Eryn Young Architecture Portfolio Syracuse School of Architecture Fall 2016
Exercise 1 Page 3 Exercise 2 Pages 4-10
Exercise 3 Pages 11-16
Exercise 4 Page 17 Exercise 5 Pages 18-23 2
Exercise 1Planar Elements
Within this assignment, I used foamcore, basswood sticks, and insulating foam to produce 3� cubes. Each cube reflects the properties of the material utilized, whether it be planar for foamcore, linear for sticks, or foam for volumetric.
Linear Elements
Volumetric Elements
Exercise 2As I began exercise 2, I started to elaborate on each of the materials explored within the 1st exercise. Each cube had to portray a specific formal operation and as I produced more iterations, I started to work specifically with the operations shift and overlap. To show those operations, I began to use a modular system, which becomes evident within my later models.
Final 9� Model
Foam Study Models
Stick Study Models
Foamcore Study Models
Stick and Foamcore Study Models
Final 9” Cube Unfolded Elevation
Final 9” Cube Section/Plan
Final 9” Cube
Exercise 3.1The first component of exercise 3 required me to orthographically draw the Newhouse lll building in Syracuse. The exercise created a better understanding of scale and movement, which are concepts that are then focused on throughout the rest of the exercises.
Newhouse lll Elevation/Sections/Plan
Exercise 3.2As a build off of exercise 2 and 3.1, I then had to modify the ideas in my final 9� cube to portray the concepts of scale and movement. In the modification, I incorporated scale and movement in order to allow human movement through the piece. As I had to build from my exercise 2 model, I kept the same two formal operations, shift and overlap, and used the same module to design my new inhabitable structure.
Study Models 11
Final Model
Final Model Perspectives
Final Model
Exercise 3.3Using the design from excercise 3.2, which exemplified scale and movement, exercise 3.3 required me to also incorporate context. Context was created through a group collaboration in which it was required that the four designs were situated within the same space, working together to create an appealing and unified site. In order to do so, we used the planar nature of each of the buildings to create an imaginary plane that would flow all the way accross the site and give the overall idea that the buildings are built as an extension from one another.
Final Model Plan/Sections
Final Group Site Model
Exercise 4Inocorporating formal elements, formal operations, scale, movement, and context, exercise 4 served as a culmination of all the concepts previously utilized. In the exercise, I had to do a case-study analysis of the House of Fontinha, which was designed by Manuel Aires Mateus. As I analyzed the building, I wanted to emphasize movement and the formal operation of carve in my drawings, so both my diagrams and my axonometric show the two ideas, while still showing the scale and context through the other drawings.
Exercise 5In exercise 5, I was tasked with designing a studio for a performance artist. I chose to shift the floors to fulfill the ideas motivating my project. In doing so, it created areas under the building for public performances and it also split the floor to create a division of the public space, which was in the center, and the private space that was situated on the outside of those public areas. Also, the shifting of the floors made it so only one floor was lit during each part of the day, creating a different natural spotlight for the artist depending on the time of day.
Prelimnary Drawings 17
Study Models 1/8� Scale 18
Study Model With Site 1/8� Scale
Study Model 1/4� Scale
Final Model
Final Model and Drawings
Final Model