Enroll Detroit School Guide

Page 1

Enroll Detroit is a new, locally built, free service for Detroit families and schools that will allow families to use 1 application to select up to 8 participating schools. WHY ENROLL DETROIT? The goal of Enroll Detroit is to make the process of applying and enrolling in public schools in Detroit more equitable, accessible and efficient for families.


Families looking for a kindergarten or ninth grade seat for the 2016-17 school year should submit an Enroll Detroit application during the April 1-30th application window. Any students who are new to Detroit or students seeking to transfer to a new school for all other grades should visit an EdCenter (see page 41) to inquire about seat availability for 2016-2017.

Step-by-step overview EdCenter Info FAQ Application Key dates School guide

................. ................. ................. ................. ................. .................


If you are happy with your current school or have already been offered a seat at the school of your choice for the 2016-17 school year, Enroll Detroit advisors suggest you DO NOT COMPLETE another application.

Page 3 Pages 4-5 Pages 6-7 Pages 8-11 Page 12 Pages 13-19

www.enrolldetroit.org . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Web Page



It’s as Easy as 1, 2, 3

A step-by-step guide to applying to participating schools



Visit EnrollDetroit.org or an Enroll Detroit EdCenter (see page 5 for list of locations) to see what your school choices are for 2016-17. You may also visit schools you are interested in to see if they’re participating in the Enroll Detroit application process. You can get a complete up-to-date list of participating schools at EnrollDetroit.org.




Online at EnrollDetroit.org

At any Enroll Detroit EdCenter

Online at any Detroit Public Library

Online or on paper at participating schools




If you are happy with your current school, you DO NOT need to submit an application for 2016-17.

If you have more than one child, make sure you submit an application for each child.

If you are applying to a school where your child already has a sibling enrolled, be sure to note your child’s sibling on their application.

Notification letters and emails will go out the week of May 23, 2016. Families will have until June 30, 2016 to claim their seat at their assigned school by completing the school’s official enrollment process. Notification letters and emails will detail what documents families are required to bring to their child’s matched school.


You will need an email address, Facebook, or Google account to complete the application online. If you need assistance in creating an email account, visit an EdCenter to have an EdCenter advisor help you create an email account.

Locate your student’s most recent report card, M-STEP results, or birth certificate. Be sure to use the date of birth and formal spelling of the student’s name from one of these documents when completing this application.

If a family doesn’t claim their seat by the enrollment deadline, they will need to visit an Enroll Detroit EdCenter to find out where seats might be available following the application period. If you have any questions, call 888-308-1534.



WE’VE GOT ANSWERS! Q: WHAT IS AN EDCENTER? EdCenters provide support to all families applying to a participating Enroll Detroit school. There are six centers throughout Detroit. Q: WHAT CAN I DO AT THE CENTER? • Learn about schools • Complete and submit an Enroll Detroit application • Get information on how to raise school-based concerns • Receive bilingual support • Receive support in finding a program for your child with special needs Q: WHAT IS ENROLL DETROIT? Enroll Detroit is a locally built free service that will provide a single enrollment calendar, application and process for participating K-12 schools, early learning program sites, and schools outside the city that enroll at least 75 percent Detroit students. The Enroll Detroit application will launch on April 1, 2016. Families applying to kindergarten and ninth grade seats have a month to research and review school options, either independently or with the help of an Enroll Detroit EdCenter and/or neighborhood team staff. Families and schools will be notified of first-round matches the week of May 23, and will have until June 30 to enroll on-site at schools to secure their placement. Starting on July 1, schools with waitlists may begin pulling students off their waitlists and schools with remaining capacity can enroll students.

Q: THIS IS THE FIRST I’M HEARING ABOUT ENROLL DETROIT. HOW DID WE GET TO THIS POINT? In 2013, a group of Detroit parents, school and community leaders came together and held formal conversations around the challenges of enrollment and subsequent consequences for kids and schools. An independent report released the following year confirmed the problem, offering a simplified enrollment plan, such as Enroll Detroit, as a possible solution. Informed by this report and continued conversations with community members and schools, a coalition of Detroit school and community groups put a simplified enrollment plan forward in early 2015 as a way to make education more equitable, accessible and successful for Detroit children. Q: WHEN WILL THE ENROLL DETROIT APPLICATION BECOME AVAILABLE AND HOW LONG WILL FAMILIES HAVE TO COMPLETE IT? The common application will be released on April 1, 2016. Families applying to kindergarten and ninth grade will have until April 30, 2016 to complete the application. Families applying to all other grades will be matched to a school on a rolling basis. Q: CAN I GET HELP WITH THE APPLICATION PROCESS? Yes, six fully staffed EdCenters will exist throughout the city to support general application questions/needs, verify eligibility, support special case applicants and facilitate transfer requests or support services. Staff members acting in neighborhood teams will also provide door-to-door, on-the-ground support for families working to complete the Enroll Detroit common application. Q: WHEN WILL FAMILIES AND SCHOOLS BE NOTIFIED OF THEIR SCHOOL MATCH? Families and schools will be notified of first round matches the week of May 23, 2016 for all kindergarten and ninth grade seats.



What can I do at the EdCenter? ■

Learn about all Detroit schools

Complete and submit an Enroll Detroit application

Find a seat for non-lottery grades (1st – 8th or 10th – 12th)

Receive support for your child with special needs

Learn more about applying to an Early Learning Program

Enroll Detroit EdCenter Locations CHILDREN'S CENTER 79 W. Alexandrine St. COLEMAN A. YOUNG RECREATION CENTER 2751 Robert Bradby Drive MISSION: CITY 20405 Schoolcraft Ave. NORTHWEST ACTIVITIES CENTER 18100 Meyers Road PATTON PARK RECREATION CENTER 2300 Woodmere St. SAMARITAN CENTER 5575 Conner St. For a full list of EdCenter hours visit EnrollDetroit. org or call 888-308-1534. Site hours may vary based on holidays and participating school schedules.

Bernita Bradley with daughter Victoria and son Carlos.

The application deadline is

April 30, 2016! DON'T FORGET www.enrolldetroit.org

Attend the Enroll Detroit Schools Expo on April 17 at Eastern Market for fun and information.




ABOUT THE ENROLL DETROIT APPLICATION PROCESSÂ Enroll Detroit aims to make the enrollment process more accessible, efficient and transparent for more than 10,000 Detroit families who will be applying to kindergarten and ninth-grade seats for 2016-17. In an effort to make sure families are fully informed about how the application works, we asked the Enroll Detroit team to share with us some of the common questions families might have about the new citywide application. Here's a look at the five most frequently asked questions Enroll Detroit's EdCenter advisors want families to know this application season.





Will listing more school choices decrease my chances of getting into my top choice? The number of choices you list on your application does not affect the likelihood of you getting one of your top choices. Enroll Detroit seeks to place all families at their highest-ranked school with seats available, based on family preference and each school’s priorities. This way we are able to honor family choice, while families are not penalized for listing more options.




IF ONE OF MY CHILDREN ATTENDS MY SCHOOL OF PREFERENCE, WILL THEIR SIBLINGS AUTOMATICALLY BE GUARANTEED A SPOT AT THAT SCHOOL? Enroll Detroit is committed to keeping families together whenever possible. However, sometimes there is not enough space available to accommodate all applicants. For example, even though your fourth-grader currently attends a school and your other child is applying for a kindergarten seat at that school, there’s a possibility that your new student may not get a seat. Schools that grant sibling priority will consider applicants with siblings before applicants without, but cannot guarantee that any student will receive a placement.


IF I SUBMIT MY APPLICATION EARLIER, WILL I HAVE A GREATER CHANCE OF GETTING ONE OF MY TOP CHOICES? For kindergarten and ninth grade seats, all applications are processed at the same time, so there is no advantage to applying early. The Enroll Detroit application process for kindergarten and ninth grade seats opens on April 1 and ends on April 30, 2016. The school match does not give priority to families based on the date that they apply – and all families, regardless of the date they apply, will receive a placement letter and email from the Enroll Detroit team the week of May 23, 2016. For first-eighth grade and 10th-12th grade seats, applicants are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. For non-transition grades, visit an EdCenter to learn about seat availability.



Will submitting multiple applications increase my likelihood of getting into one of my top choices? The Enroll Detroit application is a single-best offer process, which means that all applicants will receive only one offer, regardless of how many applications they submit. Only the most recent application is considered during the matching process. Submitting multiple applications may actually damage your chances of getting what you really want, because the most recent application will overwrite any previously submitted school selections.




Must I visit an EdCenter to apply to a participating school? There are several ways you can submit your application for 2016-2017. You can submit your Enroll Detroit application at a participating school, online, by calling EdCenters or by visiting in-person. EdCenter advisors will support you in finding a school and have the best up-to-date information on seat availability for all participating schools. See a list of EdCenters on page 5.


Student Application KEY INFORMATION AND FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQs) Placement results will be available the week of May 23rd. If your contact information changes, please contact an EdCenter. Call 888-308-1534 or visit EnrollDetroit.org for more information.

How does the process work? Placements are made based on each parent’s ranked list of school choices, the number of seats offered at each school in each grade level, each school’s priorities, and each student’s random lottery number and priority to their selected schools. ■■ Applicants are first given a random lottery number. Applicants are then grouped by the priorities of the schools they listed on the application. ■■ School priority groups can include things like siblings of students continuing at the school, and/or residence within the school’s geographic zone. Applicants in priority groups will be considered first if there are more applicants than available seats. ■■ Applicants in priority groups are placed first, in order of their lottery number. Then, all other applicants are placed by their lottery number until all seats are full. Enroll Detroit will not manage waitlists. There is no situation where an applicant is guaranteed placement at a specific school, even if they are in a priority group. If you already attend a participating school, submit an application, and are matched to one of the schools you list on your application, you will lose your current school placement. It is therefore very important that families only list choices that they prefer more than their current school. In submitting an application, you consent to give up your current school spot if you are placed at one of your choices.

When will I be notified of my child's placement? Application results will be available in late May at all EdCenters. Applicants who provide an email address will be notified as soon as results are available, and a letter will be mailed to the address you list on the student application form. If your contact information changes between now and when placement results are available, please contact a EdCenter to provide up-to-date information. We strongly recommend providing a working email address if possible.

What happens after I receive my placement? Once you receive your placement results, you must claim your child's seat by June 30th, 2016. If you are not satisfied with your child's placement, you may contact an EdCenter for additional instructions. All families are strongly encouraged to claim their placement, even if they intend to pursue enrollment at a different school. Claiming your placement will not impact your ability to pursue enrollment at a different school.

By completing and submitting the Enroll Detroit application, you confirm that: ■■ You understand that your child may be matched with any school you selected on this application. We will match your child based on these preferences. ■■ You only selected schools that you would like your child to attend for the 2016-2017 school year. You understand that for some schools transportation is not guaranteed and you may be responsible for transporting your student to school. ■■ You understand that if your child is matched to a new school listed on your application and you accept that match, you are giving up your child’s seat at his/her current school. ■■ If we are not able to match your child with a new school, your child will be able to stay at his/her current school if the school offers your child’s next grade level.

For additional information, questions, or concerns, contact any of the EdCenter locations found on page 5.



Student Application Only submit an application if your child is entering Kindergarten or 9th grade and would like to attend a NEW school for the 2016-2017 school year. Do not submit an application if you would like your child to return to his/her current school. If you submit an application and your child matches and enrolls in a new school, your child loses their current seat. If you are applying to a lottery grade (Kindergarten and 9th grade) your child may be matched to any school you list on your application. If you are applying to a non-lottery grade (1-8 or 10-12), please bring your child's birth certificate and most recent report card/ transcript to any EdCenter. Non-lottery grades are filled in real-time on a first-come, first-served basis. Fill out one application form per child. The most recent application submitted will be the only application considered for student placement. If your school preferences change and you submit another application, it will overwrite your previous applications.

A. STUDENT & PARENT/GUARDIAN INFORMATION Locate your student’s most recent report card, M-STEP results, or birth certificate. Be sure to use the date of birth and formal spelling of the student’s name from one of these documents when completing this application.​ Student First Name

Student Last Name

Date of Birth


□□Male □□Female □□Not listed Is this student homeschooled? □□Yes □□No mm / dd / yyyy

□□Yes □□No

Is this student a twin or multiple birth sibling? Current School Name

What grade will this student be in next year (2016-2017 School Year)?

PA R E N T / G U A R D I A N Parent/Guardian First Name


Parent/Guardian Last Name

Apt #

Relationship to Student


Primary Contact Number


Zip Code

Email Address

□□Home □□Cell □□Work/Office □□I would like to receive occasional text notifications on the application and enrollment process. Standard text messaging rates apply. What language does the applicant primarily speak at home?

Is the student's address a temporary living arrangement?

□□Yes □□No

A LT E R N AT E C O N TA C T First Name

Last Name

Email Address


Contact Number

□□Home □□Cell □□Work/Office

If your student is applying to a magnet or private school, they will need to complete the Magnet/ Private Schools Checklist, found on page 11. For a list of these schools and their requirements, check out the Enroll Detroit website, enrolldetroit.org, or contact EdCenter staff at 888-308-1534. Email Address



Student Application C. SCHOOL CHOICE Fill in the codes and names of the schools on pages X-X you would like your child to attend, ranked in order of your preference (#1 is highest). List only schools you are interested in having your child attend. Your child may be matched to any of the schools listed. Rank

School Code

Does your child have a sibling at this school?

School Name

□□Yes □□Yes □□Yes □□Yes □□Yes □□Yes □□Yes □□Yes

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7 #8

□□No □□No □□No □□No □□No □□No □□No □□No

C. SIBLING INFORMATION (if applicable) INSTRUCTIONS: Did you check "Yes" above to indicate that the applicant's sibling attends one of the schools you ranked above? If so, please list the sibling information below. Sibling First Name

Sibling Last Name

Grade Level

School Name

Sibling First Name

Sibling Last Name

Grade Level

School Name

Sibling First Name

Sibling Last Name

Grade Level

School Name

Sibling First Name

Sibling Last Name

Grade Level

School Name

Sibling First Name

Sibling Last Name

Grade Level

School Name

Need to add more siblings? Contact an EdCenter staff person at 888-308-1534.

D. PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE I confirm that I am the guardian of this child and have the authority to enroll him/her into a school. Further, I give permission to Enroll Detroit to verify the information I have submitted with state school enrollment records for the sole purpose of ensuring its accuracy. If it is not accurate, I understand that Enroll Detroit will contact me to ensure its accuracy.​ Signature of Parent/Guardian:


Accepted by:


(for Enroll Detroit or school staff only)



Magnet/Private School Checklist Please only complete this section if you have ranked any magnet or private schools (indicated by an asterisk, *). These schools consider grades and test scores, and each school has its own admissions criteria. See below or visit EnrollDetroit.org for more information on school requirements. The information below is required and will determine if your child is eligibile for admission. District transporation rules apply; transportation is not guaranteed.

A. STANDARDIZED TESTS Please attach your child's standardized test scores. If your child has attended public school in Michigan, attach a copy of their most recent M-STEP or NWEA-MAP (elementary/middle applicants) or P-SAT scores (high school applicants). If your child does not attend school in Michigan, please attach a copy of their most recent state or district assessment scores. If your child is applying to a private school, please include their IOWA scores. If you do not have any of these documents, please contact your most recent school for a copy.

I have included a copy of my M-STEP scores.



I have included a copy of my NWEA-MAP scores.



I have included a copy of my PSAT scores.



I have included copies of IOWA or other test scores not listed above.



B. GRADES AND GPA Please fill out the boxes below and attach your most recent report card and transcript that contain the following information: Final grades from the 2014-15 school year and all report card grades to date for this school year. All grades will be verified. I have included a copy of my 2014-2015 transcript.



2014-15 Final GPA:

I have included a copy of my most recent report card.



Current GPA:

C. PERSONAL STATEMENT AND REQUIRED FORMS I have included a personal statement explaining why this school is a good fit for me. This statement should be no more than 500 words.



Additional Required Forms: If you have ranked any of the schools below, you must submit the additional required forms. Find all requirements and forms on the Enroll Detroit website, or by calling EdCenter staff at 888-308-1534. ■■ Detroit Cristo Rey High School

Looking for more info on how to apply to local schools and early learning programs?

Come visit with school representatives, early learning program providers and community partners to find out how to apply to their schools, sites and student programs.

SUNDAY, APRIL 17, 2016 Eastern Market | Shed 5 | Noon to 4 p.m.


Uniform giveaways | On-Site Application Center |Special Education Info | Children's Activities



LEARN. APPLY. ENROLL. Dates to Remember

Application window opens April 1st, 2016 Enroll Detroit Expo April 17th, 2016 Application window closes April 30th, 2016 Notification to families Week of May 23rd, 2016

Need Assistance? Visit one of our Enroll Detroit EdCenter Locations. CHILDREN'S CENTER 79 W. Alexandrine St.

MISSION: CITY 20405 Schoolcraft Ave.


COLEMAN A. YOUNG REC. CENTER 2751 Robert Bradby Drive



For a full list of EdCenter hours visit EnrollDetroit.org or call 888-308-1534. Site hours may vary based on holidays and participating school schedules.



Allen Academy SCHOOL CODE


Bethune Elementary-Middle School



Brenda Scott Academy






8666 Quincy St Detroit, MI 48204 (313) 898-6444 7:25 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: K-12

8145 Puritan Street Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 494-3830 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

18440 Hoover St Detroit, MI 48205 (313) 866-6700 8:45 AM to 4:15 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Leona Group

none reported

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Visual impairments, Hearing impairments, Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Specific learning disabilities

Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference

Dress code Not fully accessible no before/after care reported

Burns Elementary-Middle School SCHOOL CODE

Central High School



Cornerstone Health & Technology High School







14350 Terry St Detroit, MI 48227 (313) 852-0534 9:00 AM to 4:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

2425 Tuxedo St Detroit, MI 48206 (313) 252-3000 8:30 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

19900 Mcintyre St Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 486-4260 8:10 AM to 3:10 PM Grades served: 9-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Busses/vans for our students only, Transportation provided for special education students only

Special education level:

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Not fully accessible no before/after care reported

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Cognitive disability

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Cornerstone Charter Schools


Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

Hearing impairments, Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Other health impairments, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Not fully accessible After school care available

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board



Denby High School 902


DEPSA: Early College of Excellence SCHOOL CODE


Detroit Achievement Academy SCHOOL CODE



12800 Kelly Rd Detroit, MI 48224 (313) 866-7200 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

3402 St. Aubin Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 833-1100 7:20 AM to 3:15 PM Grades served: 9-12

7000 West Outer Drive Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 468-9518 7:55 AM to 3:45 PM Grades served: K-4

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

New Paradigm for Education

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:



Expeditionary Learning

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Cognitive disability

none reported

No dress code Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

*Detroit Cristo Rey High School SCHOOL CODE


Detroit Delta Preparatory Academy for Social Justice SCHOOL CODE


Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available

Detroit Edison Public School Academy SCHOOL CODE



5679 West Vernor Hwy Detroit, MI 48209 (313) 843-2747 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM Grades served: 9-12

3550 John C Lodge Fwy Detroit, MI 48201 (248) 809-2288 8:00 AM to 3:05 PM Grades served: 9-12

3402 St. Aubin Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 833-1100 7:20 AM to 3:15 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Equity Education Management Solutions

none reported

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:



New Paradigm for Education

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

none reported

none reported

Dress code Not fully accessible no before/after care reported Magnet Application - Private

Uniforms not reported After school care available

Uniforms Not fully accessible Before & after school care available

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board



Detroit Innovation Academy SCHOOL CODE



Equity Education Management Solutions

Detroit Leadership Academy SCHOOL CODE


Detroit Leadership Academy Middle/High


Equity Education Management Solutions




Equity Education Management Solutions

18211 Plymouth Rd Detroit, MI 48228 (313) 736-5537 8:15 AM to 3:45 PM Grades served: K-8

13550 Virgil Detroit, MI 48223 (313) 242-1500 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Grades served: Pre-K-5

5845 Auburn St Detroit, MI 48228 (313) 769-2015 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM Grades served: 6-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:


Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Other health impairments, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Not fully accessible Before & after school care available

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

no dress code reported Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

no dress code reported not reported no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Detroit Service Learning Academy SCHOOL CODE




Global Heights Academy SCHOOL CODE


Henry Ford High School


Global Educational Excellence




21605 West 7 Mile Rd Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 541-7619 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM Grades served: K-8

23717 Joy Rd Dearborn Heights, MI 48127 (734) 369-9500 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: K-5

20000 Evergreen Rd Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 494-7567 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Passes/tokens for public transportation, Transportation provided for special education students only

Special education level:

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

none reported

Uniforms Not fully accessible Before & after school care available

no dress code reported Not fully accessible After school care available

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference


Cognitive disability

No dress code Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported


Lincoln-King Academy SCHOOL CODE


Madison-Carver Academy


Cornerstone Charter Schools



Marion Law Academy


Cornerstone Charter Schools




13436 Grove St Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 862-2352 8:00 AM to 3:10 PM Grades served: K-8

19900 Mcintyre St Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 486-4626 8:00 AM to 3:10 PM Grades served: K-8

19411 Cliff St Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 866-3400 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Visual impairments, Hearing impairments, Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available

Michigan Technical Academy Elementary SCHOOL CODE



Shared Charter Services & Matchbook Learning Solutions, Inc.

Michigan Technical Academy Middle School SCHOOL CODE


Mumford Blue Academy


Shared Charter Services & Matchbook Learning Solutions, Inc.




19940 Mansfield St Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 272-1649 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM Grades served: Pre-K-4

23750 Elmira Redford, MI 48239 (313) 537-9311 7:10 AM to 3:00 PM Grades served: 5-8

17525 Wyoming St Detroit, MI 48221 (313) 416-7400 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-10

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Not fully accessible After school care available

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference


Cognitive disability

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before school care available


Mumford High School SCHOOL CODE

New Paradigm College Prep



New Paradigm Glazer Academy





17525 Wyoming St Detroit, MI 48221 (313) 416-7400 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

2450 S Beatrice St Detroit, MI 48217 (313) 406-7060 7:50 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-5

2001 La Belle St Detroit, MI 48238 (313) 852-1500 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Cognitive disability

New Paradigm for Education

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

DPS Charter


New Paradigm for Education

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Uniforms Not fully accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible Before school care available

New Paradigm Loving Academy SCHOOL CODE

DPS Charter

Nolan Elementary-Middle School



Pershing High School






1000 Lynn St Detroit, MI 48211 (313) 252-3028 7:50 AM to 3:25 PM Grades served: K-8

1150 East Lantz St Detroit, MI 48203 (313) 866-7730 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

18875 Ryan Rd Detroit, MI 48234 (313) 866-7700 9:00 AM to 4:17 PM Grades served: 9-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

New Paradigm for Education

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Uniforms not reported no before/after care reported

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference


Cognitive disability

No dress code Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported


Southeastern High School SCHOOL CODE

The James and Grace Lee Boggs School




University YES Academy 378




3030 Fairview St Detroit, MI 48214 (313) 866-4500 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

4141 Mitchell St Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 923-2301 9:00 AM to 3:55 PM Grades served: K-7

14717 Curtis Street Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 270-2556 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM Grades served: K-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Passes/tokens for public transportation Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

No dress code Wheelchair accessible Before school care available

Nataki Educational Services


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

No dress code Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available


InspirED Michigan

Busses/vans for our students only Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

none reported

Uniforms Not fully accessible After school care available

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Washington-Parks Academy SCHOOL CODE



Cornerstone Charter Schools

Woodward Academy SCHOOL CODE



Renaissance School Services, LLC

GEE Edmonson Academy SCHOOL CODE

DPS Charter


Global Educational Excellence

11685 Appleton Redford, MI 48239 (313) 592-6061 7:45 AM to 3:15 PM Grades served: K-8

951 East Lafayette St Detroit, MI 48207 (313) 961-2108 7:50 AM to 3:00 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

1300 West Canfield St Detroit, MI 48201 (313) 228-0910 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:


Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Emotional behavioral disabilities, Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities

Busses/vans for our students only Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

none reported

Uniforms Not fully accessible Before & after school care available

no dress code reported Not fully accessible no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Uniforms not reported Before & after school care available



GEE White Academy 4500


DPS Charter


Global Educational Excel-

Old Redford Academy Elementary SCHOOL CODE



Innovative Teaching Solutions

Old Redford Academy - High SCHOOL CODE



Innovative Teaching Solutions

5161 Charles St Detroit, MI 48212 (313) 866-3595 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: Pre-K-8

17195 Redford St Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 532-7510 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: K-5

8001 West Outer Dr Detroit, MI 48235 (313) 543-3080 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Grades served: 9-12

Additional information

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Special education level:

Busses/vans for our students only Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

Busses/vans for our students only Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

Speech and language impairments, Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

Dress code Wheelchair accessible Before & after school care available

none reported

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

none reported

no dress code reported not reported no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Old Redford Academy - Middle SCHOOL CODE



Innovative Teaching Solutions

Redford Service Learning Academy SCHOOL CODE




17226 Redford Avenue Detroit, MI 48219 (313) 653-3888 7:45 AM to 2:45 PM Grades served: 6-8

25490 Grand River Ave Redford, MI 48240 (313) 541-7619 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM Grades served: K-8

Additional information

Additional information

Transportation options

Transportation options

Special education level:

Special education level:

Busses/vans for our students only Moderate - we consistently offer a full program for particular special education needs

Special education programs:

none reported

Basic - we offer or partner to provide services based on the needs of individual students

Special education programs:

Specific learning disabilities, Cognitive disability

none reported

Uniforms Wheelchair accessible no before/after care reported

no dress code reported not reported no before/after care reported

Match priority given based on:

Match priority given based on:

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board

Sibling Preference Children of Staff and Board



www.enrolldetroit.org 888-308-1534

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