Mapping how open R&D processes can be supported by design innovation KEYWORDS : Design innovation, open R&D processes, commercialisation Background Regardless of industry evolution (mature or emerging industries), manufacturing firms rely on design innovation as a strategy to manage their business in a competitive environment (Gemser & Leenders, 2001). Moreover, researchers, such as Gemser & Leenders (2001), have given attention to design innovation on technology, product innovation and innovation management studies. Their studies support the significance of design innovation as a strategy that help organisations improve their decision-making processes and company performances. Moreover, organisations start to collaborate with other organisations (e.g. strategic alliances) to benefit from the inflows and outflows of knowledge to accelerate their internal innovation (Chesbrough, Vanhaverbeke and West, 2006). Chesbrough named this trend ‘open innovation model’ in 2003. This model is used for concept, development and commercialisation activities that organisations collaborate with each other (Rohrbeck, Hölzle and Gemünden, 2009). The purpose of this PhD research is to fill the selected knowledge gaps in this field of commercialisation process from the lens of design innovation.
Research Objective The main purpose of my research is understanding how open research and development processes can support initial commercialisation in manufacturing sector. I believe that design innovation is a well-suited approach that I can cover the success and failure factors of this transition. These factors could help organisations make better decisions on commercialising their open R&D processes, which would eventually help them increase their company performance.
Name / Surname
Yasemin Canik
Research Question: How do open innovation processes support commercialisation in manufacturing sector from the lens of design innovation?
Research field/area
Research Methods
Design innovation & open
I will identify the impact factors of success and failure on extending R&D collaboration to commercial collaboration from literature research. I will conduct a
outcome of the field research will be experimented on a case study of a research institute that aims to commercialise the R&D projects. This study can help
field research to map those factors of commercialisation upon open R&D processes. I intend the select four main cases that I can analyse their methods. The design innovation academia to understand the phenomenon better and identify the future studies. Moreover, industry might benefit from the findings to identify their impact factors of success and failure to commercialise R&D projects.
Dr Erik Bohemia Dr Ida Telalbasic
Bibliography Chesbrough, H., Vanhaverbeke, W., & West, J. (Eds.) (2006). Open Innovation: Researching a new paradigm. New York: Oxford University Press. Gemser, G., & Leenders, M. A. A. M. (2001). How integrating industrial design in the product development process impacts on company performance. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 18(1), 28–38. Rohrbeck, R., Hölzle, K., & Gemünden, H. G. (2009). Opening up for competitive advantage–How Deutsche Telekom creates an open innovation ecosystem. R&D Management, 39(4), 420-430.