What is Applechain? •
Applechain.com is world’s largest marketplace and a classified ads website for selling and buying Only Apple devices online.
Connecting over all countries of the world, Applechain is trying to make a huge community of Apple sellers and buyers.
Applechain.com is an outcome based on very definite idea and some statistics to support the case. An Idea is that people love (their) Apple devices and they should get the Apple products with best possible deal ever.
Based on this idea, Applechain comes to existence.
Who we are? What we do? •
We are a group of enthusiasts who decided to build a platform for buyers and sellers of Apple products that enables to form a large fraternity of such Apple products users.
This platform should let its buyers to find the seller of their favorite apple devices and it lets its sellers to find potential buyers for their products.
Applechain is result of that effort. We really have worked our back off not only to solve the purpose but also to smoothen your experience with website.
Why only Apple ? •
Ok now one must be wondering why we only use Apple as our benchmark for platform.
Because Statistics say :
• Total iPhones Sold Worldwide !
1) November 2013 2) March 2011 3) January 2011 4) April 2010 5) January 2010 6) January 2009 7) January 2008
: : : : : : :
421 million 108 million 90 million 50 million 42.4 million 17.3 million 3.7 million www.applechain.com
Some more Statistics... • Total number of ipads sold till date : 170 million • Over 350 million ipods sold till date • 3,00,000 iPads were sold on very First Day, Over 85 million are sold in total. • Talk about recent, Apple Sold 33.8 Million iPhones, 14.1 Million iPads, And 4.6 Million Macs In Q4 2013 •
Morever in last 1 year, our team did continuous market research on various classified ads websites where individuals and sellers daily posts their ads to sell their iphones, ipods,ipads, macbooks and apple accessories.
Comparison ratio states that Ads posted for Apple to any other particular brand was almost 10:6. www.applechain.com
Result •
All these stats are enough for any enthusiast to build platform for Apple.
We see immense potential in this area and hence looking forward to build a community. Idea is to give a separate classified ads portal for Apple devices only, so users do not need to post their ads on every single classified ads website.
With this our aim is to build a large apple community where people can interact with our forum and blogs.
Management Team •
As we mentioned earlier we are not professionals or industrialist having 10-15 years of experience but we are group of young enthusiasts to carry out this huge task.
At present our team includes 5 members who are highly spirited in leading their roles in Applechain.
1) Kalrav Parsana !
Responsibilities : Online Social Media Marketing, Lead Generator , Mind with new thoughts.
Management Team... 2) Hardik Jadav !
Responsibilities : Lead generator, Technical content Writer, Handles Management , Developer.
3) Miraj Mor !
Responsibilities : Lead generator, Developer, Handles Management , social media marketing.
! !
Management Team... 4) Viral Desai !
Responsibilities : Lead generator, Handles ads on back end, Offline Sales Management .
5) Vaibhav Patel !
Responsibilities : Handles all Designing part .
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Market and Industry Analysis •
Who are our customers?
Our main customers are general Apple users who sell their used Apple devices online, Dealers and resellers or agencies that deals with used or new Apple devices and wants more and more buyers for their business. Benefits delivered to customers : !
On Applechain.com, sellers can post their ads within 30 seconds.
Posting ads is a very straight and simple process.
1) 2) 3) 4)
Assign Appropriate title for your ad Fill the correct and required information about your device Write correct contact details (Generally name, location and phone number). Users can share their ads on social media.
! www.applechain.com
Market percentage we are going to capture •
We know that making a global presence is not a joke. To reach to almost every country of the world takes long time.
For this we have setup some basic goals. Being India base platform, we are first trying to capture whole India by contacting sellers and dealers from various directories available online.
Goal is to reach almost every cities of India and to create awareness of using our platform. In beginning along with India, our main countries are United States, United Kingdom.
Market percentage we are going to capture... •
We are constantly putting our efforts on these three countries. At presents we have good number of users from these three countries on our website.
Ads have already been posted in these countries.
Efforts going on to contact more and more sellers and spread our website to reach every city of India, UK and USA.
Our Competitors •
Applechain.com is the first largest marketplace for Apple users. No such standalone platform has been developed by any company. So we have wide chances.
But yes talking about competitors, we already have lots many in market.
Not being a Sole platform for Apple, but there are famous Classified Ads website in every countries such as 1) Craiglist in USA 2) Gumtree in UK 3) Locanto in Southafrica 4) Kjiji 5) OLX and Quikr in India
Our Competitors... •
All above mentioned are classified ads who deal in every field. But they are still our large competitors as they capture large amount of Apple Ads on their websites. So we have to beat them in apple devices.
Though these all sites are well established in the market, our hard working and skillful team is very much confident to capture their apple market and let users come on our website.
We have confidence on our development team and tool that we are providing to users.
We are going to introduce some more modules on our website, which none classified ads website have implemented yet.
Route to Market •
Route to such wide established market is not easy. We need to be active, we need to alert on what our competitors do regularly. But besides all this,the basic path to reach customers are
1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Google Ads Listings on Famous known magazines, directories. Listings on Facebook. Advertisement in Newspapers.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Our major part of users will be coming from Google organic search. We need to be on top 2 pages of google on the famous keywords that user types and enters our website. SEO will be our first main step for route to market.
Route to Market... 2) Google Ads: We will submit our website links and profile in google , so when people search , they can always see our website on left sidebar. 3)
Listings on Famous Magazines, directories: Submitting our website and facebook page on well know online magazines like youthconnect.com , yourstory.in where big number of users read stories of every companies daily, we can gain good amount of users.
4) Listings on Facebook: Well there is no need for explanation on this, because adverts on facebook will be a definite boost to our leads. 5) Advertisement in Newspapers: After SEO, source that can create more impact for us, is advertising in newspapers. There are lacs of newspaper readers daily. So its second best to reach general public.
Obstacles/Problems to reach market •
Ok now everything is set and we have ways to reach customers. But when it comes to implementation we are on Hault. Why ? What is the reason for this Hault when we have everything setup in front of us?
Answer is funds. Every startup needs small or big investment in beginning to at least reach basic part of target.
Startup fund is like crouch start that athlete runner uses in beginning to push legs with force, to gain beginning speed. Once this start is good, everything goes smoothly.Yes we are stuck here.
Once this start is good, everything goes smoothly.Yes we are stuck here.
Obstacles/Problems to reach market...
We need startup fund for our first step SEO.
Once SEO is done, we will have surely created an impact in market. We need someone who can hold our hands and walk with us during our process and support our growth.
Investment Our main investors will be Mobile Phone companies Large Ecommerce stores General Companies •
Benefits delivered to investors:
There are many benefits we can provide to our investors. !
• Name of investors along with description will be kept on our investor’s page on website. !
• We will be marketing their products and brand name on our social media pages. ! ! www.applechain.com
Investment... We can keep direct advertisements in form of images on our website so that maximum users see it. •
• We will be keeping their brand names on our each banner we use in campaigning. !
• Investors name will always be mentioned in all our profile presentations and pdf’s.
Investment Assumptions / Total Budget Required •
As mentioned in our Route to market, SEO will be our first and most effective step to reach our main customers. We have already many SEO professionals in contact, and according to them it will be a continuous 8-12 months process. For this, we require almost 1.25Lacs as a startup fund. !
! •
Total Startup Investment Required:
Future Goal and Revenue Generation •
In terms of resources:
• Migrating to Dedicated/Cloud Server for quick and unlimited data storage.
• Hire 2-3 developers more in our team.
• To give franchise to someone in UK / USA.
Future Goal and Revenue Generation... •
In terms of development:
Development will be an ongoing process. We will be including
• premium listings
• featured listings
• sponsored links
Auction type module for seller where buyers can bid and seller can close auction
Future Goal and Revenue Generation... •
No of ways to generate future revenue
• premium listings
• featured listings
• sponsored links
• Google Ad sense
• Direct Advertisements