Lashea Born: 1 August 1979 Knoxville, TN e. Shamyel Born: 7 August 1982 Knoxville, TN f. Shaca Born: 8 April 1985 Knoxville, TN
g. Shunda Born: 30 August 1988 Spartanburg, SC ¡ -181-
Robert Born: 1 February 1954 Died: 7 May 1973 Spartanburg, SC
5. Bennie Thompson (Wife) Born: 10 December 1922 Died: 25 December 1982 Spartanburg, SC
Lillie Mae Thompson Born: Spartanburg, SC
I No Children E. Andrew Bomar. I (Wife) Altice Foster Born: 21 September 1898 Born: 26 June 1896 Died: 12 June 1972 Died: 19 January 1932 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC st 1 time married
I 4 Children 1. Ella Bomar Born: 15 March 1917 Died: 15 March 1917 Spartanburg, SC 2. Cuba Bomar Dantzler Born: 18 July 1918 Spartanburg, SC
Oscar (Little Boy) Born: 16 March 1918 Died: 10 October 1964 Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children la. Joyce Dantzler Smith Born: 26 April 1945 Spartanburg, SC
Vernon Jr. Born: 2 June 1941 Spartanburg, SC
!____________, I
1 Child (Prior to marriage) a. Michael Dantzler (Wife) Pamela S. Glymph Born: 22 July 1965 Born: 2 June 1964 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _~ I 3 Children Micaela Charlis Born: 6 January 1986 Spartanburg, SC
Myca) Rene Born: 17 August 1990 Spartanburg, SC Mykera Born: 15 July 1994 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Norma Jean Johnson (Husband) Leonard Born: 4 December 1945 Born: 16 March 1947 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I____________, 2 Children
a. Nikki Giovanni Copeland (Husband) Kenneth Born: 9 March 1971 Born: 8 December 1972 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
I 2 Children Shetterious Nichevion Marvion Born: 25 October 1988 Spartanburg, SC Shatorrion Christion Born: 13 December 1995 Spartanburg, SC
3. John Wessley Bomar Born: 28 June 1920 Spartanburg, SC
Malissa Bright Born: 28 April 1927 Walterboro, SC
I 5 Children la. Joan Veronica Bomar Smith (Husband) Rudolph Donnie Born: 17 December 1951 Born: 31 October 1951 Denmark, SC Walterboro, SC I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
I 2 Children a. Kamilah Aminah Born: 3 April 1975 Walterboro, SC -183-
b. William Joseph Born: 7 September 1982 Walterboro, SC 2a. Andrew Bomar, Il (Wife) Shirley Holmes Born: 5 September 1952 Born: 17 February 1955 Walterboro, SC Died: 4 October 1997 Walterboro, SC
I 3 Children a. Gemma Kecia Born: 9 November 1974 Walterboro, SC
b. Teneka Born: 13 June 1977 Walterboro, SC C.
Angie Born: 31 July 1979 Walterboro, SC
3a. Marvin Bomar, Sr. (Wife) Born: 5 September 1952 Died: 19 December 1997 Walterboro, SC
Lena Brown Born: 27 April 1951 Walterboro, SC
I 2 Children a. Marvin Jr. Born: 28 April 1980 Walterboro, SC b. Cherron Born: 12March 1985 Walterboro, SC 4a. Gregory Wessley Bomar (Wife) Lucretia Aiken Born: 14 December 1953 Born: 5 January 1958 Walterboro, SC Walterboro, SC
3 Children
a. Denise Lasalle Born: 22 February 1974 Walterboro, SC Christopher Born: 15 December 1993 Walterboro, SC Devante Born: 24 December 1994 Walterboro, SC DiJon Born: 8 November 1996 Walterboro, SC b. John Foster Born: 17 August 1981 Walterboro, SC c. Gregory Wessley, Jr. Born: 8 September 1994 Walterboro, SC 5a. Alvin Jerome Bomar, Sr. (Wife) Born: 24 July 1955 Died: 16 November 1998 Walterboro, SC
Linda Sande Born: 28 March 1958 Stanwood, WA
!_________~ I 1 Child a. Julian Sande Born: 2 March 1983 Stanwood, WA
4. Mable Bomar Born: 25 May 1922 Died: 17 February 1983 Spartanburg, SC la. Randy Bomar (Wife) Mary Foster Born: 16 September 1954 Born: 29 April 1957 Spartanburg, SC Knoxville, TN 1st time married
I 4 Children (2 prior to marriage) -185-
a. Felicia Bomar Davis (Husband) Lawrence Born: 6 March 1972 Born: 24 July 1964 Greer, SC Greer, SC
,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, 2 Children Lauren Alexandra Born: 6 July 1995 Greenville, SC Alexys Lashaye Born: 15 July 1996 Greenville, SC
b. Rodriguez Born: 24 September 1976 Spartanburg, SC c. Athena Born: 22 April 1981 Knoxville, TN d. Demetrius Born: 24 May 1982 Knoxville, TN 2nd time married
Joann Cohen Born: 11 July 1958 Spartanburg, SC
3 Children (3 prior to marriage) a. Riketha Born: 12 February 1976 Spartanburg, SC b. Mia Born: 1 August 1978 Spartanburg, SC
c. Terrell Born: 30 August 1980 Spartanburg, SC
d. Kelsey Born: 28 June 1991 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Jackie Bomar (Wife) Born: 15 July 1957 Spartanburg, SC
Elizabeth Ann Robinson Born: 26 December 1956 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children a. Michelle Born: 4 November 1983 Spartanburg, SC b. Jarrid Born: 4 December 1984 Spartanburg, SC c. Kayla Feal Born: 29 June 1990 Spartanburg, SC 3a. Cynthia Bomar Johnson Born: 21 February 1959 Spartanburg, SC
(Husband) Willie Bernard Born: 21 March 1954 Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children a. Sharee Born: 30August 1983 Spartanburg, SC b. Mavis Born: 7 February 1986 Spartanburg, SC
Vera Brown Born: 15 October 1911 Spartanburg, SC
I I 6 Children
5. Mary Alice Bomar Born: 23 August 1935 Spartanburg, SC la. LolaD. BomarMcBeth (Husband) James Born: 1 September 1953 Born: 25 October 1954 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _~ I 2 Children
a. James Jr. Born: 25 November 1975 Spartanburg, SC b. Marcus Born: 23 August 1980 Spartanburg, SC 6.
Odis Bomar. Sr. (Wife) Born: 13 January 1937 Spartanburg, SC
Dorothy Stroble Born: 11 February 1942 Spartanburg, SC
I________~ I 2 Children 1a. Deni a M. Bomar Wilson (Husband) Elijah Emmanuel Born: 28 November 1974 Burn: 13 April 1975 Seneca, SC Spartanburg, SC
,__________ . No Children
2a. Odislen Jazar Bomar. Jr. Born: 6 September 1977 Spartanburg, SC a. Essence Lyric Born: 21 March 1998 Shelby, NC 7.
Curtis Bomar (Wife) Born: 2 April 1941 Spartanburg, SC
Carlotta Faye Demby Born: 17 November 1943 Bessemer, AL
I_________, I
3 Childen (1 prior to marriage)
la. Curtis Lamar Smith (Wife) Born: 17 March 1963 Spartanburg, SC
Valerie Dickerson Born: 25 October 1963 Thibodaux, LA
I 2 Children a. Andrea Born: 28 March 1988 Austin, TX b. Jasmine Born: 29 November 1989 Austin, TX 2a. Courtney D. Bomar Born: 1 November 1967 Huntsville, AL 3a. Cicely D. Bomar Born: 3 December 1972 Huntsville, AL 8. Betty Jean Bomar Hennington Born: 13 August 1944 Spartanburg, SC
Alvin Born: 9 June 1937 Taylor, TX
No Children 9. Helen Bomar Dillard (Husband) Born: 3 September 1946 Spartanburg, SC
Lillywood Born: 24 January 1946 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children 1a. Trina Lovell Dillard Born: 27 October 1970 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Jasmine Dillard Robinson (Husband) Born: 25 August 1974 Columbia, SC No Children 3a. Jebryl Lillywood Dillard Born: 24 November 1976 Columbia, SC -189-
Terrence F. Born: Columbia, SC
a. Mahogany Born: 27 August 1998 Columbia, SC 10. Poris Bomar Peake (Husband) Kenneth Born: 4 June 1948 Born: 11 November 1948 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _~ I 2 Children
la. Jernay Michell Peake Ford (Husband) Born: 19 May 1974 Greer, SC
Shaun Heath Born: 17 October 1970 St. Stephen, SC
!____________, No Children
2a. Kenneth Avery Peake Born: 10 February 1983 Spartanburg, SC III. ANNA BOMAR MCMILLIAN (Husband) Andrew (Andy)
Born: September 1876 Died: 7 September 1933 Spartanburg, SC
Born: July 1876 Died: 19 June 1937 Spartanburg, SC
!______________~ 9 Children
A. Mary McMillian King Born: April 1899 Died: 1939 Spartanburg, SC
James Born: Died: Spartanburg, SC
!___________, No Children
B. Ella McMillian Goodlett (Husband) Born: 25 May 1901 Died: 22 April 1961 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
I 1 Child 1. Andrew (Andy) Goodlett Born: 13 December 1918 Died: 14 March 1957 Spartanburg, SC
Will Born: 3 October 1904 Died: 3 May 1969 Spartanburg, SC
Idellar Davis Born: 18 July 1906 Died: 21 November 1974 Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married
I_ _ _ _ _ _ ___, No Children C. Willie McMillian (Wife) Born: 5 October 1902 Died: 8 June 1949 Spartanburg, SC
Ethel Bivings Born: 25 August 1903 Died: 23 September 1928 Spartanburg, SC
2 Children 1. Corine O'Neal Fowler Cole Born: 28 March 1922 Spartanburg, SC
Elijah Born: 26 March 1921 Died: January 1979 Spartanburg, SC
1"1 time married
I 1 Child (prior to marriage) (Wife)
la. Fredrick Windfield Fowler, I Born: 1 July 1940 Spartanburg, SC
Cynthia Dozier Born: 28 April 1942 Spartanburg, SC
!, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ,
I 3 Children (1 prior to marriage) a. James Keith Cohen Born: 27 October 1960 Spartanburg, SC b. Fredrick Winfield Fowler II Born: 6 September 1968 Died: 22 May 2000 Danville, VA
Nina Bennett Born: 10 January 1969 Danville, VA
I 2 Children (1 prior to marriage) Kevin Jones Born: 9 March 1990 Danville, VA
Nia Dozier Born: 15 March 1998 Danville, VA c. Felita Weshella Born: 26 November 1974 Danville, VA Jessie Born: 31 August 1927 Mississippi
2nd time married No Children 2. Kathern McMillian Born: 1923 Died: 1923 Spartanburg, SC
D. Emma McMillian Rookard (Husband) Born: 14 February 1905 Died: 31 August 1941 Spartanburg, SC
Louis Born: Died: Spartanburg,SC
I I Child I. Mary Rookard Glenn (Husband) Born: 23 September 1931 Spartanburg, SC
Raymond Born: 6 April 1923 Died: I January 1986 Spartanburg, SC
I I Child la. Keith Glenn Born: 9 February 1956 Spartanburg, SC a. Monet Born: New York City, NY E. Robert McMillian (Wife) Born: 17 February 1907 Died: 8 August 1978 Spartanburg, SC
Saint Lawrence Cross Born: IO July 1912 Spartanburg, SC
,___________, I 6 Children -,192-
1. Jessie McMillian Born: 28 December 1927 Died: 1 January 1995 Spartanburg, SC 2. Emma McMillian Born: 4 September 1928 Died: 29 December 1930 Spartanburg, SC 3. Annie L. McMillian Fowler (Husband) LeRoy Born: 12 September 1932 Born: 30 July 1909 Died: 6 April 1973 Died: 17 October 1987 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
'-------~ I
2 Children 1a. Steve McMillian (Wife) Born: 9 November 1953 Spartanburg, SC
Janice Cohens Born: 11 July 1949 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children a. Tanya McMillian Burney (Husband) Born: 21 February 1972 Spartanburg, SC
Ray Born: 18 May 1970 Spartanburg, SC
'------------~ I 1 Child
Bryson Born: 9 June 1998 Spartanburg, SC b. Terrence Born: 8 October 1974 Spartanburg, SC c. Tyrone Born: 21 September 1976 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Ronnie McMillian Born: 14 February 1960 Spartanburg, SC -193-
a. Tashawn Born: 31 January 2000 Spartanburg, SC 4. Juanita McMillian Born: 15 January 1933 Died: 20 March 1946 Spartanburg, SC Willie Mae Moore 5. Morris McMillian (Wife) Born: 26 June 1950 Born: 17 May 1947 Spartanburg, SC Died: 13 June 1987 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
I 2 Children (2 prior to marriage) la. Robert James McMillian Born: 19 February 1969 Greer, SC 2a. Schaneika McMillian Born: 8 January 1983 Spartanburg, SC 2nd time married
Peggy Wooten Born: 3 May 1938 Spartanburg, SC
I 5 Children (5 prior to marriage) 3a. Sarah Dawkins Born: 4April 19_ Spartanburg, SC 4a. Laurance Davis Born: 24 July 19_ Spartanburg, SC Sa. George Davis Born: 17 March 19 Spartanburg, SC 6a. Michael Davis Born: 5 August 19_ Spartanburg, SC
F. Jessie McMillian (Wife) Corrie Gist Born: 4 February 1909 Born: 28 July 1913 Died: 11 June 1955 Died: 21 November 1977 Spartanbwg, SC Spartanburg, SC st 1 time married
I 3 Children 1. Dorothy McMillian Martin (Husband) Cleveland Sr. Born: 25 December 1924 Born: 11 September 1932 Union, SC Died: 17 June 1969 Spartanbwg, SC
I 4 Children 1a. Cleveland Martin, Jr. Born: 25 December 1951 Died: 26 January 1992 Washington, DC 2a. Emanual Martin, Sr. Born: 5 May 1953 Washington, DC a. Emanual, Jr. Born: 26 July 1974 Washington, DC 3a. Brenda Martin Jacobs Born: 18 May 1954 Washington, DC
(Husband) Eugene Born: 3 August 1953 Died: 20 August 1995 Washington, DC
I 2 Children a. Antjuan Born: 12 January 1972 Died: 4 January 1994 Washington, DC b. Shadonna Born: 20 June 1981 Washington, DC
4a. Denetter Martin Born: 4 May 1955 Washington, DC a. Dorothy Patrice Hill (Husband) Jeffrey Brian Antjuan Born: 17 December 1971 Born: 2 January 1962 Washington, DC Washington, DC
I 3 Children Jeffrey Brian Antjuan, Jr. Born: 8 January 1994 Washington, DC Aaron Emanuel Born: 30 March 1995 Washington, DC Emauni Adrianna Born: 24 March 1998 Washington, DC 2. Rosa Lee McMillian Watson Born: 24 September 1939 Spartanburg, SC
Earl Jr. Born: 5 March 1938 Kenly, NC
I______________, I 3 Children
1a. Corrie Watson Smith (Husband) Gary Andra Born: 30 September 1955 Born: 11 November 1955 Cheverly, MD Croom, MD
I____________, I 2 Children
a. Derrick Johnana Born: 8 July 1974 Washington, DC b. Krystal Ebony Born: 3 June 1988 Washington, DC
2a. Tania Watson Buchanan (Husband) Rodney Born: 18 September 1960 Born: 1 April 1953 Washington, DC Washington, DC
I_____________, No Children
3a. Dwayne Anthony Watson Born: 7 June 1966 Washington, DC 3. Bennie Mae McMillian Gilmore Born: 10 September 1942 Spartanburg, SC
Bennie Lewis Born: 29 August 1940 Washington, DC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I
4 Children (2 prior to marriage) la. Junitha McMillian-Smith (Husband) Charles Born: 7 August 1960 Born: 10 August 1959 Washington, DC Washington, DC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ I
4 Children (3 prior to marriage) a. Akish McMillian Born: 31 October 1977 Washington, DC Maliki Born: 1996 Washington, DC Atefia Born: 1998 Washington, DC b. Jeffrey McMillian Born: 11 August 1980 Washington, DC c. Natasha McMillian Born: 24 December 1982 Washington, DC d. Laesia Capers Born: 12 January 1984 Washington, DC
2a. Victoria McMillian-Dixon (Husband) Robert. Jr. Born: 11 November 1961 Born: 2 December 1961 Washington, DC Portsmith, VA
'-------------~ I 2 Children a. Jeremiah Born: 6 January 1981 Fairfax, VA b. Joshua Born: 3 March 1982 Fairfax, VA 3a. Audra Gilmore Born: 23 June 1966 Washington, DC a. Richard Born: 17 June 1984 Washington, DC b. Troy Born: August 1985 Washington, DC c. Ricardo Born: 29 March 1988 Washington, DC d. Octavia Born: 12 April 1990 Washington, DC 4a. Maurice Gilmore. Sr. Born: 23 April 1971 Washington, DC a. Maurice Jr. Born: 5 November 1992 Reston, VA
b. Terrell Born: 22 October 1993 Reston, VA
7a. William Davis Born: 15 April 19_ Spartanburg, SC 6. Robert Earl McMillian Born: 14 October 1948 Spartanburg, SC
Dorothy Jones Born: 30 December 1952 Spartanburg, SC
I 3 Children (3 prior to marriage) la. Stephanie C. Jones Webb Born: 12 May 1969 Spartanburg, SC a. Bryson L. Born: 7 August 1988 Spartanburg, SC b. TylesaK. Born: 18 June 1991 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Jody L. Walker (Wife) Demenico Lucunia Byrd Born: 29 December 1974 Born: 29 May I 972 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
I__________. I I Child
a. Jordan Ahmad Born: I May 2000 Spartanburg, SC 3a. Frederick Davis (Wife) Born: 31 January 1974 Spartanburg, SC
Angela Weaver Born: Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children a. Tamarji Born: 16 June 1990 Spartanburg, SC b. Dashon Born: 21 April 1997 Spartanburg, SC -199-
Frankie West Jackson Born: 16 March 1926 Died: 17 March 1963 Knoxville, TN
2nd time married
I 1 Child (prior to marriage)
1. Barbara Jean Jackson McMillian Crawley (Husband) Born: 3 February 1942 Knoxville, TN
Fred Sr. Born: Knoxville, TN
,____________ , 7 Children (4 prior to marriage)
la. Anita Jane Wilkins Taylor Born: 2 December 1960 Knoxville, TN 2a. Sharon Darlene Wilkins Born: 30 October 1961 Died: 25 January 1962 Knoxville, TN 3a. Regina Sharmaine Wilkins Born: 7 October 1962 Knoxville, TN a. Cartel Monrae Born: 18 September 1979 Died: January, 1987 Knoxville, TN b. Jastarshia Born: 18 March 1983 Knoxville, TN Jalexis Ebonesse Born: 1 December 1999 Knoxville, TN
c. Lamonica Dollchelle Born: 28 February 1985 Knoxville, TN Deonte Marguest Born: 29 December 1999 Knoxville, TN -200-
4a. Prince Edward Leroy Wilkins Born: 21 July 1964 Knoxville, TN a. Jermishia Lameka Born: 24 November 1985 Knoxville, TN 5a. Norma Jean Crawley Born: 29 May 1966 Died: 2 April 1988 Knoxville, TN a. John Ensley Born: 5 January 1986 Died: 18 June 1988 Knoxville, TN 6a. Fred H. Crawley. Jr. (Wife) Renita F. Brown Born: 14 January 1969 Born: Knoxville, TN Knoxville, TN
,_ _ _ _ __ , I 2 Children
a. Shantile Born: 20 May 1989 Knoxville, TN b. Randy Born: 26 August 1989 Knoxville, TN 7a. Tina Vernessa Crawley Born: 13 October 1971 Knoxville, TN a. Latia LaShea Born: 4 September 1990 Knoxville, TN b. William Ensley Born: 22 August 1991 Knoxville, TN c. Frankie Herlene Born: 21 August 1993 Knoxville, TN -201-
d. Keana Shante Born: 27 May 1995 Knoxville, TN e. Stacia Jamara Born: 7 January 1997 Knoxville, TN 5. Rufus McMillian Born: 17 June 1945 Died: 5 May 1991 Knoxville, TN la. Rhonda Smith Born: 19 May 1964 Knoxville, TN 2a. Yolanda Ragland Gallman Born: 9 May 1967 Knoxville, TN
(Husband) Richard Born: Knoxville, TN
I 2 Children a. Tarlanda Lenise Born: 7 August 1984 Knoxville, TN b. Richara Denise Born: 3 July 1986 Knoxville, TN 3a. Rufus McMillian, Jr. Born: 8 November 1968 Knoxville, TN 4a. Tracey Cook Born: 28 November 1970 Knoxville, TN a. Cameron Born: 9 March I 992 Knoxville, TN b. Ta'Von Born: 4 October 1993 Knoxville, TN -202-
5a. Veronica Ragland Born: 1 December 1972 Knoxville, TN a. - - - - - - Born: Knoxville, TN b. - - - - - - Born: Knoxville, TN C. - - - - - - -
Born: Knoxville, TN 6a. Lisa Ragland Born: 22 June 1974 Knoxville, TN
a. - - - - - - Born: Knoxville, TN b. - - - - - - Born: Knoxville, TN
7a. Lakisha Collins Born: 20 November 1974 Knoxville, TN a. Jamall Rashad Born: 20 January 1995 Knoxville, TN G. Ruth McMillian Sims (Husband) Willie
Born: 12 February 1911 Spartanburg, SC
Born: 2 January 1912 Died: 24 January 1965 Spartanburg, SC
No Children
H. Mattie McMillian Pearson Born: 23 April 1913 Died: 19 September 1951 Spartanburg, SC
Guy Born: 23 October 1912 Died: 10 February 1984 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _I I 5 Children
1. Shirley Pearson Davis Born: 12 March 1936 Spartanburg, SC
Edward Born: 8 May 1921 Talladega, AL
I_____________. I 1 Child
1a. Tawana Davis Born: 19 July 1965 New York, NY 2. Barbara Pearson Drummond Born: 18 January 1939 Spartanburg, SC
J. C. Born: 16 April 1932 Spartanburg, SC
I_ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, 2 Children la. James Curtis Drummond Born: 24 May 1956 Spartanburg, SC a. Byron Linder Born: 16 December 1980 Spartanburg, SC b. Shakeedra Born: 20 February 1995 Spartanburg, SC 2a. David Lee Drummond Born: 28 June 1959 Spartanburg, SC a. Rostrinigue Born: 11 January 1988 Spartanburg, SC
b. Braxton Born: 24 October 1992 Spartanburg, SC 3. Grace Pearson Woodruff (Husband) Born: 20 June 1940 Spartanburg, SC
Isaaiah Born: 14 February 1933 Spartanburg, SC
1 Child la. Isaiah Woodruff (Wife) Lorrie Oxendine Born: 11 July 1965 Born: 30 August 1969 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC
'------------' I 1 Child
a. Brandon Tyler Born: 3 July 1986 Fort Belvoir, VA 4. Frank Westley Goodlett (Wife) Shirley Hill Born: 22 January 1952 Born: 20 August 1947 Spartanburg, SC Knoxville, TN st 1 time married
I 4 Children (2 prior to marriage) 1a. Teresa Edwards Sanders Born: 1 January 1965 Spartanburg, SC
MarionK. Born: 30 November 1960 Spartanburg, SC
l1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,
I 2 Children a. Sierra Born: 10 February 1989 Spartanburg, SC b. Indea Born: 15 January 1999 Spartanburg, SC
2a. Courtney Edwards Born: 26 July 1970 Greenville, SC a. Kiesha Born: 3 December 1991 Spartanburg, SC (Husband)
3a. Tonya Goodlett Manigo Born: 8 November 1970 Spartanburg, SC
Tony Born: 12 November 1968 Spartanburg, SC
I 2 Children a. Kentaya Born: 6 December 1989 Spartanburg, SC b. Trace Born: 8 June 1992 Spartanburg, SC 4a. Shanika Goodlett Born: 12 January 1979 Spartanburg, SC a. Alliyah Surgick Born: 29 January 1998 Spartanburg, SC
2 time married nd
I 1 Child Sa. Lafranklin Morman Born: 25 August 1985 Spartanburg, SC
Linda Morman Born: 14 December 1951 Spartanburg, SC
5. Gwendolyn Pearson Feaster Whiteside (Husband) Born: 27 May 1950 Knoxville, TN
Joseph Matthew Sr. Born: 9 August 1950 Died: 20 December 1975 Spartanburg, SC
1st time married
I 4 Children 1a. Anthony Feaster Born: 17 October 1967 Spartanburg, SC a. Kanesha Crawford Born: 3 August 1990 Spartanburg, SC b. Anthony O'Brian Born: 16 November 1992 Spartanburg, SC 2a. Barbara Drummond Born: 31 October 1968 Spartanburg, SC a. Anthony Tremaine Born: 25 February 1989 Atlanta, GA b. Vintours Matthew Born: 4 December 1990 Atlanta, GA 3a. Glenn Dexter Woodruff (Wife) Angela Robinson Born: Born: 8 August 1969 Spartanburg, SC Spartanburg, SC st 1 time married
I 3 Children (1 prior to marriage) a. Lagwinnda Shatelle Born: 25 July 1988 Greenville, SC b. Statis Renell Born: 12 October 1990 Greenville, SC -207-
c. Octavia Artis Born: Greenville, SC Charlene D. Wiley Born: 16 November 1974 Philadelphia, PA
4a. Joseph Feaster, Jr. (Wife) Born: 17 January 1973 Greenville, SC No Children
Melvin Whiteside Born: 23 January 1949 Spartanburg, SC
2 time married nd
I 2 Children (Husband)
5a. Lakisha Whiteside Atkins Born: 24 January 1977 Spartanburg, SC
Michael Christopher Born: 31 May 1972 Chicago, IL
a. Christopher Raushun Born: 11 April 2000 Norfolk, VA 6a. Vashana Whiteside Born: 26 May 1983 Spartanburg, SC I. Essie McMillian Pearson Born: 4 September 1916 Spartanburg, SC
Morris Franklin Born: 1 November 1914 Died: 22 January 1974 Spartanburg, SC
No Children IV. ROSA BOMAR FOSTER BIVINGS (Husband) Born: June 1881 Died: 6 July 1957 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married No Children
Ralph Born: March 1878 Died: 23 June 1939 Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married
Charlie Bivings Born: 1898 Died: 21 March 1960 Spartanburg, SC
No Children V. CHARLIE BOMAR (Wife) Born: May 1886 Died: 1935 Spartanburg, SC 1st time married
Viola Nesbitt Born: 22 October 1893 Died: 26 February 1995 Spartanburg, SC
No Children
Ike Anderson Born: 15 June 1894 Died: 6 August 1969 Spartanburg, SC
2nd time married
I_____________~ No Children
(Explanation of Heraldic Design)
The Bomar Family Coat-of-Arms
While doing research on the Bomar family history, I discovered that there were several escutcheon heraldic designs including one designated for the Bomar Family and shown on the following page. (Please note: The Bomar coat-of-arms is a reproduction from The World Book ofBomars. Special permission was obtained from Halbert's Family Heritage, the publication company, to reproduce it The-illustration was taken from Rietstap s Amorial General, the armorial publication.). However, because of information that had been written previously as to the present explanation of the Bomar coat-of-arms, I knew that one needed to be designed specifically for my family - the Bomar Family of the matriarch born in Beech Springs, South Carolina, Mary Bomar. Now exactly what is a coat-of-arms? Websters Dictionary has defined coat-of-arms as (I) a shield marked with the insignia or designs (heraldic bearings) of a person, family, institution, etc.; (2) the particular heraldic bearings usually depicted on an escutcheon (shield) often with accompanying adjuncts (as a crest, motto, and supporters); and (3) a similar symbolic emblem. Since the early 13th century, coats of arms have been intertwined with heraldry and history. Heraldry offers a study of medieval life-styles, allowing one to surmise much regarding his/her forefathers. Additionally, it provides clues to a person's being. And this colorful identification was and still is certainly displayed with great pride. In looking at our history, I found us to be a Christian, loving, caring and industrious family. Therefore, based on these findings and using the definitions of accompanying adjuncts on heraldic bearings, I designed the coat-of-arms found on the following page centered around the family motto-"Our Banner is Love."
During the sixteenth annual family reunion held in Spartanburg, South Carolina, on Saturday, July 18, 1992, this heraldic design was presented. It was also voted upon and unanimously approved during the family business meeting as the official coat-of-arms for the descendants of Mary Bomar. This coat-of-arms has been officially registered with the United States Copyright Office, The Library of Congress in Washington, DC. A certificate of registration was issued on May 27, 1997, and received December 10, 1997.
Bomar The Bomar Coat of Arms illustrated above is officially documented in Rietstap's Armorial General. The original description of the arms (shield is as follows: "D'arg a la fasce de gu., acc. De trois tetes de lezard du meme". When translated the blazon also describes the original colors of the Bomar Arms as: "Silver; a red horizontal band accompanied by three red lizards' heads."
FAMILY COAT-OF-ARMS For Descendants of Mary Bomar
MATRIARCH OF THE BOMAR FAMILY BOMAR, Mary (28 November 1840) Born: Beech Springs, SC (Spartanburg District)
Died: 8 October 1923
5 Children Memory (Mem) Bomar - (b. 1856) Ella Bomar - (b. 1872) Anna Bomar McMillian - (b. 1876) Rosa Bomar Foster Bivings - (b. 1881) Charlie Bomar - (b.1886) SYMBOL EMBLEM
Per fesse sable and argent, in chief the name 'Bomar' and in base a Calvary cross on three degree gules between two flaunches. Mantling - Vert and gold Crest - On a wreath of liveries, a bee on a thistle proper. Motto - "Nostra Baneria Est Amata" ("Our Banner ls Love")
© 1997 Iris D. Bomar
COAT-OF-ARMS Explanation: Bee - a popular symbol of industriousness. It is normally shown displayed as if pinned to a specimen board but is blazoned volant. Colours - the colours in a coat-of-arms are principle metal and colour in the coat; a wreath of the colours is a wreath composed of these. The actual colours used in heraldry are red (glues), blue (azure), black (sable), green (vert) and purple (purpure). Orange (tenne'), mulberry colour (murrey), and blood red (sanguine) are also occasionally used but are generally termed stains. COMPONENTS Crest - On a wreath ofliveries, a bee on a thistle proper. Torse - Wreath; two skeins of twisted silk, one tinctured as principle metal (gold); other as principal colour (vert) of coat-of-arms. Metals - The metals used in heraldry are gold (or) and silver (argent). Chief - A charge in the top portion of the shield is said to be 'in chief'. Cotises - Narrow bendlet placed on either side of a bend which is then said to be cottised. Couped - Cut off cleanly. Ordinaries are said to be 'couped' when they are cut off before reaching the edge of the shield. Fesse or fess - An ordinary consisting of a broad horizontal band drawn across the center of the shield. Flaunces (also flanches. flasques and flanques) - Two arcs of circles on either side of the shield. They are always borne in pairs. Bend - An ordinary consisting of a broad band extending dexter chief to sinister base. When charges are placed on a shield in the direction taken by a bend, they are said to be 'in bend.' Sanguine - Dark red Gold (yellow) Argent (silver) - White Base - Bottom part of the shield
Family Reunions
For many years there have been People coming from near and far To see their loved ones go To a place beyond the stars.
They come with broken hearts And tears of sadness; For that's the time they weep and mourn, There's never any gladness.
But the tiine has come For the family to get together To sharr the joy of happiness That will always last forever. This Reunion has been organized For all of us today To meet all our relatives, And pay tribute to those gone away. If it wasn't for our ancestors' prayers Sent up above, We wouldn't be here today To share each other's love.
I'm sure if Mary could see All her grandchildren that are here~ She would come with opened arms And eyes full of tears. We don't have to wait Till our loved ones depart To have a Family Reunion And show the love in our hearts.
Family Reunions are always special, Because there is someone That remembers who you are, Whether it's twenty years or one. So let us take¡ this time To thank God up above For he sent us Grandma Mary Who left us her precious love.
Jennifer D. Felder Banks
FAMILY REUNIONS OF THE BOMAR DESCENDANTS The first 'great' reunion of the Bomar families was a realization of a long and repeated dream. This dream came true during the year of 1970. The events that have been held since were of such a weighty significance that the author decided to record a few facts about a few of them. What follows, therefore, is a statement of the origin, purpose and values of the reunions and the families present. The idea of reunion of the Bomar descendants was borne out of a felt need for coming together on an occasion other than those associated with sadness. For more than a century, funerals had been the event that brought these descendants together. Also, during this period, the ranks of the older generation have dwindled. Many of our parents, grandparents, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, and cousins were called away from the busy walks of life and passed on to their heavenly reward. A new generation has arisen and continues to multiply. Those who survive felt the need for occasions that might lead to rekindling the fires of kinship along with the renewal of wholesome fellowship within and among the multitudinous family sets that trace their origins back to Mary Bomar. These occasions, it was thought, should be joyous celebrations, occasions when the sharp pains of grief over our departed ones would not then be felt, occasions when we could engage in a lively backward glance of thanksgiving to Almighty God for all of our relatives. At the same time, conscious of the enduring faith, hope and love that our ancestors had for us, and the admiration we have for each other, with bright optimism we could take a look forward into the unfolding future. We were determined to go forward in the wisdom and strength of God, as we reach out to touch somebody's hand while holding on to His unchanging hand. Not all of the descendants of the ancestral head of the family participated in the planning of the first reunion. Although the idea of a reunion was entertained in the minds of many for a long time, pressure of duties, attempts at self-improvements, looking out for the welfare of our families and the problems of time and distances to travel were factors that caused postponement and no action to be taken. However, thanks to the persistence of family members of the Ella Bomar branch, the first great family reunion was held in Wellford, South Carolina on July 18, 1970 (third Saturday), at the home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I, the first chairperson of the Bomar Family Reunion Planning Committee. Through these great reunions we have reinforced the bond of kinship, and a sense of gratitude for our departed ancestry and contemporary relatives has been heightened. Cherished memories of the loved ones who brought us into this world and nurtured us from infancy to maturity have also been awakened and strengthened. We have been stimulated by the common thought and feeling that the spirits of the relatives who have gone on before are watching over us, and are desirous that we should "run with patience the race that is set before us, and look unto Jesus the Alpha and Omega of our faith." These occasions continue to serve as refreshing sources for getting acquainted and reacquainted. Through them we have learned more about each other and something about our kinfolks of the past and present. These enriching experiences add up not only to a deepening of kinship and social ties but also to an awakening of the sense of spiritual fellowship. On behalf of the Bomar Reunion Planning Committee, I offer this word of grateful thanks to all whose ideas, labors, sacrifices, travels, interest and love have contributed positively to these reunions.
States where Mary Bomar's Descendants are Located
~ I
A list follows of family reunions dates and places held: First Reunion ........................................................................................................................ ¡July 18, 1970 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Second Reunion ................................................................................................................... July 15, 1972 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Third Reunion ....................................................................................................................... July 20, 1974 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Fourth Reunion ...................................................................................................................... July 17, 1976 Home of Mr. ¡Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Fifth Reunion ........................................................................................................................ July 15, 1978 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Sixth Reunion ........................................................................................................................ July 21, 1979 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Seventh Reunion .................................................................................................................... July 18, 1981 Home of Mr. Andrew Bomar, I Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford
Eighth Reunion ...................................................................................................................... July 16, 1983 Home of Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr. Wellford, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford Ninth Reunion ....................................................................................................................... July 20, 1985 Cleveland Park Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford -225-
Tenth Reunion ........................................................................................................................ July 19, 1986 T. K. Gregg Recreational Center Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Eleventh Reunion ....................................................................................................... ·..... ···· July 18, 1987 Cleveland Park Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Twelfth Reunion .................................................................................................................... July 16, 1988 Camp Croft State Park Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Thirteenth Reunion ............................................................................................................... July 17, 1989 Fairfield Mountains State Park and Resort Rutherfordton, North Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Fourteenth Reunion ......................................................................................................... July 14-15, 1990 T. K. Gregg Recreation Center Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Fifteenth Reunion ............................................................................................................ July 20-21, 1991 Edisto Beach Edisto Island, South Carolina Families Hosting: Walterboro Sixteenth Reunion ............................................................................................................ July 17-19, 1992 Holiday Inn Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford/Spartanburg Seventeenth Reunion ........................................................................................................ July 13-15, 1993 Grand Resort Hotel and Convention Center Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Families Hosting: Tennessee Eighteenth Reunion .......................................................................................................... July 16-17, 1994 Camp Croft State Park Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Wellford/Spartanburg Nineteenth Reunion ......................................................................................................... July 13-15, 1995 Edisto Beach Edisto Island, South Carolina Families Hosting: Walterboro
Twentieth Reunion ........................................................................................................... July 19-20, 1997 C. C. Woodson Recreation Center Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford Twenty-First Reunion ...................................................................................................... July 17-19, 1998 Grand Resort Hotel and Convention Center Pigeon Forge, Tennessee Families Hosting: Tennessee Twenty-Second Reunion .................................................................................................. July 16-18, 1999 Edisto Beach Edisto Island, South Carolina Families Hosting: Walterboro Twenty-Third Reunion ..................................................................................................... July 14-16, 2000 Wilson World Hotel and Suites and Evangel Cathedral Spartanburg, South Carolina Families Hosting: Spartanburg/Wellford
During the 1995 great reunion business meeting, there was a growing feeling that the attendance might be increased if the reunions were held every two years. A vote was taken and the results indicated that no great reunion would be held in 1996 but that dues would be paid to continue to build up the treasury. In 1997, the reunion was held the third weekend of July; however, another vote was taken, and the results indicated that reunions would be held annually again instead of biennially.
Officers and Members of the Bomar Family Reunion Planning Committee 1991-1998 The Reverend Odis Bomar, Sr................................................................................................. Chairperson Dr. Iris D. Bomar ............................................................................................... Co-Chairperson/Secretary Mrs. Gwendolyn Pearson Whiteside ............................................................................ Assistant Secretary Ms. Barbara Bomar Floyd ........................................................................................................... Treasurer Members: Mrs. Dorothy Stroble Bomar Mrs. O'Neal McMillian Cole
Mr. John Wessley Bomar Mr. Rennie T. Davis
During the business meeting of the twenty-first great reunion held in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee, on July 18, 1998, the Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr., relinquished the chairmanship of the Bomar family, just as Mr. John Wessley Bomar had done in 1989, and appointed Deacon Jackie Bomar as the new chairman. A vote was taken by the family and approved.
Officers and Members of the Bomar Family Reunion Planning Committee 1998-2000 Deacon Jackie Bomar .............................................................................................................. Chairperson Dr. Iris D. Bomar .............................................................................................. Co-Chairperson/Secretary Mrs. Gwendolyn Pearson Whiteside ............................................................................ Assistant Secretary Ms. Barbara Bomar Floyd ........................................................................................................... Treasurer Members: Mrs. Dorothy Stroble Bomar Mrs. O'Neal McMillian Cole The Reverend Odis Bomar, Sr.
Mr. John Wessley Bomar Mr. Rennie T. Davis Mrs. Katie Bomar Irby
Tennessee Reunion Planning Committee Ms. Terry Faye Bomar ............................................................................................................. Chairperson Mrs. Lee Bertha Bomar ...................................................................................................... Co-Chairpeson Ms. Carmel Thompson ................................................................................................................. Secretary Members: Ms. Betty J. Bomar Mrs. DeLois E. Bomar Ms. Charlene Kelso
Mr. Charles Bomar Mr. James Russell Bomar, Jr. Mr. Walter L. Bomar
Walterboro Reunion Planning Committee Ms. Veronica Bomar Smith ..................................................................................................... Chairperson Mr. Gregory Wessley Bomar ............................................................................................. Co-Chairperson Members: Mr. John Wessley Bomar Mrs. Lena B. Bomar
Mrs. Malissa Bright Bomar Mrs. Shirley H. Bomar
ADDRESS ROSTER Lula M. Anderson Patricia Bomar Ashmore LaKisha W. Atkins Annie M. Ballenger Dennis Bassett Agnes P. Bomar Annie G. Bomar Betty Bomar Betty C. Bomar Betty J. Bomar Beulah Bomar Bobby Bomar Broderick Bomar, Sr. Carolyn Bomar Charles Bomar Christine Bomar Courtney D. Bomar Curtis Bomar David Bomar Deborah Bomar Deidra Bomar Douglas L. Bomar Edward Bomar Elizabeth A. Bomar Ernestine Bomar Frank W. Bomar Freida D. Bomar Gregory Bomar Henry I. Bomar Iris D. Bomar Jackie Bomar James B. Bomar James L. Bomar James R. Bomar Jeanette Bomar John Wessley Bomar Lena B. Bomar Lois A. Bomar Mary Bomar Mary Alice Bomar Mary Foster Bomar Mem Bomar, Jr. Michael Bomar Odis Bomar, Sr. Queen E. Bomar
203 Highland Road 120 Elliott 100 Montford Court, # 102 93 James Road 341 Robinson Drive 3007 Hillside Avenue 110 Holiday Drive 1246 Hanson Ave. #24 107 Victor Street 1913 Londonderry Ori ve 1807 Bethel Avenue 2123 Vermont Avenue 211D Bell St., #252 4236 Ivy Avenue 2915 Wimpole Avenue 211D Bell Street, #252 2131 Elm Hill Pike #R310 11818 Millwright Pkwy. 227 Quartermaster Drive 148 Brook Street 3 715 Selma Avenue 4301 Tynemouth Road 303 Winter Green Terrace Post Office Box 451 3080 Washington Pike, #1 224 Victor Street 350A Frey Circle 591 Bomar Plaza 530 Peronneau St. Apt. 1 1230 Beauregard St, SW Post Office Box 451 795 Bergen Street 2111 Bethel Ave., #396 L 6309 Netherland Drive 1196 Waddell Road 568 Bomar Plaza 474 Bomar Plaza 917 Brown School Road 1004 Claude Street 117 Bums Street 1004 Claude Street 110 Holiday Drive 110 Holiday Drive 1645 Fort Prince Blvd. Post Office Box 1295 -231-
Duncan, SC 29334 Spartanburg, SC 29336 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Lyman, SC 29365 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Knoxville, TN 37914 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Knoxville, TN 37915 Greer, SC 29651 Leander, TX 78641 Knoxville, TN 37915 Knoxville, TN 37921 Knoxville, TN 37915 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37915 Nashville, TN 37210 Austin, TX 78750 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37914 Moore, SC 29369 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37917 Greer, SC 29651 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Walterboro, SC 29488 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Orangeburg, SC 29115 Wellford, SC 29385 Newark, NJ 07108 Knoxville, TN 37915 Knoxville, TN 37918 Woodruff, SC 29388 Walterboro, SC 29488 Walterboro, SC 29488 Maryville, TN 37804 Knoxville, TN 3 7914 Lyman, SC 29365 Knoxville, TN 37914 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Wellford, SC 29385 Duncan, SC 29334
Randy Joe Bomar Rex Allen Bomar Ronald Bomar Shanjuria Bomar Shirley H. Bomar Tanaquil Bomar Terry Faye Bomar Vera B. Bomar Walter H. Bomar Walter L. Bomar Walter S. Bomar Tanya W. Buchanan Kathy Buckson Tanya M. Burney Ronnie Cantrell Belinda L. Carpenter Terita Clark Anthony Cohen Corey Cole O'Neal Cole Dorothy R. Coleman Lakisha Collins Nikki G. Copeland Barbara Jean Crawley Fred Crawley, Jr. Tina Crawley Cuba Bomar Dantzler Michael Dantzler Juanita M. Davis Shirley P. Davis Rennie Davis Rufus Davis Rundale Davis Helen Bomar Dillard Trina Dillard Barbara P. Drummond Joseph Feaster, Jr. Monica M. Ferguson Barbara Jean Floyd Jernay Peake Ford Julia Faye Foster Windfield Fowler Bertha Lee Frazier Yolanda P. Gallman Alberta Garrett Charlene Garrett Helen Garrett
600C Crescent Avenue 110 Holiday Drive 2749 Country Club Rd. #1200B 303 Winter Great Terrace 612 Bomar Plaza 6309 Netherland Drive 912 W. Oldham Avenue 117 Burns Street 1001 Darmouth Road 917 Brown School Road 314 McBrier Rd., #A-18 2202 Brightseat Rd. #310 303 Winter Great Terrace 3246 S. Church Street Extension 4018 Porter Avenue Post Office Box 456 5420 Riverdale Rd, #K 17 674 Potter Street 1000 Hunt Club Lane #1050N 113 Ash Avenue 3721 Jay Street, NE #4 2714 Delrose Drive 111 Blue Springs Drive 1231 Calloway Street 1231 Calloway Street 3100 E. Fifth Avenue 57 Carver Street 113 Burns Street 5 Holt Street 115-90 218 Street 5 Holt Street 5 Holt Street 5 Holt Street 317 Nevamar Drive 1333 Brook Court Ave. 1308 Nazareth Road 3028 Coach House Lane Post Office Box 425 350 Frey Circle 1200 St. Andrews Rd. # 1807 145 Chelsea Street 119 Andes Drive 2323 Jefferson Avenue 322 F orestal Dr., Apt. 615 Post Office Box 398 9 Griffin Street 151 Dunbar Street -232-
Spartanburg, SC 29306 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29302 Moore, SC 29369 Walterboro, SC 29488 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37921 Lyman, SC 29365 Knoxville, TN 37914 Maryville, TN 37804 Chattanooga, TN 37411 Landover, MD 20785 Moore, SC 29369 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Knoxville, TN 37915 Wellford, SC 29385 College Park, GA 30349 Gaffney, SC 29341 Spartanburg, SC 29304 Lyman, SC 29365 Washington, DC 20019 Knoxville, TN 37921 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37921 Knoxville, TN 37921 Knoxville, TN 37914 Wellford, SC 293 85 Lyman, SC 29365 Spartanburg, SC 2930 I Cambria Hgts., NY 11411 Spartanburg, SC 2930 I Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Columbia, SC 29223 Doraville, GA 30340 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Fairforest, SC 29336 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Columbia, SC 29210-5870 Moore, SC 29369 Danville, VA 24540 Knoxville, TN 3 7918 Knoxville, TN 37921 Wellford, SC 29385 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Wellford, SC 29385
Simmone Garrett Tina Nichol Garrett Lavonia F. Gary Martina LaRue Gary Tamika Gary Bennie Mae Gilmo~e Mary M. Glenn Melissa Murphy Glenn Juanita Goodman Michelle Grady Regina Irby Grant Audrey Irby Griffin Sandra Irby Hawkins Dorothy Patrice Hill Debra L. Hughes Josephine B. Hughes Juan Hughes Carolyn Hunter Francene Hunter Frank Hunter, Jr. Archie Lewis Irby Kathy Ruth Irby Mamie Logan Irby Sherry Lea Irby Brenda M. Jacobs Cynthia E. Johnson Jean Johnson Normal D. Johnson Sheila S. Johnson Tabiatha M. Johnson Frances Jones Charlene Kelso Felecia King Charles Logan Ellen Logan Gwendolyn Logan Margaret K. Logan Vincent Logan, Rev. Sandra M. Mack Cleveland Martin, Sr. Denetter Martin Lola Bomar McBeth Johnnie Will McCoy Sharon McCullough Harriet Bomar McEntire Peggy W. McMillian Ronnie McMillian
164 Forrest Avenue 151 Dunbar Street 315 N. CastteAve., #8 315 N. Castte Ave., #8 1278 Hanson Ave., #39 926 Larchmont Ave. 97-0234 Avenue Post Office Box 831 2535 Gleenwood 5 Holt Street 22 Bloomwood Heights 11 S1 Nazareth Road 455 Old Leonard Rd. 6509 Alton Street 200 Chatham Circle 200 Chatham Circle 1379 Dove Lane 6504 Lacona Street 6504 Lacona Street 97 Galveston St.,SW #B 1 POB 2004, East Lake Dr. 1141 Nazareth Road 36 Peachtree Circle 1141 Nazareth Road 3968 East Capitol St., NE P. 0. Box 383 104 Madison Avenue 57 Carver Street 735 Baltimore Street Post Office Box 831 537 Broadcast Drive 1724 Garden View Lane 701 Morrison Spg Rd, #4034D 202 St. Matthews Lane 181 Moore Post Office Box 1SO Saxon Street ISO Saxon Street 558 Hugh Street 4436 Blain Street, NE 6022 Addison Road 211 Wilson Road 5557 Munn Ave., #4-0 Post Office Box 618 402 Ridgeview Drive 719Amy Gray 850 Gilliam Road -233-
Wellford, SC 29385 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37915 Capital Hgts, MD 20743 Corona, NY 11368 Fairforest, SC 29336 Knoxville, TN 37914 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Inman, SC 29349 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Woodruff, SC 29388 Capital Heights, MD 20743 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Beaufort, SC 29904 Forestville, MD 20744 Forestville, MD 20744 Washington, DC 20020 Milford, PA 18337 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Startex, SC 29937 Spartanburg,SC 29301 Washington, DC 20019 Wellford, SC 29385 Lyman, SC 29365 Wellford, SC 29385 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Fairforest, SC 29336 Spartanburg, SC 29303 Knoxville, TN 37912 Chattanooga, TN 3741 S Spartanburg, SC 29301 Wellford, SC 29385 Wellford, SC 29385 Gaffney, SC 29341 Gaffney, SC 29341 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Washington, DC 20019 Seat Pleasant, MD 20743 Enoree, SC 29335 East Orange, NJ 07018 Arcadia, SC 29330 Spartanburg, SC 29303 Greer, SC 29651 Greer, SC 29561
Saint Lawrence McMillian Daniel L. Miller Frances L. Miller Julia Bomar Miller Bomar Alonzo Murphy Arlene Murphy Beulah Murphy Charles Murphy Deborah Ann Murphy Derrick Murphy Donald Murphy Harold Murphy, Sr. Harold Murphy, Jr. Jerry Murphy Joe C. Murphy Karen Murphy Rodney Murphy Roy Murphy Richard Murphy Samuel Murphy,· Jr. Sandra J. Murphy William Murphy Susie Bell Murriel Sandra O'Neal Doris Bomar Peake Betty M. Pearson Essie Pearson Michelle Pearson Jessie-Bomar Porter Kimberly M. Rhodes Melissa Hughes Rhodes Miller F. Rhodes, II Ruby Mae Rhodes RuthM. Sims Corrie W. Smith Deqick J. Smith I Joaf! V. B. Smith Joy~e D. Smith Flora Mae Spencer Leothio Spencer Shirley Spencer Smiley Spencer Roberta M. Sullivan Louvenia Swinson Anita J. Wilkins Taylor Carmel Thompson Dorothy Ann Thompson
36 Sycamore Street 3534 Portsmouth Circle 2410 W. Lexington St. 5892 Christopher Lane 5 Holt Street 145 Brooks Street 209 Astoria Place 117 Linville Drive 558 Hugh Street 803 Fulton Avenue 558 Hugh Street 803 Fulton Avenue 803 Fulton Avenue 117 Linville Drive 5 Holt Street 209 Astoria Place Post Office Box 1 558 Hugh Street 5 Holt Street 558 Hugh Street 209 Astoria Place Post Office Box 6375 16 Charles Drive 1842 Linden Avenue 190 Brookdale Acres Dr. Post Office Box 173 167-05 ll8 th Avenue 206 Yemassee Court 584 Hugh Street . 10028 Joppa Court 201 E. Blackstock Rd., #1 2828 Hayes Rd. #2634 1832 Pete Brown Drive ll6-ll 15?tit St., #SE 2220 Brightseat Rd. #301 2204 Queens Chapel Rd. 469 Bomar Plaza 109 Burns Street 313 Maryland Avenue 195 Dewey Avenue 793 Howard Street 453 Beacon Street 558 Hugh Street 36ll SequoiaAvenue 3004 Wimpole Avenue 1934 Dandridge Avenue 1934 Dandridge Avenue -234-
Startex, SC 293 77 Lithonia, GA 30038 Baltimore, MD 21223 Lithonia, GA 30058 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Wellford, SC 29385 Union, NJ 07083 Moore, SC 29369 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Moore, SC 29360 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Union, NJ 07083 Fairforest, SC 29336 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Union, NJ 07083 Newark, NJ 07106 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37917 Lyman, SC 29365 Duncan, SC 29334 Jamaica, NY 11434 Lyman, SC 29365 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Richmond, VA 23233 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Houston, TX 77082 El Paso, TX 79936 Jamaica, NY 11434 Landover, MD 20785 Hyattsville, MD 20784 Walterboro, SC 29488 Lyman, SC 29365 Spartanburg, SC 29306 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Baltimore, MD 21215 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TX 37915 Knoxville, TN 37915
L. T. Thompson, Jr. L. T. Thompson, III Robbin L.A. Thompson Shawn L. Thompson Simmone Thompson Wayne L. Thompson Jody L. Walker Dwayne A. Watson Rosa Lee Watson Gwendolyn F. Whiteside Prince Edward Wilkins Regina S. Wilkins Denia Bomar Wilson Grace P. Woodruff
Galloway Tri Ct., Lot 16 1934 Dandridge Avenue Post Office Box 312 1934 Dandridge Ave. 164 Forrest Avenue Post Office Box 4 7139B MapleleafDrive 90 Waverly Dr. #LL216 7724 Swan Terrace Post Office Box 371 1231 Calloway Street 2625 Jefferson Avenue 100 Vanderbilt Lane #N-5 1530 Nazareth Church Rd
Duncan, SC 29334 Knoxville, TN 3 7915 Wellford, SC 29385 Knoxville, TN 37915 Wellford, SC 29385 Wellford, SC 29385 Spantanburg, SC 29303 Fredrick, MD 2 Landover, MD 20785 Startex, SC 293 77 Knoxville, TN 37914 Knoxville, TN 37914 Spartanburg, SC 29301 Spartanburg, SC 29301
References Allock, H. (1962). Heraldic Design Its Origin: Ancient Forms and Modem Usage. New York: Tudor Publishing Company. Bomar, Iris D. and John W. Bomar (1991 ). The Bomar Family Tree-Descendants ofMary Bomar. Bamberg: Kilgus Printing Company. Brooke-Little, J.P. (1970). Boutell's Heraldry. New York: Frederick Warne and Company LTD. Brooke-Little, J. P. ( 1973 ). An Heraldic Alphabet (Richmond Herald of Arms). New York: ARCO Publishing Company, Inc. Byers, Paula K. (1995). Afro-American Genealogy Sourcebook. New York: Gale Research, Inc., and International Thomson Publishing Company. Coan, Josephus R. (1984). The Coan-Foster Family Tree-Descendants of Simpson Coan and Ray Foster. Department of Archives and History. Family History Library Catalog. Bomar: Family Records; (28th family on film). Corporation of the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Dollarhide, William (1988). Managing a Genealogical Project. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Edenfield, Kristy (2000). Welcome to Genealogy - "DiscoveringYour Heritage". Genealogy Workshop sponsored by Orangeburg County Library, March 4 and March 11, 2000. Family Name Center (1977). Bomars Live! Love! Die! Parts I and II of the Bomar Record Collector. Bath: Three Centuries Publishers. Family News Network (1991). Bomars Since the Civil War. Parts I and II of the Bomar Family Who's Who Series. Bath: Family News Network Publisher. Family Reunion Programs and Minutes - 1986-1999 Fox-Davies, A. C. (1970). Armorial Families -A Directory of Gentlemen of Coat-Armour. Volume I. London, WC Haley, Alex (1976). Roots: The Saga of an American Family. New York: Doubleday. High, Joseph and Jessye High (1980). My High Line. Sunnyvale: Joseph and Jessye High. Holcomb, Brent H. (1978). Ninety-Six District, SC. Journal of the Court of Ordinary South Carolina: Inventory Book-Will Book 1781-1786. Columbia: Southern Historical Press.
Holcomb, Brent H. ( 1980) Index to the 1800 Census of South Carolina. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Holcomb, Brent H. (1988). Marriage and Death Notices From Columbia, South Carolina, Newspapers 1838-1860. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Holcomb, Brent H. (1991). Jacksons of North Pacolet-Descendants of Samuel Jackson, Sr. Died 1796, Spartanburg County, SC. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc. Landrum, J.B. 0. (1897). Colonial and Revolutionary History of Upper South Carolina. Spartanburg: Shannon & Co. Printers and Binders. Landrum, J.B. 0. (1900). History of Spartanburg County. Atlanta: The Franklin Printing and Publishing Company. Landrum, J.B. 0. (1977). History of Spartanburg County. Atlanta: The Franklin Printing and Publishing Company. Lawrence, James Reed, Jr. (1982). A Kentucky Pioneer Family-The Lawrences and Their Kin. Deatsville: J. R. Lawrence, Jr. McCuen, Anne K. ( 1991 ). Abstracts of Some Greenville County, South Carolina, Records Concerning Black People Free and Slave 1791-1865. Columbia: The Reprint Company, Publishers, Volume I. McGlone, Mary T. (1998). Genealogy - Researching and Recording Your Family History. New York: Pilot Books. Malone, Samuel L. (1991). Black Families Heritage of Cherokee County. Spartanburg County. Ola Copeland, ed. Martin, Thomas B. (1900). A Brief History of the Life and Descendants of Edward Bomar 1900 One of the Original Settlers of Spartanburg County. Greenville: Bomar Brothers, Printers. National Society Daughters of the American Revolution. Washington, DC. Obituaries (from Funeral Programs) of Deceased Family Members. Odom, H. E. and E. Snoddy (1981). Wellford, South Carolina Centennial 1881-1991. Est. 1740 (Oct. 10, 1981) A Historical Town. Old Spartanburg District Genealogy. (March 1987), Volume 2, No. 4. Piedmont Historical Society. (March 1990). Volume II, No. 1- Upper South Carolina Genealogy and History. Pruitt, Dwain (1992). Things Hidden: An Introduction to the History of Blacks in Spartanburg_ Sponsored by the City of Spartanburg's Community Relations Office.
Racine, Philip N. (1980). Spartanburg County-A Pictorial History. Virginia Beach: Downing Company/ Publishers. Reed, Sonja C. (1998). "Digging It Up! Who's Who to Who 'Oat: The Quest of Family Research." African American Genealogy Workshop February 10, 1998. South Carolina State University Center for Network Resources and Training Office. Register of Copyrights, Copyright Office, Library of Congress, Washington, DC. South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Columbia, SC. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Spartanburg, SC. Spartanburg County Census Reports 1870-1920, Spartanburg County Public Library. Spartanburg, SC. Spartanburg County Health Department of Vital Records (Births and Deaths). Spartanburg, SC. Spartanburg County Register ofMesne Conveyance. Taylor, Sharon (1997). The Bomars Since 1901. Greenwood Village: Halbert's Family Heritage. The Bomar Family News (The Voice of 1057 American Bomar Households) - Newsletter published 4 times a year. Greenwood Village: The Family Information Center. The Bomar Family News. The Bomar Archives: ¡Ancestors. Descendants. and Missing Links. Greenwood Village: The Bomar Family News The Bomars In America From 1790 to 1996 (1996). Greenwood Village: Halbert's Publishers. The Holy Bible. In Giant Print, Red Letter Edition and Concordance, King James Version (1985). Allan Publishers, Inc. The Internet - Sites: (; (; (;; The World Book ofBomars (1993). Greenwood Village: Halbert's Family Heritage. The New World Book ofBomars (1997). Greenwood Village: Halbert's Family Heritage. Three Centuries of Bomars (1994). Greenwood Village: The Bomar Family Roots Center. United States Census Bureau-Spartanburg County. Washington, DC. United States Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census, Washington. DC. United States Government Printing Office, Superintendent of Documents. Washington, DC.
United States National Archives and Records Administration. Washington, DC. Webster's II New College Dictionary (1995). Springfield: Houghton Mifflin Company. Webster's New Geographical Dictionary (1996). Springfield: Houghton Mifflin Company. Wiggins, E. (1990). South Carolina Family Reunions. Clemson University Extension Service. Woodbury, Harry (1982). The John C. Woodbury and Thomas Notgrass Families of West Tennessee, 1830-1982. Gulfport: H. Woodbury. Wooley, James (1979-1982). A Collection of Upper South Carolina Genealogical and Family Records. Volumes I-ill. Young, Pauline (1968). Genealogical Research Notes on the Bomar Family. Young, Tommie Morton (1987). Afro-American Genealogy Sourcebook. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc.
Mrs. Melissa Murphy Glenn Mrs. Shirley Hill Goodlett Mrs. Sandra Irby Hawkins Mrs. Betty Jean Bomar Hennington Mrs. Josephine Bomar Hughes Ms. Carolyn Hunter Mrs. Katie Ruth Bomar Irby Mrs.CynthiaBomarJohnson Minister Charles Logan, Sr. Ms. Ellen Logan Mr. Ernest William Logan Mrs. Margaret Knuckles Logan Rev. Vincent Logan, Sr. Mrs. Lola D. Bomar McBeth Mrs. Johnnie Will Bomar McCoy Mrs. Harriet Patricia Bomar McEntire Mr. Earl McMillian Mrs. Peggy Wooten McMillian Mrs. Saint Lawrence Cross McMillian Ms. Denetter Martin Ms. Frances Lennell Miller Mrs. Julia A. Bomar Miller Ms. Arlene Murphy Ms. Beulah Murphy Mr. Derrick Murphy Mr. Harold Cohen Murphy, Jr. Mr. Harold Cohen Murphy, Sr. Ms. Karen Murphy Mrs. Norma Lassiter Griffin Murphy Mr. William Roscoe Murphy Mrs. Susie Bell Murriel Mr. Alonzo Ray Pearson, Sr. Mrs. Betty Murriel Pearson Mrs. Essie McMillian Pearson Mrs. Doris Bomar Peake Mrs. Jessie Bell Bomar Porter Ms. Kimberly Michelle Rhodes Mr. Miller Franklin Rhodes, II Mrs. Ruby Mae Bomar Rhodes Mrs. Teresa Edwards Sanders Mrs. Ruth McMillian Sims Mrs. Joan Veronica Bomar Smith Mrs. Joyce Dantzler Smith Mrs. Roberta Murphy Sullivan Mrs. Louvenia Best Swinson Ms. Carmel Elizabeth Ann Thompson Mrs. Robbin L. A. Thompson Mr. Wayne LaFredrick Thompson Mrs. Demenico Byrd Walker Mrs. Rosa Lee McMillian Watson Mrs. Gwendolyn Pearson Whiteside Mrs. Grace Pearson Woodruff
Primary {Family Members) Mrs. Patricia Ashmore Mrs. Annie Mae Ballenger Mr. Albert Bomar, Sr. Mr. Alonzo Bomar Mrs. Annie Gregory Bomar Mrs. April Jones Bomar Ms. Betty Jean Bomar Mr. Charles Bomar Mr. Curtis Bomar Mrs. DeLois Ewing Bomar Mrs. Dorothy Stroble Bomar Mrs. Carlotta Faye Demby Bomar Ms. Freida Delores Bomar Mr. Gregory Wessley Bomar Mr. Henry Eugene Bomar, I Dr. Iris Dianne Bomar Mr. Jackie Bomar Mr. James Russell Bomar, Jr. Mrs. Jeanette Dodd Bomar Mr. John Wessley Bomar Mrs. Lee Bertha Frazier Priget Bomar Mrs. Lena Brown Bomar Mrs. Malissa Bright Bomar Ms. Mary Alice Bomar Mrs. Mary Foster Bomar Mr. Mem Bomar. Sr. Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr. Ms. Queen Esther Bomar Mr. Randy Joe Bomar Mr. Ronald Bomar Ms. Shaunjuria LaTrelle Bomar Mrs. Shirley Holmes Bomar Ms. Terry Faye Bomar Mrs. Vera Brown Bomar Mr. Walter Lee Bomar Mrs. O'Neal McMillian Fowler Cole Mrs. Nikki G. Johnson Copeland Mrs. Barbara Jean McMillian Crawley Mrs. Cuba Bomar Dantzler Mrs. Juanita Murphy Davis Mr. Rennie Trevon Davis Mrs. Shirley Pearson Davis Mrs. Helen Bomar Dillard Ms. Trina Lovell Dillard Mrs. Barbara Pearson Drummond Mrs. Monica Murphy Ferguson Ms. Barbara Jean Bomar Floyd Ms. Gayvia Foster Mrs. Julia Faye Bomar Foster Mrs. Cynthia Dozier Fowler Ms. Charlene Annette Garrett Mrs. Helen Thompson Garrett Mrs. Bennie Mae McMillian Gilmore
Secondary Mr.Ray Arnn
Attorney Horace L. Bomar Bomar Records, Family Histoiy Centers Church Cemeteries - New Trinity Baptist Church, Traveler's Rest Baptist Church, Foster's Grove (old tanyard), etc. Community Mortwuy Records Mr. Nonnan Dawkins Department of Vital Records and Statistics-Columbia Family Funeral Programs -Obituaries Dr. Kay Woodward Ferguson Internet -Social Security Index Kennedy Room (Genealogy Department) Spartanburg County Public Libraiy Wills, Probate Records, Death Certificates, Bomar Histoiy Book References Mrs. Mamie Logan Mrs. Jennie V Miller Mr. Hubert E. Odom Mr. James D. Snoddy, Jr. Snoddy Journal Entries South Carolina Department of Archives and Histoiy - Bomar Wills, Death Certificates, etc. Spartanburg County Health Department Spartanburg County Probate Court Records Spartanburg-Herald Journal - Obituaries Mr. Warren Sullivan, Jr. Sullivan Brothers Mortwuy Records Mr. George A. Tanner Ms. Inez Bivings Vernon Mrs. Estelle Berry Ware J. W. Woodward Funeral Home Records U.S. Census Reports 1830-1920
INDEX ANDERSON Christopher ... 58 Erica ... 58 Ike ... 123 Jeffrey ... 58 Lula Bell Murriel ... 58 Robert ... 58 Viola Nesbitt Bomar ... 18, 123
ASHMORE Patricia Bomar ... 48 Robert. . .48
ATKINS Christopher Rashuan ... 113 Lakisha Whiteside ... 112 Michael Christopher ... 112
BAILEY DeReece Randolph ... 76
BALLENGER Annie Mae ... 69 Mamie Bomar ... 67 Will R. .. 67
BEATTY Sue ... 59
BIVINGS Charlie ... 119 Rosa Bomar Foster ... 15, 119
BOBO Derrick ... 34
BOMAR Agnes Beulah Ann Floyd ... 71 Agnes Pauline ... 73 Albert, Sr. .. 69 Albert, Jr. .. 71 Alberta D. Jones ... 69 Alexander C. (Tobe) ... 15, 52 AlexiaKay ... 75 Alonzo ... 27, 39 Altice Foster ... 82 Alvin Jerome ... 85 Anderson ... 15 Andrew, I ... 18, 82 Andrew, II ... 84 Angela ... 46 Angie ... 84 Annie Gregory ... 42 Annie Lou ... 18, 67
April Jones ... 50 Athena ... 86 Avery Marquis ... 76 Beattie ... 18, 67 Betty Cohen .. .45 Betty Jean ... 72 Betty Lavern .. .45 Beulah Ann ... 75 Beulah Garner ... 61 Billy Joe Jr ... 76 Bobby Joe ... 75 Brandon ... 50 Brandon Keyon ... 72 Brigett Latrice .. .47 Brittany S ... 50 Boderick Lee, Sr ... 75 Boderick Lee, Jr ... 76 Bruce Antonio .. .49 Carlotta Faye Demby ... 89 Carolyn ... 76 Cartasha Shante ... 73 Charles ... 73 Charlette Mercedes ... 74 Charlie ... 15, 18, 123 Cherron ... 85 Christine ... 75 Christopher ... 85 Christopher Tyrek ... 73 Cicely D ... 89 Courtney D ... 89 Curtis ... 89 Deborah Billingsley ... 75 Deidre ... 78 DeLois Ewing ... 71 Demetrius ... 86 Denise Lasalle ... 85 Devante' ... 85 DiJon ... 85 Dorothy Stroble ... 88 Douglas, Sr ... 78 Douglas, Jr ... 78 Ebony Shemay ... 50 Edward Dequan ... 76 Edward Floyd ... 76 Elizabeth Ann Robinson ... 87 Ella ... 15, 18 Ella ... 82 Emest ... 77 -245-
Malissa Bright ... 84 Marcus ... 46 Marvin, Sr. .. 85 Marvin, Jr. .. 85 Mary ... 15 Mary Alice ... 88 Mary Foster ... 86 Mem, Sr. .. 27, 42 Mem, Jr. .. 48 Memory ... 15, 27 Merquet .. .48 Michael. . .48 Michael Anthony, Sr. .. 50 Michael Anthony, Jr ... 50 Michelle ... 87 Miles ... 15 Misty ... 49 Odis, Sr ... 88 Odislen Jazar, Jr. .. 89 Porchia Shada ... 48 Qv~en Esther ... 49 Randy Joe ... 86 Rex Allen ... 50 Rodriquez ... 86 Ronald ... 50 Rozzie Talesa ... 78 Ruby Lee Young ... 39 Sadiva Yahuan ... 76 Samuel Jones ... 15, 61 Shakara K ... 75 Shanjuria LaTrelle ... 76 Sharon N ... 73 Shawn LaRue ... 72 Shirley Holmes ... 84 Shonice ... 71 Taisha Siera ... 49 Tamala Lynch ... 47 Tanaquil Senee" ... 74 Teneka ... 84 Terry Faye ... 72 Tobe ... 71 Tommy ... 71 Tosha ... 49 Trellequala ... 76 Tyesha ... 46 Venissa Solomon ... 78 Vera Brown ... 82 Walter Howard ... 75
Ernestine ... 76 Essence Lyric ... 89 Frank Wesley .. .45 Freida Delores ... 41 Gemma Kecia ... 84 Gregory Wessley, Sr. .. 85 Gregory Wessley, Jr ... 85 Hattie Bess ... 67 Henry Eugene, I ... 48 Henry Eugene, 11 .. 48 Roan Nguyen ... 72 Hydreck ... 71 Iris Dianne ... 40 Jackie ... 87 Jacklyn .. .49 James Ball ... 71 James Ken ... 47 James Lawrence, Sr. .. 73 James Lawrence, Jr. .. 73 James Russell, Sr. .. 71 James Russell, Jr. .. 74 James Russell, III. .. 75 Jamir. .. 46 January ... 78 Jarrid ... 87 Jasmine Quinette ... 49 Jeanette Dodd ... 50 Jemima Collins ... 27 Jeremy ... 73 Joann Cohen ... 86 John Foster. .. 85 John Wessley ... 83 Josephine ... 67 Julian Sande ... 85 Kameron ... 50 Kayla F eal ... 87 Kelsey ... 87 Lamarr ... 50 Lee Bertha Priget ... 74 Lelia ... 19, 69 Lena Brown ... 85 Leroy ... 78 Linda Sande ... 85 Lois ... 78 Lois Arnold ... 77 Lucretia Aiken ... 85 Mable ... 86 Macey Mullins ... 15, 27 -246-
Walter Lee ... 71 Walter Shawn ... 72 Wesley ... 27, 52 William Henry ... 15, 27
Shawna Gray ... 45 Terrell ... 87 Wesley Anthony ... 45
Corine O'Neal Fowler. .. 97 Jessie ... 97
Curtis ... 80 Marquita ... 80 Shandrea ... 80
COLLINS Jamall Rashad ... 108 Lakisha ... 108
BRADFORD James Carl (JC) ... 58 Jessie Fowler ... 58
COOK Cameron ... 108 Ta'Von ... 108 Tracey ... 108
BRIDGES James ... 36 Michelle Murphy Grady ... 36
Kenneth ... 83 Nikki Giovanni Johnson ... 83
Tonynia ... 59
Rodney ... 103 Tanja Watson ... 103
Kanesha ... 112
Barbara Jean Jackson McMillian ... 105 Frankie Herlene ... 107 Fred, Sr. .. 105 Fred H., Jr ... 106 John Ensley ... 106 Keana Shate ... 107 Latia LaShea ... 107 Norma Jean ... 106 Randy ... 107 Renita F. Brown ... 106 Shantile ... 107 Stacia Jamara ... 107 Tina Vernessa ... 107 William Ensley ... 107
Bryson ... 99 Ray ... 99 Tanya McMillian ... 99
BURNHAM Dane Justin, Sr ... 78 Dane Justin, Jr ... 78 Devin Aaron ... 78 Donna E. Miller ... 78
BURNS Alesia Tiquan ... 72 Clinton, III. .. 72
CANADA Carolyn ... 54 Derrick ... 55 James ... 54
DANTZLER Cuba Bomar ... 82 Micaela Charlis ... 83 Michael ... 83 Mycal Rene ... 83 Mykera ... 83 Oscar (Little Boy) ... 82 Pamela S. Glymph ... 83 RosaLee ... 30
CARPENTER Belinda Logan ... 57 Odell ... 57
CHAMBERS CJ...55 Katelyn ... 55 Tracey Canada ... 55
Andrew Christopher .. .45 Devin .. .45 James Keith ... 98 Mia ... 87 Riketha ... 87
Alexys Lashaye ... 86 Angela Weaver ... 101 Ashley Simone ... 37 Clarence ... 35 Dashon ... 102 -247-
Edward ... 109 Felicia Bomar. .. 86 Frederick ... 101 George ... 101 Juanita Murphy ... 35 Laurance ... 101 Lauren Alexandra ... 86 Lawrence ... 86 Michael. .. 101 Renasia Rennie ... 36 Renni Chaty ... 36 Rennie Trevon ... 36 Rufus Terrell ... 37 Rundale Trent ... 3 7 Ryan Trevon ... 36 Schaneika ... 100 Shirley Pearson ... 109 Tamarji ... 102 Tawana ... 109 William ... 101 DAWKINS Sarah ... 100 DENNIS Carl S ... 32 Chelsea ... 32 Dawn Griffin ... 32 Gina ... 33 DILLARD Helen Bomar. .. 90 Jebryl Lillywood ... 90 Lillywood ... 90 Maghony ... 90 Trina Lovell ... 90 DIXON Jeremiah ... 104 Joshua ... 104 Robert ... 104 Victoria McMillian ... 104 DRUMMOND Anthony Tremaine ... 112 Barbara ... 112 Barbara Pearson ... 109 Braxton ... 109 Byron Linder ... 109 David Lee ... 109 J.C ... 109 James Curtis ... 109 Rostrinique ... 109
Shakeedra ... 109 Vintours Matthew ... 112 EDWARDS Courtney ... 110 Kiesha ... 111 ELLIS Beulah Bomar ... 15, 60 Oliver. .. 60 FEASTER Anthony ... 111 Anthony O'Brian ... 112 Charlene D. Wiley ... 112 Joseph, Sr. .. 111 Joseph Matthew, Jr. .. 112 FERGUSON Aletha Booker ... 35 Jerome ... 33 Jerry ... 35 Labresha ... 35 Merita Shautavin ... 33 Monica Murphy ... 33 Nicole Mriea ... 35 Rhoshonda Sierra ... 3 5 Shareka Monek ... 33 Smonesha ... 35 FLOYD Barbara Jean Bomar ... 41 Bobby Earl ... 41 Crystal LaShaune ... 41 FORD Jemay Michell Peake ... 91 Shaun Heath ... 91 FOSTER De' Aieshia Nicole ... 60 Devonte' Rashad ... 60 Eric ... 56 Gailya Venicia ... 59 Julia Faye Bomar. .. 49 LeKeya ... 56 Mario ... 50 Napolean Domonte' ... 60 Ralph ... 18, 119 Timothy, Sr.... 49 Timothy (Jay), Jr.. .49 Yekisha ... 56 Yolanda ... 49 FOWLER Annie L. McMillian ... 99 -248-
Cynthia Dozier ... 97 Elijah ... 97 Felita Weshella ... 98 Fredrick Windfield, I. .. 97 Fredrick Windfield, II. .. 98 Katie Bomar ... 15, 52 LeRoy ... 99 Lois Mary ... 58 Nia Dozier. .. 98 Nina Bennett.. 98 Toyce ... 52
Octavia ... 105 Ricardo ... 105 Richard ... 105 Terrell ... 105 Troy ... 105
GLENN Isaiah Davunne ... 33 Keith ... 98 Latoya Dollette ... 33 Mary Rookard ... 98 Melissa Murphy ... 33 Monet. .. 99 Ray ... 33 Raymond ... 98 Timothy Mark ... 33 Walter Ernest ... 33
FRAZIER Bertha Lee ... 74
GALLMAN Richara Denise ... 107 Richard ... 107 Tarlanda Lenise ... 107 Yolanda Ragland ... 107
GOODLETT Alliyah Surgick ... 111 Andrew (Andy) ... 95 Ella McMillian ... 95 Frank Westley ... 110 Idellar Davis ... 95 Linda Morman ... 110 Shanika ... 111 Shirley Hill ... 110 Will ... 95
GARRETT Alberta Thompson ... 81 Charlene Annette ... 81 Helen Thompson ... 81 Jaela ... 81 Morgan ... 81 Quymesha ... 81 Raymond ... 81 Robert ... 81 Shaca ... 82 Shaleta Lashea ... 81 Shamyel ... 82 Shanette ... 81 Shanqril Demprise ... 81 Shemeka Latrelle ... 81 Shunda ... 82 Simmone ... 81 Tina Nichol ... 81
GOODMAN Juanita ... 77
GRADY Brittini Siara ... 36 Bruce ... 36 Christopher ... 36 Latoria ... 36 OmarT ... 36 Tashondra Yvette ... 36
Cedric .. .44 Faith .. .44 Kaneeshia Marques .. .44 Regina Kay Irby ... 44 Tony .. .44
Dwight Eric ... 74 Joclyn ... 74 Lavonia Frazier. .. 74 Martina LaRue ... 74 Tamika Tiese ... 74
Tearean ... 37 GRIFFIN Audra Marie ... 44 Audrey Irby ... 43 Detra ... 32 Kaneeshia Marques ... 44
Audra ... 105 Bennie Lewis ... 104 Bennie Mae McMillian ... 104 Maurice, Sr ... 105 Maurice, Jr ... 105
Kim ... 32 Marcele' ... 32 Mark .. .43 Michael ... 32 HAWKINS Deidra ... 43 Maurice ... 43 Randall Maurice .. .43 Sandra Irby ... 43 Tamara ... 43 Xavier Danyale ... 79 HENNINGTON Alvin ... 90 Betty Jean Bomar ... 90 HILL Aaron Emmanuel ... 103 Dorothy Patrice ... 103 Emauni Adrianna ... 103 Jeffrey Brian Antjuan, Sr. .. 103 Jeffrey Brian Antjuan, Jr. .. 103 HUGHES Beverly Lipsey ... 46 Charles .. .46 Debra Lynn .. .46 Ishaydu Monik ... 46 Josephine Bomar .. .46 Juan .. .46 Juan Mikel. . .46 Malana .. .46 Tia Marie .. .47 HUNTER Carolyn ... 67 Evelyn Ballenger ... 67 Francene ... 69 Frank, Sr. .. 67 Frank, Jr. .. 69 Frank Eugene ... 69 Jamar Dominique ... 69 Nita ... 59 IRBY
Archie Lewis .. .45 Arthur ... 43 Charity Chantelle .. .45 Christian O'Brian ... 45 Ethan Lewis ... 45 Hope Miranda .. .44 Jamiya Raquel. . .44 Katie Ruth Bomar .. .43
Randi Beth Blitz ... 45 Renada Shuntrice .. .44 Sherry Lea ... 45 JACEY Brian ... 32 Tanya Griffin ... 32 JACOBS Antjuan ... 102 Brenda Martin ... 102 Eugene ... 102 Shadonna ... 102 JOHNSON Anthony Craig ... 34 Cynthia Bomar ... 87 Leonard ... 83 Mavis ... 88 Norma Jean Dantzler. .. 83 Sharee ... 87 Shatorrion Christion ... 83 Shetterious Nichevion Marvion ... 83 Tabiatha Murphy ... 34 Willie Bernard ... 87 Willie Earl ... 34 JONES Deon ... 50 Kevin ... 98 Tyler. .. 50 KELSO Charlene LaWanda ... 73 -KING Ernest. .. 52 Felecia Rochelle Bomar ... 75 Gladys Fowler. .. 52 James ... 97 Jujuan JoHoward ... 75 Mary McMillian ... 97 LOGAN Ana ... 56 Angel ... 56 Annie Fowler ... 54 Brandi ... 57 Candy Dianne ... 54 Charles, Sr. .. 56 Charles, Jr. .. 57 Cornelius ... 57 Cornelius (Nee Nee) ... 56 Crystal ... 57 Danita Victoria ... 57 -250-
Darlene Rookard ... 57 Derrick ... 55 DeVonte' ... 55 Douglas ... 55 Ellen ... 57 Epifanny Diwanna ... 54 Ernest Desmond ... 54 Ernest Houston (Dickey) ... 54 Ernest Houston, II ... 56 Ernest William ... 54 Gwendolyn Fields ... 54 Harvey, Sr. .. 56 Harvey Eugene, Jr ... 56 Henry ... 54 Jameshia ... 57 Jaquita ... 57 Joni ta ... 57 Keyshia ... 56 LaTasha ... 55 LeVonte' ... 55 Margaret Fant ... 55 Margaret Knuckles ... 54 Osha ... 55 Ronald ... 55 Sasha ... 57 Sheila Leggs ... 56 Tosha ... 56 Vickey Smith ... 55 Vincent, Sr. .. 57 Vincent, Jr. .. 57 Wanda Canty ... 56 MACK James, Jr. .. 31 Joda Elizabeth ... 31 Sandra Murphy ... 31 MANIGO Kentaya ... 111 Tony ... 111 Tonya Goodlett ... 111 Trace ... 111 MARTIN Cleveland, Sr. .. 102 Cleveland, Jr. .. I 02 Denetter ... 102 Dorothy McMillian ... 102 Emanual, Sr ... 102 Emanual, Jr ... 102
MATHIS LaToya ... 32 Leroy ... 32 Robin Murphy ... 32 MCBETH James, Sr ... 88 James, Jr ... 88 Lola D. Bomar ... 88 Marcus ... 88 MCCOY Johnnie Will Bomar ... 27, 39 Leroy ... 39 MCCULLOUGH Jasmine Marie ... 44 John Charles, I.. .44 John Charles, II .. .44 Sharon Marie Irby ... 44 MCENTIRE Cortney Erin .. .42 Harriet Patricia Bomar ... 42 Kayla Diara .. .42 Raleigh Wilber, Jr. . .42 MCJEMPSEY Carlos ... 56 MCMILLIAN Akish ... 104 Atefia ... 104 Andrew ... 18 Anna Bomar ... 15, 18 Corrie Gist ... 102 Dorothy Jones ... 101 Earl. .. 101 Emma ... 99 Ethel Bivings ... 97 Frankie West Jackson ... 105 Janice Cohens ... 99 Jeffrey ... 104 Jessie ... 99 Jessie ... 102 Juanita ... 100 Kathern ... 98 Maliki ... 104 Morris ... 100 Natasha ... 104 Peggy Wooten ... 100 Robert Earl ... 99 Robert James ... 100 Ronnie ... 100
Rufus, Sr. .. 107 Rufus, Jr ... 108 Saint Lawrence Cross ... 99 Steve ... 99 Tashawn ... 100 Terrence ... 100 Tyrone ... 100 Willie ... 18, 97 Willie Mae Moore ... 100 MILLER Daniel Leland ... 77 David ... 77 David Glenwood ... 77 Deborah K ... 78 Frances Lennell ... 52 Julia A. Bomar ... 77 Lennell Bomar ... 27, 51 Patricia Michael ... 77 Wilson Edward (Stewart) ... 51 MORMAN LaFranklin ... 111 MORRISON Ray A ... 59 MURPHY Annette Carson ... 30 Arlene ... 38 Ashley ... 34 Bomar Alonzo ... 37 Cassandra J ... 38 Celia C ... 36 Charlene ... 35 Charles ... 35 Christina ... 38 Clarice Richardson ... 39 Connie Rogers ... 37 Deborah H ... 31 Denisa ... 36 Derrick ... 34 Desnisha ... 31 Dolly Mae Collins ... 33 Donald ... 30 Douglas Tyrone ... 31 Elisha ... 30 Elizabeth Ferguson ... 27 Harold Cohen, Sr. .. 33 Harold Cohen, Jr. .. 34 Jacob Lee ... 38 Joseph Cephus ... 38
Josephine Ferguson ... 35 Juanita Jennie ... 36 Karen ... 39 Kenneth ... 39 Kesiara ... 30 Kiffney Tyarri ... 34 Latasha ... 38 Legenia ... 31 Lela Mae Bomar. .. 27 Marcus ... 30 Maurice ... 34 Myrtle ... 31 Norma Lassiter Griffin ... 31 Owens, Sr. .. 27 Owens, Jr. .. 33 Paula Martin ... 3 3 Rayshawn ... 34 Richard Tyrone ... 35 Rodney Terrence, Sr ... 3 5 Rodney Terrence, Jr. .. 36 Rc-.nieT ... 34 Roy Lee ... 30 Samuel Arthur, Sr. .. 27 Samuel Arthur, Jr. .. 30 Samuel Arthur, III. .. 30 Santa Moore ... 30 Sherika Ann ... 3 1 Taleshia Syarri ... 34 Tobias Kinte' ... 35 Toy ... 31 Tyshawn ... 34 Wanna ... 30 William Roscoe ... 31 MURRIEL Camelle Andre' ... 59 James, Sr ... 58 James, Jr. .. 59 Susie Bell Hunter ... 58 NICHOLS Rico ... 55 O'NEAL Jasmin ... 73 Shatara ... 73 Tawanna Murphy ... 31 Tia ... 31 PALMER Pam Logan ... 55
PEAKE Doris Bomar ... 90 Kenneth ... 90 Kenneth Avery ... 91 PEARSON Alonzo Ray, Sr ... 37 Alonzo Ray, Jr. .. 37 Betty Murriel ... 59 Dwayne ... 59 Essie McMillian ... 113 Frank. .. 59 Guy ... 108 Jessie Bomar. .. 15, 60 Joe ... 60 Mattie McMillian ... 108 Michelle ... 59 Morris Franklin ... 113 Nellie ... 60 Tonya Gray ... 3 7 PENDER Beulah Murphy ... 38 Bryant. .. 38 Kiyara ... 38 Odell ... 38 Samuel Jerome ... 38 PORTER Cynthia Elaine ... 48 Dewey Lee ... 47 Diontea Lamarr ... 47 Jennifer Deniece ... 47 Jessie Bell Bomar ... 47 Saviouane Eugene ... 48 Shannon Johnson .. .4 7 Terrell .. .47 Theodore Eugene ... 47 RAGLAND Lisa ... 108 Veronica ... 108 RHODES Brian ... 47 Kimberly Michelle ... 40 Melissa Hughes ... 47 Miller Franklin, I. . .40 Miller Franklin, II .. .40 Ruby Mae Bomar ... 40 ROBINSON Jasmine LaShawn Dillard ... 90 Terrance F ... 90
ROGERS Andrea ... 37 Joshua ... 37 Monica ... 37 Sari Taneishia ... 37 William Eugene ... 37 ROOKARD Emma McMillian ... 98 Keilah ... 38 Louis ... 98 SANDERS Indea ... 110 Kim ... 54 Marion K ... 110 Sierra ... 110 Teresa Edwards ... 110 SIMS Ruth McMillian ... 108 Willie ... 108 SMITH Andrea ... 89 Charles ... 104 Corrie Watson ... 103 Curtis Lamar. .. 89 Derrick Johnana ... 103 Gary Andra ... 103 Jasmine ... 89 Joan Veronica Bomar ... 84 Joyce Dantzler. .. 83 Junitha McMillian ... 104 Kamilah Aminah ... 84 Krystal Ebony ... 103 Laesua Capers ... 104 Rhonda ... 107 Rudolph Donnie ... 84 Valerie Dickerson ... 89 Vernon, Jr. .. 83 William Joseph ... 84 STEVENS Amy Logan ... 55 Danielle ... 55 Kareem ... 55 STYLES Dianne Canada ... 54 Willie ... 54 SULLIVAN Kelisha ... 30 Kelton, Sr ... 30
Kelton, Jr. .. 30 Roberta Murphy ... 30 SWINSON Lawyer Leonard, Sr. .. 52 Lawyer Leonard, Jr ... 51 Louvenia Best ... 51 TAYLOR Anita Jane Wilkins ... 105 THOMPKINS Jalexis Ebonesse ... I 06 Jastarchia ... I 06 THOMPSON Bennie ... 82 Bridie Virginia Cohen ... 79 Carmel Elizabeth Ann ... 79 Conchata Latrice ... 74 DayJay ... 79 DeeDra Ann ... 80 Dorothy A. Jackson ... 79 JaVegas A ... 79 John M., Jr. .. 79 Kelvin, Sr. .. 80 Kelvin, Jr ... 80 L.T., Sr. .. 79 L.T., Jr. .. 79 L.T., III ... 79 Lillie Mae ... 82 Mary Bomar. .. 71 Matthew ... 71 Nathan ... 79 Pamela Boozer. .. 80 Robbin L. A ... 80 Ronni Donielle ... 79 Samantha Ashley ... 80 Shawn Lamont ... 80 Varlesha L. .. 79 Wayne LaFredrick ... 80 WALKER Demenica Lucunia Byrd ... 101 Jody L ... 101 Jordan Ahmad ... IO I Justin Dante' ... 74 WALTON Debra Bomar ... 71 Earl. .. 71 WATSON Dwayne Anthony ... I 04 Earl. .. 103
Rosa Lee McMillian ... 103 WEBB Bryson L. .. 101 Stephanie C ... 101 Tylesa K ... 101 WHITESIDE Gwendolyn Goodlett Feaster. .. 111 Melvin ... 111 Vashana ... 113 WILKINS Cartel Monrae ... I 06 Deonte' Marquest ... 106 Jermishia Lameka ... I 06 Lamonica Dollchelle ... 106 Prince Edward Leroy ... I 06 Regina Sharmaine ... 106 Sharon Darlene ... 106 WILLIAMS Gerald .. .43 Jelyssa Katlin .. .43 Keshia Fullerwinder ... 43 WILSON Deni a M. Bomar ... 89 Elijah Emmanuel ... 89 Willie ... 54 WOODRUFF Angela Robinson ... 112 Brandon Tyler ... 110 GI enn Dexter ... 112 Grace Pearson ... 110 Isaaiah ... 110 Isaiah ... 110 Lagwinnda Shatelle ... 112 Lorrie Oxendine ... 110 Octavia Artis ... 112 Statis Renell ... 112 YOUNG Jackie McAbee ... 57 Ronnie ... 57
July 31, 1989 From: The Bomar Family Re-union Committee TO: The Bomar Clan Subject: Family Reunion on Saturday, July 14, 1990 Dear Family Members, 1. A Heartfelt thanks to each of you that attended and participated in BOMAR FAMILY REUNION 89. 2. Let's look ahead to Reunion 1990. At our business session several items were left undecided. The following: 1. Where to hold the reunion in 1990? Vote for one area only. a) Spartanburg b) Tennessee - - - - c) Texas 3. Whether to have the Reunion catered. I checked several places and found one that prepare great food at a reasonable price. Menu: Meats Vegetables Breads Dessert Drink Chicken Potato salad Rolls pies Tea Pork ribs Baked beans hush puppy cakes coleslaw Cost:Children O - 3 years - Free Children 4 - 11 years $5.00 Adults$ 8.50 each. Items can be added to the menu but this will change the price. All you would have to do is come and enjoy the food and entertainment. We could pay the fee in March of 1990. Please vote for one. .. 2. Whether to have the reunion catered? a) Have the food catered b) Not to have', the food -c-a-=-t_e_r_e""'"'d-
4. The T-shirts went well and we did not put a year on them so we can use them again in 1990. We are placing another order for those not getting T-shirts. The cost is $6.25 for all sizes except 3-X which is $7.00. All monies are due in advance plus postage if you want them sent to you. This must be sent to me by August 31, 1989. The screen will be destroyed after this date. 5. Things were slow in 89 but, we want to set the wheels in motion early for 1990 and make it a fantastic reunion. If you have any suggestions please submit them to me so we can share them with all the other families and get their input. 6. We would also like to have a planned printed program. So please begin to think about and plan the talent your family would like to present. 7. We look forward to hearing from you by September 30, 1989. Thank you. Sincerely yours
Odis Bomar, Sr. Chairperson 1645 Fort Prince Blvd. Wellford, S.C. 2936~ 803-439-6757 -257-
SHAKING THE F~MILY TREE: THE DESCENDANTS OF MA~Y BO~A~(Ancestral Head of the Bomar Fa:til.y) ,_
... .·--:?J.~osa Bomar Foster
0 :\.:, · ·( :Mi m Bo ma r
Ana ao~ar ~acMillan
Ella Boc1ar *****************
God said: "Be Fruit:ul
(:? I
Home Is Where L!\e fbwers rh:,m
I lame is where 1ht Oowus bloum &nd childn:n Ion to play, And mothers whisptn:d lullaby "hr.ud •t rnd or day
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Home ii where thc- Bible's rc&d
and children learn to puy lkfore they hurry olT 10 1ehuol and put their toys away.
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Home 11 ..-here )'OU live a dream thM uthcn come 1ruc Because 1hcy lo,.-. you u you arc
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r,ir you.
Home u whrrc the yran Ry by on wings of $0hd gold And mcm'r1c1 arc pncious l"ffll 10 1re11urc whr.n we'rr old.
Homr o whrrc the Oowtn bloom ill.It hough WC UC •pan,
And we can smcU the roses
fort\'tr in u,u hci1in
Clay Huri,on
Thought f~r today: "Before most people start boasting about their family tree, they usually do a good pruning job."
g g ~-
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R O G R A M -P -,:oo P.M.
M. C. - Ms. Mary Alice Bomar Ms. Dianne Bomar WELCOME "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" Song Mr. Jackie Bomar Scripture Mr. John w. Bomar Prayer "Jesus Loves Me" Song Introduction of ~amily Roots The Oldest Branches The Youngest Twigs Traveled the Greatest Distance The Largest Family BOMAR GOLD - Talent on Parade Selection - Mr. Alonzo Bomar Clarinet Quartet - Ms. Keisha Bomar, Teneka Bomar, Kamilah Smith·& Trina Ayers Duet - Ms. Denia Bomar & Jernay Peake Selection - Mr. Odislen Jazar Bomar, Jr. Other - Surprises? Remarks - Family Spokeman Mrs. Cuba B. Dantzler Business Session - Announc~ments Next Year SMILE EVERYONE - PICTURES Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr. "THE FEAST" ~. &i!llliJ. i u~fl~c:;:, rGames Sports - swimming - Fun ~ WJiit·.., ~ - - ilii:._...:.,. ~~--~:Clean-up Time . . Closing Prayer Benediction Farewells **************** Somebody Loves You: Somebody loves you more than you know. Somebody goes with you whereever you go. Somebody really and truly cares and lovingly listens to all of your prayers. Don't doubt for a minute that this is not true, ~or God loves His children and takes care of them,too .•. ********* The GRACE
SCttfDULL Of <tVf nTS FAMILY PINIC: Saturday, July 14, 1990 T. K. Gregg Recreation Center 310 Oakland Avenue Spartanburg, s. c. 29301 Telephone 596-3720 ++++++++++++
FAMILY WORSHIP:Sunday, July 15, 1990 New Faith Baptist Church Highway 29 North Wellford, s. C. Telephone: 439-1999 Rev. Ronald J. Byrd, Pastor Sweet Home Baptist Church, Roundrock, Texas ++++++++++++
FAMILY DINNER: Sunday, July 15, 1990 Ryan's Family Steak House 574-5739 1515 Reidville Road Spartanburg, S. C. ++++++++++++
HOSTESSES & HOSTS Denia M. Bomar Odislen J. Bomar, Jr. Nikl<i Johnson Jernay Peake Cynthia Johnson Doris PeakeNJrma J. Johnson Joyce Smith +++++++
FAMILY REUNION COMMITTEE 1990 Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr. Chairperson Dorothy S. Bomar, Co-chairperson Mary Alice Bomar John \'L Bomar Denia M. Bomar Odislen J. Bomar, Jr. +++++++++++++++++
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT "~E A~E FAMILY" The Bomar Reunion Committee wish ~o thank each of you for your co-operation in making this a great Family Reunion. May God Ric~lY. Bless and Keep Each of You Until we Meet Again. ++++++++++ Thought: "Your Expression is the Most Important Thing YOU CAN WEAR."
May 6, 1991 From: The Bomar Family Re-union Committee To: The Bomar Clan Sub.: Family Reunim on Saturday, July 20, 1991 Dear Family Members, 1. we hope you have made plans to attend and looking forward to the family Reunion â&#x20AC;˘91". 2. The reuAion will be hosted by the Walterboro's Families. It will be held at Edisto Beach in Edisto, S. C. on Saturday, July 20, 1991. 3. The families are to meet at Wesley's home at 9:30 A.M. on Saturday ¡Morning. The families will then follow him to the beach area. 4. The Walterboro's Families will cook all of the foods(menu below) except DESSERTS. a.) Each family is to bring a OESSERT(s) b.) Each family is to bring your drink(sodas, tea, punch, etc.) c.) Each family is to bring paper products(l. cups=16ozs; 2. large f~am plates; 3. plastic foodware-forks. snoons. and nankins.) Menu: bread Vegetables Meats rolls Potato salad r.hicken-frien/barbecue baked beans Ribs barbecue green beans Hamburgers corn hot dogs macarrni 5. To cover the cost of the meal, Each ADULT in the family is to send $5.00 and $2.00 for each child. Monies are to be sent to: Mr. John Wessley Bomar P.O. Box 422 Walterboro, S. C. 29488 All monies are due by July 1, 1991. 6. The t-shirts will be availabe again this year for the same price, $6.25 for all sizes except 3-x which is $7.00. If you would like to place an order please send all monies in advance plus postage if you want them sent to you by June 21, 1991. Mr. Floyd must have his monies in advance before he will print the shirts. We will only order the numbers paid for. Send monies to: Mr. Odis Bomar 1645 Fort Prince Blvd. Wellford, S. C. 29385 7. The fee for parking at Edisto Beach is $2.00 per car. Each
family will paid their parking fee. 8. We would like to have a planned printed program. So please send us the name of the family member(s) and what they will be doing if you know by July 5, 19991. Thank you for your co-operation. 8. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing you at the Reunion.
_ Si_~.c,~~y you;:-1 , [~~~ tf.5 t)n~-; Odis, Bomar, Sr. Chairperson 803-439-6757
P.S. If you need directions to Wessley's home, please let him know.
The Bomar Banner MINUTES OF THE BOMAR FAMILY REUNION Edisto Beach, South Carolina July 20, 1991
The 15 th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 20, 1991 at Edisto Beach, South Carolina and was hosted by the Walterboro families. A convoy was formed by members of the family at Mr. John Wessley's home and traveled to the Beach. The Best Western Hotel in Walterboro served as the resident location for family members with special rates being provided for the reunion party. The "Bomar Gold - Talent on Parade" program which was implemented during the '90 family reunion was conducted again during this year's reunion. The program began with an opening song by all family members, a prayer, and several gospel selections by various family groups from the branches of Mary - Mem, Ella and Anna's lineage. The Bomar Family Tree was also presented by Dianne Bomar with background data being given on the matriarch - MARY BOMAR. Books were and still are available for purchase (at printer's cost) at $5.00 per copy. The "Introduction of Family Roots" by categories were as follows: The Oldest Branches - Mrs. Ruth Sims (Anna Bomar McMillain's Limb) The Youngest Twigs - Little Miss Kayla Diara McEntire (Memry (Mem) Bomar's Limb) The Largest Family - The Mem Bomar Family (Memry (Mem) Bomar's Limb) Traveled the Greatest Distance - Mrs. Ruth Sims (Anna Bomar McMillain's Limb) Mrs. Shirley P. Davis Miss Tawana Davis Business Session: The meeting was called to order with the Reunion Committee Chairperson, Odis Bomar, Sr. presiding. The first order of business dealt with location and plans for the 1992 Family reunion. A proposal was presented by Dianne Bomar that the '92 reunion be held in Spartanburg. Dates: July 17-19, 1992. Proposed events and activities were listed. Fees for "annual family dues" were also proposed. These dues would cover the 2 planned meals of the business/breakfast session and the buffet/banquet. These dues would also have to be paid by April 15, 1992. The proposal also encompassed several Ad Hoc committees to assist with the planning of the '92 reunion activities.
Reunion Minutes Pagel
A vote was taken. The reunion will be held in Spartanburg and will be hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford families.
A NOTE OF THANKS - Thank you's were extended to the Walterboro families for their hospitality shown, preparation of the foods and the location (nice picnic and beach areas). The business session adjourned and was followed by grace for the meal. SUNDAY-July 21 st Members of the Bomar Family participated in morning worship services at Mr. John Wessley's church - Isaiah United Methodist Church. Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr. was the guest minister. Members of the family formed a gospel choir and sang two selections. After church services, families said good-byes and departed for home. 'TENNESSEE AND TEXAS FAMILIES! WE MISSED YOU!! Respectfully submitted,
1, ~ 1!u¡n{£U....' 0:Iris Dianne Bomar Co-Chairperson/Secretary August 2, 1991
HOLIDAY INN - Spartanburg West Spartanburg, South Carolina
- July 17 -19, 1992
BOMAR FAMILY REUNION 1992 Holiday Inn - Spartanburg West SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Friday, July .17
4:00 P.M. • 8:00 P.M.
Belle Room Foyer
6:00 P.M. • 10:00 P.M.
Belle Room
Saturday, July 18 8:30 A.M. • 10:00 A.M.
Belle Room Foyer
8:30 A.M. • 10:30 A.M.
BUFFET BREAKFAST and BUSINESS MEETING (You ID.ll1 have a yellc,w meal ticket}
Belle Room
10:30 A.M. -12:00 Noon
Snoddy Homestead Wellford, SC
12:00 Noon -1:00 P.M.
LUNCH (On Your Own)
1:00 P.M. - 2:30 P.M.
3:00 P.M. • 5:00 P.M.
5:30 P.M. • 8:30 P.M.
BUFFET DINNER/BANQUET (You rmm have a yellow meal ticket}
Belle Room
Sunday, July 19 8:30 A.M. -10:00 A.M.
11:00 A.M. -1:00 P.M.
FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE New Trinity Baptist Church
Wellford, SC
2:00 P.M.
Fellowship Hall
PROCI.Al~1ATION WHEREAS, tl,e Bomar Family /,ave bee11 residents of tl,e State of Sout/1 Caroli11a for oi·er 011e J,u11dred a1ul fifty-two years: a,ul WHEREAS, the Bomar Family were a1no11g tl,e early settlers 011 t/,e wc,ters 11f tke Nurt/, Tyger i11 t/,e 11id11ilJ' of Old Fort Pri11ce (Wellford Tuw11ship between the yean of 1795 and 1800: and · WHEREAS, ancestors of tl,e Bomar Family emigrated from Virgi11ia to Spartm,burg l)isllfrt w,d settled 11ear t/,e tow11 of Fairforest duri11g the latter pa,1 of t/,e eig/,teenth century; a,uJ
WHEREAS, members of t/1e Bomar Family l1a11e ac/1ieJ·ed a,ul re,·eived 11umerflu.t llf111t1rs a11d distim:tim,.~ for prfl/essio11al and civic services to the Spartanburg a,ui Wellford communities: a,ui WHEREAS, tl,e learning uperie11ces proi·ided by tl,e Bomar Family ezte11d ft,r beyu,ul tJ,e cu11fi11es uf S11arta11burg Cou11ty; and WHEREAS, the religious aflilialio11s of t/1e Bomar Family serve af a testa111e11t tu us cdl: a11d WHEREAS, tl1e members oft/1e Bomar Family wis/1 to reu11ite a,ul reki11dle tire lui·e uf tl,eir maJriarc/1, JIARY BO.\-IAR; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by tire Jlayor and Cuu11cil t/,is J4tJ, day of J11ly, 1992, i11 t/,e Cit)' of Spartanburg t/1at July 18, 1992 shall be
801\tAR FAl\llLY DAY 16th FAl\llLY RF.UNION in t/1e commu11ity of Sparta11burg a,ul wis/1 all family memhen well i11 t/,eir relehrr,titm 11/ reu11i1111 wit/, this family at tl,e Holiday /1111 • Sparta11hurg West from July 11 • /9, 1992. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I /1a11e /1ereunto set my /1a11d a11d caused tl,e Seu/ fl/ t/1e City uf Spurta11hu,x to he affu:ed tl,is /Ot/1 day of April, 1992.
Rohen C. Rmre/1. Jfaw11· of Spana11burg
City of Wellford
P.O. Box 99 127 Syphrit Rd. Wellford, South Carolina 29385 (803) 439-487 5
Huh~rt E. Odom
Bedford Hines lnin Butch Br-Jdley Carol}'R Brooks
Paul Waddell
PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the Bomar Family have been residents of the State of South Carolina for over one hundred and fifty-two years; and WHEREAS, the Bomar Family were among the early settlers on the waters of the North Tyger in the vicinity of Old Fort Prince (Wellford Township) between the years of 1795 and 1800; and WHEREAS, ancestors for the Bomar Family emigrated from Virginia to Spartanburg District and settled near the towns of Tacupau and Beech Springs during the latter part of the eighteenth century. WHEREAS, members of the Bomar Family have achieved and received numerous honors and distinctions for professional and civic services to the Spartanburg and Wellford communities; and WHEREAS, the learning experiences provided by the Bomar Family extend far beyond the confines of Spartanburg County; and WHEREAS, the religious affiliations of the Bomar Family serve as a testament to us all; and WHEREAS, the members of the Bomar Family wish to reunite and rekindle the love of their matriarch, MARY BOMAR; NOW, THEREFORE, BE Tl PROCLAIMED by the Mayor and Council this 14th day of July, 1992, in the Town of Wellford that July 19, 1992 shall be
WELCOME to the sixteenth reunion -of the BOMAR FAMILY! We're happy that you're here. Let us rekindle the love our forefathers instilled in us for our family and friends and make this weekend a memorable reunion.
A schedule for the weekend is enclosed in this program brochure: Should you have any questions concerning any reunion activities. please consult any member of the Spartanburg/Wellford Chapter who will be wearing a HOST or OFFICER RIBBON. They will help you.
We hope that you will eryoy the Reunion Activities we have planned for you while visiting your hometown.
BREAKFAST BUFFET Chilled Fruit Juice Danish Pastries Cereals Fresh Seasonal Fruits Fluffy Scrambled Eggs Crisp Bacon Sausage Patties Spiced Apple Compote Grits Hash Browns Freshly Baked Biscuits and Muffins Coffee or Hot Tea
Saturday Morning, July 18, 1992 Buffet Breakfast/ Business Meeting 8:30 A.M. â&#x20AC;¢ 10:00 A.M.
Reverend Odis Bomar, Sr. Presiding
Call To Order
Opening Remarks...................... Rev. Odis Bomar Sr. Chairperson, Reunion Planning Committee
Informational Committee Report.... Dr. Iris D. Bomar Co-Chairperson I Secretary
Reunion '93 - Time and Place
Other Business
* * *
Family Reunion Planning Committee Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr., Chairperson Dr. Iris D. Bomar, Co-Chairperson/ Secretary Mrs. Gwinn Whiteside, Assistant Secretary Ms. Barbara J. Floyd, Treasurer 4 Other Family Members: l\lrs. Dorothy S. Bomar l\lrs. O'Neal Cole l\fr. John W. Bomar l\fr. Rennie T. Davis
Chairperson The duties of the Chairperson shall be to preside at all business sessions of the annual family reunion. Specific responsibilities of the Chairperson are: (1) to coordinate all activities of the reunion; and (2) assume the major responsibility for the program and activities of the annual family reunion.
Co-Chairperson I Secretary The Co-Chairperson / Secretary shall preside at meetings in the absence of the Chairperson. It is also the responsibility of the Co-Chairperson/ Secretary to assist in implementation of the program and activities of the annual family reunion; and, to assist with the publicity of the activities. Specific responâ&#x20AC;˘ sibilities are: (I) to record minutes of the business sessions and forward to members of the Reunion Planning Committee within 3 months after the annual family reunion; (2) serve as Chairperson of the Registration Committee: and (3) prepare a statistical report of number of members attending family reunions.
Assistant Secretary The Assistant Secretary shall serve in the absence of the Co-Chairperson/ Secretary and shall assist him/ her in the execution of duties upon request. The Assistant Secretary shall serve as CoChairperson of the Registration Committee.
Treasurer The Treasurer shall keep accurate financial records of the family dues and shall prepare written reports for the business sessions. The treasurer shall also serve as a member of the Finance Committee.
Regi:rtration Committee Dr. Iris D. Bomar, Chairperson Mrs. Gwinn Whiteside, Co-Chairperson 5 Other Family Members: Mrs. Juanita Davis Mrs. Joyce D. Smith Mrs. Dorothy S. Bomar Mrs. Jessie B. Porter Ms. Barbara J. Floyd Function:
To be responsible for the overall planning and execution of the registration process consisting of a twofold method â&#x20AC;˘ (1) prepaid (Camlly members paying in advance) and (2) walkins (family members paying after arrival). Members of the Committee will be assigned work schedules so that times designated for the registration process will be covered.
Drop-Int Bomnr Gold Committee Ms. Mary A. Bomar, Chairperson Ms. Freida D. Bomar, Co-Chairperson 3 Other Family Members: Mrs. Audrey I. Griffin Mrs. O'Neal Cole Mr. Archie Irby Function:
To be responsible for organizing and planning drop-in and the Bomar Gold-Talent on Parade activities. To put program together for printing and forward to Co-Chairperson 3 weeks prior to annual remdon.
Finance Committee l'tlr. John W. Bomar, Chairperson l'tlrs. Dorothy S. Bomar, Co-Chairperson Ms. Barbara J. Floyd, Treasurer I Other Family Member: Mrs. Grace Woodruff Function:
To project and recommend the revenues of the Family; to check draft requisitions and issued checks to verify that an authentic requisition exists for each check signed by the Chairperson, Co-Chairperson / Secretary and / or Treasurer; to verify the accuracy of the account balance as indicated by the Treasurer.
Local Arrangements t Accommodations Committee Mrs. Harriet B. McEntire, Chairperson Mrs. Norma J. Johnson, Co-Chairperson 3 Other Family Members: Mrs. Gwinn Whiteside Mrs. Cuba Bomar Dantzler
Mr. Jackie Bomar Ms. Karen Murphy Function:
To be responsible for the timely handling of all logistics pertaining to the annual family reunion; make all contractual agreements for the family based on approval of the Chairperson and Reunion Planning Committee.
Dinner, Banquet Committee Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr., Chairperson Dr. Iris D. Bomar, Co-Chairperson 4 Other Family Members: Mrs. Helen Bomar Dillard Mrs. Ruby M. Bomar Rhodes Mrs. Barbara P. Drummond Mrs. Beulah M. Pender Function:
To be responsible for developing, planning and organizing the major activity of the family reunion. To put program together for printing and forward to Co-Chairperson 3 weeks prior to annual reunion.
Children's I Teens Program Committee Mrs. Doris B. Peake, Chairperson Mrs. Cynthia B. Johnson, Co-Chairperson . 3 Other Family Members: Mrs. Sandra I. Hawkins Mr. Michael Dantzler Mrs. Josephine Hughes Function:
To develop, organize, plan and coordinate an activity for the younger generation of the Bomar family. To be responsible for securing and recommending appropriate places and activities (games) for the annual faniily reunion. Submit planned itinerary to CoChairperson / Secretary 3 weeks prior to annual reunion.
Family Research Committee Dr. Iris D. Bomar, Co-Chairperson Mr. John W. Bomar, Co-Chairperson 4 Other Family Members: Mrs. Ruth Sims Mrs. Dorothy S. Bomar Mrs. O'Neal Cole Mrs. Annie G. Bomar Function:
To be responsible for conducting research on and for the purpose of retrieving family data on history of ancestors. Presentation of the results of research concl.ucted by family members will be given at the annual family reunion.
~union P[anning Committee '.R.!,ve.ruul Oiis 'Bomar, Sr., Cliairperson 'Dr. Iris 'D. 'Bomar Afrs. (jwinn '111/iitt..sitle !Ms. 'Bar6ara 'Bomar 'J'!oytf Mrs. 'Dorotliy 5. 'Bomar 9'.frs. 0 9(t.a[ Coft.
'ltbsfey 'Bomar 'Jrfr. '.R.!,nnie 'T. 'Davis
.!llck_nowfetfgem£n ts Tfu '1JO~J6.!MIL'Y'R...'E'W{JO?{_P~'J{J'J{{j CO:M<Jv{ITI'E'E wisfu.s to sincertly tlianK;,. eacfr. of you wlio contrifrutul so foya[ty ani commitmJ!nt in fi.e.fping to ma(q. tliis a sucassfu( appre.ciatwn is also gi11e.n to our many supporters to whom we. are. t.:(.tremely proud.
"Our Banner is Love"
Special thanks to our musician and ALL program participants for helping to make this event a success.
Ms. Mary A. Bomar Ms. Freida D. Bomar Commentators Optning Song·--........... "Ltaning an th, E,,rlasling Arms".......-......Auditnc, Wtlcom, ...........................................................................lrllss LaKlsha Jl'hittsidt Scrlpturt ......................................................................._..'".Mus Crystal L Floyd· ~y,r ·······-················\········································..............Mr. Odiskn Bomar; Jr.
Song ...._ .................. ''Tht Lord Is Bl,ssing Mt"..........-.......................Auditnc, Po,m ................._, "Family R1unlons" .......................Mrs. Ha"ltt B. McEntir,
TALENT ON PARADE Pr,s,ntatlan a/Award.r ........................................................111. Fr,l4a D. Bomar
Wom of Appr,clallon .......................-..............".............."M,. Mar, A. Bomar Closing Song.-.........- .... "R1ach Out and 1buch" ..._ ..........- .....Audl1nc1
* * * *
WAITING YONDER They are not dead, those loved ones who have passed Beyond our vision for a little while
They have not reached the light while we still grope In darkness where we cannot see them smile. Then let us grid us once aging with hope, And give them smile for smile the while we wait And loving, serving, when Our Father calls, We'll go to find our dear ones wait us at the gate . ... Anonymous
~ I
As we pause 10 reml!mber in our hearts, rhose beloved members who have now ceased from this monal life, may we rejoice that their lives touched our own. Ler us remember their deeds of simple kindness and the joys we shared with them as we make our way to eternity.
NECROLOGY SERVICES Snoddy Homestead Wellford, South Carolina
July 18, 1992 11:00 A.M.
All Flesh Is grass and all the goodliness thereof Is as the flower of the fleld. The grass wlthereth, the flower fadeth because the spirit of the Lord bloweth upon It.
Dr. Iris D. Bomar, Presiding
The grass wltherath, the flower f adeth but the word of our God shall stand forever.
Song ......................................................................Bomar Family
-Isaiah 40:6-8
Prayer ................................................Reverend Odis Bomar, Sr. Tribute ...........................................................FAMILY MEMBERS Candle Lighting Service
j I
Our Father knows what's best for us So why should we complaln We always want the sunshine, But He knows there must be rain We love the sound of laughter And the merriment of cheer, but our hearts Would lose their tenderness If we never shed a tear ••• Our Father tests us often he tests us, not to punish us, But to help us meet tomorrow ••• For growing treas are strengthened When they withstand the storm, And the sharp cut of the chisel Gives the marble grace and form ...
Scripture ...........................Miss Fe/eta W. Fowler (Isaiah 40:6-8) "God Knows Best" ..............Miss Denis M. Bomar
"Waiting Yonder" ..............Mr. Miller F. Rhode•, II ALL: As we look upon these lighted candles, insy we re'8II with Joyous reverence, the family members represented by these glowing flames. May we remember that they have left us a rare heritage. Grant that we, as family dedicated to service and to humanity, may continue to serve, to share and above all, to really care. RECEIVE THEM INTO A MORE JOYFUL SERVICE IS OUR ARDENT PRAYER. Amen.
Song ......................................................................Bomar Family Helen Steiner Rice Closing Prayer .............................................Mr. John W. Bomar * * • • • * • • • FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH
This Reunion is Dedicated: To the past and present warriors and believers, who were, and are, a viable and instructmental part in the development and achievements for the pursuit of unity in our family. AND
To the memory of those family members who passed away during the past year. We thank God for those portions of Uves which touched us and their contributions made to this family uniL To our present, untiring and persevering 1.aborers, we praise God for each ofyou and your unselfish love and devotion to help others along the way. Your outstanding efforts toward the endeavors of the annual Bomar Family Reunions are essential and appreciated. "If I (we) can help somebody as I (we) pass along, then my (our) living shall not be in vain." Sincere in the Call/or Family Unity, THE REUNION PLANNING COMMITTEE
Rtvere11d O,lis Bomar, Sr. Presid/111
'/'ri,J Cliitqn
'Barkqu, '1J,cf~6s 'JJnnfetl anti'luumti :fi/fct of'Jisfi
/t1voca1ill11 ................................................ Mr.
IV. llumar
M11sic /11trod11cti1111
,if tl,e I/tad Tuble ........... .Un. Uwi1111 Wl1i1esld1
Canautl 7ams
M11sic /lis1r1ry of tlle Family 1111,I Nt1ll Call 11/ Families ...........â&#x20AC;¢........... ."......................... Dr. Iris D. ll11111ar J>resP11tntitms: lfllrml11cti1ms 11,l F111nily Huuts .............................. :............ Mrs. Durutlly S. llumar Cmt.Sfa:11
P1>ta10Ja(o/ 'Jlbma 1(p/"fs anJ'lJutttr
q)usir, 'Ta 6(,
Ct1/fu anJ'Tta
1"1,e Oldest 8ra11cl11s 11,e l't,u11gest Twigs
Tile l.11rgtst Fa,nlly Traveled 1111 Greatest Dista11ce Re,narks ......................................... Revere11d Odis Bomar, Sr. A1mu1111cemtllls llen1dlctlo11 .............................................. Mr. Jol111 W. Bu,nur
~ I
513 Spartanburg Hwy. Wellford, South Carolina Rev. Wendell Thompson, Minister
NEW TRINITY BAPTIST CHURCH Reverend Wendell Thompson, Pastor
Afornin,: !tlessage................................................................................JJr. Iris IJ. Bomar Amiciate l>ea11 11/ Students De111nark Teclinical College
July 19, 1992
Call to Salrnti01L ................................................................................................... C/1nirs
Sunday Scl,ooL ................................................................................................ 9:45 A.Al.
Clo.mi,: Rtmarh-llJ11111-lle11edictio11............................. Rt1·ert11d \re11dtll J'Ji11111ps1111
Wellford, South Carolina
Praytr Strritt................................................................................................ J0:45 A.,U. Orran Meditation .......................................................................................... I l :00 A.Al. Call To Order................................................................... Rt,·trtnd Wtndell 711n111pson Hymn ..................................................................................................................... C:hnirs Scriplurt................................................................................. Re1•ere11d Odis Bomar, Sr I
Consecration Proytr............................................................................................. J'astor.
CHANT· "Htar Our l'ra,-er, 0 l,ard"........................- ................................... Nt1. SJO
Hymn.....................- ............................................................................................. C:hnirs Announcements & Acl:nowledgeme11t of Visitor1. .......................................... Secretnry Allsslon, Tilhts, General O/fcrinr and Offcr1ory Pmyer................................. 1'rustec,
Silent MediJaJion. ...................................................................................... Co,1grcgnlio11
Scltclion........................................................................ lhc Bomar Go.fptl Mass Choir Selection................................... - ............................................. 1111 Alen Romnr Singers Introduction of Spealtcr..--................................ _ ...... Mrs. Hanict Bomar McEntirt Selection ........_ ..................................................................................................... Choirs
Volume 1
INTRODUCTION TO NEWSLETTER This publication is the first in a series of Bomar Fam ily Newsletters to be published on a qua r te r ly basis as a means of keeping the family informed of reunion plans and other activities.
"Get Acquainted DropIn/Bomar Gold-Tale,it on Parade" A
program was held with fa mily members presenting their various talents. Certificates of Appreci a tion were presen ted lo progra m part icipants which consisted of all age groups and branches of M_ary • Mem , Ella and An n a 's li neage. Commen ta tors for the program were Miss Ma ry A. Boma r and Miss Freida D. Boma r. Re~istra tion con tinued Sat urday mornin g from 8:30 A.M. until 10:00 A.M. Reverend Odis Bomar said gr ace and breakfast was served._ Followi ng breakfast the business meeti ng was held.
RATED A SUCCESS!!! The 16th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 17-1 9, 1992 in Spartanburg, South Carolina and was hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford famili es. The Holiday Inn-Spartanbu rg West served as the reside nt location ror family members with special rates being provided for the reunion party. Registration wa.~ held on Friday afternoon from 4:00 P.M. until 8:00 r.M.
The meeting was called to order with Re vere nd O dis Bo mar Presidi n g and givi ng 01>en ing remarks. An info r ma t io nal comm ittee report wa s given by Dr. Iris Bomar which c ons ist ed of (1) assigned responsibi lit ies of the Co-Chai r person/Secretary; (2) 4 planning meetin gs held d uring the past year ; (3) collection of annual d ues for first tim e and amount s des ign ated; (4) registration statistics; (5) family members and states represented; (6) fami ly history r esearch ; (7) family photograph; (8) evaluation for111s; a nd (9 ) t otal fu nds collected.
Reuni on '93 will be hosted by Tennessee families the third weekend of July with place to be announced. A proposed " family coat-or-arms' was presented by Iris. A motion was made by Curtis Bomar and seconded by Barbara Floyd. The motion was carried and approved . New Tshirts for the '93 reunion with the coat-of-arms was also voted upon and ap proved with colors of Tshirts to be work ed out by the comm ittee. Family membe rs were asked to list sugges tions/ideas on evaluation forms. Announcements made were: (J) collect monies f rom fam il y members for church services tomorrow during banquet and (2) present ation by Curtis and Mrs. Doris Bomar Peake at 3:00 P.1\1. on business opportun ity •• homeb ase(financial income increase).
The meeting adjourned al 10:45
A.M. Memorial Services and Fam ily Pllotograpli were held on-site at the S noddy Homestead in Wellfo rd where the ancestral head and matriarch Mary Bomar had lived as a slave and died. The photograph was taken in front of the house where G randma Mary had lived and cooked.
1'•11~ l
Th, Childr,n 's/Te1n1 Activities were held al the Roebuck Skating Rink and was coordinated by Doris Peake. The admi"ion was $3.00 per person.
Th, Dinner/Banquet was held in the Belle Room rrom 5:30 P.M. until 8:30 P.M. Music was provided by Misses Temeka Bomar, Kamilah Smith and Kecia Bomar (clarinet trio) rrom Walterboro. A history or the Bon1ar ramily and roll call or families took place as well as "introduction or family roots" by categories. They were as rollows and were presented by Mrs. Dorothy Bomar: THE OLDEST BRANCHES Mrs. Vera Drown Bomar (Ella Bomar'i Rranch)
the guest speaker and the Bomar Gospel Mass Choir sung two selections. Flowers were placed in the church by the ramily in memory of loved ones that have passed away. After church service.-;, rarewells were said in the church fellowship hall.
FAMILY TREE BOOKLETS STILL AVAILABLE Iris still has "Family Tree" booklel-; available for purchase at a minimal cost of' $5.00 per copy. If you would like to purchase a copy, please mail monies lo:
1230 Beauregard Street, S.W. Orangeburg, SC 29115
THE YOUNGEST TWIGS Liltle Miss Kayla Diara l\lcl~ntire (l\len,ry (Mem) Domar's llranch
THE LARGEST FAMILY The John Wesaley Bomar Family (Ella Bomar's llranch)
TRAVELED THE GREATF$T DISTANCE Mrs. Ruby Romar Rhodes Millll Kimberly 1\1. Rhodes Dr. MIUer F. Rhodes (Memry (l\lem) Romar's Branch)
A presentation was made lo Dr. Iris Bomar by her sister l\·ls. Barbara Bomar Floyd, on behalf or the family, for dedicated service. One hundred and fiftyCour dollars and sixteen cents were collected ror church. Family lYorsT,ip Services were held on Sunday morning at New Trinity Baptist Church where members or the family participated. Dr. Iris Bomar was
To the Officers and Bomar family members -- ii has been a real pleasure lo work with you during lhe 1991-92 year as your CoChuirperson/Secrelary. The past year was a busy year for me but a very pleasant experience. When I was selected to serve as Co-Chairperson/Secretary I was assigned the following responsibilities: •To handle the correspondence of a general nature •To handle lhe collection of annual family dues and- other income and transmit to the Treasurer ror deposit. •To mail minutes and reminder notices to family members •To ·assist the Chairperson with the coordination or the activities of the family reunion, including
the dinner/banquet as well as the registration process, and •To prepare and distribute ramily data annually. Plannint: Meetings The Planning Committee met four (4) times during the past year (November, January, March, and June) to develop and plan the 16th ramily reunion activities. The meetings were held in the New Trinity Baptist Church Fellowship Hall. Payments or Annual Fnmily Dues Annual "Fnmily Dues" were collected for the first time. Family members were assessed as followed: Adults (over21 years). $25.00 \'oung Adults (12-20 years) - $15.00 Childrrn (4-11 years). $7.00
Cbildrrn (3 years and under) - Fm
Registration scatistirs A total or 99 family members registered for the J 6th annual ramily reunion. The breakdown is as follows: 64 •• Adult persons (onr 11 yran)
14 •• Young adults (12-20) years) 11 Childrtn (11-y•ars and under)
Family Members and States Represented Six (6) states were represented. They are as rollows: New Jersey New \'ork South Carolina
Tennessee Texas Virginia
Total funds Total funds collected as of 7/18/92 were $1,936.00.
Family Photographs Persons interested in purchasing
r lamaly
ptlolograph Should complete the form enclosed in the
registration packet. Cost: $7.00 per 8" X 10" photograph. Ir paying by check, please make check payable to Bomar Family Reunion.
REPORT OF THE FINANCE COMI\UTTEE INCOME Balance Bmughl Fenranf _______.. _______.,.__ S
Family lljstory Beseaa:b Updated information is needed. If you have new additions or deceased family members, a printout is available. Please update.
Evaluation Forms Evaluation forms are located in your registration packet also. Please complete at the end of the reunion. Forms may he turned in during the farewells and/or mailed. Again, let me ~y that it has been a very rewarding experience to work with you. Please feel free to contact me if I can be of assistance to you in any way.
From the BOMAR'S IN SPARTANBURG AND lVELLFORD For tl,e nicest family members ever, witli love and tl1a11ks, too•.. for lovi11g, forcari11g, for just being you?
J99J-9: .:\dual (ncume
1991-93.. Rtcnmrnended Rudgtt
Family Dues: 64 1',rsom @ $25 Heh (AdullJ ··21 and o•tr)
14pt"om@$1Smh (Young AdullJ - 12-20)
18 ptnoffl @ $7 eac•
(t"llildrm •• 4-7)
I, 936.00
Exprndjlure Item No, 001
Buffet Rre11kfa.~u.~ine~s Merling SIi l'trsC1111 @ $6.25 each 20 ptrsom @ $3.13 mh (Hi~ Gr.aluilia / 5'1. Tax)
1991 • 92 Actual t:xpendilurfs $
362.SO 62.(i(I 92.68
BulTtl Di1uierfB;u1cturl 63 persom @ $11.95 tlK:h 27 pem1111 @ $5.95 mh (16'Ji Graluilia/ H, Tn)
75W 160.65 199.11
Holiday Inn - Dtpnsil S/18192
l"ro,:ram Prinllng
M:iilin!P,1 (l'osl~t)
Office Supplin (Aclual cos! $26.91)
24.40 UNI.IHI
Mimll:itlffllll (Gin)
1UTAI. INCmU:COIJ,F.CH:I> (lncludir~ Ralanc, 7/21V91 ......---·······-··-······- $1,9"8.27
TOT Al. f.Xl'f.NSES INCURRt:o..___.....-......,__ ......- ..... _ ......... ___ .........,•• _.. •1,1151.95 BAI.A NO: ON IIAND a of 7/19/92.............-·-·-···-····--··.........---·-·-·--·-··- $ 96.ll
-------·-., ______________ _________ -----~ .•..
4. ChDdren's Tem~ Acti,itie5
OlllER ua•t:;.'-Ul"fURES • Im 1JJil INCUKRF.D BY FAl\111,Y
(411'1,) (7!,)
F..1mlmt • 12
Office SuAJlics
Foolc's Fi,e and Dime Sim---·-··-··· ....··---··.............. _.......
2 Pldure fumes for Pmdamalion and Coat ol Arms
Very Good• 2 Good•l
Avenae-J Fair-1 NoRapome: 9
(10~} (.Jf,) (JO~)
Sun l'riati1g, Inc........._.......- .................................................... . m CCl'U Stock - I Ream
Yellow raper. I RcaRL..-...................................................:·······
120Text Bond !'aper._................-............................................. . (70 Shccu @ $.15 each f<X' certificates)
File f-cldcr Labels..-•• - ..............................................................
6. Family Worship Sm·ices Ex«Uent • 2J Vrry GcHIII • 5
NnRopmiw: 2
F.xcellent - 17 Very Guod • S Gcicid -J
N11 Kespon.u: 5
S. Dinner/8:anquel t:nelltnl • 11 Very G1N1d - 7 Good -1 ~o Rts(>llll'lt:
(4 Boxes)
llello Name Badges ................................................................... (4 Dl1lCS)
(611") (2.l~) (J'I,) (13'1,,)
(10 rrr Cummillec Badges) l'la.~lic Cover Badges 74.24
l'la.~tic Co\'Cl'S f<Y Oooklets......................................................... (4 rw@SIU6each> Binders fnr Dooklcl5.................................................................. .. (4 racks @ $15.32)
600 C(l(lieJ C<Y Programs lphL'i paper)....................................... . Bomar Gold-Talrnt on l'a,adc Necrolugy Services
IL flolef t"adlities
Dianer/Danquct Sunday Wrrship Savice~ 007
Sui l'rintinJ!. lac.. ...................................................................... . ("'1wld f1,r Coot-of-Arm)
6 Plaque, for Awards.................................................................
F.xl"fllmt. 15 Very GINid • J G111NI -1 Fair-2 No Rnpon.w: 5
(S7'H) (Ill,.)
<-'~) (7'rt) (30~)
TOTAL (rlus Mailings)
GREAT REUNION #16 /evaluation Results Results· 30 Complelcd Forms
512.95 2. RulM llrrakrad/Ru.dnea Sts~lon F.x«Uenl • 16 Very G1111d • 10 (:cNICl•2 No Knponie: 2
(Sn,) (33%) (7%) (7%)
l. Mtrnu1;:i1 Ser,iaiii/Famify Photo 1. G,t Arqu1inttd Drop-hi/Ron11r Gnld-
Tlllml 11n l'arade
•:mDtnl 13
Very(:ond& c:eod 4 NoRnpome:S
(27") (13") (17~)
Excellent • 1J Vtry G1Nid • 6 Goud· 7 Aftrai:t-1 N11 Rciponu: J
I l,a,•e a 1111 more to tl,a11lc you /or tlran your 1/,ur,glrtful,ress•..
(20") (U'llc,) (3%) (((If)(,)
I K'a11t to t/1allk you for tire smiles, I smiled all day just tl,illkilrg abo11tit, /11r tl,e K'armt/1 I feel btca11st I kliow sonreo11e cares. Yo11r t/1ougl1tft1l11tss toucl1td 1111 life i11 more •·ays tl,an you k110••. T/1a11ks agailrfi,r tl,e desk clock and rr,ses.
FEBR UAR Y .:?M, l'il'J3
Introduction To Newsletter This publication is the second in a series of Bomar Family Newsletters to be published on a quarterly basis as a means of keeping the family informed of reunion plans and other activities.
NO . :?
$77.27 (lax included i per night. The deadl ine date is .Julv 12th. Therefore, it is imperative that you make reserva. lions prior to this date.
Calling All Bomar Mass Gospel Choir i\·lembers The Bomar Gospel Mass Choir has
be-en asked to sing during the Sunday morning worship sen·iccs at First United Presbyterian Church on the Knoxville College Campus. So, members get those ,·oices ready.
~ I
Grand Reunion 17- "It's Own"!!!
The 17th Annual Family Reunion will be held July 16-18, 1993 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and will be hosted by the Tennessee families. The Grand Hotel Resort and Convention Center will serve as the resident location for family members with special rates being provided for the reunion party.
Annual Family Dues for the 17th Reunion are as follows:
To make reservations for rooms for the nights call 1-800-251 4444. ALL MAJOR CREDlT
Family dues should be paid by 11m1..1... 1993. Complete the registration form mailed out earlier and return today.
CARDS ACCEPTED. The rates are
S35.00 per Adult (13 and over)
$$17 .50 per Child (3 - 12 years)
Fret (Children Under 3)
TEE Shirt Order The Spartanburg/Wellford Planning Committee met in October. Family tee shirts are being designed with the family coat-of-arms. Prices quoted by possible \'endors are as follows: Sizes· S,:.\I, L, XL, lX • $5.15 2X- $6.25 JX. $7.25 (Screen printing with shield • $35.00) Order Forms will be mailed out prior to i\Jarch 31st.
All-Aboard - Chartered Bus Services??? Ballots were m~1iled out the first of February to family members to see if they were interested in chartering a bus to Tennessee. To date, no ballots have been received. Please return by
March 15th.
Return your form today! Mail to: Terry Bomar 2113 College Hills Drive Apartment 114 Knoxville, TN 37921
Atchison Charter Sen·ices was contacted to see what the cost would be. The prices quoted for services were: A 46 passenger motorcoach $1,420.00 (plus driver's room) *•A $100.00 deposit is required for each coach, with balance due prior to the day or the trip. The customer will be responsible for
all parking pe_rmits and other fees. And, all charges due to extra mileage and hours, damages due to negligence or misbeha,·ior.
Updated Family Information Needed If you'\·e had any new additions (births, marriages and/or deaths in the famil) since the last reunion, please mail this information to: Iris D. Bomar 1230 Beauregard Street, SW Orangeburg, SC 29115-i602
Some Area Attractions and Prices in Pigeon Forge Resort Area Dollywood Adults • $18.25 plus tax for 20 or more people Children • 4 - 11 years SlJ.80 plus tax Parking Fee or Trolley Service Dixie Stampede Adults. $17.95 plus 9% tax $1.IH> gratuity Children. Sll.95 plus 9% tax
Outlet Malls
INTRODUCTION TO NEWSLETTER This publication is the third in a series of Bomar Family Newsletters to be published on a quarterly basis as a means of keeping the family informed of reunion plans and other activities.
N OVEMBER 30, 199.1
Shirt s an d distrihuted.
t hey
were a lso
The Bom a r Gold Talen t on Parade began at 7:30 p.m. The follow ing fam ily me mbers p:irticipated: Clint on Bu rns, ·11 1, Carst as ha Burems, Bally Joe Humph rey, Jr. Song: "Peter Rock "
Betty Bomar, Carmel Thompson. For Dedication and Support given to the Bomar Family Reun ion: Walter Lee Bomar, Deloris Bomar, Charlene Kelson. Betty Bomar, Assistant Secretary gave each family member a piece of pape r with a number on ii, when she called out the numher the person received a surprise gift.
Deidre Bomar Poem : "The C la n" By C li nton Burns, Jr.
Saturday, July 17 --
Ronnie Cant rell :? Songs: "I Have a Father" and I Don't Have a Hea rt " by James Ingram, whic h he sun g to Terry Bomar.
The G rand Hotel d id not serve breakfast as scheduled on the 17th because the sales staff got the dates mixed up. They had us scheduled for Sunday, July 18.
Alonzo Bomar · Song
As an a lternate plan, enryone had breakfast on their own. The famil ies of Terry Bomar, Betty Bomar, Iris Dianne Bomar and Carmel Thompson had breakfast together at Shoney's Restaurant. The Breakfast money which was to he paid to the Grant Hotel was reimbursed to the famil y members.
MINUTES 1993 Friday, July 16 •• Arrived at the Grand Hotel at 2:30 p.m. - (Betty, John , Carstasha, Deidre, Terry, Clinton, Jr., Alesia, Clinton, 111. Waiting al the hotel prior to our arrival was Joyce and Vernon Smith and Iris Dianne Bomar and family. They all arrived at 12:00 noon. The registration table and display were already set up. We all checked into our room s. Myself, Betty, Alisia and Diedre put together packets so that they could be distributed to famil y members upon arrival at th e hotel. Dianne gave me the new T-
Jarrid and Mic hell e Bo mar •
Song Kayla Bomar - Song L.T. Thom pson, Ill - R:ip Cert ificates of Recogn ition were ~i\'en to all ta le n t on pa rade participants.
Terry Bomar, Chair person fo r the 1993 Bomar Fa m ily Reu n ion Planning Com mit tee l\lem hers with Certi licates: For Dedi cat ion a nd Finan cial Support giv en t o th e Bomar Fmn il~· Reu nion: Charles Bom ar,
Followin;:: breakfast, eve ryone had free time until lh e Dinner Banquet. At 6:00 p.m. the Oinncr Banquet he~an. Th e hotel set up place settings for 65 people. The Menu consisted of (Turk ey and Dressing, Fried Chicken, 11am,
Lemon Pepper Fish, Whipped Potatoes, Green Beans, Salad, Cheese Cake, Tea, Cofree, Punch, Sort Drinks and Rolls). Following the Dinner Banquet was the Necrology Service. The Descendants or Mary Bomar Thompson, Matthew Thompson, James Russell Bomar, Sr., Agnes Floyd Bomar, Edward Floyd Bomar, Ernest Bomar, Leroy Bomar, Bennie Thompson, Lillie Mae Thompson, .Bridie Thompson.
Sunday, July 18 Everyone checked out of the hotel to attend Worship Service al First United Presbyterian church in Knoxville, Tennessee at 11 :00 a.m. Reverend Odis Bomar was included in the program. He read the scriptures and The Apostle's Creed.
Traveled the Greatest Distance: Ruby Bomar Rhodes Oldest Person in Attendance: Vera Bomar
Everyone returned to their destinations.
Youngest Person in Attendance: DeRcece Randolph Bailey.
Family Photoi:raphs Persons interested in purchasing a family photograph should contact Terry Homar.
The Largest 1-'amily in Attendance: Dorothy Thompson
Reverend Odis Bomar presided over the Business l\'leeting. Family members voted to have the 1994 Family Reunion in South Carolina. City to be announced at a later date. An offering was taken to he presented to First United Presbyterian Church during Worship Service on Sunday, July 18. $116.00 was collected.
Balance Bmught Forward (M 111'7/19192)
$96.32 '92-1J l Actual Family Dues: 42 Persons@ $35 cach.•...............S1,470.00 (Band over) 9 rmon.~ @S17.50mi1 ................... .IS7.50
(3, 12 years) Kl'crson.~ @ S25 cadt.........................200.00
The Bomar Mass Choir sung "Looking for l\'ly Jesus". Following worship sen-ire there was a Farewell Reception in the Fellowship Hall. The menu included (Cheese Tray, Cantaloupe, Honeydew Melons, Gra1>es, Strawberries, Peanuts, Mints, Chips, Dip, Chex Party Mix, Pretzels, Cookies, and Punch).
Plaques were given to the following family members:
Family History Research Updated information is needed. If you have new additions or deceased family memhers. Please contact Iris Uomar by mail.
4 l'crson.~ @ SI 2.50 e-.tch ..•...................50.00 01hcr lncmre C<~kctcd (T-Shin Orders) 71 T Shins Sold ............................458.75
TOI.Al. l~COMl:......................... .S2.432.57 EXl'ENDrrt:IH:S Exr,;odilurr Item i-.!' ·q2:91 :\,cty,1I INII Durftl Dinner,nanquel Business M,~li11g (fanccllcJ> Monie.~ RcfonJed ...........................$ J~l.fMt IK12 Duffel Dinntr/Danquet ~2 Pcr.1nm"' S2S.lt7 each................ IJIIH..I 8 Pcrroru. @$12.~3 ea:h ...................... 100.11 Gral11ilics/ll'J, Tax lnch1Jr,I) Grand 11,~cl - Oc(K».il......................... I00.14 IKl.l 75 T Shins (fax h1cludcdi ............... A81l.ll8 IKI~ T Shin Sm'CII wilh Colors ................. 20.INI
TOTAi EXrE~nm:RES............$2.50336 T< ITAi. INCOME COILECTEU..... 2.432.57 (lnduJm~ Ualao:c 7/19/<1.?)
TOTAi. EXPENSES 1(1.fllRRED ........... 2,SOJJ<, BALANCE ON IL<\Nl) 2~ Of 7/IK/IJ.l.... (·S7ll.i<J)• 'l'lu.< $'111.tMI ouL<wlliing ~ill .,,.·ed lo SOOI~ T~nnrss~ l'amilic,,; for Drcakfa.<L Tot.11 d~liil -..s.J.f!!!..22 in th~
Evaluation Forms Evaluation forms were located in re~istration packets. If these have not hcen completed, please mail to Terry also.
The Family Photograph was taken in the 3A Atrium hy Ronnie Cantrell. Adjourned at 10:00 p.m.
8:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M. - 9:30 P.M.
SATURDAY, JULY 17 8:30 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. 8:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M.
10:30 A.M. - 12:00 NOON
12:00 NOON - 1:00 P.M.
1:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
6:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
SUNDAY, JULY 18 8:00 - 9:30 A.M.
11:00 A.M.
1:00 P.M.
I , I
111 I
Il l
1 1 I
. I
------ - -293-- -------
OPENING REMARKS . . . . . . . . . ............_. . . TERRY BOMAR
-------- ---299- ---------
Special thanks to ALL program participants for helping to make""itiis event a success. I
8 I
"Our Banner Is Love"
Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the lands! Serve the Lord with gladness!
Come into his presence with singing! Know that the Lord is God!
PROGRAMME July 16, 1993 Ms. Terry Bomar Ms. Carmel Thompson Commentators
It is he that made us, and we are his; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. . Enter his gates with thanksgiving , and his courts with praise! Give thanks to him, bless his name!
Opening Song ........... "What A Friend We Have In Jesus" ....... .Audience Welcome ....................................... Terry Bomar Scripture ...... Psalms 100: 1-5 ....... JaVegas Bonds
For the Lord is good; his steadfast love endures for ever, and his faithfulness to ali generations. I
0 I
--Psalms 100: 1-5
•••• •••• •••• ••••
Prayer ............................................Terry Bomar
Song .... ......... "Blessed Assurance Jesus Is M ine" Audience
•••••••••••••••••••••• • • •• ••• TALENT ON PARADE
Presentation of Awards ............ Carmel Thompson Special Presentation ........................ Betty Bomar Words of Appreciation ..................... Terry Bomar Closing Song "Reach Out And Touch" ... Audience
They are not dead, those loved ones who have passed beyond our vision for a little while They have not reached the light while we still grope in darkness where we cannot see them smile. Then let us grid us once aging with hope, and give them smile for smile the while we wait and loving, serving, when Our Father calls, we'll go to find our dear ones wait us at the gate. --Anonymous
8 I
As we pause to remember in our hearts;, those beloved members who have now ceased from this mortal life., may we rejoice that their lives touched our own. Let us remember their deeds of simple kindness and the joys we shared with them as we make our way to eternity.
The Lord Is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth be beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul; he leadeth me i" the paths of ·righteousness for his name's sake.
PROGRAMME Terry F. Bomar, Presiding Song .. .''leanihg On The Everlasting Arms" Bomar Family ·,
Yea, though I walk through the yalley of the shadow of death, i will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou ariointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the lord for ever ..
w @ I
-- Psalms 23: 1-6 ·
Prayer ............................•...............Terry Bomar Tribute .....~ .............................•.Family Members Candle Lighting Service . Scripture ................. Jayegas Bonds (Psalms 23: 1-6) "Waiting Yonder" ....... Alesia Burns All: As we look u~on these lighted candles, may we recall with joyous reverence, the family members represented by these glowing flames. May we remember that they have left us a rare heritage. Grant that we, as family dedicated to service and to humanity, may continue to serve, to share and above all, to really care. RECEIVE THEM INTO A MORE JOYFUL SERVICE IS OUR ARDENT PRAYER. Amen Song .. .''Amazing Grace How Sweet The Sound" Bomar Family Closing Prayer ............. ·.................... Terry Bomar
* * * * * * * * * * * FAMILY PHOTOGRAPH·
FEBRUARY 28, 1995
BOMAR FAMILY REUNION #18 Minutes July 16, 1994 Spartanburg County Spartanburg, South Carolina 2930 I The 18th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 16-17. 1994 in Spartanburg. South Carolina and was hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford families. Camp Croft Park served as the meeting location for family members. Activities began at 12:00 Noon. A business meeting was held. The meeting was called to order with Reverend Odis Bomar, Chairperson, presiding. Devotion was held with an opening hymn by the family; scripture by Reverend Bomar; prayer by Mr. John Wesley Bomar; and a closing hymn led by Mr Alonzo Bomar. The abbreviated minutes of the 1993 ( 17th) Annual Reunion were read by Dr. Iris Bomar, Co-Chairperson/Secretary. They were as follow: Great Reunion #17 was a 3-day event held July 16-18 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee at the Grand Hotel. On Friday evening, the Bomar Gold Talent on Parade was held with certificates of recognition given to all panicipants. On Saturday morning, everyone had breakfast on their own. A dinner banquet was heid at 6 p.m. m the hotel A necrology service was held following the banquet. The family photograph was taken in Atrium 3A. On Sunday, the family panicipated in the morning worship services at First United Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee The Bomar Mass Choir and Reverend Odis Bomar participated in the services. Following services a farewell reception was held in the Fellowship Hall. (Abbreviated minutes were taken from Ms. Terry Bomar's minutes recorded July 23, 1993.) Ms. Barbara Floyd, Treasurer, gave the finance report. It was as follows: 1993 Finance Committee Repon
Income: Balance as of 1992 .............................................................. S 96.32 Total Monies Collected 1993 .... (Family Dues) ... ... .. 1.877. SO
Annual Bomar Family Reunion '94 Page 2
Other Income: Total Monies Collected (71 T-Shirts) ............................. Total Income
458.75 $2,432.57
Expenditures: Monies Refunded for Breakfast........ . .. ..................... $ 394 00 Monies Paid for Buffet Dinner/Banquet................ . ...... . 1,403.88 Grand Hotel Deposit. ...... .. .. .. .. .. ........................ . 100.24 Other Expenditures: Cost of T-Shirts ...................... . Shirt Screen with Colors ... .. .. .. .... ... . ....... .. .... . ......... . Total Expenditures
480.08 120.00
Total Income Collected... .................. ..... ... .. . ................ $2,432.57 Total Expenses Incurred ................................................... (-2.503.36) Balance on Hand as of 7/18/93 ........................................ (- 70 79)• ·Plus $90.00 outstanding still owed to some Tennessee families for breakfast. Total debit - $160.79 in the red
1994 Finance Committee Report
Income: Balance as of 1993 .. Total Monies Collected (Family Dues/ Contributions to Deficit).. .. . ... . ............. . Other Income: Total Monies Collected (4 T-Shirts) .................... . Total Income
.. (-$
*Owed Randy Bomar for shelter rental in the amount of $20.00; Family dues were $25.00. Collected SS.00 from Randy for dues
Annual Bomar Family Reunion '94 Page 3
Expenditures: Monies owed Tennessee Families '93 .................. $ Terry Bomar................................. $2S.OO Betty Bomar................................. 30.00 Agnes Bomar.............................. 10.00 James Lewis............................... IO 00 Carstasha Burems...................... S.00 Beulah Bomar............................. 1-0.00 Monies Refunded for Shortage in '93 E,cpenditures to Iris Bomar........................................ . Monies Owed to Doris Bomar for purchase of Meats '94 ................................................................... . Total Expenditures Total Income Collected......................................... .... $ Total Expenses Incurred ........................................ . Balance on Hand as of 7/16/94 ................................... S
618.50 261.79 356.71
Reunion '95 will be hosted by the Walterboro families the third weekend of July Family members suggested a 3-day reunion (Friday-Sunday) and to go to Edisto Beach. Committee contacts for Rewuon '95 will be: Terry Bomar and Carmel Thompson ....... Tennessee Doris Bomar and Odis Bomar ............... Spartanburg, SC John W. Bomar, Daughter and Daughters-in-laws ............................. Walterboro, SC (Iris Bomar will work with families) Mrs. Betty Bomar recommended that a map be developed with directions to Walterboro and mailed out with correspondence The meeting adjourned with a prayer. Dinner was served 1n the midst of a thunderstorm and the family roll of attendance was taken wnh 74 family members and friends in attendance. Three states were represented South Carolina, Tennessee and Texas.
Annual Bomar Family Reunion '94 Page 4
FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH Updated information is needed. If you have new additions or deceased family members a printout is available and will be mailed to various contact persons. Please update and return as soon as received.
FAMILY MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE Alonzo Bomar ........................................ South Carolina Iris Bomar Freida Bomar Barbara Floyd Crystal Floyd Harriet McEntire Raleigh McEntire Cortney McEntire Kayla McEntire Robbin Thompson Kelvm Thompson, Jr. Lena Bomar Willie B. Johnson Cynthia Bomar Johnson Sharee Johnson Mavis Johnson
Jackie Bomar Elizabeth Bomar Michelle Bomar Jarrid Bomar Kayla Bomar John W. Bomar Melissa Bomu Julia Bomar Cuba Dantzler Veronica Smith Anne Hooper Lena M. Bomar Willi~ Smith Marvin Bomar. Jr. Shaunkerie Bomar Agnes Bomar
Annual Bomar Family Reunion '94 Page S Sadavia Bomar Albert Bomar Debra Bomar Shonice Bomar Annie Mae Ballenger Vera Bomar Mary A. Bomar Doris Peake Kenneth Peake Jemay Peake Avery Peake Brandon Peake Kurk Kearshe Lillywood Dillard Helen Bomar Dillard Odis Bomar, Sr. Dorothy Bomar Dena Bomar Edward Bomar Shaunj uria Bomar Nasheedah Asven Betty Bomar ............................................... Tennessee James L. Bomar Sharon Bomar Jasmin O'Neal Terry F. Bomar Alesia Bums Clinton Bums. Ill Clinton Bums. Jr. Sallie Rice James Russell Bomar Lee Bertha Bomar Tanaquil Senee Bomar James Russell Bomar Tamika T. Gary Martina L. Gary Conchata Thomas Justin D. Walker Joshlan D. Cady Cary Halloway Betty Bomar............................ .. ... .... .......... Texas
Annual Bomar Family Reunion Page 6
July 14-16, 1995 will mark the 19th family reunion celebration of the Bomar Clan. To commemorate this event as well as reminisce and share our family experiences, the Walterboro ReW1ion Planning Committee has met several times to brainstorm ideas and has spent many hours attempting to arrange the activities so that the weekend will be an enjoyable and memorable one. In addition. the Committee has agreed that the time has come to get everyone involved who wants to be involved. The reunion activities will span three days beginning July 14, 1995. Planned for you is the Bomar Gold-Talent on Parade event on Friday night. July 14th beginning at 7:30 p.m. This affair will be held at the Holiday Inn-Walterboro, South Carolina. On Saturday, July 15th the family will convoy to Edisto Beach for a day of fun and games leaving at I 0:00 a.m. from Mr. John Wesley's home. The family business meeting will also be held during these festivities. On Sunday. July 16th, the Bomar family will attend church together at Isaiah United Methodist Church in Walterboro. Services begin at 10:00 a.m. and seats will be reserved. The family dues do not include accommodations or meals. To make reservations for rooms for the nights desired, please forward the enclosed form with the required fee to Cam Underwood. The rates are $48 (tax included per night). A flat rate has been given for the reunion party (net to hotel/1-4 persons per room). If you need additional information you may contact Cam at 1-800-922-5650 and be cenain to indicate that you are a member of the "Bomar Family Reunion" party. The hotel has agreed to hold a block of rooms for us until July 1, 1995. Therefore, it is imperative that you make reservations by June 23rd and send the necessary fee c/o Mrs. Cam Underwood. T111Vel Center. Inc., Post Office Box 786, Orangeburg. SC 29116. We know that you will want to attend this annual family reunion and renew old acquaintances. so complete the enclosed registration and room reservation forms and return them along with your checks and/or money orders in the amounts indicated immediately but in any event by June 23, 1995 Also, we are requesting that you distribute additional copies of the registration form to other members of the family.
If additional information is needed. please contact John Wesley Bomar al (803) 538-8246. Don't forget the dates and make plans to attend now
Name:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Addms:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Telephone: ( Please check one: _ _ My family and I will participate in die 1995 Bomar Family Reunion
I han enclosed the following family dun: _ _ (a} $35.00 (Per family)
Total Amount Enclosed: $
_ _ I will send my family dues by 13. 1995
_ _ My family and I will not be able to panicipate in the 1995 Bomar Family Reunion
Please make check payable to: BOMAR FAMILY REt.:NION
Plea,e return to:
Ms. Damara Bomar floyd Treasurer 350 Frey Cin::le Spartanbu-,:, South Carolina 29301
.• ·.1
BOMAR FAMD..YREUNION #19 Minutes July 14, 199S Charleston County Edisto Beach Island, South Carolina The 19th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 13-15, 199S in Walterboro, South Carolina and
was hosted by the Walterboro families. The Holiday Inn served as the'resident location for family members with special rates being provided for the reunion party. -
A convoy was formed by members of the family at Mr. John Wesley's home at 10:00 a.m. and traveled to Edisto Beach Island. A business meeting was held. The meeting was called to order with Reverend Odis Bomar, Chairperson, presiding. Devotion was held with an opening hymn (Pass Me Not) by the family; scripture led by Reverend Bomar - Psalm 23rd: and prayer by Mr. John Wesley Bomar. The abbreviated minutes of 1994 (18th) Annual Reunion were read by Dr. Iris D. Bomar, CoChairpcrson/Secrctary. They were as follow: The 18th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 16-17, 1994 in Spartanburg, South Carolina and was hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford families. Camp Croft Parle served as the meeting location for family members. Activities began at 12:00 noon. A business meeting was held. Dinner was served in the midst of a thunderstorm and the family roll of attendance was taken with 74 family members and friends in attendance. Three states were represe11ted - South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. [Abbreviated minutes taken from 'The Bomar Banner", Number 5, Volume S - 2/28195]. Reverend Bomar indicated that the family treasury ended in a negative balance in 1993 and asked that all family members please pay their dues. Ms. Barbara Bomar Floyd, Treasurer, gave the finance rcpon for 1994 (refer to Bomar Banner): Income Balance as of 1993 was Total Income Collected Total Expenses Incurred Balance on Hand as of 7/16/94
$- 160.79 $ 618.50 $ 261.79
$ 356.71
Since family dues were still being collected, no repon was given for 1995 [ PLEASE SEE page 2 for 1995 Finance Committee Repon.
The next order of business dealt with location and plans for the 1996 Family Reunion. A vote was taken and passed that reunions be held every other year. The 20th reunion will be held in 1997 and hosted by the Spananburg/Wellford families. Family members also noted that even though the reunions would be hosted every other year family dues ($35 per family) would still be collected in 1996 to help build the family treasury. Thank you's were extended to the Walterboro families for their hospitality and preparation of foods. The business session adjourned with a closing hymn led by Mr. Alonzo Bomar and was followed by grace for the meal. Dinner was served and the family roll of attendance was taken with 65 family members and friends in attendance. States represented were: South Carolina and Tennessee.
Sunday, July 15th Members of the Bomar Family participated in the morning worship services at Mr. John Wesley's church - Isaiah United Methodist Church. After church services, families said good-byes and departed for home.
FAMILY HISTORY RESEARCH Updated information is needed. If you have new¡ additions or deceased family members, a printout is available and will be mailed to various contact persons. Please update and return as soon as received. Additionally, if family members have copies of deceased family members funeral programs, would you please share these copies with Iris Bomar. Copies will be photocopied and returned to you. Obituary information will be used in a book to be published entitled "The Roots of Mary" in which she is presently writing on the Bomar Family. Biographical data on each family member in your household is also needed. An example is enclosed as a guide. Please send this information to Iris also.
1995 FINANCE COMMI1TEE REPORT Income: Balance as of 1994 Total Monies Collected 1995 (Family Dues) Total Income Expenditures: Monies owed to Veronica Bomar Smith for purchase of Food '95 Total Expenditures
714.58 $1,071.29
350.82 $
Total Income Collected Total Expenditures Incurred Balance on Hand as of7/15/95
- 350.82 $ 720.47
1645 Fort Prince Blvd. Wellford, SC 29385 July 1, 1997 Dear Bomar Clan, We know you are ready to see all of your relatives on July 19, 1997. In the "Sparkle City" Spartanburg, SC at C. C. Woodson Center, at 855 South Liberty Street #596-3710. DIRECTIONS: I-26 EAST to EXIT# 22(296) REIDVILLE ROAD at the LIGHT turn LEFT on to REIDVILLE ROAD(296 ~ast) go to the 4th Light and Turn Right on to CRESCENT AVENUE(note Park Hill Baptist Church is on the left at the light)Once on Crescent Avenue go to the 1st light(note Amoco Station on left--El Bethel Church on right) go straight across Church Street at light. The street changes into BOMAR AVENUE(Notepass Home St, Sunny St on the left) Bearing left after you pass the last house on the left--to Collins Avenue(about 50 yards) 1st Street on the Left South Liberty Street. You will see the Fence Surrounding C. C. Woodson Center. I-26 WEST TAKE REIDVILLE ROAD EXIT. TURN RIGHT AND FOLLOW THE SAME DIRECTIONS ABOVE. ACTIVITIES: (TIME 12:00 P. M. until 5:00 P. M.) Swimming (Pool open-must use swim suit - bring one/Towel(s) also) Indoor Basketball (gym Open- Form you a team) Softball Field (bring ball(s)/bat(s) Playground f~r children Gameroom open Music Program/Family Talent SHOW(PREPARE YOUR HOTTEST ACT) FOODS:(EXPECiING 100 - 150 FAMILY MEMBERS) Each Family from the local area is to prepare your assigned FOOD ITEM(S) from the MOTHER'S DAY MEETING AT JOYCE & VERNON SMITH'S HOME. PLEASE PREPARE GENEROUSLY TO ENSURE THAT EVERYONE WILL DINE SUFFICIENTLY. 1. Meats/buns/breads will be purchased by Mrs. Doris Peake with funds from the treasure. 2. Other foods= (potato salad, baked beans, macaroni, chilli, etc.) locals families. 3. Ribs - Tennessee Families 4. Sweets - Fairmont Families 5. Chips/Drinks/Sodas - Fairforest Families 6. Paper & Plastic products(plates, cups, eating utensils- Walterboro Families 7. Ice - Randy Bomar 8. Condiments - local families If you have a special DISH you are GREAT at and want the families to get a small sample, PLEASE FEEL FREE TO TICKLE our Taste Buds. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Odis Bomar at 864-439-6757, Joyce Smith at 864-439-8582 or Doris Peake at 864-877-3761. Let the Fellowship BEGIN!!! Sincerely, t--zL.v:. r~....,.·--tu..-:: Odis ~omaT and Reunion Committee -313-
una.. 6J Aanr 'AVOttn.lVS ~s ·~ttnaNVJ.ttVdS
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AUGUST 1, 1997
Minutes July 19, 1997 C. C. Woodson Recreation Center Spartanburg County Spartanburg, South Carolina The 20th Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 19, 1997 in Spartanbm:g, South Carolina and was hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford families. The C. C. Woodson Recreation Center served as the meeting location for family members. Activities began at 12:00 noon. Reverend Odis Bomar, Sr. and Dr. Iris Bomar served as master and mistress of ceremonies for the family program. Deacon Jackie Bomar gave the welcome. "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" was the opening hymn sung by the family; scripture, the 23rd Psalms and the prayer was given by Mr. John Wesley Bomar. Miss Denia Bomar sang a solo followed by the Bomar Gold - Talent on Parade. Certificai.t!s of Appreciation were presented to each participant. Introduction of Family Roots were as follows: The Oldest Branches Mrs. Vera Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch The Youngest Twigs Zacheaus Smith - Ella Bomar Branch Traveled the Greatest Distance Tennessee Families - Ms. Betty J. Bomar Ella Bomar Branch The Largest Family Tennessee Family - Ms. Terry Faye Bomar Ella Bomar Branch
Business Meeting
A business meeting was held following the memorial tribute. Reunion plans dealt with location and plans for the 1998 Family Reunion. A vote was taken and passed that the reunion be held every year again ¡ instead of every two years. The 21st reunion will be held July 17-19, 1998 and will be hosted by the Tennessee Families.
It was also noted again that even though the reunion was not held in 1996, family dues of $35 per family were to still be collected along with 1997 dues. These dues are needed to help build the family treasury. The Chairman encouraged each family to please pay their dues. Reverend Bomar, Chairman of the Reunion Committee, agreed to serve for one additional year in this capacity. He asked that family members come prepared to nominate a new chairman in 1998 during the business session. The business session adjourned with a closing selection by members of the Johnson family and was fo llowed by grace for the meal. Dinner was served in the C. C. Woodson Recreation dining area. The family roll of attendance was taken with 85 family members and friends in attendance. States represented were So~th Carolina and Tennessee. Members of the Bomar Family participated in the morning services at New Trinity Baptist and New Faith Baptist Churches. After church services, families said good-byes and departed for home. "Georgia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Texas,Virginia, District of Columbia (DC) Families We Missed You!!!"
Memorial Tribute
A memorial tribute "we pause to reflect" was held to honor love ones who had departed this mortal life since the last reunion. Family members memorialized were Alonzo Bomar (9/25/95); Mem Bomar (4/ 23/97) and Zenoris Sykes (5/23/97). -315-
Updated information is urgently needed. If you have new additions or deceased family members, a printout is available and has been mailed to various contact persons. Please update and return as soon as it is received to Iris Bomar.
PAGE2 FAMILY BOOK TO BE PUBLISHED U-R-G-E-N-T!!! Do you and your family members want to be included in the 1998 Bomar publication? If so, your biographical data are needed immediately. This book will go to press October l st. Additionally, if you have copies in your family papers or family Bibles with deceased family members' funeral programs, would you please share these copies and information with Iris Bomar. Copies of funeral programs will be photocopied and returned to you. Obituary information will be used in a book to be published entitled "The Roots of Mazy" in which she is presently researching and completing information on the Bomar Family. Biographical data on each family member in your household are needed. Please complete the enclosed drafted biographical data and return to Iris D. Bomar as soon as possible.
NOTE From the BOMAR's in SOUTH CAROLINA... For the nicest family members ever, with love and thanks, too ... for just being you!
1997 FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT The following financial report for 1997 has been submitted by Ms. Barbara Bomar Floyd, Treasurer. Income: Balance as of 1995 Total Monies Collected 1996 (Family Dues) Total Monies Collected 1997 (Family Dues) Total Income
$720.47 105.00
Expenditures: One Family Newsletter Mailing (125 x .32) Dated 8/17/96 - monies owed to Iris D. Bomar $40.00 Monies owed to Doris Bomar Peak for purchase of Buns, franks and hamburgers from SAM'S (Food '97) 67.86 Rental of C. C. Woodson Recreation 210.00 Center with one hour overtime Total Expenditures $317.86 Total Income Collected Total Expenditures Incurred Balance on Hand as of 7/21/97
$1,215.47 317.86
TEE SHIRTS ORDER INFORMATION WILL BE MAILED AT A LATER DATE All family members wishing to purchase family tee shirts, a form with prices is forthcoming.
A UGUST l , 1998
INTRODUCTION TO NEWS.LEITER This publication is the eighth in a series of Bomar Family Newsletters to be published on a quarterly basis as a means of keeping the Jamily informed of reunion plans and other activities.
Thompson (4/9 /98). Psalm 23 was said in unison by f am-
ily members iri tribute to our ancestors. The Bomar Choir rendered a selection.
Business Meetin g A business meeting was heldfollowing the memorial tribute. Reunion plans dealt with location and plans for the 1999 Family Reunion. ¡ The 22nd reunion will be a 2day event held Saturday-Sunday, July 17- 18, 1999 and
will be hosted by the Walterboro Families. BOMAR FAMILY REUNION #21
Minutes July 18, 1998 Grand Resort Hotel and Convention Center 31 71 Park way Pigeon Forge, Tennessee The 21st Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 18 , 1998 in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee and was hosted by the Tennessee f amilies . The Grand Resort Hotel and Convention Center served as the meeting locationfor family members. Activities began at 2:00 p . m. in the afternoon.
Ms. Terry Faye Bomar and Ms. Carmel Thompson served as mistresses of ceremonies for the Jamily program. Introduction of members of the Tennessee Planning Committee was given. They were as follow : Ms. Terry F. Bomar; chairperson. Mrs . Lee Bertha Bomar; co-chairperson, Ms. Carmel Thompson, Ms. Betty Bomar and Mrs. DeLois Bomar. members.
Reverend Bomar congratulated Terry and the Tennessee Planning Committee Jor doing a fine job in putting Great Reunion #21 together. Devotion was held with an opening hymn. "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms", by the family ; scripture by Deacon Jackie Bomar and prayer by Reverend Willie B. Johnson. The Bomar Gold - Talent on Parade was held. Certificates ofAppreciation were presented to each participant. Introduction of Family Roots were as follows:
The Oldest Branches Mrs. Vera Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch The Youngest Twigs Dy.Ja Bonds - Ella Bomar B ranch Traveled the Greatest Distance Ms. Betty J. Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch
Reverend Bomar. Chairperson of the Bomar Family appointed Deacon Jackie Bomar to become the new chairperson of the family. Deacon Bomar thanked thefamily f or placing confidence in him to lead the family and asked f or the family 's support during his tenure as chairperson. Reverend Bomar also encouragedfamily members to pay their d ues. Family d ues are $35 per family annually. Dr. Iris Bomar gave an updated report on the progress of the family history research and book. She indicated that research had thus Jar revealed that the Bomar f amily had been in existence fo r 190 years. And. that the Bomar family matriarch, Mary Bomar's fathe r. Anderson Bomar (born July 1, 1808) is the deepest known root of the Bomar Family. Seven generations make up the Mary Bomar lineage. Dr. Bomar also s tated that she had hoped to have the book completed f or the 1998 reunion. However; she was missing biographical information on several Jamily members and she wanted the publication to include information on as many family members as possible. She hopes to present this publication d uring the 1999 reunion. Dr. Bomar fu rther indicated that Mem Bomar's Branch was 70% complete; Ella Bomar's B ranch was 98% complete: Anna Bomar McMillain's Branch was 50% complete and Rosa Bomar Foster's Branch was 98% complete. She asked family members to share copies of old pictures and.funeral programs. Copies w ill be made and returned to family members. Dr. Bomar also thanked family members for completing biographical data and returning it to her for this Jamily project. In conclusion, she announced that the family coat-of-arms, as displayed on the famil y tee shirts, had been officially registered with the United States Copyright Office, The library of Congress in Washington, DC. A certifkate of registration was issued on Ma y 27, 1997 and received December 10. 1997.
The Largest Family Mr. John Wessley Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch
With the dinner buffet set. Reverend Bomar announced that dinner was served and family members enj oyed a nice meal.
Memorial Tribute A memorial tribute was held to honor love ones who had departed this mortal life since the last reunion. Family members memorialized were Andrew Bomar, n (10/4/97): -317Marvin Bomar, Sr. (12/19/97) and Samantha Ashley
Ms. Barbara Floyd, Treasurer; gm¡e the finance report. It was as follows:
Income: Balance as of 7/2 1/97 Total Monies Collected 1998 (Family Dues)
$897. 67 $ 1. 387.00
PAGE2 Other Income: Total Monies Collected (f-Shirts) Total Income
Expenditures: Grand Resort Hotel Deposit for Buffet Monies Paid.for Buffet Dinner
FAIDLY PHOTOS STllL AVAIIABLE if you attended the 1993 Family Reunion andfailed to purchase your family photo, please contact Ms. Cannel 1lwmpson at 434 Haiwassee Avenue, Knoxville, Tennessee 37917. Photographs are still available.
272.89 $ 2557.56
$ 100.00
During the family reunion, several members expressed a desire to purchase additional t-shirts. Please note that a form with prices for the new order is forthcoming.
Other Expenditures: Cost ofT-Shirts 272.89 4 Family Mailings (160 x $.32@ $51.20 each) Monies owed to Iris D. Borna.J4' (204.80] $2,030.62 Total Expenditures Total Income Collected Total Expenses Incurred Balance on Hand as of 7 I 18/98
=· ~··:/. .:~
.~~:..J?I Jc:~ ·~:_~- ~EI:
:::_:~--~-;-. ~---~:-_ ' . _--·.?::t 'F~1:..i. Jf:?ZJ~/7E ·J:IT}OC.'·~--~:--:-:-:r::E
'Thanks be to God. who gives us the
victory ... "
$ 526.94
l Cortnthians 14:57 (L.B.}
•Monies owed not deducted, used toward payment of family dues for sfblings and self.
Just a special little note To thank you and to say. "You always do the nicest things Injust the nicest way!"
In order to leamfamilies participating in Great Reunion #21, family members introduced themselves and members of their family. Drawings were held for gifts that had been donated to the Tennessee Planning Committee. 11ie business session aqjourned with the hymn "Pass Me Not'' and a closing prayer led by Reverend Bomar.
1he family roll of attendance was taken with 113 family members and.ftiends in attendance. States represented were Georgia. South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. 'Maryland, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia (DC} Families..... We Missed
Updated information is urgently needed. if you have new additions or deceased family members. a printout is available and has been mailed to various family contact persons. Please update and return as soon as it is received to Iris Bomar.
Do you and your family members want to be included. in the 1999 Bomar publication? if so, your biographical data are needed immediately. This book will go to press
'99 IS
November 30th. Please send your information today! Additionally, if you have copies in your family papers or family Bibles with deceased family members' funeral programs, would you please share these copies and information with Iris Bomar. Copies of funeral programs will be photocopied and returned to you. Obituary information will be used in a book to be published entitled "~ Roots of Maru" in which she is presently researching and completing information on the Bomar Family. Biographical data on each family member in your household are needed. Please complete the enclosed drafted biographical data and return to Iris D. Bomar as soon as possible.
~· I
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms What a fellowship, what a joy divine Leaning on the everlasting arms What a blessedness, what a piece is mine Leaning on the everlasting arms Leaning, leaning Safe and secure from all alarms Leaning, leaning Leaning on the everlasting arms 0 how sweet to walk in the pilgram way Leaning on the everlasting arms ~ 0 how bright the path grows from day to day 'P Leaning on the everlasting arms
* Refrain What have I to dread, what have I to fear Leaning on the everlasting arms I have blessed peace with my Lord so near Leaning on the everlasting arms
* Refrain
Bomar Family Reunion
Convention Center - Section A 12:00 Noon - 1:30 P.M.
Master of Ceremonies Terry Bomar - Carmel Thompson
Saturday, July 18, 1998 Terry Bomar
Welcome Opening Song
"Leaning on the Everlasting Arms"
Grand Hotel and Convention Center Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
Scripture Prayer Introduction of Family Roots I
~ I
The Oldest Branches The Youngest Twigs Traveled the Greatest Distance The Largest Family
2:00 P.M.
Bomar Gold Talent on Parade Presentation of Awards Lee Bertha Bomar
Memorial Tribute Psalm 23 Selections - The Bomar Choir
Business Meeting
Buffet Dinner
Iris Bomar Barbara Floyd
Grace - Farewell - Prayer - Benediction
AUGUST 1,. 1999 .
This publication is the n inth in a series of Bomar Family Newsletters to be published on a b~an~ual basis as a means of keeping the family informed of reunion plans and other activities.
BOMAR FAMILY REUNION #22 Minutes July 17, 1999 Charleston County Edisto Beach Island South Carolina
The 22nd Annual Bomar Family Reunion was held July 17 -18, 1999 in Walterboro, South Carolina and was hosted by the Walterboro families. The Holiday Inn served as the resident location for family members with special rates being provided for the reunion¡party. A convoy was formed by members of the family at Mr. John Wessley's home at 10 :00 a. m . and traveled to Edisto Beach Island. A business meeting was held. The meeting was called to order with Dea con Jackie Bomar, Chairperson, presiding. He congratulated Mr. John Wessley and the Walterboro Planning Committee for doing a fine job in putting Great Reunion #22 together. Devotion was held with an opening hymn, "Leaning On The Everlasting Arms", by the family; scripture taken from Ephesians 3 : 1- 16 by Rev. Willie B. Johnson and prayer by Mr. John W. Bomar. Rev. Odis Bomar led the family in singing "Ain't It Sweet". The Bomar Gold - Talent on Parade wa s held. Certificates of Appreciation were presen ted to each participant. Introduction of Family Roots were as follows:
The Oldest Branches Mrs. Vera Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch The Younge st Twigs Christopher Tyrek Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch Traveled the Greatest Distance Mr. Curtis Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch Ms. Betty J . Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch The Largest Family Mr. Walter Lee Bomar - Ella Bomar Branch
. Love " "Our Banner zs
Memorial Tribute
A memorial tribute was held to honor loved ones who had departed this mortal life since the last reunion and was led by Mrs. Dorothy S. Bomar. Family members memorialized included Alvin Jerome Bomar (11/16/98). Family members paused for a moment of silent meditation in tribute to our beloved ancestors. The Bomar Gospel Choir rendered a selection. Business Meeting
A business meeting was held following the memorial tribute. The abbreviated minutes of 1998 (21 st) Annual Reunion were read by Dr. Iris D. Bomar, CoChairperson/ Secretary. They were as follow:
Dr. Iris Bomar gave an updated report on the progress of the family history research and book. She indicated that research had thus far revealed that the Bomar family had been in existence for 190 years. And, that Anderson Bomar (born July 1, 1808) father of the Bomar family matriarch, Mary Bomar, is the deepest known root of the Bomar Family. Seven generations make up the Mary Bomar lineage. Dr. Bomar also stated that she had hoped to have the book completed for the 1998 reunion. However, she was missing biographical information on several family members and she wanted the publication to include information on as many family members as possible. She hopes to present this publication during the 1999 reunion. Dr. Bomar further indicated that Mem Bomar's Branch was 70% complete; Ella Bomar's Branch was 98% complete; Anna Bomar McMillain's Branch was 50% complete and Rosa Bomar Foster's Branch was 98% complete. She asked family members to share copies of old pictures and funeral programs. Copies will be made and returned to family members. Dr. Bomar also thanked family members for completing biographical data and returning it to her for this family project. In conclusion, she announced that the family coat-of-anns, as displayed on the family tee shirts, had been officially registered with the United States Copyright Office, The Library of Congress in Washington, DC. A certificate of registration was issued on May 27, 1997 and received December 10, 1997. Dr. Bomar stated that since the last reunion she had found that nine (9) generations make up the Bomar lineage and that she had organized these generations in chronological order. She further informed the family that she had hoped to have the family book completed but was still missing biographical data on several family members. And, she wanted to include as many family members as possible. Dr. Bomar informed the family that July 2000 is the year to present the book and indicated that the data presently available is being proofread by a copy editor. She also reported that Mem's Bomar's Branch is now 90% complete; Ella's Branch is now 99% complete; Anna Bomar McMillain's Branch is now 80% complete; and Rosa Bomar Foster Bivens' Branch is now 99% complete. Dr. Bomar asked family members to check the missing family data list circulated and if they talked regularly to these family members to encourage them to send their family information. (A list is enclosed with this newsletter.) She also asked family members to share funeral programs. Originals will be returned. Dr. Bomar thanked family members for their cooperation in helping to complete this family project. Ms. Barbara Floyd, Treasurer, gave the finance report and indicated that it only reflected monies collected. No expenses had been deducted. She stated that the balance as of 7 / 18/98 was $526.94 plus all funds collected (t-shirts, dues), the total was $1,909.94. Expenditures have now been deducted and the report is as follows:
Income: Balance as of 7 / 18/98...................................... $ 526.94 Total Monies Collected 1999 (Family Dues) ........................................ 1,325.00 Other Income: Total Monies Collected (T-Shirts)...................... Total Income
260.24 $ 2,112.18
Expenditures: Monies owed to Veronica Bomar Smith for purchase of food '99 ........................... $ 347.33 Other Expenditures: Cost of T-Shirts.......................... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 260.24 3 Family Mailings (160 X $.33@ $52_.80 each) Monies owed to Iris D. Bomar* (- 158.40) Total Expenditures
Total Income ............................................................ $ 2,112.18 Total Expenses Incurred ........................................... (- 607.57) Balance on Hand as of 7 / 17 /99 ................................ $ 1,504.61 *Monies owed not deducted, used toward payment of family dues for siblings and self. The next order of business dealt with location and plans for the 2000 Family Reunion. The 23rd reunion will be held Friday-Sunday, July 14-16, 2000 and will be hosted by the Spartanburg/Wellford Families. Deacon Bomar thanked everyone for participating in the family's 22 nd reunion and asked that we encourage other family members to participate. Family dues are $35 per family annually. The business session adjourned with grace and a closing prayer led by Deacon Bomar. Dinner was served and family members enjoyed a nice meal. Afterwards, fun was enjoyed by all - swimming, playing cards, talking, visiting the gift shop, collecting sea shells and strolling the seashore along the beach. The family roll of attendance was taken with 103 family members and friends in attendance. States represented were Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas. "Maryland, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Virginia, District of Columbia (DC) Familles .....We Missed Youllllll Sunday, July 18, 1999 Members of the Bomar Family participated in the morning worship services at Mr. John Wessley's church - Isaiah United Methodist Church. After church services, families said good-byes and departed for home. FAMD.,Y HISTORY RESEARCH
Updated information is urgently needed. If you have new additions or deceased family members, a printout is available and has been mailed to various contact persons. Please update and return as soon as it is received to Iris Bomar.
Do you and your family members want to be included in the 2000 Bomar publication? If so, your biographical data are needed immediately. This book will go to press November 30, 19991 Please send your information today! Additionally, if you have copies in your family papers or family Bibles with deceased family members' funeral programs, would you please share these copies and information with Iris Bomar. Copies ·of funeral programs will be photocopied and returned to you. Obituary information will be used in a book to be published entitled •The Roots of Mary" for which she is presently researching and completing information on the Bomar Family. Biographical data on each family member in your household are needed. Please complete the enclosed drafted biographical data and return to Iris D. Bomar as soon as possible. T-SHIRT ORDER INl'ORMATION WILL BE MAILED AT A LATER DATE
During the family reunion, several members expressed a desire to purchase additional t-shirts. Please note that a form with prices for the new order is forthcoming. BOMAR FAIYIILY
"Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory... n
1 Corinthians 15:57 (L. B.) Just a special little note To thank you and to say, "You always do the nicest things In just the nicest wayln
--------==================================== SEE YOU IN SPARTANBURG, SOUTH CAROLINA
--------==================================== NEWS ON REUNION 2000 IS COMING SOONIIIIII
Grace and, Prayer Benediction
"The Feast" Activities
Clean-up Time - Everyone
Sunday July 18th @ 10:00 a.m. Isaiah United Methodist Church I
N Vl I
â&#x20AC;¢seats have been reserved
Edisto Island Beach South Carolina Saturday, July 17, 1999 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
PROGRAM Deacon Jackie Bomar Presiding Welcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deacon Bomar Song . . . . . . . . . . "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms" &ripture
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Willie B. Johnson
Pmyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bro. John W. Bomar Solo
Rev. Odis Bomar, Sr.
BOMAR GOLD-TALENT ON PARADE Awarding of Certificates lntroductlon of Family Roots: --The Oldest Brunches -- The youngest Twigs -- Traveled the Greatest Distance -- The Largest Family Memorial Tribute . . . . . . . . . . . "We Pause to Reflect" Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Bomar Gospel Choir Business Session July 1998 Minutes . . . . . . . . . . Dr. Iris D. Bomar Reunion 2000 (Location) Other Buslne ss Announcements
B MAR BANNER Wednesday, March 15, 2000
TO THE BOMAR FAMILY: July 14-16, 2000 will mark the twenty-third Family Reunion Celebration of the Bomar Family. To commemorate this event as well as reminisce and share our family experiences, the Spartanburg-Wellford Reunion Planning Committee has met several times to brainstorm ideas and has spent many hours arranging activities so that the weekend will be an enjoyable and memorable one. Several committees have also been formed to work toward making the reunion a 'great reunion' . And, as it is with planning any successful event, we must know in advance how many persons plan to attend and participate. The Reunion activities will span three days beginning July 14, 2000. Planned for you is a Bomar Gold-Talent on Parade/Fashion Show on Friday night, July 14th beginning at 7:00 p.m. This affair will be held at the Evangel Cathedral. On Saturd:a.y morning from l 0:00 a.m. - l l :30 a.m., July 15th a business meeting and memorial services will be held. From l :00 p.m . - 2:30 p.m. activities have been planned for the younger generations of Bomars as well as the young at heart. The reunion will climax with the dinner/banquet beginning at 5:30 p.m. We are asking that African attire be worn for this celebration. 0~ Sunday, July l 8th, the Bomar Family will attend church together at New Trinity Baptist Church in Wellford. Services begin at l l :00 a.m. and seats will be reserved. PLEASE NOTE: Family dues do not include accommodations or meals other than the refreshments on Friday evening and Banquet on Saturday evening. For accountability purposes, meal tickets will once again be issued once family dues have been paid. The Wilson World Hotel am/ Suites will serve as the host hotel. Check in time is 3:00 p.m. To make reservations for rooms for the nights desired, please call (864) 574-211 l. The rates are $59.00 per night for Executive King Double Rooms - single or double and $69.00 per night for King Suites- single or double (plus I 0% room tax). A flat rate has been given for the reunion party (net to the hotel/1-4 persons per room). Be certain to indicate that you are a member of the "Bomar Family Reunion Party". The hotel has agreed to hold a block of rooms for us until June 14, 2000. Therefore it is imperative that you make reservations by June 14th. We know that you will want to attend this annual family reunion and renew old acquaintances. so complete the enclosed registration form and return it along with your check and/or money order in the amounts indicated immediately but no later than May 15, 2000. Also, we are asking that you distribute additional copies of the registration form and this letter to other members of the family.
If additional information is needed, please contact Jackie Bomar at (864) 439-0054 or one of the committee members listed on the enclosed list. Don't forget these important dates. Make plans to attend now! DIRECTIONS ARE ENCLOSED. P. S. Orders for tee shirts 'MUST' be received by May 15th!!!!!
Photography by Visual Expressions
The sixteenth annual reunion of the Bomar Family was held in Spartanburg, South Carolina in 1992. During this reunion the family visited the Snoddy homestead located in Wellford, once known as New Hope Farm, in which was a thriving farm consisting of several hundred acres. Memorial services were held adjacent to the tenant house in which the matriarch, Mary Bomar, had resided.
ISBN 0-944514-53-7