really notice their personalities." Atthe sametime, the chickens are Her chickens each lay an average . "socialbirds that really like people," of oneegg a dayMarchthroughOcshe said.'They're always commenttober, when the declining hours of ing on whatever goes on. In many Grazirg chhkens
0ne airline couldn't influence FAA )
of where we -regardless live in Seattle to look beyond the rhetoric pouring from Ron Sims and the mouthpieces at Southwest Airlines to hear what's notbeing said.
to all of us
formn tongtime rcsidmt of Bencon HiIl, ErkHansen is editor $ tlre Benmn
HilI Ncws €t South Distrbt lournnl,
assocint e publications of the
Hu ald-Out-
Easy to get started -Visit ourWeb site or call our lnvestment Guio can help you choose the right investment oplion or roll over an ex
CALLFORBIDS Sealedbids for dre purchase ofsurplus City ofSeattle real estate. The poperties available for sale ae located in Seatde and identified as follows:
PMA25 GAX PARCELNo.I05900{&O), at 4998 3lstAve. St- & 3lst Ave. S.) PMA 93 CIAX PARCEL Nos. 335221O4525 of Beacon Ave. S. and S. I-eo SteeL
eUa tsae 6mX
S. Ferdinand
4529 nd 45i/7). at NE Comer of the intersectior
PARCEL No. 50160049m), at !.IW Corn€r of E. Madison St. & 26th
Avenue E.
PMA 1606 CIAX PARCELNo.I624O4-9029). in
flexibility-We offer 12 professionally managed investment c including portfolios that automatically adjust as your child gets c the plan can be used at any qualified college or university. Plan
tnvestment excellence - At T Rowe Price, our disciplined, consiste helped investors reach their savings goals for over 65 years.
Date for Opening of Bids: November 29r
chose the plan based on investment flexibility, low cost, quality shareholder friendliness. So with T Rowe Price, the 30% tax sar 529 plan is just the start.**
Lower expenses - Our 529 plan has lower expenses than many oth sales charges or commissions, your education savings can go eve
Rowe Price College Savings Pla Offered by the Education Tn
The T Rowe Price College Savings Plan, a national 529 plan offered Alaska, was named as one of the country's best 529 plans by Mon
Vera M. Chnn-Pool is editor of the North Seattle Herald-Outlook. Slw is a
S0UTHWgff, from Page 4
You should compare this Plan with any 529 college savings plan o your beneficiary's home state and considen before investing, any t that atre only available for investments in the home stateb plan. Ga below to request a Plan Disclosure Document, whidr includes inve dtarges and expenies, and other information.You should read the
carefu I Iy before i nvesting.
1-877-33 8-8167
rhe 3800 block ofundeveloped 27th Ave. S.
PMA 4253 CIAX PARCEL No. 7?206G0030 and remainder property), NW of the inters€ction of Banner Way NE 5th Ave. NE, and NE 78dr St. These properties ae.being*old "AS-IS." Each PMA, above. must have a separat€ Offer to Prnchase
Bids received aftcr 2:fi) P.M. on the above date will not be acceoted or read. The City ofSeattle reserves the right to cancel any and all mles and to rejec't any and all
bids The required bid forms and additional infonnation may be obtained frorn the Real Estate Services Unit, Fleets and Facilities Depaftnent, 700 5th Avenue; Suiie 5200, Seattle, Washitglon
*Morningslar, lnc., february 2005. Momingslar used lhe lollowing faclors lo rale plans: cosls, qualily of underlying iflre **Depmding on income tax brackel. Any growlh ol your asleh is ldr{d€n Dislribulions ate lederal income lar-lree if used lor qualilied educalion expenses. Due lo provisions in lhe tax laws, lhe Congres. famings on a distribulion thal is nol used lor qualilied expenses may be subjecl lo income laxes and a I 0% leil conpany's record ol lrealing shareholden well.
orbycalling (206)6844357or(206)684470l,orbee-nnilrequesttoJohn.kennedy@seattle.govor or on tln city website at http:/Arww.seattle.govfualestate/.
T. Rowe Price
Asociates, lnc., lnveslmenl Adtiser and Program Manager.
Rowe Price lnveslmenl Services, lnc,, Distrbr