ERYICA Annual Report 2015

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annual report 2015

Copyright © ERYICA. All rights reserved.

annual report 2015


dear reader The 26th General Assembly of ERYICA approved a new format for its Strategic Plan for the period 2015–2017. The Strategic Plan and the Thematic Priorities of ERYICA guided the goal-oriented work of the Governing Board and the Secretariat in cooperation with its Members, Affiliated and Co-operating Organisations in 2015. Quality and quality assurance were in the centre of all strategic directions, as well as of the implemented activities. The aim of trainings, projects, goal-oriented cooperation and networking was to strengthen people’s understanding that receiving information, participation and empowerment play a significant role both in young people’s personal development and in their becoming independent in life. At the same time, the knowledge of youth information workers in various themes regarding young people’s social status and information needs were ensured and strengthened. The rise of various extremist movements and hate speech has affected also our Members’ work in different countries during the past year. This is a serious matter and concerns many young people globally. That is why it has been important that ERYICA has participated in conversations and various cooperative activities regarding these phenomena, for example the No Hate Speech Movement. I wish to thank the Secretariat and our Members for an active year, which also can be seen in this report. Our network members’ wide knowledge of youth work and youth policy has been such a resource that we have been able to count on while aiming to achieve our objectives. I wish to thank also members of the Governing Board and especially their background organisations for having had an opportunity also during the past year to utilise all the knowledge and work input provided by the members of the Governing Board for benefiting our whole network. Our report for the year 2015 also reflects ERYICA’s values well. I wish that this report is of wide interest for various actors along with our members.

Jaana Fedotoff ERYICA President



about... …Youth Information Generalist youth information and counselling services have been offered since 1960’s in more and more European countries. Young people who are in transition from childhood to adulthood are at a special and very important point in their lives. They have to make certain decisions that will have a significant impact on their future. The choices they make about their education, career paths and other parts of their personal lifestyle will define their lives. These autonomous first-time decisions need to be based on unbiased, complete and comprehensive information. The essential aim of youth information and counselling is to help guide young people in all aspects of their lives and in their autonomous decision-making. It builds on the fact that it is not possible to make a sound decision without knowing one’s options and alternatives. The online world made communication and search for information smoother, yet not easier. Years of getting questions and giving answers in a professional manner show that young people do need assistance in understanding how society works to make informed decisions that will shape their future. Youth information aims to: • provide reliable, accurate and understandable information, • give access to different sources and channels of information, • give an overview of the options and possibilities available on all relevant topics, • help young people sift through the information overload they face today, • ensure that young people are aware of all the rights and services available to them and that they know how to access them, • provide support in evaluating the information obtained and in identifying quality information, • guide young people in reaching their own decisions and in finding the best options open to them, • offer different channels of communication and dialogue in order to directly support young people in their search for information and knowledge, • contribute to the information literacy of young people.




The European Youth Information and Counselling Agency (ERYICA) is an independent European organisation, composed of national and regional youth information co-ordination bodies and networks. It works to intensify European and international co-operation in the field of youth information work and services. It aims to develop, support and promote quality generalist youth information policy and practice at all levels, in order to meet the information needs of young people and to apply the principles of the European Youth Information Charter. ERYICA is an international non-governmental, non-profit association, established on 17 April 1986 in Madrid, Spain. ERYICA is registered in the Grand-Duchy of Luxemburg, in accordance with the 1928 Luxemburg law on associations. In 2015, our network consisted of 24 Members, 6 Affiliated organisations and 4 Co-operating organisations in 27 countries.


the eryica framework ERYICA’s core framework documents are the European Youth Information Charter, adopted by the ERYICA General Assembly in 2004 and the Principles for Online Youth Information, adopted by the ERYICA General Assembly in 2009. They have been complemented by the Quality Management in Youth Information and Counselling – A Competency Development Framework in 2014.



strategic plan 2015-2017

Quality & Training

Research & Innovation

Participation & Empowerment

Policy & International Relations

A Strategic Plan is the course of action that guides the achievements of an organisation’s strategy and mission. The 26th General Assembly of ERYICA approved a new format of Strategic Plan for the period 2015-2017 with the objective of: • • •

Easing the definition of each annual Work Programme and ensuring that it follows the strategy; Facilitating the design, implementation, and monitoring of activities and projects; and Simplifying the preparation of measurable and comparable Activity Reports.

Therefore, ERYICA’s Strategic Plan does not only identify the priorities of the Agency, but it also guides the initiatives described in each annual Work Programme, which constitute the basis of the Activity Reports during this period. The present Activity Report is organised according to the Plan’s Strategic Directions, and presents the activities and projects developed in 2015 in line with this structure.

strategic plan 2015-2017


strategic direction 1: Quality and Training Quality youth information and counselling support services can only be achieved and ensured via trained professionals. The increasing emphasis on quality and quality assurance processes in formal and non-formal education at different policy-making levels inspires ERYICA’s commitment to strengthening and promoting the provision of quality youth information and counselling in Europe and beyond. Activities Organisation of training activities and courses Similarly to previous years, 16 ERYICA training courses were organised in 2015, in 7 countries. 206 participants received ERYICA certificates, having completed one of the following courses: YIntro • Rapla county, Estonia, 16-18 September and 21-22 October 2015 • Daugirdiškės, Lithuania, 5-9 October 2015 • Prague, Czech Republic, 5-8 November 2015 • Zagreb, Croatia, 10-14 November 2015 • Wales, United Kingdom: 4 courses during 2015 Digital YIntro • Daugirdiškės, Lithuania, 27-29 November 2015 Jimmy – Youth Information Mediator • Rovaniemi, Finland, 5 February & 5 May 2015 • Seinajoki, Finland, 16 February & 2 March 2015 • Mikkeli, Finland, 21 & 26 May 2015 • Ilmajoki, Finland, 28-29 September & 28-29 October 2015 • Pori, Finland, 7 & 27 October 2015 • Mikkeli, Finland, 29 October & 24 November 2015


Further fields of activities under this Strategic Direction included: • • • • •

Development of innovative training methods such as webinars; Revision of training material and development of new material; Creation of an active network of ERYICA trainers and a database; Promotion of the existing training material such as the Compendium and the Info-kit in countries willing to establish youth information and counselling services and where ERYICA has no representation; and Development of contacts with the formal education sector.

Projects – Erasmus+ Duration: 01/03/2015 – 30/06/2015 Coordination: Creativitas, Lithuania Partners: ERYICA, Youth Information Agency (BA), EgoMind (EE), Association of Youth Information Centres in Croatia (HR), Ventspils Youth council (LV), and ECOS - Cooperativa de Educação (PT) Aims • Improving quality of youth information work and expand the variety of methods used to deliver youth information and counseling services; • Providing youth information workers with competences needed for motivating, organising, facilitating and mentoring peer-to-peer groups in youth information and counselling work; and • Empowering youngsters to recognise information needs of their peers and provide them with skills to implement different information and counselling activities. Outcomes: recommendation on peer-to-peer youth information work.

strategic plan 2015-2017


YoMIM Training to Trainers – Erasmus + Duration: 01/10/2015 – 01/02/2016 Coordination: ERYICA Partners: Koordinaatti (FI), Solna Youth Centre (SE), Youth Board of Cyprus (CY), Zajednica ICM (HR), IPDJ (PT) Host: Youth Board of Cyprus Aims: • Preparing YoMIM Guides with the skills, knowledge and practical information required to support them in their role of providing quality information to young people on the move; • Ensuring YoMIM Guides understand the values and attitudes needed to perform their role; and • Enhancing the development and progression of the YoMIM network. Outcomes: The project trained 18 multipliers of the YoMIM training who are now members of the ERYICA Trainers’ Pool. In addition, participants created new methodologies and activities for the training manual and gave recommendations for the programme of the next Trainers’ Seminar.


strategic direction 2: Research and Innovation The effects of social and economic change on young people have a clear impact on the work of youth information and counselling professionals. This stresses the necessity to understand the ways in which theories of youth underpin youth policy implementation and youth work. In addition, the introduction of innovative ICT tools popular among young people is changing the nature and channels used to provide youth information and counselling services. Thus, youth information workers need to be aware of and familiar with new trends and technologies that influence and shape the sector. Activities Support the development of innovative services and the use of new ICT in order to meet the needs of young people The concept for the Developing Online Youth Information Trainings (DOYIT) project was discussed and conceived in 2015. It is expected to increase the outreach of the ERYICA training system by developing webinars/e-learning modules for some ERYICA training courses. Collaboration with Pool of European Youth Researchers (EU-CoE Youth Partnership) ERYICA is a member of the European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM), which aims to create a participatory space for exchange and cooperation between practitioners, researchers and policy-makers. The Agency is also a member of the EPLM Steering Group. In October 2015 a biannual conference took place in Istanbul. Identification of researchers on youth policy through dialogue with research institutes and higher education institutions Apart from the access to the Pool of European Youth Researchers, the MOVE project (see Projects) is based on research and it involves renowned researchers from several universities and research institutions throughout Europe. ERYICA’s participation in this initiative provides a good context to undertake these aims.

strategic plan 2015-2017


Dissemination of research findings affecting the youth information and counselling sector Via diverse communication channels ERYICA disseminated developments and achievements reached in the field of research and innovation relevant to youth work and youth policy. Participation in research projects and project proposals dealing with youth policy and addressing the Strategic Directions and Thematic Priorities of ERYICA In the course of 2015, ERYICA joined several project proposals in the framework of Horizon 2020. Projects Mapping mobility – pathways, institutions and structural effects of youth mobility in Europe (MOVE) – Horizon 2020 Duration: 01/05/2015-01/05/2018 Coordination: University of Luxembourg Partners: ERYICA, Universitat Hildesheim (DE), Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DE), Academia, De Studii Economice Din Bucuresti (RO), University of Miskols (HU), Hogskulen i Sogn og Fjordane (NO), Ilustre Colegio Nacional de Doctores y Licenciados en Ciencias Politicas y Sociologia (ES), European Research & Project Office (DE). Aims: The project aims at providing a research-informed contribution towards an improvement of the conditions of the mobility of young people in Europe and a reduction of the negative impacts of mobility through the identification of ways of good practice thus fostering sustainable development and wellbeing. The main research question is: How can the mobility of young people be ‘good’ both for socio-economic development and for individual development of young people, and what are the factors that foster/hinder such beneficial mobility? Six types of mobility are addressed in this research: higher education, voluntary work, employment, vocational training, pupil’s exchange and entrepreneurship.


strategic direction 3: Participation and Empowerment Engaging youth in decision-making is essential to their overall development and to ensure stable values-based and democratic societies. The concepts of ‘participation’ and ‘empowerment’ in the youth information and counselling context imply giving young people more control over their personal development and decisions. The extended use of innovative ICT tools among young people opens up interesting opportunities for increasing the participation of youth in decision-making processes. Activities Contribution to the activities organised by the EUth consortium See EUth in Projects. Participation in the #BePart seminar and planning the development of a training course in this field See #BePart in Projects. Participation in the No Hate Speech Movement meetings and support of the new campaign on this topic launched by the Council of Europe ERYICA is a partner and a proud supporter of the No Hate Speech Movement. The Agency is represented in the Followup Group of the Campaign and was equally represented at seminars of the Movement. News and developments were regularly published on our website, social media groups and newsletters, while direct communication to Members encouraged their participation in different actions. (See Strategic Direction 4). Contribution to the preparation of recommendations on young people’s access to rights drafted by the Council of Europe and promotion of the Kit on Access to Rights ERYICA was part of the drafting group that prepared recommendations to the governments of the Council of Europe members States to improve young people’s access to rights. The Kit on young people’s access to rights, published in cooperation with the Council of Europe in 2014, was further promoted and distributed. (See Strategic Direction 4).

strategic plan 2015-2017


Organisation of a call for Youth Ambassadors A project proposal was prepared under Erasmus+ to organise a Youth Ambassadors training. Projects Tools and Tips for Digital and Mobile Youth Participation in and across Europe (EUth) – Horizon 2020 Duration: 01/05/2015-01/05/2018 Coordination: Nexus - Institute for Cooperation Management & Interdisciplinary Research (DE) Partners: 11 partners from 8 European countries including IJAB. Aims: EUth will build a digital European youth participation platform to be tested and put at the service of administrations and youth organisations of any size and level to set up participative processes. EUth aims to increase the trust of European youth in Europe and political institutions by making European youth participation more attractive for all involved actors, and thus make it happen more frequently. In 2016 the project launches the first version of its youth e-Participation toolbox “OPIN”. It combines a multilingual online-platform with a mobile application and offers a wide range of assistance for initiators of youth e-Participation projects, both in terms of software and support.


#BePart – Erasmus+ Duration: 19/11/2015-22/11/2015 Coordination: De Ambrassade (BE) Partners: 13 partners from 7 European countries Aims: • Sharing good practices and experiences on e-participation; • Identifying the challenges and opportunities of implementing projects; and • Mapping needs for training and qualification in the field of e-participation. Outcomes: As a main outcome of the seminar, some participants showed interest in creating a network of organisations active in promoting youth participation. A video was also prepared summarising the outcomes and conclusions of the event.

strategic plan 2015-2017


strategic direction 4: Policy and International Relations The evolution of European policy-making strategies towards a more international scope (i.e. Erasmus+), calls for exploring new collaboration arenas at the international level. ERYICA aims at reinforcing and deepening its relationships and co-operation with a selected group of international institutions and partner organisations, while of course staying open to collaboration with other stakeholders. These relationships shall be based on the endorsement of common policy goals and priority areas, and the generation of a larger volume of collaborative activities, facilitating the emergence and development of synergies. Activities Council of Europe Meeting of the JCC: Tbilisi, Georgia, 3 December 2015 ERYICA activities with the Council of Europe have been developing within the framework of the Partnership Agreement that is being maintained through the work of the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC). One JCC meeting took place in 2015, joined with the Seminar on Youth Information and Counselling in Georgia. The meeting included the evaluation of the partnership’s activities and the planning for the events of 2016. CDEJ Meetings: 14-15 April, Budapest, Hungary & 12-14 October 2015, Strasbourg, France ERYICA is observer of the CDEJ (European Steering Committee for Youth), a statutory body of the Council of Europe that is co-managing the Youth activities and budget of the Department of Youth and Sport together, on an equal basis, with the Advisory Council on Youth. Meetings of CDEJ have been seized as an opportunity to discuss Youth Information development with responsible persons of the Ministries in charge of youth. Seminar on Youth Information and Counselling: Tbilisi, Georgia, 1-3 December 2015 Location: Tbilisi, Georgia Collaboration: ERYICA, Council of Europe and Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs of Georgia


Countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Georgia, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine Profile of participants: Governmental representatives, youth information workers, youth workers, representatives from youth information structures, and NGOs. Aim: This seminar, organised in the framework of the , aimed at finding synergies between governmental and nongovernmental actors in the field of youth policy in order to promote the establishment of quality youth information and counselling services and structures. With this seminar the Council of Europe and ERYICA wished to enforce their role by facilitating the strengthening of contacts with youth information stakeholders in Eastern Europe and Caucasus with the aim of enabling them to become part of the countries that provide youth information and counselling services, by levying on the possibility of networking and become acquainted with standard ways of youth information in Europe and in partner countries. Promotion of the Compendium on Youth Information and Counselling The Compendium, realised in cooperation of the Council of Europe and ERYICA in 2013, has been further promoted in a number of countries that are among the target ones of the publication. These include countries where the youth information field has its sprouts but faces challenges or countries where there is an intention to launch youth information and counselling services and the Compendium could facilitate this process. The main event in this process in 2015 was the Seminar on Youth Information and Counselling (see above). 2nd European Youth Work Convention ERYICA was invited to the Steering Group preparing the 2nd European Youth Work Convention, the major youth work event of the Belgian Chairmanship of the Council of Europe. As a partner of the event, ERYICA contributed to the preparatory process, and participated in the Convention and its evaluation as well.

strategic plan 2015-2017


No Hate Speech Movement (NHSM) ERYICA is a partner organisation of the No Hate Speech Movement and supports it through diverse means. The Agency has an observer seat in the Follow-up Group of the Campaign, takes place in events and seminars of the Movement, supports the European Action Days and provides promotion and dissemination activities throughout the year. Drafting Group of the recommendation on young people’s access to fundamental rights The recommendations provide a basis and opportunity for informing and underpinning the work of the youth sector for many years. The final recommendations were presented to the Joint Council on Youth in October and they were submitted to the Committee of Ministers in the end of 2015. Consultative meeting on the preparation of recommendations on the contribution of youth work to the education and inclusion of young people: Strasbourg, 7-9 December 2015 ERYICA was invited to take part in a Council of Europe consultative meeting on the preparation of recommendations on the contribution of youth work to the education and inclusion of young people. The recommendations will be based on the Declaration of the 2nd European Youth Work Convention. Other events and activities with the Council of Europe in 2015 were: • • •

Meeting the Director of Democratic Citizenship and Participation 5th Euro-Arab Youth Forum: Strasbourg, 2-5 September 2015 Seminar on youth policy and youth work
in the Russian Federation, Moscow 3-6 November 2015


European Union Cooperation with the European Union manifested in the following projects and events: Participation in the EU Youth Conferences as Observer • •

EU Youth Conference, Latvia, 23-26 March 2015 EU Youth Conference: Luxembourg, 22-24 September 2015

Erasmus+ and Horizon 2020 projects (see projects) Operating Grants 2015 and 2016 European Youth Week: High Level Panel Debate and Youth Projects Awards Ceremony, Brussels, 6 May 2015 2015 European Education, Training and Youth Forum: Brussels, 19-20 October 2015 S&D Conference: Erasmus+ Programme and its implementation: Brussels, 21 October 2015 Partnership between the EU and the Council of Europe in the Field of Youth Youth Participation in a Digitalised World: Budapest, 14-16 September 2015 European Platform on Learning Mobility (EPLM) meetings and conference Stakeholders ERYICA’s activities with stakeholders included cooperation with Eurodesk and the European Youth Card Association (EYCA), as well as with the European Youth Forum.

strategic plan 2015-2017


ERYICA is a member of the Europe+ alliance that targets strengthening democracy by intensifying the dialogue between EU institutions and civil society organisations. The Alliance counts 31 international and 14 national members. Other events and activities included: General Assembly of UNICA (Network of Universities from the Capitals of Europe): Brussels, 16 October 2015 Establishment of contacts with other stakeholders at the European and international level • • •

UNESCO World Youth Conference: Paris, 26-28 October 2015 Be Youth Worker Seminar: Barcelona, 24-27 November 2015 JINT FORUM: Brussels, 4 December 2015

Participants of the YoMIM Training of Trainers with their certificates (see page 13)


internal matters

internal matters


26th General Assembly (Munsbach, Luxembourg, 17-19 April 2015) The 26th General Assembly (GA) was hosted by the Centre national d’Information pour Jeunes (CIJ), Member Organisation of ERYICA. The agenda included the following main points: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Adoption of the Report of the 25th General Assembly; Presentation and approval of the Report of Activities 2014; Approval of the closed financial accounts 2014 and the forward budget of 2016; Release of Governing Board, Director and Acting Director for accounts, duties and responsibilities for the year 2014; Strategic Plan 2015-2017; Work Programme 2015; Modification of Statutes and Standing Orders; Review of ERYICA’s services to members; Presentation of stakeholders; Presentation of projects; Take the Floor – Project Fair; Thematic World Café; and Out-of-the-Box speech.

The 26th ERYICA GA convened 26 participants from 13 countries.


Governing Board The ERYICA Governing Board had its four annual meetings in 2015 in the following venues and dates: Meeting 53: Meeting 54: Meeting 55: Meeting 56:

Barcelona, Spain (8-10 January 2015); hosted by ACJ – Catalan Youth Agency Luxembourg (16-17 & 19 April 2015); hosted by CIJ Pirovac, Croatia (2-5 July 2015); hosted by Zajednica ICM Malta (29-30 October 2015); hosted by Aġenzija Żgħażagħ

The members of the Governing Board were: President: Sanja Vuković-Čović (Zajednica ICM, Croatia) Vice Presidents: Miriam Teuma (Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, Malta) Daniel Poli (IJAB, Germany) Treasurer: Sif Vik (Forum för Ungdomsinformasjonskontor, Norway) Members: Franck Chabriac (CIJ, Luxembourg) Claire Conlon (CIDJ, France) Jorge Orlando Queirós (IPDJ, Portugal) Hans Cools (Jong & Van Zin, Belgium) The Governing Board called for two language-cluster statutory meetings of ERYICA members, a French- and a Germanspeaking one. They took place as follows: • •

French-speaking meeting: Paris, 17 November 2015 German-Speaking Meeting: Vienna, 16 December 2015

internal matters

Members of the Governing Board and staff at the 57th Governing Board meeting in Tromsø, Norway, visiting the construction of the city’s new youth centre



Staff In 2015, the ERYICA Secretariat consisted of the following staff members: Eva Reina Director Imre Simon Members’ Services Manager Marie-Paule Kohn Accountant (until 31 May) Aurélie Lebreton Accountant (from 1 July) Internships at ERYICA Interns under the Erasmus Placement Programme continue forming an integral part of the ERYICA Team. Besides reinforcing ERYICA’s European identity and ensuring the involvement of young people in our everyday activities, the placement provides an opportunity for the trainees to get to know more about youth information and counselling services and at the same time gather work experience. In 2015, Barbora Bajtosova from Slovakia, Matej Zahradník from the Czech Republic, Petya Kulina from Bulgaria and Anna Bratek from Poland supported the activities of the Secretariat.

internal matters


Communication & Public Relations SHEryica By the end of 2015, SHEryica, the online platform for Youth Information workers, counted 580 registered members. These Youth Information professionals come from 37 countries and 290 Youth Information Centres. Social Media ERYICA’s social media interfaces were highly successful in 2015. The Facebook page counted a more than 50% increase of likes again, reaching 2,139 fans by the end of the year. Our posts were read 102,565 times, marking a 173% increase on a year earlier. These numbers reflect both a more intensive social media strategy and the publishing of tweets on the Facebook page since autumn 2015. ERYICA and SHEryica are both present on Twitter as well, with Facebook posts automatically promoted there and vice versa. The ERYICA account has 543 followers and SHEryica 185. Intranet The Intranet system is used for subscriptions, applications and registrations to ERYICA events, as well as all the evaluations of those. Furthermore, it fulfils an important role in the every-day functioning of the organisation, it stores all corporate documents and offers co-operative working interface and storage space for members as well. Liaison desk in Brussels Since November 2015, ERYICA has a liaison desk in Brussels at the premises of our Belgian Member Organisation, De Ambrassade, in order to ensure more frequent and accentual representation in the European capital and to be closer to our stakeholders. The arrangement means access to meeting rooms too, that all Member Organisations of ERYICA can benefit from, following prior consultation for availability with the Secretariat.


Communications Strategy In the course of 2015 the ERYICA Secretariat has analysed the existing internal and external communication tools and channels of the network. As a result, a new communications strategy will be finalised and implemented in the course of 2016. European Youth Information Day The 17th of April gave space to the activities of the European Youth Information Day. In 2015, the pop-up campaign “15 Shades of Youth Information� was launched, asking for 15-second videos explaining what youth information means to the speaker. Members were invited to submit videos, a compilation of which was screened at the closing session of the General Assembly. Most videos are also available on the Facebook page of the Youth Information Day. Apart from this initiative, Youth Information Centres traditionally organise activities with young people on this day and benefit from the promotion and visibility opportunity it represents.


membership By the end of 2015, ERYICA’s membership counted 24 Members, 6 Affiliated organisations and 4 Cooperating organisations in 27 countries.


Members Austria (1) Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos Address: c/o Schraubenfabrik, Lilienbrunngasse 18/2/41, A - 1020 VIENNA Phone: (43+1) E-Mail: Website: Belgium (5) Jong & Van Zin Address: Kipdorp 30, BE - 2000 ANTWERPEN Phone: (32+3) 336.99.99 E-Mail: Website: Infotreff Address: Gospertstrasse 24, BE - 4700 EUPEN Phone: (32+87) 74.41.19 E-Mail: Website:

De Ambrassade Address: Leopoldstraat 25, BE - 1000 BRUSSELS Phone: +32 (0) 2 551 13 50 E-Mail: Website: CIDJ - Centre d’information et de d ocumentation pour jeunes Address: Rue Saint-Ghislain 29, BE - 1000 BRUXELLES Phone: (32+2) 219.54.12 E-Mail: Website: FIJWB - Fédération Infor Jeunes Wallonie-Bruxelles Address: Rue Godefroid 20, BE - 5000 NAMUR Phone: +32 (0)81 98 08 16 E-Mail: Website:



Croatia (1)

Estonia (1)

AYICC - Zajednica informativnih centara za mlade u Hrvatskoj Address: Avenija Marina Držića 71/A, HR - 10000 ZAGREB Phone: +385 15 584 318 E-Mail: Website:

ENTK - Eesti Noorsootöö Keskus Address: Tõnismägi 11, EE - 15192 TALLINN Phone: +372 375 0389 E-Mail: Website: Finland (1)

Cyprus (1) Youth Board of Cyprus Address: 104 Athalassas Avenue, P.O. Box 20282, CY - 2024 NICOSIA Phone: +357 25392211 E-Mail: Website:

Koordinaatti – Nuorten tieto- ja neuvontatyön kehittämiskeskus Address: PL 66, FI - 90015 OULUN KAUPUNKI Phone: +358 (0)44 703 8216 E-Mail: Website:

Czech Republic (1)

France (1)

NUV - Národního ústav pro vzdělávání Address: Na Porici 1035/4, CZ - 101 00 PRAHA 10 Phone: +420 224.225.046 E-Mail: Website:

CIDJ - Centre d’information et de documentation jeunesse Address: 101 quai Branly, FR - 75740 PARIS CEDEX 15 Phone: (33) E-Mail: Website:


Germany (1)

Malta (1)

IJAB - Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. Address: Godesberger Allee 142-148, DE - 53175 BONN Phone: (49+228) 950.60 E-Mail: Website:

Aġenzija Żgħażagħ Address: St Joseph High Road, SVR 1012 SANTA VENERA Phone: +356 2258 6700 E-Mail: Website: Montenegro (1)

Ireland (1) Youth Work Ireland Address: 20 Lower Dominick Street, IRL - DUBLIN 1 Phone: +353 1 8584505 E-mail: Website:

Forum Mladi I Neformalna Edukacija (Forum MNE) Address: ul. Bratstva i jedinstva 4, ME - 81400 PODGORICA Phone: +382 69 319 889 E-mail: Website: Norway (1)

Luxembourg (1) CIJ - Centre Information pour Jeunes Address: 87, route de Thionville, L - 2611 LUXEMBOURG Phone: (352) E-Mail: Website:

Forum för Ungdomsinformasjonskontor Address: c/o Tvibit Youth Centre, Fredrik Langesgt. 29, NO - 9008 TROMSO Phone: (47+776) 978.66 E-Mail: Website:


Portugal (1) IPDJ - Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude Address: Departamento de Informação, Comunicação e Relações Internacionais Rua Rodrigo da Fonseca, nº 55 PT - 1250-190 LISBOA Phone: (351) 210 470 000 E-Mail: Website: Slovenia (1) MISSS - Mladinsko Informativno Svetovalno Sredisce Slovenije Address: Kunaverjeva 2 SI - 1000 LJUBLJANA Phone: (386+1) 510.16.75 E-Mail: Website: Spain (2) ACJ – Catalan Youth Agency Address: Carrer Calàbria, 147 baixos ES - 08015 BARCELONA Phone: +34 93 483 83 83 E-Mail: Website:


IAJ - Andalusian Youth Institute Address: C/Maese Rodrigo 1, ES - 41071 SEVILLE Phone: +34955035700 / +34955035708 Email: Website: Switzerland (1) Address: Sandstrasse 5, CH - 3302 MOOSSEEDORF Phone: +41 (0) 31 850 10 90 E-Mail: Website: United Kingdom (1) ProMo-Cymru Address: 18 Harrowby Street, UK - BUTETOWN CARDIFF, CF10 5GA Phone: +44 02920 462222 / 07970 662341 Fax: +44 02920 481331 E-Mail: Website:


Affiliated Organisations

Finland (1)

Andorra (1)

ALLIANSSI - Suomen Nuorisoyhteistyö Allianssi Address: Asemapäällikönkatu 1, FI - 00520 HELSINKI Phone: (358+20) 755.26.00 E-Mail: Website:

Departament de Joventud I Voluntariat del Govern d’Andorra Address: Prada Casadet, AD - 500 ANDORRA LA VELLA Phone: 00376 829 456 E-Mail: Website: Bosnia and Herzegovina (2) Omladinska informativna agencija BiH (OIA) Address: Ferhadija 28, BiH - 71000 Sarajevo Phone: +387 33 23 77 64 E-Mail: Website: Youth Council of Republic of Srpska (YCRS) Address: Stevana Mokranjca 2, BiH - 78000 Banja Luka Phone: +387 51 326 130 Email: Website:

Liechtenstein (1) aha - Tipps & Infos für junge Leute Address: Bahnhof, FL-9494 Schaan, LI - LIECHTENSTEIN Phone: 00423-239 91 17 E-Mail: Website: Turkey (1) GSM Youth Services Centre Address: Bayındır Sokak No: 45 / 9 Kızılay, TR - 06640 ANKARA Phone: +90 312 417 11 24 E-Mail: Website:



Cooperating Organisations

Sweden (1)

Albania (1)

Solna UngInfo Address: Solna UngdomsCafé, Huvudstagan 2, b, SE - 171 44 SOLNA Phone: +46 8 7050024 E-Mail: Website:

Youth Act Center Address: Frang Bardhi Str., AL - 1001 TIRANA Phone: +355 04 2430 333 Email: Website: Lithuania (1) LiJOT – Lithuanian Youth Council Address: Didžioji str. 8-5, LT - 01128 VILNIUS Phone: +370 5 279 10 14 E-mail: Website: Serbia (1) EDIT Center Address: Pap Pavla 7/122, RS - 21000 NOVI SAD Phone: +381638016538 Email: Website:


eryica at a glance December 2015: The outreach of the ERYICA Facebook account exceeds 100.000 in one year. May 2015: The first two Horizon 2020 projects start with the participation of ERYICA. December 2014: The third edition of the Good Practice in Youth Information booklet is published. June 2014: The Summer University on Youth Information and Counselling brings together 120 participants from 19 countries. December 2013: The Youth Information Starter Kit is available in 7 languages. September 2013: An ERYICA video opens the EU Youth Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania. June 2013: The Symposium on Youth Policy in South East Europe: the role of information and counselling takes place in Zagreb, Croatia. February 2013: ERYICA launches the Youth on the Move – InfoMobility (YoMIM) project, the goal of which is to innovate and enhance youth work in the field of mobility. July 2012: pilot of the 5th youth information training course of the ERYICA training system, the Advanced YIntro. April 2012: Launch of the Information Right Now! Campaign in partnership with the Council of Europe. June 2011: Publishing of Guide to Safety and Quality online. April 2011: 25th Anniversary Celebration of ERYICA in Opatija, Croatia. February 2011: Launch of JIMMY, the Youth Information Mediator project. September 2010: Colloquy “Bridging the Gap” organised with support of the Council of Europe in Budapest, Hungary, European Youth Centre. June 2010: Launch of Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)8 on Youth Information. December 2009: ERYICA launches SHERYICA, the Interactive Platform for Youth Information workers and adopts the Principles for Online Youth Information. January 2009: Launch of the “A Better Youth Information for New Times” project. December 2008: Launch of ERYICA’s first project Meet the Street. April 2008: ERYICA inaugurates the European Youth Information Day, on April 17th. November 2007: ERYICA together with the Council of Europe organises a colloquy on the Future of Youth Information in Europe in Budapest, Hungary. July 2007: ERYICA office moves to Luxembourg. April 2006: ERYICA celebrates its 20th anniversary and organises a European seminar on Youth Participation together with Eurodesk and EYCA in Vienna. November 2005: Policy statement on “Indicators for a National Youth Information Policy” is adopted in Ljubljana, Slovenia. September 2005: ERYICA organises the European Seminar on “Quality Matters in Information for Young People” together with Eurodesk and EYCA in Paris. November 2004: Updated version of the “European Youth Information Charter” is adopted in Bratislava. December 2001: ERYICA releases the Minimum Basic Training Course (MBTC) module for its training of Youth Information workers. November 2000: First ERYICA Governing Board is established. July 1999: ERYICA publishes its first study on “Generalist Youth Information in Europe in 1997”. December 1998: ERYICA launches the online version of Infomobil. April 1997: Council of Europe signs a Partnership Agreement with ERYICA. December 1996: 12 organisations in 8 countries constitute ERYICA’s initial partners. April 1995: European Colloquium (Marly-le-Roi, France) recommends the creation of a framework for European cooperation in the field of “generalist” Youth Information and counselling. April 1994: ERYICA registers as a non-profit making association in Luxembourg. December 1993: 4th ERYICA General Assembly in Bratislava, Slovakia adopts the European Youth Information Charter. May 1991: ERYICA publishes the “European Directory of Youth Information Centres”: 471 centres in 18 countries. February 1990: Committee of Ministers (Council of Europe) adopt Recommendation 90/7 on “Information and Counselling to be Provided to Young People in Europe”.May 1988: 1st ERYICA General Assembly (Pomezia, Italy). August 1987: ERYICA registers as a non-profit-making association in Amsterdam. June 1987: ERYICA launches first “Guides for Young Visitors”, booklets containing practical information about European countries to promote youth mobility. April 1986: Founding of ERYICA in Madrid, Spain as the result of a constitutive Meeting.

european youth information and counselling agency

eryica a.s.b.l.

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