Erin devine portfolio 2014

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PROJECT DESIGNER Plot Project, LLC Denver, CO / 2013- 2014

GOCO: Great Outdoors Colorado

S c h o o l P l a y Y a r d I n i t i a t i v e, L i m o n, C o l o r a d o While at Plot Project, LLC, I was apart of a team project that provided six master plans for the Great Outdoors Colorado School Play Yard Initiative. The Initiative evolved from a much-needed examination of schoolyards that have been largely ignored in under-served communities. While larger school districts are able to rely on tax-based monies and public bonds for improvements, school yards in smaller districts have been over-looked, under-funded, and neglected. In many communities, playgrounds and schoolyards double as the local park and delineate important places within a community. The GOCO School Play Yard Initiative supports long term goals of a thriving community by focusing on youth educational opportunities, increased physical activities in the outdoors, nature based play, and a revitalized play space as a fruitful community asset.

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