Leeds College of Art BA (Hons) ILLUSTRATION OUIL603 Extended Practice
Credits 60
STUDIO PRACTICE Project Proposal Name Blog Address Emaunel Santos e-santos-gandhi1316sp.blogspot.co.uk Date 24/1/2016 Rationale I want to produce a fully screen printed concertina fact book about astronomy, paying particular attention to the planets in our solar system. I want to do this as I feel it will be a real test of my screen printing ability which I’ve been trying to improve over the course of the year. Additionally, I’m really interested in astronomy and think it would be an enjoyable research task to undertake, making me even more motivated to follow through with the project. I’ve always been quite interested in book binding and making but haven’t really done it much since starting my degree, so getting on with it now would be a good idea. Themes / Subjects Astronomy: Planets, stars, miscellaneous facts about space Book design: concertinas Audience / Context From young children who want to learn about astronomy to older audiences that appreciate good illustration/print. Gift givers to the primary audience.
Products / Methods of Distribution
Screen printed concertina book to be sold in shops. Several hand pulled editions can be made with more possibly being printed digitally to increase the product range. Practical Skills / Media / Formats 4-‐colour CMYK Screen printing Concertina-‐making, including thicker covers for use as dust jackets Additional Project Information The aim is to produce at least two hand pulled versions of the concertina, and then at least one digital version in order to see how the product could be distributed en masse.
Contextual References http://nobrow.net/shop/space-‐race/ Space Race by Tom Clohosy Cole -‐ A Nobrow concertina that tells the story of the Cold War Space Race http://nobrow.net/shop/beyond-‐the-‐surface-‐2/ Beyond the Surface by Nicolas Andre Another concertina that looks like it has more of a screen print aesthetic. http://cargocollective.com/stephendidonato/Kickstarter-‐Beyond-‐Earth Beyond Earth by Stephen Di Donato A series of posters about the planets in our solar system in a highly illustrative vector style. http://evelloydknight.com/Pedestal-‐screen-‐printed-‐book Pedestal by Eve Lloyd Knight A screen printed book with dust jacket and fold-‐out poster. Have e-‐mailed her asking what stock she used http://www.creativereview.co.uk/cr-‐blog/2016/january/other-‐worlds-‐how-‐artist-‐michael-‐ benson-‐uses-‐nasa-‐data-‐to-‐create-‐beautiful-‐images-‐of-‐the-‐solar-‐system/ Michael Benson’s enhanced images of the solar system for reference imagery.
Solar System’s planets Details Research the key characteristics and details of each planet in the solar system and begin to write out short key facts that will be in the concertina RESEARCH ACTIVITY: Deadline Drawing planets Details Draw the planets, investigate the most suitable tone of voice for the book to take RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Investigate CMYK screen printing Details Figure out how it works and how I’ll print planets with it. RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Research other misc. space facts Details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3bCoGC532p8 Chris Hadfield is an astronaut who has made videos about how to do normal everyday things in space. I want to see if there’s any to include these interesting and fun facts in the book RESEARCH ACTIVITY Deadline Details
BOOKS / TEXTS - (Harvard Refernced)
PERRY, M. (2011) Pulled: A Catalog of Screen Printing. New York: Princeton Architectural Press WILLIAMSON, C. (2013) Low-‐Tech Print: Contemporary Hand-‐Made Printing. London: Laurence King Publishing Ltd. LUPTON, E. (2008) How to design and print your own book. New York: Princeton Architectural Press. MAGAZINES / JOURNALS / ARTICLES – (include publication date and details) ON LINE REFERENCES / WEBSITES / ARTICLES (include specific urls) http://solarsystem.nasa.gov NASA’s solar system sub site with information and images. http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science/space/solar-‐system/ National Geographic on the solar system http://www.space.com/56-‐our-‐solar-‐system-‐facts-‐formation-‐and-‐discovery.html More solar system facts OTHER REFERENCE MATERIAL (Films, events, exhibitions, conferences) Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey – 2014 Scientific documentary programme for TV.
ACTION PLAN – use this section to identify specific tasks that you need to complete in order to resolve the brief. Brief What do you need to do? 1 2
BA (Hons) Illustration - Level 06 OUIL603 Extended Practice STUDIO PRACTICE
Project Proposals
10 steps to producing persuasive project proposals
1. Set clear aims and objectives 2. Be SMART (Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Realistic , Time Conscious) 3. Use words from your brief 4. Justify the need for your proposal
5. Describe your audience 6. Describe your motivations 7. Consider the reader 8. Eliminate vagueness 9. Visualise the ending 10. Assume nothing