17 minute read
Blurred lines
Blurred lin s
For Adam Doti, a Salesforce veteran of over 11 years who has designed the UX for platforms such as Salesforce Lightning, the whole debate over the consumerisation of enterprise technologies is simple. Users are demanding ‘frictionless design’ and if that means using engaging consumer techniques in enterprise ing, which places a greater emphasis on simplicity. When working in disparate locations, employees demand quick and easy solutions that make their lives easier. For instance, mobile capabilities, which consumers have grown accustomed to in their personal lives, are now seen as fundamental aspects of an on-the-go workforce, placing experience at the forefront in the battle for talent.” products, then so be it. This comes back to the idea of choice and in particu-
“Enterprise technology companies need to stay hyper- lar how new generations such as Gen Z who are entering focussed on human-centred experiences and consider the workplace for the first time, are more technologically the humans who work for a company, more than the astute. It means these users already have their own ideas company itself,” explains the Salesforce VP and princi- about which software tools and devices work best for pal design architect. them. Potentially it’s a sticking point, one that will have to
“What are their needs as users of your product? At be worked through by businesses. If they don’t have them
Salesforce, we show deep empathy for our users and re- already, enterprises will need policies on how to manage member that many of them spend eight hours a day on this, both from a data security angle but also from an IT the platform as a function of their role, making human- management and complexity point of view. centred design so critical.” “With the increase in hybrid and remote working, this
The point Doti makes is that if technology is easy to use has accelerated,” says Emile Naus, partner at independent and more intuitive, it is less likely to create management and technology consulting a barrier to productivity. A simple case of firm BearingPoint, on the blurring of the using whatever technology works and gets lines between consumer and enterprise the job done. But is that right? There is a products. “We are seeing consumer tools distinction here - it’s one thing to design being used instead of enterprise products. enterprise products to look and feel like LinkedIn might well be better and simpler consumer products. But it’s completely than your CRM product, and WhatsApp is another thing to actually blur the lines and becoming the default communication tool use consumer products in the enterprise. for many. Enterprise tools need to rethink
During the pandemic and the rush to dramatically how they work - by starting set up working from home, there was an from the user and working back.” inevitable shift in digital technology use. Music to Doti’s ears at Salesforce, al-
Employees working from home expected though he argues that this is not particutechnology to be as simple to use as con- larly new, at least for the CRM giant. sumer technologies. Simplicity was key. “We saw this blurring begin when enter-
With IT support staff stretched to break- prise software began moving to the cloud,” ing point, organisations needed employ- he says. “Older companies with legacy sysees to self-service as much as possible tems and solutions have been the slowest and that meant using devices and tools to make the digital transformation. Conthat were more familiar. It led to an in- temporary direct-to-consumer brands crecrease in choice and, consequentially, a ate product sites that perpetually improve surge in sales at firms such as Apple. the user experience. They make it incred-
“The pandemic was a catalytic moment ibly easy for people to buy their products.” for the consumerisation of the enterprise,” While Doti accepts that the pandemic says Cameron MacQuarrie, head of stra- created an urgency for companies to shift tegic customer transformation group how they relate to consumers, he believes
UK&I at ServiceNow. “The post-COVID that it is part of an evolution in how softeconomy is now defined by remote work- ware companies in particular have to react
Once customers customise their Salesforce solution, they essentially become the ‘product owner’
to and pre-empt those changing habits. So, what does this look like? How is this manifesting
Of course, we’ve seen it for a while now in social media itself at ServiceNow? too, which has managed to bridge the consumer and enter- “Our platform enables IT systems to work together prise divide so successfully. As tools for reaching consum- and understand the experience of the consumer,” adds ers, sites such as Facebook, Instagram and increasingly MacQuarrie. “We can act as a bridge between traditional TikTok (which in 2020 launched a business focussed ver- technology stacks and where consumers are active. Worksion, and is likely to finalise its US data deal with Oracle flows are used to streamline processes and make best use this year) have been instrumental. But perhaps the current of legacy IT assets and orchestrate the applications that poster child of enterprise consumerisation is Zoom. previously involved multiple systems and physical inter-
The video communications business saw revenues vention by employees. This makes enterprise consumerirocket over 300 percent during the pandemic to $2.65bn in sation cost-effective to deliver and improves the capacity 2021. The company grew another 55 percent to $4.1bn by of enterprise to expand into new profit pools.” January 2022. Video communication has not looked back. Cost-effective or not, it’s not plain sailing. As Doti at Even Microsoft’s Teams got in on the act, seeing a rapid Salesforce suggests, it’s increasingly a balancing act beincrease of users from 20 million in 2019 to 75 million by tween product design, enterprise functionality and the April 2020. But it is Zoom that has crossed the consumer- consumer-like wishes of the users. That said, Doti, like enterprise divide more than any other video comms tool. MacQuarrie, also sees advantages, as long as they can
This smudging of the boundaries is important. How con- meet the challenges head-on. sumers perceive technologies is changing, and with Gens “The main challenge is the paradox of designing for Y and Z, this will be more pronounced. As a platform that can be used in so many the world of work evolves towards a hybrid unique and unexpected ways,” says Doti. future, working with AI-driven automa- “Our product designers create features tion and increasingly robotic functions, so and capabilities that have enough flex technology will therefore be seen not in its to adapt to any given set of needs, from market context of consumer or enterprise, physical form factor and content to busibut more in its usefulness in making things ness requirements. Once customers cuspossible. This means that vendors, as both tomise their Salesforce solution, they Doti and Naus suggest, have to be watchful. essentially become the ‘product owner’. If
It’s an interesting one for companies like Salesforce constantly updated the UI/UX ServiceNow, which incidentally has run a to respond to ever-changing consumer major ad campaign this year about con- expectations, we would invalidate what necting people, regardless of home or work the customer built. At the same time, they environments. ServiceNow’s whole thrust know that technology is evolving. It’s a is about unity, making folk work better delicate balance.” across one platform regardless of location. What is clear is that this is only the be-
“The entire journey across the enterprise ginning. Only now are we really starting is initiated by the empowered consumer,” to see the impact of consumerisation in says MacQuarrie, when asked what the the enterprise and what it means in terms consumerisation of enterprise means to of product design on the one side but also ServiceNow customers and product strat- budget constraints, support and security egies. “In previous decades, cutting edge fears on the other. technology was primarily only used by The decentralisation of IT budgets durbusinesses, but the proliferation of high- ing the pandemic has undoubtedly led end consumer technology has transformed to conflict as IT departments question both customer and employee experiences. the validity of having so many external This has raised the bar and set high expec- software tools on the roster. While there tations for services and products at work.” may be cost benefits (as we all know a lot
There are significant downsides. External tools will collate your data
We can act as a bridge between traditional technology stacks and where
of tools are free to use, at least at entry level), it could lead to complexity and unconsumers are active “ESG metrics are one of the biggest challenges for companies embracing necessary costs and risks down the line. As Naus at BearingPoint warns, “There CAMERON MACQUARRIE SERVICENOW the consumerisation of the enterprise,” he says. “Now more than ever, it’s crucial are significant downsides. External tools that companies migrate towards being will collate your data. There is significant more transparent about the data across value in business data, not always under- their end-to-end business, including stood or explored. But putting data into ex- supply chains, and how they’re impactternal tools will transfer that value to the platform owner. ing society and the planet.” And they typically monetise this data very effectively.” If more and more enterprises embrace consumer tools
Naus adds that there is also the risk that end users are and platforms managed globally in the cloud, this could left with a series of competing tools, making it less pro- be huge. Creating a control tower to gather the right ductive and potentially leaving data outside the business data, validate, audit and report has become a key risk to without any knowledge, as tools drift out of popularity. all stakeholders, adds MacQuarrie. And this is the point.
“Security is equally a risk to the business,” he says. The consumerisation of the enterprise is on the surface “Home networks are typically more vulnerable than a UX and accessibility thing - tools that help get the job corporate networks (for instance, users typically do not done quickly and easily. maintain/upgrade routers), and the platforms that run On the other hand, it is fraught with potential comthe consumer tools may not be based in the US or Eu- plications and risks if left to run riot. Ecosystems will, as rope, meaning legislation is different and sometimes dif- a result, become increasingly key to making it possible, ficult to enforce.” through shared governance and compatibility. Less is
MacQuarrie throws another challenge into the mix: sometimes more, as the saying goes. Sometimes, you can environmental, social and governance (ESG) reporting. give people too much choice.
According to recent According to recent According to recent According to recent According to recent studies, anything studies, anything studies, anything studies, anything studies, anything between 50% - 80% ofbetween 50% - 80% ofbetween 50% - 80% ofbetween 50% - 80% ofbetween 50% - 80% of data collected by data collected by data collected by data collected by data collected by enterprises remains unused enterprises remains unused enterprises remains unused enterprises remains unused enterprises remains unused in reports and analytics! in reports and analytics! in reports and analytics! in reports and analytics! in reports and analytics!
Why is that? It’s quite simple, whilst the data is, mostly, collected large amounts of it cannot be seen or accessed Why is that? It’s quite simple, whilst the data is, mostly, collected large amounts of it cannot be seen or accessed Why is that? It’s quite simple, whilst the data is, mostly, collected large amounts of it cannot be seen or accessed by users. With all this data missing how are people and organisations making data-based decisions? by users. With all this data missing how are people and organisations making data-based decisions? Why is that? It’s quite simple, whilst the data is, mostly, collected large amounts of it cannot be seen or accessed Why is that? It’s quite simple, whilst the data is, mostly, collected large amounts of it cannot be seen or accessed by users. With all this data missing how are people and organisations making data-based decisions? by users. With all this data missing how are people and organisations making data-based decisions? by users. With all this data missing how are people and organisations making data-based decisions?
SaaS applications’ architecture and technology although complex, are highly effective in their intended use cases. SaaS applications’ architecture and technology although complex, are highly effective in their intended use cases. SaaS applications’ architecture and technology although complex, are highly effective in their intended use cases. However, these underlying complex data models, with thousands of tables, hold organisations back from using However, these underlying complex data models, with thousands of tables, hold organisations back from using SaaS applications’ architecture and technology although complex, are highly effective in their intended use cases. SaaS applications’ architecture and technology although complex, are highly effective in their intended use cases. However, these underlying complex data models, with thousands of tables, hold organisations back from using their data. Business teams need to extract data from these applications for insights and reporting and making their data. Business teams need to extract data from these applications for insights and reporting and making However, these underlying complex data models, with thousands of tables, hold organisations back from using However, these underlying complex data models, with thousands of tables, hold organisations back from using their data. Business teams need to extract data from these applications for insights and reporting and making critical decisions on the go. This is challenging because most SaaS applications restrict access to data. critical decisions on the go. This is challenging because most SaaS applications restrict access to data. their data. Business teams need to extract data from these applications for insights and reporting and making their data. Business teams need to extract data from these applications for insights and reporting and making critical decisions on the go. This is challenging because most SaaS applications restrict access to data. critical decisions on the go. This is challenging because most SaaS applications restrict access to data. critical decisions on the go. This is challenging because most SaaS applications restrict access to data.
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