Google Tools EDCO April 5, 2011
Google Tools Agenda Google Account Searching Google Docs Forms Google Gadgets Picasa Google Maps Google Earth Blogger
Improve Your Searches
“ “ = exact phrase •= exclude words ~ = similar words or = multiple words …. = numerical ranges define = defines a word or phrase site = searchers only particular sites link = searches for web pages that are linked 1+1 = basic calculator functions cm in foot = concerts units of measure
Alerts Blog Search Book Search Checkout Google Chrome Custom Search Desktop Earth Finance GOOG-411 Google Health iGoogle
Images Maps News Archive Search Patent Search Product Search Scholar Special Searches Toolbar Video Web Search Web Search Features
Google Book Search
Google Book Search is an index of book content that makes it easy for students and teachers to find books related to course content. It makes the full text of millions of books (including out of print and public domain books) instantly searchable. It’s possible view pages of most books - and the search terms appear highlighted for easy research.Â
Google Squared
Google Timeline
Google Wonder Wheel
Where is this located?
•Search for something •Click Options •Find the “Wonder Wheel” on the Left column
Google Scholar Search
Google Accounts
Create an account for you class with a easy username and password. EX. Change your password every year.
Google Docs
Why Google Docs 1.Makes peer collaborating and editing exciting and fun 2.Saves automatically (no more complaints about I lost my work) 3.Easy access from any Internet computer (eliminates “my computer crashed� because it is always online) 4.Teachers can monitor student work easily & offer comments & suggestions at any point in the assignment. It is hard for students to tell those big fibs when you can see their revision history online.
Google Forms You can create a form from the Docs list or from any spreadsheet. Ideas how to use this in your classroom... • tests • parent surveys • group work • creating lists • others??
Using Forms in Google Docs
Fill out a Google Form
New for Google Docs “Instead of emailing files to yourself, which is particularly difficult with large files, you can upload to Google Docs any file up to 250 MB. You'll have 1 GB of free storage for files you don't convert into one of the Google Docs formats (i.e. Google documents, spreadsheets, and presentations), and if you need more space, you can buy additional storage for $0.25 per GB per year. This makes it easy to backup more of your key files online, from large graphics and raw photos to unedited home videos taken on your smartphone. You might even be able to replace the USB drive you reserved for those files that are too big to send over email.� Taken from
Google Gadgets
Google - Google Gadgets for your Webpage There are over 140, 000 Gadgets
Picasa Picasa is a free application that helps you instantly organize, edit, and share all the pictures on your computer. You can order from any internet site such as Walgreens, Kodak Gallery, Snap Fish, and Shutterfly.
How Do I Embed a Slideshow? Click on “Embed Slideshow”
Pick your size. Copy the code and paste it into your website.
Google Maps Our fourth grade does a project with GPS's where students will find coordinates on the GPS and then map those on Google Map. This fits in with the curriculum of learning mapping skills.
Google Maps
This was a sample map that was shown to students and then they created their own.
Google Earth
Placemarkers Â
Layers This provides a variety of data point of geographic interests that you can select to display over your viewing area. This includes points of interest as well as map, road, terrain, and even building data. ** It will be easier to uncheck all layers before starting your Google Map search**
Google Earth Tool Bar Add a placemark
Historical Imagery
Add Path
Add Polygon
Record a Tour
Image Overlay
Placing a Video in Google Earth You can embed a YouTube video or any video into a Google Earth place marker. –You can embed a street view from Google Maps into a website.
Resources Google for Educators Google Earth Lessons - Geo in the Classroom Google Lit Trips Life Photos Google Earth Gallery then click on Gallery! It will down load in a KML or KMZ file.
Rules 1. Respect – We are polite, kind and appropriate at all times. Remember that many students and Mrs. Sees will view your comments. 2. Inclusion – Anyone is welcome to comment or join a discussion as long as they are respectful. 3. Learning – These are places to reflect and learn. You are encouraged to: Ask questions; Answer questions; Share your learning; Synthesize ideas; Plan projects or assignments, and Reflect on the process of learning. 4. Safety – DO NOT REVEAL ANY PERSONAL DETAILS, either on the profile page, or in any posts. Never use any students’ last names or pictures with names attached. Every student must add a comment to this post. Click on Name/URL and type your first name in to the “Name” box. You do not need a URL. Your Comment text will say, “I have read and I understand the basic rules to posting in the social forum, dialogues and blogs.” You can say more then this if you wish. I have done one as an example.
Resources Google for Educators Geo in the Classroom Google Lit Trips Life Photos Google Earth Gallery