Techniche HypeKewl Dog Cooling 21036

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TIPS AND TRICKS From Kit and Kaboodle

Techniche® HyperKewl Cooling Doggie Mats and Vests Thanks for ordering the HyperKewl Doggie Cooling Mat or Cooling Vest. Kit and Kaboodle, the primary testers in the Esafetystore Research and Development Department, are here to give you a few beagle tips on how to get the most out of your vest.

Hi, I’m Kaboodle. They call me Boo Boo.

Kaboodle’s Canine Tip:

How to Get the Most Out Of Your Doggie Mat or Vest: 1. Put the HyperKewl Doggie Cooling Mat or Cooling Vest into a bowl of cold water. Or maybe fill the sink and use that. It takes about 30 minutes to plump up (that’s the cooling fibers saturating). 2. Once you take the HyperKewl Doggie Cooling Mat or Cooling Vest out of the bowl, you can brush off some of the excess surface water, but keep in mind that plenty of water is still contained in those cooling fibers inside the Mat or Vest. It’s those cooling fibers filled with water that keep your doggie cool, so don’t try to wring the HyperKewl product out. The more water in the cooling fibers, the longer the cooling effect lasts. 3. HyperKewl Doggie Cooling Mats and Vests are made of a quilted nylon, so excess water may bead up, and the Mat or Vest might feel wet at first. Personally (it’s Kaboodle talking), I get a little agitated when drops of water get on me, so I have my owner wipe the Mat or Vest down with a dry cloth so it’s dry on the outside. The Mat or Vest still feels nice and cool but those nasty drips are taken care of.

If you stick the soaked Mat or Vest in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, the excess water begins to evaporate. It won’t feel so wet, but it will have super-cooling power! Also, the outside of the Mat or Vest will be wet but the underside, the part of the Vest next to my back will be drier. I don’t much care about a little wetness, it’s hot and my black saddle back really soaks up the sun. Besides that, I overheat pretty quickly and I don’t want to get heat exhaustion.

4. The Mat or Vest stays hydrated for a few days and you can reactivate it quickly. Better yet, you can put in the refrigerator to keep cold for the next day. 5. Washing the Mat or Vest should be done by hand with a mild soap. Then just hang to dry. You can reuse your HyperKewl product thousands of times.

Hi, I’m Kit. They call me Kit Kit.

Let me say that my sister Boo and I LOVE THIS Product! Official rating from R & D beagles Kit and Kaboodle….4 Paw Rating. Only because it’s hard to give 5 paws for anything except if it comes with a TREAT! (That, and the fact that we don’t have 5 paws!)

877-800-3723 •

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