I experimented with gouache to create a more complex composi5on and concept. I really like the aesthe5c that gouache provides and this trio of colours was a happy accident of mixing. I think introducing the flat black acrylic as well really makes the images pop, and the whole thing feels a bit more original than what I have been making thus far.
Stripping back the shapes a bit as per the Modernist idea of reduc5onism. I think this one captures a lot of mo5on with the arrangement of the few shapes there are. It’s proving hard to find a medium of how much to reduce.
Mixing gouache and cut out for the black ‘void’
Using blocks of colour to represent the city, as it is a key feature found in Modernist works.
Filling the white space with black to make the image pop and using a taller composi5on. Really happy with how this turned out, though it was 5me-‐consuming. I will try and do more and work to a larger scale in order to make it easy to paint in between the narrow bits