Ülle Kotta:
A researcher seeks the best solution, the industry a functional one Ülle Kotta is a leading researcher who has been working in the field of automatic control for decades. She is concerned that the importance of control theory tends to be underestimated, but she does remain hopeful that this will change. New and highly complex systems greatly need the help of theorists. 64
s Kotta says, the results of control theory, including control algorithms, are used in virtually every field, from economics to medicine. Increasingly, the reliability of the system depends on the condition of the controller. “Modern technology would not work without controllers,” she explains. Control engineers do not make things, instead they improve existing technology and make it more efficient. However, the gradual improvement of processes in the form of control algorithms does not usually lead to dramatic changes. Where do we see controllers? We have all come into contact with simple controllers - for example, a thermostat in a hot water boiler or a refrigerator, or motion sensors. There are also dozens of control systems in the human body that regulate blood circulation, body temperature, biochemical processes etc. Speaking of more complex control systems, we can bring the examples of autopilots and self-driving Estonian Centre of Excellence in ICT Research