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Bundeswehr-implemented tool for test management in NATO exercises
(BSC/Omninet) Ongoing NATO operations have shown the need to increase interoperability between nations. The highest form to test interoperability is the NATO Response Force Certification Process. IT systems are interoperability-tested against each other based on agreed NATO standards. Test criteria are defined, test execution planned and the results are clearly documented. BAAINBw (Federal Office of Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology and In-Service Support) contributes with an OMNITRACKER-based Test Management Tool for IT interoperability exercises.
Germany has successfully supported the SFCT IT interop exercises for more than 10 years. The “Data Base IT System Bundeswehr” project (IT-SysBw) included a performant IT solution for SFCT content preparation, evaluation and documentation which has been deployed since May 2013. The application was created using the process management software OMNITRACKER, produced by the German company OMNINET. OMNITRACKER is based on international standards and has been certified according to numerous standards, e.g. ITILv3 2011 Edition. Several business-oriented applications are available which can be adapted by simple means of configuration. As for the NATO CIS Interop Exercise Support, a completely new processdriven OMNITRACKER application was developed within few months. In the early stage of test scenario planning it supports a role-based preparation with Roles involved (HQs, units) and CIS systems (Resources). Captured in the database via Web Browser input masks these elements are enhanced by NATO CIS and defined requirements for their interworking, e.g., information exchange relationships between the roles involved. The test cases are created and divided into several test steps, providing execution parameters, evaluation criteria and objectives. The application includes a test generator for automatic test generation in less than a minute which allows for test repetitions during the exercise period, if needed. The event calendar of the exercise period is subdivided in time slots for individual test executions. The test management application, now branded INTEROP-ExPERT, supports a process flow – a must for each NATO certification. Special attention is paid to the planning and documentation steps. Clear performance targets are set as evaluation criteria for the results. If they are not achieved during the process flow the test responsible must document the defect and decides to repeat the test. If no positive result is achieved the nations involved must adapt their systems to obtain a certification. Thus, a gradual and multiple testing provides the test director with a better idea of existing problems, where they occurred and how a precise error analysis can later be performed by the national organizations. Required changes to faulty IT systems can then be submitted to the respective project. By entering all data into a central database, a variety of views and analysis is possible e.g. Error Statistics or Requirements Coverage Analysis. Reusability of structured information is important for recurring exercises such as CWIX, CE and SFCT. Hence, a test case pool grows up over time which can be used by the participating organizations. INTEROP-ExPERT is suitable for all similar exercises, e.g. testing of national IT systems in disaster relief scenarios. The theoretical foundation for this approach is available and the exercise-proven application can easily be adapted. If IT systems shall be structured in a service-oriented way, an assignment of NATO‘s C3 Taxonomy (C3T) is required (already implemented in IT-SysBw).
BAAINBw also uses OMNITRACKER for Architecture Management, Collaboration and Service Processes. Open interfaces and code-free configuration support a rapid process deployment. OMNINET‘s contractually guaranteed Release Compatibility assures a low TCO. Test − Management − Workflow
Graphic: BS/Omninet