2 minute read



How can advsory be used to benefit students from our schools depending on their grade and needs?


Triple A’s (actions against advisory) – We plan on getting rid of the current program that we have in our advisory (the seven mindsets) and substitute for better lessons that would make sense for the students and their graduating year. For example, for 9th &10th graders, we plan to have lessons on current curriculums, the graduating seals, and how to join clubs and what clubs there are available for students. While for the 11th &12th grade student body, we are planning to have lessons more focused on the real world such as taxes, as well as scholarships and applying for college.

Students want to take actions against advisory. Our research question was how can we make our advisory period beneficial based on different students’ cohort year? How can our advisory period address specific needs that are tailored to that graduating class? This is important because the advisory is 30 minutes long and students have advisory three days in a school week: Monday, Tuesday, and Friday and yet they still believe that it is useless. We collected the opinion and data to support our research question through three google forms: one 9th-10th-grade student form, 11th-12th-student form, and a teacher/staff student form. Our key finding showed that many students want advisory period to become a study hall and many teachers would want to get rid of the seven mindsets and trade it for something more beneficial for their students. We have developed a plan to make one day a study hall while the other two days would focus on lessons and topics depending on the students and teachers grade advisory.

How can we improve our school spirit?


In Reynoldsburg High School there seems to be a growing epidemic. One where students are less willing to attend school, and they lack a sense of pride and belonging in the school. Students found themselves watching as our peers pulled more and more away from school which led us to recognize the lack of school spirit in Reynoldsburg. Seeing this led us to the question, how can we improve our school spirit? To find answers, we sent out a survey to the student body. In a few weeks we had nearly 850 student responses. The results helped support our previous concerns as well as led us to explore some possible solutions. The survey helped us conclude that the majority of our student body felt similar to us as they expressed that they think our school spirit could be improved. We found that some of them said sporting events could help and that the only ones they feel are being pushed are basketball and football. Students replied that they would like other student sports to be recognized as well as student achievement to encourage student participation in our school. To encourage student engagement and increase school spirit we want to create a week to encourage student activity. We would promote clubs, student sports, and activities outside the normal learning environment. The YPAR members would go to classrooms to promote student activities while working with club members and leaders. At the end of the week there would be a Gallery Walk where clubs can present their purpose and have sign up sheets to get them involved. The goal is to increase the pride students have in their schools and create a cycle of school encouragement and involvement.

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