Issuu portfolio

Page 1

erin kavanagh creative designer

Website Design


our farm

the farm

menu selection

the chefs

our food


the farm


our farm


k i t c h e n + c at e r i n g

natural >>>>



k i t c h e n + c at e r i n g

web design erin kavnaagh 2014

[ n at u r a l ] It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many desktop publishing

web design erin kavnaagh 2014

nelson bc canada

- 250 . 999 . 9526 -

[ fresh ]

[ simple ] It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English. Many deskto

nelson bc canada

- 250 . 999 . 9526 -

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using ‘Content here, content here’, making it look like readable English.

Website Design

VAN yogi

Va n Yogi.

Va n Yogi.

Bakasana [ the crow pose ]

yogi life in vancouver

[ Type of pose ]

{ videos . { recipes . { health tips . { yogi articles .

web design erin kavnaagh 2014

{ videos .

Arm Balance [ Benefits ]

Strengthens the wrist, forearms and abdomen; improves balance Vancouver bc canada

- 250 . 999 . 9526 -

Identity beer

vault tap stella kokanee chang


gastropub gastown


neuo red amber ale neuo light lagar neuo wheat lemon bottle


gastropub gastown




howe sound Stella Sapparo chang pure blonde

white mission hill fat bastard red mission hill fat bastard

tapas + firsts

avo + crab salad kale hummus + pita parsnip fries prosciutto plate

7 7 9 11

pasta + Paneer

oxtail rav pesto jumbo shrimp mushroom risotto TAWA PANEER KADAI PANEER MASALA PANEER

15 15 15 13 13 13


chickpea pizza pesto + avo + shrimp prosciutto + avo FOUR CHEESE VEG + RICOTTA MARGS TANDORI CHICKEN

17 17 17 18 22 13 20





coffee roasters o

ellis eden y


menu idea

Corporate Communications - AUC

Alberta utilities Commission

Alberta’s independent utilities regulator

Alberta’s independent utilities regulator

Alberta’s independent utilities regulator

annual review

annual review



Effort, excellence, achievement

A year of progress


Public hearing

Information session

Public hearing

Information session

This public room serves as an overflow extension of the hearing room, as a place where intervener groups can meet and interveners and the public can view the hearing without disruption. Recording devices and media interviews are not permitted in the public room and placards, signs and props are to be left outside or placed aside in the room.

This public room serves as an overflow extension of the hearing room, as a place where intervener groups can meet and interveners and the public can view the hearing without disruption. Recording devices and media interviews are not permitted in the public room and placards, signs and props are to be left outside or placed aside in the room.

Visible Area: 24.5”W x 63”H

Visible Area: 24.5”W x 63”H


Taste of


aUC 2011

It’s back...


Friday October 28, 2011

Support the

United Way


5th floor will be from 11:30 to 1:00pm, with prizes announced in the afternoon.

Tickets $7.00 * Division representatives will be selling tickets Simply bring in that special culinary dish you brag about and see what your colleagues think of it. Entrants have the chance to win one of our fabulous prizes!

Prizes for this event include: •


best dish - one day off with pay plus your name engraved on the Taste of the AUC trophy!


best dish runner-up # one – one

• •

one door prize

If you have any questions or to enter a dish for the Taste of the AUC please email before Oct. 27th.

Ongoing events AUC casual days are back for October, November and December! Finish off the year a little more comfortable *7- <>998;= =1. *50*;B &72=.- (*B *55 *= =1. <*6. =26. 8; 9.; -*B 9.; @..4 8; 9.; 687=1 all your dreams (about dressing casually at work) can ,86. =;>. >7=25 .,.6+.;

%*A ;.,.29=< *?*25*+5. +B ;.:>.<= /8; -87*=287< 8/ or greater. $.. %;.?8; (25-. *= 8/F,. A= =;.?8; to get in on this fantastic offer.

Pledge drive

Monday, December 5 to Friday, December 9

When you give to United Way (UW), you’re building stronger communities for all, now and in the future. Decide how you would like to contrib>=. 18@ =8 02?. *7- F55 27 B8>; 95.-0. /8;6 /8; * 87. =26. -87*=287 8; =1;8>01 9*B;855 -.->,tions – it’s easy! "5.*<. ;.=>;7 B8>; &( 95.-0. /8;6 27 =1. ;.=>;7 .7?.589. =8 B8>; -2?2<287 ;.9;.<.7=*=2?. +B =1. .7- 8/ 8>; ,*69*207 @..4 =8 0*27 .7=;B =8 8>; exciting Ice Cream Social! Pledge forms received by noon on November 2 will be entered in the .*;5B +2;- -;*@ 9;2C. D * 9*2- -*B 8//

AUC Silent Auction – online Get your bids in to win some fabulous auction items just 27 =26. /8; =1. 1852-*B< !; <9825 B8>;<.5/ *7- @27 =1*= most coveted item for yourself! (*=,1 B8>; 27+8A *7- =1. 98;=*5 /8; -.=*25< 27 5*=. November! If you are interested in donating items for the Silent >,=287 95.*<. ,87=*,= 7-;.@ *?2<287 A=

Wednesday, December 7 Bake Sale !7. 8/ =1. 68<= *7=2,29*=.- <*5.< 8/ =1. B.*; ,86. enjoy delicious baked goodies and treats! 8; 68;. 27/8;6*=287 95.*<. ,87=*,= 5=1.* 2?270<=87 A= *5=1.* 52?270<=87 *>, *+ ,* 8; ;27 *?*7*01 A= .;27 4*?*7*01 *>, *+ ,*

50/50 Draw Details to follow

..9 @*=,1 /8; .6*25< *778>7,270 =1. *?*25*+252=B 8/ 9*;4270 <98=< /8; 9>;,1*<. /8; 9.; @..4 @2=1 *55 9;8,..-< 08270 =8 &72=.- (*B 8; 68;. 27/8;6*=287 8; =8 -87*=. B8>; <98= 95.*<. ,87=*,= 7-;.@ *?2<287 A= *7-;.@ -*?2<87 *>, *+ ,* 8; <.. =1. 98;=*5

Calgary Drop-­in Centre

86. 3827 =1. 0;8>9 8/ & <=*// @18 ?85>7=..; *= =1. *50*;B ;89 7 .7=;. .?.;B 687=1 =8 <.;?. 5>7,1 )8>; ,8662=6.7= 6*4.< 2= 98<<2+5. /8; =1. ;89 7 .7=;. =8 9;8?2-. <.;?2,.< =1*= 78>;2<1 =1. 1.*;= 627- <92;2= *7- body. 8; 68;. 27/8;6*=287 95.*<. ,87=*,= 2<* *B427 A= 52<* -*B427 *>, *+ ,* Change starts here. For more details on the AUC United (*B ,*69*207 ?2<2= 8>; 27=.;7*5 98;=*5

*Month of November*

For the month of November: $20.00 Per day: $1.25

Please contact Trevor Wilde at 403-592-4488 for details. (Office 441)






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Parking Spots

Winter events December 5 to 9


AUC Casual Days

Monday, October 31 to Friday, November 4

month free parking

best dish runner-up # two - $100 gift certificate

Dress Down for the month of November.

Change starts here. 2011 AUC

United Way campaign

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auc newsletters FEBRUARY, 2011


TheCommission Connection

TheCommission Connection

AUC bio

A conversation with Jason Ellard Jason Ellard joined the AUC as a Systems Support Representative in our Edmonton office at the end of November, 2010. It was quickly evident to everyone in the office that he was going to fit quit nicely into our little Edmonton family. Somehow within the first week of his being here, he charmed me into bringing an apple crumble to the office. So when it came time to choose a subject for the Commission Connection’s biography, I immediately thought it would be a great opportunity for everyone to get to know Jason a little better.

Within two months Jason sold his house and within five months he was a full fledged small business owner – in Hawaii! ”

Jason was born in Calgary, a fact we have been kind enough to overlook in the Edmonton office. He was raised there with his 11 year senior sister. Due to the age difference he and his sister weren’t very close growing up, but as they have gotten older and found common ground they have developed a much closer relationship. His sister remains in Calgary with her husband of almost thirty years and their three children; two boys, ages 27 and 24; and a daughter, age 26. Jason’s father was born in England and emigrated to Calgary in 1957 with his parents. As a child Jason and his family would spend their summers in London with some of his father’s family who still lived there. His mother was born in Saskatchewan and met his father when she moved to Calgary with her family. Both of Jason’s parents worked for the Calgary Board of Education; his father in the glazing department where they maintained school windows; and his mother, a librarian at Lord Beaverbrook school. Jason’s sister also works for Calgary Board of Education, as well as her husband, sons and some of their cousins. In fact, his family has been recognized to have the


AUC bio was coincidently a DDS administrator there also.

largest number of family members to work for the Calgary Board of Education. At the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Board they invited Jason’s family to pose for a picture to commemorate the occasion.

That same year Jason went on vacation to Waikiki to visit his parents in the winter and decided he needed another change in his life. While there he looked into employment opportunities so that he could stay there permanently and live the island life. He didn’t have much luck initially, but just hours before leaving for home he put in an offer to buy a travel agency. In January 2007 the owner of the travel agency agreed to sell Jason his business. Within two months Jason sold his house and within five months he was a full fledged small business owner – in Hawaii!!

Both of Jason’s parents retired from the Board in 1992 and are living the good life, half of the year in Calgary and the other half in Hawaii, where Jason spent a lot of time…but we will get more into that later. Jason matriculated at Lord Beaverbrook and played football in high school. He still has a passion for football, however it is now from the sidelines cheering on the Calgary Stampeders. Up until 2007 Jason went to every Labour Day Classic game since he was 19 years old with friends that cheer for the rival team, which always keeps things interesting.

The travel agency was in a small town, Hauula, on the island of Oahu. Because the travel agency was all internet based, Jason was able to work from home the majority of the time. He had one employee who also worked from home - next door. However, Jason did take tourists on tours around the islands even though it wasn’t a part of the initial business plan. However, if you have met Jason you know that socializing is a big part of who he is and what he is really great at – so inevitably he worked the people into the business plan.

After high school Jason attended Mount Royal college and started to work towards a degree in commerce, but decided to leave the program early to work for CIBC bank as a teller. He eventually ended up at Laurentien bank in lending and investing and got a Canadian Securities ticket while with them. Looking for a change, in 2002 he hit the books again and enrolled in the Information Technology program at SAIT in the one year fast track program. Jason commented that he always considered himself a “techie” and quickly realized how little he really knew when he started the program. He caught on quickly though and enjoyed and did well in the program.

And the plan worked, Jason did well in Hawaii. He said that living there was amazing. He noted that Hawaiians have a similar mentality to Canadians - very laid back and everyone lets people do their own thing for the most part.

Jason is living in St. Albert, just outside of Edmonton, with his ex-ex-girlfriend. They dated when they were 19 years old in Calgary and have always stayed in contact. He decided to move to Edmonton instead of his hometown Calgary to live with her and her three daughters. Through all of it Jason’s blue heeler, Booker has been by his side. Booker will be seven years old in March and it is evident in Jason’s references to his dog that they are tight. Jason bragged that Booker was top of his class in all three training classes that Jason enrolled him in. So it seems that Jason and Booker have settled nicely into their new lives in Alberta. Jason commented that a lot of his old friends are up in Edmonton so it has been great reconnecting those relationships here. He has maintained his love for the Stampeders through a long distance relationship and seems as loyal as ever with his constant jabs at the Eskimos. As for his future, I think it will always be wide open for Jason. His positive thinking and approach with people will allow him endless opportunities in life. In his near future he will be organizing a skydiving outing this summer for any staff that are willing and able…

He has maintained his love for the Stampeders through a long distance relationship and seems as loyal as ever with his constant jabs at the Eskimos.”

Business did slow down when the recession hit and in the summer of 2010 Jason found out he needed to have his gall bladder removed. For health insurance reasons he came back to Alberta for the surgery with the inten-

After the year at SAIT he went to work for Bank of America for three years doing technical support. In 2006 he moved to CNRL as technical support where he

Commission Connection Newsletter

tion of returning to Hawaii in six months. However, he started at the AUC and a life in St. Albert and reconsidered his quick return to the warmth. Jason commented that he loves the new job and the people he works with and for and wanted to stick around for a while.


Commission Connection Newsletter



VOLUNTEER 2207 - 1331 West Georgia Vancouver, BC 1-778-999-9526

[ erin kavanagh ]

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Looking to enhance my interpersonal and communication skills in a professional and passionate atmosphere, where a BA in Communications/Marketing, and over four years of written and visual communication experience would be of value.

This past year I decided I had fulfilled my position at the AUC and decided to take a year off to travel solo to 11 different countries. The life experiences from this last year have contributed to both my personal and professional growth.

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[ Communications Specialist / Graphic Designer ]

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Alberta Utilities Commission - Calgary AB, May 2009 to August 2012 Working with the communications manager and senior communications officers to ensure an overall visual image and consistency for the AUC, and to ensure timely production of a variety of communications and marketing materials. Designing, producing and managing the production of communication and marketing material for external and internal audiences such as newspaper ads, notices signs, displays, internal newsletters and annual reviews. Spelling, grammar, and proofreading skills for adherence to Canadian Press Style Developing effective relationships with outside suppliers. Including Altalink, Enmax, Husky and ARC print Working with and coordinating a number of internal clients’ input on various projects Enhancing and updating public website design, graphics and content Assisting with employee portal design and content Internal staff photography, company newsletters and social media Assisting the Communications Manager with administrative duties.

[ Server / Bartender / Trainer ] Cioppino’s Yaletown - Vancouver BC October 2013- present Manly Grill Steak and Seafood - Manly Beach, NSF, Australia September 2012 - September 2013

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Multitasking in a very fast pace atmosphere (Sales upwards $65,000 per night) Training all the new recruits in the restaurant Handling cash-out and closing duties Knowledge of the wine list and food menu in detail Ability to suggest and match wine and food together Use of Micros and Open table.

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erin kavanagh

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