1 minute read
The prevention of deception
The new health professional award currently on offer is not what it seems. DHAA CEO Bill Suen asks whether our profession should fall under an award at all
OVER RECENT MONTHS the DHAA Industrial Relations (IR) team have been working tirelessly at the Fair Work Commission to prevent members from being included in the existing Health Professionals Award.
At first glance, it may seem like a good idea to have the protection of an award to cover our members. However, the proposed award is a general award that covers a wide range of health professionals whose training, duties and employment settings vary significantly from those of our members.
The common denominator for an award hourly rate is of major concern as it is well below the current market rate for our members. While it is supposed to be the minimum rate that employers can offer, experience from other professions is that over time, the award rate becomes the standard rate of pay.
In addition, it is very difficult for the award rate to increase other than occasional adjustments to match the rising costs of living.
Once covered by an award, any further adjustment of pay rates based on market demand and work value has been shown to be extremely difficult, particularly if the award covers a broad range of employee groups.
In terms of workplace protection, the proposed award does not offer a greater deal of protection. Most common employment issues are already covered by legislations without an award.
In balance, DHAA members have a great deal to lose and little to gain with the proposed award. This is why we are doing everything we can to protect your interests.
The DHAA Industrial Relations Advice Line
The DHAA Industrial Relations service is a major benefit of your DHAA membership. You can use this service to:
• Understand your employment rights;
• Discuss ways to meet workplace challenges;
• Find out how to access DHAA Employment Support Services.