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What Do We Know
There is mostly a reason for every action performed by a human being. These actions are backed up by a thinking that dwells in the subconscious of a person. This very fact comprehends his or her existence in the first place. Our thought process and the subsequent actions are something that make us different from each other. Moreover, even a single person becomes distinguishable during his various life stages. We can understand the transformation of a human being from childhood to adulthood through the metamorphosis of his mind.
Infancy is the nascent stage of every person’s life. What makes children unique is their inquisitiveness. The curiosity to understand the existence of things around them. For instance, they are often hooked on to new objects.
Toys catch their profound attention and are a source of happiness most of the time. Perhaps, every new face and object is subjected to a child’s unsolicited attention. But, children are not judgemental. Their benign innocence cannot distinguish between people on the basis of nationality, culture and their social status. Truth and lies make no sense to them and they don’t even ask for justifications. Happiness makes them smile and vulnerability makes them cry. They don’t exercise pragmatism and neither do they openly flaunt their uninhibited ambition. There is a luxury of being loved by most people around. And they are unaware of the vicious circle of life. Perhaps, the biggest blessing as a child.