Come and study with us in Portugal

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ESEnfC - Campus C ESEnfC - Campus A

ESEnfC - Campus B


Welcome to the Nursing School of Coimbra The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) is the oldest nursing school in Portugal, with a history of more than 135 years, and an institution seeking to be on the leading edge of knowledge and best teaching practices. The ESEnfC is located in Coimbra, a city that is considered the “City of Knowledge” and the “City of Health”, in central Portugal.

INTERNAL QUALITY ASSURANCE SYSTEM The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) has implemented an Internal Quality Assurance System, which is certified by A3ES (the Portuguese Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education) for six years. With a long tradition of self-evaluation and peer evaluation, the School is committed to implementing a quality assurance policy based on regular monitoring and evaluation of its strategic development areas, promoting continuous improvement. •

Every year, over 100 undergraduate students of different nationalities come to our school for periods of mobility and clinical practice in healthcare units of the city. This is possible through the international cooperation agreements established with education institutions in 19 countries from Europe and the rest of the world (see partnerships on page 7). We also welcome other students who come to attend our Specialization or Master’s Degrees. They come from Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries, namely Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, and East Timor. We are, therefore, a multicultural school. The opportunity to have a mobility experience is important for your professional future. You will get to know other cultures and ways of being and working in the global village. You will also learn to respect different opinions and perspectives about the world and, of course, about Nursing. The ESEnfC is a nationally and internationally recognized public institution due to its tradition, but also to its quality and innovation. To all of you who want to study with us, we welcome you to the Nursing School of Coimbra and wish you success in your work. •

The ESEnfC is a public institution of national and international reference.


In our campuses, you’ll find green spaces to relax and socialize.




At the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC), we are aware of the challenges facing the European Higher Education Area, but also of the growing demand in the international market for nurses with diversified skills to work in several scenarios within a cross-cultural context. Therefore, we offer attractive programs with a strong practical component and investment in student’s work, problem-solving learning, and entrepreneurial training.

The School offers a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing, six specialization degrees, eight master’s degrees, and five postgraduate degrees.

We follow a student-centered learning model based on the development of skills, as well as an innovative model of faculty supervision of students. There are tutorial, fieldwork, individual work, and assessment hours. The 1st cycle (Bachelor’s Degree) has almost 3,000 hours of clinical practice (total workload of the Bachelor’s Degree: 6,480 hours) in some of the best health institutions in Portugal, in direct contact with patients and their families. The quality of practical work is influenced by the investment in cutting-edge simulation laboratories and faculty development. We are a leading institution in the acquisition of equipment and technology for our classes. •

Bachelor’s Degree (4 YEARS) - Nursing Masters and specializations (2 YEARS) - Nursing with two specialization areas: Clinical Supervision and Management of Health Care Units (ONLY MASTER) - Community Nursing (ONLY SPECIALIZATION) - Medical-Surgical Nursing - Rehabilitation Nursing - Child Health and Pediatric Nursing - Maternal Health and Obstetric Nursing (ONLY MASTER) - Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing - Family Nursing (ONLY MASTER) - Elderly Health and Geriatric Nursing (ONLY MASTER) Postgraduate Degrees - Aging, Health, and Citizenship - Mental Health First Aid Trainers - Wound Management - Occupational Nursing - Nursing in Multiple Sclerosis




We have state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with innovative learning technologies and one of the most advanced simulation centers in Europe. Here students can simulate a wide variety of clinical scenarios and improve their technical and relational skills before having direct contact with patients.

A good Documentation and Information Center plays a key role in producing and disseminating knowledge. Our Center is a functional unit which supports the School’s teaching and research activities. It provides bibliographical resources to support the activities of students, faculty, and other staff.

Simulation offers students a realistic experience, preparing them better to work in real settings. In our laboratories, students acquire skills in the areas of Maternal Health and Obstetrics, Rehabilitation, Pediatrics, Geriatrics, health care to critically ill patients, emergency care, communication, and training of activities of daily living. It is, thus, possible to recreate different healthcare settings: delivery room, intensive care, intermediate care, rehabilitation care, and an inpatient unit for people with mobility disabilities. The high- and medium-fidelity simulators allow us to train and simulate nursing care delivery and human interaction, as well as assess its effectiveness. This leads to more interaction between teachers and students, and between teachers/students and the different settings. Our laboratories are also oriented towards research and development, innovation, other ways of delivering care, and other teaching methodologies. •

Some of the services include reading and loan, access to local and online databases, users’ support and guidance, self-service copying service, interlibrary loan, location of titles and publications, and Internet access. The ESEnfC receives around 200 periodical publications (subscribed and offered), mainly in the areas of Nursing, Psychology, Public Health, Social Sciences, Medicine, and Education/Pedagogy. The School has two libraries (Campus A and B) to help you enhance your knowledge. •


A student population supported by academic services of excellence The School has around 2,000 students enrolled in different study cycles: 1,500 in the undergraduate degree and the remaining students in specialization and master’s degrees. The Academic Department is available to assist students in-person from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. in both Campus A and B. Students have a “reference staff member” who manages their academic issues throughout their degree. By assigning a staff member to each academic year of the undergraduate, postgraduate specialization, and master’s degrees, the School aims to meet the needs of each and every student. •


Internationalization Every year, more than 100 ESEnfC students go abroad to study (32% of the total number of students). They choose not only European countries, but also other countries, especially Latin-American countries and Macao. We also welcome in our School the same number of students coming from Europe, Latin-American countries, Africa, and Macao. •

32% of ESEnfC students spend a period of their studies abroad.


International cooperation agreements SWEDEN . Uppsala University . University of Gothenburg . University West, Trollhättan

UNITED KINGDOM . Northumbria University, Newcastle . Middlesex University, London

FINLAND . Centria University of Applied Sciences, Kokkola . Tampere University of Applied Sciences . Lapland University of Applied Sciences

NORWAY . Bergen University College. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

BELGIUM . Haute École Galilée (HEG), Inst. Supér. de Soins Infirmiers Galilée (ISSIG) . Haute École Libre Mosane . Haute École de Namur-Liége-Luxembourg (Henallux) . VIVES University College . Thomas More Kempen . UC - Leuven Limburg . Haute École Provinciale de Hainaut - Condorcet




. University College Copenhagen . VIA University College


. Tallinn Health Care College . Tartu Health Care College

. Riga Stradins University (RSU) Faculty of Medicine

. Ryerson University, Toronto

THE NETHERLANDS . Fontys University of Applied Sciences - Eindhoven

FRANCE . Institut Regional de Formation Sanitaire et Sociale – Rhône-Alpes – Croix-Rouge Française . Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers de la Croix Rouge Metz . Centre Hospitalier de Cahors - Institut de Formation en Soins Infirmiers . Institut de Formation Interhospitalier Théodore Simon




. Bochum University of Applied Sciences

. University of Debrecen . Faculty of Health Sciences - Semmelweis University


. Nursing School of Coimbra . CHUC - Coimbra University and Hospital Center

. Columbia University School of Nursing, NY . Escuela Superior d’Infermeria del Mar . University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing . Nursing School “La Fe” . Escuela de Enfermería “Nuestra Señora del Sagrado Corazón” . Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Donostia-San Sebastián . Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Leioa POLAND . Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Vitoria - Gasteiz AUSTRIA . State Higher Vocational School in Nysa . University of Cantabria, Santander . FH Campus Wien . Hipolit Cegielski State College of Higher Education in Gniezno . Autonomous University of Madrid . University of Alcala . University of Alicante . University of Burgos ITALY . University of Cordoba MEXICO . University of Turin . University of Granada . National Autonomous University of Mexico . University of Genoa . University of La Laguna . Autonomous University of the State of Mexico . University of Padova . University of Malaga . Juárez University of the State of Durango . University of Murcia CAPE VERDE . University of Oviedo . University of Cape Verde . University of La Rioja, Logroño . University of Seville . University of Seville, Red Cross . University of Valladolid, Faculty of Nursing . University of Valladolid, “Duques de Soria” Campus . University of Valladolid, Palencia Campus . University of Zaragoza BRAZIL . European University of Madrid . Federal University of Amapa ANGOLA . Public University of Navarre . Federal University of Amazonas. Nursing School at Manaus . Private Higher Institute of Angola (ISPRA) . University Rey Juan Carlos . UNEB - Bahia State University . University of Vigo . UniCEUB - University Center of Brasilia . Autonomous University of Barcelona . Federal University of Parana, Department of Nursing . University of Valencia, Faculty of Nursing and Chiropody . UDC - União Dinâmica de Faculdades Cataratas . Valencia Catholic University . UniFil - Centro Universitário Filadélfia . University of Vic . UniCesumar - University Center of Maringá . UNIFESP - Paulista Nursing School . Jaume I University. Castellón de la Plana . Cruzeiro do Sul University . UNIFRA - Franciscan University Center . Ramon Llull University . University of São Paulo - Ribeirão Preto College of Nursing . UFVJM - Federal University of Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri . Rovira I Virgili University, Tarragona . Federal University of Alfenas . University Center Barão de Mauá . University of Huelva . Federal University of Minas Gerais . Unilasalle - University Center La Salle . University of Castilla-La-Mancha. Toledo . Federal University of Santa Catarina . Faculdade Bezerra de Araújo - Rio de Janeiro . University of Jaén . Federal University of Santa Catarina, REPENSUL . UniCamp - University of Campinas, School of Nursing . University of Cadiz . Federal University of Ceará . Federal University of São Carlos . Comillas Pontifical University . Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. Center of Health Sciences. Anna . Federal University of Sergipe . Salamanca Pontifical University Nery School of Nursing . Fluminense Federal University . Federal University of Juiz de Fora



. “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu – LBUS

BULGARIA . Medical University of Plovdiv

INDIA . Manipal Academy of Higher Education

TURKEY . Sakarya University . Istanbul University . Yeditepe University . Inönü University . Afyon Kocatepe University . Mevlana (Rumi) University . Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit University

MACAO . Macao Polytechnic Institute

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF TIMOR-LESTE . National University of East Timor

AUSTRALIA . Mental Health First Aid, Parkville, VIC


Research The research unit of the Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) is evaluated, accredited, and funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), which is the Portuguese organization responsible for accrediting research. The Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing (UICISA: E) is divided into three research groups (Health professionals’ training and health education; Well-being, health, and illness; and Health systems and organizations) which, in turn, integrate several structuring projects and networks of associated studies. The UICISA: E includes approximately 170 PhD and non-PhD researchers of around 24 academic and medical institutions, who operate in more than 30 international networks of interest for nursing in the world, influencing policies, leading and collaborating on funded projects. It has two publications: the Journal of Nursing Referência and the Monographic Series Education and Research in Health. One of its strategic axes is the TecCare project. This project aim to combine knowledge and clinical practice with the experimental research developed in higher education in the domain of healthcare technologies, with a view to innovating and transferring knowledge that may help improve the quality of care delivery. •


Outreach projects and social accountability In one of its missions (service delivery), the Nursing School of Coimbra coordinates and participates in several community outreach projects to help meet a range of societal challenges and promotes several training and solidarity activities. Some of these intervention areas include the prevention of risk behaviors in academic parties and night recreational settings; health promotion among several target groups, particularly students in different levels of training; raising awareness to end violence against women; training sessions for health professionals; prevention of elderly frailty and promotion of active aging; support to pilgrims; preparation for childbirth and parenthood; and promotion of gender equality and equal opportunities. •


Coimbra is bathed by the Mondego river. The Green Park (Parque Verde) is an excellent place to relax, have a drink, or exercise.


Coimbra: Getting to and living in the city of knowledge, health, and students Living and studying outside your hometown can be an interesting, exciting experience, especially if you’re travelling to a new country. The Nursing School of Coimbra (ESEnfC) offers an integration program for international students, which allows them to adapt to the city and the pedagogical activities. You will have Portuguese classes, but your tutors and supervisors will also speak English, Spanish, or French. The ESEnfC is located in Coimbra, known as the “City of Knowledge” – the oldest university of the country was founded here in 1920. This is also why Coimbra is called the “City of Students”, such is the importance of the higher education students in the social and economic dynamics of the city. Coimbra is also called the “City of Health”. The Coimbra Hospital and University Center, which includes two maternity hospitals, a Pediatric Hospital, and mental health services, the Portuguese Oncology Institute, the clusters of healthcare centers, a network of integrated long-term care, and a health sciences campus of the University of Coimbra, is one of the largest campus of healthcare delivery in Europe, with an indisputable quality. Located in the municipality of Coimbra, it is but a few feet away from ESEnfC Campus A. •

ESEnfC - Campus A


School health Looking after the health and well-being of its community, the School offers students a freeof-charge health service. So, if you get sick or need any support at this level, you can go to our Differentiated Unit of Social Action, School Health, and Occupational Health. The ESEnfC also has a Center for Study and Promotion of Well-Being for the practice of physical exercise, which is only used by our education community. •


Accommodation and meals You can apply for a room at the Student’s Residence, which is where most incoming students prefer to stay while in Coimbra. You can also stay in your own apartment or with family members/friends. The Schools aims to offer affordable housing to students (priority given to scholarship students) in order to facilitate their academic integration. Each residential wing offers pleasant accommodation conditions. The kitchen is equipped with a microwave, stove, oven, fridge, and a cupboard for each student. There is also a laundry with self-service washing and drying machines and an iron. The Residence has double, triple, and individual rooms, all with Internet access and TV and some of them with private bathroom. It also has a leisure room and a study room, with computers, a printer, and a copying machine. The School has two canteens in Campuses B and C. •


City life Coimbra has the quality of life of an average city (at the Portuguese scale), with around 160,000 inhabitants. Despite its development, it is not nerve-racking to move around in Coimbra during rush hours. As to the cultural life, we point out the Academic Theatre Gil Vicente (, the events during the festivities of Queima das Fitas (in May), the Jazz ao Centro (www.jazzaocentro. pt), and the Classical Orchestra of the Center Region (, but also the fado houses, the resident theater companies, and the movie theaters. Coimbra is also the perfect city to go for a walk and enjoy a healthy environment. The Mondego River, bathing the city, has its source in the highest mountain range in Portugal - Serra da Estrela. In both banks, connected by the Santa Clara and Rainha Santa Isabel bridges, there is a Green Park, perfect for relaxing, having a drink, or exercising (fitness, walking, cycling, rowing, or paddling in the calm river waters). Coimbra is a beautiful city, with a magnificent Botanical Garden, a rich historical center, many classified heritage sites, museums (such as the Science Museum of the University of Coimbra and the National Museum Machado de Castro), and two national forests (Choupal and Vale de Canas). The old part of the city delights us with its narrow streets, patios, small stairs and medieval arches, flowered terraces, bars, coffee shops, galleries, and bookstores. The city was the National Capital of Culture in 2003 and its football stadium hosted some football matches during Euro 2004. In 2013, the University of Coimbra was recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. •



The historical and cultural patrimony of the University of Coimbra - Alta and Sofia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



Student Association The Student Association organizes various cultural, leisure, and voluntary activities, protecting students’ rights and interests and encouraging them to share and discuss their ideas. The Student Association is like a school, providing complementary training to students (at a civic, cultural, sport, and environmental level) for their academic and personal development. Students who participate in its Workshop on Expressivity can become peer educators and participate in voluntary activities at schools or in the community. Those who enjoy singing or music can participate in the Tuna de Enfermagem de Coimbra, but there are also sport and other cultural activities. The Student Association has a specific department to support international mobility students. •


Queima das Fitas In Coimbra, there are many academic traditions with a high level of participation of higher education students and a strong impact on the city’s life. The most famous of these initiatives is the “Queima das Fitas” in May (it marks the end of the school year, symbolized by the burning of ribbons with the colors of the eight faculties or courses of the polytechnic higher education institutions). Another event with an impact on the students’ life (especially 1st-year students) is the “Festa das Latas” (Tin Can Parade) where new students are welcomed into the academic community. •

The Queima das Fitas is a student festivity in Coimbra


Graduation/Oath Ceremony In this graduation ceremony, the new professionals are awarded the insignias after four demanding years. It is held in July and it is one of the most significant moments in the life of the nursing students in Coimbra. Hundreds of relatives and friends of the newly-graduates participate in this ceremony where they receive their diplomas and take an oath. In a very moving ceremony, the students say goodbye to their colleagues and teachers and begin a new phase in their lives as professionals at the service of the health of the populations. •

The graduation/oath ceremony is a tradition in our School.


Coimbra is located in the central region of Portugal. It is about 1 hour from Porto and 2 hours from Lisbon (the capital city) by car. It is also 4 hours from Madrid by car. Porto

Coimbra Lisboa


By plane (airports in Lisbon and Porto), Portugal is about 2 hours away from some European cities such as London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, and Rome.

Nursing School of Coimbra Avenida Bissaya Barreto e Rua 5 de outubro, Apartado 7001, 3046-851 Coimbra, PORTUGAL Phone: 00 351 239 487 200 |

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