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The Call, Talk Europe
In 2021, we again asked key voices from our network to go in front of the camera and tell their story. We continued The Call, the video series we developed in the first year of the Covid 19 pandemic. It is an attempt to address the political, cultural and social changes of our time and to better understand them through conversations with thinkers and doers in our community.
After a pandemic break, the popular Talk Europe! series is back with two new episodes. We venture a look into the future of European foundations. We publish the self-produced videos in ERSTE Foundation’s online magazine Tipping point to stimulate dialogue within the Foundation’s community.
The Call with Judy Dempsey
Boris Marte made The Call to the renowned journalist and author Judy Dempsey, to discuss solidarity, politics of fear, the new technological revolution, the flaws of the Green Deal, and youth as the main driving force in shaping our future.
The Call at tippingpoint.net
The Call at tippingpoint.net
The Call with Timothy Snyder
In the special edition of The Call world-renowned historian Timothy Snyder and Boris Marte talk Trumpism, semi-authoritarian regimes, the historic importance of pandemics, cyber-wars, limitations of the digital world, the power of new media – and the necessity of a moral commitment to factuality in the 21st century.
The Call with Kilian Kleinschmidt
Hedvig Morvai talked with the changemaker and switxboard founder Killian Kleinschmidt about the “new normal” we live in today, about networks, invisible communities and hidden opportunities, why we need to enable and not prevent migration and under which conditions our world will be able to survive.
The Call at tippingpoint.net
“From crisis to opportunity” A Talk Europe! special edition
For more than 30 years, the annual conference of the European Foundation Centre has addressed societal issues that are relevant to the future of Europe and the world at large, such as inequality, social injustice, and inclusive and participatory societies. Vienna hosted the conference for the first time in 2021 with ERSTE Foundation chairing the Programme Committee as well as the Host Committee. The video gathers many voices of the almost 400 participants.
Talk Europe! at tippingpoint.net
Talk Europe! at tippingpoint.net
“Every foundation should care about climate”
Talk Europe! with Delphine Moralis
Delphine Moralis, Chief Executive of the European Foundation Centre (EFC), believes that foundations have a very important role to play in the current context, because of the pandemic and how it has aggravated inequality, because of the climate crisis and because of challenges with regard to democracy and society. Foundations, which have the opportunity to be risk-takers, innovators, bridge-builders, investors and ground-makers, really have a unique momentum to deploy their private resources strategically, to change and move our world and our societies in the right direction.