Hillerødsyd booklet 09

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Hillerød Syd working with nature

No. 08231

Hillerød Syd

working with nature



Using the existing landscape to design the district - the lines and curves of the network follow the existing grading, thereby influencing the orientation of the buildings.

Creating attractive places for companies looking for a «green» environment and making employees aware of the local environment.



Designing a safe and attractive network for cyclists, pedestrians and children which encourages motion and play in nature.

Making people aware of the benefits of living in a sustainable district and encouraging pro-environmental behaviour.


An insight into the different areas in Hillerød Syd (integration of the hospital, specifics of the S-tog station district, cross sections of the network and urban spaces...)


Hillerød Syd

working with nature

We propose to develop Hillerød Syd project as a qualitative and green environment for all newcomers - inhabitants as well as employees - with diverse services required for developing their respective activities and for creating life in specific public spaces. By offering a safe and ecological way to get around, with facilities and shops in walking or biking distance and well thought out public spaces, Hillerød Syd will be a desirable area to raise a family or develop a company. This entails: to design a network for pedestrians and cyclists separated from the main roads; to create dense areas of buildings that provide enough customers for the shops and create life in the public spaces; to connect all these areas together through a strong network of paths and streets; to create places with plenty of space and good access to attract companies.

This urban development must respect and bring back to life the current agricultural land. That is why we propose to interlace nature and urbanism: to combine the pedestrian and cyclist network with a storm water system and a biodiversity corridor; to design a landscape which encourages people to move and play in the nature; to develop a landscape based on nature and use paths, ponds and hills to design recreation areas and courses for runners; to concentrate the built up areas, thereby creating spaces for grazing, grasslands and woods all around; to use nature as a relaxing environment (health design); to use nature as a means to integrate the hospital and the infrastructures into a coherent urban development (landscape urbanism). By designing the Hillerød Syd community using a strong sustainable strategy that must be followed by the developers and developing a process to aid newcomers to settle into their new environment, this will create a sustainable extension of the city.



Key Buildings • residential




Buildings • business Buildings • mixed use Hospital Grasslands Forest Water




Wetland S-Tog Station Transport Site boundary Hospital extension Existing recreational trail Grazing Hillerød town


Movement and play Daily life S



Industrial facility




Hillerød Syd

working with nature


Challenges to face: Developing an identity that fits both inhabitants and companies Developing a meaningful district almost from scratch Developing a residential area next to a regional hospital An identity based on nature and sustainability... ... an answer to meet the different images of a hospital, a residential district and companies

... an answer to create pleasant and meaningful environment for the inhabitants:

... an answer to create an attractive environment for companies looking for a «green» image:

It appears important to develop an identity strong enough to avoid associating Hillerød Syd only with the new regional hospital. The general image of the district must surpass the one of the hospital. It must be included in the theme of sustainability and nature as the residential and business areas.

The inhabitants need to live in a meaningful place. In order to create a sense of belonging to this totally new district and to encourage people to create their new life inside their dwelling but also in the streets and public spaces. It is important that they identity with the place where they live.

Developing a sustainable approach of economy is related to the way to produce goods and services but also a way to work and manage the employees.

We propose to create:

This place does not have the advantage of a strong history, therefore we propose to develop a project and an identity based on the site and its nature. Nature provides a frame to create a healthy and dynamic way of life in a nice environment.

Residential districts integrated in a natural landscape where inhabitants take advantage of a pleasant and healthy environment; An hospital located in a quiet area where patients take advantage of the natural environment; Business areas which take advantage of a «green» image.


The energy efficiency of the buildings, the access to public transports, the possibility to park bikes in security... are included in a whole strategy to become a «green» company. What a city can provide to these companies is a good location (access,...) and environment (shops, facilities next to the companies...). Like the Novo Nordisk center, it is important to integrate these offices or more industrial buildings into the natural environment and manage the transition with the residential areas.







This map is based on the imaginary stories of the future inhabitants described within the program. It depicts the journey of each character from their home to their office or places which are part of their daily routines. 0m



Hillerød Syd

working with nature


RESTORING THE LANDSCAPE After years of agricultural land use, we propose to restore the natural habitat by: creating grazing land inbetween the different built areas creating grasslands creating wildlife corridors thanks to the «green network» and pay attention to the main road crossing preserving and connecting the protected areas combining development and restoration phases

“Undersøgelse af beskyttet natur i byudviklingsområde syd for Hillerød” (COWI)

REFERENCE The municipality of Paris has recently used sheep to mow the green spaces inside the city. This idea can be used at Hillerød Syd by using local animals.


THE FOUR PHASES OF DEVELOPMENT AND RESTORATION 1. Restoration of the natural habitat and the S-tog station construction.

3. Development of the residential area closest to the city-centre.

2. Construction of the hospital, the education campus to the south and the area between the hospital and the train line.

4. Development of the south part of the area.


Hillerød Syd

working with nature


A PLACE FOR PEOPLE, CYCLISTS, WATER AND BIODIVERSITY We propose a network of roads and paths separated into two structures but connected together at several places. On the one hand, a road system for cars, buses and bicycles. On the other hand, a «green» network dedicated to pedestrians, cyclists and combined with the natural environment.This vast network connects all the different areas of the district together and creates alternative ways to get around.


Encouraging movement and play


Thanks to these paths and lanes, we would like to encourage people to use sustainable means of transport and to feel attracted by the surrounding environment and thereby practice outdoor activities. We want to provide an environment where people «play» with and in nature.

foot paths; bicycle lanes; water ways system; ecological corridors.

A «green» network developed around the existing topography The network follows the existing topography of the site, following the natural curves and slopes. It channels the flow of people and transport as well as resources and nature. Far from the road and the cars, it offers the pedestrians and cyclists a safer and more attractive way to get around. Compared with the district located in the north of Hillerød Syd (Salpetermovej and Amtmandsvej), where some roads or paths are designed as dead-end streets, we want to create connections between the different areas in order to make it easier for people to get around and avoid segregation or feeling isolated. Developing different streets and paths means creating different opportunities to come home or reach the office and develop a more dynamic daily life.


A PLACE FOR ACTIVITIES Diversity and activities all along the network as in an urban street In a city-center, what makes a street attractive is the liveliness of the public domain as well as the diversity of the facades and shop windows. In Hillerød Syd, the nature and animals provide an almost everyday changing landscape. Moreover, in order to create more life along the lanes as it happens in urban

streets, we propose to put activities along the network such as: nature playgrounds for children, benches, playgrounds for dogs, community gardens. To be sure that the inhabitants find this network both safe and attractive, it is important to encouragepeople to want to use it as much as possible, thereby creating an attractive and lively experience.

REFERENCES The green network is similar to the green road that crosses Frederiksberg and the cyclist/pedestrian path that is behind the buildings in Ă˜restad. The last example is more appreciated by residents than the main road since it fits better with the human scale that pedestrians and cyclists look for. In comparison to the two examples, we propose to combine this pedestrian and cyclist network with a water storm system and a corridor of biodiversity. We will also put outdoor facilities and activities in order to create life along the lane.


A NETWORK CONSIDERED A “CHILD-LIFE CORRIDOR” Since Hillerød Syd will house families, we propose to pay special attention to the life of the child within this district. We assume that children up to the ages of 10-11 will be accompanied to school by parents on their way to work. We make sure that a bicycle lane connects the residential areas to the school and the train station. Around 12 years old, Danish children typically go to school on their own. It is, therefore, important to create a secure network from residential areas to schools. This is why we propose to create a new tunnel under the train track to reach the school located in the south of Hillerod Syd and a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the main road to encourage flow and reduce dangerous situations. Moreover, along the network, street lights must be added to create a safer environment during the winter months. On their way home, children will be surrounded by nature with various open ended playgrounds en route. Compared with pre-prescribed playgrounds, nature has shown to provide a more creative, active and imaginative way to play.

REFERENCES In Kalvebod Fælled and Amager Fælled, nature encourages people to be active outside, to sit or just to enjoy the environment. We propose to create this atmosphere in the green areas and woods at Hillerød Syd.



5 mins 10 mins 15 mins 2 km/ 6 mins

Challenges to face: Encouraging local inhabitants to use their bike instead of their car to reach the citycenter, the station or the supermarket; Developing a few shops and facilities within to the residential areas to offer daily services in a walking distance. Creating rather dense residential areas and mixing functions increases the possibility to develop shops and urban life at different points in Hillerød Syd. with regards to sport activities and green areas, the inhabitants and employees can take advantage of a pleasant environment all around their house or office.


A STORM WATER SYSTEM INTEGRATED WITHIN THE GREEN NETWORK A sustainable storm water system We propose the creation of an open stormwater system and constructed wetlands in order to develop an environmental-friendly way to manage the water and to design the landscape with it. To maintain the strategy of following the existing site and its features, the current drainage system related to the agricultural activities can be reused. A natural process Because of the hardscaping added to the site, new wetlands and bioswales will help the drainage system not becoming overloaded. Indeed, the wetlands represent a natural way to slow down the water runoff and to depollute the water absorbed before returning to the water table. Main features: a storm water system opened and visible along the pedestrian and bicycle paths in order to make the inhabitants aware of this resource and its managment, and to create a more meaningful landscape. using natural percolation and plants to depollute the storm water. working with the existing network of drainage on site and linking the large bodies of water; exposing water in certain areas, by creating seasonal ponds; linking bioswales and storm water runoff; creating parks and green areas liable to flooding in case of heavy rain; Biodiversity and education The storm water system has the potential to become an educational subject for the Hillerød’s schools. They can use the local water wildlife and new network of water as a case study of naturteknik. To make easier the observation of the nature, pathways round lakes and bridges over bioswales can be included.

REFERENCES Storm water system integrated in between the buildings www.composante-urbaine.fr



The public domain is composed of a hierarchical network of squares and public spaces : the city square is located in-between the s-tog station and the hospital and is a place where inhabitants, workers, patients or visitors can meet or at least be aware of the diversity of the people coming in the district; the market square is a local scale square, connected with the community of shops and the day-care centres. There, local inhabitants can meet each other. the local parks are located in the middle of community of houses, it is an open space for the inhabitants living nearby, where children can play together.







Grazing land



Detached House

Row House

Row House Water, cycle and pedestrian network • Bioswale/constructed wetland • Pedestrian and cycle lane • Opportunities en route for movement, play and interaction

Local Square creates opportunities for: • gathering • play • movement






Existing lake

5 storey residential building with shops on the ground floor

Main Square • Water feature links the two lakes and creates a feature in the square • Shops and cafes on the ground floor

Office building with shops and cafes on the ground floor

Pedestrian Bridge to S-Tog Station that alights on the edge of the Main Square


Hillerød Syd

working with nature

RECLAIM THE SITE THROUGH “GREEN” COMPANIES BUSINESS AREAS AND CAMPUS For a company that wants a «green image», being located in a sustainable district can represent a major asset. Thus, we propose to develop businesses close to the station in order to encourage employees to use the public transport systems combined with the use of bicycles, if need be. Otherwise, for the Hillerod’s inhabitants there are paths between the station and the offices to encourage people to bike to work.

Combining architecture, density and landscape As with the Novo Nordisk building, a quality of architecture is needed to match the landscape and the architecture of the building (the quality of the design, the roof, taking into account the undulating ground and the preserved area...). Depending the location in Hillerod Syd, the buildings are 3 or 5 storey high.

We propose to develop within a walking distance to the S-tog station: an educational institutional campus related to the hospital activities. It will be located in the dead-end area close to the station, in-between the railway and the power plant; an area dedicated to light industries and small or medium companies. It will be connected to the main road by a street dedicated to cars and trucks and connected by a path to the town square for the employees coming by bike or on foot. It can host, for instance, a biomedical cluster. We also propose to develop a business area across the road, in front of the hospital. Biomedical Research Park in Barcelona and Novo Nordisk Center in Hillerød.


Hillerød Syd

working with nature

RECLAIM THE SITE THROUGH A CO2 NEUTRAL STRATEGY STRATEGY FOR THE URBAN SPACES In order to successfully implement a carbon neutral strategy, it is crucial that all construction follows sustainable rules and that the urban spaces encourage environmentalfriendly behaviour. Working with the developers Here are general specifications that the developers must follow to build in Hillerød Syd (more detailing specifications including a CO2 target with figures must be given to the developers when they buy a plot):

Transport and green mobility

Network of bicycle and pedestrian paths

Natural depollution, filter through plants

Public transports easily accessible

Encourage inhabitants and companies to create on their own plot a natural storm water system which can be connected to the one developed in the public domain

Parking spaces with plug-in for electric cars Parking spaces dedicated to car sharing with a specific sign (space to drop off people) 20 km/h in the residential areas - streets for cars, pedestrians and cyclists



Limiting the mineral area on the private plot, favouring permeable layout

STRATEGY FOR THE BUILDINGS Heating system Renewable energies (solar panels, geothermy energy...) Efficient isolation of the building

Construction and environment Using healthy building materials (european eco-label, wood from sustainable timberland...)

Green roofs

Respecting the landscape: respecting the slope of the plot, opening views over the landscape

Bioclimatic building (orientation north/south...)

Advice developers to add a water meter which can detect water leak

Energy efficiency: level A or B

Limitation of the pressure of the tap

Waste and recycling Creating a ÂŤrecycling roomÂť in each residential building where inhabitants can put their good state furniture they want to throw away Compost bin in each house with a garden Collective compost bin in the residential buildings where a company manages the garden Creating enough space in the kitchen for several bins in order to encourage people to recycle


Hillerød Syd

working with nature

HILLERØD AT A GLANCE FOCUS ON THE TRAIN STATION DISTRICT The train station is one the of the main entrances to Hillerød Syd. Therefore, it is important to work thoroughly on the atmosphere of the streets around it. We propose to develop: a high density and a continuous urban fabric around the station which becomes more and more opened towards the residential area; 3 to 5 storey buildings; a mixed-use development: community of shops (bakery, fitness center, grocery, cafés, restaurants...), office buildings, private and social housing; a community of shops opened on a public space in-between the train station and the hospital; a main square: a place dedicated to inhabitants, employees and visitors at the hospital; next to the parking, an office building (4 or 5 storey) creating a visual barrier towards the power plant; the beginning of the «green» network (path, pond...) which encourages to a walk or an outdoor activity in the nature.


The main square of the district is not located directly next to the station but a few meters away. Indeed, squares and urban spaces in front of train stations are often a domain where people just pass through, not a place where people feel like sitting. Moreover, the locals inhabitants do not feel like spending time with friends on the «station square». That is why, the main square must be thought of as a space to go through as well as to stand or seat. Building dwellings in this area mean that it will create life on the streets, even at the end of the afternoon and during the week-end, when the companies have closed their doors.

REFERENCES In contrast to Trekroner station (Roskilde), we propose to develop a more mixed-use and high-density urban space.

FOCUS ON THE HOSPITAL AND ITS INTEGRATION The hospital can easily become a massive and dominant component within the district. To avoid this, we propose to consider the hospital not as an impenetrable area but to integrate it in the daily journey of the inhabitants and workers by: making the hospital crossable by cyclists and pedestrians; creating a green buffer zone all around; developing animal grazing visible from the hospital rooms in order to create a relaxing view; following ÂŤhealth designÂť concepts (relationships between nature, health and well-being).

Temporary use of the extension area Iwth regards to the temporary use of the area dedicated to the extension of the hospital, we would like to suggest activities that can be easily removed in the future: facilities for outdoor activities like mountain bikes, cycle-cross or crosscountry; fitness trail accessible to the inhabitants as well as the patients of hospital. They will be able to attend outdoor gym based on nature. They will be able to walk and sit in the midst of the nature next to the hospital but in a space shared with the inhabitants.


THE CROSSING OF THE MAIN ROAD - OVERDREVSVEJEN The main road going through the area from east to west can easily become a psychological barrier for the inhabitants living on each side of it. That is why we propose to create pedestrian and cyclist-friendly crossings to be sure to connect the north part to the south one: a bridge to connect the market square (supermarket, shops...) to the south residential area; an underground passage for bicycles in front of the hospital; a cross-road handled by traffic lights in front of the car entrance of the hospital. To avoid cycling along the main road, that can represent a monotonous landscape, the cyclists can choose to follow the cycle lane cutting through the open space in front of the hospital and then the market square. A bridge to connect the north and south residential areas In order to create a strong connection between the residential areas located on both sides of the road, a cyclist/pedestrian bridge can be set in. A wooden bridge well integrated into the landscape can encourage inhabitants of the south to reach on foot or by bike the market square.

Examples of wooden bridges over a road and over a river


REFERENCES Inspiring illustrations of the “green� network

FOCUS ON THE RESIDENTIAL AREAS A low-rise high density district with some shops and green areas Except for around the train station, we propose to design a low-rise high density district with a diversity of houses and surrounded by green areas. Today, in order to create urban resilience, a residential suburb must combine density, a quality of green public spaces and easy access to public transport. In order to reduce oil dependance and the use of cars some shops are located within the residential areas. They are gathered around a square and overlook a qualitative public space or a central street. Each residential zone takes advantage of a green area, with some including seasonal ponds. These help provide a high quality of life. Diverse facades In front of each house, we advise creating a transition zone between the public and the private domain. It can be mineral or green. This space can be laid out as the residents want and it provides diversity at eye level as well as a feeling of life in the residential streets.

REFERENCES We do not propose to build a district like Ørestad, neither Nordhavnen, nor Bellahoj, Gladsaxe, nor a vast single-family houses district... We prefer to propose an urban design like Søndergård Park in Bagsværd or Fuglsangpark in Farum combined with a CO2 neutral stratgegy. In Malmö, the district of Västra Hamnen proposes houses combined with density and architectural diversity.


FOCUS ON THE URBAN FABRIC: FROM URBAN TO SUBURBAN ATMOSPHERE We propose an urban fabric that span out from the train station to the edges of the area. It changes from a dense to a suburban urban fabric. All the dwellings are located close to nature (park, wood, pond, green network...) and take advantage of a qualitative environment. The different kind of dwellings (from apartment to detached house) offer the district a social diversity.

The apartments integrated in a mixed-use area and located next to the train station

The apartments and row houses in front of the hospital

The detached houses and houses in row

The residential building (3 to 5 storey), combined with offices and shops create a dense pole. The inhabitants benefit from shops and café located on the ground floor of their buildings. Overlooking the «main square», the supermarket, shops and cafés create a lively atmosphere.

In this area, located between 600 and 1200 meters from the station, are built residential buildings (2 to 3 storey), houses in row and a few detached houses. The area is a transition between the dense pole and the more opened urban fabric.

Located more than 1,2 kilometres far from the train station and the main square, the inhabitants living in the houses located in the north of the main road benefit from a supermarket and a day-care center overlooking the «market square». The houses located in the south benefit from some shops.

The inhabitants living in apartment benefit from natural areas within a walking distances.

The inhabitants benefit from shops and facilities within a cycling distance.

Density: 110%

In this area, in order to provide a plot to grow flowers and vegetables, a community garden can be layout along the green network.

A «local square» laid out in the middle of each group of houses make easier the meetings between neighbours.

Density: 50%

They all live within a walking or cycling distance of a wood, a green network and a pond for leisure and sport activities.


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