Magizene escobaryesica19&sandovalkatherine77

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Escobar ero, Yesica 77 Faculty: Social Science School: Language Department Topic: magazine Student’S: Escobar platero, yesica Esmeralda #19 Sandoval Sandoval, Katherine Marisela #77

Friday o8, December, 2017


Table content Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 4 Sentences structure ................................................................................................................. 8 TYPE CLAUSES. .............................................................................................................................. 12 Active and passive voice. ...................................................................................................... 15 ANEXOS ........................................................................................................................................... 18 Type of clauses ......................................................................................................................... 26 Independent Clauses Defined ........................................................................................... 26 Dependent Clauses Defined............................................................................................... 26 ACTIVE VOICE AND PASSIVE VOICE ........................................................................................... 27 

CONCLUSION: ........................................................................................................................... 28

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 29


Introduction In this album you are going to learn a lot about grammar, here there are some lessons and examples about each topic such as: parts of the speech, sentences structure, types of clauses, passive and active voice. Each of these topics have a different function and rules as well, so you will realize the importance of the part of the speech because you will learn the order of the words in a sentence, and what are the parts of a sentences like simple sentences, compound or complex sentences. In this album we show the structure of a sentence and tenses of the verbs as well, the structure is important, so in that way you can learn to write correctly without error or mistake also there are more parts in grammar like, passive


ďƒ˜ The Parts of speech: is important because if you are learning a new language you have to know how to write correctly and you need to know that is important the order of the words as well. There are eight parts of the speech so each part has a function such as noun, that is the name of a person, thing or place. The adjective, that describes the noun. the verb, that shows the action. the Conjunction, that joins the words. preposition, that refers the location. The pronoun, that replace a noun. Interjection, refers to words that express emotions and adverb.


ďƒ˜ Example:

in this picture you can notice the parts of speech so at the beginning of this sentence we have the pronoun (I) and the verb in past in this case (bought). Then, there is a noun (drinks) and the conjunction(and) that is a connector between the two words. Then Below that, there is a noun (food) and the preposition (at) which is indicating where take place the action. Also there is a noun, one more time (supermarket) and at the end of this sentence, we have an adverb (first) that describes when did it.


ďƒ˜ Example:

Now at the beginning of this sentence, there is a pronoun, (He) followed with a verb in past, in this case the verb (worked) then, we have the adverbs (too, fast,) that describes the verb. And the conjunction that is a connector between the two sentences. Then, there is a verb in the past again(scored). Then, we have adverbs (very, poorly and today) that describe the verb.


Sentences structure according with some rules about sentence structure, is important to know how to join a sentence or how to write a short sentence to express an idea about what you want to say. First of all, the sentence structures are divided in four: compound, complex and compound-complex. so, you have known when you are going to use simple sentence that contains only one subject (subject and verb) that express the complete idea. Sometimes you need to join a sentence with another one to get a complete idea.


This is a simple sentence, there is a subject(I) and the verb (have) that express a complete idea.


As you can see this is a compound sentence so first, we have an independent clause, (I have many Friends) then there is a comma that separates the clause. And there is coordinator conjunction(but)that is preceded by the comma, then we have the another independent clause (Chris is my best friend).

Here we have a complex sentence, at the beginning of the sentence, there is a subordinating conjunction(because) there a dependent clause (because I like to study grammar) then, there is comma (,) because it begins with a conjunction. Then, there is an independent clause (I love this class). In the second example you can notice that, there is no a comma because it begins with an independent clause. So the sentence is not complex.


Parts of speech Non



Refers to the names of persons, things, animal, places, it could be common noun or proper noun. A word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun.

Douglas learned English.


It’s describes a noun or pronoun.

Douglas is intelligent


The word that show the action.

He studies hard


Word that tells more about the verb. This could be adverb of time, adverb of place etc. Refers to the words that shows the location or location in time.

he studied yesterday.

Here in this part woks joining the words.

she likes the dogs and cats.




interjection A word or phrase that expresses an emotion or feeling


He learned English.

He left the book on the table.

Wow! I passed the grammar test.

Sentences structure



Simple sentence

Contains only one independent clause.

She loves the dogs.

Compound sentence

Contains at least two independent clauses.

I like the cats, and she likes the dogs.

Complex sentence

Contains an independent clause and a dependent clause.

Because I like the pets, I bought two more dogs.

Compound-complex sentences

it made from two independent clause and one or more dependent clauses.

While my mom is watching TV , my sister prefers to read a book, but I prefer to go to bed.



The Types of Clauses is divided into two, which are Dependent and Independent, which is formed as follows. A single independent clause can be a sentence, by itself. However, dependent clauses are used to make sentences more complete and more interesting.


Independent Clause Defined An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own, by itself. It does not need to be joined to any other clauses, because it contains all the information necessary to be complete sentences. Independent clauses have three components: 1. They have a subject - they tell the reader what the sentence is about. 2. They have an action or predicate - they tell the reader what the subject is doing. 3. They express a complete thought - something happened or was said. Dependent Clause Defined A dependent clause is a clause that does not express a complete thought. A clause can be dependent because of the presence of a: 

Marker Word (Before, after, because, since, in order to, although, though, whenever, wherever, whether, while, even though, even if) 2 Conjunction (And, or, nor, but, yet)



Active and passive voice.

Active Voice. Is a style of writing the subject completes the action of the sentences. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb. Passive Voice. Is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and object of sentence other than subject. One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive


Passive voice. is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and the object of a sentence rather than subject. This means that the subject is either less important than the action itself or that we don’t know who or what the subject.

Active voice. is a quality of a verb that describes when its subject is acting out the verb When the opposite is true (the subject of the sentence is being acted upon by the verb), it is said to be in passive voice.


ďƒ˜ Example:

Move the active sentence's direct object into the sentence's subject slot

Place the active sentence's subject into a phrase beginning with the preposition by



Little is used to give a negative statement little it is used for countess nouns. We use them to mean not as much as may be expected or wished.


Days of the week can be used with most tenses English. Notice that call of the week ore capitalized. Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday.



One's a contraction for "they are" (they're), one refers to something owned by a group (their), and one refers to a place (there). You know the difference among the three -- just make sure you triple check that you're using the right ones in the right places at the right times.


Can you give me your opinion about this on Sunday, I play tennis with my friend. Possessive adjective is often confused with possessive pronouns. It is used to indicate who is the subject or object of the sentence. They are followed by a noun (or a nominal clause). However, you should pay attention when referring to the third person.



The adverbs still and just go before the verb. If there is an auxiliary verb, the adverb goes after the auxiliary verb and before the main verb. If there is no auxiliary verb, the adverb goes before the main verb. If there are two auxiliary verbs, the adverb goes between them.


Subjects and verbs must AGREE with one another in number (singular or plural). Thus, if a subject is singular, its verb must also be singular; if a subject is plural, its verb must also be plural. In the present tense, nouns and verbs form plurals in opposite ways: nouns ADD an s to the singular form; verbs REMOVE the s from the singular form.



Active Voice. Is a style of writing the subject completes the action of the sentences. In most English sentences with an action verb, the subject performs the action denoted by the verb.

Passive Voice. Is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and object of sentence other than subject. One can change the normal word order of many active sentences (those with a direct object) so that the subject is no longer active, but is, instead, being acted upon by the verb - or passive

8. COMMOn MIStAKeS “A, An, tHe”

When do we use “A” in speaking we use /a/ before a consonant. We pronoun “the” in two ways depending on whether sound which comes after A/AN can also be used when referring to something specific. 

For example: I’m looking for a bag. It’s a pink one. I saw it in the shop window yesterday. (a specific bag).


You can use a/an when describing something, especially when you use a phrase with an adjective like big, beautiful. We use a/an before the noun, even though it is obvious which one is meant. 

For example: You’re a beautiful little girl, aren’t you?

We sometimes use THE at the beginning of a story. This puts the reader in the middle of the action. 

For example: A murder had happened in the house, the owner told Jenny. 9. CONNECTOR.

Connectors are the words, which combine two words, phrases and sentences together. They have the same meaning of a conjunction but differ in their function. Difference between conjunction and connectors: Conjunctions are used to connect a noun with another noun; two independent clauses; different sentences; a group of words.



TOO MANY: is countable nouns can be singular or plural we use “many” with countable nouns. TOO MUCH: Is uncountable nouns are always singular we use “much” with uncountable nouns. 11. SINGULAR AND PLURAL NOUNS


Singular and Plural Nouns The difference between singular and plural nouns is easy to spot. When a noun indicates one only, it is a singular noun. When a noun indicates more than one, it is plural. 12.MISTAKES WITH PAST PARTICIPLE.

Past participle that is something that happened in the past before something else in the past. We usually get confused because we thought that is the same, simple past with past participle but in some cases it’s not like that so there are. we use past participle in some tenses such as present perfect, past perfect, future perfect.



The verbs say and tell have similar meanings. They both mean "to communicate verbally with someone". But we often use them differently. The simple way to think of say and tell is: 

You say something


You tell someone something


Type of clauses CONTENT



A dependent clause Independent Clauses Defined

(or subordinate clause) is one that cannot stand alone as a complete sentence

  

What the girl did was not very helpful. He finally finished his novel, after months of research. The trophy goes to whoever wins the race.

because it does not express a complete thought. Dependent Clauses Defined

An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own, by itself. It does not need to be joined to any other clauses, because it contains all the information necessary to be a complete sentence.


  

I enjoy sitting by the fireplace and reading. Waiting to have my car’s oil changed is boring. She wants to travel the world and see wonderful .




DEFINITION. Active voice is used in a clause whose subject expresses the main verb's agent. That is, the subject does the verb's designated action A clause whose agent is marked as grammatical subject is called an active clause. In contrast, a clause in which the subject has the role of patient or theme is named a passive clause, and its verb is expressed in passive voice. Many languages have both an active and a passive voice; this allows for greater flexibility in sentence construction, as either the semantic agent or patient may take the subject syntactic role.


The passive voice is used when we want to emphasize the action (the verb) and the object of a sentence rather than subject. This means that the subject is either less important than the action itself or that we don’t know who or what the subject.

An apple is eaten by me A car was bought by him


I eat an apple He car was bought by him

ďƒ˜ CONCLUSION: In conclusion, it is clear to see the different parts of the sentence is easy to get a good grammar every time that we create a document or to get an effective communication with others, we learned a lot in this homework because these topics were very helpful, and we took advantage of that in order to improve our English, and to know the English grammar as well, On the other hand, At the beginning of the course we thought that it was going to be hard, so we were afraid for the topics, but when we realized that the lic. Is a good teacher our mind changed about subject, we are honest and we learned a lot now I am able to write correctly?




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