12 habits of higly successful marketer and sales personal by john g inyang

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“Productivity in whatever you do, is about how you manage yourself and the HABITS you practice”.__John.G Inyang

INTRODUCTION It has been discovered that the way you see yourself determines where you will see yourself in life. The way you see yourself as a result of what you have being told or known about yourself forms your habits and your habits determines the way you live your life, which ultimately determines your outcome. HABIT AFFECTS ALL YOU DO AND WILL BECOME IN LIFE. I have discovered that people decide their habit based on what they know or don’t know and their habits decide their future. What this means to you is that, what ever you will or can become in life is principally determined by what you give 20% of your daily life doing, which eventually yield 80% result in your life, this is because daily routine determines destiny. Habits – are the building blocks of your future. One of my

greatest inspirers and motivator Mike Murdock said “Men do not decide their future, they decide their habits and their habits decide their future” Sometimes when you hear the word habit its very easy to first think about bad habits but in life there both good and bad habits. Bad habits are easy to form because human nature typically moves towards doing what is easy or what feels comfortable. The only problem with this is that usually such habits are destructive in themselves. But in this material “12 HABITS OF HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL MARKETER AND SALES PERSONAL” am talking about good habits that will determine your effectiveness, fruitfulness and productivity in whatever you do. Good habits formed today and kept consistently can have colossal effects in the next three months, six months, one year or ten years down the line. This is because today’s habits are the seeds of today that will create the future fruits of tomorrow either to enjoy or to endure, either to gain or to suffer pain. Today it’s almost a norm for our society to want to find quick answers to our problems and indeed in some area we need them, but much more in reality quick fixes don’t always solve the root of the problem. Donld Riggs once said that “the successful person is the individual who forms the habit of doing what the falling person doesn’t like to do”. Also most psychologists agree that it takes between 21 days and 30 days to form a habit. After that the habit becomes part of your routine. But note that in forming the habit never suffer an exception to occur till the new habit is securely rooted in your life. I believe having no exceptions is the key to forming good habits and breaking bad ones. Many times we say we are going to change our habits and declare things like “am going to get better in my marketing field and what I do and read a book every week and we really do mean well. But then for one day or one week{ depending on the habit} we miss the discipline and everything seem to go downhill. Its not that the discipline is necessary hard

to do. Its just that its easy not to do. John Dryden once said “we first make our habits and then our habits make us” Do you know that your habits are stronger than your desires because they continue to shape us on a daily basis. Our desires don’t always materialize if there is no action. In fact our actions today or lack of

them are forming our habits tomorrow. We can also lunch new habits when we set goals and remain serious about achieving them. In this material you will discover 12 solid outstanding personal habits that will transform your entire marketing, selling and relationship with people that will attract to you more customers, profits and a better living lifestyle. Habits determine the happening around your life. What is HABIT? By practical definition Habit is a routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and tend to occur unconsciously. Habits : are learned pattern of behavior that is repeated so often that it becomes automatic. Habits : an acquired behavioral pattern regularly followed until it has becomes almost involuntary. Habit : A SETTLED WAY OF BEHAIOUR THAT WILL CREATE A FUTURE FOR YOU WHETHER OR NOT YOU DESIRE IT. As you know that the future is not ahead of you, the future is within you, you either make it happen or you watch it happen. I believe this material will affect, infect and transform your marketing, management and relationship with people that will give you a better result. See you at the Top

HABIT 1 : HAVE GENUINE INTEREST IN PEOPLE Be people friendly. Love people. Build friendship relationship. RESPECT PEOPLE, RECOGNIZE PEOPLE, COMMEND PEOPLE, SERVE PEOPLE. When you understand yourself better you will love yourself, when you love who you are you will express love to others. Value people more than money. Make people have meaning in life when they meet with you and people will make you have money and never lack in life. This is one of my biggest secret in my marketing career that has help me so much and I believe it will do the same for you. When you become a people person; your problems become their concern, when you touch the hearts of people your profits will change. When you help

people succeed you can never remain a failure in what you do. The only way to be free from problems is to help as many people solve their problems. WHEN YOU MAKE ENOUGH IMPACT YOU WILL MAKE ENOUGH INCOME. IMPACT ATTRACT INCOME. Having interest in people is developing the ability to share other people’s feelings to see things even if you don’t agree with them, from their point of view {empathy}.- having interest in people –is giving them constructive support. Having interest in people is one smart habit you must possess that will attract for you a lot of benefits, connections and opportunities. Also know that in the journey of life and business you don’t attract what you want, you attract who you are. What are the simplest ways to build the habit of genuine interest and passion for people in the world of business:  MIRRORING: Gesture and Word. E.g. if a person like using a particular word in discussion when you are with them, you can mimic the word anytime you are with him or her. Sometimes potential customers can be use to a hand gestures, it will not hurt to try using a few yourself.. Also find out slogans e.g. like the popular Nigeria artist 2FACE uses the word “NOTHING THEY HAPPEN”  SOMETHING IN COMMON: When you find something in common with another person, your customer or potential clients and making it a topic of discussion you are creating a comfortable environment between both of you. This then help other people feel more at ease in your presentation.  BEING YOUR SELF. “When you are yourself, it makes other people to be themselves around you. Originality is superior to popularity” No matter how popular you become if you are not original you don’t have a secured future in the things you are doing. Trying to be like another person makes you nobody in life. Being yourself allows people to know you better and connect with what you are presenting to them without any doubt whatsoever. NOTE: Never give in to the popular saying that “FAKE IT TO

MAKE IT” If you fake it to make it, you must fake it to keep it. Also understand this truth, When men see and perceive your intentions on them, it will determine their attention for your. One major way to gain peoples attention quickly is to be “LIKABLE” when you become likable you will never lack connection with people and people will always give in to what you are either marketing or selling to them. How do you become likable- smile more to people, say good things to people, don’t be judgmental on people, and always maintain an attractive and productive packaging. Your posture attracts people, but your product keeps them or drives them. Also one way to make people have interest in you is to seek to understand them and what they are going through and then you will be understood by them. This is the rule of effective communication-Tell them what they want to hear and they will give you what you want.

HABIT 2 : GOAL-GETTER {GOAL PLANNING} The habit of a goal getter is someone who strives to achieve their ultimate goal regardless of what he or she went through in getting it. A goal – is a statement written down in order to achieve. In goal-getting: you must “do something daily” to take you towards your goals every day. Understand that nothing replaces repetition and creating momentum like doing something to get you closer to your goal every day. GOAL-SETTING is a step by step plans toward achieving a desire outcome. Also to be effective in the goal getting habit you must give in to FEEDBACK AND REWARD”. The human responds to two things to learn and attain new behaviors and knowledge. Feedbacks and rewards: As you go about your goal getting, be brave to request feedback from others and the reward your self each day for accomplishing your little goals. GOALS are VISION with foots. A goal getter is an enterprising person. The truth about life is that noting just happens everything is made to happen and setting goals and taking practical steps towards

it is the best and quickest way in making things happen for you. 75% of the success I have had are ones in which I sought out the opportunities and pitched my self or my ideas in order to make them happen. It all about knowing what your goals are, then taking the right steps to achieve them. Forbes.Com shared the details of an interest goal-getting study conducted on the 1979 Harvard MBA program. Where graduate student were asked “have you set clear written goals for your future and made plans to accomplish them? Only 3% had goals but they weren’t in writing; and 84% had no goals at all, tens years latter, the same group was interviewed again, the 13% of the class who had goals but did not write them down was earning twice the amount of the 84% who had no goals. However the real shock came from the 3% of the class who had written goals, were earning on average 10 times as much as the other 97% of the class combined, Although this study only looked at earnings to measure long-term success it serves as a great reference of why setting measurable goals and drafting a written plan- is a fundamental path to success. Also understand that when this is done right goalsetting can drive long term vision with short term motivation, provide direction, keep you focused, track progress and promote great achievement. To be a productive goal-getter after you must at first have a clear picture of a desired future, next thing to do is DEVELOP A PLAN. Once you have gained a clear perspective of your future, purpose and ambitions. Its time to begin PLANNING: determine a timeline once you create a plan use that as a road map for either next month or next years plan. One major benefit of planning is that it affects and transforms your character and your character ought to follow your plans per day. Also know that to maintain an effective goal-getter habit, your goal planning must be SMART i.e SHORT MEASURABLE ATTAINABLE REALISTIC TRUST . In summary how can you become a goal-getter, that is how can you effectively set achievable goals: Just as a wise man said “ you don’t know anything clearly unless you can state it in writing. Follow this process: 1. PUT YOUR GOALS IN WRITING. Practically by research it has been proven that planning is 20% THINKING and 80% WRITING. 2. MAKE YOUR GOALS PERSONALLY CHALLENGING. Anything that can not challenge you can not Change you or bring the change you want Challenges are not optional in your journey to greatness; they are part of the things you will confront in order to be in front.

Challenges never lives you the way it meet you, if nothing challenges you in life or you avoid challenges of life then you are sure to end at the corner. Never look for easy and cheap things, face the price of becoming great in your field and you end a celebrity both in your field of work and the world. Make your goals challenge you so you can experience the changes you desire. 3. ACTIVELY PURSUE YOUR GOALS. Anything you don’t pursue you can never possess 4. REWARD YOURSEL WHEN YOU SUCCEED. Sometime if you don’t reward your little efforts you may regret and when you regret you start regressing and back to square one. 5. UPDATE YOUR GOALS PERIODICALLY. In order not to be outdated in what you do update yourself in all you do

HABIT 3: PASSIONATE LEARNER. One major benefit of having the habit of learning new things is because “YOUR LEARNING PASSION DETERMINES YOUR EARNING POWER”. Ability to earn is rooted in the tenacity to Learn. To be in control of situations and circumstances is by learning now new things, Learning makes you versatile in life and versatility is the key to seeing opportunity. Knowing something about everything in life put you above your associates and situations in life, One of my two major philosophies in life is “Know something about everything in life but never try to know everything about something, because you can never know everything about something, only God knows everything about everything in life, My other philosophy in life is that “learning is what I do to make a living, but serving other is what I do to live my making”.

There is a very big difference between MAKING A LIVING AND LIVING YOUR MAKING” Many people have the means to live but no meaning to live for in life. Truth is that a passionate learning habit gives you means to live and opens you up to discovering a life of meaning and impact that will create a difference around. Learning habit helps you understand people and better ways to dealing with them. People are your greatest asset at the same time they are your greatest threat. A marketer or sales personal with a learning habit will always gain new customers, make powerful sales and attract loyalty from customer. The idea is that a habit of passionate learning put you 10% above your customers in knowledge, understanding and physical disposition. Also understand here that people knowledge is very much important than product knowledge. Habit of learning new things build in you what I call a “PLEASING PERSONALITY” a pleasing personality is easy to recognize but hard to define. A pleasing personality is a combination of a person’s attitude, behavior and expressions. You will never lose your ATTRACTIVENESS regardless of age when the path of your personality flows both from your face and your heart. Also one great benefit of having a learning habit it helps you identify people’s needs and finding a way to meeting them in a unique and impactful manner. By Practical Definition what is LEARNING? LEARNING IS THE ACQUISITION OF KNOWLEDGE OR SKILLS THROUGH STUDY, EXPERIENCE OR BEING TAUGHT. LEARNING IS THE ART OF ACQUIRING NEW OR MODIFYING AND REINFORCING EXISTING KNOWLEDGE, BEHAVIORS, SKILLS, VALUE OR PREFERENCE. From this definition you can see that the habit of learning affects your “knowledge bank”, changes your behavior and character. Exposes you to new skills, makes you see how valuable you are to people and this ultimately give you a lot of leverage and

connection with people and place and this will improve and double your marketing efforts and sales.

HABIT 4: PROACTIVNESS To be proactive is taking action by causing change and not only reacting to change when it happens. Proactivity is key to productivity”. Proactivity is the entrance gate to building Maturity in your field. Every sales person or marketer is either a “Proactive or “Reactive kind of person. The word “reactive” implies that you don’t have the initiative. You can’t create change, you only follow change. The word “Proactive” means you take initiatives. What is Proactivity? Being able to anticipate what the future will be and to react accordingly before it actually happens. Proactiveness is about your perspective about yourself and life. Just like I tell marketers and sales people, marketing is about MENTAL PERCEPTION. A battle of the mind, not just the prouct or service. What a person receives and releases in life is determined by his or her perception. Proactiveness means as human beings we are responsible for our own lives-taking responsibility for what ever happens to you. That is what I call MATURITY. Maturity is not about age, even though age should be commensurate with it, age is a number, maturity is an attitude. So one major sign of true maturity is proactivity- you own your work and you are responsible for your worth.. If you think that your life is a function of your conditions it is because you have by conscious

decision or by default chosen to empower those things to have control over you. Hear this: Anything that controls you has the power to conquer you. And in life it is either you are in control or you are being controlled”. Reactive people are always controlled by things and circumstances. That is they are being controlled not in control of things and situation. Reactive people are always affected and controlled by the weathers of life. Proactive people carry their own weather with them around. Proactive people see and do what reactive see but can’t do or refused to do, In life when you do what others do you will get what others get, but when you do what they don’t do you will get what they can’t get. Also understand here that what makes people not to have the habit of proactivity is their past experiences or where they are coming from. Please get this wisdom: “where you are coming from does not define you, but where you are going truly defines you. It means that your past does not define you, but correct you. Also proactive people work on their circle of influence not just interest- that is people you can reach. Sometimes you might have the interest of making bankers your customers but you might not have the right tools and technicalities in reaching out to them. But you have what it takes to generate influence and contact with traders without stress. By keeping to your circle of influence you actually without knowing extend your area even to the point of gaining penetration in other customers or people in other field of life. Habit of proactiveness – means acting in advance of a future situation, rather than just reacting. It means taking control and making things to happen that will favor you, rather than just adjusting to situations or waiting for things to happen. WHO IS A PROACTIVE PERSON? A proactive person is a less supervised , self-oriented disciplined individual that act based on future expectations beyond present dispositions and circumstances.


HABIT 5: SELF-MOTIVATED Self-motivation is moving yourself to do things you want and the way you want it. SELF-MOTIVATION in its simplest form is the force that drives you to do things. In this 21st century world, one of the greatest skills to have is the skill of learning new skills. The problem is that people are not learning. Literacy is a major foundation to success in life. Also understand that motivation pushes us to achieve our goals, feel more fulfilled and improve overall quality of life. People who are selfmotivated tends to be more organized and in ORDER”. Self motivation is the ability to do what needs to be done, without influence from other people or situations. People with self-motivated habit will always find a reason and strength to complete a task even when challenging without giving up or needing another to encourage them. To have a self motivated habit is to be driven by oneself or one’s own desire or interest without external supervisions. Understand here also that habit of self motivation is triggered by a “POSITIVE MINDSET” and confident in one self. That is your mind must be positive about what you want, you must be HUNGRY enough to hunt what you want with a positive perspective. Understanding and developing self motivation will help you to take control of many other aspect of your life. Also fundamental to self motivation is understanding what motivates you to do things. This may sound straightforward but sometimes your motivation is hidden from

your consciousness- your own personal agenda. Also basically there are two types of self-motivation INTRINSIC AND EXTRISIC motivation. :INTRINSIC – To perform an action or task based on the expected or perceived satisfaction of performing the action or task, sometimes intrinsic motivator is about having fun being interested and personally challenging. EXTRINSIC motivator – To perform an action or task in order to attain some sort of rewards including money, power and good marks. With this description it can be seen that different people are being motivated by different things. Now self motivation is the act of calling an “ETENAL ENERGY” within you. This is a way of transforming the energy within into energy without, allowing for one to accomplish difficult tasks or express ideas more thoroughly. SELF - MOTIVATION; is an inner drive within a person that either challenges or encourages him to keep moving toward achieving a desired expectation.

Now to help you achieve a clearer understanding of what a self motivated habit can do for you, Let me explain the word MOTIVATION; Motivation is the inner power that pushes you towards taking action and towards achievement. It means when there is motivation there is initiative and direction, courage, energy and the persistence to follow your desired goals. Motivation becomes strong when you have a clear defined and persuasive vision. PERSUASIVE VISION; is a mental image of what you want to achieve and also a strong desire to manifest it. In such a situation, motivation awakens the inner strength and power and pushes you forward, towards making your vision a reality. The key secret; is motivation is always present whenever there is a clear vision, precise knowledge of what you want to do, a strong desire and

faith in your abilities. Also let me explain some of the things you can do to strengthen your habit of self-motivation: 1. ALWAYS HAVE A WRITTEN GOAL. If you effectively and consistently maintain the habit of a goal-getter then selfmotivation will produce much results for you. As a marketer or sales personal. If you have a major goal it would be a good idea if you split it into several minor goals each small goal leading to your major goal. By dividing your goal into several small goals you will find it easier to motivate yourself. 2. MAINTAIN A FINISHING MENTALITY. Make it a personal priority that whatever you start you have to finish-This is the habit of going to finish line. 3. SOCIALIZE WITH ACHIEVERS AND PEOPLE WITH SIMILAR INTEREST OR GOALS. Motivation is contagious, the people you walk with affects the things you do. “Positive socialization” is key to productive actualization. 4. NEVER PROCRASTINATE THINGS. Procrastination leads to laziness and laziness leads to lack of motivation. 5. READ AND STUDY MATERIALS IN YOUR AREAS OF PURSUIT. Understand that “your LEARNING PASSION DETERMINES YOUR EARNING POWER”. Learning increases your capacity for productivity 6. CONSTANTLY AFFIRM TO YOURSELF THAT YOU WILL SUCCEED. “Positive confession is key to positive connection. 7. PERSISTENCE, PATIENCE AND NOT GIVING UP. Despite failures and difficulties keep the flame of motivation burning.

HABIT 6: SELF -ESTEEM By dictionary definition Self esteem is confidence in ones own worth or abilities and capabilities. It describe a persons total sense of self worth or personal value. Self esteem is how we value ourselves. The way you see yourself affect the way you present yourself at every point in time. YOUR PRESENTATION IS A REFLECTION OF YOUR PERCEPTION OF SELF. Self esteem is having full knowledge or a measure of your personality. Hear this- The value you place on your self is the same value you

express towards people around you. Self esteem is how we perceive our value to the world and how valuable we are to the others. Do you know that: Self esteem affects your trust in others, your relationship, work and every part of your life. Self esteem occurs in two levels. One is positive self esteem gives you the strength and flexibility to take charge of your life and helps you grow above your mistakes without fear of rejection. The other is negative self esteem which puts you at the disadvantage. Let me share with you some fundamental signs of positive self esteem: 1. CONFIDENCE IN SELF: Self confidence is an inner persuasion that you have a difference in you that can create a difference in what you do and he world. Your difference is a message and your message either create meaning or a mess in people and places. Self confidence is the willingness to celebrate your difference. A recognition of your difference: that you have something: a uniqueness that others do not have. And this makes you distinctive from others. Self confidence is having the mentality of a unique and different personality. Self confidence is possessing the mentality that “no one is like and will be like me� and this will place you in a better perspective of the habit of positive

self esteem. Sometimes similarity with people create conformity to the status quo and places you at a comfort zone. Self confidence is the recognition of divine qualities God put in you. Self confidence comes from replaying the memories of the past victories and capitalizing on it for the next success. Self confidence- The ability to have whatever you want to have, no matter the condition and weather around you. Self confidence- is taking responsibility for the change you want and condition you want to experience when you approach a person, places or situation 2. SELF-DIRECTION : Taking initiatives in matters, improvising. A self directed kind of person is an individual in a company who contribute and uses different skills and talent to work without the usual managerial supervision towards a common purpose or goal. 3. NON BLAMING BEHAVIOR : Not judgmental. Looking for who to blame for your errors and failure is the greatest error you can make. Every man is responsible for his actions and outcomes. 4. AN AWARENESS OF PERSONAL STRENGTHS: Ability{capacity}, attitude{personality and lifestyle},attribute{skills,talent,gifts},aptitude{intellectual,k nowledge,education} 5. AN ABILITY TO MAKE MISTAKES AND LEARN FROM THEM: In the journey of life, to be afraid of making mistakes is the greatest mistake to make. Mistakes does not cancel your purpose and plan in the pursuit of your success, you only learn from it.

6. AN ABILITY TO ACCEPT AND ENDURE THE MISTAKES FROM OTHERS. 7. AN ABILITY TO SOLVE PROBLEM. A problem is the difference between what you want and what you have. When you solve problems you will be free from problems. 8. AN INDEPENDENT AND COOPERATIVE ATTITUDE. 9. AN ABILITY TO TRUST OTHERS. Trust is the bond of relationship. Trust is a product of competence and character. And it defines how far a person in a relationship can go. 10.


your limits in life, but never limit your knowing. Having good sense of your personal limitation is to capitalize or leverage on your limitations into your goals and destination. 11.

GOOD SELF-CARE: Wellness of your mind, health,

spiritual life and body. This is all about Finding a way to improve the quality of your daily life. SELF-CARE; The ability as human to function effectively in the world while meeting the multiply challenges of daily life with a sense of energy, vitality and confidence. Self care is not an emergency respond plan to be activated when stress becomes a problem, instead healthy self-care is an intentional way of living by which our values, attitude and actions are integrated into our day to day routine. Self esteem also has its root in self-images. Your self image is the way you see yourself in every situation you find yourself. Self image is the idea, the conception, the perception of one’s self. Hear this biggest truth: “YOU

DON’T SEE THINGS THE WAY THE ARE, YOU SEE THINGS THE WAY YOU ARE{ lens principle}. Again having the habit of a positive self esteem is about having the sense and consciousness of being loved, a sense of being accepted by people and your organization and a sense of being adequate. Make this habit a practical reality by building and integrating it into your daily living and your marketing career and professional life will become more productive and effective.

HABIT 7: POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE Sometimes in life you can’t choose or control your circumstances, but you can choose your attitude towards your circumstances. Positive mental attitude is the belief that one can increase achievement through positive thinking. The subject of positive mental attitude is a concept first developed and introduced in 1937 by Napoleon Hill in the book THINK AND GROW RICH. The book never actually uses the term, but develops the importance of positive thinking as a habit and principle to success. A positive attitude comes from observational learning in the environment and is partially achieved when a vision of good nature change in the mind is applied towards people, circumstances, events or behaviors. Positive Mental Attitude can also be likened as a philosophy and a way one approach life. Positive mental attitude is about positive thinking- which is a process of choosing positive emotions from stimuli in the environment and applying them. Habit of a positive mental attitude is the philosophy that having an optimistic disposition in every situation in ones life

attracts positive changes and increases achievement in any area of pursuit. A positive mental attitude creates a mindset of abundance, enthusiasm, and solutions instead of thinking about what can’t be done. A positive thinker will not be constrained by “ can and can not” A positive thinker is free to think of new ways to solve problems, because they are not limited by fear of failure. When we are in a state of abundance, we provide a fertile ground for possibilities and making dreams a reality. We are in a state of allowance, openly accepting the gifts of life to flow to us. It will interest you to know that when you upgrade your thinking habits miracles starts manifesting in many ways for you as a marketer and sales person. “successful men becomes successful only because they acquire the habit of thinking in terms of success” _________ Napoleon Hill “ men of success are men of secrets and men of secrets are men of positive attitude and knowledge hunters”____________ John G,Inyang

HABIT 8: ADAPTABILITY Time have changed, things aren’t what they used to be in intensity, speed, durability and return. Time factor has taken over everything, to the extent that the tyranny of it all is imposing. “What is not done now will never be done” but the reality is that what has change is our attitude and speed of thought, action and interaction. Everything is done in lesser time, because the capacity to communicate has improved rapidly. In this changing world, the Habit of Adaptability is a crucial habit every marketer and sales personal must possess in order to be

successful in this rapid changing world of business. ADAPTABILITY is the ability of an entity to alter itself or its responses to the changed circumstances or environment. Adaptability is the ability to learn from experience, in order to fit into the present conditions. Adaptability is an effective change in response to an altered situation. Following this definition, it presumes that to behave in an adaptable way, a sales person or marketer must recognize the need to change based on some current or future perceived alteration in the environment and change his or her behavior as appropriate. The habit of Adaptability is more than just serving change; it is using change as a growth opportunity. In fact with anticipation of change, you can control change. Understand that having the ability to adapt to new situations and unexpected changes is critical in today’s work place, because of rapidly developing technology, cultural and generational gaps and changing expectations from company managers and supervisors. As time passes and work environment and company and customers expectations changes, to remain efficient and effective, we need to be able to modify our behavior as well as our mindset, in order to increase our chances of success. We need to increase our adaptability power, and the good news is that the habit of adaptability can be developed and improved on. And when adaptability factor is in place, compatibility will never be a challenge, because ADAPTABILITY POWER IS KEY TO COMPATIBILITY SUCCESS. While compatibility is the ability to recognize the difference and uniqueness in people, sharing similarities and holding respect for differences. Adaptability is the power to maintain and function productively without exceptions the similarities and differences in people and places. HABIT 9: TIME MANGEMENT

Creating a daily time management habit is a great place to start your journey to unbridled success. Time is one of the most precious commodities that you must master, but sadly most of the marketers and sales personal either don’t know how or they get side tracked with distraction. Managing your time is an art from requiring persistence, will power, diligence, goal-setting along with consistency. Staying away from the countless distractions of the everyday rat-race is the ultimate goal and a required factor, yet most the marketers of today get pulled away into this vicious cycle. Its unfortunate that there are only 24 hours in a day for everybody, but it is ultimately within your own grasp to regulate how you use your allotted time. It is either you control your time or time will control you. “Success is not a destination; it’s a pattern of habitual behaviors”. By definition, Time Management: is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or productivity. HABIT 10: TRUSTFULNESS HABIT 11: GIVING AND SACRIFICING HABIT 12: EXCELLENCE You can place an order for complete version and volume 2 Call +2348067949917 or visit www.eruptconsulting.com

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