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Virtual Holiday Season Events for Swedenborgian Churches Across The Country
Virtual Advent Offerings
All time zones are in Eastern Time Zone. Please subtract an hour for Central Time Zone, subtract two hours for Mountain Time Zone, or subtract three hours for Pacific Time Zone. For example, if you see a service at 8pm ET that means 7pm Central Time, 6pm Mountain Time, and 5pm Pacific Time.
Month of December Wednesdays- Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel-Children’s Advent Worship (YouTube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC73h4UVJl40BFQe-uotXxHA
December 13 5:00pm Temenos Church-Songs of Mary Advent Evensong (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/TemenosCommunity/?ref=page_internal
8:00pm San Francisco Swedenborgian Church-Virtual Christmas Conert (Facebook) https://www.eventbrite.com/e/good-cheer-a-swedenborgian-church-virtual-christmas-conc ert-tickets-128684892979
December 20 10:00pm Garden Church-Holidays & Healing: A Virtual Story Telling Evening (Facebook)
December 23, 2020 7:40pm Swedenborgian Church of the Puget Sound Love’s Light Shines Through-A
Joyful Eve Eve Christmas Celebration (Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84961897926?pwd=WVIzV21NcUdaSzh0MUkzQ0cxUXRndz09
8:00pm LaPorte New Church-Christmas Eve ‘Eve’ Service (Zoom, email RevKit123@gmail.com for information)
December 24 4:30pm Cambridge Swedenborg Chapel-Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (YouTube)
5:00pm Church of Holy City, Washington DC-Christmas Eve Service of Lessons and Carols (Zoom). Contact richtafel@gmail.com if you’d like to do one of the readings https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84155771266
5:00pm Church of the Holy City, Wilmington-Christmas Eve Service (zoom)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83257032947 6:00pm Virginia Street Church, St Paul- Christmas Pageant (Zoom)
7:00pm Bridgewater New Jerusalem Church-Online Christmas Eve Service, filmed in 2019 (Facebook) https://www.facebook.com/BridgewaterNewChurch
8:00pm Garden Church-Online Christmas Eve Service (Zoom, email gardenchurchsp@gmail.com for information)
8:00pm Pretty Prairie New Jerusalem Church -Online Christmas Eve service (Zoom) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85419283964?pwd=OUlmOUxrMjdDQnZncmJ4RkZuYUhSdz 09
8:00pm Royal Oak Church of Holy City-Christmas Eve Candlelight Service (Zoom, email Revrenee@aol.com for information)
10:00pm San Francisco Swedenborgian Church -Virtual Christmas Eve Service (Facebook)