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Let Your Smile Shine

Dr.Safi Quraishi (MDS – Orthodontics) and Dr. Sana Roohi (Cosmetic Dental Surgeon), the power couple behind one of Hyderabad’s finest dental hospital – The Dental Room. The dynamic duo shares a common passion for making a sustainable difference in the quality of life by providing the best dental care with complete patient satisfaction. They are young and are trained in newer technologies with state-of-the-art equipment. Dr. Safi leads the way in cosmetic dental makeovers using braces and Invisalign Orthodontics. And they are here to answer some of the most common dental queries.


What are cavities? How to prevent them? Dental caries is the damage done to a tooth when decay-causing bacteria in your mouth make acids that attack the tooth surface. The most obvious tip to prevent cavities is to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush twice daily, floss between your teeth, and use a fluoridated mouthwash. Also, you can get sealants placed on your chewing teeth by your dentist. Sealants protect the vulnerable areas of your tooth by ‘sealing out’ food and plaque.

Why are cavities caused even after brushing twice daily? Your tooth anatomy, saliva consistency and diet play a key role in cavity formation. If you have crowded teeth, or receding gums, it’s much harder for a brush to access these areas. If you are constantly snacking throughout the day, harmful sugars stay in your saliva for a longer time. And saliva washes away plaque and neutralises harmful acids. If you have a dry mouth, your teeth are more likely to decay.

Do chocolates really cause cavities? Eat all day – Get decay! Not just chocolates, but sticky candies, carbohydrates and acidic drinks breakdown into sugars which cause the bacteria to release acids which damage tooth enamel. Frequent snacking throughout the day worsens this scenario as they cause repeated acid attacks as we keep munching.

Are wisdom teeth extractions necessary? Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the very back of our mouth. Often, wisdom teeth don’t have the space to grow properly and end up creating problems for your other teeth, which manifest as pain, gum disease or extensive tooth decay. In such cases, it’s mandatory to undergo wisdom tooth extractions. How can we improve teeth colour? Scaling or professional cleaning every 6 months will remove surface stains, making your teeth appear whiter. Once your teeth have been thoroughly cleaned, talk to your dentist about whitening treatments like bleaching. They instantly brighten your pearls by 2-4 shades. Also, limit the food that makes your teeth to stain like tea or coffee. Smoking or any use of tobacco should be avoided.

What is Root Canal Treatment? And when is it done? Root canal treatment is designed to eliminate bacteria from the infected root, prevent re-infection and save the natural tooth. Pain is one of the main indicators that something is wrong with the root of your tooth. Pain may or may not be accompanied with a severely decayed tooth, a cracked tooth, or swollen gums.

How often should one see a dentist? To keep your teeth and gums healthy, have regular check-ups and professional cleaning every 6 months. During the dental check-up, your dentist will check your overall oral health for any trouble areas that you may not see or feel.

Are dental treatments safe during this pandemic? Ensure that your dental clinic is equipped with fumigation systems having indoor air cleaning filters. The instruments should be thoroughly sterilised according to the guidelines. The staff should be equipped with disposable PPE’s and a complete patient screening including antigen tests on their arrival is to be done. With the above precautions and care, dental procedures involving pain, infection and trauma can be carried out. However, cosmetic procedures are not the need of the hour.

What is the best age for braces? Braces are most often prescribed during 9-14 years of age while the bones of the head and mouth are still growing and teeth are more conducive to straightening. Adults are also getting braces more frequently. In fact, 20 percent of people with braces today are adults. Technically, you’re never too old for braces

When are braces necessary? Symptoms that can indicate you need braces include teeth that are crowded and crooked, spaces between your teeth or having extra teeth. Also, teeth that don’t close over each other and teeth which are forwardly placed give an unaesthetic appearance and require braces. Braces have oral-health benefits beyond cosmetic reasons.

How do you know if your child may needs braces?

A child’s habits have a lot to tell if he/she may require braces in the future. Some signs include breathing through the mouth, thumb sucking, using a pacifier, and early or late loss of baby teeth.

Do orthodontic treatments relapse? The day your braces come off, you are provided with retainers and instructions on how to wear them. Any irresponsibility while wearing them, gives rise to a potential relapse. Another reason why teeth relapse is that they aren’t yet fully fixed in their new places properly. So ensure you get your orthodontic treatment done only by a boardcertified Orthodontist.

What are invisible braces? Clear aligners are a virtually invisible and removable alternative to braces. With clear aligners, there are no brackets to come off or wires to break and poke. Clear aligners can be removed for eating, drinking and special events also making it easier to brush and floss. Also, you need not visit the dentist monthly for adjustments. This makes it very popular amongst adults who are constantly travelling and also for the appearance-conscious who don’t want to flash a metal smile.

How to take care of bleeding gums? Bleeding gums are the most common symptom of gum disease. Deep scaling twice a year with your dentist, and having a diet rich in Vitamin C and K shall reduce it.

Dentistry is a wonderfully satisfying profession. And at The Dental Room, we are driven to achieve happy smiles through complete safety and satisfaction. For any dental queries or appointments, call 8142949594. You can also reach through Facebook or Instagram. The Dental Room, Sabza Colony, Tolichowki.

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