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Modernization continues at the Hull water treatment plant
The Hull Water Treatment Plant, which was built in 1976, is one of four in Quebec's Gatineau region, and has been undergoing a $68-million modernization for more than a year now.
Continuing upgrades to the facility meant a boil water advisory for about 70,000 residents, this past October.
This was a precautionary measure, while a new watermain was connected to the Hull drinking water plant. City officials indicate that the watermain installation will accommodate a new high-pressure pumping well to ensure a redundant pumping well for the future. While the work was underway, drinking water was supplied through a bypass line and the Montagne reservoir was filled on day two of the project.
As soon as the test results showed that the water was safe to consume, Gatineau notified the public.
Residents were able to sign up for a text message or email notification.
The advisory, asked residents to boil water for one minute before consumption. It impacted the entire Hull area, with the exception of the Plateau district, which receives water from the Aylmer plant. City officials asked affected residents to reduce water use while the work was underway. They noted that some residents might find yellowish or brownish discoloration in their water.
Once the preventative boil water advisory was lifted, city officials asked that cold water taps be left to run for one minute, or until the water gets cold, before it was used.
The remainder of the upgrades for the Hull water treatment plant should be completed by next summer. The project aims to expand and modernize the Hull drinking water plant by upgrading filtration, decantation and pumping systems to redundancy criteria.
The plant’s daily filtration capacity will increase from 73,000 m 3 to 113,000 m 3 . Crews will also work to upgrade the building to current fire safety and occupational safety standards, while introducing some new water treatment technology and a second disinfection barrier to improve water quality.