Communication Strategy Proposal
SiCRED Pension product:
1) Enables any one to supplement the mandatory state pension with a voluntary
2) Anyone can participate in the scheme by contributing periodically & on a voluntary basis, a desired amount of money 3) At the time of retirement, the pensioner can obtain his savings plus the interest earned on them in the form of a lump sum or annuity.
The term
private pension plan
is an unknown concept for the consumer so far
The target audience 25-45 professionals: The most experienced with the financial institutions and life insurances audience, in a nation that is generally distrustful of financial institutions
The communication challenge Change people s attitudes and make them realize that TODAY is the day to act if they want to enjoy a bright future for them and their families
Establish SiCRED Pension Program as your passport to a future you always wished for
The communication strategy
1.The call to action should be loud & clear: TODAY it s the time to think about the FUTURE
2.The communication tonality should be straightforward, revealing & down to earth, inspirational with a strong call to action
3.The approach to media should be uniquely creatively to communicate the message in a big way