Environmental Science and Engineering Partners (ESE) is an environmental consulting firm focused on responsibly moving business forward through environmental problem solving. ESE is headquartered in Houston, Texas with offices in Dallas-Fort Worth, League City, Austin, San Antonio and Tampa, Florida. Our growing team of environmental engineers and scientists provide support to clients needing assessment, remediation, compliance, natural & cultural resource and building science related services. ESE’s promise is to recognize and deliver opportunity to stakeholders while at the same time improving the community’s quality of life.
Our purpose is to responsibly move business forward through environmental problem solving.
Our promise is to recognize and deliver opportunity to stakeholders while improving the community’s quality of life.
•Act with Urgency!
•Provide extraordinary service.
•Be productive; measure outcomes not activity.
•Think BIG and strive to be the best.
•Be accountable for the things you are responsible for.
•Be an active listener. “Master the art of listening.”
•Be situationally and self-aware.
•Be respectful.
•Celebrate success.
ESE was founded and headquartered in Texas, and though our roots are there, we have successfully undertaken projects on a national scale. Our expertise has enabled us to address environmental challenges across North America, including the contiguous United States, Alaska, Mexico, Canada, and Puerto Rico. We are licensed in multiple states and continue to expand our services throughout the United States, consistently delivering high-quality environmental solutions.
ESE offers innovative and sustainable approaches in environmental problem solving. Our services include due diligence, remediation, compliance, natural resources, cultural resources, and building sciences. The depth of our diverse experience, physical presence in major markets and knowledge of environmental regulations, allows us to respond with urgency and deliver honest quality-driven results.
• Professional Engineering Firm
• Registered Geoscience Firm
• Corrective Action Specialist
• Asbestos Consultant Agency
• Asbestos Laboratory
• Mold Assessment Company
• Lead Firm
ESE operates in a wide range of industries, all with unique needs and regulatory obligations. We offer experts who understand the broad complexity of environmental challenges faced by today’s businesses.
• Commercial Real Estate -Multi-Family -Retail -Office -Industrial -Mixed Use -Land Developers -Medical/Healthcare
• Renewable Energy -Solar -Wind -BESS -Green Hyrdogen
• Transmission
• Broadband
• Insurance Providers
• Private Equity/Capital Investors
• Financial Institutions
• Commercial Agriculture
• Food Producers
• Attorneys
• Oil and Gas -Upstream -Midstream -Downstream
• Brownfields Developers
• Local/State/Federal Governmental Agencies
• Civil Engineers
• Industrial Manufactures
• Educational Systems and Universities
• Medical Facilities and Hospitals
ESE has a multi-disciplined team of world-class environmental professionals comprised of engineers, geologists and scientists distributed over six offices in Texas and Florida. Below is a representation of ESE’s management structure.
Bryan Gay CEO
Mr. Gay has over 30 years of environmental consulting and executive leadership experience. After receiving a degree in Bioenvironmental Science from Texas A&M University, he worked as an environmental consultant providing site assessment and remediation services to the commercial and industrial real estate markets and oil and gas industry. His primary technical experience is in the areas of environmental due diligence, remediation, bioremediation and risk based corrective action. Additionally, he has extensive experience in leading Brownfields reclamation efforts.
Jason Binford President
Environmental consultant with more than 25 years of experience in the industry. Diverse and wide-ranging expertise in program and project management, field operations, regulatory interactions, environmental regulatory compliance, negotiations, due diligence, and technical reporting supporting soil, soil gas, and groundwater assessments associated with risk-based regulatory closure programs. Experienced and proficient in providing asbestos, mold, and lead consulting services, including material hazard identification, evaluation, management, specification development, abatement/protocol design and oversight, bid solicitation, and fire/flood/disasterrelated response.
Joe Hoelzen Vice President Business Development
Mr. Hoelzen is head of business development and has a couple of decades worth of business development and sales leadership experience. After receiving a degree in Business Management from the Rawls College of Business at Texas Tech University, he worked for a 4.5-billion-dollar global recruiting and staffing agency focusing on the environmental, civil, construction, and HSE oil and gas industry sectors by placing industry leaders in their next career path. Mr. Hoelzen is responsible for over 30% of the company’s sales goals while overseeing and managing the marketing division and the day-to-day activities for sales and marketing department.
Kathryn O’Gorman, PG Due Diligence Managing Director
Mrs. O’Gorman has over 15 years of experience with environmental due diligence and environmental compliance assistance. She is responsible for conducting site assessments and due diligence investigations on undeveloped, residential, commercial, industrial, and oil and gas properties through performance of various types of Environmental Assessments including Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs). Additionally, Ms. O’Gorman oversees the coordination and delivery of expanded scope items including Property Condition Assessments (PCAs), wetland determinations, threatened and endangered species reviews and cultural resource reviews.
Mr. O’Neil is the principal engineer of the firm with over 30 years experience in environmental consulting. Mr. O’Neil has diverse experience in design, engineering, field operations, project management, compliance, regulatory interaction and negotiation, and reporting for a wide variety of clients including private residential and commercial/industrial developers, exploration & production, drilling & completion, industrial facilities, school districts, financial institutions, city, county, and state governments/agencies and federal facilities.
Ms. Marcks is a Licensed Professional Engineer (PE) in Environmental Engineering, with over 10 years of environmental compliance experience in the Chemical, Industrial Manufacturing, and Oil & Gas Sectors. In her current role, Ms. Marcks is the Compliance Business Unit Lead. Previous consulting experience includes various environmental reporting, compliance and permitting, with extensive knowledge in EPCRA, CERCLA, SARA, CAA, RCRA, CWA, SDWA, TSCA and various other state and local environmental related regulations.
Mr. Brewer has over 23 years experience as an environmental consultant. His primary technical experience includes wetlands, NEPA, endangered species, due diligence, ecological risk assessment, site assessment, and remediation. After receiving a degree in Plant Biology Science the University of Minnesota, he worked as an environmental consultant providing Phase I/II ESAs, remediation, and regulatory closures. Utilizing his interest and background in botany, Mr. Brewer developed a parallel service line in wetland and natural resource consulting. He has led teams of experienced biologists and cultural resource staff.
Mr. Clark is a cultural resource studies expert with over 24 years of environmental consulting experience. Mr. Clark is skilled in cultural resource management planning; archaeological survey, testing, and data recovery; battle field archaeology; industrial archeology; cemetery recordation; geophysical surveys; patent and deed research; regulatory compliance and permitting; and public outreach.
Environmental due diligence is an essential risk management tool used in any commercial real estate transaction, including the sale, purchase, lease or refinancing of a real property. ESE Partners will utilize industry standards and environmental expertise to identify potential recognized environmental conditions in accordance with ASTM 1527 which may adversely affect the value or extended end-use of a property.
ESE provides lender approved ASTM-E1527 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments and related transaction screens which are often required when a property is externally financed. The purpose of a Phase I ESA is to identify Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) associated with a parcel of commercial real estate with respect to the range of contamination within the scope of CERCLA and petroleum products.
A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is often warranted when a Phase I ESA identifies a Recognized Environmental Condition, requiring further investigation. The purpose of a Phase II ESA is to confirm or deny the presence of chemicals of concern in the environment. The Phase II ESA involves the sampling and laboratory analysis of multiple medias, often including soil, soil gas, and groundwater. The analytical testing results are compared to regulatory limits and criteria established by the applicable government agency. Further remedial action may be warranted based on the results of the Phase II ESA.
ESE reviews historical records, regulatory data and conducts interviews.
Analyze for risk of contamination.
Many lending institutions require some form of environmental due diligence be performed prior to financing. Various levels of due diligence can be performed, the most common being a Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment. Others include Transaction Screens, Record Search Risk Assessments (RSRAs), and desktop reviews.
Property Condition Assessment (PCAs)
Costs for replacement or repair of major systems, components or equipment at a property can blindside buyers. ESE provides Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) on a variety of commercial structures to educate a buyer or lender with valuable insight regarding costs to remedy physical deficiencies. PCAs are conducted in accordance with the ASTM guidance document and are often conducted concurrently with a Phase I ESA.
• Transaction Screens
• Record Search Risk Assessments (RSRAs)
• Desktop Reviews
• Pre-Acquisition Assessments
• Oil & Gas Pre-Drill Assessments
Determine if Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) are present.
Phase II ESA may be performed.
• Wetlands and Waters of the US
• Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Surveys
• Lead & Lead-Based Paint Consulting Services
• Indoor Air Quality Services
• Aerial Drone Services
Development deal moves forward.
ESE prepared a portfolio of reports for fueling station facilities that were designated for acquisition as well as existing sites that were being refinanced. Each of the locations evidenced an extensive operating history and almost all were legacy Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) sites registered with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ). The intent of the acquisition and refinancing was to fund upgrades associated with the existing fuel dispensing equipment and to renovate each location to allow for the continued commercial viability. ESE’s scope of work included providing the client with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment inclusive of regulatory file reviews and a limited compliance evaluation associated with the ongoing use of the operation of underground storage tanks at each facility.
ESE assessed a total of 276 well pad sites located within 1,940 acres on an existing oilfield as part of a due diligence effort in preparation of a purchase of oil field assets. Many areas of the oil field had been in operation since the 1940s and various operators have maintained the wells over the past 70 years. ESE’s scope of work included providing the client with Phase I ESAs for the various production sites associated with the historic and ongoing use of the assets for oil and gas exploration and production activities. A baseline of existing environmental conditions was established and documented within the reports in the preparation for the client’s acquisition.
ESE conducted Phase I ESAs for a governmental agency on a portfolio of properties associated with the Little Cypress Creek watershed. Phase I ESAs were conducted in accordance with ASTM E1527-13 standard for approximately 13 separate tracts of land and watershed segments over a four-year period. The portfolio of Phase I ESAs consisted of a total of approximately 2,500-acres and included tracts of land ranging from 8-acres to 600-acres as well as watershed segments ranging in length from 500-feet to 7,000-feet. The properties assessed included areas proposed for channel improvements, detention basins, county parks and regional drainage improvements. The Phase I ESAs included user and owner/occupant questionnaires and review of site history records, regulatory database reports, physical setting sources, county appraisal district information, city directory information, county pollution control and emergency response documents, and regulatory file review documents pulled from TCEQ central records. ESE conducted site inspections of the subject properties to assess and identify any conditions meeting the ASTM definition of RECs. RECs identified by ESE were discussed with the governmental agency personnel and recommendations were made to the scope and projected cost of further investigations needed.
ESE conducted a Phase I ESA on a 2-mile stretch along Buffalo Bayou to the west of downtown Houston for a governmental agency. Historical research was conducted back to the 1930s and indicated uses of fueling stations, dry cleaning facilities and auto repair facilities. Owners of environmentally sensitive businesses located within the study area were interviewed regarding their activities and knowledge of the history of the area. Additionally, the interior of historic underground water reservoir was visually inspected for evidence of contamination. The report was finalized and submitted to the agency on time and under budget. The client utilized the findings of the report as part of a risk assessment for financial backing for improvement projects.
ESE prepared PCAs and Phase I ESAs for a portfolio of 18 properties located in metropolitan areas of Texas. The types of properties ranged from 15,000 to 460,000 square foot structures and consisted of office/warehouses, heavy industrial manufacturing, and large-scale food storage and distribution facilities. The PCAs defined equipment and infrastructure replacement responsibilities between the property owner and the tenant, and provided estimates for life expectancy and cost of replacement for equipment and structural components. The Phase I ESAs provided a determination of the potential risk for environmental liabilities. This information was utilized by the client’s financial institution for determining risk for loan modification. The portfolio was delivered within the agreed time frame and within budget. Significant findings where further investigation was recommended were discussed with the client and ESE consulted the client on a plan of action to satisfy their financial institution’s requirements.
ESE was retained by a national retail developer and property manager to conduct a Phase II ESA on a property located along Westheimer Road in West Houston. The Phase II ESA was requested by the client in response to an on-site dry cleaner that was identified as a REC in a previous Phase I ESA. ESE Partners’ Phase II ESA confirmed the presence of chlorinated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in shallow soils and groundwater at concentrations greater than TCEQ Protective Concentration Levels (PCLs). As a result of the Phase II ESA findings, ESE on behalf of the client enrolled the site into the TCEQ’s Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP) and proceeded with site characterization activities in accordance with 30 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) §350 Texas Risk Reduction Program (TRRP). Upon completion of soil and groundwater plume delineation and characterization, ESE completed a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) application that was accepted by the City of Houston. The MSD effectively eliminated the groundwater ingestion pathway by means of institutional control, allowing the site to receive a Certificate of Completion from the TCEQ’s VCP, upon approval of the Affected Property Assessment and Response Action Plan.
ESE is committed to recycling the land and revitalizing our cities and neighborhoods by making the unusable usable. ESE may conduct site assessments, feasibility assessments, bench tests and pilot tests to determine the most beneficial technology and/or processes available to mitigate site contaminants. These evaluations can identify open exposure pathways which may be mitigated through the use of risk based assessments, institutional and/or engineering controls, eliminating the necessity for costly remediation.
Risk Based Corrective Action
Risk assessments can be utilized to mitigate property contamination in lieu of physical remediation. Risk based corrective action involves thoroughly evaluating property and contaminant characteristics and the respective pathways through which potential receptors may be exposed to contaminants.
• Soil/Groundwater/Surface Water and Sediment Assessments
• Non Aqueous Phase Liquid (NAPL) Assessments
• Site Investigations
• Affected Property Assessment Reports (APARs)
• Response Action Plans (RAPs)
• Response Action Completion Reports (RACRs)
• Post Closure Care
• Tier 2 and 3 PCL Evaluations
• Plume Stability Monitoring
• Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)
• Fate and Transport Modeling
• Municipal Setting Designations
• Plume Management Zones
• Deed Recordations
Physical Remediation
Remediation generally involves contaminant removal or the reduction in contaminant concentrations from environmental media at a site. ESE may conduct feasibility assessments, bench tests, and pilot tests to determine the most beneficial technology and/or processes available to remediate site contaminants. Some remedial methods include excavation, land farming, in-situ chemical oxidation, bioremediation, and in-situ immobilization.
• Underground Storage Tank (UST) Removals
• UST Corrective Action
• Pump and Treat Technologies
• Vapor Extraction
• Vapor Barriers
• Surry Walls
• Reactive Barriers
• Excavation
• Land Farming
• In-Situ Chemical Oxidation
• Bioremediation
• In-Situ Immobilization
ESE is experienced in conducting corrective action projects under the jurisdiction of EPA, TCEQ and the RRC for various programs including Corrective Action Program, Voluntary Cleanup Program and Municipal Setting Designation.
ESE is committed to recycling the land and revitalizing our cities and neighborhoods, making the unusable usable; Making Brownfields Green. We enable our clients to realize unconsidered financial opportunity in environmentally blighted real estate. We will increase the value of your property and deliver new development options through environmental risk management and engineering –Reclaim. Restore. Renew.
• Feasibility Studies
• Liability Transfer
• Opportunity Zone Assessments
• Technical Specifications
• Bid Support and Demolition Oversite
• End Use Strategic Development
• Notice of Registration (NOR) Closeout
• Environmental Program Management
ESE performed emergency removal of five underground storage tanks at a luxury apartment complex in Houston, Texas. The unregistered ghost tanks were improperly left in place after several fueling stations ceased operations decades prior to the redevelopment of the property as a multi-family residential complex. The tanks were encountered within areas of the structural foundation footprint for the seven-story residential building, and could have presented significant construction and environmental setbacks to the project. ESE addressed contamination and health concerns, minimized construction delays, and provided regulatory closure of the tanks on an expedited time-frame.
ESE was contracted by a large development client to provide environmental engineering services for the redevelopment of a 750-acre power plant site listed as a Brownfields site. ESE performed pre-acquisition due diligence support including Phase I ESA, facility permits review and budget/schedule projections. The scope of work included facility demolition, asbestos abatement support and management including: technical specifications, development of scope of work, on-site management and engineering certification of project completion, regulatory closure of facility permits and waste handling, storage, treatment and management units.
ESE conducted a Phase I ESA on a former meat packing facility in downtown Houston along the banks of Buffalo Bayou. The results of the Phase I ESA identified the possible presence of a historic underground storage tank (UST) in the basement of the building. ESE conducted an electromagnetic and ground penetrating radar (EM/GPR) survey in the vicinity of the reported tank location which confirmed the presence of the tank underneath the basement concrete slab. ESE removed the UST utilizing specialized equipment (due to access limitations) and prepared and submitted a Release Determination Report to the TCEQ. Due to hydrocarbon impacts to soil underlying the UST and dispenser, the TCEQ assigned a Leaking Petroleum Storage Tank (LPST) ID number. ESE prepared and submitted a Plan A Risk-Based Assessment Report to the TCEQ documenting no apparent threats to receptors including groundwater and the adjoining Buffalo Bayou surface water body. Based on the information submitted in the Plan A Risk-Based Assessment Report, the LPST site received TCEQ closure with no further corrective action necessary.
ESE served as environmental engineers for the assessment and remediation of incinerator ash that had been deposited into a former oxbow of White Oak Bayou during historical rechannelization activities. ESE completed a Phase II ESA, affected property assessment and prepared an Affected Property Assessment Report (APAR) for submittal to TCEQ. Following approval of the APAR, ESE prepared a Response Action Plan (RAP) for submittal to the TCEQ. The response actions detailed in the RAP included soil excavation, risk-based assessment, and implementation of a Municipal Setting Designation (MSD) which were designed to achieve a residential closure of the property. ESE also conducted surface water (bayou) sampling and analysis upstream, adjacent to, and downstream of the contamination to evaluate potential impacts to the bayou and demonstrated that heavy metals soil and groundwater contamination at the site was not negatively impacting White Oak Bayou.
SE served as environmental engineer and brownfields program manager for the decommissioning, demolition and redevelopment of a 10-acre heavy industrial property that had operated as a specialty machining and forge facility for over 50 years. Prior to commencement of demolition activities, ESE conducted an asbestos containing material (ACM) survey of the facility. Based on the results of the ACM survey, ESE prepared asbestos Abatement Technical Specifications for use prior to and during the demolition process. Following completion of asbestos abatement activities, ESE conducted clearance sampling and prepared an Abatement Closeout report.
served as Environmental Engineer and Brownfields Redevelopment Program Manager for the decommissioning, demolition and redevelopment of a 60-acre heavy industrial property in Sugar Land that operated as a sugar refinery since the early 1900s. ESE conducted a preacquisition Engineering Evaluation and Estimate of redevelopment costs including structure demolition, asbestos abatement, environmental investigations, and regulatory closure. ESE program managed the facility demolition process and prepared Engineering Technical Specifications and Bid Documents for the public bidding of six (6) separate phases of demolition and asbestos abatement. Additionally, ESE conducted a detailed evaluation and ranking of asbestos abatement/demolition bids and provided an engineering recommendation for Award of Contract for all phases of demolition.
ESE’s team delivers expert compliance-related services in a world of ever-changing environmental regulations. Through experience, licensing, and continued education, we are an invaluable resource to those responsible for a facility’s environmental compliance. This assistance is delivered through permitting, auditing, and inspection of facility operations, which are regulated by environmental statutes, policies, and regulations.
ESE provides a wide range of air services to the oil & gas, energy, chemical, and manufacturing market sectors. Our air expertise includes air permitting (Permits by Rule, Standard Permits, New Source Review, Title V Permits), air dispersion modeling, onsite auditing and inspections, federal and state regulatory analysis, emissions inventory, GHG analysis, and deviation and periodic reporting.
• Risk Management Plans (RMP)
• Applicability and Facility Inspections
• Management Plans
• Air Monitoring and Sample Analysis
• Abatement Bid Solicitation & Contractor Qualification
• Abatement Project Management & Oversight
• Permits by Rule
• Standard Permits
• Non-Rule Standard Permitting
• New Source Review
• Title V Permitting
• Prevention of Significant Deterioration and Non-Attainment
• NewSource Review Permitting (PSD/NNSR)
• AVO (NSRP and NSPS OOOO) Inspections
• Emissions Case Studies
• Vapor Recovery Unit (VRU) Emissions Testing
• Semi-Annual and Quarterly Reporting
• Deviation Reporting
• Mass Emissions Cap and Trade
• GHG and ESG Analysis Reporting
• Turnkey Operational Recordkeeping and Reporting
• Emissions Inventory
• Annual Compliance Certification
• Air Quality Audits
• Air Quality Dispersion Modeling
ESE’s water compliance capabilities include industrial and construction stormwater permitting, stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) preparation, SPCC planning, FRPs, RMPs, Tier II reporting, TRI reporting, AST/UST registration/permitting, wastewater permitting and reporting, onsite inspections and compliance audits, drinking water assessments, wetlands determinations, and water sourcing/acquisition planning.
• SPCC Plans
• SPCC Inspections
• PST Registration
• Facility Response (P2) Plans (FRP)
• Oil Spill Contingency Plans
• Stormwater Inspections
• Industrial Stormwater Permitting and
• SWP3 Development
• Construction Stormwater Permitting and
• SWP3 Development
• Stormwater Reporting
• NPDES and POTW Wastewater Permitting
• Wastewater Source Mapping
• Wastewater Reporting
• Acquisition Planning
• Water Use Reporting PERMITTING
ESE provides a wide range of air services to the oil & gas, energy, chemical, and manufacturing market sectors. Our air expertise includes air permitting (Permits by Rule, Standard Permits, New Source Review, Title V Permits), air dispersion modeling, onsite auditing and inspections, federal and state regulatory analysis, emissions inventory, GHG analysis, and deviation and periodic reporting.
• Industrial/Hazardous Waste Characterization
• Waste Registration/Notification
• TSD Permitting
• Biennial Hazardous Waste Reporting
• Waste Management Planning
• Pollution Prevention Plans
• Annual Progress Reports
• Annual Waste Summary
• Industrial/Hazardous Waste Audit
• RCRA Contingency Plan Development
• RCRA Waste Minimization Plan Development
ESE also provides custom-tailored, cost-effective multimedia compliance solutions to assist clients in effectively managing regulatory, permitting, and internal requirements. Multimedia services include compliance audits, regulatory applicability and ivnterpretation, EHS management systems design and implementation, EHS risk assessments, compliance assurance tool design, EHS organizational strategies, best management practices/corporate EHS standards development, and other permitting, planning, and compliance support.
• CERCLA Reporting Assistance
• Tier II Reporting
• TRI Reporting
• Emergency Planning/Community Right to Know Support
• ISO 14001 Program Development
• Environmental Management Systems
• Environmental Compliance Audits
• Compliance Assurance Tool Development
• Regulatory Applicability Assessments
• Compliance Program Design & Implementation
• Environmental Standards Development
• Environmental Risk Assessment
• General Land Use Regulations
ESE is committed to helping todays corporations achieve their sustainability goals. We understand that these goals should dovetail into the specific needs of a growing organization. We understand that each company’s sustainability needs are unique and specific to their core purpose, location and industry. ESE offers a wide range of environmental expertise and services to match your company’s sustainability needs. These services include:
• ESG Reporting
• Greenhouse Gas Inventories
• Carbon Footprint Analysis
• Carbon Sequestering Permitting & Consultation
• Carbon Reduction Planning & Implementation
• Air Permitting
• Compliance Auditing & Permitting
• Health & Safety Consulting
ESE developed the Spill Preparation, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC), Oil Spill Response Plans (OSRP) and Facility Response Plans (FRPs) for several pipelines and terminals located in Texas, New Mexico, Mississippi, Wyoming, Alabama, Florida and Louisiana, which were subject to U.S. EPA, USCG, PHMSA, DOT and other state agency regulations. ESE’s services includes project management, site investigations, storage tank inventories and inspections, and preparation of the SPCCs and the response plans. ESE’s project management services included coordination with the terminal’s representative and other personnel, and conducting field visits to document the layout of each facility. The information obtained during the site visits and personnel interviews was used to generate the response plans.
ESE assisted a business involved in aggregate materials sourcing, crushing, and distribution with various compliance issues. This client operated approximately 15 facilities located through the Gulf Coast Region of Texas. The client required Notices of Intent (NOIs) and Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWP3) for construction stormwater permits needed for the construction of new facilities; NOIs, SWP3s, and quarterly and annual inspections for general industrial stormwater permits for actively operating facilities; and the generation and implementation of SPCC plans for actively operating facilities which exceed a volume threshold for the storage of petroleum products. ESE’s assistance with these compliances items are renewed on an annual basis for all facilities. ESE’s environmental compliance consulting provided the client with the implementation of best management practices and the documentation needed to undergo city, county, or state environmental regulation inspections and be found in compliance with general requirements.
ESE assisted the client with seeking the vendors and soliciting proposals for the construction of a wash-bay at their facility. The scope of work included discussion of several conceptual options with the qualified vendors and vetting the contractors at the facility for needs assessment. ESE also assisted the client with the preparation and submission of industrial wastewater permit applications to the TCEQ. The permit scope of work included information collection, preparation and submission of the permit application, correspondence with the TCEQ, and permit review.
ESE assisted a major exploration and production (E&P) company evaluate their production operations for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) compliance/reporting in accordance with 40 CFR Part 98 Subpart W, Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans and determined the appropriate level of air quality permitting necessary to comply with the federal and state Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality (ODEQ) requirements. ESE prepared permit applications, permit-exempt packages for submission to the agency, calculating and reporting of GHG emissions, review of equipment and appurtenances at each facility including compressor engines, and prepared SPCC plans in accordance with the requirements set forth in 40 CFR 112 for the facilities.
ESE conducted various product life cycle assessments/carbon footprint assessments for an oil and gas sector client to assess the environmental aspects and potential environmental impacts associated with company’s raw material acquisition, operation, use and end of life treatment of the product. These studies were conducted in accordance with the WRI/WBCSD’s GHG Protocol Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard. Using the results of these studies, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) were established to assist the company with setting emission reduction targets and minimizing overall environmental impacts. The results of the analysis were communicated to the company’s stakeholders to assess the potential environmental impacts of the company’s operations to the environment and climate change. The fresh water use from the operations was minimized and subsequently eliminated as part of minimizing the environmental impacts from drilling and completion activities.
ESE assisted the client with the submission of Notice of Audit & Disclosure of Violation letters to the TCEQ under the Texas Audit Act. ESE’s scope of work included an in depth environmental compliance review to identify missing permits and registrations. ESE also assisted with the preparation and submission of necessary permit applications and other environmental documents.
ESE provides a wide range of custom-tailored and innovative approaches for natural resources permitting and assessments related to renewable energy, upstream and midstream oil & gas, transportation, residential and commercial development markets. Our in-depth experience and high quality services aid in assisting clients with addressing federal, state and local requirements.
Wetlands & Waters of the US
• Wetland and Waters Delineation
• Water Resource Evaluation
• Jurisdictional Determinations
• Clean Water Act Compliance via U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
• Section 404 Clean Water Act Permits (Nationwide and Individual Permits)
• Section 10 River and Harbors Act Permits
• Mitigation Plans for Streams and Wetlands
• Wetland Monitoring
• Functional Assessments for Streams and Wetlands
• Section 408 Permissions
Protected Species and Wildlife
ESE provides a wide range of protected species and other wildlife related services to our clients. ESE’s seasoned Biologists are permitted for presence/absence surveys for federally endangered species, and habitat assessments. We have conducted acoustics monitoring and analysis in multiple states for a wide variety of bat and herpetological species. We provide federal and state regulatory consultation services as required by our Client’s projects.
• Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat Assessments
• Endangered Species Surveys and Federal Consultation
• Eagle, Raptor and Songbird Studies
• Bat Acoustic Monitoring
• Biological Monitoring
-Biological Assessments
• Post-Construction Mortality Studies
• MBTA Compliance and Pre-Construction Surveys
• Habitat Protection Plan, Certificates of Participation
-Golden-Cheeked Warblers Permit Holder
-Houston Toad Survey Experience
-Tricolored Bat Consultation
-Endangered Plant Surveys
• Endangered Species Act compliance for FEMA Floodplain Permits
Regulatory and Planning Documentation
ESE is experienced with a variety of reporting and field investigations required under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) including Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusions and other similar studies requested by our clients. ESE conducts Critical Issues Analyses and Site Characterization Studies for a variety of clients, but primarily for proposed renewable energy development. ESE is experienced with studies required by municipalities, including but not limited to, Environmental Resource Inventories required by the City of Austin.
• NEPA Environmental Assessments and Categorical Exclusions
• Critical Issues Analyses (CIA)
• Site Characterization Studies (SCS)
• Environmental Evaluation Studies
• City of Austin Environmental Resource Inventories (ERI)
• Permit Matrix for Utility and Renewable Projects
• TCEQ Edwards Aquifer Protection Plans
- Ecological Risk Assessment for TRRP Compliance
ESE completed a Water Resources Evaluation and an Approved Jurisdictional Determination for a proposed 14.6-acre commercial development. Specifically, following completion of a Phase I ESA, ESE coordinated a Jurisdictional Determination with the USACE and the findings were approved.
A residential development in Frisco, Texas required documentation of Endangered Species Act compliance as a requirement for their FEMA floodplain permit. ESE conducted a Biological Resources Evaluation and Habitat Assessment for endangered species and wrote a report to demonstrate Endangered Species Act compliance that the project had no effect on Endangered Species.
ESE has long partnered with national home builders to delineate wetlands and consult on endangered species issues for subdivisions in Texas. In one recent example, ESE combined wetland delineation surveys with biological surveys to save money when evaluating a 70 acre parcel in Kauffman County for a proposed housing development. The wetland delineation separated waters that may be jurisdictional waters of the U.S. from other ponds and wetlands that are not waters of the U.S. and do not need Section 404 permits to develop. Endangered species may be present on a portion of the property and ESE was able to advise on property
ESE has decades of experience supporting multi-family development in Texas. In one recent apartment project in Harris County, wetlands were identified on the property but found to be non-jurisdictional and not need a Section 404 Permit for development.
ESE is currently conducting a Water Resources Evaluation, submitting an Approved Jurisdictional Determination request, preparing a Nationwide Permit (NWP) application, and conducting an environmental review of an approximately 4,000-acre proposed solar site in Fort Bend County, Texas. Specifically, ESE will delineate any areas subject to USACE jurisdiction, and will consult with the USACE on the jurisdictional determination and the NWP process. ESE will also determine if there is potential habitat for any state or federally listed threatened or endangered species.
ESE conducted a Water Resources Evaluation, Biological Evaluation, Environmental Management Plan (EMP), and Cultural Resources Assessment of an approximately 3,970-acre proposed solar farm in Childress County, Texas. Specifically, ESE identified any area subject to U.S. Corps of Engineers (USACE) jurisdiction, assessed potential habitat for all federally and state listed species, provided oversight of a cultural resources field assessment, and prepared an Environmental Management Plan to provide recommendations on best management practices and other steps necessary if a protected species or cultural resource is encountered during site construction.
ESE conducted a wetland delineation, threatened and endangered species habitat assessment, Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, and oversaw cultural resources studies for a proposed 3,925-acre solar farm in South Texas. A wetland delineation and jurisdictional determination was conducted in accordance with the USACE guidelines. Threatened and endangered species habitat evaluations included assessment of the project area for suitable habitat for special listed species and assessing species observations that have been documented by USFWS. The evaluation documented existing site conditions and assessed the areas for the presence of the specific habitat types required for state- or
ESE conducted an aerial eagle nest survey, followed by a nest ground-truthing survey. ESE also led an American Burying Beetle (ABB) presence/absence survey effort. Specifically, ESE surveyed for eagle and other raptor nests by flying transects in a capable helicopter through high probability areas within the project boundaries. ESE has also provided US Fish and Wildlife
ESE cultural resources management team conducts monitoring, survey, testing, and mitigation for development related to renewable energy, upstream and midstream oil & gas, transportation, municipal infrastructure, and residential/commercial development markets. We have industry-leading experience in the use of geophysical investigation and heavy equipment operation to assist with complex testing and mitigation projects.
Services Offered
•Phase I Archaeological Survey & Monitoring
•National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility testing and NRHP property listing services
•Data Recovery & Site Mitigation
•Mechanically Augmented Survey & Testing
•Cemetery Delineation & Documentation
•Resource Avoidance Plans
•Archival Research
•Mitigation Negotiation
Industries Served
•Oil & Gas (Upstream & Midstream)
•Renewable Energy
•Municipal Infrastructure
•School District and University Infrastructure
•Residential and Commercial Developments
•Private Equity and Capital Investors
•Financial Institutions
•Insurance Providers
•Federal Contracts
Regulatory Agency Experience
•Bureau of Land Management
•Bureau of Land Reclamation
•Texas Historical Commission
•Oklahoma Archaeological Survey
•Louisiana Division of Historic Preservation
•National Forest Service
•New Mexico Historic Preservation Division & State Land Office
•US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
•National Park Service
ESE Partners recently conducted an intensive mechanically augmented cultural resources survey of a proposed 18.7-Mile powerline, in Cameron County, Texas. A local electric cooperative is planning to construct a 35 kilovolt (kV) powerline within the existing Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and county roadway rights-of-way (ROWs).
In June of 2021, ESE archeologists conducted an intensive mechanically augmented cultural resources survey of the area of potential effect. The survey included surface survey, the placement of 294 shovel tests, and the excavation and monitoring of 59 backhoe trenches. Trenching entailed the cleaning and documentation of a 39-inch (1-m)-wide section of trench wall for each trench, inspection of back dirt as it was placed upon the ground surface, and screening or trowel-sorting samples of the excavated soil matrix. Prefield archival work included the study of topographic maps, aerial orthoimagery, previously documented sites, and reports of investigations from previous archeological studies conducted in the immediate area.
No standing structures of historic age were noted on or directly adjacent to the project area, but five archeological sites had previously been recorded within the TxDOT ROW. The archeological survey produced no artifacts or cultural features within the disturbed ROW. Due to the absence of significant surface or subsurface artifacts or features, the probability for significant cultural sites within the project area was considered extremely low. Based on research results, it was ESE’s opinion that no cultural resources will be impacted by development within the proposed 18.7-Mile (30 km) powerline. ESE recommended the project be allowed to proceed as planned, a recommendation with which the Texas Historical Commission agreed. Regulatory clearance
ESE Partners recently conducted intensive mechanically augmented cultural resources survey of the 1,310.35-Acre 560-Hectare tract in Waller County, Texas. The Client was proposing to construct a mixed use development under a Municipal Utility District. Prior to the designation of the district by the state legislature, ESE conducted a full Reconnaissance Survey and a 20-percent Cultural Resources Survey for the purposes of due diligence and cost analysis in March of 2022. This limited survey allowed ESE to identify disturbed areas which would be omitted from future survey effort.
In December of 2023, ESE received TAC Permit #30935 and betwee December and February, the archeological crew conducted a 100 percent pedestrian survey within 510 Acres of relatively undisturbed land within the project area, as well as in areas deemed accessible and potentially worthwhile at the time of survey. Archeologists conducted a systematic transect survey within the project area and administered auger tests and shovel tests to identify buried cultural deposits. The number of excavations conducted exceeded the State of Texas Minimum Standards for survey.
Across all field efforts, a total of 795 excavations were conducted. This work included the excavation of 495 auger tests, 293 shovel tests, and seven backhoe trenches. In addition, an in-depth historical context was produced for a local town. Considering the historic land use within the project area, including land modification for rice cultivation and the development, this level of effort exceeds the Texas State Minimum Standards for Phase One Survey of projects of this size. No historic or prehistoric archeological components were encountered within the project area. The survey concluded that the project would have no impact on significant cultural resources and recommended that development be allowed to proceed.
Between June and August 2015, ESE archeologists performed a geophysical survey, a pedestrian survey, an auger test survey, backhoe trenching, and conducted archival research for the proposed 95.5-acre (38.7 hectare [ha]) Sugar Land Regional Airport Expansion in Fort Bend County, Texas. The survey was conducted on behalf of the City of Sugar Land. The project area is located directly north of United States Highway 90 Alternate, approximately 0.5 mile (0.7 kilometer [km]) west of Texas State Highway 6 North. The project area measured approximately 1,100 feet (335 meters [m]) east-to-west by 3,700 feet (1,128 m) north-to-south and is located in the town of Sugar Land, Texas. The project area was a portion of the recently (2011) defunded Central State Prison Farm. The majority of the project area was fallow agricultural fields, but also contained modern inmate dormitories, a wastewater treatment plant, a basketball court, a parking lot, and utility infrastructure. The investigations revealed a light scatter of historic artifacts throughout the fallow agricultural fields with slightly more dense deposits adjacent to the modern prison facilities located on the central third of the project area. Rich archeological deposits found on elevated terrain along the southern boundary of the project area were documented as site 41FB348, the Walker (or later Sartartia) Railway Station. The five backhoe trenches placed alongside railroad ROW produced concentrations of artifacts, as well as a cuttimber foundation feature from Backhoe Trench 2.
Currently, site 41FB348 is of unknown eligibility for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places and for listing as a State Antiquities Landmark. Further testing in the form of controlled hand excavated units will be required to determine eligibility. It is ESE’s recommendation that the City of Sugar Land consult with the Texas Historical Commission and the State Historic
ESE archeologists performed a cultural resources study on 163 acres (66 hectares [ha]) of a prison in Fort Bend County, Texas. The cultural resources study was conducted on behalf of ESE Partners, acting as agent for the City. A detailed cultural resources study consisting of archival research, an electromagnetic survey (EM-61), a pedestrian survey, auger testing, shovel testing, and backhoe trenching was conducted on the 142-acre (57.5 ha) western tract. The 21-acre (8.5-ha) easternw tract was almost completely inundated and there were no proposed development activities, therefore a detailed cultural resources study was not conducted.
The survey revealed a light scatter of historic artifacts throughout the fallow agricultural fields, with slightly more dense deposits adjacent to the modern prison facilities, especially within the residential area. Minor cultural deposits, associated with site 41FB220 (a farmstead called the Pryor House) were located on the northern edge of the western tract. Neither features nor artifacts of significance were found associated with the Pryor House.
The investigation resulted in recording archeological site 41FB347, the prison complex, located in the central part of the western tract. The complex consisted of three areas defined as secured, agricultural/industrial, and residential. Archeological testing was not conducted adjacent to the dozens of historic prison structures due to impervious ground cover, unmarked utilities, and numerous earth-moving activities (apparent on the ground and on historic aerial photographs). Additionally, the area surrounding a concrete cross (a possible grave marker) north of the dog kennels was inaccessible by tractor and was not assessed during the survey. ESE archeologists recommended archeological monitoring in the vicinity of the concrete cross during demolition and earthmoving activities. The Central State Prison Farm, site 41FB347, appears devoid of significant subsurface deposits based on an electromagnetic study, auger testing, shovel testing, and backhoe trenching. ESE archeologists recommended no further subsurface (archeological) investigations.
ESE performs services to identify, manage, and provide mitigation options to various concerns associated with the risks and liabilities that often accompany the occupancy, management, and operations of structures. Our licensed and accredited staff routinely consult with building owners/engineers, prospective purchasers, architects, property managers, and municipalities/counties to deliver results of surveys, assessments, and evaluations in support of practical solutions.
Once extensively used in building, insulation, and fire-protection applications, asbestos is a known carcinogen. Regardless of the date of construction, federal, state and municipal regulations require building and facility owners to assess and manage the presence or the potential for the presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACM). ESE provides a diverse range of asbestos consulting services to public and private sector clientele as stated below.
•Building Surveys and Facility Inspections
•Development of Abatement Specifications
•Asbestos Management/O&M Plans
•Air Monitoring and Sample Analysis
•Abatement Bid Solicitation & Contractor Qualifications
•Abatement Project Management & Oversight
Moisture intrusion, water damage, HVAC issues, and construction defects can result in the occurrence of mold or related fungal growth. ESE’s state licensed professionals work with building owners and facility managers to promptly identify mold and/or moisture damage to ensure that issues are assessed and dealt with in a safe and satisfactory manner. During the mold remediation process, ESE professionals work to ensure that the structure is restored in a fashion that will not result in the reoccurrence of amplified microbial growth while keeping occupants safe and building contents protected.
• Assessments for Mold Affected Building Materials
• Remediation Protocols
• Remediation Contractor Solicitation and Selection
• Remediation Project Management
• Post Remediation Verification and Sampling
Lead and lead compounds have been used in a wide variety of products found in structures including paint, coatings, ceramics, pipes and plumbing materials. ESE’s accredited professionals are experienced and adept at providing clients with timely, cost-effective practical solutions to lead related issues.
•Lead-Based Paint Inspections
•Worker Protection Monitoring & Compliance
•Development of Abatement Specifications
•Abatement Project Management & Oversight
•Lead in Drinking Water Testing
•Lead Risk Assessments
Modern buildings are designed and engineered to be dynamic and complex systems. Structures constructed over the past several decades rely heavily on ventilation and ongoing management to dilute indoor air contaminants. ESE works with building owners and property management companies to determine the indoor air quality (IAQ) both proactively and in response to tenant complaints. ESE provides a diverse range of consulting services to commercial and industrial building owners and operators as stated below.
•Baseline and Ambient Air Measurements
•Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs)
•Particulate Matter
•Carbon Monoxide
•Carbon Dioxide
•Relative Humidity
Costs for replacement or repair of major systems, components or equipment at a property can blindside buyers. ESE provides Property Condition Assessments (PCAs) on a variety of commercial structures to educate a buyer or lender with valuable insight regarding costs to remedy physical deficiencies. PCAs are conducted in accordance with the ASTM E 2018-15 guidance document and are often conducted concurrently with a Phase I ESA.
•Baseline and Ambient Air Measurements
•Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOCs)
•Particulate Matter
•Carbon Monoxide
•Carbon Dioxide
•Relative Humidity
Between August 26 and 29, 2017, Hurricane Harvey deposited more than 40 inches of rain over Houston, Texas. As the result of the storm, catastrophic flooding occurred throughout much of southeast Texas. In the post storm response, ESE’s state licensed mold professionals provided restoration and mold consulting services to a nationally known multifamily development and management company. One of the company’s communities had been completed in west Houston just the year prior to the storm. The property was located within the immediate proximity of the primary spillway/outfall of the Barker Reservoir, a regional flood control structure within the Buffalo Bayou watershed. Concerns associated with the integrity and discharge of the Barker Reservoir received extensive national attention, both during and after the storm. As the result of the storm, the property was affected with floodwater from the hurricane and from the large volume of storm water released from the Barker Reservoir. The property was inundated with approximately three (3) feet of flood water. Residual flood waters remained within the structure for a period of several weeks due to the continuous discharge of water from the Barker Reservoir. Once flood water receded, ESE worked with a restoration contractor’s catastrophe team to salvage the year old 400-unit multifamily structure.
ESE performed a comprehensive asbestos survey at a century old fifty-five (55) building historic prison facility. Based upon the type, use, and age of the facility, structures were highly variable in size and former use, spanning a construction period of seven (7) decades with the newest portions of the facility being completed prior to 1980. The services included thorough ACM surveys, development of ACM abatement specifications, pre-abatement bid solicitation with subsequent project management and air monitoring services during abatement. The consulting services were completed in support of a regional municipality to facilitate the redevelopment of the property for future us as a master-planned industrial park combined with the expansion of a regional airport. Services were provided over a period of a yearlong effort which was completed on time and on budget.
ESE’s completed lead-based paint consulting and abatement services to convert a 1920s era industrial structure into a children’s museum. ESE completed a pre-renovation survey of the structure utilizing an X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyzer to locate, identify, and quantify leadbased paint coatings. Upon completion of the survey, ESE developed technical specifications for the abatement of the structure. ESE further solicited abatement costs on behalf of the building owner for the removal of the lead-based paint film coatings from several accredited and qualified contractors. Working with the building owner’s renovation team, ESE selected the best value contractor for the abatement project. Services provided by ESE also included leadbased paint abatement contractor oversight and post abatement verification of the removal of the targeted paint film coatings. The successful completion of the abatement project eliminated lead-based paint hazards by providing a structure that was safe for use as a children’s museum.
ESE completed a comprehensive pre-acquisition and renovation asbestos survey with budgetary estimates for future renovation and demolition options of a 200,000 square foot 1960s era anchor structure situated within a regional mall development in Houston, Texas. Due to the 1960s era construction, asbestos containing materials identified in the structure were extensive and included spray-applied fireproofing, various forms of thermal systems insulation, duct mastic, floor tile, floor tile mastic, plaster, and Transite paneling. The consulting services were completed on a rush basis in support of a year-end real estate closing. Service provided by ESE allowed for the acquiring entity to negotiate contingency funds from the seller for the future asbestos abatement prior to the real estate closing. Post closing and during the abatement ESE Partners provided project management, air monitoring, abatement contractor oversight, post abatement visual inspections, and air clearance sampling. The successful completion of the abatement project allowed for structural demolition and redevelopment of the site.
ESE’s national accredited and state licensed asbestos professionals completed asbestos consulting services associated with the pre-demolition abatement of a 1950s era 15-building campus. The campus of structures formerly known as the Texas Department of Transportation’s Bull Creek Facility had formerly been utilized for centralized administration, engineering, and maintenance services. As the proposed redevelopment project required the demolition of all existing improvements, ESE completed thorough surveys for ACMs. The surveys identified and quantified ACMs associated the existing improvements. ESE further solicited abatement contractor costs on behalf of the landowner for the removal of the ACMs. ESE worked with the landowner to select the best value contractor for the abatement project in terms of schedule, qualifications, and lowest cost. Services provided by ESE further included project management, air monitoring, abatement contractor oversight, post abatement visual inspections, and air clearance sampling. The successful completion of the abatement project allowed for structural demolition and redevelopment of the site.
ESE completed environmental regulatory closure services related to the repurposing of a 1940s era asbestos textile mill. During repurposing of the former textile mill, it was determined that the former mill operator had deposited concentrated friable asbestos containing debris into the subsurface. In conjunction with participation within the TCEQ Voluntary Cleanup Program, ESE initiated asbestos assessment, remediation, and risk-based evaluations of the site. In accordance with regulatory guidance, soil samples were collected and submitted for analysis. Soil sampling demonstrated that certain portions of the site, up to a depth of six (6) feet, were impacted with asbestos related mill debris. Based upon the results of sampling, a Response Action Plan was developed which defined the objectives of the planned removal activities. At the completion of the soil removal, approximately 3,000 cubic yards of asbestos affected soil and debris was excavated, packaged and disposed of at a permitted landfill. Upon the completion of the removal, additional soil sampling supported by Activity Based Sampling was completed to further confirm that the asbestos debris had been successfully removed.