Need-Based Financial Aid
All applicants to USC can apply for need-based financial aid if they:
• Are a U.S. citizen, eligible non-citizen such as a permanent resident, refugee;
• Are an undocumented student who meets California Dream Act requirements or has Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals status;
• Possess a valid Social Security number (if required); and
• Meet all published deadlines and submit any additional requested information in a timely manner.
Your eligibility for federal, state and university need-based aid is based on your Student Aid Index and the Expected Family Contribution, as determined by USC.
CSS Profile for Noncustodial Parents
USC requires noncustodial parents to report their income, assets and other information as part of the financial aid application process. USC will determine an expected contribution for the custodial parent, the noncustodial parent and the stepparent, as appropriate. Noncustodial parents should complete their own CSS Profile applications at cssprofile.collegeboard.org.
If your noncustodial parent is not able to provide their information, you may submit a “Noncustodial Parent Waiver/Special Circumstances” form,
Your Student Aid Index (SAI) determines the amount of federal and state financial aid you may receive. It is calculated by analyzing your family’s financial information, as provided in the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
USC determines your Expected Family Contribution by analyzing your family’s financial information, including all sources of income and assets, as well as your family size and the number of siblings enrolled simultaneously as undergraduates.
Please visit the USC Financial Aid website at financialaid.usc.edu for more information about how your eligibility for financial aid is determined.
available in the “Document Library” of your USC Financial Aid Summary & Tasks (FAST) portal at financialaid. usc.edu/fast. Submission of this waiver does not guarantee a waiver of a contribution from the noncustodial parent.
Special Circumstances
If your family has special circumstances you would like us to consider, such as a job loss, reduction in salary, or high outof-pocket medical or dental expenses, please submit a detailed letter and supporting documentation. For the fastest processing, submit documents online. Visit financialaid.usc.edu/ contactfao for more information.
How to Apply
Apply as soon as possible to ensure timely notification of your financial aid and to be considered for all possible funding.
Step 1: FAFSA due by February 5, 2025
Early Action applicants: Apply by December 13, 2024.
Complete the 2025-2026 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at studentaid.gov. The FAFSA determines your eligibility for the Direct Loan as well as for federal and state grants.
• Report your 2023 parent and student income.
• USC’s Federal School Code is 001328.
• Apply as soon as possible after the 2025-26 FAFSA becomes available but no later than the appropriate deadline above.
Step 2: CSS Profile due by February 5, 2025
Early Action applicants: Apply by December 13, 2024.
Complete the 2025-2026 CSS Profile Application online at cssprofile. collegeboard.org. CSS Profile and FAFSA information will be used to determine your eligibility for university need-based financial aid.
• Report your 2023 parent and student income.
• USC’s CSS School Code is 4852.
• Apply as soon as possible after October 1, 2024, but no later than the appropriate deadline above.
• Be sure to include your Social Security number.
Step 3: Cal Grant due by March 3, 2025 (California residents only)
Submit the FAFSA and have the school you most recently attended submit your certified GPA to the Cal Grant program. Your school may upload GPA information directly to the California Student Aid Commission’s system. If they are unable to submit your GPA information electronically, request that your school certify a paper Cal Grant GPA Verification form, available at csac.ca.gov
Students with AB-540 status or those who meet certain other requirements may be eligible for the California Dream Grant. Visit dream.csac.ca.gov for more information and application instructions. You must also submit your application and GPA Verification Form to CSAC by March 3.
Step 4: Provide Requested Documents or Information
We may request additional information or documents to complete our review of your application. Respond to any requests within 10 business days.
Types of Aid
USC Merit Scholarships
To be considered for USC Merit Scholarships, which range in value from a few thousand dollars to full tuition, first-year applicants must apply for admission by November 1 (Early Action) or by December 1 (Regular Decision for some majors). To learn more about which deadline applies to your major of interest, visit admission.usc.edu/deadlines
Scholarships are awarded by the Office of Admission based on academic excellence, leadership, service and talent. Some scholarships sponsored by USC organizations outside the Office of Admission may require an additional application. Please visit admission.usc.edu/ scholarships for more information.
Need-Based Grants
These include federal, state and university grants awarded based on demonstrated financial need. Grants do not have to be paid back.
Federal Work-Study
If you are awarded Federal WorkStudy, you will be able to work at an approved work-study job. Workstudy awards range from $500 to $3,750 per year. Every two weeks you will receive a paycheck for hours worked.
Direct Loans
Federal Direct Loans include Subsidized and Unsubsidized loans for student borrowers and the Parent PLUS Loan, which is available to parents of dependent undergraduate students. Please visit financialaid. usc.edu/loans for more details.
The following are the 20242025 estimated costs for two semesters of full-time enrollment (12-18 units each semester) for undergraduate students living in university housing.
Tuition Fees
University housing
Food/meal plan
Books and supplies
Personal and miscellaneous
Total estimated costs
(Add $450 New Student Fee for your first semester.) $ 69,904 $ 1,743 $ 12,271 $ 95,225 $ 1,200 $ 2,006 $ 441
$ 7,660
Federal student loans are required by law to provide a range of flexible repayment options, including but not limited to Income-Based Repayment and Income-Contingent Repayment plans, as well as loan forgiveness benefits, which other student loans are not required to provide. Direct Loans are available to students regardless of income.