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Financial Facts
What costs are associated with living at USC? How does the billing system work? The information provided here will answer many of your questions.
Housing Fees
Application Processing Fee A $55 nonrefundable application processing fee must be paid at the time you submit your housing application. See “Application & Assignment”, page 32.
Contract Confirmation Payment An $800 confirmation payment must be made online at the time you confirm your contract. See “Contracts”, page 34.
Rent and meal plan costs are billed before the beginning of each semester (July and December). Charges will appear on the billing statements issued by the university Cashier’s Office.
Other Charges
Residential Meal Plans
All freshmen living in residence halls and suites are required to have a full meal plan. Freshmen living in apartments will have a partial plan. See “Meal Plans & Dining Options”, page 28.
Parking Students who choose to purchase a parking permit will have its cost charged to their account. See “Transportation and Parking Services”, page 31.
Billing Procedures
Each admitted student has a billing account that reflects all university-related charges and credits, including tuition, lab and general fees, financial aid, and dining and housing charges. You may check on and pay your current bill by logging in to my.usc.edu and clicking on the “Pay My Bill” option. Your fall semester housing charges will appear on your August bill. Rent payments must be made to the Cashier’s Office, not to USC Housing. Only application and confirmation payments are made directly to USC Housing.
If you have university billing questions, call the Cashier’s Office at (213) 740–7471. Please visit financialaid.usc.edu/ contactfao with any questions about financial aid or loans.
Items Included in Rent
Residents of USC Housing will not be billed separately for:
• Utilities (gas, electricity, water) • Cable TV service • Wireless and Ethernet Internet connections