Machine of the Year 2016 Case IH Optum
• New weaving GD drill • New Dal-Bo 24m rolls Where you can buy with confidence
CONTENTS New innovative products
Doe Show starts the year in Earnest
A testing year
Optimise your farming methods 6 Megant tine drill
Weaving GD drill
Doe technology precision farming
Tracking to success
Continued investment in servicing
Controlled traffic farming with Horsch
Framlingham report
Genuine Case IH filters
Hurst Green report
Fyfield report
Branch contacts
KUHN MEGANT - mounted min-till seed drill with tines
Dartford report
Aiming to be the fruit grower’s first choice
Fakenham report
Farming and technology at E&M Hurn
Lemken Karat 9
Investment in training
Albourne demo days
The future of groundcare 38 Dal-Bo’s rolling efficiency
My favourite product
The 56th Doe Show
Manitou MLT960 and MLT1040
Sudbury report
Ringmer report
Alfriston Emergency Group
Wow, what a year!
Major boost in productivity
New innovative products launched to keep ahead of the field. Matthew Foster, Case IH Vice President Despite today’s challenging economic environment, we at Case IH continue our commitment to innovation with the introduction of new and improved tractors and harvesting equipment. We have never had a better product line-up and there is excitement in the market, which is now recovering strength, and in the agricultural industry. Last year´s outlook for 2015 harvest was very positive as the signs were good; the harvest turned in some spectacular record yields, some of the wheats in particular were so good you could see they were record crops from the gate. Our mid-range combines have had a major upgrade this year; the 140 series has heritage back to the very first Axial-Flow combines, and the view when lifting the side panels today would be familiar to those who bought the first machines. Near zero grain losses is a feature of the new Axial Flow 140 series, with further improvements to power, user-friendliness and reliability. The Cross Flow slope compensation feature automatically compensates for up to 12° inclines, without driver input. For maximum efficiency, the system is only activated when it is really needed. The new machines feature much improved
drive layouts, easy to change concaves and, for the first time a hillside levelling system for the top sieve. These combines should be on everyone’s list for consideration, with header options up to 30’. On sale for the first time this autumn our new Case IH Magnum Rowtrac tractors have been demonstrating their impressive features, giving all the benefits of twin track machines with the manoeuvrability of conventional tractors. The first sales have been completed with customers due to receive their tractors imminently.
Also just launched at the Agritechnica Show this year and available for 2016 is our new Case IH Optum CVX tractor range. Having only just rolled off the assembly line a few weeks ago, this new tractor range was granted the distinguished “Machine of the Year 2016” award for the “Large category”. The two equally versatile and powerful models of the new
tractor range come with 270 and 300 hp rated power respectively, with four speed PTO at the rear as standard and optional dual speed front PTO, a new four-step CVT transmission and impressive traction. These tractors offer excellent agility and flexibility with high performance. This stunning new tractor has already started to demonstrate its abilities, as the 249 g/kWh DLG PowerMix result of the Optum CVX is more than convincing. In keeping with our modern up to date image the Case IH web site has been completely revamped; we recommend you take a look. Included for the first time is a full product configurator so you can browse the site, look at your desired tractor, price it up, and even ask your dealer to contact you to put together a deal. As a leading dealer in the South East, Ernest Doe Power has continued to support the development of Advanced Farming Systems(AFS) with their own dedicated experts in the field. As one of the best performing dealers, with high standards of customer service, we are happy to recommend Ernest Doe Power for all your machinery needs.
Doe Show starts the year in ‘Earnest’ Colin Doe, Managing Director Our financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December, but to me the company’s year starts on the first Tuesday of February, the date of our annual Doe Show when we really start to get going. The date of the Doe Show was chosen by my grandfather to be immediately after the end of the shooting season and before work on the land commences so farmers have time to attend. Of course the preparation for the show commences months before, just as our company’s budgetary planning for the year ahead does. 2015 was yet another good year for the professional side of our groundcare business. Groundcare General Sales Manager Andy Turbin is now waiting to get his hands on exciting new Ransomes products due out in 2016 which he knows will boost sales significantly. We have also been very pleased with our garden machinery sales and are looking to continue this growth through the coming year. After a strong first quarter, agricultural sales fell away in the third quarter before making a modest recovery in the last two months of the year. It was disappointing to miss our budgeted figure for farm machinery sales. However, the fall in used agricultural machinery prices hurt more, with some older tractors selling at a loss, mainly due to lower worldwide grain prices and the strength of the Euro.
In contrast to this our construction machinery sales outperformed our expectations for a second year running. Hyundai, Thwaites, Bomag and Manitou franchises all performed exceedingly well. ESOS 2015 saw us dutifully comply with ESOS: the government’s new self assessment energy and carbon reduction initiative. We had to appoint a trained assessor, total up all the gas, electricity and fuel used by the business by location and separate out our transport usage. Whilst this carried its own costs to the business, failure to file a compliance confirmation by 5th December carried the threat of a £90,000 fine! Total energy usage for 2014: Total Kwh 2014
Tonnes of CO2
Cost inc VAT
Heating fuel
Transportation fuel
Electricity bills represent 11% of our energy costs. To reduce them, we have been installing PV solar panels on roofs, with the last two branches at Framlingham and Sudbury having them installed before the slashing of FIT rates on 15th January 2016. We are starting to use LED lights and replace inefficient old strip lights with new T5 units. Heating oil reduction (31% of energy costs)
There were regular Framlingham site meetings to check progress during this 25 week project, here you can see it is all built beautifully straight and in line.
Managing Directors Stuart Cadman and Colin Doe together at the opening evening on 15th December 2015 thinking what a good job we did. Cadman Construction Ltd from Colchester were the principal contractors for the project.
will be achieved by switching to condensing boilers, improving insulation and heater controls. The largest cost at 58% of the total is transportation fuel, where reductions are possible but perhaps the savings are widespread and difficult to measure. FRAMLINGHAM The big capital project for the year was the extensive refurbishment and erection of a modern purpose built workshop for our Framlingham branch. Framlingham now has a brand new 8,000 ftsq workshop with integral electronic hoists built into the frame, LED high bay lights, extra deep bays down one side of the workshop to cater for the 600 plus HP Quadtrac brutes, exhaust extraction, high quality resin floor surface, purpose built battery charging store, new service office, staffroom and washroom facilities. The parts department has also benefitted with a new goods inward area, new parts racking and a workshop counter area for technicians to draw their parts from. All these improvements will reduce our running costs and provide a faster more efficient service to our customers. SUDBURY Of the company’s 19 locations, it is only Sudbury whose premises are
below our desired standard with the workshop smaller than ideal for the size of modern product. We have planning permission for an additional road entrance to create an entry and exit, and for a new workshop building, and are awaiting the structural engineer’s design for the building. In the meantime, we have replaced the whole branch roof with new 100mm insulated composite panels complete with new roof lights and of course solar PV arrays on top. Yes, in our own small way, we are trying to help the planet. ONLINE SHOP Whilst not yet a large part of our business, we are working to grow our online shop. Previously, all of our advertising has been very traditional in newspapers, magazines and sometimes on radio. For 2016, we are allocating part of this budget to digital marketing and have appointed Storm Creative to manage and reorganise our Facebook sites for us. The aim is to drive people to our online shop and it is all being master minded by our new marketing manager Hayley Hill. DOE SHOW I would like to thank all our customers for their business during 2015 and hope to see many of you at the Doe Show on 2nd, 3rd and 4th February 2016.
A Testing Year Gerald Silvey, General Sales Manager A testing year would be a good summary of how many machinery dealers would view 2015 and it was fairly evident early on that falling commodity prices would impact us all. Following an excellent start to the year for Ernest Doe Power, Industry sales of new tractors have fallen throughout the UK and in East Anglia by around 15%. With it apparent that prices for 2016 look set to increase, but only marginally, we are expecting conditions to be similar to that of 2015. History tells us that things can very quickly change, we will see! Lower prices create real opportunities when you are looking to purchase your farm machinery as manufacturers and dealers alike remain keen for your business.
Gerald Silvey
Due to the release of yet more new models and the ability throughout the year to offer some exceptional deals, our new Case IH tractor sales have bucked the trend with a small but still significant increase in numbers sold. Exceptional finance deals, and the release of the new Puma, the Optum and the Rowtrac models have ensured that interest in the Case IH brand has never been higher and we can expect to grow even further. It is not only the larger tractors that create interest. A new market for us is with the fruit and vineyard tractors, most popular in our Sussex and Kent regions, but also a more recent sale has led to a couple of units being delivered into Suffolk. Our presence for the last two years at the National Fruit Show has ensured that customers have seen the real
benefits of the Case IH Quantums. The result of good sales of new tractors also means we have a real opportunity for customers who like to purchase nearly new or used tractors. Traditionally the UK has exported a high percentage of used equipment but with exports markets currently slow due to oversupply and currency exchange rates, there are some real bargains to be had. We are currently offering excellent deals which at the time of writing include 0% finance. A real opportunity if you are looking to upgrade your current machine, but do not wish to purchase new. Farming systems seem to be keeping up its reputation for change and the latest we are seeing is the way we are drilling. It appears now that many farmers are looking at low disturbance
drill systems in a bid to reduce blackgrass. There are a few drills now coming on the market that achieve this principle and we were pleased to be able to show the new Weaving GD drill at the Norfolk Show ahead of a successful demonstration programme held last autumn. I am sure it will not be for everyone and will be used as part of a rotational system, but time will tell how popular this will become once the crops are harvested later in the year. Initial sales are good and several of the Weaving GD drills will be working during the spring. Finally I would like to thank all our suppliers and also the Ernest Doe Power team who have worked tirelessly, not only to achieve their own individual objectives, but also supporting our customers in
National Fruit Show at Marden
what has proven to be a quite difficult trading year. Ernest Doe Power will continue its policy of improvement, offering top brands and professional after-
sales services that give real value for money to our customers. Continued investment in training and premises continues and evaluation of our product range
ensures that we will be here for the long term, offering the products and services the industry and our customers demand.
56th DOE SHOW 2nd, 3rd, 4th February 2016 Ulting, Maldon, CM9 6QH Ask your local branch for details Follow us on Twitter @ErnestDoeSons #DoeShow2016
Some of our used equipment available for sale
Optimise your farming methods David Redman, Area Sales Manager - Case IH New Case IH Optum CVX The launch of the Case IH Optum CVX range will strengthen our high horsepower portfolio. It sits perfectly between the Case IH Puma and Magnum ranges thus addressing the need for a versatile tractor with greater power than a Puma, but lighter and more compact than a Magnum. In addition, it is the first tractor range to reveal the new modern styling; it is truly another important milestone in the Case IH history book. New for 2016 The new Optum CVX tractor range comprises 2 models with rated horsepowers ranging from 270 – 300 and additional power growth from the new 6.7 litre common rail engine which takes pride of place in all models. All Optum CVX tractors will be fitted with the in house CVX transmission, running from 30 metres an hour to a maximum of 50 kph with reduced engine speed for fuel saving. Optimised Engine The 6 cylinder, 6,7 litre engine meets Stage IV emissions; achieved using our proven Hi-eSCR only after-treatment solution for maximum combustion efficiency. The engine is fitted with a new Variable Geometry Turbo (VGT) which provides quick response
Cabin interior
and optimal power even at low revs. Along with the new Puma the Optum has the Idle Speed Management feature– engine speed reduction from 850 to 650 rpm on tick-over again, another first for fuel saving. All the engines still maintain the long 600 hour servicing intervals, keeping down time to a minimum. The engine itself sits on a new structural design sump to increase strength and keep weight to a minimum; this also houses the new front axle suspension design, optimised to give you the best ride quality. Other new features on this tractor are industry leading high performance engine braking and a reversible/variable pitch cooling fan option, plus no other competitor can offer such a big fuel and AdBlue tank, optimal 630 litres for fuel and 96 litres for Ad Blue. Optimised Front Suspension The Optum CVX is fitted with a new front axle (derived from Magnum). Its saddle style front axle suspension is standard on all models ensuring optimum comfort and transport stability at high speeds. The 55° steering angle enables narrow turns and, fitted with front axle brakes, the tractor is safe to stop, even at high speeds, in a short space of time. Optimised PTO The Optum CVX features electrically
Case IH Optum CVX
shiftable 4 speed rear PTO as standard. The speed change is electrically actuated from the cab, thus selecting the use of the changeable 21 or 6 spline stub shaft; a 20 spline shaft is also available as an option. Yet another industry first is a 2 speed front PTO (1000 & 1000 ECO). The front PTO speed changes are electrically actuated with a dial in the cab, and a 6 spline stub shaft is fitted as standard; a 21 spline shaft is also available as an option. While we are at the front of the tractor, a new in house linkage has been created with massive lifting capacity up to 5,821 kg and the options of front mounted couplings plus a free flow return from the front linkage and Isobus connection. Optimised Braking System Also available as an option is an ABS System - this provides safe braking in tricky or emergency situations. The advanced ABS brake system also enhances the turning performance in the field via the turn assist function; this stops scuffing on headland turns where braking is used in tight situations. Case IH has also included a high performance (enhanced) engine brake. When the operator applies the engine brake pedal located in the cab the fuel injection is shut off and an exhaust flap is closed. The angle of the vanes in the VGT turbo are increased ramping up to maximum air velocity plus the blades on the variable pitch cooling
fan are set to maximum. Overall this leads to a 40% increase in braking power. Optimised Operator Environment The Optum CVX can be fitted with TPMS – Tyre Pressure Monitoring System – using a wireless hub located in the cab, integrated within the AFS 700 screen; the system can monitor both tractor and implement tyres up to 16 in total. For comfort new seat packages have been added, plus LED lighting packages (up to 14 Hi Intensity LED 1800 Lumen cab work lights). The new HMC II headland management control system has been designed to make the operator’s job easier when turning at the end of the row during in-field operations. It simplifies repetitive field operations to bring about greater efficiency and reduce driver fatigue; each step can be either time or distance recorded with sequencing of up to 32 headland functions. The sequences can be either recorded on the move or pre-recorded. The steering system features a servostatic unit that allows it to operate in a reactive mode; this allows the front wheels to return to straight forward position after driving around a curve. I think you will agree the Optum CVX tractor truly lives up to its name as the “Optimal” solution and fits neatly into the Case IH product portfolio.
Megant tine drill excels for large scale arable contractor
Megant 600
RP and J Gaymer Farmers and Agricultural Contractors from Ingatestone in Essex specialise in stubble to stubble contracting. With 2000 hectares of large scale arable production across soils ranging from heavy clays to light gravels and sand, effective field management is critical to the enterprise’s ability to provide a reliable service to its customers. As weather patterns have become increasingly difficult to predict, the company has recently invested in a 6 metre KUHN MEGANT 600 tine seed drill to
work alongside an existing 8 metre disc drill. “We bought the MEGANT as a wet weather drill,” explains Alex Jessop, the drill’s primary operator. “Its tine formation allows us to continue drilling when the weather closes in and enables us to work heavy and trashy soils even when conditions are less than perfect.” The MEGANT 600 has completed two drilling seasons for RP and J Gaymer, and has so far proved to be exceptionally reliable. “We’ve
sown about 250 hectares of winter wheat and spring beans each year with the MEGANT and so far it has exceeded all our expectations,” Alex adds. “It is extremely versatile and has surprised us with how fast and efficient it can operate, even in heavy conditions. “We’re easily drilling 18 acres per hour at forward speeds averaging 12 or 13 km/h. As such, we’re using the MEGANT more and more to take the pressure off the disc drill and to ensure that all the land under our stewardship is
drilled in as timely a manner as possible.” The Gaymer’s MEGANT is fitted with KUHN’s optional twin wheels for additional weight bearing capacity on light soils and in wet conditions, and for 2015 has been fitted with a front levelling bar. “We’ve seen a noticeable difference since the levelling bar went on,” Alex adds. “Crops are emerging much more evenly as a result of a more consistent seeding depth and we’re confident that will pay dividends when it comes to harvest time.”
Follow us on Facebook @ Ernest Doe Power - Agriculture
nding Outsta On Offers seas e Out Of rOng financ * t e s l ab and es avil packag
DoN’T WoRRY ABoUT SLoPES THIS NEW COMBINE DOES IT FOR YOU The new X Flow Cleaning System on the latest Axial-Flow® 140 combine adapts to all crops and hillside conditions. Operating on slopes of up to 12 degrees the system minimises loss whilst delivering the very best quality grain. Whilst the new dual range hydro transmission gives extra traction for operating in muddy fields and on hillsides, it also allows for safer higher speed road transport.
THE NEW AXIAL-FLoW® 140. SIMPLY ADVANCED *Terms and conditions apply. Business purposes only. This is not a contractual offer and is subject to changes in prices, supply terms, law or interest rates and may be withdrawn at the discretion of CNH Industrial Capital. Finance is subject to status (credit approval).
0. 90. 100. 23
CNH Industrial
New Corporate logo
Weaving GD Drill - cutting customers costs 2015 saw the successful launch of the GD range of drills from Weaving Machinery. With over 20 years of experience producing zero-tillage equipment the introduction of the new GD (Gent Disc) Drill brings a refreshing look to the tried and tested Big Disc Drill. Weaving Machinery has been working in conjunction with Lincolnshire farmer Tony Gent to develop the new patented GD coulter and have arrived with a disc coulter design which satisfies all drilling systems. The new GD coulter provides remarkably low soil disturbance, has a very low draught requirement of 40HP per meter and has an excellent service life. The principal behind the GD coulter design is based on a double disc arrangement, mounted on a 25° angle off the vertical which is able to pivot around a central kingpin mounted within the coulter body. The larger leading outer disc cuts an opening slice in the soil whilst the smaller inner disc is, in effect, undermining the ‘upper’ side forming an opening for the seed to be placed precisely. The lifted wall of the soil is quickly firmed down onto the seed by the single press wheel. The press wheel also acts as a depth regulator for the disc coulters. Drilling depth is adjusted by moving a single pin through a bank of holes with
a depth range of 0-130mm in 15mm increments. Coulters are individually pressurised by a hydraulic system providing up to 200kg of downwards pressure helping to maintain consistent contact with the ground and follow contours and undulations. This refined design aided by an inter-row clearance of 1,000mm has resulted in a coulter that is able to work in extremely trashy conditions and cover crops without creating an opportunity for hair-pinning to arise. This adaptable system can be used on
all cultivation systems and soil types. The GD coulter is available in either a mounted or trailed format. Mounted zero-till machines will be a new addition to Weaving Machinery’s portfolio and are available in widths from 3 to 4.8 metres complete with a 1.2 ton seed tank with prices starting at £26,800. Trailed variants will be offered to meet the demands of large farmers and contractors, available in working width of 4 to 6 metres mounted on a Weaving’s existing
2.5 ton seed cart prices starting at £46,970. All drills as standard will be fitted with RDS electronic metering, 6 coulters per meter at a minimum row spacing of 167mm (adjustable), roll over cover, tank sieve and work lights.
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we are pleased to have been supplying Doe Power with our range of equipment for the last 14 years and are proud to continue supporting them!
Doe technology precision farming
It has been another very busy year for the Doe Technology Precision Farming team. After a successful Doe Show, we have been providing back up, support and advice to our customers, along with showing them how to get the maximum benefits from their GPS systems. The electronic revolution in farming has seen steady growth in the precision farming sector, with increasing number of farms gathering data and utilising GPS systems to assist them in more efficient farm management and crop production. We have been working with many new customers, who are now seeing the real benefit of using precision farming with faster work rates, reductions in their input costs/and or improved crop yields. It is now said that in the UK around two-thirds of arable farms are using precision farming in one way or another. Reducing driver fatigue is one area where new operators have benefited. By using GPS guidance, operators feel less tired at the end of the day and they also have more time to concentrate on the implement and make sure it is operating and set-up correctly. The biggest factor preventing farmers from embracing precision
farming is often the set-up costs. By using guidance for drilling, a large saving can be seen from the saving of sprays and fertiliser inputs. This is mainly down to accurately establishing the tramlines in the correct places so overlaps and misses are reduced to less than those achieved with using the markers on the drill, plus you get arrow straight tramlines. In 2015, the Precision Farming team has seen two new members join the team to replace the previous specialists who have moved to new roles within the company. Richard Gore joined at the start of February. He has been with the company for over 10 years and joined as an apprentice service technician. Richard specialised in GPS guidance and has a wealth of technical knowledge. In June, Will Young joined the company after five years working with Case IH, as a member of the Sales and Marketing team for UK and ROI.Will has very good experience and knowledge of the Case IH range. With Case IH having a very good product range, we are starting to see more and more new tractors coming from the factories which are Accuguide equipped. Farmers
are now able to get Accuguide from the factory on all tractor ranges from Maxxum CVX to Quadtrac, as well as the AxialFlow combines. We have also seen a large increase in the number of farms who want to use RTK. This has been mainly due to it becoming more accessible and affordable through the RTK Farming Organisation. RTK Farming have a network of fixed RTK base stations and repeaters across East Anglia. Many farms were put off going down the RTK route by the high cost of installing a fixed RTK base station and couldn’t justify the cost. Customers can now subscribe annually to RTK Farming which lets them use the RTK signal for a very affordable cost. This makes it a much more affordable and accessible option than before with the rewards of 2.5cm accuracy. RTX RangePoint and CentrePoint satellite correction signals have also been very popular. We have had many customers who have now subscribed to these new Glonass enabled signals. RTX RangePoint, which is the entry level correction signal, is now being used by many customers who previously used the free Egnos signal, but were looking for a more accurate and reliable signal. RTX Centre Point has been
popular with customers looking for sub 5cm accuracy. Variable Rate Applications (VRA) is another area of Precision Farming which is really taking off. VRA allows producers and growers to vary the rate of crop inputs on the move, according to site specific plans created beforehand, in relation to an accurate GPS location. By varying applications of chemicals or fertilizer with different rates across the field, you can optimize inputs by ensuring optimal rates are applied to the different areas. GPS signal is used to give accurate positioning on new sprayers and fertilizer spreaders, thus helping on/off control and section control. Overlaps can be minimized and input costs reduced. By being able to know the machines exact position, this takes the guess work out of spreading and spraying. The systems will also turn the spreader/sprayer on and off at the headland reducing overlaps. Using section control optimizes the spreading and avoids wasting inputs by automatically reducing the working width. In 2014, Case IH launched its new telematics system, ‘AFS Connect’. The system uses GPS and mobile communication
technology to receive machine location and instant performance information, enabling you to see the whereabouts, status and settings of your machine from the comfort of your office desk. The system can be retrofitted to both Case IH and competitive equipment. The system uses a Case IH modem, which sends data and transfers to your farm computer in real-time via the AFS Connect portal. AFS Connect is available in two specification levels, Basic and Advance. The Basic Level package offers fleet management capabilities, machine location tracking and working status
overviews. So you know exactly where your combine or tractor is. The AFS Connect Advanced package includes all the features and abilities of the AFS Connect Basic. This also includes various other helpful management and analysis possibilities such as compare data from different machines and identify areas of possible improvement where one machine is performing better than another. AFS Connect messaging allows farm owners and managers, as well as Case IH dealer technicians, to send advice directly to the machine’s display so operators can improve their performance on the move.
AFS Connect technology
If you would like to contact our Precision Farming Specialists, here are their details:
Richard Gore – 07901515397 Will Young - 07795121291
Tracking to success David Redman, Area Sales Manager - Case IH When a new product comes to market, the first thing it needs to achieve is to prove itself worthy. In the case (no pun intended) of Magnum Rowtrac its first announcement was met with lots of interest and, as momentum gathered, it won the much coveted Tractor of the Year award. The tractor is not just a Magnum with aftermarket tracks fitted; its design offers a fully integrated triangle shaped track system born from its bigger brother the Quadtrac. Leading the field in track design, the Magnum Rowtrac is unique when compared with any other twin track machine in its horsepower category. Firstly there is the option of full powershift gearbox or CVX (CVX only on 380), which achieves 40kph on the road. On most tracked machines this would not be possible but, due to the dampened track design of the Rowtrac along with front and cab suspension, it delivers a very smooth ride. Secondly, its field performance;
unlike most conventional tractors its weight distribution is higher than the standard 60/40 split - the majority of the power is transmitted through the rear tracks leaving the front in charge of steering. Turning the tractor is possible even in the wettest conditions due to the fact we do not introduce slip into the track, unlike the twin track machines on the market. Magnum Rowtrac specialist Paul Freeman explains “If you do get into a tricky situation you can rest easy in the knowledge you have differential locks in the front and rear axles”, again a major positive advantage over a twin track machine which has none. The tractor is at home running drawbar or 3 point linkage mounted implements. The benefit of our track system is it pivots just below the top drive roller thus keeping the full length of the track in contact with the ground at all times, regardless of rear linkage loadings. Front linkage is also available along with PTO to drive linkage mounted tanks or cultivation equipment.
Magnum Rowtrac
Ernest Doe Power held a series of demonstration days in September and October 2015; prime locations were chosen allowing the tractor to prove itself in testing conditions and giving customers a first-hand view of just how well the Rowtrac performs. The 380 CVX was used on a variety of machines from the driest conditions to the wettest. One customer had noted how the machine “never gives up, - the use of the CVX transmission in Automatic Productivity Mode
(APM) linked to the Powerful 8.7ltr Stage 4 FPT engine not only delivers performance but fuel savings too, keeping input costs to a minimum. Another noted how the tractor has been designed with “outside the box thinking”, which just proves how Case IH listen to their customers, providing innovative solutions. Comments from twin track users say “the tractor is the way forward as it reduces headland damage” proving the tractor’s ability to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee.
MONEY WELL SPENT NEW MAXXUM CVX: TAKES EVERY JOB IN ITS STRIDE The new Maxxum CVX has a smooth-as-silk constantly variable transmission, a Multicontroller armrest with all key functions at your fingertips and a big, extra-quiet cab. It’s no slouch for power either, with fuel efficient engines up to 130hp - with 32hp more on tap, and a lift capacity of up to 7.8 tonnes.
Continued investment for today and the future Angus Doe, Service Director When purchasing an item of equipment, we know that you are looking for the complete package in terms of parts and servicing after delivery. At Ernest Doe we have a total of 168 trained technicians, over 100 of which are mobile and specialise in agricultural equipment. 2015 Investments In 2015 we continued to invest heavily in additional tools and equipment. One of our principal changes has been the introduction of fully featured smart phones for all of our mobile service technicians this year. Each technician now has their own email address and can also mobile hotspot to their service laptop to download information in the field, twoway communication between technician and the service office is significantly improving. In this digital age, paper service manuals are less prevalent, with most information being in electronic format. Additional wiring diagrams and other information can be sent to and from the office and or downloaded straight from the manufacturer. Diagnostic information in the form of data log files or photos can be sent straight back to the office. Where needed, these can then be passed straight onto the manufacturer for further analysis. We have also invested in 19 automated air conditioning machines. These new machines speed up and simplify what has previously been a very manual process. Extraction and re-charging of air conditioning systems is faster, with the major benefit that the technician can perform additional repairs or service work whilst the machine is working through its automated cycle.
This machine can also speed up any major repairs that can take place within peak season. Major repairs often require disconnection of the air conditioning system as you may know, it is illegal to release refrigerant gas into the atmosphere. Our new machines allow the system to be vacuumed and then re gassed much faster and at the same time as commencing a major repair. All of our technicians are licensed to handle refrigerant gas. We continue to invest heavily in product specific special tools and manufacturers training. Between 10% and 20% of our technicians time each year is spent training on training courses. As main line dealers for Case IH and many implement brands, we need to make sure that we have the right tools in the right places, making sure we fix faults for our customers as fast and efficiently as possible. This is now further ranging than people may realise; we recently spent ÂŁ2000 per unit on some tools that allow us to configure ploughs. Similarly our two-stroke equipment is starting to require diagnostic equipment. Engine emissions change again One of the core strengths of Case IH within CNH Industrial is that they exclusively use in-house engines designed and supplied by FPT (Fiat Powertrain Technology). This gives a consistent approach, and our products have benefitted from best in class engines. This is often due to the fact that this technology has already been used in the truck market for a number of years. At the moment our machines our progressing to Tier 4B whilst the truck market commences Euro 7 emissions; a much more stringent standard. Most impressive for me was seeing
the new Tier 4B Optum 315 on the Dyno. The machine pushed out just under 300 BHP at the PTO, and thanks to it’s new variable geometry turbo the torque curve remained completely flat. This should translate into incredible lugging power within the field. It was pleasing to note that this turbo has a variable housing, and not the variable pitch turbine impeller blades that some rivals use. This is a simpler system with less moving parts, but still has the desired affect on performance. Apprenticeships Our apprenticeship programme continues to go from strength to strength. We have 30 apprentices at different stages of development. Their training involves both college classroom courses and invaluable mentoring alongside our experienced technicians. We produced a video in a bid to promote our apprenticeship scheme, which seemed to be well received. We will soon be recruiting for our 2016 intake: if you think you’ve got what it takes to become our next star technician please get in touch. Service contracts: fixing your costs We are also in the process of adding additional features to
our own computer system. The end goals are to provide a more consistent and convenient way of pricing and invoicing service contracts. Quite simply we want to give more fixed cost servicing and warranty options to our customers. It is now commonplace for machines to come with extended warranty cover. Service contracts have become compulsory to maintain this cover and meet the terms and conditions imposed by the manufacturer. If there is a contract that guarantees the machine will be serviced by trained technicians, then the cost of extended cover is kept to a competitive rate, and machine reliability is ensured. CASE IH now have availability of telematics to track, log and upload to the machine remotely. We expect this technology will become standard fit on larger machines. This will no doubt be the next big development within our industry and build upon the increased uptake of precision farming equipment we have seen in recent years. We will soon be calling you to say that your machine requires a service, and not the other way around!
Controlled traffic farming with Horsch For Adam Driver, timeliness and flexibility are two essential requirements in efficiently farming more than 3000 acres around Brockley in Suffolk. “The ability to get on and get the job done when the conditions are favourable means we are able to do a better job, with no need to force a bad situation,” explains Adam.
with local landowners. A regime of spring wheat and beans is complemented by winter varieties and winter OSR across the farms’ predominately heavy clay soil. “We always try to work to a very high professional standard and maintain a close relationship with those we farm for. All of them have embraced our move to controlled traffic farming.”
To meet these needs and fulfil its move to controlled traffic farming, Driver Farms has purchased a 12m Horsch Sprinter drill and 12m Horsch Joker cultivator through Ernest Doe Power at Sudbury. “These machines have massive outputs. We can achieve 200ha per day with the Joker and 100-150ha with the Sprinter. This allows us to take advantage of smaller weather windows.”
Driver Farms has partnered with three other local farming operations to create a comprehensive RTK network around Brockley and the neighbouring areas. “We have been running the network for six years. It’s an essential part of modern farming and allows us to share the cost and removes duplicate coverage.”
Started in 1987 by Carl Driver and his wife Felicity, Driver Farms has grown year on year from the original farm owned by Carl’s grandfather. A move to contract farming in 1990 saw the acreage grow significantly and the business now enjoys a number of long standing agreements
In addition to their capacity, the new machines have also completed Driver Farms move to CTF. “We chose a 12m system running on 2.3m tramlines. After plenty of research this seemed to be the most widely supported system while avoiding major road transport width problems. A trip to the Horsch Agrovation farm in the Czech Republic convinced
us this was the way to go,” adds Adam. Although only in their first year with the system, Adam says its already becoming clear that CTF is reducing the fuel and time required while improving soil structure. “We see CTF as a management tool, part of our approach to a reduced or zero tillage system.” The 12m drill replaced an older 8m Horsch Sprinter while the Joker will eventually replace a 6m levelling cultivator. “Having seen how well made our previous Sprinter drill was, we decided to go with Horsch again. “The ability to put down liquid fertiliser while drilling is a key feature of the Sprinter. It’s a big machine but very manoeuvrable and incredibly flexible, whether we want to use it for direct drilling, drill with some light cultivation or just drill.
system is an extended auger due to be fitted to the farm’s Claas Lexion 780 with a 12.3m header. Driver Farms operate two 18 tonne lorries for grain carting. “We wanted to pre-empt any compaction issues by dealing with it as we go along. We specified a ‘wheelings’ eradicator on the Joker and use a low-disturbance 6m subsoiler on the headlands. This keeps the soil loose without boiling it up and by using a CTF system, we can target small areas without having to tear up the whole farm.” Soil health is a high priority for Driver Farms and Carl and Adam provide a full in-house agronomy service. “CTF and precision lowtillage machines are part of our approach to improve our soils, allowing the vast array of soil biota to live and work with us against disease, weeds and pest problems.
“The quality, simplicity and performance of the Joker stands out, and clearly both machines are designed for high performance CTF systems.”
Although still early days, I’m convinced this will translate into higher yields and decreasing inputs,” states Adam.
The final element in their CTF
Photos courtesy of Henry Driver
Farm News
SUFFOLK TRAILER TICKS ALL YOUR BOXES » CONSTRUCTED FROM PRESSED STEEL, the Suffolk trailer is designed to maximise strength to weight ratio allowing users to maximise payloads and minimise ground compaction and fuel costs. With a comprehensive list of options, it can be built to individual customer requirements and trailers are available as grain trailers or silage with a hydraulic up and over tailgate. Standard specification includes hydraulic tailgate with safety hydraulic check valve and rubber tailgate seal, height adjustable sprung drawbar, commercial mono leaf spring suspension system, rubber shock absorber pads between the trailer body and chassis, twin three stage tipping rams, manufactured from chromed tubing, to give a 55 degree tipping angle, monocoque body design with a 6 inch taper, front inspection ladder, wind on parking brake and twin LED light units with
heavy duty light guards. Hydraulic services are carried along the trailer chassis using rigid tubing keeping hydraulic hose runs to a minimum.
‘maximise payloads and minimise ground compaction and fuel costs’ Preserving soil structure is a key consideration for Richard Western customers and most trailers leave the factory fitted with flotation tyres. 560/60R22.5 radial tyres are the popular choice though many tyre options are available to meet specific customer requirements.” Suffolk trailers are available from 10-18 tonnes on tandem axles and 20-24 tonne models on tri axles with rear steering.
ROOTCROP TRAILERS The Suffolk Rootcrop trailer is a low-line trailer designed to facilitate damage free root crop harvesting. This range shares the same options list as the Suffolk allowing customers to select options in line with their needs. Rootcrop trailers are available in 11 - 18 tonne models on tandem axles. WELLINGTON TRAILERS The Wellington trailer shares many of the design principles of the Suffolk trailer range with some key enhancements specifically aimed at sugar beet harvesting. Wellington trailers are available in 14 18 tonnes on tandem axles and 20 - 24 tonnes on tri axles with rear steering. www.richard-western.co.uk or call 01728 723224
You have the Power..... PROVEN IN THE FIELD
.....and for reliable trouble free performance, we’re right behind you. RICHARD WESTERN LTD. D’Urbans, Framlingham, Suffolk IP13 9RP.
TEL: 01728 723224
Mounted & Trailed models
£26,800 exVAT Stubble Rake
£6,800 exVAT
Tine Combi
£8,900 exVAT
Web: www.weavingmachinery.net
Short Disc
£5,800 exVAT
£11,600 exVAT
Tine Drill
Sabre Tine Drill
£11,755 exVAT
£16,700 exVAT
Tel: 01386 49155 E-mail: info@weavingmachinery.net
Framlingham Branch Report Simon Tinkler, Branch and Sales Manager I find myself sitting here in my office 18 months after starting at Ernest Doe Power Framlingham, at the end of a prolonged harvest, wondering where the time has gone. 2015 has been a busy year for Framlingham as we have undertaken the massive project of replacing the old workshop with a new state of the art 660 square metre workshop and 100 square metre bulk store. This new facility will allow us to handle a higher volume of machinery and the accessibility to work on all the Case IH machinery range indoors.
shooting, and folk music and he is a local ‘step dancer’. Dominic is the first person we have put through the two year Honda apprentice scheme which involves staying away for 10 weeks a year on block release to Honda’s training centre in Bracknell. He will be a fully accredited Honda technician at the end of his course. The horticultural service department also welcomes Neil Frost to the team. Neil is another local guy with experience of working for tree surgeons, landscape gardeners and machinery suppliers. Neil likes to spend his time with his family and badminton.
The official opening at Framlingham Colin E Doe, Managing Director and Matthew Foster, Vice President Case IH EMEA
Due to the demand from our horticultural customers, the service team has been increased with the addition of an apprentice Dominic Smith. Dominic is a local lad of 17 who has come from the local high school in Stradbroke. Dominic’s interests are country sports,
Fine dining at Framlingham
The parts department sees some new faces with Simon Leeding heading up the team since November 2014. Simon grew up and lives in Framlingham and even had the pleasure of being in the same school year as me! Simon plays an active part in the
local community as a scout leader of the 1st Framlingham Scouts and is the groundsman for the Framlingham Bowls Club. Simon also got married this year to his lovely wife Alison and we wish them all the best for the future.
Supporting Simon and the parts team is another new member Ben Morris. Ben is eager to learn and has a great ‘can do’ attitude - he has picked up the job well and is an asset to the branch. Since being with us he has learned how
Andy Bugg - After Sales Business Manager Case IH, David Redman - Area Sales Manager Case IH, Kristina Bajohra - European Network Development Director Case IH, Simon Tinkler - Framlingham Branch Manager, Graham Goodwin - Framlingham Area Sales Manager, Colin Doe - Managing Director, Gerald Silvey - General Manager EDP, Ian Snowden Framlingham Service Manager, Matthew Foster VP Case IH EMEA, Jon May - UK Network Development Manager, Case IH Paul Harrison - UK Business Manager Case IH and Robin Mcard - UK Harvesting Manager Case IH
to drive forklifts, find parts and represent the company at shows. Ben is a keen basketball player and enjoys his MG Sports car and is looking forward to setting up his first home with his girlfriend in Ipswich. This year we have invested heavily into the hire department with the addition of a new Greenmech 150 chipper, new diggers and some hydraulic log splitters, all available to hire. In order to continue to provide the full service, we have purchased an additional new Ford Ranger and Beavertail Trailer
to transport the equipment to customers. Richard Jenkins and David Ashton continue to head up the horticultural sales department selling and supporting both domestic and professional horticultural customers. We have tried some new things and have attended local events like The Fram Country Show, Henham Steam Rally, Poplar Park Horse Trials, Framlingham Sausagefest, and our own Stihl powertool working day which was a great success.
We are lucky to have such a strong agricultural service team at Framlingham; although there aren’t any new faces they are a very versatile and adaptable team. They have had to deal with moving off site to a temporary workshop in Wickham Market, whilst our new workshop was being constructed, which they settled into well and I would like to personally thank them for their efforts during the disruption. The agricultural sales continues to be run by Graham Goodwin who will be a familiar name to many of you. This year Graham reached a milestone in his career by selling his 1,800th Case IH tractor at this year’s Doe Show….an achievement which will be very hard to beat, I am sure you will agree. Graham was given a special model tractor to add to his collection by the senior management at Case IH for his efforts. To assist Graham with the ever increasing demands, we are currently looking to recruit a new trainee agricultural sales manager, who we hope will learn
from Graham and be another asset to the local agricultural community. The 2015 Harvest certainly tested everyone’s endurance as we supplied 7 new Case IH combines and I would like to thank the team at Framlingham for their efforts. Finally we welcome our new branch secretary Eve Bailey. Eve has been with the company for a number of years and joins us from the warranty department of our head office in Ulting after a relocation to Suffolk with her husband. Eve enjoys archery and enjoys competing with her dogs in dog Agility. Many of you regulars who visit the showroom at Framlingham, will have known Monica Clarke and it is with great sadness that I have to report that Monica sadly passed away in November. Our thoughts are with her friends and family.
LEMKEN agricultural machinery is distinctive, not only because of its blue colour, but above all because of its quality, versatility and robust design. More than 1,000 employees are continuously working towards developing solutions that optimally meet the specific needs of the UK market
■ Ploughs and other implements for stubble cultivation and seed bed preparation for perfect soil cultivation ■ Mechanical or pneumatic seeding technology for reliable field germination of a wide range of crops ■ Mounted or trailed field sprayers for healthy plant growth
Can you afford to take a risk? Andy Bloomfield, General Parts Manager We supply branded genuine Case IH filters for servicing and make no apologies for offering a secondary range of “will fit” alternatives. There has been much debate during my career regarding “spurious” filters and how cheaper alternatives are available and are just as good. From experience, we can inform
you that some of our customers who have made a short term financial gain by purchasing nongenuine often regret this decision, with costly repairs to their engines or hydraulic systems because their pattern filters were not up to specification. Not only do Case IH offer exact specification to their filter offering, they are also competitively priced
rECommEndAtIonS for uSE to the market with further deals available through our Parts Departments. mAIntEnAnCE IntErVALS
to guarantee optimal performance of your hydraulic system until the next maintenance service, you need:
GENUINE hydraUlIc fIltEr protection & performance
During February we are offering a discount of 25% off genuine filters for old and new machines. So, why not compare the difference in quality and performance if you are using non-genuine and take us up on our offer. 1200 Hours*
1200 Hours*
1800 Hours*
*Duration generally observed, please refer to your machine's maintenance manual or the filter booklet for more information.
! it is recommended to change the hydraulic system oil. for more information, please refer to your machine's maintenance manual.
! failure to observe the maintenance intervals may increase your machine's downtime, reduce its performance and incur high maintenance costs.
dId You know?
tyPES Of fIltEr
rISKS relating to poor filtration
Premature wear of mechanical engine parts (crankshaft, camshaft, valves) and turbocharger
Engine/turbocharger damage
Fouling/damage to injection system
Breakdown/starting problems Excessive fuel consumption/engine wear
Poor air circulation/engine not protected against external particles
Formation of bacteria/poor air circulation
Driver discomfort/formation of mist
Corrosion/frost in pneumatic system
Oil circulation and pressure limited
Loss of power/premature wear of hydraulic system
Urea injection system failure/wear
Non-compliance with emission standards/ switch to degraded mode
Contamination of turbocharger and air exchanger
Durability and performance levels of components & organs reduced
Braking and suspension problems
Hurst Green Update David Bush, Branch and Sales Manager David Bush – Branch Manager: Here at Hurst Green we have seen a number of changes including the service department. We have welcomed back to the team David Lloyd as the new service manager. David started off as an apprentice and worked up to become a full technician before being offered the role of Service Manager. David has been working hard to deliver the high level of service required by our customers and feedback has been extremely encouraging. Another addition to the workshop team is Nick Corcoran, our new service apprentice, who is currently doing well at Reaseheath, the country’s leading agricultural technician training college. By investing in the future
and having the facilities in place, we are confident that we can support a growing customer base and harvesting equipment that is proving to be a high competitor in the market. This includes the new range of Balers and Combines for high productivity and the Combines development for the unique European market. With two new ranges of the Case Optum and Rowtrack high horsepower engines, 2016 looks to be bright. In our parts department, Kyle Mansfield has recently been promoted to Parts Manager and we welcomed Roy Knobbs to the parts team. We are now able to provide excellent back up for all our products. With the support of the parts team, and ably assisted
by our branch secretary, Verity Page, our showroom has seen improvements with extended lines in our footwear and clothing range, lawn mowers and garden equipment offering and these will be further developed in early 2016. Ross Leech - Area Sales Manager: With a challenging year in the agricultural market now behind us I am looking forward to the year ahead and what better way than with some exciting new Case IH products.
David Bush at the NF Show
The Magnum Rowtrac was very well received on its early demonstrations and we will continue with the demo program when spring cultivations start. With the release of the new Case IH Optum CVX, things are looking very positive, filling the market gap between Puma and
Magnum with a lightweight high horsepower model, at home in the field or road; I believe this will be an optimal product for the modern farmers of today. We also welcome to the team David Bush, our new Branch Manager. David has worked with Ernest Doe for 14 years as a Professional Groundcare Area Manager. Bringing a new knowledge and an understanding of customer needs in the dealership, David has a very hands on approach from sales, parts and service. We are looking forward to the New Year ahead and the order books already looking healthy. With new product lines for our customers such as the Case Rowtrac and the newly launched Optum CVX, the high output big balers and the even more productive combine range, and a new line up of Yamaha ATVs in 2016, exciting times ahead!
GRIPS LIKE A CRAWLER TURNS LIKE A TRACTOR THE NEW MAGNUM™ ROWTRAC SERIES. Better ƃotation, improved manoeuvrability and greater ƃexibility. Three reasons why the new MagnumTM Rowtrac is the best solution for the way you farm. Purpose built and designed Case IH tracks provide better traction, reduced compaction and produce less scufƂng when turning on the headland. Don’t let the weather tell you when to farm. Ask us for more details about the versatile Magnum™ Series.
*Ts & Cs apply. Business purposes only. This is not a contractual offer and is subject to changes in prices, supply terms, law or interest rates and may be withdrawn at the discretion of CNH Industrial Capital. Finance is subject to status (credit approval).
Cultivation for all conditions
KUHN’s Performer deep tine disc cultivator offers an effective single-pass solution as well as the versatility of disc-only or tine-only functionality to suit individual requirements. Available in 4 and 5 metre working widths for tractor power up to 500hp in its wider format, the Performer comprises twin independent disc gangs (10cm working depth), four rows of tines (35cm working depth), levelling discs and the new 700mm diameter HD-Liner roller.
• Engage discs, tines, levelling discs and roller for one-pass cultivation. • Discs only with roller for surface cultivation. • Tines only and roller for sub-soiling function. • Roller-free for non-consolidation work.
Robust in construction, the Performer is designed for the toughest conditions with 800-1,200kg non-stop hydraulic tine safety and 225kg/m pressure on its roller. The machine is fully hydraulically adjustable and folds to a transport width of 3 metres. www.kuhn.co.uk For further details please contact us at your nearest branch:
forage harvesting I livestock husbandry I arable I landscape maintenance
be strong, be KUHN
FAKENHAM BRANCH 66 Holt Road, Fakenham NR21 8DY Telephone: 01328 855611
FYFIELD BRANCH Fyfield, Ongar CM5 0NS Telephone: 01277 899464
FRAMLINGHAM BRANCH Broadwater Road, Framlingham IP13 9LL Telephone: 01728 723963
SUDBURY BRANCH Cornard Road, Sudbury CO10 2XB Telephone: 01787 375621
…where you can buy with confidence
Fyfield- striving for complete customer satisfa Michael Bateman, Branch and Sales Manager
Ernest Doe Power Fyfield - always adapting and changing to meet our customers’ needs and demands. Before sitting in the hot seat here at Fyfield, the Ernest Doe Power management team said to me that I will never have two days the same - and they weren’t wrong! It is this factor which make this industry exciting, energetic and enjoyable to work in. This dynamic allows Ernest Doe Power Fyfield to group in to a world class agricultural and machinery supplier. Within my short time at the helm I have made a few changes and more will come. It is our aim to fulfil your needs in an effective, efficient and profitable way, making Fyfield, and our suppliers, the best value partners to work with. Currently in our service department we have three key people who, just twelve months ago were working outside agriculture. Now they are the core of our service department which complements the backbone of
Case IH QuadTrac 620STX
this department. Our stores and parts representatives continually grow and develop and I receive more and more compliments about them every day. My sales team and I will be working closely alongside you as we face these challenging
times; it is our partnership and understanding that will help ride these demanding periods. QuadTrac- often copied, never equalled It was in 1995 when Case IH introduced a triangular rubber tracked, with equal weight distribution, four wheeled drive tractor with 375hp. Ever since then other manufacturers have invented new concepts and ways to transmit large amounts of horse power to the ground with minimal ground compaction. It’s only after years of failures and large expenditure they have finally called it a day and replicated what Case IH have had for eleven years. Ernest Doe Power and the Fyfield branch have been a key adversary for the Quadtrac over the years
within the UK. The product has continually developed over the years. The development has been focused on three core elements. productivity; reduced cost of ownership and soundness in reliability. It is the pedigree and history which makes it the only real option in the high horse powered tractor market. With the Quadtrac today all the core components are made by the Case IH family. The product and the branch do not depend on outside manufacturers for assistance, allowing Ernest Doe Power and the Fyfield branch to give the world class service you demand and expect. Whilst talking to two current Fyfield Quadtrac owners/operators who have had a new Quadtrac in the last 12 months including
Head Office and Accounts
Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd, Ulting, Maldon, Essex, CM9 6QH Tel 01245 380311 Fax 01245 381194 Gerald Silvey, General Sales Manager, Ernest Doe Power
a Quadtrac 620STX – the most powerful production tractor in the world - they noted that the Quadtrac product was the best solution for their business needs: “What stands out to me is that
our new 540 STX ‘hangs on’ (power under load) more than our old 535 STX with the Cummins engine. That FPT engine has a lot more ‘grunt’”, said Trevor, an operator in Hertfordshire.
Did you know? • The Fyfield branch was the second Ernest Doe Branch and is 73 years old. • Currently we have seven workshop technicians, six of whom are mobile. • Case IH has been sold at Fyfield for 14 years. • The security bollards out the front of the Fyfield branch travel 3.3miles per year vertically. • The village of Fyfield has the oldest inhabited wooden building in England • During WWII the Fyfield branch was bombed. The building was destroyed and an employee killed. The only surviving item was a set of Cambridge Rolls. • Fyfield village’s name come from ‘Five Fields’ and has been shortened over the course of time.
Albourne Sovereign House, London Road, Albourne, West Sussex BN6 9BN
Manager, Phil Bush Tel 01273 834689 Fax 01273 834580
Dartford 83 Main Road, Sutton at Hone, Dartford DA4 9HQ
Manager, Richard Link Tel 01322 863285 Fax 01322 860660
Manager, David Watson Tel 01372 471009 Fax 01372 471355
Manager, Stephen Hurren Tel 01328 855611 Fax 01328 855145
Manager, Simon Tinkler Tel 01728 723963 Fax 01728 724496
Manager, Michael Bateman Tel 01277 899464 Fax 01277 899638
Hurst Green
Manager, David Bush Tel 01580 860495 Fax 01580 861386
Manager, Peter Sayers Tel 01273 812707 Fax 01273 814040
Manager, Ed Perry Tel 01787 375621 Fax 01787 880341
Portsmouth Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9AD
66 Holt Road, Fakenham, Norfolk NR21 8DY
Broadwater Road, Framlingham, Suffolk IP13 9LL Fyfield, Ongar, Essex CM5 0NS
The Foundry, Hurst Green, TN19 7QP Broyle House, Ringmer, Lewes BN8 5NN
Cornard Road, Sudbury, Suffolk CO10 6XB
Follow us on Facebook
Ernest Doe Power - Agriculture
KUHN MEGANT– mounted min-till seed drill with tines
KUHN’s latest range of MEGANT tine coulter seed drills combines high-speed drilling efficiency with drilling accuracy for top quality seed establishment. With a list of features that improve seeding work rates during the peak drilling season, the MEGANT range is ideally suited to medium-sized farms. The MEGANT range consists of four machines offering working widths from 4.80 metres to 6.00 metres. All four models use a 1,800 litre seed hopper (capable of holding up to 1,200 kg of wheat seed) and are able to seed up to 60 hectares per day. The new MEGANT is suitable for minimum cultivation or for rapid sowing in ploughed, heavy and rocky soils. Thanks to a simple, low maintenance design, all four machines are considerably lighter than comparable drills and as such can be driven at higher working
speeds using tractors with just 150 hp. This all equates to faster drilling, lower fuel consumption and reduced seeding costs. The MEGANT’s pneumatic coulters are mounted across four of KUHN’s patented tine beams, with polyurethane mounting blocks providing impact protection – each tine can deflect by 15cm vertically to avoid large obstacles. The tines are designed to give good ground penetration and an evening drilling depth, with straight tines also available for stony soils. Seed is delivered to the coulters from an external distribution head by a powerful blower unit which is controlled by an independent hydraulic circuit and can be driven from 750 to 1,000 rpm. The blower’s high capacity and free-flowing seed pipes prevent the risk of seed blockages even at high seeding rates.
Seed metering is managed by KUHN’s QUANTRON S-2 electronic control box which gives easy manipulation of the drill’s blower, side markers and application rates. Application rates can be adjusted instantly without the need to recalibrate, with the ability to store data for more than 30 seed types and up to 200 fields (name, size, seed type, application rate, dates). The MEGANT uses large dimension
wheels to reduce soil compaction (twin wheels are available for use on light soils or steep sloping ground) and has close-folding side markers to enable precise seeding at field edges and close to mid-field obstacles. Adjustable track eradictors with nonstop safety devices are fitted as standard, and an optional, hydraulically indexed front levelling bar can be specified. Half working width shut-off can also be specified as an option.
Starting prices for the MEGANT range are as follows: Model
Working width
Seeding rows
Starting price
4.80 m
5.00 m
5.60 m
6.00 m
New additions strengthen customer services at Sutton Richard Link, Dartford Branch and Sales Manager 2015 has seen some changes with staff at Sutton. Service and parts have seen the appointment of new managers, Greg Field in the Service Department and Matt Hobbs in the Parts Department.
Keith Rogers is currently off work and we all wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to seeing him back in the branch soon.
he gained a degree in Agricultural Engineering.
Jacob Cherry, Ryan Stubbings, Paul Gillman Edward Stuehmeyer
Jeanette Ahern, Matt Hobbs, Greg Field
Greg comes from a service background in Materials Handling; successfully running his own business until joining our service team. Greg’s approachable and positive understanding style is being well received by customers and service technicians alike. Our agricultural service team has been bolstered by the addition of Liam Clifton. Liam started work at our Ringmer branch and then transferred to Sutton in spring. Liam’s enthusiasm and knowledge of the machinery we sell is infectious.
Matt transferred from our Hurst Green branch to Sutton to take responsibility for the parts department in early summer. Matts other company role is as Case IH parts sales Doe Power Sales specialist. Matt’s knowledge of IT systems and product is exceptional which is benefiting customers parts sourcing. Other new members of staff in the parts department include Jacob Cherry and Ryan Stubbings. Richard Taylor retired in July from his duties in goods inwards after 40 years of loyal service. His role is taken by Paul Gilman. We also have a new Service Secretary Jeanette Ahern who joined us in the summer.
One special occasion of note was Gerald Fisher, Parts Supervisor, receiving his gold watch at our head office from Managing Director Colin Doe. Gerald has given 25 years of loyal service for which we are most grateful. Here at Sutton we have three further retirements including Vic Maynard our Professional Groundcare Representative. Vic has worked for the Company for 18 years and is well respected alike by Customers and Staff. Peter Humphrey Assistant Service Manager has also decided to take retirement after giving 18 years of service and knowledge to the branch. Barrie Everson our Professional Hort Technician has also decided to take retirement, following 12 years of service.
Liam Clifton
Edward Stuehmeyer has been appointed as our Agricultural Area Sales Manager, Edward is from Yorkshire, but has currently settled in Kent. Edward attended Harper Adams University where
Gerald Fisher receiving his gold watch from Managing Director, Colin Doe
Saphire Crisp
In January 2015, we were delighted to welcome Saphire Crisp to our service team. Saphire joined us as a service trainee, having studied Motorsport Engineering at Canterbury College. Having qualified to Level 3, Saphire was finding it hard to find a placement in the motor industry but their loss was our gain, and she has proved to be an asset to the team. Saphire is our first female technician across the business and, who knows, perhaps a Service Manager of the future – watch this space …!
Aiming to be the fruit grower’s first choice Case IH is making a big push into the specialist fruit tractor sector in the South of England, with Ernest Doe Power’s Dartford branch, having been successful in retailing a number of the new Quantum F tractors since their launch at the 2014 National Fruit Show, Marden. Defra data shows UK production of outdoor-grown fruit, protected cropping and cider apples has all risen in recent years, and the number of vineyards is continuing to increase. The latest Case IH Quantum V and F tractors ranges are designed to meet the specialist needs of these markets, with V models catering for vineyard and soft fruit growers and F versions designed specifically for orchard applications. “Businesses in these sectors are using higher planting densities and planting closer to field boundaries to maximise utilisation of their land asset,” notes Alun Scott, Case IH product specialist. “That means tractor characteristics such as good manoeuvrability are particularly important, a key design characteristic of the new Quantum models.” Measuring just 1,069mm wide, Quantum V tractors are designed to safely navigate the narrow paths between standard vine spacings or soft fruit plantings without risk of crop damage. Available in four models, from the 78hp Quantum 75V to the 106hp Quantum 105V, the tractors measure 1,190mm wide and a
Ernest Doe Power’s branch at Dartford, Kent, was successful in securing a number of Case IH Quantum F sales during 2015.
maximum height of 2,190mm in cabbed specification. The same power outputs apply to the orchard-targeted Quantum F models, with a minimum overall width of 1,398mm, or 1,463mm on standard 280/70 R20 front and 380/85 R28 rear tyres, giving a maximum turning radius of 3440mm for four-wheel-drive versions. Maximum height to the top of the air-conditioned cab – carbon filtration is optional – is 2,273mm. Higher planting densities mean good manoeuvrability is becoming ever more important to
To ensure plentiful power for hydraulically-operated equipment, there is a 48 litre/min hydraulic pump, with 64 litre/min high-flow option, and a separate 28 litre/min steering circuit, or 35 litres/min in high-flow specification on both models. Up to three double-acting rear remote valves and three midmounted valves can be specified to power front-, mid- and rearmounted implements. Rear linkage capacity is 2,600kg, while there is also a front linkage option. PTO-powered equipment is catered for via a 540/540E rpm electro-hydraulically engaged unit at the rear, with the option of a 1,000rpm with proportional ground speed facility. A 16F/16R transmission is standard, with the option of a 32F/16R with powershuttle, two-speed powershift and powerclutch. All transmissions can be specified with 12 creep gears, providing up to 44 forward and 16 reverse ratios, enabling operation from 40kph down to 300 metres per hour at rated engine speed. Four-wheel-drive models are equipped with electro-hydraulic engagement, a limited slip differential lock and dynamic front fenders allowing full coverage without restricting the steering angle. Automatic 4wd disengagement activates at speeds above 15km/hr and when the steering angle is greater than
fruit tractor buyers, notes Alun Scott, Case IH product specialist.
30 degrees, while 4wd engages automatically when both brakes are applied. Response to the new tractors was very encouraging, and following a number of subsequent demonstrations, Dartford agricultural area sales manager Ed Stuehmeyer was successful in securing a number of sales, including two units to one farm. The first customer to see the Quantum’s potential was Peter Checkley, manager for Howard Chapman Ltd at West Malling. Growing over 168ha of various apple varieties, the business runs a mixed fleet of tractors, many of which spend much of their time engaged in simple yet crucial haulage tasks. For more complex, demanding jobs such as mechanical pruning, spraying and mowing, it was decided last year to add a new tractor to the farm’s fleet, with a strong specification and a competitive price being key considerations. Delivered ready for the start of the 2015 spring season, the Case IH Quantum 85F complete with front linkage had completed over 350 trouble-free hours by late October. Hadlow Place Farms near Tonbridge, also decided to try a Case IH Quantum for the first time last year, and a pair of Quantum 105Fs now head the fleet run by fruit manager
Nigel Gibb. Taking on the key management tasks around the production of 36ha of apples and pears as part of a larger arable unit, the two tractors were both supplied with front linkage and PTO, to allow simultaneous tasks to be performed.
Hadlow Place Farms purchased two Quantum 105F tractors from Dartford branch, one which is shown here, while nearby Howard Chapman Ltd bought an 85F model.
“Long gone are the days when fruit tractors were each used purely for one job,” notes Ed. “Now, the main tractors heading a fleet are responsible for multiple tasks, ranging from transport and mowing to spraying and pruning, among others. Many growers are requiring their machines to carry out a number of jobs in a single pass, meaning linkage, PTO and multiple hydraulic outlets are essential both at the front and rear. The specification we can offer with the new Case IH Quantum tractors is very comprehensive, and we are keen to show more potential customers what these machines can do.”
Fakenham report Staff changes at Fakenham When Graham Loan, our Parts Salesman, decided to retire, we knew he would be a difficult act to follow. However, after taking on Richard Fulford for the role, it soon became clear we had found the right person for the job. Throughout Richards’ career he has mainly served in the parts department. Straight from school, he started work in a Ford tractor dealers’ in Halesworth before moving to Wrentham, then onto Norfolk. His thirty years of experience ranges in all types machinery from groundcare and garden equipment to tractors and combines. Out of work hours, along with restoring a 1980’s MG Midget, Richard is the proud owner of a Harley Davidson Softail motorcycle and enjoys the weekend riding as well as longer trips to Scotland, Devon and France. Service The service department headed by Kevin Gotterson has once again had a busy year keeping machines rolling. The role of a service
Stephen Hurren, Fakenham Branch and Sales Manager
technician has changed over the years as machines have become more sophisticated. When arriving on farm nowadays, inevitably the first thing out of the van is the laptop and very often, it can take as long to diagnose the fault as it does to fix it. However, as always, we will strive to improve our service and parts backup where we can in 2016. Horticultural Sales have continued to improve in 2015 and this is down to the hard work and dedication of Robert Middleditch, our Horticultural Salesman. Robert has done particularly well on our Viking and Stihl range of machines. Ride on sales have continued to grow with branch targets being met by the middle of the year. Competition from internet sales continues but service and back up is still a big selling tool. Before a customer purchases a machine they need to be confident they will be looked after in the future. Parts The role of a parts person has diversified over the years. Not only do you have to have extensive
knowledge of agricultural machinery, you now also have to have the confidence and ability to deal with the public when they walk through the door and need advice on the ever-increasing range of products we now sell. This is why it is important to make sure everyone has the necessary training to fulfil the role. I feel it is important to offer the personal touch to your customers. This is the key to people having the confidence to deal with us on a regular basis. Finally I would like to thank all our customers during 2015 for their support and wish everyone a healthy and prosperous 2016.
CGM Group We have developed an excellent working relationship with the team at Ernest Doe Power, Fakenham. They are always competitive, reliable and on hand when needed, so it made perfect sense to approach them when we were looking to purchase a variety of new equipment for the 2015 season. We have purchased three Case Puma 160 tractors, three Spearhead flail arms plus a self propelled Spearhead known to us now as “The River Monster.” By investing in this machinery, it has allowed us to increase our portfolio of work and is allowing us to provide a faster and more efficient service to our diverse client base.
Farming and technology David Hurn I am a third generation farmer in E&M Hurn, currently cropping 135Ha of winter wheat, sugar beet and spring beans. E&M Hurn also work very closely with our neighbour D.S. Means Ltd bringing together labour and machinery at busy times to reduce costs and drive efficiencies. It was decided that, as part of an ongoing plan to move the businesses forward, it should include the use of precision farming, starting with drilling and variable rate P & K application. This seemed a logical step as both sprayers are already using auto boom shutoff. Between the businesses we
run three Case IH Puma’s supplied by Ernest Doe’s, all with Case IH Guidance running on the RTK network. Overall we find that the Case IH guidance system using RTK is easy to use and intuitive, giving us an accurate and repeatable system returning savings of around 3-4%. We now find that after the initial investment we apply the technology to more and more operations, so much so that it’s become one of the most important pieces of kit on the farm. With the added benefit of using the Case IH desktop software we now have the ability to compile and use all data as required with the simple use of a memory stick.
Although we are in the early days of using satellite guidance we have seen improvements in establishment, fuel usage and machinery output and can only see this increasing as time goes on. Ernest Doe have helped us get to
this point with good advice and backup demonstrating that with the right advice and help this technology is within reach of the smaller farmer. As grandfather used to say, “It’s only as good as the man in the van”.
LEMKEN Karat 9 ideally suited to Kent Grower David and Guy Botting purchased a 4m LEMKEN Karat 9 tined cultivator this summer after a successful demonstration by Ernest Doe Power from the Dartford branch. David and Guy choose the LEMKEN Karat 9 after looking at a number of tined cultivation machines. “The machine works well on our land,” comments Mr. Botting he particularly liked the way the machine mixed the soil and any surface residue together and with the ‘Double Packer Roller’ fitted to the machine, left a fantastic ‘consolidated and level finish’. The hydraulic depth control and rear roller also impressed Mr. Botting during the demonstration. The Karat 9 is equipped with hydraulic depth control as standard so working depth can be set hydraulically from the tractor seat during operation of the machine. The mounting of the rear levelling discs in conjunction with the rear roller allows the discs (via a parallelogram linkage) to keep a constant depth as tine depth is adjusted hydraulically. The Double Packer Roller really stood out for the father and son team. The quality of the finish in terms of consolidation and levelness was very good even when they used the machine on ploughed ground. They were also impressed with the rollers ability to work on their varied soil types across the farm.
The Karat 9 cultivator is available in widths from 3 to 7 metres in both mounted and semi-mounted configurations. Overload protection of the legs can be either as a shear bolt protected leg or auto reset protection with a tripping force of 5500N via a heavy duty spring reset system. The tines are attached to the cultivator frame at a line distance of approximately 28 centimetres. With this leg spacing in the machine it will achieve intensive mixing of soil and surface residue. The machine is able to work to a maximum depth of 30cm. Flexible use The cultivation nature of the machine will need to change according to time and place of
LEMKEN Karat 9 Hydraulic traction increase system
use. Immediately after harvest, the tines should be fitted with the wings attached to allow complete soil movement at a shallow working depth. This will keep weed and volunteer seeds close to the soil surface, something Guy Botting was keen to see with the machine. He explained that stale seedbeds were important to their business to ensure they were achieving maximum cultural control of grassweeds now that some grassweed herbicides were not so effective. Later passes with the machine, when removal of compaction and deeper mixing of straw is needed, will need points without wings of either 80 or 60 mm. The LEMKEN Karat 9 has been designed to allow quick and simple changing of the points to achieve this, something that was also a big plus point to David and Guy to make it a very flexible machine. Semi–mounted manoeuvrability The axle of the semi-mounted Karat 9 is positioned centrally within the machine. The cultivator is compact, stable and very manoeuvrable. - The design ensures that there is a positive weight on the tractor, even when the heaviest rear roller is chosen. - The relatively short distance between tractor and the transport axle, makes the machine manoeuvrable on headland turns.
Operator convenience David and Guy were quick to recognise the benefit of using a single cultivator to undertake a wide range of cultivation duties whether its shallow weed chitting or deep work for repair of soil structure. The LEMKEN ‘quickchange’ system has been designed to offer the option to quickly change the working nature of the machine. Without tools, the tine with changeable share, foot, point and wings can be removed and replaced with an alternative set. The ‘quick-change’ system also makes it easier to replace worn parts as the whole assembly can be removed and put on a work bench for safe and convenient maintenance. Less wheel slip with hydraulic traction assistance Another feature of the machine which impressed David and Guy during the initial demonstration was the hydraulic traction assistance which is fitted to the semi mounted machine as standard. An additional ram, between the drawbar and top link coupling point, shifts weight to the rear axle of the tractor. Thus traction of the tractor is increased. The hydraulic traction assistance is an intelligent system which optimises the distribution of force, reducing wheel slip and saving fuel.
POWER NEWS David and Guy also liked the advantages of using original LEMKEN spare parts which are available from Ernest Doe Power at Dartford. LEMKEN wearing parts are designed for maximum service life. High quality materials, the latest production methods and an intensive quality control system ensures a long service life. Therefore, all original spare parts bear a unique identification with the registered LEMKEN trademark. All Ernest Doe Power parts staff have ongoing parts training from LEMKEN UK. All parts information on new and obsolete LEMKEN machines is available electronically on a web based portal giving Ernest Doe Power up to date
information on LEMKEN parts. This, combined with an extensive stock of ‘Original’ LEMKEN spare parts within the Ernest Doe Power network, means unrivalled service to customers on original LEMKEN spare parts. David and Guy both visited the LEMKEN factory close to Alpen in Germany in July 2015 along with a group of customers from Ernest Doe Power. They were very impressed with the facility. While they were there they observed in-field demonstrations of tillage, seeding and crop protection equipment. They also had a tour of the factory and assembly lines at the headquarters at Alpen. Both David and Guy were impressed
Quick change system
LEMKEN Karat 9 working in Oilseed Rape stubble.
Moving all the soil at shallow depth for optimum weed and volunteer chitting
at the attention to detail that goes into every part of the
Some of the Karat – point, shin and wing options
manufacturing process of LEMKEN equipment.
Maxiroll with cracker board and seeder
DAL-BO UK 12A Shepheards Close, Dunkirk, Aylsham, Norfolk NR11 6SZ Tel 01263 732683 E-mail:sa@dal-bo.dk www.dal-bo.co.uk
16.3m PowerRolls
Investment in training and our people Andy Bloomfield, General Parts Manager Running a parts operation that turns over £25million has many challenges throughout the year: • Keeping customers supplied with the necessary parts • Maintaining our investment in IT programmes to help procurement • Working against a stock budget for the financial team However, my biggest challenge and most rewarding one is to see our parts teams flourish and grow in confidence by investing in the right people to join our operation and by making sure they receive the correct training on a regular basis to aid development. Having joined the company as a parts apprentice over 35 years ago I have seen the benefits that an apprenticeship can offer. Ernest Doe have always believed that part of the apprenticeship training is not only to learn about the machinery we support, but also to learn about what the company stands for - “where you can buy with confidence”. This year I was pleased to see a group of six young parts apprentices complete their courses at Reaseheath Agricultural College all passing with flying colours. Lee Bloomfield was also awarded “Best Parts Apprentice” for the group. The apprenticeship is sponsored and supported by Case New Holland and on completion,
Connor Ben
Lee Bloomfield
Nathaniel Carter
apprentices gain nationally recognised qualifications. Reaseheath College is based in Cheshire and offers some of the best facilities and courses available to our type of business at present. During 2016 William Orr from Ulting and Adam Harmer from Wymondham will also enter their 2nd year of attendance and are two to look out for in the future! It’s not only the apprentices we invest in. We carry out over 200 hours of on-line training, product training, staff driving days and customer care/merchandising for all branches throughout the year. This does not come without substantial investment as not only do we pay training costs it can mean staff transferring to cover their colleagues.
Matthew Walker
Jordan Masterson
Customer care training is essential in making sure our customer’s expectations are met over the counter, on the telephone or through the internet.
each course. She can often be found quietly cursing and tearing her hair out when a date or venue is changed but never fails to organise the events!
The staff driving day allows many of our head office team to experience the sheer power of the equipment by driving a Case IH Quadtrac, digging a hole with an Excavator or using GPS to steer them round a field in a Case IH Maxxum.
Amongst many of the rewards that come with running the parts showroom operation is to see staff grow and progress within the company.
Organising 130+ parts and showroom staff to ensure that they are available on the date, have cover at the branch, accommodation, food and arrive at the correct venue is challenging in itself and for that I thank my PA, Charlotte Reeder, for her organisational skills and for providing refreshments to
William Orr
visit our online shop at www.ernestdoeshop.com
It’s particularly satisfying when I see them progress through the ranks from having no experience whatsoever, into people who can help and advise, make decisions that make a difference to customer support, mentor other staff and take ownership of the problem they are faced with but most of all to work and bond as a team supporting not only the customer but the company as well.
Adam Harmer
Albourne grassland demonstration day Phil Bush, Albourne Branch and Sales Manager Wednesday 20th May 2015, Brinsbury Campus, North Heath, Pulborough. West Sussex. A fantastic event, even if I say it myself. The Grassland Demonstration Day we held was without doubt one of the best days we have put on. After careful consideration and analysing the format of our previous events, this year we decided to run a demonstration day to include not only our Lely grass harvesting equipment but the range of grassland maintenance equipment from Dal-Bo and Opico. The lead up to the day was somewhat stressful to say the least; we seemed to have all of our April and May showers that week. It got to the point where if we had one more shower on the build up day before, the event would not have gone ahead. I particularly remember driving around the east of the county the day before, through squally and torrential rain showers. However on arriving on site I found that Brinsbury had missed every one. It must have been a sign! Wednesday started off slightly cloudy, but by 10am the sun was out and there was a pleasant warm westerly breeze allowing us
First time out for local contractor Michael Lee with his new Lely Tornado combination for both Baling and Wrapping
to crack on with our busy demo program. With massive support from our suppliers and our own demo team, there was never a quiet moment with machines constantly working. I think that at some points there were up to six different field operations being performed. In tandem with our Case IH tractor range, we ran a wide range of Lely equipment which included models from the mower, tedder, rake and baler ranges, and also included, courtesy of M Lee Agricultural Services, the first run out of his brand new Lely Tornado
The new Lely Splendimo PC330 makes light work of cutting
baler/wrapper combination. (Visit our Facebook page to see the video) Also creating much interest on the day were the products from DalBo which included their Maxiroll Greenline grass maintenance system which, both on the day and on subsequent demo’s through the autumn, has proved to be an extremely effective overseeding and consolidation machine. Our Opico grass maintenance range was also shown off to its full potential. We ran the known
and trusted spring tine harrow system and sward slitter; however causing much interest was the sward slitter giving massive compaction relief with minimal surface disruption. We were extremely pleased with the day and thank you to all of our existing and new customers who attended. We had excellent feed back on the content of the day and many enquiries to follow up. I should also extend a huge thanks to both the Ernest Doe Power staff and our suppliers for all their help in making the day such a success.
“High density” bale with the Welger Fixed chamber RP245 Profi
Cultivation demonstration day in Sussex Thursday 17th September, Upper Chancton Farm, Washington, West Sussex. As a branch we try to hold a customer event at least once a year. This year we had decided to not hold an open evening as we had hosted both an agricultural and a construction evening during 2014. We had already held a very successful grass maintenance demo day earlier in the year and wondered if, by holding a second, we would be tempting fate. It had been four years since our last working cultivation demo day, and while looking around for a suitable site which ticked all the boxes, we were extremely pleased to be invited back to Upper Chancton Farm courtesy of the Eales family. The site just off the A24 near Washington is a perfect position with easy access from all directions.
As you can imagine a huge amount of planning goes into an event like this so once we agree on a date it is pretty much set in stone, the only thing we cannot control is the weather. On the Saturday afternoon prior to the day I visited the site, it was dry and warm and everything looked good. A stark contrast to the day prior to the event! I particularly remember receiving a call from our branch secretary that afternoon, asking how preparations were going. At the time I was standing in the middle of the site with rain belting down, watching a test hole we had just dug fill quickly with water. You can imagine my response! It was pretty clear that we would not be able to achieve much that day, however the sun came out and to our delight we had an excellent attendance. You could argue the
reason so many customers made the effort to come along is that they couldn’t get on themselves. You can also argue that if the ground had been dry they would have wanted to get on with their own cultivation and drilling. The day dried out steadily and we were able to show off our impressive line-up of equipment. From Case IH we had models from our Maxxum, Puma and Magnum ranges, but star of the show by far was a rare UK appearance of the new Magnum Rowtrac which was coupled up to a Lemken 6m Rubin 12 trailed disc set which even in the wet Weald clay conditions proved why this tractor is such a contender in the large HP and twin track market sector. From our Lemken range we also ran a 6+1 furrow Juwel 8 reversible plough behind a Magnum 340. Also working was a 4m folding Zirkon power harrow and Solitair drill combination as well as a static 4m hydraulic folding Karat 9.
A hot current topic with most farmers is blackgrass control, and from our Dal-Bo stable we had on show a 6.3m set of Maxiroll’s fitted with a heavy duty and aggressive 4 row stubble rake. The adjustable bank of tines give good disturbance whilst the Cambridge breaker rings give excellent consolidation and subsequent germination. Also on display from Dal-Bo was the 2.5m Cultimax fitted to the Puma 160CVX , Maxidisc rolls with hydraulic cracker boards, and in use a 4m folding front press fitted to the front of the Puma 230CVX which was, in turn, running the drill combination. Another well attended and well executed demo day from the Ernest Doe team and our suppliers, not to mention the 25 pairs of Case IH overalls given out as part of our competitive brand exchange, and the 320 rashers of smoked Sussex bacon we cooked on the day.
Nick Dance, agricultural and Local Authority contractor, Chaldon, Surrey. “We have dealt with Ernest Doe Power and formerly Harper and Eede for many years, over this time we have forged a strong personal and business relationship with the Albourne staff. The family owned company very much mirrors our own business values. We know we can always rely on good and timely service and expert advice from the branch when requiring machinery for Agricultural, Construction or Horticultural use, and good after sales back up.”
Albourne long term customer Nick Dance has dealt with Ernest Doe Power and previously Harper and Eede, Hurstpierpoint depot for over 20 years. In this time Nick and our business have built up a strong working relationship. Nick and his business partner John Newman have successfully built up a well-respected business in Surrey and surrounding area by remaining true to their business belief of delivering reliable and consistently high quality services to their new and long term clients. Working alongside a number of local and district councils and a large private customer base, the business has gone from strength to strength by offering a wide range of services from grass cutting, hedge trimming and all aspects of maintenance to sports pitches and groundwork. Nick and John very much pride themselves in not only running the right equipment to tackle their wide portfolio but also keeping the equipment in A1 condition, often getting feedback on not only the timeliness and quality of work but also the professional appearance of their kit. Over the years Nick and John have owned many tractors from both the Case IH and Mc Cormick stables but always sourced from Doe/Harper & Eede. October 2015 saw them taking their largest single order to date comprising of two high spec Case IH Maxxum 130CVX tractors and a Manitou MLT634 telehandler. We believe we are very fortunate to have such a close trust built working relationship with Nick and John, our businesses complement each other and we look forward to a long and fruitful business relationship.
The future of groundcare Andy Turbin, Groundcare General Sales Manager Record breaking weather for 2015 From our sales office we are gazing out on lush areas of green grass whilst the sun shines brightly and the outside temperature is reaching 12 degrees; not remarkable for England until you realise it is in fact December and this warm wet weather has continued to prevail since late summer right through to early winter! It has been confirmed by the World Meteorological Organisation that 2015 has so far been warmest on record. This, coupled with the generous intervals of rain, has ensured that grass has continued to flourish beyond the growing season. Husqvarna Automower Sales of the innovative Husqvarna robotic automower have seen a dramatic increase this year with more customers enjoying the benefits of keeping a healthy, neat lawn without the hard work! Mowing is carried out solely by the automower, requiring no supervision - the grass can even be cut whilst you are away from home! There are models able to cope with between 1,800 - 6,000 square metres of lawn in any weather, including rough terrain and slopes of up to 45%, producing an even cut with no track marks. Should the mower hit an obstacle, it will automatically redirect itself; producing
neat, efficient, reliable results whatever the conditions. The charging station can be located almost anywhere and the mower will detect signals from the charging station to the boundary wires; the advanced navigation allows access along the narrowest passageways and ensures the entire lawn is cut. Intelligent programming ensures the mower will find its own way back to its docking station! Battery products Cordless, battery power has proven to give many benefits such as reduced vibrations, lower running costs, maintenance and noise levels. Products are all low in weight, exceptional in balance, safe and pleasant to use with the freedom of no cable!
Husqvarna battery products
change needs to be beefed up both internally and externally. Given more positive feedback from the supplier, the dealers and customers customer would soon gain confidence in these innovative products.
progressed into the professional market where they can be used in noise-sensitive areas. The Bosch 48cm and 53cm professional cordless mowers have been particularly popular in this application.
Having recently attended a Husqvarna conference, it would appear as if we are starting to reach a tipping point between petrol engine and battery options, but manufacturers in general have not been good at addressing the customer resistance points associated with battery power. Nor have they adequately addressed the concerns of dealers about how they shape their service departments for new technology in the future. We are a conservative industry, as Husqvarna conceded during their presentation, but communication about impending
Perhaps the most visual statement came during a session on battery development given against a backdrop of 60 fuel containers (5 litres each so 300 litres) which Husqvarna claimed was the equivalent of the life of one battery. Cost that lot up – and the initial price difference can soon evaporate (as might the fuel!)
Cordless mowers have efficient energy management for longer running time of the lithium-ion batteries. This enables extremely fast charging so they are always ready to use. Grass combs are an added feature for cutting close to the edge.
These products are available in all our showrooms and on our website, please visit us and we will be happy to talk to you about the various options. Battery powered machinery has
Bosch professional
Launch of new Kawasaki Mules Kawasaki have launched two new Mules which are available from February 2016; these will be available as Standard and Trans models: the four seater MULE PRO-DXT and the two seater MULE PRO-DX both feature powerful, high torque diesel engines producing 18kw
POWER NEWS control. Its mechanical over hydraulic transmission system and electronic lift lower controls make this a practical, high performing mower that gives an effortless, top quality finish, season after season.
Kawasaki Quad
of power and 52Nm of torque which will deliver excellent performance. Hydraulic front and rear disc brakes are fitted as standard with double wishbone suspension for driving over obstacles with minimum effect on the chassis. With greater focus on cargo carrying performance, the MULE PRO-DX features a long, flat cargo bed – the largest in the Mule fleet – making it easily loadable from three sides, a workhorse of choice for customers who need to haul material. It has a dry weight of under 816kg which enables access to most weight-restricted areas. Each has a towing capacity of 907kg and is fitted with bright headlights which are complemented by auxiliary LED lamps. Another new feature from Kawasaki is that these new models are now road homologated as standard. Ransomes First launched in 2014, the MP series, MP493 and MP653 Rotary deck mowers have been very successful and met with high acclaim, both in the UK and
MP 495 rotary deck mower
Europe. Ernest Doe have seen sales of these models escalate throughout the year to golf course and municipal customers. The MP series has now been extended with the launch of the MP495 and MP655 cylinder mowers which are the replacement for the Ransomes Commander, originally launched in 1993. Ransomes MP495 The Ransomes MP series has been developed from the ground up as a new generation of adaptable and practical wide area mowers. Delivering productivity on all fronts, the Ransomes MP Series is highly manoeuvrable, easy to transport, engineered for reduced downtime and powered to put its width to work in all conditions. The MP495 features a direct injection 49hp Kubota Diesel engine, complying with Stage IIIA and avoiding complex emission
Ransomes MP655 The MP655 is powered by a 65hp turbo charged Kubota common rail diesel engine. Clean running and fully compliant with Stage IIIB (Tier 4F), this intelligent, high performing engine is fully linked to the electronic over hydraulic transmission system. Allowing operators and supervisors advanced support and control to make the most of the power and deliver the highest quality finish in all conditions. Ransomes Jacobsen have also introduced the new Truckster XD Diesel which is built to fulfil all requirements customers may have for a truly heavy duty utility vehicle. Truckster XD Diesel The all new Truckster
XD by Jacobsen is a true heavy duty utility vehicle. Featuring the largest standard payload capacity, a rugged and durable box made from thick 12 gauge steel and powered by the most powerful diesel Kubota engine available. The all-new Jacobsen Truckster XD is designed to make your toughest jobs easier. • Highest standard payload of 3,550 lbs - The largest payload makes quick work of your biggest jobs since fewer trips are required. Heavy duty rear differential was custom designed for the Truckster XD.
• Toughest box - Built using the heaviest gauge steel of any box, up to 75% thicker than comparable boxes and 20% more volume. Rugged tailgate and latch with easy slam shut function. Built-in stake pockets and multiple tie down points create a box with the versatility to tackle all the jobs you expect from a heavy duty utility vehicle. • Powerful Kubota engines with the highest HP and torque available - Both the gas and diesel engines have the highest torque available of any heavy duty utility vehicle (52.7 ft-lbs diesel and 51.6 ft-lbs gas). The high torque allows effortless hauling of the heaviest loads and towing up to 2,200 lbs without trailer brakes (3,500 with trailer brakes).
Truckster XD diesel
• Industries roomiest operator platform - with more space for operators and well-organised controls within easy reach. The optional suspension seat provides increased operator comfort for everyday operation and for longer tasks such as topdressing or spraying. • Highest approach angle - allows easy operation in the most undulated turf conditions. Online Shop Most of our domestic products are now available on our on-line shop, enabling our customers to buy from the comfort of their homes, at ernestdoe.com
Dal-Bo’s rolling efficiency Across the other side of Suffolk is an area of Hanslope boulder clay where Davison Farms (Suffolk) Ltd are cropping an area of 3,500 acres of predominantly combineable crops. The rotation is chiefly rape, wheat, wheat, beans/rape with an
area of winter barley and sugar beet where soil type permits or the 3 crop rule dictates. While the plough is used rotationally every 3 or 4 years, most primary cultivations are carried out with a 6m Keeble on a large rubber track crawler.
Consolidation of seed beds post drilling is very important on this soil type to minimise slug activity and to achieve good seed to soil contact. For the past 3 years this was carried out with a set of Dal-Bo 12.3m rolls – the move to 32m tramlines this year resulted in these being changed for a 16.3m set.
Ron Davison commented “We had been very pleased with the 12.3m rolls, their ease of folding and secure/narrow transport width was much appreciated and it was therefore a logical step that we would purchase Dal-Bo’s 16.3m set to fit our new tramline dimensions”
New Innovation GSM Energisers • Turn Energiser On/Off remotely by text message • Low Voltage Text Alert (set your own threshold)
Model 09-123R Mains Powered
Model 08-377R 12V Powered
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Contact your local Ernest Doe Power branch for more details www.rutland-electric-fencing.co.uk
My favourite product of the year! Andy Bloomfield, General Parts Manager Lighten up with the new UltraLight Skee-Tex Boots Having worn and purchased many types of boots for my own personal outdoor pursuits I had never really given them a thought, until I tried on a pair of the new Skee-Tex Ultra-Light boots. They come with a stiff sole liner that is both warm and comfortable, worn like a sock, so that it can be washed and worn with the boot during the winter or without in the summer. The boot is incredibly light (so much so, you need to pick one
up to believe how light it is!) and manufactured as a general purpose boot.
after a couple of miles, I felt the benefit of having a pair of UltraLight boots to wear.
It’s made from EVA (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate) in other words, rubber foaming material which is the latest environmentally safe product and is a very flexible material. The boot is resistant to rot, seawater, oil, acid and alkali products and are antibacterial, safe, odourless and non-polluting. I found them ideal for fishing where often cold feet are a problem and walking long distances where often I would have been dragging my feet
These make ideal boots for both males and females, whether used for working at the stables or having in the back of your car ready to throw on for a walk. To summarise, I found the boot to be the lightest I had ever worn, extremely warm and very durable when walking across beaches, fields and ditches.
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In as the‘the construction area there will be Billed UK’s largest displays from Hyundai, and New Holland agricultural, construction tHe Doe sHow | 3rd 4thdumpers and 5th february Construction, Thwaites and 2016 groundcare dealer show’ this Bomag compaction equipment. year’s event will be just as big as usual and will feature A strong display of Ransomes new machinery, working Jacobsen products will spearhead our demonstrations and plenty of display of groundcare equipment. good bargains in the shop-soiled and used equipment sections.
As usual the show will have large display areas devoted to New Holland and Case IH products, as well as those of major implement manufacturers such as Great Plains, Lemken, Dal-Bo, Kuhn, Shelbourne Reynolds, Maschio, , Lely, Bomford, Horsch,EKRM, Manitou, TEA FREWestern, Spearhead, Richard T SOUP O H , E E many others. Marshall C Trailers OFFand
www.ernestdoepower.com www.ernestdoepower
A strong display of Ransomes Jacobsen products will spearhead our
display of groundcare equipment.
a Big
New Holland Agricultureor has2015 smashed willthebe a wood chipper or current GUINNESS WORLD REC tion from Eliet. As usual most wheat hardemonstr vested within aeigh t hours with the world’spr most powerful combine , from Stihl and eams the 653hp CR10.90 combine, harvesting an Husqvarna will be demonstrating impressive 797.656 tonnes.
Get up and go to...
In the construction area there will be displays from Hyundai, New Holland Construction, Thwaites dumpers and Bomag compaction equipment.
adjacent to the showground. Expect to see the latest from Neor wd Holland ing Case IH pulling World rec breakand ariet y ofer implements. combinea vhar vest
chainsaws and there will be a quad bike
W d
This exciting combine will be off road tron ackthe. New Holland stand at the Doe Show, one of the first times that it has been on show in the UK On test in the UK this autumn has been a new concept in conventional tractors, a version of the successful Case IH Magnum tractor called a Rowtrac which has been produced by attaching a Quadtrac system to a much modified Magnum rear axle.
World record breaking combine harvester See them at the Doe Show.
New Holland Agriculture has smashed the or current GUINNESS WORLD REC most wheat harvested within eight hours DOE with the world’s most powerful combine, technology Billed asvesting ‘theanuk’s largest agricultural, the 653hp CR10.90 combine , har impressive 797.656 tonnes . construction and groundcare dealer
PRECISION 2nd, 3rd, 4th Feb 2016 FARMING Y E ENTR
It co an ad Ex N a
de pr H ch off
FREULTING, MALDON CM9 6QH year’s event will be Big, and This exciting combineshow’ will be onthis the New Holland stand at the Dwill oewww.ernestdoe.com Sho w, one.ernestdoe.com of new the machinery, working EE UK’S LARGEST feature FRTHE www w in the UK first times tha t it has been on sho G N demonstrations and plenty of good I K R AGRICULTURAL,CONSTRUCTION A P in the On test in the UK this bargains autumn has been a shop-soiled and used
Bargains everywhere
& GROUNDCARE DEALER SHOW EA, new concept in conven tional tractors, asections. equipment FREE T P U O v ersion of the suc c essful Case IH Magnum S HOT , E E F F tr ac t or called a R o wtr ac which has been CO NEW RANSOMES MP WIDE AREA MOWER as usual the show will have large display areas produced by attaching a Quadtrac system to
new iH products, as much modified Magdevoted num rear to axle . Holland and Case NTS D vintage atractor PRECISION I O DOE TRIPLE P T he D oe Show is a great placDOE or bargains, O well as those of major implement manufacturers S
FARMING as sales directkuhn, or Graham Parker says; t this See them at the Doesuch Showas . great plains, lemken, Dal-Bo, time of y ear w e need to move our old stock STIHL AND HUSQVARNA DEMOS shelbourne reynolds, maschio, lely, Bomford, t o make w a y f or new items arriving in the Horsch, krm, manitou, spearhead, richard www.ernestdoepower.com www.ernestdoepower Spr ing . S o much of the shop-soiled, exQUAD BIKE OFF ROAD TRACK western, marshall trailers and many others. demonstration and ex-hire equipment really OVER 150 TRADE STANDS does represent excellent value for money.” in the construction area there will be displays technology
Working demonstrations
from Hyundai, new Holland Construction, thwaites Remember to look in the showroom too dumpers and Bomag compaction equipment. where there are alway ers and bargains t . Whether you are a strong display of ransomes Jacobsen look or a socket set, a new pair of work products will spearhead our display boots or evof en a lawn mow ou’ll find groundcare equipment. something to suit.
It would not be a Doe Show if you could not see equipment working and on land that tely adjacent to the showground. Expect to see the latest from New Holland and Case IH pulling www.ernestdoepower.com | www.ernestdoe.com a variety of implements. FREE PARKING, ENTRY & REFRESHMENTS
adjacent to the showground. Expect to see the latest from New Holland and Case IH pulling a variety of implements.
yundai excavators and Thwaites dumpers BarHbeing gains put through their paces in the construction demonstration area. Bomag ever wher e t will also be on light y compac tion equipmen
or 2015 will be a wood chipper demonstration from Eliet. As usual eams from Stihl and pr Husqvarna will be demonstrating chainsa ws andnot ther be show a quadifbike it would bee will a Doe you off road track. could not see equipment working and on land that’s immediately adjacent to the showground. expect to see the latest from new Holland and Case iH pulling a variety of implements.
a separ a,te area. There will be an extensive static display of The Doedemonstr Show is a gra eation t placin or bargains as sales director Graham Parker says; t this new Hyundai, New Holland, Thwaites and time of year we need to move our old stock Bomag There will be an extensive static displa y ofproducts as well as an extensive to make way for new items arriving in the array of used plant bargains. Hyundai, New Holland , Thwaites and Spring. Snew o much of the shop -soiled , exdemonstr ation and -hire equipmen t really Bomag prexoduc ts as well as an extensive does represent excellent value for money.”
working Demonstrations
Working demonstrations
t would not be a Doe Show if you ould not see equipment working nd on land that tely djacent to the showground. xpect to see the latest from New Holland and Case IH pulling varietnew y of for implemen tsbe . the stiHl tour 2016 will
Hyundai excavators and Thwaites dumpers being put through their paces in the construction demonstration area. Bomag light compaction equipment will also be on demonstration in a separate area.
Bargains eVerywHere array of used plant bargains.
Remember to look in the showroom too where there are alway ers and bargains t . Whether you are look or a socket set, a new pair of work boots or even a lawn mow ou’ll find something to suit.
bus offering sharpening orwww.ernestdoe.com 2015- will be a wchainsaw ood chipper .ernestdoe.com demonstrations well as As usual emonstr ation from Eliet. as professional teams eams from Stihl from and stiHl and r HusqvarHusQVarana na will be demonstr a ting demonstrating their hainsaw s and therthere e will be quad bike bike is aalso a quad products. ff road off track . track. road
tHe Doe sHow is a great plaCe for Bargains, as sales director graham parker says; “at this time of year we need to move our old Visitors will have the chance to see stock to make way for new items arriving much of Hyundaiinexthe cavaspring. tors and Tso hwait es dumpers put through their pacesreally in the the shop-soiled, ex-demonstration being and ex-hire equipment c onstruc tion demonstr a tion ar ea. Bomag does represent excellent value for money.”
SEE Y YOU OU THERE 01245 380311
light compaction equipment will also be on demonstration in a separate area.
remember to look in the showroom too where there are always There whether will be an exyou tensiv e sta tic display of are looking special offers and bargains to be found. new Hyundai, New Holland, Thwaites and for a socket set, a new pair of work boots or even a lawn mower, Bomag products as well as an extensive you’ll find something to suit every taste array ofand usedbudget. plant bargains.
SEE Y YOU OU THERE 01245 380311
awarD winning maCHinery
Invitation to...
2nd, 3rd, 4th Feb 2016
Cutting eDge teCHnology anD innoVation will Be on Display at tHe Doe sHow 2016 in tHe form of some worlD Class maCHinery.
SEE Y YOU OU THERE 01245 380311
www.ernestdoe.com .ernestdoe.com Visitors will have the chance to see
the new Case iH optum won a coveted ‘machine of the year 2016’ award at agritechnica and it’s easy to see why. with its excellent power-to-weight ratio and advanced technology this is one comfortable ride.
Hyundai excavators and thwaites dumpers being put through their paces in the construction another ‘machine of the year 2016’ demonstration area. Bomag light award winner was the new Holland compaction equipment will also be agriculture t7.315, one of two new on demonstration in a separate larger and more powerful tractor area. there will be an extensive models that extend the t7 product static display of new Hyundai, series. Both models will be on display new Holland, thwaites and Bomag on the new Holland stand at the show. products as well as an extensive Visitors will have the chance to see array of used plant bargains. Hyundai excavators and Thwaites dumpers being put through their paces in the construction demonstration area. Bomag tHet will 56th | • free parking | • free entry | • nroso points light compaction equipmen alsoannual Doe sHow be on demonstration in a separate area.
Manitou launches MLT1040 High Lift Telescopic Loader Manitou is pleased to announce the introduction of the new MLT1040 with an impressive 10 metre lift height and 4000kg load capacity which is perfectly suited for placing loads at height up to 10 metre.
from being equipped with a John Deere 4.5 engine which complies with Interim Tier 4 (stage IIIB) standards with 137 horsepower. An Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) valve combined with a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF).
regulating device which controls the fan speed automatically according to engine, transmission and hydraulic temperature providing significant reduction in fuel consumption.
The MLT1040 is the higher lift version of the 8 metre lift height MLT840 and both machines benefit
The cooling system has been designed to offer efficiency and economy featuring an electronic
A five speed M Shift gearbox is ideally suited for smooth gear changes in all situations with two modes available: automatic and manual.
minus buttons on the Manitou patented ‘JSM’ control.
In automatic mode the driver shifts from one gear to another with minimum torque interruption. The gearshift program adapts to the torque and speed demanded by the job in hand and determines the optimum gear automatically.
Manitou’s latest addition to the MLT telescopic loader range gives exceptional lifting height for high stacking of bales which will appeal to straw contractors and, combined with the M Shift Powershift Transmission, provides a road speed of 40 kph for total flexibility in travelling from one job to another.
The manual mode enables the driver to select the preferred gear to engage using the plus and
Whatever the farming application Manitou Group can supply a solution.
New CVT – Continuously Variable Transmission • CVT Transmission for new levels of productivity. The ability to tailor the transmission’s performance to the specific handling requirement with a ratio of 0 to 40 km/h. Torque optimised according to the speed for improved efficiency. Better drawbar pull and lower fuel consumption. The driver selects the desired operating speed and the CVT Transmission automatically responds with the most fuel efficient combination of engine speed and drivetrain selection. Inching function available as standard allowing easy and precise handling movements. Electronic regulation of cooling system with automatic management of fan speed according to engine temperature producing reduced fuel consumption.
APPLICATIONS “With its high capacity and performance, the MLT960 was designed to meet the requirements of large farms or cooperatives. The easy-to-use 9 metre agricultural range of Manitou telescopic trucks can work in intensive work cycles and enhances productivity.” says Paul Bidwell, Marketing Manager,Manitou Uk.
The Manitou MLT 960 PERFORMANCE With a working height of 9 metres, the MLT 960 has an impressive load capacity of 6 tonnes. Fitted with a John Deere Stage IIIB/ Interim IV engine with power of 141 hp, the MLT 960 is an ideal solution for a wide range of applications requiring repetitive and intensive cycles. Heavy duty capability is facilitated by the MLT960 with the aid of the LSU (Load Sensing Ultra) hydraulic system for smooth and precise handling operations at a hydraulic flow rate of 180 litres per minute. The JSM control lever enables the operator to achieve simultaneous and responsive movements for greater efficiency and reduction in driver fatigue and therefore, enhancing productivity. The MLT960 is the result of the expertise derived from many years of providing efficient handling
solutions offering robustness, strength and durability in an all terrain machine for bulk handling duties. COMFORT Cab comfort and design
• Intuitive dashboard with digital screen providing important information on a selection of data from maintenance intervals, gear engaged, boom angle and fuel consumption. • JSM control • 3 levels of comfort: Classic,Premium, Elite
6 tonnes
Lifting height
Forward Reach
Max capacity at max height
4 tonnes
Turning circle
11.7 tonnes
Drawbar pull
10,000 daN
Engine type
John Deere-141 HP
Sudbury - Our strength is our staff Ed Perry, Branch and Sales Manager As I start to write this article I realise that I have, amazingly, now been the Branch and Sales Manager here at Sudbury for nearly a year. It has been a year in which we have seen several staff changes, and as we all know the arable sector is in the midst of a difficult period, but as a fairly diversified branch we have had another very good year. One of our strengths here at Sudbury is definitely our staff. A high proportion have been in the company for many years, and all are focused on giving our customers excellent service. 2015 saw the retirement of Tony Upton after 55 years in the agricultural machinery business (14 of which have been at the Sudbury Branch). Tony had a very loyal following from his customers in the Tendring Hundred area and I know that they have missed him calling, but his experience has been replaced with the boundless enthusiasm of Paul Proctor who is quickly making his mark in the area. Jeff Stephens has moved sideways into a sales role in our other sales area after 13 years as Branch Manager and is, I think, thoroughly enjoying being able to dedicate all his time to seeing customers. Alison Law is currently on maternity leave, following the happy arrival of her baby daughter Olivia at the beginning of November. Fortunately her departure is only temporary and we all wish her well
Deals being done by Paul Proctor
Horsch Leeb PT 280
and look forward to her return. This year our major franchises have continued to innovate and improve their products. Case IH have launched the Magnum Rowtrac, which we saw for the first time at our very successful demo day, kindly hosted by Shimpling Park Farms, and we eagerly await the arrival of the new Optum range. This is a very exciting addition to the Case IH range as it will fill the gap that previously existed between the existing Puma and Magnum ranges. I know that a lot of our customers are looking forward to a demonstration of both the Optum and Rowtrac.
Demonstration Day – Stand
The branch again hosted a Martin Lishman Grain Clinic in April. This was a very successful day and allowed us to catch up with many of our customers when they visited the branch to have their moisture meters calibrated. Our Rowtrac demonstration morning was very well attended and it was good to see this new product working alongside a wheeled Magnum and demonstrating its additional traction. The turnout of about 150 customers far exceeded our expectations, and by the end Jacqui and my wife, Lucy, had served over 180 breakfasts. This year we also made a return to the ‘Power in Action’ working
demonstration event after an absence of several years. Our stand was consistently busy with customers from our area and I think our attendance was very worthwhile. By the time you read this the replacement of our showroom roof should be nearing completion. We are all excited about the planned building work for a new workshop, which will give Tim and his technicians the workshop they deserve, and give Anton and his team a bigger and smarter shop area in which to display our still expanding range of products.
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Ringmer report Peter Sayers, Ringmer Branch and Sales Manager The year started extremely well with preparations for the Doe Show. It seems like yesterday that we were taking bookings from customers joining us for the “eleventh“ time since becoming part of Ernest Doe & Sons. By mid-January all seats on the 59 seater coach were reserved. We sincerely thank those that joined us and also the customers we met during the three days of the show and we are looking forward to the 2016 event. Following the Doe Show preparations we were well underway for our Open Evening in April. Luckily we were blessed with good weather and 300+ customers who supported us during the evening. We also thank our suppliers for their attendance and support. Machinery orders were received during the evening and the showroom sales were very buoyant. Thank you to all who attended.
Ag Sales Despite National Tractor registrations showing a 15% decline in 2015, we are pleased that new tractor deliveries to customers from Ringmer show an increase in the region of 110%. Also late used units supplied from Ringmer have increased year to date by 400%. Thanks go to ASM Ian McLeod for all his efforts. Sales of Lely equipment have increased significantly which is perhaps as a result of the Grass Demonstration Day held previously. Despite general pessimism within the industry we are pleased with the results from Ringmer.
Ian McLeod
Next on the agenda was the Heathfield & District Agricultural Show held over the Spring Bank Holiday weekend. Again much work goes into this with transport, preparation and once the show is over, clearing all away. However we received recognition this year for all the hard work by winning the ‘Best Agricultural Trade Stand’ and the ‘Best Overall Stand’ at the show. Thankyou Heathfield & District.
Service ‘After Sales’ are paramount in the success of selling new machinery. Case IH throughout 2014 and 2015 are running an After Sales Incentive Scheme to promote after sales business. We are pleased to announce that Ernest Doe Power Ringmer won the award for the South East. As a reward our Service Manager Peter Wright joined the winning
Kevin Hutchins (technician), Denise Reed (service secretary), Nick Lanaway (technician), Peter Wright (service manager), Austin Hawkins (technician), Andy Bugg (Case IH after sales business manager), Roy Richardson(technician) and Angus Doe (service director).
service managers from the UK Divisions in a guided tour of the manufacturing plant in Austria. Our service technicians received vouchers to purchase specialised tools and equipment for use in day to day operations. ‘Well done to the Team’. Hort Within the Horticultural Sales Department, Gary Hardcastle has maintained steady growth within the department. Utility vehicles and Yamaha quad bike sales have improved over previous years. New models of Yamaha recently launched have certainly proved successful with pricing being very competitive. Interest has been shown in the larger garden and estate equipment with sales completed or pending. Smaller
Gary Hardcastle
Hardware, clothing and parts sales have again proved very successful for the branch. We are continually introducing interesting new items within our showroom increasing our stocks with items to suit all needs. We have retained all our staff in that department and are very appreciative for their loyalty and hard work during 2015.
Ringmer Parts Team
domestic equipment has remained steady with growing interest in cordless and battery products.
I would also like to thank all of our customers for their continued support and loyalty over the years.
EDP Ringmer assists local community Vernon Reynolds, Chairman, Alfriston Emergency Group The village of Alfriston nestles in the valley of the River Cuckmere just to the south of the South Downs, between Eastbourne and Brighton. Our nearest towns are Seaford and Lewes. We are a small village of around 500 people and yet we manage to have several hotels and pubs owing to the tourist trade. This is a result of our very attractive high street with several buildings dating back to the 14th century, plus the fact we are on the South Downs Way, thus popular with walkers. In the village we have an Emergency Group which deals with cars stuck in floodwater on the road, ice and snow on village pavements, and treefalls and fallen branches. We aim to assist the local authorities and we can respond quickly to these problems and save them the trouble of coming
out. We are a group of volunteers and until recently we were very dependent on one of our local farms for the use of a telescopic and a tractor. That help is still needed from time to time but last year we applied for a grant from the National Lottery and were lucky enough to succeed. The main item we bought was a Yamaha Grizzly quad bike, amongst other emergency equipment from Ernest Doe Power in Ringmer. Two of our members are fully qualified and very experienced quad bike riders and to date they have been the only ones to use it. Other members wanted to try it out however, so recently Peter Sayers of Ernest Doe Power came over to Alfriston for a session with four more members of our group for familiarisation with the bike.
Alfriston Emergency Group members
He showed us the various controls and took us through our paces on it. We are now poised to do quite a lot more off-road practice riding before any of us even think of using it for real-life missions. We are only too aware of the dangers of riding a quad bike without
proper training and plenty of practice in a range of situations. Anyway, thank you to Peter for your help and thanks to Ernest Doe Power for being a very helpful company and a pleasure to deal with.
Wow what a year! Phil Bush, Albourne Branch and Sales Manager It seems just yesterday that we started back after the Christmas break, time always seems to fly when you are busy, and busy we have been. We started the year with a bang on construction equipment which seemed to have a flying start and has not really relented since. Our Hyundai product range in particular has seen very high volumes in the 14 and 21 tonne sectors. We have also changed area sales manager this year and we welcome John Houlton to the role. John is promoted from groundcare demonstrator and brings with him a wealth of experience. Groundcare has also had a busy year with David Bush seeing good success with the golf and local authority markets. Unfortunately we see David moving on to bigger and better things and we all wish him every success in his new role as Hurst Green branch manager -
good luck David and thanks for all your efforts over the past 14 years. There have been changes in the showroom too - Gavin Elliott left in August to travel and work in New Zealand, however not before consistently growing the domestic grass machinery sales from Albourne, clocking up almost 50 ride on sales during 2015! Well done Gavin and good luck with your travels. I am pleased to report that in the face of adversity this year where there is no end of doom and gloom around the agricultural business, and in particular the tractor and implement sector, we seem to have bucked the trend. We have seen healthy turnover growth over 2015 and I can only put this down to our business and customer base growing and the supply of high quality products from Case IH, Manitou, Lemken, Lely, Spearhead,
Gold watch presentation for 25 years service
Marshall and Dal-Bo, to name but a few. The demo events that Philip Prior has driven this year has certainly given us and our suppliers a higher level of credibility. The parts and service departments have also had a steady year, with further new appointments within the showroom and additional staff in the service department. I am also proud to report that, with Ernest Doe and Sons future commitment to our business and to our industry, we have this year
taken on one of the 17 strong intake of apprentices. Finally 2015 was quite a special year for me, a number of milestones reached and a year of celebrations. March 2015 marked my 50th birthday and my eldest sons 21st, in August my wife and I celebrated our silver wedding anniversary and September 24th marked my 25 year milestone with Ernest Doe. It’s been hard at times and I have seen many changes but I still love my job!
Fast, accurate and efficient drilling
A 3m version of the ESPRO is also available
Less than 35hp per metre KUHN’s 6m ESPRO minimum tillage drill combines speed, accuracy and efficiency, having the capability of working accurately at 17km/hr behind a 200hp tractor. This new machine combines innovative design and the new CROSSFLEX seed bar with established technology such as the SEEDFLEX double disc coulter system. kuhn.co.uk
For further details please contact us at your nearest branch:
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FAKENHAM BRANCH 66 Holt Road, Fakenham NR21 8DY Telephone: 01328 855611
FYFIELD BRANCH Fyfield, Ongar CM5 0NS Telephone: 01277 899464
FRAMLINGHAM BRANCH Broadwater Road, Framlingham IP13 9LL Telephone: 01728 723963
SUDBURY BRANCH Cornard Road, Sudbury CO10 2XB Telephone: 01787 375621
…where you can buy with confidence
Major productivity boost David Redman, Area Sales Manager - Case IH The new Case IH Axial-Flow 140 Series combines have undergone a number of changes which provide noticeable increases of performance, comfort and reliability. The model year 2016 line-up includes the 5140 Cross Flow with an FPT 6.7 litre Stage IV engine with maximum power of 312hp, the 6140 Cross Flow model with an 8.7 litre FPT Stage IV engine with 400hp maximum power, and the 7140 Cross Flow model, also with a 8.7 litre Stage IV engine and a maximum power output of 449hp. “Our engineers have invested considerable efforts to further improving the combines’ performance, and they have done so very effectively”, says August von Eckardstein, Product Marketing Manager Harvesting Technology at Case IH Europe. More efficient cleaning and perceptible capacity increases Following the rotor, a new six auger bed replaces the former five auger bed and conveys the crop efficiently and with higher capacity to the sieves. There, a new automatic side-hill compensation system ensures optimum grain flow. “This new Cross Flow Cleaning System feature is activated automatically when needed – and de-activated when not required. It is a very efficient means to further enhance the capacity of our 140 Series combines. No operator input is necessary for operating this system, which compensates up to 12 degrees of lateral slope. In addition to the much higher capacity of the clean grain auger and the large grain tank, with 10,570 litres on the 6140 and 7140 models, the Cross Flow Cleaning System feature enables operators to fully use these combines’
abilities and make the most of their days in the fields; this is particularly true in demanding hillside conditions. When seen in the light of grain losses, which amount to almost zero in the Case IH Axial-Flow combines, owners get perfect results and the best possible return on their investment”, explains von Eckardstein. Improved straw management for high-quality chopping and swathing Whether chopping or swathing, optimum straw management remains a decisive prerequisite for properly establishing the next crop. Several changes now allow for even better straw quality, for more precise spreading of chopped straw and chaff, as well as more precise swathing. “In addition to technical requirements for best possible spreading and swathing results, changing from swath to chopping and back has become a lot easier on the new 140 Series combines. When operators need to change from swathing to chopping, or the other way round, when moving from one field or customer to another, for example, this can be done within a minute with two equally quick and simple steps”, says August von Eckardstein. “The operator has the option of changing from chop to spread and vice versa from the comfort of the cab or with electrical switches mounted on the right hand side of the combine. In addition the speed of the chopper is changed manually without tools or belt changes from the right hand side of the combine, he says. Maximum ease and comfort of operation The new model year 2016 combines feature numerous detail improvements; new composite bottoms of the clean grain and tailings augers makes cleaning even more simple and quicker than ever before. “This is a feature which will be particularly appreciated by seed growers and contractors as they can clean
Case IH Axial-Flow 140 series
out the cleaning system easily, especially in combination with the combine’s on-screen ‘Cleanout’ function,” Re-positioning of the clean grain and tailings elevators gives the operator incredible access to the combine’s right hand side; more operator comfort also comes with the new parallel tensioning of the elevator chain drives from ground level. Six smaller and lighter concave elements enable quick and easy handling and changing of the concaves for different crops, whilst the total repositioning of the driveline on the right hand side of the combine provides easier and quicker access. There are even fewer belts on the Axial-Flow than before, and we have more efficient drives with better accessibility. We have also changed the grounddrive system, adopting many of the comfort features of the 240 range combines, resulting in less gear-shifting. The new system offers easy electrical shifting between two mechanical ranges, and shifting is performed via a rotary switch on the console. Replacing the traditional gear shift system, this method gives the operator the functionality of a semi-powershift transmission. Increased efficiency and comfort, extended service life Using a Case IH Axial-Flow combine is about getting the crop in as completely, gently and
efficiently as possible. That is why further detail improvements on the 140 Series combines also include feeder enhancements for better and more efficient feeding towards the rotor, and extended lifetime of the components. Therefore less time and money need to be spent on maintenance. The new factoryfitted yield sensor provides more accuracy of yield monitoring, even without calibration, and features such as the press-once function for opening and closing of the grain tank save precious time in the field. The new pivoting spout option for easier and better filling of grain trailers without the need to reposition either combine or trailer is yet another top feature of our new 140 Series combines that further improves efficiency and ease of operation. The new Case IH Axial-Flow 140 Series combines are pre-wired for three cameras on the grain tank, the unloading auger and the rear of the combine. Side shielding has been redesigned, so no more time is wasted taking several separate covers off, and the new perforated chopper floor offers an extended separation area for demanding conditions and further reduces the already negligible crop losses to almost nil. Inside the cab, operators are given the optimum environment that Case IH combines are renowned for. This includes two new seat options for highest operator comfort.
25 Celebrating 25 Years of success MANITOU & Ernest Doe