ANOREXIA • •Affects 1 in 1000 teenagers • •Self-Starvation to being 85% or less of healthy body weight
• •Menstruation ceases • •Distorted Body Image • •People with anorexia may also have depression, anxiety, obsessive behavior, substance abuse, issues with the heart and/or brain, and problems with physical development
BULIMIA • •Cycles of binging and purging • •Might eat 2000 calories at one setting and then induce vomiting • •Your heart is not built to withstand laxative use or daily vomiting. This type of stress may cause arrhythmia, heart palpitations, heart attacks or death
• •Consequences: Mouth sores, loss of tooth (gray teeth), esophageal ulcers, esophageal cancer
AUTHORITARIAN PARENTING • Restrictive, punitive style, • Kid follows directions • Firm limits and controls • Little verbal exchange • Kids are unhappy, fearful, anxious, compare themselves to others, and weak communication skills
REJECTING-NEGLECTFUL PARENTING • Poor self control, immature, low academic and social competence • Are more likely to take part in substance abuse • Are more likely to take part in risky or promiscuous sexual behavior
Parents are uninvolved, focus on their own needs rather than kids, and doesn’t support kid
PERMISSIVE/INDULGENT PARENTING • Parents are highly involved but place few demands or controls • Kids do what they want • Kids rarely learn respect, no control over behavior, egocentric, and have poor friendships.
• Parents believe this makes their kid creative and confident---not true
AUTHORITATIVE PARENTING • Encourages kids to be independent • Still have limits and controls • Extensive verbal give and take • Kids are self controlled, cheerful, self reliant • Parents are warm and nurturing towards kid
RESEARCH ARTICLE A significant positive correlation exists between loneliness and depression.
No significant relationship was found between loneliness and sociability; depression and sociability. Men are found to be more sociable than women. A significant correlation was found between loneliness and depression in both men and women.
Loneliness, depression and sociability in old age Archana Singh and Nishi Misra
CHILD ABUSE • Act that endangers child’s physical/emotional well-being • Physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, sexual abuse • Risk Factors: Parents have personality problems, life stress, children’s vulnerabilities, “difficult child”, medical problems, premature infant
ATTACHMENT THEORY • John Bowlby (mid twentieth century) • Early life experiences with caregivers shape our personality • Babies need to be physically close to parents until the time they are ready to walk
• If prolonged it can cause serious problems in the future
EMERGING ADULTS • 2/3 U.S. highschool graduates enroll in college: By mid-20s, 30% have completed a BS or BA degree • Drop out of college: not “college material”, low SES, most planned on returning • Dealing with college issues: have a total ballpark cost for attending before enrolling, have counselors/advisors, focus on school to work transition
WORKS CITED All pictures were taken from Google Belsky, Janet. Experiencing the Lifespan. New York: Worth, 2010. Print.