Sarah's Patisserie

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Contact Information Jill Emmighausen (585)507-6663 Erin Smith (208)252-0644 Suzanna Slavin (917) 804-2013 Katie Edwards (718) 702-9865 Beecher DiNapoli (603) 686-2659 Lauren McAlpine (774) 217-0859


Table of Contents Executive Summary Situational Analysis Objectives Target Audiences Media Outlets Strategies Tactics Measurement & Evaluation Timetable Budget Cachet PR team Bios Appendix/Supplemental Materials

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Executive Summary We at Cachet Public Relations are very excited for this opportunity to work with Sarah’s Patisserie. Sarah’s Patisserie is a high-end French pastry shop located in Ithaca, New York. The shop has been under the ownership of head chef Tammy Travis for the past eight years and the Ithaca region has presented many opportunities and challenges for the patisserie. The city of Ithaca is a growing region with an active community and unique culture. We believe that this presents the perfect circumstances for Sarah’s Patisserie to increase its brand awareness and gain new customers. Cachet Public Relations has created a comprehensive public relations campaign for the shop to become a more active and vital part of the Ithaca community. By increasing their presence in the community, Sarah’s Patisserie will become a frontrunner in the dessert and cake market in Ithaca and the surrounding regions. We plan to reposition the patisserie as not just another bakery, but as a well- known and desired place to enjoy genuine and delicious French pastries. Since the patisserie is relatively unknown to our target audiences, our plan calls for a community outreach approach that focuses mainly on brand awareness. Cachet Public Relations would like to thank Tammy Travis and Sarah’s Patisserie for the opportunity to work on this case. We are excited to be able to promote the patisserie and strongly believe this program will meet its objectives, and in doing so, will produce positive results for the shop. Through our programs, Sarah’s Patisserie will be able to become one of the most prominent pastry shops in the Ithaca region and will create a long lasting presence in the community.


Situational Analysis Sarah’s Patisserie is a relatively expensive pastry shop that is located on Pleasant Grove Road in Ithaca New York. Although the patisserie serves very high quality desserts, there is not a constant demand for these products. Along with an inconsistent demand, Sarah’s Patisserie has fairly high priced pastries and is also out of the downtown Ithaca area. For all of these reasons; the location, price, and limited need of the product are the main reasons why Sarah’s Patisserie does not have a lot of business. Additionally, Sarah’s Patisserie’s Facebook page and website are not well-developed or good representations of the quality of their products. Since Sarah’s Patisserie has many characteristics that are actually working against the company, there are many opportunities for the company to improve presently and in the future. Currently, the business can work on updating their social media sites in order to give their customers more information on the business. For in the future, Sarah’s Patisserie can strive to be involved in more events in the Ithaca area and turn the negative aspects of the patisserie into positive ones. The amount of information on the internet about the business should also be increased. Through Google, the only things that come up when typing in “Sarah’s Patisserie” are the companies website, Facebook page, and reviews of the business. Luckily, the majority of the reviews were positive, with only one negative review. Positive: • User on said that Sarah’s Patisserie has “amazing desserts that also happen to be astounding works of art with chocolate that will make you tremble.” This user also added how the patisserie “definitely measures up to actual chocolates from Paris.” • Others from remarked how “the service was very good and the atmosphere was very nice. • A user on commented on how “A first class charming staff brings you into the last homely corner of the Montreal Old City or the 16 Arrondissement of Paris for crisp rolls and delicate cakes. A master chef is clearly at work behind the scenes.” Negative: • A user on commented on how she was “disappointed when I went in to place an order. Tammy wouldn’t come out to meet with me to discuss order” and the customer took her business else where because of the rude service.


Situational Analysis

Other than using reviews to help us get a better sense of what customers think about Sarah’s Patisserie, Cachet Public Relations also conducted a survey and used MRI+. Our survey asked 91 students between the ages of 18-30 about their preferences of desserts. 70.3% of the people were between 18-20 years old while 29.7% were between 21 and 30. Specific questions included: How old are you, what gender are you, when do you most want chocolate, and what is the most important thing consumers consider when purchasing a dessert. Results showed that 35.5% of people want dessert during the weekdays, 59.6% out of the participants said that flavor is the most important thing to consider when buying a dessert, almost 80% of the people will travel over 15 minutes to get a high quality dessert, and 92.3% of the people did not know of Sarah’s Patisserie. Besides this survey showing the preferences of possible consumers, the survey also showed that the patisserie really needs to increase awareness about their company. After this awareness, there is a good chance that people will travel the distance for Sarah’s desserts. When using MRI+, our group discovered what type of people were buying desserts most frequently. All of this information gave us more insight on the possible consumers of Sarah’s Patisserie. When buying boxed chocolates, the primary consumers are 45-64 years old. However, our main consumers for cakes and pastries in general are 18-24 year olds. For all of these various types of desserts, women are the primary audience. This data helped Cachet Public Relations further determine who the target audience is for Sarah’s Patisserie. Competition: The fact that Sarah’s Patisserie is away from downtown Ithaca greatly hurts the business. Although there are not any other major patisseries nearby, there are many other similar companies in the downtown Ithaca area. The main competitors of Sarah’s Patisserie are: Madeline’s Restaurant, Just Deserts, Ithaca Bakery, Wegmans, and Dolce Patisserie. All of these companies are different from Sarah’s Patisserie in some ways, but similar in the fact that they are all selling some type of dessert or baked good. These competitors have the advantage of being closer to the center of Ithaca where more locals and college students reside.


Situational Analysis Madeleine’s Restaurant: East State Street Ithaca, NY

Competitors Ithaca Bakery: 400 North Meadow Street Ithaca, NY

• Serves dinner food and has a full bar • 20 different homemade desserts daily • Somewhat expensive • Highly rated by many customers via reviews Just Desserts: 821 Danby Road Ithaca, NY

• Cakes, pies, cookies, breads • Wedding cakes • Reasonable prices • Very well known and involved in the Ithaca com- munity

Wegmans: 500 South Meadow Street Ithaca, NY

• Known for award winning cakes, excellent coffee, and other delicious desserts • Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, donuts, muffins, pies • Prices are very low for the quality • Very reasonable prices • Chef is very well known and named chef of the • Visited almost weekly for other purposes year in 2003 Dolce Patisserie: 1080 Danby Road Ithaca, NY • Cakes, brownies, cookies • Helps with weddings • Reasonable prices • Excellent reviews

Sarah’s Patisserie: Strengths

1. High quality desserts 2. Unique Products 3. Great atmosphere 4. Genuine French experience Opportunities

Weaknesses 1. Location of the business 2. Price of the products 3. Limited advertising 4. Quality of social media Threats

1. Ability to be involved in downtown Ithaca events 1. Competition in the Ithaca area 2. Include products at nearby wineries 3. Negative reviews 3. Advertising on Ithaca and Cornell campuses 4. Limited demand 4. Bridal parties


Objectives As public relations representatives for Sarah’s Patisserie, Cachet Public Relations has identified a set of targeted objectives to build the image of Sarah’s Patisserie and increase the company’s overall reach. Below are the outlined objectives:


• Build a stronger, more sustainable relationship with the community

• Increase awareness of the patisserie

• Portray the location as a desirable characteristic that makes it unique

• Utilize the price as a distinguishable trait that shows the quality and status of products

• Make the website & social media more visually appealing and easy to use

• Expand promotions & partnerships to promote the business to wider audiences

Target Audiences Our campaign aims to target the Ithaca community. We will strive to make individuals within the community, as well as residents from other nearby regions, aware of Sarah’s Patisserie through different forms of print media. When targeting the Ithaca community, we have narrowed our focus on a few select groups for our primary and secondary target audiences listed below. Primary Audience: • Brides One of the primary target audiences chosen for the campaign are brides ages 25 and up. Since Sarah’s Patisserie is known for their elegant wedding cakes, brides would definitely be interested in possibly becoming a customer of Sarah’s. These locations can be within a 100-mile radius, reaching audiences around Ithaca, Syracuse, and Rochester regions. • Parents and Tourists Parents and tourists are also primary audiences because they are actively involved in Ithaca. Both parents and tourists stay at hotels or bed and breakfasts, where rack cards would be easily accessible. Additionally, typically when tourists are on vacation or are visiting a new location, they like they worry less about money and more about the experience. For this reason, tourists would be more likely to splurge for Sarah’s Patisserie’s expensive, but exquisite, desserts. Lastly, Parents can also order cakes and other desserts for their child at school for special occasions, such as a birthday or graduation. • Vineyards Vineyards will make up another segment of the primary target audience for the campaign. Wines, especially dessert wines, are often paired up with fine pastries and chocolates. For this reason, the Cayuga Wine Trail offers numerous opportunities for Sarah’s Patisserie. Knapp Winery and Vineyard Restaurant, Cayuga Ridge Estate, and Six Mile Creek Vineyard are popular wineries along the trail that hold weddings and other events that Sarah’s Patisserie can get involved in.


Target Audiences Secondary Audience: • College Students Since Ithaca is a ‘college town’, a secondary target audience chosen for the campaign consists of college students. These young individuals have a large existence in Ithaca due to Ithaca College and Cornell University. This specific target audience is between the ages of 18 and 24, most with cars or accessibil- ity to public transportation, such as the TCAT. This demographic will be targeted for special occasions such as celebrating birthdays and graduation. • College Faculty and Staff One of the secondary target audiences chosen for the campaign is Ithaca College and Cornell Univer- sity faculty and staff members ages 24 and older. The decision to target this particular audience was based off the need for a local patisserie on the way to and from work. This specific demographic will be targeted due to the constant on-the-go lifestyle and for the time in their life when they may be celebrating special occasions, weddings, work events, or family gatherings. Lastly, the data from MRI+ supported this choice since the target audience for boxed chocolates are 45-64 year olds and many of the faculty at Ithaca College and Cornell University fall into this age group. • Locals Another secondary target audience chosen for the campaign is made up of individuals and shops within the Ithaca community. They are men and women with disposable income seeking a local patisserie for sweets and cakes for special celebratory occasions, such as high school and college graduation, birthday parties, special events, and family gatherings. The Kendal at Ithaca Retirement Community is located less than five miles from the patisserie. This affluent senior housing community serves as current customer that need to be kept loyal as existing clientele. Additionally, MRI+ data showed that the primary consumers of boxed chocolates were in the older range of 45-64 year olds. This segment also targets the Finger Lakes Wine Center and Farmers Market.


Media Outlets Audience Reach through Media Print: Local/Regional Magazines · Edible Finger Lakes Magazine · Life in the Finger Lakes Magazine · Good Life Magazine · Fresh Dirt Ithaca Magazine Local/Regional Newspapers · Finger Lakes Times · The Ithaca Journal · The Ithaca Times · Rochester Democrat & Chronicle · The Post-Standard College and University Newspapers · The Ithacan · The Cornell Daily Sun Online: · · · · · · Wedding Blogs · Facebook · Pinterest Television: · The Food Network


Strategies We plan to implement various strategies to assist us in achieving our main objectives. These strategies will work together to generate the desired outcome for this campaign. These strategies for success are: • Design and direct a high-impact PR campaign, focusing on Sarah’s high quality desserts, and the patisserie’s individuality among other high-end pastry businesses around the Ithaca/Tompkins County area.


• Work to improve and broaden the company’s online presence.

• Communicate effectively with the media in order to promote Sarah Patisserie to students, local residents, working professionals, tourists, college staff and faculty.

• Partner with local wineries/vineyards, wedding planners and caterers, and local shops such as the Farmer’s Market to take advantage of possible promotions, and events that will effectively reach our targeted market audience.

• Target Ithaca College and Cornell University students and the local Ithaca community through social media to help communicate upcoming sales, promotions, and events.

• Create incentives and promotional materials that will be accessible and desirable by your target market, in order to increase awareness and generate increase in sales and traffic to the shop.

• Promote Sarah’s Patisserie as the authentic “French Experience,” in which customers can enjoy delectable cakes, chocolates, and other pastries, while receiving a first-class experience mixed with a genuine French ambiance.

Tactics Umbrella Theme: Indulge in Elegance This public Relations campaign is focused on solidifying Sarah’s Patisserie as a well known, highly regarded French patisserie in the area with the related umbrella theme of “Indulge in Elegance.” This image distinguishes Sarah’s from its competitors and makes consumers feel comfortable with spending a little more for dessert. Our idea is that the high quality French desserts makes the drive and price worth it. These decisions were made based on our research through a survey and online reviews of Sarah’s Patisserie. Social Media and Online Presence: Our plan includes creating consistency in Sarah’s high-quality French image among their online presence on Facebook as well as their website. Currently the website has no consistent image or logo with the organization’s Facebook page. We have created a mock website and Facebook page that we believe would bring more success to the company in addition to creating brand awareness and consistency to Sarah’s Patisserie. We have provided an improved website to enhance the image of Sarah’s Patisserie while also providing consistency in colors, smooth and easy navigation throughout the site, and higher quality pictures of the desserts they offer. You can find these in the Appendix. Sarah’s Facebook page should carry out these consistent color schemes, logos, and high quality images. Facebook page should also be updated more frequently since it is clear that the lack of attention to the website has caused a lack of viewers. Only 31 people have actually viewed the website. Currently, the page is updated only a few times a month. New sales, promotions, events, or recipes should be constantly posted to achieve maximum customer interaction, attention, and retention. Media Coverage We have planned to arrange meetings with journalists for Edible Finger Lakes, Ithaca Journal, Cornell Daily Sun, The Ithacan, and Life in the Finger Lakes magazine to have a tasting at Sarah’s Patisserie and write an editorial on their experience to raise awareness in both our primary and secondary target markets. • Invite journalists from Edible Fingerlakes, Ithaca Journal, Cornell Daily Sun, The Ithacan, and Life in the Finger Lakes magazine to have a tasting at Sarah’s Patisserie and write an editorial on their experience for publicity. • Create an actual advertisement to run in our target newspapers and magazines to reiterate the im age of “indulgent elegance” • News release about new promotions/events • Reach out to Culinary Club on campus • Get involved in a Food Network baking challenge where she could attain national coverage


Tactics This plan includes a number of different events year round to bring awareness and consumer involvement to an all-time high. The planned events are as follows: • King Ferry Winery: King Ferry Winery, maker of Treleaven Wines, is located on the east side of Cayuga Lake. The winery produces multiple award winning Treleaven Wines, including Chardonnays that are crafted in the centuries-old Burgundian tradition. The Cayuga Wine Trail attracts both locals and visitors to the area. College students, families, and faculty, who are all in our target audience, are the main visitors of the wine trails. The King Ferry Winery’s image for well- crafted wines at affordable prices will pair well with Sarah’s Patisserie’s chocolates. I Love Chocolate Day takes place at King Ferry Winery in May. The I Love Chocolate Day event pairs five wines with five desserts at an affordable price that will gain exposure for the patisserie. It also includes free live music by Cielle from 12 to 2, and “Restless” from 2 to 5. Wine is available by the glass or bottle - bring friends, hang out, and enjoy the afternoon. • Chilli/Apple Fest: The annual Apple and Chilli fest in downtown Ithaca attracts people from all over the area. The Chilli Fest typically occurs sometime in February while the Apple Fest happens in September or October. Both events feature a variety of foods, contests, live music, and various other attractions. These events are free to the public and the food is sold at very good prices. Besides selling locally grown food, the festivals also features wineries and handmade crafts. Both the Chilli and Apple fest would be a great way for Sarah’s Patisserie to spread awareness in the area and introduce her delicious desserts to the public. • Events at Sarah’s Patisserie: In addition to being involved in events at other businesses, Sarah’s Patisserie also has the opportunity to hold events at her own store. Numerous events could include: birthday parties, bridal parties, cooking classes, and French themed parties. In order to bring primarily college students to the patisserie, the company could hold birthday parties where Sarah’s Patisserie supplies the birthday cake and other desserts. Additionally, the patisserie could invite an entire bridal party to help the bride taste test different wedding cakes. For people who want to learn how to cook lavish desserts, the business could host their very own cooking party. Lastly, Sarah’s Patisserie French atmosphere could be used to attract customers who want to have a French themed party.


Tactics We have organized an event at the launch of the PR Campaign to bring the initial awareness and publicity to the Patisserie. The event will be called Pastries in Paris and will be planned right around graduation for Ithaca and Cornell so that parents can turn to the best Patisserie in town for their graduate’s celebratory cake. The invitation we have designed for the event is below. “Pastries in Paris” Launch Party - May 21, 2013 • Used to promote her new elegant image • Inviting students, parents, locals, tourists, prospect partner companies • Hosted at Sarah’s Patisserie • Reporters/food and wine journalists are welcome • Serving a variety of pastries


Tactics The other primary target market for Sarah’s Patisserie is brides and wedding planners. Our distinct place in the market as a French patisserie provides a unique and elegant experience for those planning the most important, elegant event of their lives. For these events we have arranged Sarah’s Patisserie to promote their cakes and chocolates at the Finger Lakes Bridal Expo in January and February in addition to partnering with David’s Bridal for an event in March. Finger Lakes Platinum Bridal Expo Radisson Hotel Corning, 125 Denison Parkway East, Corning • Bring brochures and business cards with links to online • Have cakes on display • Provide chocolate samples A Day at David’s Bridal Davids Bridal Syracuse, NY 13214 • Pair chocolates with wines when brides shop for dresses • Bring brochures and business cards with links to online • Attract bridal audiences Vineyard Events: Sarah’s Patisserie will team up with local vineyards and to sell their chocolates with the wine products. Events will include the Cayuga Wine Trail. This will meet the objectives of raising awareness about Sarah’s while also increasing overall sales. Finger Lakes Wine Center As a tasting bar, wine store, tourism and event center, the Finger Lakes Wine Center would be an important partnership for Sarah’s Patisserie to form. The Center attracts tourists and locals as a central place to learn about wine and how to pair wines. The patisserie could position itself as the pastry shop of choice as the Finger Lakes Wine Center often recommends food and beverage services for the parties hosting events at the center. The Finger Lakes Wine Center offers its Exhibit Gallery for sit- down dinner parties or cocktail parties and its intimate Private Tasting Room for meetings and luncheons. By pairing the patisserie with the wine center, we are more likely to reach our target audiences of college faculty, visitors to the Ithaca community, and wedding planners since these are the groups most likely to use the spaces offered by the wine center.


Tactics Awareness Placement: We plan on creating take-away brochures as well as business cards that would be stored in card racks placed where our primary and secondary audiences are most. This would include Local shops, Wedding Planners and Caterers, Ithaca Downtown center, Hotel lobbies, and especially in the Triphammer area near the retirement communities.

The Culinary Arts Club Presents Sarah’s Patisserie The Culinary Arts Club on the Ithaca College campus learns how to cook food from different cultures and places around the world every week. This would provide a perfect opportunity for Sarah’s Patisserie to make an appearance on campus and make the patisserie known to college students. A baker from the patisserie could come to campus for a night and show the club, along with other interested students, how to bake and decorate a few select desserts including cakes, cookies, pastries, and macaroons for the holidays. Cornell University also has numerous culinary and cooking clubs that could host Sarah’s Patisserie as a presenter and train students how to make authentic French desserts. Ithaca Farmers Market One of our primary target markets is the Ithaca Community and visitors to the area, and a hugely popular part of the city of Ithaca is it’s farmers market. Vendors within a 30 mile radius of Ithaca participate from the spring to early fall months, not only selling their products but also raising awareness of their companies and brands. The farmers market is an inexpensive way for Sarah’s Patisserie to gain exposure, connect with the Ithaca community, build relationships with other vendors and possible future partners, and gain a wider consumer base for their products. As an easy entry participant, the patisserie would be able to participate in the farmers market on Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday at both the Steamboat Landing and at Dewitt Park. On these days the market is open from May to October (which is important for wedding season exposure). The easy entry participant is a start to get involved with the farmers market without having the commitment required of a full member (such as mandatory market hours), and is the least expensive way to be a part of the market.


Tactics Promotions: • Giving Rewards for Buying Birthday Cake or Cookies for Friends: In order to show the businesses appreciation for their customers, Sarah’s Patisserie could create certain rewards for people who chose to buy a celebration cake at the store. Such cakes could include birthday and graduation cakes. The patisserie could thrown in an apron or other birthday desserts in order to thank the customers for shopping at their patisserie.


• Using ID Express and Student ID Cards: In order to attract college students from both Ithaca College and Cornell University, Sarah’s Patisserie could give specific promotions to students. Specifically, students would be able to use their ID express cards to purchase their desserts and would receive an additional percentage off if they presented their student ID card at the time of the purchase. Both of these promotions can be advertised on Cornell and Ithaca campus and would certainly draw in more consumers from the ages of 18-24 years old. As soon as the prices became more attractive to college students, an increase in business would definitely be expected.

• Aprons: As a promotional product, Sarah’s Patisserie could use custom made aprons at many occa sions. The business could use the aprons when they host various events at the patisserie and they could also sell them as merchandise. The custom made aprons could be given to loyal customers or to show Sarah Pattiserie’s appreciation for consumers’ business.

• Tabling in Campus Center: In order to attract the attention of college students, Sarah’s Patisserie could partner with a student organization to table and sell a few select products in the Campus Center to students. Food for Thought partners with Purity Ice Cream and sells cupcakes to students, which is very popular on campus.

• Rack Cards: Sarah’s Patisserie could make rack cards that can be placed around Ithaca to advertise the patisserie to visitors and residents within the community. The Ithaca Visitors Bureau, restaurants, hotels, and bed and breakfasts are a few examples of the locations in which the rack cards can be placed. The cards will provide quick and easy-to-read information for individuals passing through these specific locations.

Tactics In order to track the success of our “Indulge in Elegance” public relations campaign, Cachet PR will closely monitored the result of the desired objectives and the implemented tactics and strategies over the course of the campaign. There are numerous ways in which we plan to measure the interest, traffic, participation, and overall success of our campaign and events we are conducting. Surveys As part of our campaign, we conducted a survey through to measure the characteristics that consumers look for in desserts and the awareness level of our target market at both before and after the implementation of the campaign. Using a survey at both ends of our campaigns will allow us to determine if we were successful in reaching our target audiences and ensuring that they received and understood the program’s message. Clients One of our main strategies to determine the success of our campaign is to track the increase in the client activity from the before the campaign until the end. By noticing an increase in sales from our present, and potential clients will allow us to evaluate whether or not the tactics and strategies that we have taken were effective. Client and sales activity will be measured through the actual number of customers that visit or interact with the business and the physical revenue that Sarah’s Patisserie will be receiving through the increased business. We are hoping to increase sales and client activity by 15% throughout the course of the campaign. Online Website Traffic/Online Ordering We will regularly monitor the website traffic, the click-through-rates, and the overall time spent on the latest and updated version of Sarah’s Patisserie website. We are hoping with the newest additions to the website, such as the ability to order desserts online ahead of time for special events, will pull more consumers to the website. Therefore we can measure and analyze the number of people using this feature to see if this is a positive addition to the business as well. We hope by updating various aspects of the website, such as pictures, videos, and the availability to order online will increase website traffic by at least 10%.


Measurement & Evaluation Media Coverage We will keep a record of any mentions within the local or regional radios, newspapers, or magazines for any advertisements, reviews, editorials, or profiles written about Sarah’s Patisserie. In addition we can analyze and evaluate the contents within the editorials and reviews to see if they are positive and progressive in helping spread awareness and business. This will determine whether or not the bakery is getting the necessary media attention that is needed to improve the positive attitude toward Sarah’s Patisserie. By closely monitoring any media coverage of Sarah’s Patisserie will allow Cachet PR to change and adapt any aspect of the media advertisement and promotions that need to be changed in the future to successful communicate our campaigns message. We will also evaluate the usage of media to help with the promotion of all our various events, in order to gage how well people are being informed about upcoming events, season specials, and other promotional tactics. Social Media Another aspect that we are integrating into our “Indulge in Elegance” campaign would be the heightened usage of social media, such as Facebook and Pinterest. Since Sarah’s already has an existing Facebook, we want to utilize this more and draw more traffic and clients to visit the site for information about upcoming event, sales, specials, or even the latest dessert that was just freshly made. We can measure the effectiveness of our campaign as well; through the Facebook “likes,” comments, or even the amount of people you post things about Sarah’s great products on their own walls. This will allow us to grasp the range of people who are aware of Sarah’s Patisserie and is also an addition way to get free positive promotion about the business. In addition we will be creating a Pinterest for Sarah’s Patisserie, which is a way for you to “organize and share all the beautiful things you find on the web.” Therefore we believe that that we can measure the effectiveness of this tactic by monitoring the amount of picture of Sarah’s desserts or recipes are “repined” by people and help to further spread the awareness level of Sarah’s Patisserie.


Timetable September - November 2012 • Internship Fair to hire student interns at Ithaca College and Cornell University (September) • Apple Fest (end of September-early October) • Ithaca Farmers Market (all year) • “Pastries in Paris” during Parents Weekend at storefront (November) • Finger Lakes Platinum Bridal Expo at Elmira Country Club (November) December - February 2013 • Culinary Arts Club Event at Ithaca College (holiday themed?) (December) • Relaunch website and social networking sites (January) • Chili Fest (February) March - May 2013 • David’s Bridal Event (early March) • “I Love Chocolate Day” at King Ferry Winery (early May) • Event during Senior Week/graduation promotions (early May) June - August 2013 • Continue wedding season promotions • Possible feature in local newspapers/magazines for seasonal events Sept. Internship Fair Apple Fest Ithaca Farmers Market “Pastries in Paris” Launch Party Finger Lakes Platinum Bridal Expo Culinary Arts Club Event Relaunch Website Chili Fest A Day At David’s Bridal “I Love Chocolate Day” At King Ferry Winery Senior Week Event Wedding season/graduation promotions Features in local newspapers/magazines








May Jun.

Jul. Aug.


Budget Cachet Public Relations devised a plan that is both cost effective and successful. Sarah’s Patisserie lacked the extensive funds for a large public relations campaign so we have proposed low-cost solutions that will provide the client with high impact results. With a limited budget of maximum $5,000, Cachet had to make every dollar count. With a strong focus on editorial and profile pieces in the media rather than heavy advertising, we were able to gain exposure without using our funds to pay for it. Most of the budget was used to connect with the Ithaca community as well as communities in surrounding areas. We have based our proposal budget at $1,672.49. Below is a pie chart of where each portion of the budget is being spent:


9% 8% 44%

2% 2% 0% 12%

Aprons Chili Fest and Apple Fest Farmers Market Brochures Business Cards Adver?sing Pastries in Paris Launch Par?es

12% 11%


Finger Lakes Pla?num Bridal Expo Surplus

Staff Biographies

Beecher DiNapoli Ithaca College Class of 2014

Beecher DiNapoli is originally from Exeter, New Hampshire and is now at Ithaca College as an Integrated Strategic Communications Major in the Roy H. Park School. She spent her freshman year at Roger Williams University, but chose to transfer to Ithaca College for the excellent communication programs. Other than being involved in academics, Beecher is apart of many clubs on campus. She is a member of PRSSA, HiFashion Studios, and a consulting group named 180 Degrees. Through PRSSA, she has learned about the field of public relations and also helped plan an event for kids with cancer called Swish for Make a Wish. As a stylist in HiFashion studios, Beecher was one of four stylists who styled each model for various fashion shows. Lastly, through 180 Degrees, Beecher has worked with the nonprofit organization of Love For No Bounds in downtown Ithaca by helping them strengthen their marketing plan. Additionally, Beecher currently works at the visitors lot on campus where she is in charge of signing visitors in daily. When she is not planning an event, styling models, or signing visitors in, Beecher enjoys walking around downtown Ithaca and spending time with her friends. This summer coming up, Beecher will intern at Calypso Communication in Portsmouth New Hampshire. Calypso is a communications and public relations firm that will hopefully give Beecher a better understanding of what it is like to work in public relations. During the spring of next year, Beecher wants to spend a semester in NYC where she plans on getting an internship in Public Relations. After college, Beecher hopes to have a career in public relations, specifically for a fashion magazine. When Beecher wants to indulge, she typically finds herself at a nearby shopping mall. Whenever she is feeling stressed out, Beecher enjoys treating herself to a day of shopping. At the end of the day, she walks away with some new clothes and a more relaxed mind.


Staff Biographies Erin Smith Ithaca College Class of 2014

Erin Smith is a sophomore Integrated Marketing Communications major with a minor in International Communications in the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. She has earned the recognition of Leadership Scholar throughout her in- volvements on and off campus. After graduation, Erin plans on working for an advertising agency.

Erin currently serves as a Class of 2014 Senator in Student Govern- ment Association in addition to being the Advertising and Public Relations Director of the National Residence Hall Honorary on campus, representing students that encompass the pillars of scholarship, leadership, service, and recognition. She has also served as the Communications Director of the non-profit student organization Food for Thought this year where she helped plan and promote the Walk for Plumpy’nut service event. Erin works as a Student Leadership Consultant in the Office of Student Engagement and Multicultural Affairs. Her job includes working on Ithaca College’s online database for student organizations called ICLink where she has created a new logo, marketing strategy, and presented on the utility offered to students. She also helped organize, promote, and host Leadership Weekend – a conference offered to freshmen and sophomore students interested in leadership on and off campus. Erin was raised in Blackfoot, Idaho. Her achievements in high school include being a member of the National Forensic League and competing in speech and debate at the regional and state level, leading to her to the national competition two years in a row. Erin was also a recipient of the American Legion Oratorical Contest. She is also a welder, and attended the College of Southern Idaho during her summer before freshman year at Ithaca College to work toward a certification in welding. She greatly enjoys traveling and has traveled independently to Luxembourg, France, Germany, Belgium, and Mexico. Erin’s idea of Indulging in Elegance means treating herself to a classy dinner out. As a vegan, she has a love for intricate flavors and exotic foods and loves nothing more than eating delicious entrees in an environment that makes her happy and relaxed. Erin has found that food is one thing everyone can bond over.


Staff Biographies Jill Emmighausen Ithaca College Class of 2013 Jill Emmighausen is a junior Integrated Marketing Communications major in the Roy H. Park School of Communications at Ithaca College. Her hard work and time commitment throughout her academic career have led her to achieve Dean’s List honors and membership into the communications honor society, Lambda Pi Eta. Jill works as an Office Assistant in the Office of Public Safety on campus. She has also been involved in extracurricular clubs and organizations on campus. She is the Treasurer of the Public Relations Student Society of America Ithaca College chapter, where she is actively involved in managing organizational funds and helps in planning events, such as Swish for Make-A-Wish. Jill is also a member of the Ithaca College Women’s Club Basketball team. During January of 2012, Jill interned in the PR department at Roberts Communications, an advertising agency located in Rochester, NY. Here, Jill gained hands on experience and extensive knowledge of public relations, helping to create proposals for clients, research, presentation preparation, and publication searches. Jill is from Avon, a small town south of Rochester, New York. She hopes to use her Integrated Marketing Communications major to pursue a career in public relations at a local agency. She looks forward to interning and gaining more experience through Ithaca College’s New York City Program during the spring of 2013. Jill loves to treat herself to sweets of all kinds. She has quite the sweet tooth, so when she does indulge, she does it right. Jill loves all desserts, but prefers ice cream and anything chocolate, especially warm chocolate lava cake. Chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate covered pretzels are also high on Jill’s list of sweets.


Staff Biographies Katie Edwards Ithaca College Class of 2013

Katie Edwards, a Junior at Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications, is a Television-Radio major, with a minor in Inte grated Marketing Communications. With a cumulative GPA of 3.82 and through hardwork and commitment has allowed her to earn a place on the Dean’s List and a proud member of the communica- tions honor society, Lambda Pi Eta.

Katie works as Teacher’s Assistant for Prof. Jerry Gambell in the Television-Radio department and as well as on the event staff for the sporting events on campus. In addition, she is heavily involved in extracurricular clubs, and organization here at Ithaca College. She is an active and devoted member of Ithaca College Television, ICTV, where she works on numerous shows such as “Hold That Thought,” “E16,” “Fake Out,” and “Bombers Live.” Katie is also a proud member of the Ithaca College’s Women’s Track and Field team, in which competes in event such as the 400 hurdles and the javelin throw. She has qualified for the NYSCTC Outdoor State Championship for the javelin and placed 7th overall in last year’s competition. Katie is also a member of the Ithaca College Women’s Club Basketball Team. This summer Katie will be interning in Manhattan, NY, with New York 1 news as a technical and production intern. This will allow her to gain more of a hand on experience, and knowledge from professionals in her field of study. In the fall, Katie will be attending the Los Angeles Program and hopes to find an internship with media organizations within the television production field. Born and raised in Staten Island, New York, Katie attended St. Joseph by-the-Sea High school, where she graduated in the top 10% percent of her class and was a member of the National Honor Society. She hopes to use her Television-Radio major and Integrated Marketing Communications minor to pursue a career in advertising in an agency or with an active television production company in NYC. What does it mean to “Indulge in Elegance?” For Katie this can mean anything from treating herself to a variety of sweets or simply spending quality time with her friends. When it comes to dessert, Katie prefers almost anytime type of ice cream especially over a warm freshly baked brownie. However, she also enjoys going out to eat at new restaurants or even spending a day outside in the sun with some of her closest friends.


Staff Biographies Lauren McAlpine Ithaca College Class of 2012 Lauren McAlpine, a senior at Ithaca College’s School of Health Science and Human Performance, is a Sports Media major. She chose Ithaca College specifically for the Sports Management and Media program as it is one of the oldest and most respected in the country. Besides academics, Lauren works with the Mail Services Department in the post office and the mail center. She is also involved in extracurricular clubs and activities on campus. She has been on the Women’s Rugby team for all four years of her undergraduate career and has been actively involved on the student board for the club, including helping plan the first annual Tries and Glory Rugby Tournament to be played on campus with teams from across the state. During the summer of 2011, Lauren interned with Boston University’s Marketing Communications Department within its Athletic Department in Boston, MA. She was able to gain experience in managing teams in the sports world as well as gain a better understanding of the field of marketing. She helped organize and produce press conferences, wrote press releases and biographies for student athletes in 23 different sports, and performed other menial tasks as needed. Lauren is from the small town of Holliston, MA, just outside of Boston. After graduation, she hopes to pursue a career in sports, specifically in either marketing or public relations. Her dream job would be to one day work for her favorite team, the New England Patriots. Lauren has a simple outlook on what it means to “indulge in elegance.” She believes that indulging can be anything from taking the day off of work on a sunny day to eating dessert before dinner to drinking out of champagne glasses just because. She likes to indulge herself by getting pedicures with her mom or friends, then spending a day admiring it in the sand and sun by the ocean with a good book.


Staff Biographies Suzanna Slavin Ithaca College Class Of 2013

Suzanna Slavin, a Junior at Ithaca College’s Roy H. Park School of Communications, is an Integrated Marketing Communications major. With a cumulative GPA of 3.7, Suzanna has earned a place on the dean’s list.

As fashion director of Ithaca College’s HiFashionStudio’s Magazine, Suzanna has put together several pages for the magazine, as well as prepared, organized, and conceptualized several photo shoots. In addition, she is a part of the Public Relations Student Society of America.

Since her Junior year of high school, Suzanna has had three internships in the fashion industry in New York City. Last summer, she worked for Refinery29, a fashion-based website where she was an editorial intern and wrote over fifty articles that were published on the site. In the summer of 2010, she was a fashion intern for Nylon Magazine, a pop-culture fashion magazine, where she took on day-to-day responsibilities in the magazine’s fashion closet as well as assisting stylists on photo shoots. From the summer of 2008 to 2009, Suzanna interned at Sandbox Studio, a photo studio that allows studio space for clients such as Target, Coach, Restoration Hardware, and many more. She assisted a producer of the studio and did menial tasks to assisting and organizing at photo shoots. This summer, Suzanna will be interning for Mom + Pop Music, an independent record label that specializes in indie-rock music. Born and raised on Long Island, New York, Suzanna attended South Side High School, where she completed the International Baccalaureate Diploma, held a spot for four years on girls varsity tennis, and belonged to several clubs, including Art Honors Society, Red & Blue, and Amnesty International. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family, cooking, and traveling. She has been to several countries in and out of the United States, including California, Maine, around Europe, and South America. Suzanna enjoys to indulge in elegance. After visiting France several times, she has been exposed to the sights, culture, and of course, food. She believes “indulging in elegance” can mean anything from spending your paycheck on a swoon-worthy pair of shoes, to spending a day at the spa, or to finishing the last piece of chocolate cake. Suzanna indulges in elegance by shopping and eating her way through new cities and countries.


Appendix Hotels: Hilton Garden Inn 130 East Seneca Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 277-8900

Contact Information Visitor Centers: Ithaca Visitors Bureau 904 East Shore Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-1313

Holiday Inn 222 South Cayuga Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-1000 Super 8 400 South Meadow, Cecil A Malone Drive at Route 13 Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 273-8088 The Statler 130 Statler Drive Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 257-2500 Wedding Planners: Terra Rosa 2255 N. Triphammer Road (Triphammer Marketplace) Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 257-7200 5428 Anvil Drive Camillus, NY 13031 (315) 672-8899 All Occasions by Maria 347 West Service Highway Binghamton, NY 13901 (607) 760-0613

Center Ithaca 171 East State Street Ithaca, NY 14850 (607) 272-5275 Vineyards: The Cayuga Wine Trail Knapp Winery and Vineyard Restaurant (800) 869-9271 Cayuga Ridge Estate (607) 869-5158 Six Mile Creek Vineyard (607) 272-9463 King Ferry Winery/Treleaven Wines (315) 364-5100 The Finger Lakes Wine Center (607) 882-9663


Appendix Survey What is your age? 1. 18-20 2. 20-24 2. 24-35 What gender are you? 1. Female 2. Male

How often do you eat desserts? 1. 1-2 times per week 2. 3-4 times per week 3. 5-7 times more per week 4. Never

How far would you willing to travel for high-quality desserts? What is the most common occasion when you want 1. 5-10 min 2. 10-15 min chocolate? 3. 15-20 min 1. Special event 4. 30 min or more 2. Birthday 3. Weekdays 4. Weekends 5. Other ________ What is the most important aspect when deciding on what dessert to buy? 1. Price 2. Flavor 3. Brand name Other Contact information: 4. Convience 5. Quality Other ______ superfruit.html What is your favorite dessert? 1. Chocolates 2. Ice creams 3. Cookies 4. Cakes 5. Other _________


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