Amtrak service began in 1971, we have a rich history of railways in America. We intend to keep that history alive with the routes, stations and towns that Amtrak is already in, all while bringing our trains into the 21st century.
Our number one objective is to connect you to destination. Whether that is to friends and family or the vacation of your dreams. Our job is to deliver you there safely and in style.
Amtrak innovates and is always looking for ways to improve. In our curretn phase we are adding state of the art wi-fi, power sockets, video screens and contactless ticketing into our trains.
Amtrak is moving to an electric rail system with low to zero emissions. Making train travel the responsible choice in long and short distance traveling.
Amtrak offers 21st century revitalization within all of our trains. New sleeping quarters, food and bar cars and technology updates all around. We also offer top of the line air circulation through all train cars to help with airborne pathogens per CDC regulation.
Passenger and Amtrak staff safety is important to us. We provide security officers on board and in the stations for any emergencies. We also provide first aid and medical kits on board everytrain. All long haul trains have a nurse on board for any and all medical emergencies.
Our workforce highlights and fosters inclusion. Amtak highlights the people, the backgrounds, and experiences of the cities and neighborhoods we travel through each day. Inclusive
Inclusive to the Cities that we serve, not just major metropolitan areas but connections to smaller rural areas so that all of America is served by Amtrak.
Providing assistance wherever it is needed, whether within stations, the community or on the trains; exceeding the expectations of the brand is important beacuse we are part of the community.
Our number one objective is to connect you to destination. Whether that is to friends and family or the vacation of your dreams, our job is to deliver you there safely and in style.
To compete in todays travel market we need to have options for everyday travelers and vacationing travelers alike. Not only to compete with car travel, flying, and busses via land but also other vacation travel options like Eurail and cruise ships as options for people choosing vacations.
Choosing a high speed Amtrak train to get to your next destination for intercontinental travel is a great option and is more accessible in your city than driving long distances to an airport and waiting in long lines. We are pet friendly and can handle most pets on board.
Our trains run on a high functioning schedule, are reliable and always on time. Riders are also never separated from their luggage eliminating worries about lost or checked baggage while riding with Amtrak.
Reservations and Packages make travel stress free with 24/7 concierge support. And all packages come with travel insurance so you don’t have to worry if things go wrong during your trip.
New seats and beds have been added in all car classes for comfort throughout the train. All Night Trains offer single and double sleeper beds with the option of several with private bathrooms. Air Conditioning is also updated throughout all train cars.
We know train travel is a very timeless experience. Although Amtrak modernized, we still like to keep the authentic train experience alive with touches from our history still in play in our stations and with the experience you have here with us.
Amtrak’s brand is reliability and prides itself on being able to get the customer from point A to B across the United States. The company stresses to customers that they should travel in the comfort of a train rather than battling the energy and traffic of automotive travel. The trains are sold as economical and safe. There is little to no focus on comfort modernization, or stress on using Amtrak in place of an airline.
Amtrak’s rebrand focuses on revitalization, innovation, history and comfort. The rebrand advertises many upgrades to the trains and train stations, including all up to date technology.
Amtrak has always been a reliable service on the continental United States, and will continue to be as we expand our brand into the future; which includes stops in Canada and Mexico. Customer service will also be a focus. With all of the problems with the airline industry at this time, Amtrak is a welcome alternative for comfortable and stress free travel.
President Richard Nixon signs the Rail Passenger Service Act (RPSA), creating the National Railroad Passenger Corporation, later known as Amtrak.
Amtrak and Greyhound meet and sign the interline agreement. Customers are able to buy one combination ticket from any Amtrak or Greyhound agent.
Amtrak trains got their first sleeper coaches. 70 sleeper cars with full bedrooms for long-haul journeys in America’s heartland. The new cars are 85’ long, 10’ wide and 16’ high.
May 1st Amtrak begins service with 184 trains a day and 323 stations.
1977 Amtrak and the federal government partner to kick off the $1.75 billion Northeast Corridor Improvement Project to modernize the mainline’s infrastructure
Establishes a joint Labor/Management Productivity Council with a member from each labor organization representing employees, an equal number of non-union members, and a public chairman.
During the first quarter of Fiscal Year, Amtrak surpasses Eastern Airlines to become the leading carrier in the Washington-New York City air/rail market
Amtrak.com allow customers to make reservations online. Online passenger ticket sales grow to $63 million or 5.1 percent of total automated ticket sales, in the first year.
Amtrak headquarters is divided into three Strategic Business Units: Northeast Corridor, Intercity and West. A streamlined corporate headquarters remains in Washington, D.C.
Amtrak rebranded
the future of North American travel as the responsible, comfortable and timless choice of travel.
Report issued by the government states that, Amtrak is carrying debt topping $3 billion, and has lost $944 million last year alone, despite a growing ridership of 22.5 million passengers.
Brand Recognition
Technological Advancements
Customer Service
High Gas Prices
Affortable Comfort Travel
Intercontinental Market
Lack of Enthusiam for Air Travel
Preconception of Brand Intercontinental Experience
Not as Fast as Air Travel
Airline Industry Railway Competition Speed Technology
Brand Recognition - As of 2022 Amtrak has the competitive advantage concerning brand recognition due to an 84% market share in the North American locomotive market.
Technological Advancements - By launch of rebrand Amtrak offers the most technological advanced trains in North America on par with such brands as Network Rail in the United Kingdom. Fully compatible wi-fi, in-seat television monitors which offer movies, live tv, games, Augmented Reality windows, and much more. Amtrak already has 66 electrical powered trains with the goal of going fully electrical by 2035.
Preconception of Brand - Past customer reviews on Amtrak’s blog and other user review sites have highlighted poor customer service and accommodations. Amtrak’s focus is to erase these customer preconceptions.
Intercontinental Experience - Weakness and opportunity for Amtrak. Marketing needs to reach new customers in Canada and Mexico. New infrastructure, tracks and stations, must be built and tested.
Customer Service - Amtrak is committed to making the customer the priority. This commitment strives to become the bedrock of Amtrak’s brand, where customer service exceeds the expectations of the customer not just in the train industry but across all branches of the travel industry.
Comfort - Amtrak has refurbished all seating focusing on customer comfort. More leg room and double armrest is provided. Amtraks collaboration with Bed Bath and Beyond provides all customers with complimentary blankets and pillows.
Not as Fast as Air Travel - Even with Amtrak’s High Speed Rail technology, travel by airplane still gets the customer to their destination faster. Focus on comfort and amenities will help Amtrak to overcome this obstacle.
Lack of Enthusiasm for Air Travel - With the shortage of pilots, numerous cancellations and delays of flights, a spike in lost customer luggage and poor customer service; Amtrak will fill the void of convenient, comfortable, reliable and stress free travel.
High Gas Prices - With gas prices impacting travel and day to day life, Amtrak is the alternative way to travel far and close distances in lieu of automotive travel.
Affordable Comfort Travel - Amtrak brings comfort travel at an affordable price point. Though Amtrak is a private company, the United States government is majority share holder, this allows for a consistent affordable price point.
Intercontinental Market - Amtrak is the first locomotive company that offers stops in Canada, the United States, and Mexico. This expansion provides a more inclusive and larger customer base to the brand.
Airline Industry - While the airline industry controls the majority of the travel marketshare, they also offer a faster way for the customer to reach their destination. Amtrak stresses comfort, flexibility, and price-point that battles this threat.
Railway Competition - Other companies such as Brightline are direct competition to Amtrak. Brightline focuses on speed and comfort travel, but has yet to become a market threat to Amtrak.
Speed Technology - As other companwies explore new technology such as Hyperloop speed travel, Amtrak must continue to research and develop technology to stay on par and ahead of competitors.
Economic price point for upper class feel
The standard in train travel with a transiton to all electrical trains
Technological advancements; state of the art advancements for state of the art travel
Every aspect of travel works in tandem; from train station to arrival
Alternative train services are a threat to Amtrak’s service. Airlines and automobile travel are the constant threat. Airlines have dominated travel throughout North America, Amtrak will convince the customer that Amtrak offers more comfort, less stress and a more enjoyable travel experience.
Amtrak will offer discounts and rewards/membership programs to entice and sustain customer growth.
New locomotive start ups should be monitored. Although Amtrak has the advantage in market share as well as continental infrastructure across North America.
Amtrak will partner with vendors relative to the goods Amtrak offers, which will include,not limited to, the: Wine and Spirits industries, Video Streaming Services (ie. Net fl ix, Hulu, ESPN+), Restaurant Chains, Toiletries Companies, Bedding Companies, and Social Media In fluencers.
Areas of concern/bene fit that can directly affect the business and are out of the control:
• Covid Restrictions
• Natural Disasters
• Work Shortages
• Remote Workers
Brightline - modernized trains with the big idea of being an alternative to air and auto travel.
Union Pacific - biggest competitor; offers trans-continental service.
Other Competitors:
• Canadian National Railway
• Norfolk Southern
• Valley Transportation Authority
• Arriva
• Genesee and Wyoming
• Kansas City Southern
• Metrolink
Amtrak controls 84% of the US train market. Amtrak’s biggest competitor is Union Pacific Corporation. who is the parent company to over 12 railways across the US. While smaller companies are considered threats with bullet technology that would modernize and speed up north American travel. One such company is Brightline West. Brightline West is instituting a project entitled Xpress West. Xpress West has the goal of becoming the main alternative to automotive and airplane travel. Both of these companies are direct threats.
Total Available Market (TAM ) - Amtrak’s TAM are travelers and businesses shipping product across North America.
Serviceable Available Market (SAM ) - Customers preferring an alternative to air and automobile travel and desire a stress free comfortable travel experience.
Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM) - Avid travelers looking for adventure in travel and who prefer modern comfortablity. The journey is as important as the destination.
Brightline and the future Brightline West are train
lines that are built or being built in the United States currently. Their strengths lie in the Economic and Environmental pushes that the company is looking to push going forward with building high speed trains into heavily trafficked areas and helping to remove the need for cars in those areas or too and from
those areas, all with zero emission trains. They also have an established line in the Florida area that is technologically advanced with High Speed Trains, with Wi-Fi, charging ports, hands free facilities, garage parking and more. Their weaknesses are that they do not have all the infrastructure created across the United States to created longer interconnected experiences to people who want to travel outside their range.
The California High-Speed Rail is a publicly funded rail system that is currently under construction.
This line would provide high-speed service from Los Angeles up to San Francisco and over to Sacramento in a future extension. This line would take a large number of customers from the West Coast Corridor line. The California High-Speed Rail will be a very attractive option
to travelers as it will be a much faster train making the journey from LA to San Francisco in 2 hour and 40 minutes, rather than Amtrak’s current average of 10 hours and 18 minutes. However the train line is not currently completed and then have run into financial and estimated time issues that could impact the completion of the project. The advancement of high-speed lines it crucial to the success of Amtrak.
Viarail is Canada’s Passenger train and although Canadian companies like Canadian National Railway have lines in both Canada and the United States since they are freight only they would be more of an Adjacent competitor. However as Amtrak looks to expand its market and pull in tourism from world travelers Viarail traveling through Canada is a direct competitor in North America. Viarail has a lot of wonderful offerings to travel from economy and business class all the
way up to a prestige class with individualized rooms and additional service. Weakness is although there are a range of options some of the packages are extremely expensive and have a limited number of stops for exploration.
Amtrak could provide travel all over the United States to different climates, cities and views and with expansion could offer these options plus a how lot more in both Canada and Mexico. Making Amtrak an all inclusive touring company.
Eurial sells Tain passes for Europe’s rail system. Since it is owned by 35 different rail systems they are all able to work together to offer global passes for travelers to explore across Europe. It is a similar model that Amtrak’s revisions want to follow and being that they are not serving the same area they are not in direct competition. However as people choose where and how to vacation if a touring rail trip
is something of interest, people may choose to tour North America or Europe. Eurail has an established strength of running high speed trails throughout Europe since 1970s and continue to improve all the time. A weakness that they have is that the trains are all owned by different rail companies and often will provide different accommodations and experiences based on the train so it is not a consistent.
The California High-Speed Rail is a publicly funded rail system that is currently under construction. This line would provide highspeed service from Los Angeles up to San Francisco and over to Sacramento in a future extension. This line would take a large number of customers from the West Coast Corridor line. The California High-Speed Rail will be a very attractive option to travelers as it will be a much faster train making the journey from LA to San Francisco in 2 hour and 40 minutes, rather than Amtrak’s
current average of 10 hours and 18 minutes. However the train line is not currently completed and then have run into financial and estimated time issues that could impact the completion of the project. The advancement of high-speed lines it crucial to the success of Amtrak into the future and finding ways to enhance the customer experience while keeping our mind on sustainable options that push us forward.
Royal Caribbean Cruises are an all encompassing travel experience on the water for travel to different locations in style with access to entertainment and all amenities. Many people use Royal Caribbean to travel to different coastal areas of North America allowing them to explore different places as they go along. They compete with Amtrak in areas of travel options and would be a great market to pull long haul travelers from. Royal Caribbean Cruises strengths are in its activities, amenities, dinning and port stops along the way. The cruise line’s weaknesses lie
in is option to just port city stops and after Covid many people are concerned about being stuck a cruise ship with other passages who maybe sick.
By providing more on board services like new dining options and game or spa cars onto long haul trips would heighten the customer experience. Also looking at optional passes for travel on as many trains as you like within a certain window of time, which allows for flexibly of travel and exploration along the way. And updating trains and ventilation systems, as well as private train compartments there is less risk to your health.
Exxon Mobil one of the world’s largest publicly traded international oil and gas companies. With the price of oil and gas on the rise, giving people an alternative to filling up their gas tanks for travel would be an aspirational market. Exxon’s market share in oil has has the strength of accesibility just about everywhere. And because so many people drive it is an easy option to be a self sufficient traveler and filling up your car at the local gas tank. However Exxon Mobil’s
weakness is that many people are looking for alternative energy sources or ways to save money as fuel prices increase.
Exxon Mobil has also been in the press for issues with oil spills and more recently for climate misinformation. Part of the revitalization of Amtrak is moving to an electric rail system with low to zero emissions. Making train travel the responsible choice in long and short distance traveling.
While traveling from destination to destination many people will book a hotel stay during a long drive between two locations or even before or after getting and airplane because their “home base” is far from the airport. Marriott’s strength is that it is in most small and large cities making it easy to find with name recognition. They are also a brand known for a better quality hotel stay. The Marriott Hotels are however often over priced and travelers may have to go out of their way to get to one that is the closest on their route.
Train stations are in all major US cities as well as all interconnected small towns and can offer a bedroom to sleep in while getting you to your final destination. Amtrak also offers vehicle transportation for those needing to drive their car at their final destination. By renovating these bedrooms to be more spacious, modern and comfortable we can offer a great alternative to the Marriott Hotels.
Southwest Airlines travels within the United States, Central America and a few Caribbean Islands. A major of its destinations are the same locations that Amtrak services on the ground.
It is a competitor by offering a different mode of transportation to the same locations. Southwest offers competitive priced air fare and fast travel and great customer service. Southwest’s weaknesses are that although flying can be a fast way to travel, lost luggage and
dealing with airlines, airports and TSA is not always the most fun way to travel. Amtrak can offer an alternative to air travel, without all the hassle. By investing in high speed trains we can decrease travel time between destinations and offering competitive price points we can cater to all budgets.
We also always take pets on our trains.
Amtak’s vision highlights the historic nature of the railway. As well how Amtrak connects a diverse collective of individuals from cities, towns and rural areas all across North America.
Forward thinking: Changes to the ethos of the brand; technology in speed, fuel and ticketing need to be brought into the 21st century. Along with a focus on people; Amtrack connects people through travel from destination to destination and along the way, this travel needs to be faster and customer driven to create an exceptional experience.
Why does our client need to advertise?
To change preconceptions of the established Amtrak brand. To inform the customer of modernization, extended routes, the only way to travel.
What is the advertising going to accomplish?
Amtrak is the the only way to travel. Whether a coast to coast trip a 45 minute ride up the coast, first-class cart or coach.
What are the most insightful things we know about them?
They want a stress free nostalgic, and reliable way to get from point A to point B. Time is not always of the essence but comfort is.
Who are we going to connect with?
The traveler, the commuter, the backpacker, the business person, the adventurer.
What is the single most effective message we can tell them?
Amtrak has modernized and expanded routes making travel comfortable and easy.
What else is there to know that supports this message?
With the added routes to Canada and Mexico, technological advancements at stations and on trains, entertainment in all classes from coach to VIP cars; Amtrak aims to change the preconception as the archaic way to travel.
Motivated, Moving, Driven
Age: 36
Work: Entrepreneur Relationship: Dating
Location: Los Angeles, CA
DJ, model and business person, always taking meeting in LA. However more recently has been getting calls to travel to other citys in California, Nevada and Texas for jobs. Expoloring how best to travel because they don’t like going to LAX.
• Finding travel options other than flying
• Travel in style that is affordable
“I need to be able to make last minute travel plans and I hate flying.”
“There is nothing I hate more than traffic, it waste so much valuable time.”
Career and Family Orientated Age: 38 Work: Progect Manger Relationship: Married with 2 kids
Location: Arlington, Virgina Works in Washington DC and commutes to work from Arlington, Virgina everyday. When driving, they sit in traffic for several hours and still has work to do when they get home. They want to leave work at work at enjoy spending time with their family.
• Wants to cut down travel time
• Wants to spend more time with family
• Wants to be more green and not drive
Social Media Enthusiest Age: 26
Work: Content Creator Relationship: Single Location: Denver, Colorado
Content creator who makes videos and graphics for multiple platforms on several subjects. They are currently focused on the travel industry, resturant reveiws and history.
• Finding interesting and engaging content
• Ability to always stay connected
• Travel at Leisure
“I need to have internet when traveling. And the ability to change travel plans.”
“I want to be able to work on school while commuting to increase productivity”
Multitasking Extraordinaire Age: 23
Work: Student/Bartender Relationship: Single Location: Philadelphia, PA
Student in Philadelphia studying engineering. Bartends in the evenings and weekends and commutes from home to school and work each day. Loves what they do but has to maximize time efficiently.
• Find ways to maximize time
• Ability to stay connected to the internet
• Save money as a student
Amtrak provides you with the best experience possible while traveling. Amtrak offers a stress free, comfortable environment no matter what seat you are riding. As we approach the 200th anniversary of the North American Railroad System we see the future of technology as an opportunity to innovate and run our trains on 100% renewable energy. We continue that innovation by updating onboard entertainment, internet options and ticketing services as well as bringing local stations into the 21st century. If your destination is into the big city we will get you there with speed and connectivity.
Or if you are headed across country we will take you there in style with scenic views and in comfort. We never stop moving forward.
Amtrak goes above and beyond to exceed our riders expectations.
—Get on board
Where you can travel in speed and comfort whether going to the office or on a cross-country trip.
— The Only Way
Amtrak is connecting North America, and bringing people together.
— All aboard
Amtrak is an ageless experience for the current times.
— Timeless
Amtrak combines modern travel with a side of nostalgia.
— Remember how good it is
A timeless experience for a generation looking for adventure.
— Next stop?
Amtrak combines safety and reliability with modern innovation.
— We’ve got you
Amtrak’s focuses on the rider, where comfort and speed are the ultimate goals.
— The stress free way to travel
Amtrak is reliability, getting riders to their destination in comfort and on time, while exceeding all expectations.
— Outperforming for you
Never standing still, Amtrak’s expanded routes and top of the line technological advancements bring train travel into the future.
— Always moving forward
Amtrak, the smart and easy alternative to flying.
— Board. Relax. Enjoy.
Amtrak revitalizes train travel with an economical, and innovative travel experience; while connecting North America.
— It’s time.
Amtrak provides the best experience for our customers and staff. Working to offer a stress-free and comfortable option for travel, and building a better tomorrow through technology and sustainability. All this, while striving to keep prices that are inclusive to all.
We never stop moving forward.
As we aim to change public perception of the brand, we are working with influencers on social media who specialize in travel content and or commute in cities to take Amtrak and record their experiences. They share their travels, inside cars, stations and the experience of riding on the train.
A Social media engagement campaign that posts a photo or video outside the window of the train each day and people on social media guess where the train is; gives people an opportunity to see all the beautiful places that Amtrak travels and offers engagement with new and existing customers.
Amtrak’s website has a blog that highlights brand values. The blog covers topics such as innovation, history and our vision for the customer experience. It also covers topics of environmental responsibility, inclusion in new train routes and access for everyone. As well as covering expansions of Amtrak into new countries all in 21st century style.
We want to meet the communities we travel through and get to know our neighbors. As we get to know more about you, Amtrak understands that you and your family may want to know more about Amtrak.
Amtrak sponsors train rides to and from educational events for kids in under privileged schools. Amtrak is furthering the growth of the children in our communities and provides access to a new generation of train riders.
Our communities are important to us. Amtrak is creating opportunities for local artists, by showcasing murals painted on or near the train stations that depicts things about that community and how the train connects them. Creating an inclusive space for all. Track the progress of the murals and have artists speak about their work via social media to create a larger following.
The Amtrak App also has a fresh new look, featuring in App ticketing, passbooks, community centers and more.
In phase one we are starting a new customer survey program to actively get feedback from customers about there experience so we can follow up and make changes as needed, allowing for further communication with customers on preferences and interests as we continue through our roll out phases.
As we move into the 21st century our brand is not reenergized without a technology refresh. Web designers are updating and streamlining our online services to be more accessible and easy to use for everyone that joins us.
All of North American offers a travel pass that allows riders to purchase a ticket to get on and off the train as often as they would like over a certain period of time. This pass is a perfect option when traveling on a sight seeing vacation to have flexibility while traveling.
Amtrak Passport
Amtrak Passport is a new addition to the Amtrak App. Here customers can check in and get a stamp in their mobile passport at every Amtrak station. Each stamp is designed for the city or town of the station. Customers are able to get rewards or SWAG for station visit milestones. Once all Stations are visited customers are rewarded with special items and a free ride.
Our verified social media feeds allow us to stay connected with customers. Allowing for active engagement to host contests, share photos and videos, and to receive user feedback.
In todays digitally connected society, sharing adventures with friends and family is the way we all stay connected. Amtrak is making that more fun and customizable with Augmented Reality Filters in Instagram and SnapChat. By using Geo Tagging technology when Amtrak riders are at stations or connected to the train’s WiFi network they will be able to access specifically designed filters for their Amtrak travels.
Amtrak Instagram, Facebook and Twitter Augmented Reality filters with (geo tagging)Connecting people is what we do, and we know that family both immediate and extended are important in all the cultures we service here in North America. Our trains run from town to town, city to city connecting millions everyday. We are always moving forward and will never stop our mission of bringing people together, whether that is during their train rides, at there destinations or maybe even connecting to your own history through the places that you go. You are always apart of the Amtrak family.
Amtrak is bringing awareness through print ads to our target consumers. For the traveler, Amtrak is partnering with travel magazines and food and wine magazines, for the adventurer publications such as National Geographic; for the business person magazines such as Business Insider; and for the tech crowd technological magazines.
“Work while commuting without the traffic”
This is specific to a Billboard Advertisement over busy freeways in metropolitan cities where there maybe many commuters sitting in traffic. We are offering commuters a smarter way to travel to and from work with Amtrak, getting them out of traffic and onto the train where there is high speed internet access to keep them working on the go.
All of our trains are remodeled with new seating, updated high speed wireless networks on the train and new entertainment screens with built in bluetooth in every class seating.
Amtrak runs through the United States and is expanding into Mexico and Canada where there are many languages spoken.
We want to make sure that everyone has accessibility through the website, app and signage to navigate our spaces. Digital signage allows for inclusivity of language and culture because it is ever changing and updating.
Weight sensors that are sent back to the train in road and train path crossways. This would alert the train of something on the tracks in the distance and begin to auto slow the train in order to prevent an accident. This would only be triggered if the weight stayed on the tracks and did not move.
All Trains and Train stations run by Amtrak have the ability to run on solar, hydro or wind power and were converted to renewable energy. This is one of our main priorities as we make a pledge to be carbon neutral and to give energy back to our communities in 10 years with a goal of 80 percent neutrality in 3 years. This is a measure we take seriously toward our future, not only the future of Amtrak, but of a clean world and a renewable energy future for transportation.
This is a rolled out approach that is mostly limited to the United States East and West Coast line to start and then moving into non Mountainous city regions of Mexico and Canada. Trains lines that are not upgraded to new high speed rail are upgraded with luxury sleeper, first and coast class cars for better scenic viewing and leisure rides.
Ticket buying options through debit and Cash terminals that use reusable tickets or offer QR codes for smart phones. This is must for riders that do not use credit cards or do not have smart phones. A large part of Mexico’s population does not use a formal banking system and relies on cash. This allows for a green and technological option while still using cash.
By using 3D print technologies it reduces the time, cost and allows greater access to recycled materials in the printing process. Many train parts are very custom and this allows parts to be printed quickly as needed to keep trains up and running.
We want to meet the communities we travel through and get to know our neighbors.
As we get to know more about you, Amtrak understands that you and your family may want to know more about Amtrak.
Our Conductors not only drive our trains but they are the Ambassadors of our brand and are here introducing themselves, answering questions about the trains and our history. Once a week throughout the year, select cities and towns will have a conductor at the train station to answer questions and give tours to groups and individuals.
In todays digitally connected society, sharing adventures with friends and family is the way we all stay connected. Amtrak is making that more fun and customizable with Augmented Reality Filters in Instagram and SnapChat. By using Geo Tagging technology when Amtrak riders are at stations or connected to the train’s WiFi network they will be able to access specifically designed filters for their Amtrak travels.
Connecting people is what Amtrak does, and we know that family, both immediate and extended are important in all the cultures we service here in North America.
Our trains run from town to town, city to city connecting millions everyday. But we are always moving forward and we never stop in our mission to bring people together, whether that is during their train rides, at there destinations or maybe even connecting to your own history through the places that you go.
You are always apart of the Amtrak family.
All Trains and Train stations powered by Amtrak will have the ability to run on solar, hydro or wind power and will be converted to renewable energy. This is one of our main priorities as we make a pledge to be carbon neutral and giving energy back to our communities in 10 years with a goal of 80 percent neutrality in 3 years. This is a measure we take seriously toward our future, not only the future of Amtrak, but of a clean world and a renewable energy future for transportation.
Amtrak holds a contest for someone to give up driving for 30 days and only use Amtrak. People will enter via social media and explain how and why they are up for the challenge of giving up their car. The person will be given a 30 day pass to Amtrak and will post of social their experiences on Amtrak to learn more about the services and offerings and how easy it is to use Amtrak to get around. This could also be done for someone to live on an Amtrak train for 30 days.
We want to hear your stories and know about your amazing Amtrak train adventures.
On Instagram and TikTok users can send in a short video showing or telling a story about their best experience with Amtrak. Stories can be told in photos, videos, told vocally or with stop action; if you can dream it we want to see it.
Use same “Alternative to Flying concept and make it into a series of posters of how much more relaxing and comfortable it is to take the train. This is also paired with “Alternative to driving” or other types of transportation.
Having a booth or speaker attend Travel or Train Expos or Conferences to promote and speak to the changes in Amtrak. Having representatives able to answer questions, show a model train, feature new technology and book tickets on the spot for travelers.
“Where will you go next?” Many people in Mexico City, New York, Toronto and other major cities travel via public transit this is a great opportunity to highlight a way to continue traveling on the weekends, as a get away or even as an alternative to driving.
Create comical TV commercial that highlights all the frustrations of flying, taking a cruise, a bus, or even a car. This is done as a comparison with lots of different modes of transportation. Cut to someone rolling their luggage onto an Amtrak car, finding a seat, spreading out and reclining to relax in a fully electric train car.
Amtrak already has a large collection of model train cars that have been produced in the past. With the rebranding we were produce a new line or model cars for new high speed trains. Working with model train experts like California company BlueRail Trains we could make sure all trains had top of the line bluetooth controls, lighting and circuitry to take the models into the 21st century with our brand.
Just like kids used to get wings on an airplane when flying, our staff and conductors would be able to give out one of a kind keepsakes to kids that ride with us on Amtrak. Either a special collectors pin or train whistle that they could keep as memento of their time on the plane.
Have our customers advertise for us with Amtrak branded reusable coffee mugs. These can be purchased from Amtrak at Stations or on select trains and can get one free cup of coffee per day using the cup and scanning the app. People will then walk to work or other places with their coffee mug with the Amtrak logo and there is less waste being created as we go green.
Mexico already has a large scale train system in Mexico City. Amtrak is working along side Mexico City Metro to provide train services to touring areas outside Mexico City.
This allows train passengers to pick their seats, in the App before boarding the train, so they get the seat that they want. Perfect for families, friends or colleagues to block off seating for everyone in the group.
Special packages that offer tours of cultural and historic sites throughout North America. That allow people to explore their own culture, this is also a way to bring access and shine a spotlight on those culturally significant places for tourism.
North America as a whole has some amazing food, Having a dining car or dining experiences that feature local foods and employ local chefs that offer one of a kind experiences to taste the local cuisine of the area you were riding through.
If seats are assigned in the app this would also allow passengers with assigned seating, to order food within the app, stay at their seats and have food delivered to them. This is great for passenger congestion in the dining car, lines and people worrying about leaving their bags unattended.
Working with the CDC we are installing and remodeling all trains with a new ventilation system that is constantly pulling air from the outside in and pushing air out recycling it through HVAC filters to provide peace of mind while traveling.
Using learning algorithms and neural networks set in the tracks, AI can be introduced to optimize drive time, scheduling, and provide information on track and train maintenance as it sees issues in drive times and other predictive models. Making the trains more reliable, accurate and safe.
Amtrak will mobilize drones when there have been large weather events in the area. The drones can be sent ahead of the train to search and detect objects on the track or dangerous situations that would impede the train from getting to its final destination safely.
Wireless Charging ports at every seat for phones and other devices to charge while you are working without needing to unpack cords to plug in for power while working.
This can be in the form of banners, an official greeter or a conductor. Social politeness is important in Mexican society and can go a long way to creating a strong first impression. This can also be a great way to provide wonderful customer service in all of North America.
Offering a private lounge area that are only accessible to the business class or sleeper classes of the train and are a way to create different levels of service offering something for everyone.
Amtrak’s expansion of sleeper or luxery cars. Our high speed trains will stay near the coast lines, allowing us to offer luxury trains with a slower pace to take in the beauty of North America in style. These cars offer improvements in sleeping quarters, new mattresses and private bathrooms.
Amtrak will be adding in a vehicle car to our long haul rides. These cars will hold Motor vehicles and motorcycles for passengers that want to drive once they get to their destination. This offers versatility to people traveling that may want to split up their road trip.
“Como México No Hay Dos” Partnership with licensed taxis in Mexico
Many taxis in Mexico are not licensed or maintained. Partnering with licensed taxi companies would allow for reliable transportation for people leaving Amtrak stations in Mexico.
Mexican citizens have pride in their countries cultural depth. Amtrak is highlighting that cultural uniqueness by hiring local artists.
Across North America we want to celebrate our communities by partnering with local artisans.
The stations will have specific pieces in them that are only crafted from local artisans. Like works of hanging art, train station clocks, and other wares that tell a story of the community.
There is none other like Mexico
Mexican citizens have pride in their countries cultural depth. Amtrak is highlighting that cultural uniqueness by hiring local artists to paint billboards and community murals for advertisement, photographers to take photos of dancers on train platforms and local artisans to create items for display at the stations for all to see. Each station becomes a cultural beacon for the community and a way for visitors to immerse themselves in the local Mexican culture.
Mexico already has a large scale train system in Mexico City. Amtrak is working along side Mexico City Metro to provide train services to touring areas outside Mexico City. As well as provide transportation access into the main city transit lines. This will allow for greater access to for many that ride the train as the Metro is the main point of transportation in Mexico with approximately 5 million riders per day. We will provide service until midnight and our solar powered lights stay on well into the night to make sure that that all our passengers have a safe place to wait until their next form of transportation can arrive.
We want to hear your stories and know about your amazing Amtrak train adventures.
On Instagram and TikTok users can send in a short video showing or telling a story about their best experience with Amtrak. Stories can be told in photos, videos, told vocally or with stop action; if you can dream it we want to see it. If we choose your story, you will win round trip tickets to anywhere Amtrak travels in your country for you and a friend. Stories chosen will be used and compiled to create advertisements for Amtrak. Including posters, TV ads, Social media ads, testimonials and more. We can’t wait to see what our customers create.
Amtrak mobilizes drones when there has been severe weather events in the area. The drones can be sent ahead of the train and search and detect objects on the track or dangerous situations that would impede the train from getting to its final destination safely. The drones provide the train ample time to stop, to reroute or provide delay times or any issues. Giving passengers more information for their travels and providing the ultimate safety.
We are holding a social media contest to see what town to connect to our Amtrak line next. This contest is North American wide and is specifically for towns that do not have access to Amtrak and would like to see a passenger train come through their town or city allowing them to be more connected.
A Social campaign for girls to post photos and videos of themselves getting to their quinceanera on the train. The girl with the best photos and story wins a dream quinceanera where all her friends and family are brought to the train station in style and are able to have her party in the event space at the Station.
A place on the Amtrak App that allows you to share your experiences, ask questions of other users and learn best tips of how to make the most of your travel.
Have you ever been traveling and thought, “I wonder what that is outside my window?” Well maybe you won’t have to. Amtrak’s Tour Guide is available via devices at seat locations.
VR - Train station
Amtrak provides a VR “station” portal through our website. This portal allows Amtrak users to meet with virtual customer service agents, as well as a virtual train station where they will be able to interact with other users and play fun games promoting the brand.
Photo to Amtrak (can we get you there?)
Using photo Recognition software, upload a photo of anywhere in North America to the Amtrak website and we will find the location of the place and tell you what trains will get you there or closest to the location.
Great for planning the perfect get away.
Amtrak is launching a new social feature on the Amtrak App to meet up with other Amtrak riders. This service allows you to get pro tips and build a community of people as you ride the train. This is a great way to connect with people on your daily commute or while traveling and only other passengers have access.
Entertainment on trains, like movies and music provided on screens would have a combination of Hollywood based movies but also music and movies that are translated to different languages and offer entertainment options from other cultures as well.
Amtrak will work with cities and large events to advertise as the official transportation. Because taking the train is the best way to get to or from specific places that may not be car or plane friendly. This would be to target our casual traveler that doesn’t use the train as often.
Amtrak is starting an exclusive partnership with Hallmark Channel to make several destination based movies featuring Amtrak over the next several years. The first two movies to premier will be “Love on the Rails” and “Love off Track”
Partnerships with Apple, Google or Amazon to have their AI assistants (Siri, Alexa) able to quickly pull up Amtrak schedules when asked so trains can be found and booked through AI assistants.
There are several major festivals and cultural events throughout the year throughout North America. Amtrak will have special tickets and run additional trains during these days to connect more people to large events.
Work with blogs, websites or magazines promoting Amtrak blog content. Features include stories like 17 things to do on Amtrak Trains, Best Places to Visit via Amtrak, or Best Times to Travel on the Train.
Localized Entertainment Festival TicketsExclusive partnership with a ride sharing company to have drivers near the train station when trains arrive or directly alert drivers that you need a ride from the station and they can get updates on when the train will arrive. Allowing you to have a night out on the town and get home without needing to drive.
Many people including international travelers learn about fun things to do in America by what they see in the movies or in the media. With visibility of high speed luxury trains in movies, TV and commercials more people will see Amtrak as a viable option for travel through North America.
Trade Shows are incredibly popular with more than 1500 trades shows per year in Mexico and 13,000 in the United States. A hospitality trade fair is a great place to advertise and promote, but also Amtrak will sponsor rides from airports and other major locations to trade shows as a way to show what can be offered.
Working with non-Profit groups to create PSA advertisements directed toward drinking and driving using Amtrak as an alternative way to get home safely from a night out.
When a customer rides with Amtrak we can begin to compile more information on where they travel, what times, what days of the week and send weekly recommendations to offer other trips that might interest them at a lower rate or deals to encourage travel.
Conservation groups, fisherman, artists and indigenous people are groups that have setup sustainable tourism options like whale watching tours, education and healing centers, rainforest walks or artist workshops. Amtrak will work with groups that are conserving the environment as well as culture and allow them to advertise their experiences in the stations and Amtrak can be featured in their centers.
Free filtered water in every station provided for Amtrak riders. Areas of North America and especially parts of Mexico are known for undrinkable tap water. All Amtrak stations will have filtered water that can be filled with reusable water bottles in the stations.
Print Advertising International Flash Sales Safety First
Create times when certain routes go on sale for specific dates to create hype and excitement. This can help provide economical options allowing more people to travel during off peak times.
People leaving functions, shows, dinners in cities and instead of getting a hotel for the night and spending extra money or driving home in the dark. Amtrak can drive you close to home in comfort.
Although not a fun topic, many American and International Travelers worry about the crime rates in areas where the train may pass through. Creating “funny/serious” advertising about how not to act on the train. Highlighting the safety measures that Amtrak has in place for customers’ and staffs’ safety.
Print Advertising in International Travel magazines and blogs posted in other languages to entice International travelers looking for a way to see North America in luxury. Offering packages that include food, drinks and adventures along the way.
“Let us drive you home”
Amtrak is starting an exclusive partnership with Hallmark Channel to make several destination based movies featuring Amtrak over the next several years. The first two movies to premier will be “Love on the Rails” and “Love off Track” with two holiday movies to follow titled “Holiday Express” and “Train to Tinsel Town”.
We are creating a sense of magic and joy around the train and to explore the adventures that can be had on the train. As Amtrak expands into Canada where Hallmark movies primarily films it has given us this opportunity to partner with them to showcase the timelessness of the train.
Amtrak is launching a new social feature on the Amtrak App to meet up with other Amtrak riders. This service allows you to get pro tips and build a community of people as you ride the train. This is a great way to connect with people on your daily commute or while traveling and only other passengers have access. This allows people to have meetups in places they are going or plan adventures along the way.
For safety your Amtrak ticket information verifies your user. You do not have to connect to the social feature and you can choose to share only what you wish. However for people who want to connect with other passengers and create meetups this is the perfect means to meet other travelers traveling your way.
Have you ever been traveling and thought, “I wonder what that is outside my window?”
Well maybe you won’t have to. Amtrak’s Tour Guide is available via devices at seat locations. As you ride the train you are able to tap into a navigation system that uses GPS and Neural Network of A.I. in the tracks and depending on what side of the train you are sitting on the tour guide is able to tell you what you are looking at out your window. Great for long trips as you are guided for hours through different landscapes of North America. Perfect for scenic tours in historic or culturally rich areas and alsol provides hours of entertainment for passengers.
Amtrak is holding a social media contest to see what town to connect to our Amtrak line next. This contest is North American wide and is specifically for towns that do not have access to Amtrak and would like to see a passenger train come through their town/city allowing them to be more connected. Union Pacific, Viarail, Canadian National Railway and Mexico City Metro currently hold rail line infrastructure in towns that Amtrak is not available this is a great opportunity for Amtrak to see where there is interest and what
partnerships and investments in the years ahead. This contest is a way to create excitement and see what line to create for the future.
People that enter the contest need to create a video telling why their city is the best to have Amtrak, how it would make a difference in their city and get as make people as possible to like, comment and repost their entry. The winner will get a round trip ticket on Amtrak to anywhere they want and their town or city will be the first on our list of future stops.
All content for Amtrak: Brand Guidelines was conceived, designed, and produced by Nicole Mitterer and Ernie Sanchez. The only exception is the Brand name.
Research and strategy by Nicole Mitterer and Ernie Sanchez, art direction and design by Ernie Sanchez, copywriting and editing by Nicole Mitterer, photography by Nicole Mitterer.
Roger Muller
ADV 370 Brand and Branding Academy of Art University
Some of the photographs and images were downloaded from iStock and are used in accordance with the License as specified on that website at the time of printing. This book is a non-commercial work produced as a student project for educational purposes, and as such is considered a derivative work under the Fair Use Clause of the US Copyright Law. Manufactured in the United States of America.