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·r 1962
1e at Salve Regina is by the observance of ·e's own religious, social, •idual traditions. Added .ate routine is a varied 1 e which fills the pres weeks with a combined reverence, joy, charity, will.
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VoL 14, No. 2
Salve Regina Coll ege, Newport, R. L
Sophomore Fall Dance Counted A Success Th e m embers of the Soplmm D·re C lass a nn o unc ed th eir f all Datlc(~ , the N:; vcmber N cc turnc, held on Saturday, N u·vc mb ::: r 1\, .ts su ccess fuL Th e affair beg:~n at the Cliff \V :d k M.tn o r, a fav o ri te N :: w po rr r-e staura nt, wh e re the couple s wer·e se rv·cd a bu ffet dinn e r fr om 6:) 0 p. rn. to S: :'\0 p. m. At 9 o'cl ock , t he music of T o ny A bbot t iss ued fo rth in the Gr eat H :dl c f O chr e C o urt. Th e Hall , deco rat·e d in :wrurnn colc rs, w.ts in k eeping w it h tl~-e dan ce's Fa ll th em e. The prog ra ms w :: rc al s:1 au tumn:JI in n:Jte. In rh:: shap e cf mapl e leav es, rh ey were o f a ch es rnut br, nv n tone. During rhe dance, refreshments were se rv ed in t h :e Srare Dinia>; R :;cm wh ere rhe invited guests wer e introdu ced ro the srud·e nts and rh r: ir dares.
The succ·ess of rhi s dan ce is 0\\ cd t<) rhe co-ope r,tt ion of rhc entire S c:.ph :: m ~~ re Class and e spec iall y ro Sue Mailloux, Chairm an , Loui se I3oui:t y. C o-Chairman a nd to th e class m oder..wr , Si ster .M:try N o rber t.
Seniors Plan For Winter Dance " \Xlinrer Fantasi a", th e lw li day dan e<:, ~pn n sured by rh ~ S·~ ni :J r C: :tss fe r rh e e nt ire srud e nr b od y, will b e h eld at rh::: M era ccm e r C c untr y C lu b in R iversid e, R. I. o n Janu ar y o. 1\lrhou g h cc rn ple rc arran gem e n ts luv :: no: yer b ee n nud e, Sue Gibbs, chairrn .tn . and Par l'vfcCann,t, co-c h , tirm :l~l, assi sted by J ean Brennan , ti ckers, H ·:: le n M ur p hy, pu b lic ity , Mar y Co nn o ll y, rdr ::sh rn ~ nts, and Ann J\lfary Sw ee ny, orc hcsr r.t , ar c wo rking on p Lms f. ~ r a success ful dan ce. This is rh e o nly college-s.po nsmcd . off-ca mpus tLtn ce o f rh e year and is J:.oing h t> ld fo r all students. A delinir·e ti cker pri ce and orher infu rma t i(Jil will b e ava il ab le soon.
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Yule Conce rt Cited Th e Salve Regina Gl.ee C lub w ill O [~e n irs co ncert sea;:on wirh a join t "s ing" wirh Boston Coll-ege o n D cc:: m be r ! ci. The co nce rr will be h<:i d in t he Great H a ll. C. A lexand er Peloq uin will t.: l'lldu cr rh c _!!ro ups in :1 pwgra m wh ich centers .tro und caro ls and fo lk mu si,: fr o m France, Buzil. Ge rm.m y a nd Am eri ca. Nancy Rubino , Preside nt of <"!1e Gl ~ e C lub anticipates the inrroducri<ln uf a small gro up o f clw r:d ids fr o m th e club. They will b e selen :cd on ,t basis of ul f nt. M os r o f the musi c will be s~tng in t he native Lm g uage o f rh c COL!n'~ tr y from whi ch th e respecti ve so n g~ ,1rc r.tk en. Silent N ig !J t w i II b e pr t senr ed in G e nnan :1s a n :1ddecl featur e. Schuberr·s Mass w ill b~~
Conventions Noted Nancy Leo nard, N. S. A. dcleg.ttc, Patri c ia Silva, Srud enr Guvernmcnr Presid ent and Catherine Foye, rcprc sc m cd Salve R egina College .tr rh :: rece nt N. S. A. Co nventioa held at Nor t hcas re nt U niv c rsi tv in Bosto n , .M .tss. The C o nv e nti o n , one in a se ries rhar will be h eld ro .acqu a int m embe r w lle g es wirh rhe aims and functi o n o f N . S. A. was hel d fr om Frid :ty. N cv· ~ m be r 17 ro Sunday, Novembe r 19. Th e prog r.tm o f rh e co nv enti o n includ ed speakers , discu ssions and workshops whi ch e n:tbl ed ddeg.n es ro di sc uss id eas and poli c ies. C ath e rin e Fo ye who is regi onal Vi ce Presid ent o f the I. R . C. will also b e in attendan ce at rhe vari o us l. R. C. co nv enti o ns ro be held in rh t' Bosw n ar ea during the course of rh e se m es te r. A ll th ose in rcre sred in kee ping in close conu cr wirh the curre nt new s fr cm b o rh rh ese national orga ni zatio ns should consult any of the men (io11ed delegates.
[aria Regina Sodality's :hristmas party for un!ged children in Newport the most rewarding of n 's projects. All students ~d to share with the So~ mbers the joy of givin~ buting gifts of toys and for 30 young guests. At y, held in Mercy Hall he second week of DeSalve Regina's "fairy ~rs" enchant the children 1rogram of delights and , and are, in turn, amply I by the excitement and s mirrored in the eyes of le visitors.
:;JTc red . Aar o n C ope l.tnd 's w o rk and ct pi ec::: from Fn1sr ian a by Rancl:dl T hc mpso n ,,·ill r eprese nt Ame ric's co ntr ibuti o n. Si sr:::r M .try Ros in a, R.S.M. is d ir ccto r of rhe club.
Juniors Plan Ball The members o f the Junior CL1s3 began p.i(u1ning th e ir tr.1dit ion:1l Ring D ance by elect ing Shyla Sulliva n a nd G erry Su uscl as co-c h.tirm cn. Shyl:1, an En g li sh m a j,Jr, is from \ V.tte rbury, Co nn. and Gerry, al so a n En g li sh m.tj o r, River , M ass.
't he da n ce is to be he ld on the fi rst Sa turday in }.tf,trch in rh t Grear l-l :dl of O chre C o urt. Th e Class will
Ebb Tide Eats Humble Pic The f. lib Tide staff w is hes ~" ap o log iz·e ro th e Da y-Ho ps for fa il ing to r ccogni Le rh em in o ur Lt' t issue. We suggest th. tr rhc: y b ri n ~ new swo rth y items ro rhe :me n tion d rh c sraff m emb ers. Jn this \\' ,1\' , rh ey will b e assured o f acc ura ;c n o ri cc. If any day-h op would like to b,; :; n rhe staff, she should co n u cr either rhe co-editors or t he p :t,\;C cdi ro rs. \Ve ar e an t icipa t ing d ay hop co-operation.
r ece ive rh::: ir rin gs on rh e day prec-::.di ng t he d .t nce ;tt t he R ing C e::tmon y, ;J is:J held in rh c G rea t H .1ll. FL1ns .tre be i n,l! m ade fo r rh c vari o us C: l'cnts :Jf rh ::: w<:e ke nd .
NOTICE f.bb Tide ro sponsor curre nt eve nts qu estio nn ai r e.
Jlemnity of the Advent l kept in focus by ob.h e ceremony of lighting ent Wreath. Beginning freshman class on the .day evening, each group s in the Great Hall to week with the simple, ·e prescribed prayers and the candle which sym1e coming of the Light )rid. The Advent Wreath .a! beauty is fashioned mted by Home Econom1ts. ht procession 1teful elegance of Salve's ng room is an appropritg for the annual Holly ay faculty members are Jests and are feted by td junior resident stu.he name of the student iitional Noel festivities :hrough the week in all halls. ~iately, the m erriment feasting is replaced by solemnity as the stu.icipate in the traditioncandlelight procession. g in the upper balconies, garbed in caps and d c a r r y i n g lighted roceed down the broad tircase to the darkened I. Highlight of the cerethe placing of a wax the prepared creche. r traditionally belongs ~si dent of the student , this year, is Marie B e f o r e the creche, e lighted by each class o represent the homage ! Infa nt King by every nian. rd - bound s t u d e n t s they share in the three Eve Masses which eli! Regina's observance birth.
Controversial Comments You un look :; ver someJne's shoulder ro catch a he,dlme uf th e p.t}'Lr ycu !1.1v en'r boughr. You can even nud v:tgu·tly wh en yout "cLue· · gets uu ried .tw.ty e n the sub jeer o f the Casrro regim e in Cuba. Uur are you ~l•ng true ro yourself? Jn orher words, are you aware of the w(; rld :Hound you ;· \'<le rangk: with trivia, scmc:rimes. W e surrou11d ourselves with private w:Jr!ds nf cl.tss ass ignmen ts, wc·e kends and clorhcs. Bur the culrivarirm of rhe kn owl·edgc: of world, Jl)61 is le ft in the dusr. \Ve are content with trun cate.! n-c ws rep orts and snatches of conversation. Jf a questi onaire were issutd to rest cu rrent :d'f.tir aw:n·~ n t ss, a few of rhc: qutsti (; ns would prob.1bly be: Do you read a reliable n~w nugazinc at le.tst once a wl·tk l Do you li sten ro one r eli able n e w~ rc:ptJrt every dav ; ( e.g .- T c -lay 1 Ha ve you read at le.1st c ne bo(; k a month by o ne •J f {; ur pr:Jmim:nt poli tical l:::tders or thinkers) Could yo u discuss intelligently at least a few of rhe ca uses .tnJ eJf.::::·ts of some o f the explosive situ:uions in the world t.Jd.ty! (e.g.--the Uerl in cr isis) A "y es" w these is indicative of an aw.tre person . True, rh:: college student is pressed for time. l3ur someday the college classro:; m will cc.ts.: to protect us . Thtn we: will become, by our cho ices, a c:c:rratn sp:::cies of American, eith er the viral thinker or th e apathetic fr eelo.tdtr wh om every o ne wishes would buy his own p:~per.
"STUDJ:'I\'T COU!\'UL i\1/:' liT I NG" Look famili.tr ; Thi s sign is w ~ll knc wn to all on campus. H owever, w::re a poll raken of the srud enis wh :J attend or have ever arrtnded a Srud e:: nt Council meeting, th:: results wou!d be sure to rc:vc:al that very few lnve ever bctn to even one. Did you kn ow that almost every Student Counci l JT,·t·t ting is cptil to all srudents- Freshme!1 as well ::s upper cLtssmc:nl Do you w.tnt to know what's going on in Srud~nt Coun cil and what ir's doing for you personally ; \'V' ould yo u like to present some issu e to the Council th.l t y:JLI think d ese rves their :tt te ntion; Peo p le .tre alw.tys telling you rh.lt :he: Stud ent Council is for "you" . \'V'hy nor J·i nd our the rrurh o f ri1i' st.1rem::n~! Having never arrc:ndc:-1 a Coun cil meeting bdc re rh is ye.tr, 1 reg rc: c to say that l h.tvt lc:r a v:~luabl e OFporruniry slip by in rh::: past. In the course of ;j) minu tes, I l e:~ rned m ore about wlur·s h.l Pl'ening o n thi s campus than I could hav e: kund our in a w ~·t k on my own. If you .t rc: interested in wlur·s p ertinent on the: campus; if you hav" a rcotson.thk gnpe vou think d ::sc:rvc:s attenti o n, then makt a not~ o·f t:lC nc:xr Student Council mee ting and attend.
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~\'Tl 'rt\ m~g_ C_o nfu.sl 01'\. ~
Letter To The Ed itors
In answer to the qu e.;rion, "w har is N. f. '" rlur w.ts raised in the last t'sue of rhe U;/; Tide . I would lih: ro s.ty it is :111 ocg.mizariun e n our ca mp us :Jf whi ch ev ery sru,!tnr at Salvi: is a member. \\!hen:: girl tnrJI!s In this coll ege shoe autcmarically becomes a m cnib~r or th e N.!Ii on,tl Fed::r:t[I (; n of Catholic College Students. One rc::tsun that thi s organ izat ion is "G reek' to manv e n rh~ c.unpus stuns fr c m the previous lack of imercsr and sunx;n, exh ibi ted at th is collepe. AlsD lacking was a means of c .mmunicaticn, fo!' how can N. f. communi c.tre \\·hen no c nc li stt ns or responds to its nori ccs! Functio.1ing with two g o.tls in mind , N. F. IS;~ W< Jrrhw:1i! ::: org.mi z_,_ rion rh.lt n ~c ds suprorr. The imm c:d iare p urpose d N. F. is w scrv·:o che n~·ds uf the CHh:1 li c College Cc mmuniry in th e co-c urri c:u!.t r fi elds. This IS chiefly co nc ::: r n~ J with the provicling of a m ea ns where by srud~nrs o n b::h scu dy :111d act on the issu es of the Tw ::nti tth Centu:·y. Th e ulrim.ue g:u l of rnc: Fed~rarion is the prcducri c n llf hymen wh c c1re ~c:mpet·~ nt v1 :~ al Ct th :;l ics aware of and r·esponsive to the nc ed'i d 'J ur r:m~s. Curing 1961- !962 N. F. wil l strive ww.mls r h~sc g:;.1ls by pr d vidin.~ discussions and informal panels on this campus. Such pub li c issues as Inigr.uh wc :k~ rs, k;eign cud, and r.:ci.:l discr imin;;t i. 1 w1Jl 1:;.~ i' r =,.;~ n:·:. d at this time:. Fer :ti l rh.;sc studenrs wh o arc in te rested in rr:tv t:l, N. F. Ius :1 rg.wiz ~d .tn J sp:;ns:;rcd r:n1rs sin ce 1950. These .trc l cw-cc~r st ud c: I~t d ~s ign e J trips c.cnct nrr.u e:J primari ly o n a vari :::ry .J•f tours of Eurcpe. A Bcrmud.t "Ean' r \X'c.,k" is .1lso offe rtd for the benefit of Cath Diic srud ents. N. F. C C. S. ·exists to serve each g irl, bur is e:Kh g irl willing tll ser';e Itt \'{' irh a little more co-op::>r:ttion by .til, N . F. e m bc:ccme a m ur= c1crivt organization on this campus.
Rovin g Reporter . . . The: Pc:ac:: Corps "j-::st-:;~r d" h .:•; be:::n the topic cf m uc h Ji s~ us sio n lately. On ou r umpus nu ny vari<Ju ~; views ClJncc:rnioJg this incident h.t'/' ' been vo iced . Am :mg them are: Sister 1\Luy \\ ' ilh ~:: min .l , R.S.l'vl. 'T.J cL:rer mi n~ the !>ucc:ss 1: r us.fulnc:'s of this ntw nrg.mi zario n (t he P eace Cmps) by rhc: g.wgc: of one e rror cr indi scret ioii w ouL! b•: tantamount to :unly zing the hist•Jry of the lJnitul Sutes on the basi s of one ill-:tdviseJ dipl om atic m uw;, or imprud em politic.d ,;ratcmcnr. ln e ith er c"~ the error of rhe m o nx-i~t is over-dranutiLeLL This is nor \0 c:nd.; ne indi~cr.:: r i ::ns-; n rhe Pe::c:: Corps, in diplcmacy, c r tn pDlirics. lr is si mply ro place them in th eir pr: :;'·e r r ·~ r s;-·~(tive." Doctor Th ompson "This cpis .. d.:: s!wuld nllt be UjCd by anyone in the Un ited St:tt·2S fllr e1r h ~ r s.tying rh:: Pc.t(e Cmps is not .t g:n J thing or using ir w pro·,r..; that a young w,Jm:m is not ca pab le to cb work in this ar ec1. This yo uit g gir l w:ts just bc: ing hon::sr bur imprud ent. Ycu alw.tys run :1 ri sk wh en you attempt a good. Th e gcod the Pt.tce Coq:s can d o is wort h th is risk." l rrsula Jaruszcwski " [ beli eve that a gir l with her du c.tr ion and Peac:: Corps naining co uld have b~·en :t little m ore: d!scr~er in her cmrc:sp:m den ce. Hm\ev:::r, rhe Nigeria n st ud en t ac<cd rashly and imprudently in condcming h::.: r ...
Noreen H. ycm "J don't think tin t rhe Nigeri.tn student should h.tv :o published rhe card. [ would s.1y the yDung gi rl should have bc·c11 more urefu l bm 1 think this w:1s" us.: Df T he Ugli' f\'i,t;eri,lll rather rlun .t ·~ ase o f T lc fl gly ,l!lleric";;,
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" Harmony rlmlu ,!d1 unity: p·o;.;with purp:Jsc:." This is rh::: mmro which rh:: Sn 1denr Council h.ts chw:::n tD retai n for th e coming yeu. Ler's exctminc this morco to see t:xactly wh.tt it implies. r :::~ s
IV(:bJt(:r ·.r Co.'h,r;i,.t(' Dictiou:ii''J' defines HARMONY :ts the "just adapt:tricn of the parts to e.Kh othe r; concord in f:Icts, o pinions, tnteP..:srs. ... Thi s d·e llnirion sta tes precisely the condition wh ich Student Council is 'itriving ro att.1in. nut, as the 111 (;tto points out., this cond irio:1 mus t 1:::: :1c hi ~ \ ·::d through 1'NfTY. \V he1t hn io ns cease: ro "war" .t,g.tinst c.tch Otht: r. wh en pe,zy gnp::~ are S·:: t .tside, only th en c:n we expe:.:r ru hctv:: lurmony on the ca mpu s. Once we cl.J :tchi:::ve a relari,-e d :::gree of harmony, the n Student C: unci! un COittinu ~ to n1.1kc progrc,s. Nor j11sr prug rc's for i:s own sak ::: but PROGRESS WITH PURPOSE. P'\TR IC!A A. SILVA St ,tJwt nody Pi'esident
r 1962
THE STR ATEG Y OF PE ACE ilY J OHN f. K ENNEDY M cs r st ud e nts in colleg e tod ay will be voting in rh e next Presid·::-nti a l elect ion . In o rd·e r fo r them to vote responsibl y, they mus t k now rhe i ss u ~s and p o·lic i·es o f rhe ca nd idat·es and p a rt ies invo lved. B orh Pres ide n t Ke nned y, a D em ocrat, a nd Ar izo na Se na tor Bar ry G o ld wate r, ul tra co nser v.ttive R ep ubl ica n, a re no w play ing, ,\llcl w ill co n tin ue ro play v iral roJ.es in Ameri ca n politi cs.
T be Strategy of Peace. is a ccmp ile d vo lu m e o f the speeches of P r ~s: dent K enned y that we re m ade prio r to hi s e lec ti on. The sp::eches are thcJ3~ mad e o n rhe Sena te fl oor, and a t v.tr ious coll eg es a nd p o li ti ca l m eeting.; aro un d the co un try . In co vering M r. K en ne d y's pl ans fo r rhe nat ion 's lurure and hi s fo re ig n po li cy, thi s boo k is a must for e very consc ious Ameri ca n beca use it pre sen ts a cl e:u p ictur e o f the very p o li cie s tha t ar::: heing used tod ay.
T H E CO NSCIENCE OF A CONSER VA TI VE BY BAHI<Y GOLD\X'A'tl i{ What a re the p o li cies of a Co nse rva tive' Wh y d oes Go ldw ater hav;: such a stro ng hold o n man y groups o f p eop le in rh e U ni ted Sta tes> B.1r r/ Gcld \v arer m ay w e ll be the R ep u b lican Pres ide nt ial C 111d ida re in ! 96 L and in hi s book, T be ConJcience of ct Con.re rt •t~ti r·e, he expla in s and di >cu sses hi s (bm esric a nd fo re ign p o lic ies. H e sta re s in no u ncerrain re rm 5 wh at he w o uld do with Russ ia, and w hat he thi n ks o f the U n ite d N ari :m s. The Ru ss ian newspaper, Prauada, sa id th is re gard ing the b ook "A d ,mg:: rous, un w ise a ffai r . . . G o ldwater w ill e nd up in a pin e box." So me p arrs of thi s bo:Jok m ay shock yo u, others m ay p lease you, bur a ll of it wi ll interes t you.
S. N. 0. Lays Plans
"~oJEE.d ~a[/~"
Ar rhe rece nt m eeting of rhe Stud ent Nurses· Orga n ization pl ans wer-e laid for rh e fo rth com ing ye:~r 196 1- 1962. Up o n the ca ll ing o f the m eet ing to ord er b y t he P res ident \XIa nd a T eresb , p ro jects were ass ig ned to the four classes w hi ch rlt::y w ill ca rr y o ur d uring the co urse of rh e yea r. The Fres hm an n urses were as> ig ned to reac h hea lth hygie ne ro people w ith w ho m t hey com e i n cc nrac t. Thi s w ill b e :lccomplis!Kc! thr oug h fi lms, by di stri b u ting p amphlets. and rhruug h lectures th,H wi ll conce rn th e subj ec t. T oys fo r chi ldre n wil l b e di strib ut ed th is yea r th roug h m em bers of rh e Suph omore nursi ng class. The c lass w ill hold a dr ive for rovs. T hese toys will be d isrr iburec! ·to chi ldren in variou s h osp ita ls. T he Father a nd D aug h ter D ane£: will b:: spon>crl d by t he .J u ni or nursing c lass. Thi s ga la an11 ua l :tffair is the project of the cLtss. So d on·r forger your "bea us" whe n th is d an ce co m es to camp us' T he a id ing in send ing o f a dekga re to th e Stud ent N ursts' Co nvenriu n is the Sen ior n u rses· p ro ject. Th e work has bee n lai d our to t;le nurses. Ler's h <lve rhar campus sur-
Clurch yo ur m .td mo ney, or b n::.1k yo ur pigt,ry banks a nd ler·s ulk abou t the ho lid .tys. H app il y for us, th ese spec ial d ays m ea n p arri es, d a nces a nd ot her wo nd e rful a ff:~ irs. A nd rhes·e m e.tn clot hes-load s o f p re tty d resses-· -the new T r igere length, cocku il a nd sr ree r l e n gr~1 . Th e very newest .in parry w c:!r fea rur:::s sequi ns. Sequi ns, seq uin s eve ryw here, alt ho ug h rhe m os t p op ul ar ar e the S·eq uin ed- bodice and c hi ffo n sk irt typ e. Be yo u bl o nd e, brunett e or redhead yo u ca n chcose fro m a host of colors. The new lime is fo r o ur lig h t-h ai red siste rs, w ine for the raYe n tressed o nes and fo r rhe str iking red head, rhe f.t, hi o n wo rld p re senrs va r iario ns of go ld. Be crearive in your cho ice of :1. ho li d,,y dr ess. Yo u ca n spa rkl e if the dress sui ts rhc all o f you- fr om fig ur e to p ersonali ty.
po rt~
Spo rts On The Move D o yo u w.m r a rruph y for yollr do rm ? The n wh;' don't yo u ge r o ut your sneake rs ~ tnd swe atsh irt and fight for ir. Und er rhe dir ect io n o f Sue G o: det rh e I nr ra m u r:d Basket ball Schedu l-:: is now be ing pla nned so th at t he games w ill begi n ~~s so:JI1 as p ossi b le . The g.1mes w ill be p Ltyed at M e rcy Hall .: n T uc..sd.ty ni ghts. \':V'h y n or start h rming your d o rm 's team now? Plans are a lso in p rog ress for o u r college rea ms. Unde r th e abl·e cm ching of D r. Eii .ube th F:u ians, varsi ty and juni :;r vars iry rry-o urs w ill be he l::l afr~r Th a nksg iving. Le t's a li try fo r an:;r her succ·ess fu l b asketb:; ll season.
Sophs Launch Tradition Since th e op en ing of irs d uo rs in
191j7, Sa lve R egin a Co ll ege has h eld many trad iti ons. This ye:u· d!:: Sc ph omor.e class has in itiated a new o ne. Th ey hav e started a Sopil(Jm o re- F r·esh m an bas ketba ll game.. wh ich is he ld aft·er in it iati on ar the e nd o f O ctober. Ar t his t im e d1e Fres hma n have a chance ro r id r h~m selv es ·::.f th eir srarus-sr.ui ng bea n ies. If th e Fre shme n proved to be tl:e u n fo rt un a te s, the Sop hom o res w ill have th e pr ivil ege and sarisfa cr i,m Fr us h and h:~ve them (O ntinue w
of o nce m ere ran k ing rhc lowly w~ar their bea nies. Thi s yea r th e rr.td irio n setting g.1 m e wa s :tn e n thus ias tic success. The <lcc la im ed S:)phs were u nexpccra nr DE the a ls u skill ec1 F ros 11 te.1m :uxl they were set fo r an easy vi nery b ur th e unpr·e d icta bl e Class o f '65 sh:>wed the ir profi c iency o n rhe co ur t. A fr e r a hard fo ugh t barrie, rhe So?hs proved victo ri o us a nd rik bea ni es st ill fla tte ned the lh:ac!s of rht u nfor tu na te freshme n. T h us en O cwbe r ."-1 , 1% 1 wi th the fi!1:!l sc; re 28 - 24, rh e C l.t ss o f '61j W:ts victor ious a nd a new rradi tiu n e n · rered th e hall s o f S,d ve R eg in.1 Co ll ege.
Staff J ea n Brenn an
Socia I Committee Repo rt T he Soc i,<l Ct>mmi r:ee sp o nsored an AII -Coll::ge Mi xe r o n Fri chy . November 17 at M e rcy H a ll. B oston College, H o ly Cwss, M . I. T., H ar vard, B rown , TJ. R . I. a nd P rovi -· dence Co ll ege were som e o f t he co iJ:oges inv ited. Jim M cGurh, a rale nred fol k singer feat u red :lt t he Hunt C lub, enren ained d ur ing rhe inte rm issi,m . Bcb St. A rm:;ur p rov id ed lil t ing d1ncing m usic. As pe r usual, there were refresh m c-nrs an d lots o f fu n. Thi s was rht: last coll ege soc ial eve nt until after Adv e nt.
The Salve R et! ina Coll.ege chapt<'r of rhe R . i. S. N . A. hel d their fi rst m ee ting of the yea r. Ar such tim e rhe plan s for th e com ing yea r w ere d isc ussed . F arber J oh n Sulliva n o f rhe Cath o lic Exte nsio n oc ierv gave a n iil fnr m.tti\ e lect u re o n rhe wo rk be ing do ne by PA \ ' L.A., rh t: pe~1 ce corp s of H is H o lin ess, Pope J o hn XX !JI for Larin America . Girl s wis hing m mc inform at ion nuy o bta in i t fro m M other Hil da.
w ere h app y to Jear n th:tt Ocrober·s Mi ss ion B.t:<,l<H \\',lS a financ ial success wi rh a rora l p ro fi t o f $ 100.
M ary Carol K ing
h litorr-itl-Cbief J oa n G leckel D ia ne Bie ni a
.J anet K e rri ga n Noreen R y:1n
Pctge F.ditorr M ary T. Co ug hlin
M ary R ose \Xf:< rburro n
Cart ooniJt
M auree n Kell y
R eg ina Currin
F.xchange F.ditor
l3mines.r iH:n,agc:r
M :try Elle n Be ssette Ann e Boucher Ga il Bren na n Elisa C arc itTi Karhi D onah ue M a ry-Ctro l Dyer Ell en Du n phy Cha rl or re Fae ll a Cathe r ine Foye
Su e Gibbs Norm.t H ar k ins J acki e H aug hey Bann i:: Higg in s M au re·e n H o rri sa n P a t M cCann a An n M cGlinch ey J oa n O 'B ri e n D oree n O liveira
P eggy Phe la n K at hlee n R oc Ju dy Sc iull o Colee n Sen ne t P atri cia Sil va K athlee n Skehan N :m cy Sullivan
dii( E'Ut!J {!h. 'Iij_bnaj_ and
df- d-/-apj2y c:f\/E w
fJo d{-[[
1e at Salve R egina is by the observance of ~e· s ow n r eligious, social, ridua l traditions. Added ia t e routine is a varied 1 e which fills the pres weeks with a combined r ever ence, joy, charity, will. s party [a ria R egina Sodality's :hristmas pa rty for un~ ge d children in Newport : the most r ewarding of .n 's project s . All students ed t o sha r e with the So~ mb e rs the joy of givingibuting g ifts of toys and for 30 young guests. At .y, h eld in Mer cy Hall he second w eek of DeSalve R egina's "fairy ers" en ch a nt the children )rogram of delights and :, a nd are, in turn, amply I by the excitem ent and s mirror ed in the eyes of .le visit or s. Wreath Jlemnit y of the Advent s k ept in f ocus by obth e cer emony of lig hting ·ent Wreath. Beginning , fr eshma n cla ss on the 1day evening, ea ch group s in the Great H a ll to , week with the s imple, re pres cr ibed pra yers a nd th e candle which s ymhe coming of the Light orld . The Advent Wreath 1al b eauty is f a shioned ented by H om e Economnts. ·ht procession ;t eful elegance of Salve's ing room is an approprilg for the a nnua l Holly .ay f aculty m embers are u es t s a nd are f eted by 1d junior r esident stuth e na m e of the student ditiona l Noel festivities through the week in all halls. riately, the merriment • feasting is replaced by s olemnity as the stuticipate in the traditioncandlelight procession . .g in the upper balconies, g a rbed in caps and td c a r r y i n g lighted r oceed down the broad !l.ircase to the darkened I. Highlight of the cerethe placing of a wax the prepared creche. ·r tra ditionally belongs esident of the student ·, this year , is Marie B e f o r e the cr eche, e lighted by each class :o r epr esent the homage e I nfant King by every inia n . .rd - bou nd s t u d e n t s they sh are in the three Eve Masses w hich eli~ R egin a's observa nce birth.
n n
,, 1: e
1 4 y If
Residents Elect House Councils
Ca1npu1. 1
c:Jii-1 ih M A RIE R Oll iNSON
Acr ive in campu s affa irs, M arie R obinso n is Treasm er of th e Student Co unc il , Se ni or delegate to N. F. C. C. S., past pres ide nr o f h er class, a nl fr eshman R esident Representative to Student Council. Tb~i.s g rad uate o f Bay View Academy has d ist ing ui shed herself by being on rhe D ea n's List si nce Fres hm;tn ye.tr. The m ood mu sic o f J ulie l o ndon provi des insp iratio n for th is rom.mtic E ng li sh nujor. H er love o f Eliot, Thom as, a nd fr os t is o nl y exceeded by th e e nrhu sias m a nd interes t gene ra ted by a D ocror V a n K. T ho m pson lecture . Ca rrying four comses in her area o f co ncent ratio n, R ee still fin ds rime ro :~ss i st P residet~: Ke nned y in solving rhe world's p roble ms. H er soc ial p refere nces rend rowa rd the gay li fe of Bosron--D urg in Park's ;tpple p ie <l11d sympho ni es on the Charles. Fo r m ed ita ti o n- a W atc h H ill castle-a mu sr.
Th e Ltculty m em h~rs and studenrs o f Salve Regin :~ recogni ze a r.·~· --' rt.r an ::rg.t niz::d body to prov ide student l ead~ r s hip in the R eside nt H all s, t..dS House Clltn cil was establi shed. "i he purpose o f H o use Co unc il is ro prov ide leade rship a nd gove r!l th e rtsid enr h.tlls and also to acr as represe nra riv es in ap pe;tls m ade to rhe :ldm in tstrari un co ncern ing the res ide m ha lis. House Counc il is com posed o f a Presid ent, V ice-Pres ide nt-Soc ial Chairm.tn for rhe House, Secretar y, T reas ure r and M embers at Large. "l here are certa in duties Coun c il m e mbers upho ld , namely, o rga ni zing :tctivit ies for the hous·e, e nforc ing ho use reg ulatio ns that ;ue t<Ot d elegared by Student Ccu nci l, a nd representing rhe opinio n o f the H o use. Hcuse Meet ings are he ld every ot her we•ek a nd m ay be ca JJ.ed or can~Lild by the Presiden t. A t these meetings suggesti ons to the H ouse Council ar e made. Th e H c use Co un cil Officers a re: Pres ide nt, Vi ce-P res id ent, Sec reta ry, and "I re:asurer, respecr ively. Queen H a ll · Ann M ary Sweene y, M ary M cCarthy , Sue G ibbs, J udy Post. M oore: lr::ne Paonessa, J oa nn e D eSevo, Ncb:n R;tine:s, Pat Coy le. Sr. J osep h's : l.ee C uneo, Lynn T o bin, J o.tn Rc.trdcn , Ncrt•en R ya n. M c Aul ey: rep rese ntatives- Ca ro l R o ur k~, .t. ll i·~ Hawkins, Agnes Coughlin , Li z M cK e·e, Barba ra M o nd o, J an Ke rri g:tn. JVftrcy: J twl G leckel, G e n Sha naha n, Lt•e G reen, Reg im Ryan. O chr e: Sally Cc:nn:y, Rita l3ehm , K athy D e la ne n, Barb ara U li zi o.
------ -------------------------------------------· !3 ~ i ng tl:e only gi rl in a fami ly of liv:: boys Ius chaJJ.enged her ab ility in touch foorb~ tll. A min ~: riry o f one, Ma ri e is cvcrf.tithful w h:::r } :sui t t ies. M.trie: is versatility perso ni fied d irected by hti motru-" You never know frum en-: day tel the next."
B. C. Hos ts I. R. C. " Ler's G et Organized a nd Ch;;unel o ur An io ns" was th e theme •lf the Nove m ber fourth meeting ,,f rhe New E ng bnd R egio nal lnternati o n.d Re la ti ons Club. T empo ra ry o lflce rs w ere d ect~ d as call ed for in th e ne wly fn rm::d by- laws o f the R egio n. Pl a ns for th e impe nding m c•:: t :ng with P rime Mini st-e r Nehru in New Yo rk o n N o ve mber eleve nth were d isc ussed . Pl ans were m .tde for "Lhe co mi ng m eeting in M arch in Spr ingfiel d , M ass. Af te r the busi}1ess m eeting, .:~ v L ry o ne was inv ited to a party a t rhc home o f J ohn M cH ale, Bosrc n Coll·::ge Junio r.
62 Social Committee Completed.
One of th e most importa nt com mittees on umpus is that w h ich plans the soc ia l functio ns a nd act ivities fo r the scho~ JI year. Since last M arc\ a co mmi ttee has bee n o rga n ized w ith n:prescnt:u ives from e.tc h class whose a im it is to provi de a well-ro und ed soc ial life suiuble for the st ude nts on thi s campu s. D otty Du tra, a Foods and N urrir io n major from \'V',trren, R . l. :ull: Li z M cLa ug hlin , a Soc io lot,ry m a jor a nd Education m inor from \'V'oo nsGcker, R . l. a re o ur Co-Chairme n wh o are trying to make rh is ye<tr, socia lly wise, a success. In order to h ave representat ion from all of the students there are bo-th res ident a nd "day-hop" m em bers from e.;ch class "ho comb ine as a un it it: co-operating w ith th e Co-C hairme n in urg.tniLing the var ious events. F rom the Seni o r C lass, the resident is B.trbar.l Gorman, a Soc io logy m a jor a nd Ed ucat io n mi nor fr om Wesr H :t rrfurd , Connect icu t, a nd the no n-res idenr is Lynn Col lin s, a n English m.tj o r and Educatio n mi nm, from T iverton, R. I. J a n Brow n, a Soc iology major and l\Ltth minor from W arwi ck, R . I. is the Junior res id ent represe ntati ve and the non-resident is Na ncy Elli s, a Soc ia l Scie nce m a jor and Educat io n minor from M idd leto wn , R . l. The res ide n t represe nrar ive from the Sophomor-e class is li nda W :tilace, frc m Mil ton, M ass. w ho is an English m.tjor and Education min or. She li a Ca rroll is the Sop hom ore r.on-resident. a Sociology m.tjor :t nd Ed ucat io n min o r fro m N ewp ort, R. I. The Fres hme n representati ves have, as yer, nor been elected.
rtstht«f t<tw .......,.
Juniors Fitted Fo r Ring s Th e mem be rs of th e J un ior C lass we re fitt ed for the ir class rin gs O! t \'V' ed nesday, N ove mbe r 15th. The rin gs, traditi o nal in th e ir s tar -sapphire sto ne a nd sq uare, gold sett inj;, wi ll be received in ·ea rl y M a rch :tc the Ring Cere m o ny whi ch rakes p lace o n the Friday o f Juni or \ 'V'eek· e nd .
Sodality Social On N ovember ! 9, I% I th e M~•ri.t R eg ina Sod ality held its firsr so::: i.tl ho ur to welcom e t he new m e mber~ . Siste r M arv J erem y, R .S.M., deli ve r·~d a lect ure o n her tr ip ttl Franc-e w ith color slid es fo r il lustr.t· tt o n.
c}f-L-1'itt: M A HY A NN L c\ FFE RTY
On e of th e m ust .tfLtble g irls on ca mpus, l\1ary Ann has prove n her loya lty to the C lass o f "()) a nd ro th e cc llege. She is Stud ent Cou;Kil Secr·e tary an d l.tst ye.tr wor ked dil igt nd y as Sop ho m o re R epresent~· ttve. Th e so le chemi stry majo~· in th e Juni o r C lass. M ,uy A nn is also th e onl y "Ciass ica li re· · at S:tlve. 1 he cle:.tr reaso ni ng a nd thoughr· p rovok ing d iscuss ions of M ary Ann pro vi de th e reside nts of St. J oseph ..; H all wi th subjec:ts fo r debate. Hcr kno wle dge o f co nte m pora ry aff.lirs is u tilized in a sta te po liticd clt>b, o f whi ch she is an o(ficer. T o co untera ct he r love of classical m us ic, fr a nk S in ~ t t r a prDvides m ood a nd m e la ncho ly. H er letter .:ol!cct io n is m cst un us ua l, inc luding pJst· nur ks fr o m Par is, R ome and Lo::do n. "Coff ee hal f and ha lf" provides refr·esh m enr after long wa lks in the ba ll park . Fo nd o f occas io na l soli tidue, M ~ry Ann 's lnven is in th:: mJ un u ins of Ne w H ampshire-unl es, o f CDursc, ~ ~ change of pl:tn s m ay be necess ita ted by the a p Fe? r :t~lCe u f :tn unex · pect·ed v is itor. "On ro bigger a nd bett·e r th ings'" - M a ry Ann 's co nsta nt m ottn.
N ew Dorm-Mothe r T he res id ents o f Sr. J oseph's H :dl welco me d Mi ss A n ne M urphy .1s the ir ne w ho use- m o the r. B.efur:o sh,: ca m e to the college, Mi!>s MurphY was acr i ve in rhe S,tl ve R egim Gu ild . A n.ttivc o f M assachusetts, Niiss Murph y has cre.tted ;t close relatio n· shi p between the d orm r esidents :md he rself. She o ften stocks their cup b:Ja rd s with stucks.
c47..oiuzd Camf2LL1Exr-e nsio n a r Och r e - -" R ;~pu n sel"s" g ree n c hevy-a lo ng, r·ed n ire-shirr -4" by 6" pacbge-M cAuky wa lls have ea rs-- a bl ack and whire rowe i- Dr. Kil. o n T hu rschys at Quee n- mi cro-spec imens-a certain q uote in sp eec h class-a prornori Gn in N or fo lk- ]. H. 1.. l\1.-lare sho ws at O chre--showers :tt Me· A ul·ey- fr es hm e n sit- ups-Pilgrim hats- F. T. D. fro m P hill y-"M oon Riv er" -E/;b T ide ]'d eering, Fbb T ide M eeting, nbb Title Meecing'·N. T. D . C lu b--R ob in keeps prone hop p in "-reco m me nded by D uncan H ines.