Job Application for Part2 Architectural Assistant

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PART II Architecture Assistant

MArch Architecture (RIBA/ARB Part II)

The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL



Heritage + Re-wilding

Lost in the Woods


2021-2022 individual work

Investigation through German Black Forest to challenge the industrial standards of using glass in current built environment.


Retail + Longevity

LVMH Eco-store


2017 individual work is an eco-retail store for LVMH brands which designed for a sustainable solution of using up-cycling materials.

Culture + Infrastructure

Water as Ritual


2019-2020 individual work

The project encourages people to refocus on the value of water and the connection between people and water.

05 Models

Model-making at Bolles+Wilson


2019-2020 Misc.

Physical modelling skills are across hand tools, power tools, casting, laser-cutting. CNC, 3D print and etc.

Education + Community

Urbanism + Hospitality

Town Hall


2019-2020 design+technical drawings

The act of morphological intervention leads to an enlarged market square and the spatial liberation of the historic town hall into the form of a solitaire. The historic town hall now becomes the main actor on an urban stage.


2017-2018 individual work

Inspired by mythical tower of Babel, and the hanging garden of Babylon. It aimed to combine nature and infrastructure to create a towering symbol of outdoor pursuits.

Ark: the Waterfall of Life 06

Residential + Housing

Harbour Basin


2019 competition

It aims to provide a high-quality residential area with sharing community spaces. They are multi-story town-house flats creating a white modernist surface.


LOST IN THE WOODS Heritage + Re-wilding

Academic 2021-2022

Individual work

The Black Forest during industrialisation was primarily a resource for fuel, the image of it was dull and secular. While it was a terrifying place in the past, the relationship between men and the forest was hostile. Today it is no longer a natural sanctuary that has a sense of intimacy. We look at forest as an observer and lost the connection with it.

This project is about distortion or dislocation. It is based on a fairy tale written by Wilhelm Hauff – Heart of Stone – which is about three inhabitant of the Black Forest, a charcoal burner,the glass elf and the giant timberman.


LOST IN THE WOODS Heritage + Re-wilding

Academic 2021-2022

Individual work

Design research

German has a deep affection and long history of worship to the forest. it is one of the EU countries with the largest area of forests, nearly 1/3 of German area. However, in German modern life, practical needs overwhelm mythology.

We are obsessed with the undistorted quality of glass but overlook its magic notion. The project challenges the industrial standard of using glass in current built environment. The choices of material often counter building conventions, which demonstrates performative and theatrical side into architecture located in the black forest of Germany.

1. forest history

2. moon clock paper model

3. german’s connection with forest

4. journey to glassworks

5. kiln formed glass experiments

6. distorted quality of glass

1930-1970s 1300-1700 1700s 1300s 20 14 10 9 5 11 7 13 12 1516 17 19 18 6 2 Perm and Coloured Sandstone Distribution Area of Ore and Mineral Veins Bedrock Quartz porphyry and granite porphyry Charcoal 1. Pforzheim-Neuenbürg 2. Neubulach 3. Baden -Baden 4. Diersberg-Zunsweier 5. Harmersbach 6. Prinzbach 7. Haslach-Hausach 8. Wolffach-Oberwolfach 9. Rippoldsau 10. Reinerzau-Wittichen 11. Freudenstadt 12. Freiamt- Sexau 13. Glottertal-Suggental 14. Eisenbach 15. Schauinsland 16. St. Ulrich 17. Münstertal-WiedenTodtnau 18.Sulzburg 19. Badenweiler 20. St. Blasien Vein mining districts 01
6 32 4 5 1

LOST IN THE WOODS Heritage + Re-wilding

Academic 2021-2022

Individual work

Design Drawings

By rewriting the story through architecture design, it challenges the current industrial standard of using glass in built environment. Glass is what we take for granted looking out the window. But The purpose of using it is in lack of romantic notion: its quality and quantity cannot contribute to different experiences. they highlight the doors and windows, Part of elements are designed as the set design principle, not only align with narrative structure, they also provide partial privacy.

1. glass blown competition space

2. central kiln space

3. floor with painted shadow

4. glass house with glass furnitures

5. glass-making workshop alongside the Titisee

Glass vessels window Glass chair ladder Glass fireplace light Glass perspective door Glass shelf Fake door Glass bench sink Early Morning Afternoon 1 2 01
3 4

LOST IN THE WOODS Heritage + Re-wilding

Academic 2021-2022

Individual work

Design Investigation

The choices of material often counter building conventions, with glass forming structural elements, such as glass columns and glass walls. The glass lock is inspired by a slumping piece, creating a tube shape in the middle. The project explores spatial and perspective illusion to bring the myth back into the harmless forest. In my full portfolio, the project is presented through an illustrated story book with voiceover like an audio book.

1. working area in kiln formed glass workshop

2. display room design as a kitchen

3. self-supported tablecloth table + woven glass carpet

4. timber perspective door & glass-lock

5. looking through glass lens window

6. timber blown-glass mould door + glass vessel window

1. Glass door lock using fusing and slumping techniques

2. Exploded diagram showing the structure

3. Testing pieces:

after firing b. before firing

Self-supporting tablecloth Woven glass carpet Woven Glass
a a b b
1 2 3 4

WATER AS RITUAL Culture + Infrastructure

The whole architecture function as a theatre device. The users are the performers. It has been designed based on a logic that is against modern technology’s alienation of water. By designing a story of scarcity of water that water ritual can rely on, it is intended to show the idea that people need to put believe and labour in through a series of kinetic devices. So to transfer the water-human relationship that has been depend on modern technology into a more natural form.

1. structure

2. water tower

water ritual story (selected)

final views of the garden and buildings

rain dance device

water-wheel drum device

1 2 3 02
elevation 3.
Academic 2020-2021 Individual work 1 1 1 9 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 2 13 WALL STRUCTURE KEY: 1. concrete slab with rebar reinforce ment 2. insulation panels 3. roof tiles 4. concrete columns 5. vapour barrier 6. stainless steel pipes casting into wall 7. arch concrete columns 8. floor tiles 9. screed blinding 10. concrete water channels on the facade 11. shotcrete mould with reinforcing steel mesh 12. shotcrete fa cade cladding (with drainage channels) 13. concrete raindance platform with anti slippery patterns
raining pipes pump handle (rotating) animal skin cover legs willow twig manual water pump water pipe water pipe balloon cloud ritual dancers (rotating) rain collect tank rain maker lightening ower lightening bulb Animal/Plants/Earth Human/Ground God/Sky 5 6 4 4

ARK: WATERFALL OF LIFE Education + Community

Academic 2017-2018 Individual work

Ark is a radical proposal to bring the entire gamut of natural, animal, plant, pleasure and food-based processes and experi ences back into the hearts of the city, and onto the skyline for everyone, in the most spectacular fashion possible. From pet ting zoos, to farmer’s markets, allotments, flowers markets, barbarisms, slaughter houses, community centres, pet centres, aquariums, veterinary clinics, playgrounds, educational areas, its all here, working with, and accelerating tendencies already existing in the local area, with its thriving small group of community farms and allot ments.

1. section of the ark

2. three main typology

3. hand-drawing concept drawing

4. material testing

5. collage model

6. initial concept collage model

7. site research

8. external view of the ark

Elemental and


Stroage Cafe Lift Users: Fashion Garden: As the plants need the daylight for photo synthesis. Would on the top the buildings. There is truly universal language grow ing food. It’s lively, functioning community cross-cultural, pan-religious activity done by all ages and genders. Garden enabling local residents re-establish their communities, to learn new skills, discover new interests and Education centre: provides education, training on farm and garden techniques. We run practical courses to training the employment and refugees to maintain the farm and gardens also the cook ing skills. We are also able to host corporate volunteers, giving them fun day out learning how to weed and build pallet furniture. ad dition, place which can give opportunity for children learn about animals and plants when they have the special educational pro gramme in the garden and farm. Also, for the creates not only the biological diversity an area but its social diversity too. Users Volunteering Community soace for hire Shop Cafe Picnic area Holiday activities Sustainable building Animals Accessible Toilets balcony lift hand wash area reception spiral education space arch aqueduct ramp cafe toilet storage animal houses spiral cafe court yard arch reception first aid balcony aqueduct ramp lift lift shops reception education picnic garden storage spiral arch toilet picnic/eating storage Development tural
Water canal view Lower down garden Arches View Looking Outside from Arch Windows Garden Facilities Inside Garden Space: Picnic Area Market shops Ground Floor Market Land scape Get Inspiration metre model, concept into press my basic use some elements and fit them into water canal view lower down garden arches forest view from arch windows garden facilities market shops picnic area open markets 03
A B C D E F G H I 1 4 3 2


green spaces tower hamlet borough markets communities primary schools public gardens city farm/ gardens

Public Facilities want to plug in to of small green spaces area, and amplify them.
5 6 8 7


The framework creates windows, framing views, brands and materials. Each becoming a portrait of its own. One transitions from an open plan retail space, to the curiosities of the workshop and to the refill bar where a retail experience becomes more of a social event and conversations about reuse, up-cycling and material innovations.

MATERIALITYCONCEPT EXPERIENCE MODULARITY STORE DESIGN01 02 03 04 05 06 CALENDAR 7 Brands Seasonal Workshops Craftmanship Methods Compression Melting Baking Weaving After Store Life Mini Pop Up Stores Communication Tool Donation to Material Labs CONCEPT STORECONCEPT STORE 04 LVMH ECO-STORE Retail +
05 MODEL-MAKING Models Physical modelling skills are across hand tools, power tools, casting, laser-cutting. CNC, 3D print and etc. 1. handmade timber model-residential project 2. handmade model- moray institute on the mountain 3. master-planning of community centre+ housing 4.5. master-planning of future town hall Professional 2019-2020 2 1 5 4 3

HARBOUR BASIN Residential + Housing

Professional 2019

This Residential project associates with an exhibition area alongside the harbour, which aims to provide a high-quality residential area with sharing community spaces. They are multi-story townhouse flats creating a white modernist surface, broken up by individual window clusters into an abstract composition.

1.diagrams of different typologies of multistory flats

2. floor plans

3. harbour view

4. street view

© bolles+wilson © bolles+wilson
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FUTURE TOWN HALL Urbanism + Hospitality

Professional 2019-2020

Future town hall is located in Monchengladbach in the north of Germany, is a competition project, which including a shopping mall, town hall, offices, conference centre, bank, office areas and parking spaces and etc. The project aims to build a new town hall which could offer opportunity to conceptually redefine the urban ensemble of town hall/ market square/ main church.

1. street view

2. long elevation and section

3. axiomatic diagram

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