2 minute read


Leif Johnson

It’s that time of the year again… Time to go back to school! Like most of us this tends to be an exciting time of the year if not a bit stressful. For my son, it seems like the transition back to a regular schedule and waking up early for school does create some mornings in which we ’ re scrambling to get out of the house.

So, years ago I came up with a mini muffin recipe that my son, Diego, absolutely loves. It’s made mornings a little easier as we can just grab a few muffins and milk and we ’ re out the door! The fact that I was able to sneak in a bit of Greek yogurt and veggies, by way of baby food puree, makes me feel better than the sugared cereal he usually enjoys eating. He seems to focus on the fact that they have chocolate chips and doesn’t even know about the other goodies hidden in this recipe. And for my schedule, I can make a batch of these muffins and there’s breakfast for the next couple weeks! Truly a win / win situation.

Please enjoy and good luck with everyone ’ s back-toschool adventures!


1 ½ C – Flour

2/3 C – Sugar

¾ Tsp – Baking soda

¾ Tsp – Baking soda

¼ Tsp – Salt

1 Egg

1 C – Vanilla Greek yogurt

5 Tbsp – Melted butter

1 Tsp – Vanilla extract

1 C – Semi-sweet chocolate chips

1 Jar – Baby food, pureed carrots


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray with non-stick spray or line mini muffin pan with baking cups.

2. In large bowl, mix flour, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, and salt

3. In a separate bowl, mix egg, yogurt, butter, baby food and vanilla. Beat well.

4. Add wet ingredients to dry until just combined.

5. Gently fold in chocolate chips.

6. Fill muffin tins.

7. Bake 10-12 mins (for mini muffins) / 14-18 mins for regular size muffins.

Fitness Update

Ryan Austin

It’s that time of year again! School starts this month and everyone ’ s “busy” season kicks into high gear. Between school, fall activities and work commitments it is easy to let your health and fitness slip down the priority list Here are a few tips to help manage your life when your schedule revs into high gear…

Wake up earlier. Even 15 or 20 minutes each day can add up and make a big difference in your week

Schedule your work outs and do your best to stick to them or hire a trainer to keep you accountable. Knowing someone is waiting for you at the gym can be a great motivator

Go for a walk outside to clear your head and organize your thoughts

Keep a regular sleep schedule

Maintain a healthy balanced diet

Drink lots of water

Join a class and connect with others in a fun, healthy environment. You will be more likely to stick with activities that involve other people.

The biggest tip of all though is to keep going and not quit regardless of how difficult things may get. Consistency is the most important factor for staying healthy and maintaining a positive outlook on life.

If you are interested in joining one of our amazing group classes or want to meet with a personal trainer please contact me at raustin@theriverclub-ga.com

Yours in Fitness,

The River Club Wellness Team

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