Chapter 3
DESIGN OF MEMBERS 3.1. INTRODUCTION 3.1.1. General According to the general framework established in EN 1990 for the safety of structures, the safety of steel members at ultimate limit state is ensured by applying partial safety factors γM to the various characteristic values of resistance. The safety factors are defined in accordance with the potential failure modes. For steel members, the following three failure modes are considered (clause 6.1(1)): i) resistance of cross sections, whatever the class; ii) resistance of members to instability assessed by member checks and iii) resistance of cross sections in tension to fracture. Specific partial safety factors γM0, γM1 and γM2, deemed to guarantee the reliability targets of EN 1990, correspond to each failure mode, respectively. The following values of the partial safety factors γMi are recommended for buildings1: γM0 = 1.00; γM1 = 1.00 and γM2 = 1.25 and will be used throughout this book. It is noted that for other types of structures, recommended values are given in Parts 2 to 6 of EN 1993. For structures not covered by Parts 2 to 6 of 1993, the National Annexes may define the partial factors γMi; it is recommended in this case to take the partial factors γMi from EN 1993-2 (CEN, 2006d). This chapter describes the basic theoretical concepts, as well as the normative design rules (according to EC3-1-1) concerning the verification of the resistance of steel members. In particular, the evaluation of the resistance
These values were adopted by the majority of the National Annexes.
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of cross sections of classes 1 to 3 subjected to the various combinations of internal forces is presented in accordance with clauses 6.2. Additionally, the assessment of the resistance of members subject to instability phenomena is also covered in accordance with clauses 6.3. Finally, as in the previous chapter, several detailed worked examples are presented. 3.1.2. Resistance of cross sections General criteria
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The resistance of cross sections depends on their class (clause 6.2.1(3)). According to the definition of the four cross section classes (see 2.4), cross section classes 1 and 2 reach their full plastic resistance, while class 3 cross sections only reach their elastic resistance. Class 4 cross sections are not able to reach their elastic resistance because of local buckling and they are outside the scope of EC3-1-1 and of this book. Nevertheless, using the concept of effective section (CEN, 2006c), they are effectively treated as class 3 cross sections and their resistance is evaluated as an elastic resistance. The design value of an action effect, at each cross section, should not exceed the corresponding design resistance, and if several action effects act simultaneously, the combined effect should not exceed the resistance for that combination (clause 6.2.1(1)). Shear lag effects and local buckling effects should be included according to the concept of effective section of EC3-1-5 (CEN, 2006c). Shear buckling effects should also be considered according to EC3-1-5 (clause 6.2.1(2)). An elastic verification according to the elastic resistance may be carried out for all cross sectional classes provided that the effective cross sectional properties are used for the verification of class 4 cross sections (clause 6.2.1(4)). In the most general case and as a conservative approach, where local longitudinal, transverse and shear stresses coexist at the critical point of the cross section, the following yield criterion may be used in the context of an elastic verification (clause 6.2.1(5)). 2
⎛ σ x, Ed ⎞ ⎛ σ z , Ed ⎞ ⎛ σ x, Ed ⎞⎛ σ z , Ed ⎞ ⎛ τ Ed ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ +⎜ ⎟ −⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ + 3⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1, (3.1) ⎜ f y γ M 0 ⎟ ⎜ f y γ M 0 ⎟ ⎜ f y γ M 0 ⎟⎜ f y γ M 0 ⎟ ⎜ f y γ M 0 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠⎝ ⎠ ⎝ ⎠
where σx,Ed is the design value of the local longitudinal stress, σz,Ed is the design value of the local transverse stress and τ Ed is the design value of the local shear stress, all values at the point of consideration. For classes 1 or 2, the resistance of cross sections may be evaluated on the basis of their plastic resistance by finding a stress distribution which is in equilibrium with the internal forces and moments without exceeding the yield strength. This stress distribution should be compatible with the associated plastic deformations (clause 6.2.1(6)). For class 3 cross sections, where all the compression parts of a cross section are class 3, its resistance should be based on an elastic distribution of strains across the cross section. Compressive stresses should be limited to the yield strength at the extreme fibres (clause 6.2.1(9)). These extreme fibres may be assumed at the midplane of the flanges for ULS checks. However, whenever yielding first occurs on the tension side of the cross section, the plastic reserves of the tension zone may be utilized by accounting for partial plastification when determining the resistance of a class 3 cross section (clause 6.2.1(10)). For both plastic and elastic verifications of safety, interaction formulae on the basis of resistances (NRd, MRd, VRd) are favoured since they may lead to less conservative results. As a conservative approximation for all cross section classes, a linear summation of the utilization ratios for each stress resultant may be used. For class 1, class 2 or class 3 cross sections subjected to a combination of NRd, My,Rd, M z,Rd this method may be applied by using the following criterion (clause 6.2.1(7)):
N Ed M y , Ed M z , Ed + + ≤ 1. N Rd M y , Rd M z , Rd
Class 3 cross sections exhibit a gradual transition from plastic to elastic resistance because of residual stress effects and local yielding. This is not currently recognized by Eurocode 3 whose provisions result in a sudden transition from plastic resistance to elastic resistance. Extensive research was recently carried out to provide a safe smooth transition between classes 2 and 3 (Greiner et al, 2011). Section properties The properties of the gross cross section should be determined using the nominal dimensions. Holes for fasteners need not be deducted, but
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allowance should be made for larger openings. Splice materials should not be included (clause Because of the existence of holes and other openings, it is necessary to define the net area of a cross section. Generally, it is defined as its gross area less appropriate deductions for all holes and other openings (clause For calculating net section properties, the deduction for a single fastener hole should be the gross cross sectional area of the hole in the plane of its axis. For countersunk holes, appropriate allowance should be made for the countersunk portion (clause In the case of multiple fastener holes, provided that the fastener holes are not staggered, the total area to be deducted for fastener holes should be the maximum sum of the sectional areas of the holes in any cross section perpendicular to the member axis (clause Where the fastener holes are staggered (Figure 3.1), the net area Anet should be the minimum of (clause (fracture section 1); (3.3) A −n p t d 0
A − n t d0 + t
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⎛ s 2 ⎞ (fracture section 2), ⎜ ⎟ ⎜4 p⎟ ⎝ ⎠
where, A is the gross area of the section; np is the number of non-staggered holes in any cross section perpendicular to the member axis; n is the number of holes extending in any diagonal or zig-zag line progressively across the member or part of the member, see Figure 3.1; t is the thickness; do is the hole diameter; s is the staggered pitch, the spacing of the centres of two consecutive holes in the chain measured parallel to the member axis; p is the spacing of the centres of the same two holes measured perpendicular to the member axis. The summation in expression (3.4) represents the number of segments between staggered holes, as it is exemplified in example 3.1.
p s
Figure 3.1 – Definition of the net area of a cross section
In the case of angles, or other member with holes in more than one plane, the spacing p should be measured along the mid-plane of the legs, as illustrated in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2 – Angle with holes in both legs
Cross sections with a class 3 web and flanges with class 1 or 2 may be classified and designed as class 2, considering a reduced effective area for the web. The effective area is obtained according to Figure 3.3 and the following iterative procedure: by replacing the portion of the web in compression by a part of 20εt w adjacent to the compression flange and another equal part adjacent to the plastic neutral axis of the effective cross section. Iteration results from the definition of the neutral axis as being that of the effective section (Figure 3.3). The resistance of class 4 cross sections is limited by local instability phenomena that prevent the development of the elastic resistance of the cross section. According to EC3-1-1, local instability phenomena, in class 4 cross sections, should be taken into account by replacing the gross section by an effective cross section, obtained from a reduced area of the compression parts. The effective cross section should be based on effective widths,
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according to EC3-1-5. The effective cross section of circular hollow sections should be obtained from EC3-1-6 (CEN, 2007). Figures 3.4 and 3.5 represent, in a qualitative way, the effective cross section of a U section subject to compression and an I section subject to major axis bending, respectively. In these figures, the portions of the gross area to be deducted are indicated in black. For the I section, it is assumed that only the web is class 4. 1
20 ε tw 4 20 ε tw
fy 2 1- compr ession; 2 - tension; 3 - plastic neutral axis; 4 - neglected part Figure 3.3 – Effective class 2 web
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G´ eN G
G Gross cross section
Effective cross section
Figure 3.4 – Class 4 cross section submitted to a compressive axial force
G G´
Gross cross section
Effective cross section
Figure 3.5 – Class 4 cross section submitted to bending moment
An axial compression force in a cross section in class 4 due to the possible shift, eN, of the centroid of the effective area, Aeff, relative to the centre of gravity of the gross cross section, results in an additional bending moment ΔM Ed = N Ed e N . The analysis of cross sections with class 4 is not included in the scope of this book. The analysis may be performed according to EC3-1-3, for cold formed sections; according to EC3-1-5, for hot rolled sections and welded sections; and according to EC3-1-6, for circular hollow sections. 3.1.3. Buckling resistance of members In addition to verification of the cross section resistance, the buckling resistance of members must also be checked, according to clauses 6.3 and 6.4. The buckling phenomenon depends on the presence of compressive stresses and therefore it must be checked for all members subjected to axial compression, bending moment or a combination of both. Shear buckling effects should also be considered according to EC3-1-5. For a member under pure compression the buckling modes to take into account are: i) flexural buckling; ii) torsional buckling and iii) torsional-flexural buckling. A member under bending moment must be checked against lateral-torsional buckling. A member under a combination of compression force and bending moment must be checked against all the buckling modes mentioned above. The theoretical background, the design rules and several applications relating to the buckling resistance of steel members are presented in the sub-chapters 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7.
3.2. TENSION 3.2.1. Behaviour in tension Figure 3.6 illustrates various examples of structures with some members that are commonly assumed to be loaded only in tension. Figure 3.7 shows typical cross sections of tension members. Simple or built-up rolled sections are commonly used in trusses, lattice girders and as bracing members. Cables, flats or bars are used in bracing systems. Cables, flats or bars are some times used in bridges or long-span roofs; such member types are discussed in detail in EC3-1-11 (2006e).
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Figure 3.6 – Structures with some members in tension
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Figure 3.7 – Typical cross sections of members in tension
The behaviour of members in tension is closely related to the stress-strain behaviour of steel subjected to uniaxial tensile forces. Recalling the stress-strain relationship shown in Figure 1.7, the ultimate cross section resistance corresponds to the tensile strength Rm, although the plastic resistance is also often considered as the ultimate tensile resistance of the member, especially when ductility is of concern. Typically, the governing design situation for members subject to tension corresponds to the location of the joints (either the connection to other parts of the structure or splices within the tension member). In these cross sections, either because of bolting or because of a change of cross sectional shape, the net area of the cross section must be taken into account. The calculation of the net area in tension was described in section In addition, it is noted that stress concentrations occur in the
neighbourhood of holes or discontinuities, as shown in Figure 3.8. Bolted or welded connections often induce second-order moments because of small eccentricities, as shown in Figure 3.9. These second-order effects should be taken into account. Alternatively, careful detailing should be specified to eliminate these eccentricities, as illustrated in Figure 3.10.
Figure 3.8 – Concentration of tension next to a hole
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Figure 3.9 – Eccentric connections
Figure 3.10 – Welded connections between hollow sections
3.2.2. Design for tensile force A member exclusively subject to a tension force is under a uniaxial stress state. According to clause 6.2.3(1), the design value of the tension
force NEd at each cross section, including cross sections in the vicinity of the connections, should satisfy:
N Ed ≤ 1.0 , N t , Rd
where Nt,Rd is the design tension resistance. For sections with holes the design tension resistance Nt,Rd should be taken as the smallest of: § design plastic resistance of the gross cross section,
N pl , Rd = A f y γ M 0 ,
where A is the gross cross section area, fy is the yield strength of steel and γM0 is the partial safety factor. § design ultimate resistance of the net cross section at holes for fasteners,
Nu, Rd = 0.9 Anet fu γ M 2 ,
where Anet is the net cross section area, fu is the ultimate strength of steel and γM2 is the partial safety factor. _____ 124
Whenever dissipative behaviour is required under cyclic loading, such as in the case of capacity design (CEN, 2004a), the design plastic resistance Npl,Rd should be less than the design ultimate resistance of the net section at fasteners holes Nu,Rd (clause 6.2.3(3)), that is,
Nu , Rd > N pl , Rd ⇔
fy γM 2 Anet . > A 0.9 fu γ M 0
In the case of members with Category C preloaded bolted connections loaded in shear2, the design tension resistance Nt,Rd at the cross section with holes for fasteners should be taken as Nnet,Rd (clause 6.2.3(4)):
N net ,Rd = Anet f y γ M 0 .
For angles connected by one leg and other unsymmetrically connected members in tension (such as T sections or channel sections), the eccentricity 2
Connections slip-resistant at ultimate limit state (clause 3.4.1(1)c of EC3-1-8).
in joints and the effects of the spacing and edge distances of the bolts should be taken into account in determining the design resistance (clause 3.10.3(1) of EC3-1-8). According to clause 3.10.3(2) of EC3-1-8, a single angle in tension connected by a single row of bolts, see Figure 3.11, may be treated as concentrically loaded over an effective net section for which the design ultimate resistance should be determined as follows:
N u , Rd =
2.0 (e2 − 0.5 d 0 )t f u
(1 bolt)
N u , Rd =
β 2 Anet f u ; γM2
(2 bolts)
N u , Rd =
β 3 Anet f u . γM2
(3 bolts or more)
In these expressions, t is the thickness of the leg of an angle; fu is the ultimate strength of steel; do is the hole diameter ; e2 is the distance of the centre of the fastener holes to the adjacent edge of the angle, perpendicular to the direction of load transfer (as illustrated in Figure 3.11); γM2 is a partial safety factor, defined according to EC3-1-8. The net area, Anet, is calculated according to sub-section (clause 6.2.2); in angles of unequal legs, connected by the smaller leg, Anet should be taken as equal to the net section area of an equivalent equal-leg angle of leg size equal to that of the smaller leg. Parameters β2 and β3 are reduction factors which are defined depending on the distance between holes (pitch p1), according to Table 3.1; for values of 2.5d 0 < p1 < 5d 0 , these parameters can be determined by linear interpolation. Table 3.1 – Reduction factors β2 and β3
Distance 2 bolts 3 bolts or more
≤ 2.5 d 0
≥ 5.0 d 0
β2 β3
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It is reminded that no matter what value is given by (3.10) to (3.12), the resistance is limited by (3.6).
e1 d0
Figure 3.11 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Angles connected by one leg
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Members that comprise angles connected by welding only in one leg can be treated as being concentrically loaded. Resistance is determined using expression (3.6), but based on an effective cross section area. The area of the effective cross section, according to clause 4.13 of EC3-1-8, must be evaluated as follows: i) for angles of equal legs or unequal legs that are connected by the larger leg, the area of the effective section may be considered as equal to the gross area; ii) for angles of unequal legs, connected by the smaller leg, the area of the effective section should be taken as equal to the gross area of an equivalent angle, with legs that are equal to the smaller of the legs. 3.2.3. Worked examples Example 3.1: Calculate the net area Anet of the bolted section of the plate represented in Figure 3.12. Assume a plate with thickness t and the remaining dimensions (in mm), as indicated in Figure 3.12.
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