Name: Emanuel Santos Blog: Module: OUIL504 Responsive Brief: Syfy UK
To produce a series of web advertisements to promote Syfy. These imgaes will feature a spaceship that will appear in several sci-fi-esque landscapes. PRODUCT: A series of animated web banners based on 3 landscapes AUDIENCE: 18-25 year old sci-fi fans, both male and female TONE OF VOICE: The dramatic sci-fi artwork seen in a lot of the concept art by people like Ralph McQuarrie. Serious tone of voice that will suit the demographic and impactful nature of the greatest sci-fi programs CONTEXT: Will exist online ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/CONSIDERATIONS: The spaceship will feature the Syfy logo somewhere on its body to promote the brand MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS: Must not alter the Syfy logo or the "Imagine Greater" slogan DELIVERABLES: Banners in as many of these standardized web banner formats as possible.
Name: Emanuel Santos Blog: Module: OUIL504 Responsive Brief: Syfy UK
CONTEXTUAL REFERENCES The dramatic landscapes typical of sci-fi are my obvious sources of inspiration. I find that these 3 artists exemplify the aesthetic: Ralph McQuarrie Wayne Haag Gary Tonge
Name: Emanuel Santos Blog: Module: OUIL504 Responsive Brief: Syfy UK
ROUGHS These are rough pencil sketches of what I want the landscapes that the spaceship will fly through to look like.
Name: Emanuel Santos Blog: Module: OUIL504 Responsive Brief: Syfy UK