Nursing School of Coimbra - Portugal

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The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) is the largest nursing school in Portugal. It is a Public Higher Education Institution with around 1500 undergraduate students, and 600 master’s and postgraduate students.


[ ] Nursing School of Coimbra

COIMBRA Health Capital of Portugal “City of Students” or “City of Knowledge” are expressions commonly used to refer to Coimbra, which is the home of the first Portuguese university and one of the oldest in Europe (1290). Today the university continues to be one of the city’s main landmarks. Coimbra is a lively city located in the central region of Portugal. In May, during the highest moment of academic festivities - the Queima das Fitas -, the students wear traditional academic attire and the streets become colourful, attracting the attention of relatives, residents and foreigners. Coimbra is also called the Health Capital of Portugal. This city has one of the biggest campus of health care provision in Europe, with the Health Sciences Campus of the University of Coimbra, the Coimbra University Hospitals, the Coimbra Paediatric Hospital, the Portuguese Oncology Institute, and the National Institute of Legal Medicine. Beautiful and peaceful, Coimbra is located on the banks of the river Mondego. Its narrow streets, monuments and historical treasures offer an unparalleled beauty and cultural richness and make it a wonderful holiday destination.

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra [ Portugal ]


THE SCHOOL The ESEnfC was founded in 1881, and it is the most ancient nursing school in Portugal. It is a public institution of national and international reference for its quality and innovation. It is also recognized for its intervention in the health system and the community, its international accreditation, its research, and the national and international recognition of its graduates. The ESEnfC has a Clinical Simulation Centre with 24 modern laboratories equipped with state-of-the-art technologies. The School has specific rooms to simulate a wide variety of clinical scenarios so as to enhance technical skills before students have direct contact with the patients. In these labs, students learn and improve many skills in areas such as Maternal Health and Obstetrics, Rehabilitation, Paediatrics, Geriatrics, performance of daily living activities, intermediate care, intensive care, and emergency situations. These labs are also research and development settings, which strive for innovation and new ways of teaching and providing care. In 2011, the ESEnfC became the first Portuguese chapter of the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International: the Phi Xi Chapter. In 2014, it became a WHO Collaborating Center for Nursing Practice and Research.


[ ] Nursing School of Coimbra


. The University of Northumbria at Newcastle . London South Bank University (LSBU)


. Bergen University College. Faculty o


. Haute École Galilée (HEG), Inst. Supér. de Soins Infirmiers Galilée (ISSIG) . Haute École Libre Mosane . Haute École de Namur-Liége-Luxembourg (Henallux) . Vives University College . Thomas More Kempen . UC - Leuven Limburg


. Metropolitan University Colle Copenhagen


.University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland .University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland


. Institut Regional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale – Rhone-Alpes –Croix-Rouge Française . Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers de la Croix Rouge Metz . Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Grenoble Ecoles Paramdicales


.Nursing School of Coimbra


. University Nursing School del Mar . Faculty of Nursing and Physiotherapy of Cadiz . Nursing School of Pontevedra . University of Cantabria Santander . Autonomous University of Madrid . Catholic University of Valencia . University of Alcala . University of Alicante . University of Extremadura . University of La Laguna . University of Malaga . University of Murcia . University of Oviedo . University of Seville . University of Valladolid . University of Zaragoza . University of the Basque Country . European University of Madrid . Public University of Navarre . University Rey Juan Carlos . University of Vigo . Autonomous University of Barcelona . University of Valencia . University of Vic . Jaume I University. Castellón de la Plana . Ramon Llull University . University Rovira I Virgili. Tarragona . University of Granada . University of Huelva . University of Castilla-La-Mancha. Toledo . University of Jaén


. School of Higher Vocational Education in Nysa . The Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno




. University of Panama

.National Autonomous University of Mexico

. University of Turin . University of Genoa


.University of Cape Verde


. Pontificial Catholic University of Campinas (PUC) . Cruzeiro do Sul University . University of São Paulo - Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing . Federal University of Alfenas . Federal University of Minas Gerais . Federal University of Santa Catarina . Federal University of Ceará . Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) . Federal University of the Rio de Janeiro. Center of Health Sciences. Anna Nery School of Nursing . Fluminense Federal University . Federal University of Juiz de Fora . UNIFESP – Paulista Nursing School . Federal University of Pelotas . UNIFRA- Franciscan University Center . UFSJ – Federal University of São João Del-Rei . Federal University of Pernambuco


. Higher Institute of Nursing of the Agostinho Ne . Private Higher Institute of Angola (ISPRA)

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra [ Portugal ]


International agreements SWEDEN

. Uppsala University


. Central Ostrobothnia University of Applied Sciences . Tampere University of Applied Sciences . Lapland University of Applied Sciences

of Health and Social Sciences

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Tallinn Health Care College

. P. Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia


. Klaipeda State College


.Fontys University of Applied Sciences - Eindhoven


. University of Debrecen . Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences


. Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


. Medical University of Plovdiv



. Technological Educational Institute (T.E.I.) of Athens

eto University


. Sacarya University . Istanbul University . Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Akdeniz Universitesi . Kafka’s University . Yeditepe University . Inönü University . Afyon Kocatepe University . Mevlana (Rumi) University

. Higher Institute of Health Sciences


. Macao Polytechnic Institute


[ ] Nursing School of Coimbra

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra [ Portugal ]


Collaborating Center for Nursing Practice and Research - ESEnfC The ESEnfC is a WHO Collaborating Center with the mission to support the WHO in promoting health at the global, regional and local levels, working in collaboration with the WHO Regional Office for Europe. This Center conducts research and identifies models of good practice in nursing and midwifery, contributing to the WHO European compendium; supports the efforts of WHO technical programme in transforming health professions education and training in support of Health 2020 in the European Region; collaborates with WHO in organizing and hosting international meetings, training courses and workshops, as well as in disseminating and translating WHO documents. The areas of expertise of this Center are: Simulated practices; Health Literacy; Nursing Education.


RESEARCH Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing UICISA: E The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E) is a monodisciplinary research unit hosted by the Nursing School of Coimbra. The main objective of the UICISA: E is to promote the status of excellence in research, distinguishing itself at an international level for the high quality and merit of its scientific and technological productivity, as well as its standards in the development, construction and dissemination of scientific knowledge in the nursing discipline.

[ ] Nursing School of Coimbra

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra [ Portugal ]

Journal of Nursing Referência The Journal of Nursing Referência is an international, peer-reviewed and doubleblind scientific journal published by the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing. This Research Unit is hosted by the Nursing School of Coimbra and accredited by the Foundation for Science and Technology. The Journal is internationally disseminated and, since 2014, it has a bilingual publishing policy. It is indexed in Cuiden Plus/Cantárida; BVS; CINAHL; Latindex; Proquest; SciELO; SciELO Citation Index - Web of Science, Thomson Reuters. Regular publication, every three months, open-access paper and online dissemination at

Portugal Centre for Evidence Based Practice: an affiliate centre of the Joanna Briggs Institute The Portugal Centre for Evidence Based Practice - PCEBP is a strategic axis of the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing, within the area of synthesis of science. The Portuguese Centre is part of the collaboration network of the Joanna Briggs Institute - JBI. The JBI is an international organization in collaboration with over 70 entities. Its main objective is to promote and support the synthesis, transfer and use of evidence by identifying feasible, appropriate, meaningful and effective health care practices to help improve health outcomes worldwide.


Educational Offers The ESEnfC offers a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, nine Master’s Degrees and a Doctoral Program.


MASTER’S DEGREES • Community Nursing • Rehabilitation Nursing • Child Health Nursing and Pediatrics • Maternal Health Nursing and Obstetrics • Mental Health Nursing and Psychiatrics • Medical-Surgical Nursing • Nursing [Field of Clinical Supervision] [Field of Management of Care Units] [Field of Conception and Development of Clinical Practice] • Family Nursing • Elderly Health and Geriatric Nursing

DOCTORAL PROGRAM (in partnership with the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra) • Health Sciences - nursing domain

Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra Rua 5 de Outubro or Avenida Bissaya Barreto Apartado 7001 | 3046-851 Coimbra | Portugal Tel +351 239 802 850/239 487 200 Fax +351 239 442 648/239 483 378 Email

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